Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. Society i -Fort Omaha, Mrs.',Henry C White entertained at bridfe Thursday of last week in honor of Mrs. H. M. Well, who, wittt. Lieutenant Wells, hat. gone to a post near St Loeis. Lieutenant and Mrs. X. B. Dun bar will leave shortly for Camp Dix. New Jersey, wher Letenant Dun- bar will be stationed. Kappa Sigma. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald "" will entertain it tea at their home , Sunday afternoon for- the Kappa Sigma fraternity of which Mr. Mc Donald it a member. . " Af fair for Visitor. ' Among the autumn visitors is Mrs. David Beaten, jr.. Evanston, I1L, who is the guest of Mr.vand Mrs. Harvey E. Milliken. Mrs. Al vin Johnson entertained four tables of bridge in her honor Wednesday - afternoon.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Bdyer entertained at dinner at the Athletic club Wednesday evening for ' this v Visitor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Righter Wood will give an evening bridge at their home Thursday. Mrs. D. C Buell . will entertain at luncheon at the University club, followed by a mat inee party Friday. I Mrs. George Laier will be hostess at a tea Saturday for Mrs. Beaton. - Monday, October 25. Mrs. Lester . Drishans will give a luncheon, and Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam R. Wood will give an Orpheum party, followed by supper at the Athletic club. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Shotwell win - fntertain at dinner Tuesday evening, - i.i. -1 1 r.i j i i . wnicn win oe loiiowca oy a Dnage party. Mrs.'H. M. Wood and Miss Adep lyn Wood will entertain at tea Wed nesday afternoon of next week.-- Mrs. Maxwell Beghtol of Lincoln, sister of Mrs. Milliken, will come here to share honors with Mrs. Beaton. Mrs. Blanche Paterson will give a tea Thursday afternoon, October ' 28. for Mrs. Beaton. Friday, October 29, Mrs. Milliken, Mrs. Beaton. Mrs. Blanche Paterson and Mrs. William R. Wood will go to Lincoln to be the guests of Mrs. Beghtol at a luncheon. Mr. Beaton is expected to come here from Evanston the latter, part of this week. DucHesne, College Alumnae Elects Officers Mrsi J. M. Harding was elected president of the ' alumnae associa tion of Duchesne college and' convent of the Sacred Heart at a meeting of the association held Wednesday at ' the 'college.': Other officers chosen t wereM Miss lian Murphy, first vice president; Mrs. Alexander Stuart of Walnut Ia second vice president; . Mrs. Edward J. Leary. correspond "Aog secretary; M?ss Marian HamH ,"ton, recordfcg secretary and Miss Alice f ower, treasurer. , ".- A bazaar will be given November 18 and 19, under the auspices of the alumnae, for the purpose of raising funds for the new wing, which is now being added to the ? building. This wing, which Will be . occupied by The college department, contains eight rooms and a gymnasium. It will be ready for occupancy before the first of the year. 1 Personal Mrs. John V. Battin has returned from a trip to Minnesota and. Wis consin. ,- 9 1 Mrs. Carl W'oo'd worth has re ' turned from Illinois, where she spent the summer? months. Misses Elizabeth ' and Meliora Davis returned Wednesday from an extended eastern trip. Mrs. Frank Hollinger of Chicago '-' is the guest of . her daughter, Mrs John L. McLague, jr. , K Mr. and Mrs. James Gymonds of ,7 Omaha are in Atlantic City and are stopping at the Ambassador. A daughter, Marjorie Ann,1 was Uotn (Monday to Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Runyon at the Nicholas Senn.hos , pitaL Mrs. J. F. Wilhelmy and Miss WilHelmy leave for California Fri day of this week for a stay of sev : t ral months. ; Dr. and Mrs. Andrew. M. Dow l.ave returned from their honeymoon 1 tttp and will be at the J. M. Dow l.nm tcmnoranlv. . Helen and Marjorie Alexander, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Alexander, are now in California spending several weeks. v -Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Petersen aud caugnter. Miss i-ueua reiersen, re ' turned last Saturday from an east 1 em trio. Thev 'were gone one month. