- -y-y v ". - v. i .' v.- , t V THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920 L , , s Butter and Milk For School Kida ,Who Are Skinny Nutrition Centers Established In Three Institutions to Fatten Subnormal v Children. Nutrition centers will be started next week in the pacific, Bancroft and Hawthorne schools, according to an announcement by Charlotte Townsend, supervisor of medical inspection in the public schools. The establishment of these three centers will mark the beginning of a new idea in public school health work here. The Children of these , tchools first will be weighed to de termine whether, they are, of normal or subnormal weights, according to a standard which has been accented as authoritative. Children whoare - iipci.r cm or nbre underweight ."will be eligible to the nutrition classes. . . .j,' . . f s.. Milk and Butter. ... It 1 proposed to limit the class in each school to 20 and -to make re placements when some of the class members show an imnrnvmt t heVlasscs Will meet, from 10 to ;; 10:30 a. m. and from 2 to 2:30 V m. , each-school day in rooms specially , provided for this purpose. During the first 10 minutes of these, half hour periods the children will be i-given .milk and butteVed bread with out iuji ta mem. uunng tne remain ing 20 minutes of the period they will rest on cots and fresh, air will be admitted to the nutrition rooms. . 10 xnviie roomers. . Each childwill hava chart which will show, the weight at time of en tering the class and a red lin tail indicate what the child's normal weight should be. A school nurse will be assigned to eaoh nutrition center. She wil visit the homes for the purpose of pro moting proper health habits. The mothers of subnormal children will be Invited to- attend the nutrition clashes once a week, when the chil dren are weighed. , Henry Pollack, City ' Garbage Manager lissmg Frorh Home Henry Pollack, municipal garba&e manager, is out of the city and no one knows where he is. " 1 v- Commissioner , Ringer' declared vthis noon, Harry" Hay ward, who financed Pollack so he could sign the municipal contract to haul gar bage, and placed F. R. Schroeder in charge' of the office, and when asked why he did It, told Ringer i Pollack had left the city and he didn't know , where fie is. -,.' .'. ;. . . . AnnaFaren; 212 Hickory street, who answered the telephone m Hay- ward's office yesterday, said Pollack "is out of the ity and no one knows .where he is." .t Mrs. Pollack,-when called by tele phone at her horry concerning Mr. Pollack's absence, replied!: c V ' "It's nobody's business." Former Land Sailor sMnvited To Be Guests On Long Cruise .Fprrher sailors ..who saw no sea .(duty or whose activities during their service were con6ned below decks . are invited by Secretary of Navy Josepbus Daniels for an extended cruise with the Pacific and Atlantic fleets, according to. notice received yesterday by the recruiting station "vin Omalra. v - f The Pacific fleet will visit New Zealand, Australia,' South Sea' Is lands and1 other tropical points. The Atlantic fleet will visit ports on the east coast of Africa, including Cape Town and the Island of St.. Helena. The cruises will begin June IS and are offered ip stimulate recruiting in the navy., ,''?'' -'tn.: President of Lincoln- Rotary Club Luncheon Guest Here . Prof. Charles Pugsleyl president of the Lincoln Rotary ottfb was the guest of IiOnor and principal speak er yesterday at the weekly meeting of the Omaha Rotarians in the din ing room of the University of Ne braska. . s In behalf of the Lincoln club. Prof. Pigsley extended an invitation to the- members of the Omaha club to be guests of the University-Michigan Aggies game to be played there, October 28, when the Michigan Ag gies play Nebraska. - Passengers Reported Safe . Miami, Fla.,Oct 20. A wireless message from Nassau stated the "big . fish." ipassenger seaplane which left here Sunday morning with 10 persons on board anu has since fieerr listed as missing, arrived safe ly in Nassau at SiSO p. m., after stopping , at Bimini three days to escape heavy winds. Land Sells for $180. Beatrice, Neb;, Oct. 20. (Special.) The Coulter farm southeast of Bea trice has been bought by Ben Iroos of this county for $180 an acre, or $27,360 cash. The farm is located near the Kroos holdings south of the city. -. ' - j . ' Vote Improvemetn Bonds., . North Platte. Neb., Oct. 