Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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IT -
Burglars Loot
Homes, Stores,
Get Much Loot
Patrolman Is Charged
With Ruthless Cruelty
Jlotei Guests Also Robbed by
growlers Tailor Shop
', Robbed of Everything
But Fixtures.
Burglars and sneak thieves ruled
the roost in Omaha again Tuesday
right. v
William K. .Perkins, Rome hotel,
reported $42 stolen from his room
'during his absence. ,
R. Christensen. 2922 Burdette
street, reported the theft of $100
worth of clothing.1
The Pioneer tailors, 1822 St.
Marys avenue, reported the lock
torn from the front door and every
thtt'R in the place stolen except the
',;:. ha .
' Sevcial trucks apparently had
been used t t sH the loot away, ac
cording to the i.!;e report, which
stated the proprietors had not yet
detemined the extent of the rob
bery. - : .
. More Homes Looted.
Someone entered the home of
Mrs, J. W. Thomas, 149 North!
Thirty-third street, through the rear
door, and ransacked the house, ac-,
cording to a police report Estimate
of the loss has not yet been made.
Mike Toder, 1414 Chicago street,
reported a sneak thief entered his
froom through a rear window and
stole $11 p.: - - .";
Two tires were stolen from an
automobile belonging to Joe Jelinek,
1215 .Arbor street, while parked at
Fourteenth and Howard streets.
Two negroes, armed with auto
matic pistols, held up and robbed
Harry Williams, 311 Sixteenth street,
Council Bluffs, of $40 at Ninth street
and Capitol avenue as he was return
ing home from his work at the smel
,er. D. Levin, 104 North Thirty-fifth
street, heard someone removing the
screen from a rear window ol his
home. He got up, seized his re
volver and began to investigate. The
prowler heard him and fled. Levin
pursued the man several blocks, but
fave up the chase and returned to
ed. ,
An overcoat was stolen from an
automobile belonging to Edward
Dullen, Spencer, la., parked at
Fourteenth and Douglas streets.
The State Furniture company has
asked police to locate a negro man
and woman who purchased $600
worth of furniture from the com
pany last Monday, had it delivered
to 2618 Franklin street and then dis
appeared with the merchandise with
out making any payments.
Cigars Are Stolen.
Two oriental rugs were stolen
from the photograph studio of the
Rinehart-Marsden company, 302
South Eighteenth street.
Sam Maght, 1208 South Thirteenth
, street, reported the theft of several
boxes of cigars and some small
change front his cigar store.
'Army Officers Arrive for
Instruction in Balloon Corps
j. - Major Wt F. Pearson, adjutant to
I ' the chief jb! air- service at Washing
? ton. Major Westover, First Lieut. C.
" , Kane, First Lieut C. E. Smythe and
ieut...ineouore j. uaiuwiu, m m
Washington, reported Tuesday at
Fort 0maha for instruction in the
balloon corps.
Lieut. John R. Hall is acting adju
tant at the pdst in the absence- of
Lieut. Richard E. Thompson, who
left Tuesday for Birmingham to
compete in the international balloon
races next Saturday. .
New Quartermaster Captain
Assigned to Duty at Fort
Capt. William H. Dukes, Q. M. C,
reported Tuesday at Fort Crook for
duty with' the corps quartermaster.
He is relieving Capt. Noble Carter.
First Lieut. K. C. Mead was or
dered today to Camp Benning, Ga.,
to take a course of instruction at
that post.
The Weekly "hop" of the enlisted
lnenof the post was. to be held last
night at the Enlisted Men's club.
Mining Man Comes to Omaha
From Alaska for Operation
Thomas H. Dargin, minimr
operator of Anchorage, Alaska, is
in Omaha for the second time in 22
years. He came the 4,000 miles to
be operated on for cancer at the
Nicholas Senn hospital. He joined
a party of gold seekers during the
Alaska gold rush when he was 37
and after makincr a number of heavy
stakes, has established himself at
Anchorage as a mining engineer.
Secretary of War Baker to
Arrive Friday Afternoon
Secretary of War Baker, with his
sauad of Dro-lcaguers, who are mak
ing a transcontinental tour of thel
wesi in tne iiiicrcat - vi xicsiucm
Wilson's leaKue of nations, will ar
rive in Omaha Friday at 5 p. m.
over the Rock Island.
Man May Lose Eyesight
As Result of Attack
Formal Charges Filed
' Against Officer.