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walton and Miss Reva Gilinsky have gone to .' California. They will stop at points in Oregon, Washington- and Canada and will be gone two months; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bailey of Bur- - well Neb who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Traynor, left Tuesday for their hota. They are returning from an eastern motor trip, having spent the last three months at New. Castle. Me. Mrl and Mrs. B. F. Nickum of Al , Jcntown. Pa, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Nickmn, left Tuesday evening to continue their ' trip to the Pacific coast. They will - return here to spend short time later in the winter. "" , " v Montano boasU of having had the youngest delegate to the repub- - lican convention. She -was Miss Anna M. Anderson, of Helena, and she is only 24 years of age. It was her first adventure into politics. - - Tb rater Ctabe. ' Bo mm Gto Vtmgwe Thnreday are olae. K. K. K. club will firm Mucins barty at Hotel CtttK. ' Xlw Una Wiataa't SiHetj-Thnftday ftmrnn, at llw hoino of Mra. B, A. ; wen. SI Xi-Kfort . - Nrr tOtn' Lmw- Tnund&r. t B eki mom iwteL F. K. O. Chmpfr K. Thnrdmj, 1 'dork Tuchoa ut Ihm bom t Mr. Owfl B. Eddr, HI Sotitll Twwity-ftfUi tcu. Ark Dvpw rtmnA. Oawhs Clak Thdrwtor. I.1S p. m.. T. W. e A. Hm mtimimitm Pm !-. f h i Ti-in Clrt Thm-Ur. 1 a. m, T. w. C A. Itaywhtcn ml CtrO War Tilu a Thgr . a. Mrmoru J kaU, court fcaaae. I Benson Society Benson 'Woman's Club. Mrs. Charles Tracy will be honass to the Benson Woman club at her -xj"? v ...k t?.... i.;,u . .1UIUI BMW., Thursday, October 21. A review of the party platform will be given by Ben s. Baker. C H. Faris will give a talk on "Who's Who in Politics." Anna Howard Shaw Memorial At the advisory board meeting of the League for Women voters last week Mrs. W. A. Wilcox was named director, of the Benson drive for funds, for the Anna Howard 'Shaw living memorial fund. This drive will be co-ducted at the polnK places, Tuesday, November 2. Luncheon at the Rom Mrs. F. E. Young, chairman of the Salvation Army drive, accom panied by the captains who will as trst in this work, were entertained last Thursday at a 1 o'clock luncheoa at the Rome hotel In structions as to the method of con ducting ths drive were given to those in attendance. Sunday Dinner' Party. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wolfe enter tained at a dinner party Sunday, when Rovers were laid for Mrs. A. McKensie and daughters, Edith and Norma; Mrs. William, Tackett and son. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. J. IV Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. C N. Wolfe. . If. . Ladies' Ail Mrs. J. W. .Thompson were hostesses to the. Methodist Ladies Aid society Wednesday, October 20, t her home, 2940 North Fifty-eighth street. - Sunday School Conference. A conference, consisting of rep resentatives from all the Xutheran Sunday schools of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs will be held Tuesday, November 2, in the Eng lish Lutheran church of - Benson. Announce Engagement xu ... i SSkUi Goldye Pred. Mr. and Mrs. Boris Pred announce the engagement of their daughter, Goldye, to Mayer Spiesberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Spiesberger of this tty iJJc date has been e for the wedding. ' Mrs. Pred and Miss Pred plan t; leave early in' January for Miami Fla., where they will spend several weeks with Dr. and Mrs. O. Phillip Wolfson. Mrs. Wolfson was for merly Miss Nora Pred." , - Updiks Club. ' The Updike club will gjve a dance Thursday evening at Metropolitan hall. . . AO Y EKTISEM EVT "DANDERINE" Girls!, Save Your, Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, your hair, takes on new life, wstre and wondrous beauty, appear ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be cause each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your lair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of .long, strong! beautiful hair. A 35-cent bottle "of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives 16 thin, dull, fading hair that youth ful brightness and abundant thick ness All druggists!