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) At a special elec tion $50,000 bonds for improving the ' city water works and $1,000 for im ' proving and enlarging the city fire station passed with good majority. Infantile Paralysis Victim. Columbus, Neb', Oct 20. (Spe cial.) Howard Hansen,' 6, son of Mrs. J. S. .Kindler, - died here of - poliomyelitis. He had been sick but a short time. Republicans Hold Rallies. Oeallala. Neb., Oct 20. (Special.) The Keith county republican com mittee held rallies at Paxton 'and Ogallala, with addresses by com mitteemen and others. v Plana Sneakine Tour. York,. Neb, Oct 20. (Spechi.$ Congressman M. O. McLaughlin will make a 'speaking; tour of Saunders. Butler, Seward and Jefferson coun ties next week.. Bee want ds are best business oon assise uaa m Drive Against League "Mftc Baldrige. H. H. Baldrige and his on, "Mac,", have joined the. league of speakers who are making speeches against the Wilson league of nations and urging support of the republican ticket. r When Mr. Baldrige was first ap proached by the speakers' commit tee! of the Douglas County. Repub lican club, hesaid he kri?w of a better speaker, and when asked' for his. name, replied that it wis his son, who was attending the law col lege of the Universitytof Nebraska. "Mac"1 has agreed to obtain a leave of absence from his senfjol, that he may assis'l; with his father in the Campaign for Harding and Coolidge. 1 ' . . .. i Girl Denies SheWent i , To Dances Without Hubby Hazetnyder, -4035 Brown street, who caused her husband's ; arrest Monday night for "tearing her cloth ing, denied yesterday she had gone to dances with other men since her marriage. She declared h," husband, Mel ville Snyder, has paid her $10 on ac count as payment for the .clothing he destroyed, in compliance with the order of Judge Foster ja Central police-court yesterday. Tl)e -Snyder baby, Ruth, 2, was not in c6urf. Mrs. Snyder has" not returned .to her husband, but is living with the family of Sam Moor, 4035 Brown street, wher.e she is now working. She declared, the clothing her hus band tore up was her working clothes and not dancing froeljs.V Hurt in Auto Crash. ' Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special.) Frank Svobocla wainjured when his car crashed into an automobile occupied , by Mr. and xMrs. George Snyder on the Cornhusker highway near Pickrell. Svoboda was cut and bruised and Mrs. Snyder also re ceived injuries by. glass from the windshield of her machine? EE ADVERTISEMEN OUCH! BACKACHE! RUB LUMBAGO OR) STIFFNESS AWAY Rub pain from back with small trial bottle of old "St Jobs Oil.", '" ' . i When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or. rheumatism has you- stiffened up, f don't sufferl Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pourj a .little in your hand and rub it ri&htcn your 'aching back, and by the time youxount fifty the sore ness and lameness is gone. Don't stay crippledl- Thii sooth ing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It is magi cal, yet absolutely ' harmless, and (krtsn't burn the skin, i - Nothing else stop's lumbago, sci atica, backache or rheumatism so promptly. It never disappoints . AmreBTISEM ENT Peterson's Ointment Best for Eczema ' First Application Stops Itching of Eczema, Salt Rheum and Piles. 2nd Chafing Ditsa in Fiva Minute "Live and let live ia my motto," eava Peterson of Buffalo. "Drutrsiata all over America aell PETERSON'S OINTMENT for (0 eenta a largelMac and I ear -to theae droKt-iata, if anyone buy my ointment for any ot the diseaaea or ailmenta for which L recommend it and are not benefited, give em their money back. , Tve tot aafe full ot thankful leUen teitifyina to the mighty healing power of Peteraon'a Ointment for old and running orei, aeaema. aait rheum, ulcere, sore nipple, broken breaat, itching scalp, chaf ing and blind, itchtog and bleeding piles." b John Scott. Z8S Virginia Street. Buffalo, i wnica, i-cierson a uimmenc is limply LwoBdeffuL It cured me of ecsema and also piles, and it dM it ao quickly that I waa astonished.", . Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. Sherman McCoanell Drug Co will I x k I 4w ' w If Son oi M. C; Peters " ... ' ' $ Decides to Lfeave Needle In His Foot X-Ray ShoSv. Steel Imbedded lccj ill uuut nyui Hurt You,yLet It Stay,' ; Surgeons Advise.' Chances are that he wilUcarrj a piece of steel needle imbedded in the bone of his foot Tor the tfsi of his life. - -2''i,K '' -A little over a week ago, Clarence H. Peters, son o M. p Peters, 206 South Thirry:Setond '' ' avenue, crossed the floor of his be4room in his bare ieet. - "'. , ' He felt something sbarp pierce the ball of his foot." Investigation dis closed nothing, .and with a passing though that he had stepped Npn a tack, he dismissed the case from his mind. - ' v '-..'. - ' , Thqf incident was' forgotten for a week, when'of a sudden sharp pains began to shoot through his foot. Yfiflng Peters consulted a surgeon, who advised an X-ray examination. ' The examination showed a needle. broken ioto three pieces, imbedded in me iop. . . Monday , one of the thr pieces wa removed, and luesday a seer ond was taken tout . "v, J But thehirA section ot the sharp instrument is so buried in 1 the bone of the foot that surgeons advised the young man to leave .it there. . . The piece is" needle which is in the bone is causing no oain amLtrob- ably will never do any dbmage, the 'firitf City News Drive Nets $6,488-!-The Nebraska Humane society reported yesterday that the "Buy-afBhtton" drive held last Saturday netted 16,488.32. The total will be: Increased with remit tances received since the drive. J'Buttonri" S416 - Postponed The sale of "Buttons." Dediereed West Highland white terrier, by the Ne- braka Humane society, has been post poned to1 next Wednesday,, if gve more people an oportunity Vo bid. f OppoBO Dances In Schools The Omaha Christian Endeavor union, at the- regular monthly meeting Tues day night at the First Presbyterian church, went on record as opposed to the Idea or permitting dances m the public schools. ;,,, Open Tax Bureau John J. Gillln and M. J. Holland, former internal revenue men' in the federal building, who resigned last weeta, have opened offices In the W. O. Jw. building, room Ull.. - The firm will be known as the Louis Murphy-GH- lin company,' federal .tajt specialists. "Man or Mystery". inea mmer Fielder, 21, the "man of mystery," wha would not talk when arrested several days ago, found ftis voice yesterday when arraigned before Judge Foster in the Central police. court. Despite his willingness 10 talk he was fined 50. Condition SUU Critical William Brightwell. 17, - messenger boy knocked from his bicycle Monday night at Eighteenth and Cass streets by -an unidentified man, is still hov ering between life and death, with no change In ( his condition, it was re ported at St. Joseph hospital. ., , Divorce Decree Annulled District Judge Sears set asiqe the decree or Janes Davis, who was divorced from BerthaDavis, September S, "When he learned that Davis had remarried within the statutory limitation of six months. Now Davis has two wives arid ia liable to prosecution for big amy. Ure Urges Registration W., G. TJre, republican county chairman, urges the republican women to reg ister durinsr the few days remain ing for this purpose, in a final appeal to the republican women voters. The democratic women or umana, ne says, are Registering m large lum bers, 1 .. t V . ;i Red Cross to MeetMembers of the Omaha chapter of the American Red Cross will meet Friday evening, at Hotel; Fontenelle, to consider mat ters in' connection with the fourth roll call to be held from November 11 to November 25. The meeting was called by R. M. Switzler, chairman. The extent of the forthcoming cam Tkrrt art 8 ptrtabU typ$ Majtitk Thtri mr 3 hutrt tjpt Majiitie Ask year tfeiler sseof Ifaesfc Majestic Electric DereloBneit Costpuy ' . '. y'- . ' i . MMifMlsran asd rafsstacs HafssflC thtMt Bttf (a CrealfMler Jftat Jtssflaffst jL Sin -ir z BS' be explaUed, Mr. it- ler stated In letters blflu to members. Mlllc and Ice Vund-VThe Bee's free milk and ice fund for 1920 has been audited and shows total receipts of 1939.16 and total expenditures of $832.14. of which S7S.94"wa8 spent tor milk and $95.40 for ira. The balance on hand will be carrieJkover to start the fund next summer. The fund -is administered through the Visiting Nurses of the city. . Tenant Wins