Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, e45U.V. OCTOBER g, 1920.
TO) - Tl
i "The deepest tenderness a woman can show to a man
is to help him Jo his July."
Brandeis Stores &
' .1 , . s
A Story Worth While
Not all the real heroes of war
wear a Distinguished Service medal.
Most of the real heroes of peace
are unknown, unhonored and un
sung, j
One writer put it well when he
said that "heroes in history seem to
us poetic because they are there,
but if, we should tell the simple
truth of some of our neighbors it
would sound like poetry." That's
only another way of saying the
world is full of unseen good, v
Every time we open our eyes to
the "great, golden stuff" that is in
men we are happier and broader
and better men ourselves.' We were
all affected by the story of the little
Omaha boy, Theodore Welsh. He
was a mere fcaby of 7 years, but he
suffered injuries from which he
died rather than obey 'an order to
steal.' , '. ., .;-v.
That's a story worth while! It's
worth telling to the children. It de
serves a place in the business man's
luncheon talk. Its broader mean
ing will be better understood when
we think of it in' connection with
Charles Reade's statement: "Not a
day passes over the earth but men
and women of no rnote do great
deeds, speak great words and suf
fer noble sorrows. Of these obscure .
heroes, philosophers and , martyrs,
the greater part will never be
known till that hour when many
that were great shall be small and
the small great."
EXPECT to find here at $25
the Style of Dress thaPyouKwant!
Saturday '
SHOP EARLY for choice
selection of these great bargains!
-Tri co tines
Crepe Meteors
. 0
Street Dresses
and Matinee
Dresses .
Dresses for
'All Occasions
200 High-Class Dresses
I ' y
An Event That Brings Back Pre-War Sale Prices
No Sale in Recent Years Planned on a Larger Scale or Offering More Beautiful Styles Than This Saturday's
400 High-Class New Fall Models
Actually $75 Dresses!
Actually $59 Dresses!
Actually $Jf5 Dresses!
An Event Unsurpassed in Low Prices
Actually $75 Dresses!
, Actually $59 Dresses!
Actually $15 Dresses!
Saturday Only
1 i . '
Stunning New Afternoon, and Street Frocks for Misses and Small Women
A "purchase!" Leading New York dressmakers gave us the
benefit of every legitimate economy they could effect. The
frocks have been priced so closely that we believe you will
not again find values their equal. 1 An opportunity to secure
an elegant new fall dress at decided savings.
Dresses for misses and small women, exemplifying the new
vogue, the new silhouette for autumn. Smart straight line
effects, long waist lines and redingote styles. Beaded and
embroidered models. Every style shown is authentic. On
sale Saturday at this remarkably low price, $25.
Brandeis Stores Second Floor West
. , i
Saturday Only
Specials' in
25c Lyons' Tooth Powder, 19d
Parke-Davis Germicidal Soap,
; at 15
Cuticura Soap, 214
Cutcx Manicure Sets, 1.19
60c Forhan's Tooth Paste,v 49
2.B0 Mary Garden Perfume, per
oz., 1.75
1.25 Mavis Toilet Water, 98
1.00 Lemon Cream, Krank'a.
Special, 69
1 lb. Peroxide, special at 29
60c Ashes of Roses Rouse, 39
1.10 S. S. S. Blood Medicine,
.at 89
Palm Olive Soap, 8 Doten,
at 05
1.00 Danderine, 89
1.00 Squibb's Mineral Oil, 72
1.10 Nuxated Iron, 89
50c Mentholatum, 39
Laxative Bromo Quinine, 22
60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil,
at 39
1.25 Combination Fountain
Syringe and Water Bottle,
at 1.19
Mennen's Borated, Talcum Pow
der, -21
Aubrey Sisters' Massage Cream,
1.00 she, t 79
White Ivory" Dressing Combs,
values to 1.25, 8 and 9-inch
heavy stock, at 59
. Main Floor West
Electric Heaters
11.00 Values,
at 8.98
Nothing dispenses more ' com
fort and cheer on chilly Autumn
days and evenings than a little
heater. The Majestic has a cop
per wire guard, and copper heat
reflector. ,
Fifth Floor We.. J
Boilers, at 1.98
No. 8 size, made of good weight
galvanized iron with heavy drop
side handles. Regular value 2.69,
special at 1.98
Fifth Floor West.
Be Up-to-Date v
The present fashions demand flat lines front and back,
and the latest Nemo model -
Diafram-Reducing Corset
will give you that smart, flat appearance which
marks the stylish woman.
This Nemo Corset Will
Help You '
The placing of the front steels and the broad
Lastikops Bandlet, which is on the inside of
the corset, flatten and reduce the excess flesh
both above and below the waist, giving just the
effect necessary to wear the new Pannier styles
successfully, v ,
No. 1002 ia made of fine, white, strong coutil
. in sixes 24 to 36. :.
No. 1002
Price 9.00
Brandeis Stores Third Floor North
Practical, Serviceable, Comfortable
Every word describes these
ew Fall Boots
FashioWi in cocoa brown, calf and
blacw kid on the newest lasts, witn
flexiale welt soles and shapely military
iced 12.85 Pair
Patent lnd " lest hers; your
foot 1 l display the enarra oi
these i yndsome pumps; nude
with g Witting high front, turn
sole ar Covered Louia heels; A
complet "8 of UM
VI Floor-
Saturday at a Feature PriceBeautiful
.Silk Crepe de Chine
Saturday Only !