- Beautiful Woma of Society, during the past seventy years have relied upon it tat their distin guished appearance Tbc Wt, refined, pearly renders instantly. Is always the source of flattering comment aKreaeeslatraaM cjj deScate. WUHluw eeonle in twa eda time ia eunv iaatancca. e Card ami nirUv ear ionei er iocwtr United State Senators sad Urethra at Coorms, . vell-knowa articiaaa aaet feraKr Public Healta on- eahv Aafc yum a, iottn . orx w y X m M ? I 9m Short talks will be given and papers read on the various phasjs of Sun-1 day school work. Luncheon and Matinee Party. Mrs. M. Hennegan entertained Tuesday of last week in honor of Mrs. K. Walsh of Los Angeles, Cal at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Hen shaw, followed by a matinee party at the Orpheum theater. Ladies' Aid to Give Party. Members of the Presbyterian Aid are rehearsing for a play entitled, "Clubbing a Husband"." Date and place 4o be announced later. R. P. C Club. Mrs. E. Tyner and Mrs. W, A. Wilcox attended the regular R. P. C club meeting entertained Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. C C Shimer. Mass Meeting. " A mass meeting of the Lutheran churches of Greater Omaha nd Council Bluffs will be held Sunday, October 31, at the Kountie Mem orial church. A chorus of over 200 voices selected . from the various Lutheran choirs of the city will fur nish the music. The Benson Eng lish Lutheran choir will take part in this chorus. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tracy enter tained at a dinner of six covers Sat urday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Davies and Mr.. and Mrs. W. O. Clayton , . Orpheum Box Party. Mr. O. D. Fielding of Toledo. O.. who is a guest at the home of Mr. George Snell, entertained at a box party Monday evening of last week at the Orpheum theater. - Mr. Field ing's guests included Mr. George Snell, the Misses Edna and Carolyn Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snell. ' Dinner Guest Mr. and Mrs. Austin Taylor had as their dinner guest Sunday Mrs. Clarence Larsen of Council Bluffs. y C E. Weiner Roast The Christian . Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church enter tained at a weiner roast Friday night The young people were con veyed to a spot -five miles north of St James orphanage, where the evening was spent in, outdoor games, Unless' you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and 'proved safe bj millions. -Say 'IBayer"! SAFETY FIRST! . Accept genuine "Bayer TabletSrPf Aspirin,' .which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Eaiiche, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American ! Handy tin boxe of 12 tablets cost but a few eeirte Larger packages. Aaplrta la tfc trmd mark of Bayer Ktnuf&ctur of Monoacetlcaeldeater of Sallerlleaeid W asher Sale and Buy Now Slightly Used, Rebuilt, Shop-Handled . Thor ABC Clarinda '.WASHERS Housewives "who take advantage' o our ig Washer Sale will find they have leisure hours to 'devote -to other things to make calls entertain-o fancy work and a thousand and one other" things. J Washing electrically not alone saves yon from many hours of laborious. work; it saves your health, time and money. . j - , , See these Electric Washers at the Electric Shop make your selection md have -it sent to your home, enabling you to do your next washing electrically. . .. . t ' - ' ' . : ; Convenient Terms If Desired ralFtfitfh, after which a luncheon of hot weinie sandwiches and coffee wis served. . Entertains at Luncheon. Mrs. E. J. Whistler entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Miss Carolyn Cunningham of Sheridan, Wyo. Covers were laid for Miss Cunningham and, her sister, Mrs. Wyman Voodyardv and two daugh ters, and Mr,s. Stevens, and Mrs. Whistler. , Rebekah State Convention. The Belle Rebekah lodge of Ben son was represented at the 37th an nual session of the Rebekah 6tate as sembly, which convened in Hast ings, Neb., Monday, October 18, by Mrs. E. E. Paddock, Mrs. John Her bert and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rice. To Spend Winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. D. C Stafford, who are visiting relatives and friends in Syracuse, N. Y,. are enroute to Florida, where they will remain dur ing the winter months. . Presbyterian Ladies Aid. .Mrs. Paul Rivett was hostess to the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid at her home, 232S North Sixty-first street. Wednesday afternoon, October 20. Mrs. A. W. Francis. Mrs. George Sowards and Mrs. Wilfred Lang as sisted, i The marriage of Miss Dorothy Hawkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hawkins, formerly of Benson, and Mr. Carlos Hughes was solemn ised Saturday afternoon at the home of the bride s parents, 4224 Patrick avenue. Kev. Mr. Moneymaker read the marriage lines and Miss Anna belle Roberts and Mr. Harmon Hawkins were the attendants. After a two weeks' trip to Denver Mr. and, Mrs. Hughes will reside in Omaha. Personals. 