Brutality charges growing out of
an alleged beating administered
William Monday, 1434 North Thir
tieth street, last Saturday were filed
against Patrolman Clifford E. Cain,
2616 Browne street, with Police
Commissioner Ringer.
No action will be taken against
Cain until a thorough investigation
has been made, Ringer said. The
Rev. John Albert Williams, negro
minister, declared Monday is threat
ened with blindness as a result of the
alleged beating.
The attack on Monday is alleged
to have been made during a raid on
the Merchants transfer barn, Four
teenth and Jones streets, where Mon
day said he had gone in search of a
relative. - .
When taken to Central police sta
tion, Monday's face was bleeding
and badly swollen. Medical aid was
riven bv nolice surgeons.
Cain was fined five days' pay yes
terday by Chief Eberstein.for sleep
ing while on duty. Sergeant ines
trup reported he caught Cain "nap
ping at Mxteentn ana nicago
419 Eggs From 20
Hmta3p Days
Mr. Dougherty Got This ReauHIn
October. Plan la Eaally Tried.
"I tried Don Sane and the results
wr far nut n exDCCtationi. 1 ffot
419 eggs In 80 days from 20 hens wbila
th" hardly HI
wit - v
'Too Much Talk,"
Legion Secretary
Work and Not Hot Air at
Pink Teas Needed in Ameri
canization Program.
Charges that discussions on Amer
icanization work by members of
leading social organizations were not
ments were made yesterday by Ken
lall Hammond, secretary of the
Douglas county chapter of the Amer
ican Legion.
"There is too much talk on the
question in the Athletic club and not
enough on South Twelfth street,"
Mr. Hammond declared.
"Nor is the American Legion
ahead in 1 Americanization work.
We've been having too many lec
tures on what ought to be done in
stead of action in this, matter."
"Society women are too active in
giving afternoon teas where Amer
icanization work is discussed," Mr.
Hammond continued.
As an incentive to move social and
Clifford E. Cain.
Y.W.C. A. Straw Vote
Gives Harding Lead
Senator Harding leads Governor
Cox by 59 votes, and Governor Mc
Kelvie has 94 ballots as against John
H. Morehead's 74 and Judge Wray's
2, in the straw vote which is being
taken at the Y. W. U A. on tne
presidential -and gubernatorial con
tests. The first day's balloting of the
young women indicates the-y will
split their vote when they go to" the
polls election day. Voters included
members of the gymnasium, millin
ery, and dressmaking classes. At
the business women's club Tuesday
night the vote stood: Harding, 54;
Cox, 31; McKelvie, 41; Morehead,
27, andWray, 15.- At the business
women's luncheon at noon, Harding
received 72; Cox, 35; McKelvie. 59;
Morehead, 37; Wray, 8, ad Watkins,
A large flour mill in Argentina
burns much of its bran for fuel and
finds that 10 tons of it have about
the same heating value as 60 tons of
1 "'i a
Instant n
i i i '
hrtim Caral Omfft f
Tlour table drink
will never bother
nerves or sleep
ifjouQpit coffee
and drink.
If coffee troubles you isrit
it better to make the change
now rather than later?
Better health results and
youll appreciate the econ-.
oray and convenience.
Uteres a Reason 'or Ibstum
Made VjrRs turn Cereal Co.bc, Battle CrtekJlicL
mnnltinr. I think thta li wonderful, aa
th-T hardly lild at all before." Frank
uougnerty. omu tsu uu
St, Indianapolis.
Mr. Dongberty ooogni
91 worth ol Don Bans In
October and wrote this
letter In November. Fig
ure his oroOt on 85 dozen
tin from hens that for
merly laid lime or notning.
This may sound too good to be traew
but It coitf nothing te find out We'll
make yon the same offer we made him.
Giro your hens Don Snng and watch
results for one month. If you dont And
that it pay for Itself and pays you
good profit besides, simply tell as and
jour money will be cheerfully refunded.
Don Sung (Chinese for egg-laying) la
scientific tonic and conditioner. It is
aaily given In the feed, improve the
ben's health and makes her stronger and
mora active. It tones np the egg-laying
organs, and gets the eggs, no mattes
how cold or wet the weather.
Ton can obtain Don Sung from 7001
druggist or poultry retaedy dealer, of
end 4 1.04 (includes war tax) for a
package by mall. BurreU-Dugger Co..
514 Columbia Bldg., IndlanapoUs, Ind.
Illinois Coal
r "
Will Save You Money
Lump, Egg, Nut
$14.75 pr ton
, Lump, Nut
$13.75 pr ton
The " best that Illinois produces.
