Z B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 24, 1920. - t5 i'- H: . ' Society . Shafcr-Krasne. ' " ' Mr. and Mrs Max Krasne an " Bounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Lena, and Aaron Shafcr, which will take place Sunday evening at the Swedish auditorium. Rabbi Mor- ' lis Taxon officiating. ; The attendants will he Misses Sarah Cornerman and Ida Minkin, Messrs. Joseph Bernstein and Charles Marcus The flower girl will be Celia Stein of Beatrice, and the ringbeaeer will be Rose Shafcr. The ceremony will be followed bv ' reception at the home of the bride. After .an eastern trio Mr. and Mrs. Shafcr will reside with the bride's parents. Cody-Thurston. The marriage of Miss Calista Thurston to Earl F. Cody of Long Beach, Cal., took place at the home cf the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thurston, Wednesday after noon. Rev. Frank G. Smith offici ated. The bride was graduated from Iowa State university, and is a mem ber of the Pi Phi sorority. Out-of-town guests at the wedding Included Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Dyer and daughter, Virginia Rose, of Os ceola, la. The couple will reside in Long Beach. ' i Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Neff announce the engagement of their daugher, '.date has been set for the wedding. ' j . Betrothal Announced. i C. H. Jipp of Fort Calhoun, Neb., announces the engagement of his daughter, Dorothy, to Raymond J. Klauck, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C Klauck of this city. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Jipp m formerly attended the University of 'Omaha. , s '.I Prenuptial Parties. 1 , ! Mrs. Miles McFayden will enter- tain Wednesday afternoon at her home in honor of Miss Hazel How- Smith of New York will take place November 6. ; Miss Martha Noble will entertain (members of Delta Gamma at her .J home Thursday for Miss Howard ; and for Miss Ruth Mills, who will also "he a November bride. These ' I two brides-to-be will also share ;, honors at a bridge luncheon to be f riven Friday by Mrs. John Brown ee. Mrs. Chester Nieman will also entertain in their honor at a bridge ,; party on Tuesday, Novenber 2. Mr. and Mrs. George Kiewit will " entertain at an outdoor supper Tues ', day evening, November 2 for Miss -! Howard and Mr. Smith, who arrives ' in Omaha November 1. Mr. and ,' Mrs. Elliott Gflmore will entertain ;! at bridge Wednesday evening and j! Mr. and Mrs. Coe Buchanan will ,. ',:ffiv a dinner Thursdav eveninar at guiversiry ciuo. Theater Parties. bllowing will entertain guest3 it "trie Royal Vagabond," Monday evninir. at the B ran del s: ' Dwver ,,"vi'ates, 4; Dean Weaver, 4; Dr. T. E. 7 Pulver, 4; Tk G. Martin, 4; Chas. Beaton, 4; Cap. D. R. Kerr, 4; W. O 11 3 HMb!SlT? , Ruth Mills Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ross Milts have j&r"k. announced the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Benjamin For- gffi . . rest Sylvester of this city, son of IT ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Forrest Sylves- " ' ter, of Muskogee, Okl. The mar- X 2CH 1 riage will take place Saturday, No- u g fvJ I iDJf vember27. ktf ) J VAlKS The announcement was made at VJ s s ' JL " - I fjJIV. a tea given at the Mills home Sat- ff ""V urday afternoon in honor of Miss jlwiri-i mm$..lJ' VJn'v 1 Clara, Schneider of Fremont, fian- ' XT cee of Harry S. Byrne of Omaha, 'hm ! Y - M and Miss Hazel Howard, fiancee of VT y ' Watson D. Smith of New York City, - y - ' who are sorority sisters of Miss Mills, all being members of Delta Gamma. ; Miss - Mills was graduated from L. Carey, 10; H Rubenstein, 6; Tempi McFayden, 4; Sam Burns, 4; Jos. II. Baldridge, 4; G. A. Palmer, 20 'Ray Green, S; L. R. Crable. 4; W. S. Weston, S: A. Brown IS; Mr, Kelsen, 4; Wood Allen. 4; Mrs. F. R. Davis, 4; P. M. Kelly, 4, and Mrs. Chas. T. Kountze, 8. Past Events. The executive committee of the Pazzola club held its first meet ing Friday evening at its Club " rr 1 mjmjrr. Cranberries ' are good themselves and make other foods taste good! At breakfasttry cranberry jelly on hot biscuits or toast; it is surprisingly goodl ' " ' ' " . . t v For lunch with cold cuts cranberry sauce makes the most delicious relisfc , For dinner with roast beef or steak cranberry sauce adds a piquant flavor and aids digestion. As a dessert a tempting cranberry pie, jelly roll, or pudding perfects the mcaL Try these recipes: Cranberry Jelly Cook until soft the desired quantity of cranberries with i pints of water for each two quarts of berries. Strain the juice through a jelly bag. Measure the juice and heat it to the boiling point Add one cup of sugar for every two cups of juice; stir