Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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. Nebraska Wpmen '
1 Fight Morehead
On Liquor Issue
Both' Democrat and Republi
cans Join In Campaign to
Defeat Wet Gubernatorial
fV . Candidate.
, " ' 1 . 1 '
Prominent democratic women of
Nebraska have joined , their re-
' ' - publican sisters in subscribing to a
Jitter 4 Which John H. Morehead,
, fremocrat.c candidate for governor,
; tvfc referred to as the chosen can--
didate of the wet wing of the demo
., "critic party and who was in league
with a coterie of democrats who
used their power and influence in
futile attempt to dereat prohibition
f - and suffrage.
i Among the democratic wanfen
I who signed a circular letter against
J Morehead, are: Mrs. Mary Smith
I liayward, Chadron; Mrs. E. .
Thomas, Omaha; Mrs. Edna M.
Barkley, Lincoln; Mrs. H. C
.Sumney, Omaha; Dr. Jnex Philbrick,
Lincoln. . v
The following is the text, cf the
letters which have been received by
Omaha women: : (
' Investigate Records. ,
"After workingxSo many-years to
secure the ballot for the Nebraska
i women we feel that it is not. in
appropriate to suggest to the new
' voters the following points: i . '
"First! Without regard to party
affiliation every , voter should in
vestigate and know the political rec-
1 jr nau uu me nauunai.
congressional ana state ticket.
Second: We would warn-' vbu
against the candidacy of Mr. John
n. Morehead lor governor of .Ne
braska, He is the chosen candidate
of the wet wing of the democratic
party, headed by Senator Hitchcock.
Arthur Mullen and others, who have
used the power of their, party, money
and press to defeat prohiBition and
suffrage in this state and through
Senator Hitchcock have worked to
defeat both in. the United States
congress. We won, regardless of
heir work. .
Choose, Carefully.
: . . ivi ihii wvkumu means
a vote to keep in power in this state
this winsr of the nartv inrl foar
they will use every effort to weaken'
;ne eniorcemnt act., Xhink this over
carefully. Vote for the man you can
trust x
. It is Isgned by ,.he following:
.r i;i.eriea uieiricn. Haeunfe.
MraXJohn Slaker. Haitlnsa.
Mra. Mamie CUfltn, Unl. Place.
Mrs. Mary .Smith Hayward, Chadron.
laa Clara. L. Smith, Unl. Plaee.
Mary William., Keneaaw.
Ira Elan Barn. Keneaaw.
Mra, X. E. Corrall, Hebron. " ,
Mra. Alma Bwlnc, Fairfield. ' .. i
Mra. O. H. Bents, Fairfield.
Mrs, 8. M. Klmmel, MeCook.
Mrs, K. O. Heain. Aurora.
Mrs. J. A. ' Doramua. Aurora.
Mrs, Ada Rledler, Thurston.
Mrs. 8. W. Moaher. Plalnvlew.
Mrs, H, M. Thornton,' Oerins.
Mrs, E. E. Thomas. Omaha. '
Mrs, Johanna Kaimuanen, Elwood.
Mrs. Liana Spurloek, Elwood.'
Xrs, A. 8. Main, Loup City.
Mrs, John W. Baldwin. Omaha.
Mra. W. & Walte, Loop City.
Mrs. William Berry, Omaha. i
Mrs. E. E. Llndley. Haatlnva. 1
Mra Ktoratta Reynolds, Auburn.
Mrs, O. R. Owens, Sidney.
Mrs, V. B. McCoy. Pawns City.'
Mrs. Theresas Anorua. Crete.
Mrs, Catherine Chamberlln. Madison.
Mrs. I.liite Jenklnson. Monroe.
Efda Maakell, MaakelU
Mra. M. Bruegfer, Columbus.
a M. sarxiey. uncoil
T. Llndeey. Omaha.
Mrs. Edni
Mra. Z. '
, Mrs. W. KJ Hardy. Llnetln.
. Mrs. H. H.' Wheeled Lincoln; 1
Mrs. Draper Smith, Omaha.