Carefully sized. Thoroughly
screened. Hot, clean and last-
e .
ing. Both kinds will serve you
well in furnace, heating stove or
We remove the coal and refund
your mgney if you are not satisfied.
Sunderland Brothers Co.
, Maim Office, Entire 3rd Floor Keelin Bldf .'
17tk and Haraay Streets
business clubs to action in Ameri
canization work, the Douglas county
chapter of the legion has arranged
for a series of lectures to be given
before the clubs by Dr. Albert E.
enks, professor of sociology at the
Jniversity of Minnesota. Dr. Jcnks
will be in Omaha on October 29-30-31.
Bee want ade are business getters.
Chauffeur Answers Call,
Is Shot At; Two Arrested
When he answered a teleohone
call from a woman to take her to
Union statiorU from 3624 North
Forty-first street Tuesday night,
Harry Dcnnison. taxicab driver, was
fired on by Al Dolan, who lives
there. Dennison reported to police.
Al and his brother, Merrill, were ar
rested for intoxication. Al also if
charged with firing revolver within
the city limits.
The importation of cottonseed oil
unless rendered unfit for human con
sumption has been prohibited by
Spain. '
1 t
111 dentistry I
ygSSk Th,t FBimu rromU ' yWx I
ST The promise that you will re- T , "SihX if
MM celvf h" tha mot careful' v'xV 1
itrSm woH with the beat materials ft' l 1
ft 4-) I obtainable and at the lowest f ,f !l
1 1 1 work Professional pride to I Ji VI ll
laflyv 1 I have each patient perfectly sat- I f V ll i i
'It, A ;u I V'.Ay The latest methods of Pain- I J I
, -'7. 1 V f f less Dentistry are practiced in 1 F 1 I
Uas 1 I' . I W 1 I If our office. Nervous patients 1 t X
M. VV Skl are s;iven particular attention. w ' 1 .
P--' lffeJM JAf "J111 will convince you. l.' ;
' I" V 1 Phone for appointment V l MM
T-1- X I i JtS X-itar DlagitiU ltk Etk Atf A Jl 1
-JiVWil'vf ul ' Drs. Maxwell & Green fl I
II 20 Nerllle Block, lath aaal I i
'V4kfc '11 Harney St. DonsTlaa SSflS. I a
4&& - 1 I ;
. more easily digested be
cause it is a vegetable fat, 100
pure, and is from an edible .
Even after frying fish or onions
the same lot of Mazola can be
used for frying delicate foods.
Merely strain and use it over
and over again.
Mazola does not . absorb any
of the odor or flavor of the foods
fried in it, nor does it smoke up
your kitchen. (
Once you try Mazola you will
prefer it to lard or compounds. 1
17 Battery Place, New Yorlr
Write for handsomely flluifrated 64-patV
rtvc" Cora Products Cook Book. Cora Products
It. Refining Company, P. O. Bos 161. New York City.
L-ap: . iu
MjiQOKY idhew ok.
Win Ford Sedn or $800
The operator of the movie machine In this
theater decided to play a Joke on hta audi
ence, so he threw these re-arranged "Movie"
players' names on the screen.
- Tv soiTe um jaone -aa .
sle, all you are required
to do Is to rearrange the
letters, so that they will
spell the correct actor's
or actress' name. No. 10
Is Charlie Chaplin. If you
oan a;uesa all ten you can
win FORD Sedan or SIM.
Probably yon know the
name of meat of the
.famous players, but just ,
to refresh your memory,
we mention below the
names of a Tew or the
moat popular "morle"
Charlie Chaplin. Charles I
Ray, Mary Plckford, I
Thomas Meiffhan, Dustln I
Farnum, Theda Bara.
DouiUl Fairbanks,
Blanahe Sweet. Mabel
Normand, Pauline Frederick, Pearl White, Fatty Atbuckle,
auy uiaa, wuiiam. jraraum, Alice Brady, Ulorla Bwanaon.
For eaoh name that you arranye correctly, you will receive 10 "Points" toward
the FORD Bedan, or 105 "Points" In all. If you arrange all namea correctly.
You can gain 60 more "Points" by "Qualifying" your answer. That is, by prov
ing that you have shown a copy of our paper, The Rural Weekly, to five people.
Bamples sent FREE. The final IS "Points" will be awarded by three Independ
ent Judge on the neatness, style, handwriting-, and spelling of your answer.