1 Mrs. Mary Gates is on the con valescent list ' Dr. and Mrs. J. -W. Thompson spent the week-end in Lincoln, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. O. C Kindig are visiting relatives and friends in Illinois, " Mrs. E. Tindell and mother, Mrs. Cheney, arrived Tuesday from Dela ware, UL -' -Mr. and Mrs. Mart Armstrong and two children, Juneior and Nancy ivIDIivli only an "unbroken package'' of Power G. -.jt. Ann, are home from- a visit at Lima, Ohio. - . Mrs. Harry Post is suffering from a fractured nasal bone. Mrs. William Morse returned the latter Dart ti the week to her home ia Crook, Colo. Mrs. O. W. Ebright returned Sun day from a visit with her parents in Carthage, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Avan Van" Horn have taken the house of Mr. and Mrs. James Courtney for the winter. Mrs. C E. lones was taken to the Swedish Mffsion hospital Thurs day, where she underwent an op eration. Mrs. George Nelson was taken AJ'TEBTIWKM-XT MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs'J Child's Best Laxative. , Accept "California' Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having Jhe best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. , You must say "California.". This wonderful bookwil be sent free to any man npoa re quest CXmSsDCOftCftLOOL wtmywoaswsyyae.wi Cuticura Soap Will Help You Clear Your Skin ft at Qnum l i nn m . a. If illn, 7" rifl Every woman can have Jeisure hours if she takes advantage of our 150 the Methodist hospital last week, where she underwent a slight pp eration. Mrs. W. D. Pen;e left Sunday for Independence, la.,' to visit ,her daughter, Mrs. Irene Pence Johnson, and Mr. Johnson. Mrs. Mary Rose of North Platte, A Diamond Solitaire . of Character . There's just enough platinum mounting to properly emphasize the beauty of the diamond in oar new special solitaire ring. An Unusual - -Hendrickson's Established 1S82 Kill That Cold With ASCrMQtJININE FOR j&Tf&cfy AATJ Colds, -''Ceaibs OMV La GrPPe ; Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. ' - Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves v Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form don not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. , . ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT t The Weak or the Strong One If you see before yon a strong and safe bridge leading to , ' your goal, would you ignore it and choose some insecure and tottering structure ? , If you were offered sure aid in time of trouble would you hesitate to accept it ? The answer is simple you would choose what all evidence showed to be the safe way and you would risk nothing in useless' experiments. " Why then do some tromen risk one of tbelr most pre cious possessions their health in trying medicines of unknown value, when everybody knows that the most eaccessf dl remedy forwoman's Ills is Lydi . Pink ham's v egetaoie uompouna. uere Beadine.'Pa, "I bad omnia in- fiammation, pains in the jde and back which ware so sharp that they pulled nie to my knees, and I eoola sot walk. I had aa operation and still I failed, and in the eight years I sufferedl had four doctors and none helped me. . My mother-in-law ad vised me to take LydiaE. Pinkhaaa's Vegetable Compound. I was then in bed. and aiter the first bottle I could be oat of bed. then I took Veg etable Compound Tablets sod Lydia . Finkhsm's Blood Medicine and also used the Sanathra Wash. I still take the medicia and am able now tode my own housework. My friends say, 'My! batyoa look well what do yon do? who is you doctor T and there is only one answer, 'Lydi E. Pinkham's medicinee.' Mrs. Wat. Brant, IBH Soaclas Street, Baadiscra. Do&t Experiment cvqia i-pwimw MtOiciNi co. lytin-mai ADVERTISEJIKyT Rupture Kills 7,000 Annually Seven thoutand tenons each rear are laid awar the burial certificate being marked "Rupture." Why I Became tbc unfortunate enea had Deflected themaelvea or had