Regular 2.08, 6.98 arid 5.00 Values
A fortunate purchase of Silk Crepe '
de Chine Envelope Chemise enables
us to give our customers a splendid
opportunity to save big money.
These lovely garments come in
round or Vrrieck; some have Shoul
der straps and squ are top ; lace
trimmed or tailored. A dozen or
more styles from which to select;
specially priced Saturday, j each at
You Can Wear Silk at This Low Price!
" , Third floor Center
Sale of Womeri's.Union Suits
Saturday Only at These Prices!
Medium Weight :
Union Suits V
Regular 1.75 and 2.00 Values
Fall and winter wear, neatly - r
tailored and reinforced; low- I Jy
neck, sleeveless, ankle length
style in flesh and white; regular and extra
sizes; some are slightly imperfect
Heavy Winter Union Suits
Of wool face and fleeced baek,
in high neck, long sleeves and
ankle length styles; a warm
comfortable garment, with a cream
All siies. , T j '
"Munsing" Union Suits
Regular 1.50 to 2.50, Values
Light and medium weight cot
ion i in the "Munsingwear"
make. The lisrht weight ia low
neck, sleeveless, ankle length, with ' the
shell edge finish. The medium weight for
colder weather is half sleeve, and low neck,
and snkfe length. i ' '
v Vests and Pants
1 Regular 2.00 to 2.50 Values
Odd lots and soiled garments -
from regular stocks. Natural I jy
and cream-color; some are wool '
others wool-faced, but of a heavy weight
for winter wear.
Brandeis Stores Third Floor Center
Jewelry Sale Saturday
Even more wonderful values than we
were able to offer in Pre-War Sales. .
Ladies' Bracelet Watches
LaW Bracelet Watchet; lOft 'ligne
15 jeweled Lever movement, a high
grade guaranteed timepiece in a gold
filled case,' either plam or engraved
with a flexible bracelet, worth 18.50;
sale price, ' 9.50
9?4 Lifne 15 jeweled Uer movement,
a fine high-grade timepiece, guaranteed
and fitted in a twenty-year gold filled
case, with ribbon bracelet; worth 25.00;
sale price, 12.98
Men's-Boys' patches
Men's and Boys' Watches in sterling
silver, in 12 size, open face; thin model,
7 and 15 jewel nickel standard move
ments; worth 18.50; sale price, 9.00
Men' or Boys' Bracelet Watch in gun
metal case, solid brass movement;
Radiolite dial; leather strap;' worth
6.00; sale price, 2.98
Men's Bracelet Watches; " some are
sterling silver and some solid nickel; in
7. 10 and 15 jewel movements: all are
lever movements, and high-grade, guar-
anteed timepieces; worth from 15.00 to
19.00. We have put them all in one
lot at, . 7.98
''Sale of Cuff Links
Solid. Gold Cuff Links, worth 5.00 to
6.00; sale price, i 2.69
Sterling Cuff Links, worth 1.50 to 2.50;
sale price, , 79e
Willi fcIUB. AlllCQIi gVlU llllVUi ,VW
color, raised gold work, and hand en
graved designs in two colors; worth 2.00
to 3.00; sale price, , 1.00
$40 to $100
Bags, $25
The finest and most expensive bead bags we have ever
offered for sale; made of very small beads; many are
crocheted on silk; some are frame bags and some have
draw-string; worth "from 40.00 to 100.00; sale
Price, t 25.00
Brooches at Sale Prices'
Solid Gold Brooches, heavy massive designs; worth from
3.00 to 4.00; sale price, 1.00
Solid Gold Cameo Brooches; finest genuine cameos in
pink and cornelian; all large sizes; some extra laree and
set in beautiful solid gold mountings; some very elab
orate designs; worth 15.00 to 35.00; sale price, 9.00
Smaller aises in the same fine grade of genuine cameos,
and elaborate solid gold mountings; worth 10.00 to
15.00; sale price, 6.50
La Valliers at Sale Prices
Solid Gold La Valliera, worth 8.00 to 15.00; all real
stones, pearl, amethyst, real turquoise and real jade; solid
gold pendants and chains; sale price, 2.98
Diamond set La Valliers; solid gold set, with real pearls
ana diamonds; sale price, j 4.98
Solid Gold Pendant La Valliers, set with real cameos,
real turquoise, real pearls, etc.; pendant of solid gold,
and gold filled chain, at, ' , 1.00
Scarf and Bar Pins, Emblem Buttons
Solid Cold Scarf Pins, in heavy massive designs set, with
real pearls, turquoise, coral, jade, amethyst and topas;
worth 4.00 to 7.50; sale price, 2.69
Emblem Buttons, solid gold; Masonic, K. C. and Elk;
worth 1.50 to 2.50; sale price, 69J
Solid Gold Spot and ClrcU Pins; also Beauty Pins; worth
2.00 to 2.50; sale price, 1.00
Genuine CameoBrooches, worth from 3.00 to 4.00; filled
mountings; sale price, 1.00
Sterling Silver Bar Pins, etched and engraved; worth
from 1.00 to Z.OO; sale price, 694
Solid Gold Bar Pins, worth 2.50 to 3.50; sale price, 1,69
Main Floor- East
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