The answer gaining 185 "Points" (which Is the maximum) will win the FORD
Bedan, or $800 In cash. Second highest will win a 1200 phonograph, and so on
down the list of 25 big prizes. In case of a tie, both winners will receive same
Ton will not be asked to subscribe to The Rural Weekly, nor spend on penny
In order to win. We have given away over 100 auto. Tou may be the next
lucky winner. Write your anawer to the Puzzle on one side of the paper, name
and addiess In upper right hand corner. You can win Answer the puzzle now,
and send In your solution early. Address
The Puzzle Man. THE RURAL WEEKLY. St Paul Minn.
Phone Douglas 2793
wn , Ttr
a OMAHA aft-!-.! ssm0
1,f - I,,,. , , ,SISi.J. INI
CatNCftctAi Primtcrs Lithographers STEimieCKsasams
too S HUE A fx 0 E VI c e t
r WM.iTlarrwtrkii
Appearance of the interior of one's home
depends largely upon your Draperies, Curtains
and Rugs.
You often,, no doubt, Have noticed the hasty glance of the
guest, who for the first time has stepped into the reception hall
and living room of your home.
ThCimpression gained in that fraction of a second is a lasting one.
It is your privilege now through the Value-Giving prices offered on Draperies,
Curtains and Eugs at the H. R.v Bowen Co., to make that impression a favorable one
one your guest will often think about, yes talk about. Your home can be made just
as attractive and effective in appearance as you desire if you make the, selection from
these many items offered at Value-Giving prices.
' Imported Cretonnes at prices of the ordinary domestic goods; also Printed Linens,
Warp Prints and Near. Linens that must interest the most economizing house wife. New
up-to-date patterns. i
at $2.95, $2.45, $1.95, $1.45 per yard
X 36:inch Cretonnes in light colors for Bedroom Draperies and Bed Sets, Some wonder,
ful values at $1.45; ?1.25, 96c and 76c per yard. 71,
1 . , . ,
Our entire stock of Lace Curtains consisting of Irish Point, Brussels, Nottingham,
Pt -de Gene, Swiss, Marie Antionette, Scrims and Marquisette at yatoes far below any
thing before offered. , ' , f ' 1 V "V'VI
$24.95, $14.95, $10.45, $9.95 and $7.45 per pair
- $16:45, $8.75, $6.95, $5.45 $3.75 and $2.95 per air t
I- hmmmd L
Si 11
Plain and figured Madras in 50, 36 and 30-incK width.
All colors and patterns. Some guaranteed sunfast goods in
this assortment at special prices.
50-in. goods at $3.95, $2.75, $2.45 and $1.95 per yard
36-in. goods at $2.95, $2.45, $1.95 and $1.45 per yard
30-inch goods at $1.95, $1.45, $1.25 and 95c per yard
Cream, White and Ecru Curtain Nets for Curtains and
Lace Shades 56, 45 and 48-inch wide at prices from $3.75 per
yard down to 65c per yard. n
Wonderful Rug Values
for Everybody
. Genuine Wilton Rugs In the best standard
makes with Linen Fringe; all new up-to-date
9x12 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price, $149.05
8-3x10-6, Bowen's Value-Giving Price, $139.95
6x9 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price... $79.95
4-6x7-6 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price $49.95
36-in.x63-ln., Bowen's Value-Giving Price $21.45
27-in.x54-in., Bowen's Value-Giving Price $14.95
The Rug of all seasons and well deserving
of the name Supreme) for any room in the
home and especially adapted for the bedroom.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
9x1 2 -size Bowen's Value-Giving Price... $34.96
8x12 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price... $29.95
6-6x9-6. Bowen's Value-Giving Price ...$21.45
4-6x7-6, Bowen's Value-Giving Price.... $14.95
A few patterns left over from our Spring
shipment;' not enough to carry over for next
season. AH good patterns. Note the wonderful
values: . "
9x12 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price.... $&95
8x10 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price.... $4UM
6x9 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price..... $4.45
4-6x7-6 Bowen's Value-Giving Price $35
3x6 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price $2.45
27x54 size Bowen's Value-Giving Price... $L95
A few discontinued patterns of Small Crez
and Walte Grass Rugs.
36x72 size, Special Value $245
30x60 size, Special Value .....$2.45
27x54 size, Special Value ...$L95
Those who shop at Bowen's have come to realize there are greater values and more of them at
all times at this store than are to oe iouna ewew nere.
Chines fcrEgg-Uyitg
. V