until the sugar is dissolved; boil briskly for five minutes; skim; and pour into glass tumblers, porcelain or crockery molds. Cranberry Pie j Have ready a partly baked pastry shelL Pour in sauce when coldv made by either of the sauce recipes, put strips of pastry over the top, and finish baking in a moderate oven. Cook cranberries in porcelain-lined, enameled or aluminum vessels never in tin. To be sure of a selection of the choicest 1 cultivated varieties ask for EATMOR CRANBERRIES. A recipe folder, containing many ways to use and preserve cranberries, will be sent free on request. i AMERICAN CRANBERRY EXCHANGE 90 Wt Bro4wr. Nw York (The red and blue trade-mark label is on all barrels and boxes) the University of Nebraska, where she was a member, of the Black Masque, the girls' senior honorary society, and also spent a year at rooms. The meeting was followed by a box party at the Orpheum. The members present were: L. A. Mc Grath, W. C Beebe, Wm. Turner, E. A. Hoagland, M. Lakeholm, H. Castberg. Alumnae Bazaar. The alumnae of the Sacred Heart Duchesne college and convent an nounce a bazaar to be given at the convent Thursday and Friday, No vember, 18 and 19, for the benefit of Cranberry Sauce One quart cranberries, two cups boiling water, 1 K to 2 cups sugar. Boil sugar and water together for five minutes; skim; add the cranberries and boil without stirring (five minutes is usually suf ficient) until all the skins are broken. Remove from the fire when the popping stops. Strained Cranberry Sauce If a strained sauce is preferred, cook the cranber ries and water; then press through , the strainer, keeping back the skins; add the sugar and finish the cooking as suggested. Columbia university in New York, specializing in English. The Omaha among its, members. Woman's Press club numbers her the building fund of the college Alumnae girls will act as hostesses on these days and are donating arti cles to be sold which will include most attractive and artistic hand made things suitable for Christmas, according to members. Anyone wish ing to donate articles, please call Mrs. J. M. Harding, Harney 4953. Humane Society. Dr. F. K. Coltpr. srerptarv nf the New York Society for the Preyen- tion of Cruelty to Children and Ani mals and founder of the Big Brother movement, will be honor, guest M an informal dinner to be given Monday st the Quick Serve Cafe bv the Ne braska Humane society. The annua' banquet of the Humane society will be held Tuesday evening at the Fon tenelle. . Speakers at Banquet .;, ' H. H. Baldrige will be toastmaster at the annual banquet of the Ne braska Humane society, to be held Tuesday evening at the Fontenelle. Other speakers will be Gov. S. R. McKelvie, J. H." Beveridge, Rev. Frank G. Smith and Dr. W- O. Still man of Albany, N, Y. Charles Gard ner will lead the singing. Reserva tions have been made for numerous small parties and the affair promises to be a social event of the week. There will also be an election of officers of the society Tuesday even ing. The affair is not restricted to members, but may be attended -by anyone interested. Informal Luncheon. Miss Helen 'Sturgess entertained at luncheon at her home Saturday in honor of Katherine Newbranch, a bride-elect Pink chrysanthemums formed the centerpiece ind covers were placed for Mrs. Gerald Beck, Evelyn and, Eleanor' Newbranch, Ruby Klingbeil and Ruth Nolan. .. Bridge Parties. Mrs! Theodore M. Patterson en tertained eight guests at a bridge party at her home Saturday after noon in honor of her guest, Miss Annabelle Stevenson of Monmouth, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Selby give an evening bridge Saturday for this guest. " ' , V- - Luncheon For Lecturer. Mrs. George B. Prinz, chairman of the courtesy committee of the drama league, is giving a luncheon in honor of Mr. and Mrs Alfred Kreymbor at the Omaha club Monday, October 25, preceding Mi. Kreymborg's re cital at the Bhckstone hotel at 4 Five Places a Washer in your home, after which you pay us from $5.00 to $10.00 per month until Yasher is paid for ' ' , ' - , " ." - ' .The machines offered in this sal e include Washers that have been used for demonstrating purposes;" Washers that show marks and finger prints from shop-handling; Washers that have been re- . built. All are offered for the next three days at prices rang- ' . ing from ' ; ' Famam at o'clock. Her guests will include Mesdamei E. M. Syfert, Samuel Burns, W.: A. C Johnson, Victor Rosewater, Howard H. Baldrige, Mis Mary Wallace, Messrs. Keen Abbott, J. H. Btveridge, T. W. Mc Cullough and Oscar W. Craik. ' f St. Mary's Alumnae. A benefit bridge will be given at the home of Mrs A. L, Reed, Friday afternoon, October 