Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BfciE: OMAHA, bATUKDAY, ' OCTOBER 23, 1920.
Prices of Live ,
Stock Decline at
. Omaha Yards
Producers Hard Hit and Must
Receive Fianncial Assistance,
Opinion of Com
mission Men.
According to live stock commis
sion mm at the Omaha stockyards,
livestock prices are on the down
trade, with hog fully $2 a hundred
weight less than last week, cattle $1
a 100 pounds lest and lambs 50 cents
'' lower.
"The producers of live stock have
been hit so hard this season that
there is no telling what the outcome
of the future market will be," said
Gene Mclady, live stock commission
"The consumer is paying the same
prices as they did during the war,"
iaid Mr. Melady. "and live stock
jirices have dwindled from $5 to $10
a hundred-weight. The average
farmer has been unable to obtain fi
nancial assistance to buy cattle and
sheep for feeding purposes and as a
conseauence will have to sell at a
greatly reduced price, which will
surely work a hardship on 50 to 75
per cent of the farmers in the corn
belt. The renter, especially, will be
hit the hardest and it is freely men
tioned on all, sides that many of
them will hav.e to quit the game en
tirely. .
"Financial interests should have
made some provision to finance the
feeder, as the farmers and feeders
are the backbone of the country.
Everyone knows prices are too high
fto the consumer and the producer
knows he is losing money on every
head of stock he ships, selling them
at a tremendous loss, and the ques
tion is, who is getting the big profits,
as there is a tremendously wide mar
gin between the prices on the hoof
tnd the prices over the block."
Pilot Re-Enters Air Mail
Service, Makes First Trip
James K. Knight, former air mail
pilot on the Cleveland-Chicago di
vision, who has beeij out of the serv
ice during the" summer, re-entered
the air mail service at Cheyenne
Thursday, and crmpleted his first
flight to Omaha yesterday.
Knight piiotcd a passenger plane
in the east all summer. j
Winter Wheat Safe.
Ogallala, Neb.. Oct. 22. (Special.)
A much needed rain Jell in the
western part of Keith county, the
first for several weeks. The winter
wheat in this section is now prac
tically safe.
Over the Political Fence
Make a note of these addresses:
.110 South Nineteenth street and the
basement at 1614 Harney street. At
the Nineteenth street location will
be found the headquarters of the re
publican county central committee,
with Mrs. Draper Smith and Mrs.
Grace Stevens in charge. This place
is particularly desirable for the
women who wish to obtain political
information and also to rest. It
has an atmosphere which appeals to
women. . There is an abundant
supply of Harding and Coolidge pic
tures and 'buttons and also re
publican literature. All women are
welcome and the men may also
call. The basement at the Harney
street address referred to has been
fitted up as a rendezvous for re
publican candidates and voters. Here
the men may .smoke without fear of
offending any of the fair voters.
Literature may be obtained at this
address. . .
Politics'nakes strange well, we
won't say what you thought we were
going to say but we will ay "as
sociations." We heard of two Oma
ha women who recently discussed
politics over their back fence with
uch seriousness i that they have
agreed to disagree and now they
don't speak as they pass by. That
is probably an exceptional instance.
Men may tear each other to pieces,
figuratively-speaking, and yet fra
ternize at the club or lodge, or other
meeting places. As an illustration
of this, Mayor Smith and Ben S.
Baker were dated up yesterday aft
ernoon to speak before the Benson
Woman's club., They are lawyers
and to that extent they have a fra
ternal feeling for each other, though
one is a democrat and the other is
a v republican. The mayor invited
Mr. Baker to ride in his automobile.
Mr. Baker accepted.
Another instance shows that "we
arc all brothers under the skin.",Clin
ton Brome, chairman of the speak
ers' committee of the Douglas
County Republican club, and Wil
liam Ramsey, identified in a similar
capacity with the local democratic
organization, have law offices in the
same suite. Mr. Brome is against
the Wilson y league of nations and
Mr. Ramsey holds an opposite
opinion. Yet they get along nicely
in the same offices. '
Harry S. Byrne, state director of re
publican clubs, reports' that 50 Hard
ing and Coolidge clubs are now
functioning' in Nebraska.- Most of
these clubs are in county seats. Mr.