Verdict The Omaha Tenants' Protective leagua scored another victory over the Drake Hold ing company, landlords of the Drake apartments, yesterday in the muni cipal court, when a Jury of IWjraV returned a verdict in favor of FranR Wright a tenant, being sued by the ADVERTISEMENT paign will Skin Diseases On tiie Surface . i' v ... Must Be Treated at Their ' Source. -J ' , iThe niistake that is so gen erally maae in treating dis eases of the - skin is a very common one..but it is . also very expensive to th-- suf ferer, f -I; ;: - ? Whit, are ' DODuIarlv known as skin diseases, are not in reality skin dis eases at all. The surface of the skin is the seat of the attack, but the source is deep-seated. What, then is this mistake, that the average person af flicted with skin disorders, makes in his effort for relief? And why is it that the error is so general? 1 , - In the first; place, eczema, tetter, scaly eruptions and other irritations of the ukin are exceedingly annoying, and in many cases, the itch ing and burning become in tensely terrifying. Often the victim is kp awake at night scratching and rubbing the burning skin, in an effort to get some relief. ;.'' Because what he sees and feels of his affliction is on the surface, he is misled into the error of believing that "all treatment should be directed toward the " location of the pain and "discomfort. Then, too,because of the intensity of the suffering, he is willing to try almost anything that he thinks will afford some meas ure of relief, no matter .'how slight. - . This leads him headlong in to the mistake that is so gen eral, the one that really pro longs "his suffering by keeping; The Bathroom, The Dressicgroom The Bedroom The Diiiingroom The Lirmgroom wlJajrerer there is an electric outlet yo can enjoy the grateful glow of a Majestic Electric Heater. Sale, Economical . Labor-Saving All Portable Majestic Electric Heaters are equipped with 8 feet of heater cord "t " Majestic Electric Heaters are the original patented I, v heaters of this type. cotnpany for failure to meet an Increase- in rent. , . . Woman Must Settle When a woman invites , man-to I little' party tot awld tang syne'a sake, she should pay the acordlng to the ruling, handed down yesterday by Justice of the Peace Collins, when Miss Laura E. Snider sought to ob tain judgment against Fay Sherman to recover $15 she paid for an al leged "party" three weeks ago. , Amateur Performances ' Planned for This Winter . O. W. Qaik, who last- year di rected three evening amateur per formances at the old Boyd theater ADVERTISEMENT hinr away from the intel ligent, sensible treatment that wilt get regplts. He en deavors to get relief from the pain and torture by the use of ointments, lotions and otlr er local treatment applied to the surface of the skin. These remedies will prove beneficial, if temporary relief is all that is wanted. But just as soon as their soothing ef fect is oyer, the pain and suf fering return with increased severity. This has been the experience of other sofferers, and yours will be the same. Skin disorders, like other ailments, must be treated at their source if youwant to be permanently rid qf them. Any disease that can cause so much torture and discomfort is deep-seated, and comes from far below the surface of the skin. The millions of tiny disease germs must be removed from the blood, before you can ex pect, to get rid of your skin troubles, but all of the local treatment in the -world will not do this. The mest satis factory remedy for this pur" pope is the line. old, vegetable blqpd remedy that has given such splendid re sults in similar cases. S.S.S. acts by cleansing' the blood thoroutrhlv. "and rout ing alf disease germs that act through the skin. Those who want real results snouia De- gin its use at once. " r S.S.S. is sold by all drug gists. Get a bottle today and begin a treatment that , goes right down to the source of the trouble and removes it. For expert meaical advice without cost, write all. about your case to Chief I Medical Adviser, 288 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga. Not Nothing Equals Hoover Suction IN GATHERING ALL THE DIET, DUST AND LITTER THAT. YOUR CARPETS are combined fit only The WdOYCelecMc Did "You fiver Consider the Many Ad vantages