beea merely takins care of the aim (welling) of the afflictwa and Brinc no attention to the came. What are yon doinirt Are you net lectin yonraelf by wearinc a truaa, appliance, or whaterer name you chooat to call tt T At beet, the true i only a makachut a falae pro airainat a eollapain walland eannet be expected to act aa more than a mere me chanical support. The binding" preaaore retarda blood circulation, thue robbinc the Ijreakened t.clea of that which they need moat noctienment. But acienoe aaa found a way, and every trnaa aufferer in the land ia Invited to make a FREE teat right in the privacy of their own home. The Pi-APAO method m unqueationabiy the moat aientific. locical and socresaful aelf-treatment for rupture the world hai ever known. The PLAPAO PAD whea adhfrins doae- ly to the body cannot poaeibly altp or tniftxfat of place, therefore, cannot chafe pinch. Soft aa veieet eay to apply inexpensive. To be naefl whilat yoa work and whilat yon tiers. Ne atrapa. bneklet or aprinra attached. 1 Leara bow to eloae the hernial opening aa lattnre intended to the rapture CAN'T come down. Send yenr name today to PLAPAO CO, Block S4. St. Lowia, Mo,' tor FREE trial Plepee and the information ' aeceaaary. Bee wast fetters. ads are, best business Neb- who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Austin Taylor, left Friday for Aurora, Neb. Mrs. J. Bloss and Mrs. Allen, who are ea route ram Indianapolis. Ind., to their home in Leadville, Colo., were Sunday guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox. - Offering alt$150 0 is more proof; Gainesville, Tea. " For tore " yeaa I suffered antold arosT each month with pains in my aide. I found only temporary relief in doctor's medioine or anything clae I took un til my husband and I saw an adver tisement of Lydia E. Pinkham's Tefetable Compound. I mentioned It to a neighbor and she told ma she bad taken it with good tecolta, and advised me to try it. I was then in bed part of the time, and my doctor aid I would hvre to be operated on, but we decided to try the Vegetable Compound, and I also need Lydia JL Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I am a dressmaker and am now able to go about my work, and do my beoae work besides. Toa are welcome to ttat this letter as a testimonial as I am always glad to speak a word for your medicine. "Mia. W. M. Snrmxxt, SOS Harvey St., OaiaesTiUe, Texas. Insist Upon 16799 DIED A Mew ion. Ut alone rrom kid aey trouble laai year. Dutitaulow F out self tu become at victim by aeglecting psuus eind atchea. Guaut against this trouble 0 Oikuig ' COLD MEDAL to- Tbf world's standard mdy lot klaney, H "f toladdet nd urU. acid nouble Holland s rutiooai ratuady einc i65 A droKfietkt thrve sise. Uua.a3ted e Mar JwmmU aMuUMi rrxry eta j - Fistula A mCl tratem ml ftortal tXaaaaee ia 16th at Capitol n oration, ate Chloroform. Kther or other a-eaorai aaoathetio not ear rnaruteed In ovary oaa accepted for treatment, and aa aaoacy la te be paid aatS eared. Write for book ea Koctal Oiaeaaoa. with enunea and tuilmoatala ef aaoro thf 1.0SS proaiaeat people who hare beea peraaaaanU cured. , OK E. R. TARKY 5aatoriuav Peters Treat B14a (Bee Mat.) Oeaaha, Hob. H. R. Bowen Co.1 lt an Hewsre Sts. When Shopping , x for Values Shop at Bowen's Por the rest of this week we are sfferlng the shoppies; public ef 3maba a tew of our many bar Kalna. ' Argo Starch Uae-ponid Pkgt. 2 Pkgs. 15c Powdered i ?vrs- A mi awft aatt Ose-poml Cm 2 Cans 15c Electric Spark Soap WoBderfol Laandry Soap 6 Bars Only 25q Kellogg's Tocfted Corn Flakes 3PkgSa25c Electric Irons mth 6-foot com Q( extension, only ..... Caroet Sweeper An H. E. Bowen Ca Special. $1.95 Bowen Broom Simmons Cribs This crib can be bad la say fin ish and is offered at Bowen s Valnelvin price of only 11.00. Buffet Special Quarter-sawed oak plank top, one lined silver drawer; this Is a spe cial bargain when offered at Bow. en's Value-Giving price of only $37.50." -V, Fumed Oak Library Table Fame Oak Library Tables All Quarter-sawed oak, beary colonial design, S6x45-lnca top S-day special. Bowen CIO K( price, only......... aplaeOll Acquire the Habit of Shopping at Bowen's U Save, H. R. Bowen Co. 161k ftnd Howard Sts. - Pay When Curc'd troatmeat that rana Mm. rt...u mm k. a abort tiaso. wHboat a unn 33c - T ."1