Mrs. H. C Sumney, Omaha.
Mrs Martha Cllne Huffman. Broken Bow.
Mrs. W. 8. Clearer, Lincoln.
Dr. Ines Philbrick, Lincoln..
Mrs, Helen O. Robertson, Plsttamouth.
Mrs, K. F. PU1(. Lincoln.
: Mrs, T. P. Livingston, Plattsmouth.
Mrs. T. L. Matthew., Fremont.
I Mrs. Belle Selbert, Besver City. i
f Mrs, George Joslln, Omaha. ' ,. '
Mrs. Gertrude Mstheny, Elwood. ..
" Mrs. Ruth Reynolds, Elwood. -V
; Mrs. Emms Btsrrett. Centrsl City. .
.'Mrs. C. H. Rockwell, Valentine.
. Mra. C A.- Scott. Falrbury.
Mrs. Harriet Vance, Alliance.
Ivs M. innls. Diner.
Mrs, Elisabeth Backus, Columbus.
Mrs Marls Wilcox. Hebron. ,
Lottie B. Cramer, Vslentlne. v
Mrs. Hsttl E. Slyysster, HcotUbluft
Mrs. Effs TllloUoa, Bsssett. -Mrs,
EllssbeUt Taylor,' Pawns City.
, Mrs. Martha, csioweu, utica,
i Mrs. K. L Hssjoock, Syrseuss.
Mm Jtsrry SIMesls. DsvWI Ciif.
Mrs, c7T Fislsilslc, Attn o. f f
Fire Completely Destroy
i f Restaurant in Loup City
" ' Loup City, Neb Oct 25. (Spe
cial.) Fire of unknown origin early
Mondav morning destroyed the res-Ataurant-ef
J. W. Thompson and par
Jltiilly destroyed the Plants hardware
'store adjoining. Some damage by
water was done to other buildings
but hard work on the part of the
fire department, prevented the fire
from spreading farther. The loss
, may . reach $20,000 and is partially
covered by insurance.
Corn Pickers Needed. .
he free employment bureau, room
109 city hall, is leceiving many calls
for corn pickers, i nese cans are
from Nebraska and Iowa towns and
the pay offered is from 6 to 10 cents
per bushel
New Way to Remove
Hairs Creates Sensation
(Actually Takes Out the ReaU)
Woman Comes;
Misses flubby
Wife Travels From Oklahoma
City to See Spouse He
Leaves for Her Home.
r ill i
A little woman of evidently
straitened, circumstances, who trav
eled with her children all the
way from Oklahoma City, Okl., to
meet her husband here without k
forming him in advance found yes
terday that he had just left Omaha.
The little mother, middle-aged,
dressed in worn, threadbare clothes,
and very tired looking, went to
Postmaster H. S. Daniel to ask him
to help her find her husband.
, She said that she had expected to
reach Omaha in time Tuesday to go
to'the postoffice and wait at the gen
eral delivery x window, where she
knew he was wont to go each day.
But the train was late and when
she went to the general delivery
window yesterday to ask about
him she found that he had called
every evening through ' Monday,
when he had left a forwarding ad
dress and sajd that he was going
back to Oklahoma City.
The woman gave her name as Mrs.
E. H. Newman. (
Work on 'Sherman County
Court House Is Resumed
' Loup City, Neb., Oct. 20. (Spe
cial.) Work on the Sherman coun
ty court house, which has been held
up for over 60 days by lack of mate
rials, has been resumed again. Both
face brick and terra cotta are now
on the ground, and work is being
rushed. ' ' . . ;
Excursionists in O'Neill.
O'Neill. Neb., Oct. 20. (Special.)
The trade boosters and goodfel
lowship delegation of the Sioux City
Chamber of Commerce, making a
tour of the territory along the North
western to Crawford and irom Nor
folk to Bonesteel, were' the guests
of O'Neill for an hour.
An electrolytic process has been
patented for the extraction of oil
trorh both vegetable i and animal
Lincoln Woman.