29, by St. Marys Alumnae. Ticktts may be obtained at the door or by telephoning Har ney 1319. ; . , ; St. Rose Parish. A bunco party will be given Wed nesday evening, at 4102 South Thir teenth street by the women of St Kose pansn. ' r ,1 -V For Guests. , Mrs. John Bigley entertained ; at a lunoheort at her home, Tuesday, in honor of her sister, Miss Loretta Brennan of Fort Dodge, la., her cousin, Mrs. Jack Crowley, and Mrs. David Hegland, both1 of Sioux City, la. -, Card Party. Holy Name Parish will give a cord party Friday evening at Metro politan hall. , Orpheum 'Party.' Mrs. W. .Bergren will entertain members of the Sermo club at the Orpheum,,Tuesi!ay afternoon. , Informal Tea.' Mrs. George Laier entertained 12 guests at an informal tea at her home- Saturday for" Mrsy David Beaton, jr., of Evanston, 111., the guest of Mrs? Harvey Milliken.. - -Hallowe'en Party. Dr.. and Mrs, AY. H. Mick. 506 South Thirty-sixth street, will enter tain members of the Ak-Sar-Ben rhaWT fY F. S at a HallnwVn party at their home, Friday even ing. . Associated Charities. v i The annual meeting of the mem Save as Much as $40 On the Elecidc Washer You Want for D ollars Down $62.50 Each of the number offered (and the number is limited), have been thoroughly overhauled and are in first-class shape, and carry the Nebraska Power Co. one-year guarantee. x 1 ' ' '' See These Washers on Dis play at the Electric Shop NebraslcafBQiwe Fifteenth bers of the Associated Charities will be held Wednesday, October 27, at the Chamber of Commerce. .Lun cheon will be followed by reports and election of directors. , Dinner-Dance. Ward M. Burgess entertained 150 guests, employes in the Burgess Nash store, at a dinner-dance at the Country club Saturday evening. Tea for Students. Girl students of the University of Nebraska college 'of medicine will be honor guests at a tea to be given by the Woman's Faculty club Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. Alexander Young. . xiauuwe en jrany. On Wednesday, October 27, the Ladies' auxiliary of I. O. B. B. will give an informal Hallowe'en daucing party at the Blackstone hotel Pariah Dance. H(jly Angels parish will give a dancing party Thursday evening, October 28, in their hall at Twenty eighth and Fowler streets. Old fashioned dances wiU be a feature. Halloween Dance. Omahaska council 2295, Security Benefit association, will entertain at a Halloween dancing party, Tues day evening, at the Swedish audi torium. Congregational Bazaar. '. The First Central Congregational church has decided to hold its annual bazaar. December 1 and 2, in th: church parlors. Popcorn for Election Night Memberfof Dundee Patriotic club will sell hot popcorn on the street election night. This organization of women originated the idea as a means of making a little money for their treasury. They say people will want something to eat election night as they await the returns., The pop corn will be the best they can pur chase and the best country butter will be used. . sko B)o CIo. Clarinda ElectricWasher Sale Ends Wednesday Night So, why not buy at this ? most opportune time and $150 2314 M St Kappa Delta Gives Attractive Luncheon Fifty Kappa Delta girls at the University of Nebraska were seated for a five-course luncheon in the garden room of the Lincoln hotel, Lincoln, Saturday. White roses and smilax, carrying out the sorority colors of white and green, formed the decorations. . " The feature of the occasion was a camouflage pie from which were taken copies of "The Kappa Delta Pie," Misa Peggy Kartman, editor. at sorority is the "Pi" chapter. Miss Mary Leslie of. Omaha was toastmistress for the occasion. Re- sponses were given by Misses Mary McCoy, Dorothy Mosher and. Mrs. Louise Allen Good. Miss. Odello Jensen entertained with a solo dance, and Miss Geraldine Walrath with violin numbers. ' ,' Among the , out-of-town guest were Misses Ebba Sorenson " and Dorothy English of Omaha and Gertrude Hughes of Gretna. Will You Do This? Fall days are happy ones for a little 9-year-old school girl, but will the winter days be happy? Will the smiling faced little one Continue to smile or will she be cold and shiv ering when the wind howls and snow and sleet fill the air f Would you be willing to donate a warm, serviceable coat to her? Miss Fairfax knows both the child and her mother, who are very de serving. In these days of unusually high prices, the mother's meager wage will scarcely support the two in strictest economy and this'doesl not include, purchases such as coats. Won't some mother whose own little Susie or May or! Jane' has out grown a coat send it to this office? BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Co. So. Side