of Keeping House Electrically? J Coughing JjrirSJS?1'? J?d fc"ftl- Kelleve throat ."a nd get rid of cough., colda. and hoarseneai at once by taking sBEAR OIL for HAIR AN INDIAN'S SECRET . uOns of the potent lnrmlleatf af Kstalks for tbe taslr-U tsntUo tsr , eU. Thn sr other setiie losndisnis not loosa in anr oinar nsv pnpsras tloo. , Kotslko hsa succeadsd in msnr tun af kaldaau. (slliss kalr anTl daadratt whrn mir eUwr hslr lotion or trsst BMOt has pnmd fuUls. I30O gaarsstss. Aiass ins results In gsses consldersil bops 1ms. Vaa mr sew a esia leoiaai Why become or raaaln kit If ,yo eta arew hslrt It oUitts here obialosd a new trowth or hare naqwrad dsndnttT. or stopped felling kslr throoelt Kotslko, ska maw l seef Ost a box at K0TALKO at as bsy aref lorn: or send to cents, dlnr or suunns, tot SSOCHVaS Vila raoor box of Kouun to .Brittabvhe, SUOm fjiew Yerk. K Supply Your. Needs by Using Bee Wants Ads Best Results and the Brandeis theater, is in Oma ha again planning to put on con tinuous dramatic performances with tl-e aid of eight salaried performers with amateurs thrown, in to fill out the bill. ; " hCraik'a plan a outlined before the ramatic league of Omaha at a meeting held this non -is to put on W Soft Thick Materials and Furf No season ever offered such a great variety, and both comfort and flt.vla nrfl rnmhttiAfi in tViaao vnM4a1a . . Veldyne Mdrvella Chamoistyne Dtxvetyne Duvet de Laine ) Peachploom v ' - - Softly draped,' enveloping lines characterize the wrap-coats enriched -- with huge fur collars or other .forms- of fur trimmings. The coats fol f vlow more fitted lines and have varying types of collars and sleeves, un , usual belt and pocket effects - ' . , " -0 , Burgess- AND RUGS.-SQ WHY Mone baeg sritaont mmum If HUNTS Salve feib? tatha rreatment of ITCH, BCZKMA. acaerMdsing sktt diseaaea. TrMyr ' il ss boa at our risk. tU f - f J rw vrim . ami 1 SUV Of Sherman McConnell Drug Co. ZANOL XluaJity First Product Tollel let Pr reparations ' eld Necessities and Houaehol Call ar Sea ROBERT MARTIN ; 2820 Grant St. Phone Webster 3612 Representative of ' American Product Co a of Cincinnati, Ohio, who vhi be pleased to show you samples and take yodr order. Affords protection ttljist in. fectious diseases. All tirudent persons should avail themselves ox this dependable germicide. ' AT OttUQ STORBS BVBRYWHEKS Bee , want ada are best business a niw show every two weeks in a theatrical building which he ..hopes to lease. Craik has just returned from Indianapolis where he directed performances for the Stuart, Walker company. 1 Porcelain money has been made in Siam for circulation among the natives. N a Delightful Air of Warmth to the "EYIRYBOOY& STORK" NOT AVAIL YOUSELF OF THE PRIVT. iEGEOF guying a HOOVER Now v . in our convenient terms of ' down, per minth Hoover Sale Ends Saturday, 23rd See them on display at te Electric Shop order one sent to your home don't wait and be disappointed.later.V ' ' ': NabraskaPowei Go. ?aroam at rlfttVnth' "OUCH! THAT OLD RHEUMATISM!" Get out yor bott.1 Liniment anel' knock "talley-weaY of 'Sloan's the pain W! EREN'T ready for that last quick switch in temperature, were you?. v Left you stiff. - lore, full .of rheumatic twinges? You should have., had a bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy that would have penetrated without rabbin f, warmed and soon eased up .the muscles, quieted the jumpy, pain ful, affected part and brought'grat ifying relief. . A . Helnful in attacks of lumhno-n. sciatica, external soreness, stiffness, strains, aches, sprains. Get a bot tle at your druggist's." 35c, 70c, Liniment! Corn Husking; Prices. : ' ' Beatrice, Neb .-Oct. 20.--(Special.) The Gage counfy farm bureau hai fixed the scale for cornhuskers in' this counfy thii'fall 'at 6 and 7 cent! r. bushel of corn tc be gathered ia big crop of corp to be. gathered ia. county. A rimmingfc Give f X its Sweepers ACCUMULATES IN. Outdoors and the skin ' Don't forego tke pleasure of outdoor' life because the sun and wind coarsen and roughen your skin. The regular use of Resinol Sctap and Ointment is almost sure to offset these effects Resinol Soap rids the pores of dust and oil, and Resinol Ointment soothes the chapped and roughened skin. Sold br all drarfista. I f ! r ,- suppty JTia. v ' -