Byrne returned yesterday from a
visit in Desjfoines. He reports that
general sentiment in the Hawtceye
state indicates an. overwhelming ma
jority for Harding and Coolidge.
T. J. Sheehan, jr., one of the speak
ers of the :Douglas County Re
publican club, will speak at Clarks,
Neb , on October 29, under the aus
pices of the state central committee.
Mr, Sheehan has been making quite
a record for himself as-a public
speaker during this campaign. He
is a strong opponent of the Wilson
league of nations and an able ex
ponent of the reasons why it will be
to the best interests of this coun
try to support Harding and Coolidge
on November 2.
John if. Matzen, candidate for
state fcuperintendent of public in
struction on the nonpartisan ballot,
spent Thursday in Omaha, cam
paigning. He went to Chadron to
address the northwest Nebraska
teachers and will return to Omaha
later. He was county superintend
ent in Dodge county for several
terms and was appointed state super
intendent in January o fill the va
cancy caused by the death of W. H.
'Is there anything the matter, any
thing that I can help, little Mary
It's Made Right
Cod-liver oil is as
delicate as butter; it
must be made right
to assure palatability.
is decidedly palatable
and easy to take. It
A contains purest
f2w Norwegian cod
liver oil that
is made right
from the start.
1 Scott A Bmnw. Bloomfleld. N. J.
29-71 J
M '1-1 '
The Joy Of A
Perfect Skin
Know the joy and
hiooiness that comet
to one thru possessing
a skin of purity and
beautv. The soft, dis
tinguished appearance it
irenders brings our your
natural beauty to in fuIU
esc in use over im years.
. Five Good Drug Stbres
All on Prominent Corners and Owned and Operated by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Established in Omaha 31 Year i y
These Special Prices Saturday, October 23d
l (Mi,k Spelled
rVlllTl Backward)
Wa have Omaha agency for
this largely used article.
1-lb. Can Powdered Whole
Milk 90
2 -lb. Can Powdered Whole
Milk .......... ..81.70
1-lb. Can Powdered Skim
Milk 65
"You don't have to wait for
the milkman."
100 S-trals Tabltti i
Regular retail price, $1.25
Cut price Saturday. .89
Large 45c bottle, Saturday,
at 29
At 24th and Farnam (soon)
Denatured Alcohol for burn
ing, all sizes, low prices.
Use this instead of wood
alcohol it's better and less
than one-half the price.
Mercedes Regalias ....... 10
Los Ramo3 Media Perfectos, foil
wrapner, for .10
Royal Sovereign 10
Pletora Porto Rican for 10
Padova Inv 10
Mozarts 10
: Little Chancellor 8
Earl of Pawtucket ........ 8
Little Bobbie . . . . 8
Walt Whitman,' 8e size, spe
cial at 5- .straight.
Box -of 50, Sat. . . .$2.40
We have hundreds of these
articles. Ask us for your favor
ite kind. We undoubtedly have,
25c World's Wonder
Silver Glass Polish, 14
Saniflush .23
Whiz Hand Cleaner, can,
at .......10
5-lb. package .Sal Soda,
Washing Soda... 24,
Lava Soap ......... 7
Ivory Soap .9
Ivory Flakes ...... .9
25c Barkeepers' Friend
Polish .........17
SALE at just price Saturday
at our 16th nd Dodge St. Store
only. This includes Enamel
Paints, : Varnish Stains, Floor
Lacs. House paints for inside
and outside exposure. The regu
lar "S-W-P." Here in quarts,
Yz gallons and gallons. Some
of these tths are soiled but con
tents are in first class condition.
Mr. Painty, this is your chance
tostock up.
At Money-Savins Price:
Phenolax Wafers, laxative, 30c
size 19
$1.25 Lyko Tonic Bitters, 98
$1.25 Listerine for ......89
60c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
for i. 39J
60c St. Jacob's Oil... .44
50c Eatonic for ....... .34
75c White Paraffine or Petrol
. atum Oil for internal use
or , ,.. 59
60c. Bromo Seltzer , .44
Parisian Sage Hair Dressing,
at 54
60c Doan's Kidney Pills, 44
40c Castoria, genuine, 24
$1.10 S. S. S. for 89
$1.25 Pihkham Compound, 98
25c Cascarets for ....... .17
60c Syrup of Figs. . . . . . .44
$1.00 Rexall , Kidney Remedy,
large ;.. 83
$1.15 Vinol Tonic 94fr
50c Carmen Powder, made in
-four shades ..34
75c Ayer's Luxuria Cream, 75c
size 44
60c Djer Kiss Compact Powder
and Rouge a color and shade
for .your individual com
plexion, for 37
50c Cucumber Benzoin and
Almond Lotion for . . . .32
80c Odorono 44
65c Creme Marquise or Orange
Flower Skin Food, special,
" t 48
For Men and
50c Pebeco for ....39
Klenzo Tooth Paste, at...25
Forhan'a Pyorrhea Tooth Paste,'
at 54.
Pepsodent 39
Riker's Tooth Paste for... 17
Red box Mavis Talcum, 30c
size, Saturday ......18
We handle a very choice selec
tion of candy in original pack
ages and in bulk. We are ex
clusive Omaha agents for Web
ster's Fudge and the famous Lig-get-Boston
Candies. We also
are pleased to report a big busi-.
ness on the products of our own
excellent Omaha factories Bal
duff, Gordon-Rainalter, Vogele
Dinning and Woodward. Hil
dreth's Velvet Taffy will arrive
Yt -pint can ..35
(And larger sizes) .
We have just received a large
shipment of Pure Old Fash
ioned Horehound Candy,
special sale Saturday, 1 lb.
for 49
H lb... 25
Cuticura . V 23
Woodbury's J?3e
Resinol 27
Creme Oil 9tf
Olive and Palm ...... . ,9j
Fairbank's Fairy 9
Waltke Skin Soap.. ..12
15c Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap
for . .. 9k
1 pound Saunders' Preserva
f tive Floor Wax, 60c size,
for 44
Eagle Condensed Milk) can,
at 24
We sell Trusses and Supporters, Shoulder
Braces, ' Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps and
Anklets, etc. Men and women fitters that
have done this work for 20 years.
Le J e u n e, liquid,
: (quick harmless)
Hair Remover, 75
By mail ...,.85
Absorbent H o s p i ta
Cotton, 65c J 1-lb.
roll, Saturday, 39
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Corner Sixteenth and Dodge. ' Corner Sixteenth and Harney.
Corner Nineteenth and Farnam. , .
Corner Twenty-Fourth and Farnam. Corner Forty-Ninth and Dodge.
General Office, Second Floor, Nineteenth and Farnam Telephone Doug. 785S.
Cut on
f his Heater
l large warmth-giving heater that
satires comfort In coldest weather.
Made in the large oval shaDe. All
tfl Joints very securely fitted. Large
corrugated lire pot mat win Dinn
nil the coal. Attractively trimmed in
vnlrkel. The price on this heater lt
Cole's Hot
Blast Bargain
it's a Coles and that alone assumes the value thui
. Is otfered In this wonderful Hot Blast bargain. You
owe It to the comfort that Is comln to you the
cold winter days to have one of these heaters In
your home. This stove Is fully guaranteed In
every respect. Beautiful nickel trimmings are a
feature In this stove. Our price tomorrew on this
stove is only
Same Old Liberal
Terms IKTMH)!
fT H -A. TJb g.
Mahogany and
Carie Rocker
A beautiful addition to your
parlor or living room. High
lustre mahogany frame with
cane sides and back. Price
Porcelain 1o.
Kitchen Table
A handy kitchen table
to be sold tomorrow at ,
a bargain price. Porce-
lain top and is very
nicely finished. Price,
: only
Brown Mahogany
Davenport Table'
A table without which no parlor
suite Is complete. Hfrhly polished
genuine mahogany table to be sold
tomorrow, at, only
A Fumed Oak
Very substantially maie in
rich Fumed Oak, oak finish.
Has large cupboard compart
ments. Special, at ,
Kroehler Kodav-Bed
Parlor Suite Reduced
Comprises three beautifully
mado pieces upholstered in
figured velour; davenport
opens to a full size bed in an
instant Price only
Use Your
5 -Piece Dining Suite
A wonderful money saving opportunity. Beautiful Dining Suite finished
in tne popular goicien Has large
iineiy iinisnea a-iooi extension tame and
four chairs with durable wood seats
This -Is an exceptional buy tomorrow at.
only '.
Golden Oak Water Power
Dressing Table Washer Value
This dressing table has in
cluded with it a bench that
matches perfectly as to
finish, design, etc. Table
has large clear French
xlass mirror. A special to
morrow, at, only
The city does all the work
with this washer. It's
known as the Happy Day
and is sold to you on an
absolute guarantee of satisfaction,
ir-B&K ff.
JO 0
o o
Fumed Oak
Strong Frame
Exceptional value in this
Fumed Oak Rocker with
imitation Spanish: leather
seat and strong sturdy
frame. Tomorrow's price
Colonial Style
Golden Oak
A dresser that- will go
nicely with almost any
bedrtom set. Workmanship
and materials perfect
Hartman's price for tomor
row is only-
Englander Twin Bed Set
ispect Made
Englander twin beds are absolutely guaranteed in every respect
in a very novel design witn continuous steei
posts and oil tempered steel springs. You
must see tnese Deas to appreciate tne won
derful value that is in them. Hartman's
have greatly reduced the price on this setr
Tomorrow, at, only
Your Credit Is Good Use it
Come in tomorrow, and permit us to explain our method
of extending liberal credit terms. Credit will buy everlasting
home comfort for you. Don't delay! Come in tomorrow.
) Child's White Enamel
or Golden Bronze
Just the thing for the small
child. Has sides that make it Im
possible fer the child to all
from bed at night
Finely Turned
Smoker stand that ta
made of mahoganr
Soli shed to a verv
lgh luster.
$1 2
; Hi3 ffl'
In thii
Loyal Regent
A hot blast and a good one that gives as
surance of comfortable heat the coldest
days. Has beautiful nlclcel trimmings and
s expertly constructed throughout. Hart
' man's offer this as a very special value
tomorrow at, only
Oil Heater
An oil heater that can be carried con-
venlently from one
room to the other. Ab
solutely smokeless and
odorless. The remark
ably low price tomor
row is, only ...........
Coal or Wood Range
It's a Sanico and is fully guaranteed. Has
attractive blue porcelain doors and
porcelain lining under warmlnr oven. Ex
pertly constructed and an excellent burn
er. A cooking range that any housewife
may be proud of to be sold tomorrow, at,
H 9x12 Heavy Seamless Axminster Rugs; you must see these $Cfk75
values tomorrow . . . JJ
6x9 AXklNSTER RUGS One of our real special values for $QQ75
jH tomorrow 0)
H Sturdy Folding Table
Saturday, Rug Bargains
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs. An unusual assortment, j75
'7-6x9W00L FIBER RUGS-See our specials for Saturday's $ J75
A strong and sturdy folding table
that can be used anywhere. Fin
ished in light oak finish and has
all part very securely a. n
fltted. A bargain to
morrow, at, only
Same Liberal Credit
Simmons Guaranteed Bed
Just from the Simmons factory and backed by theii
guarantee. Heavy 2-inch continuous posts and t-incli
filling rod.-- r..n. in goldo hronie finish
in i i - ,i
i Sixteejflft-Between Harney and Howard mmmmmmmmU