Her Own Grocery
Miss Edna Koontz, Sightless
for ,26 Years,Trust8 Public
When It Comes to Money -"
.-'Matters.'-. .
Lincoln? Neb., Oct. 20. Blindness
has not proven a handicap to the
business career of Miss Edna
Kbonti, proprietor of a grocery at
444 South Tenth street this , city.
Though totally blind, this Nebraska
gir( nas mastered all the principles
of business, and without assistance
sells enough groceries to nel her a
profit considerably imore than she
needs to support herself. ' , -v
By cultivating a memory tharcora
pares favorably with that of na
tionally known so-called experts.
Miss Koontz is able to put her hands
on any one of severah hundred ar
ticles on the shelves of her store.
Byher remarkable sense of "feel.'
coupled with her mejnory, errors
are unknown in her store" .'
With the speed of a crackerjack
clerk, Miss Koontz bings dowu
from the shelves articles of food as
Lfast as the purchaser names . them
on. m aiignting wkc tasmon, ana
withtthe precision of an adding ma
chine, she totals up the amount of
the purchases much -quicker than
many clerks with vision. r .
Miss Koontz; tdio became blind
when 4 years of age, Is now 30. She
is a graduate of the state school for
In addition" to being retail gro
cer. Miss Koontz is assistant man
ager for the Lincoln agency of one
of the large Omaha wholesale gro
cers. - - V
Anybody Could Do It. ;
Admirers of Miss Koontz say she
is the only blind person in Nebraska
engaged -in a business dealing with
the public at all times.
l M-iss Koontz is, extremely modest
in telling of her-chievements, and
says there are hundreds of other
blind - persons "who could succeed
just as well as she' if they took; it
upon themselves to start. "The
training we receive at the blind in
stitution is sufficient to make any
person with a normal mind self
supporting" she said.
Miss Koontz has the utnlost con
fidence in the honesty of the public.
Only one 'man, she says, evertook
advantage of her blindness. This
man, she said, was in the habit of
visiting her store several times a
week to purchase cigars. When she
would hand over the box for him
to make his selection, he would take
two or three cigars and pay for but
one. Shesaid she suspected him
for several weeks and the next time
he came in she" was "ready." She
knew exactly how many cigars wefe
in the box and when he had taken
what hewanted, she quickly counted
the remainder and told him he
would have to pay for three cigars,
not one.' That was the last time
he visited her store. ' v
Children Play Pranks.
Several children, she sakj, have
attempted to deceive her in a child
like fashion, but were always de
tected. One youngster came in with
a "bill," which he said was of $1 de
nomination, and wanted to buy a
package of chewing gum. No soon
er 'was the "bill" in her hand than
she knew by its sie that it was not
legal tender. She laughingly re
turned the piece of paper to th$f
Another youngster attempted to
pass a lead check on her as a'5.0
cent piece. His detection was quick
er than in the case of the boy with
the "U bill."
In accepting bills In payment lot
groceries Miss Koontz must depend
Aitircly upon the honesty of her cus
tomers as to the bill's denomination.
'There is no way of relling a $1 bill
from a $10 or $20 bill." she said.' It
is very difficult to deceive her with
pewter coins.
After she receives the bills Miss
Koontz folds each denomination in
a different way. In going oven: her
day's receipts sha can tell exactly
what each bill is oy the way it is
Miss Koontz takes care of all her
own correspondence, writing her let
ters on a typewriter. Her incoming
letters, of course, are read to her fij
friends. ...
In addition to bring a business
woman of considerable ability, MisT
Koontz is an accomplished,' singei
pianist and ,organist. On a ntimbej
of occasions she has appeared in tht v
choirs of local churches.
As a housekeeper she has ,fey
equals. Baking fine cakes for hei
friends is one of her chief joys ai
Itnm Diirincy lull mnmht. af th.
store she does fancy work and knit
ting. -
Her chief outdoor sport is fishing
Firit dose of "Pape'i Cold Compound' relieves all ).
ss a
stuffiness and distress No quinine! Costs little 1
-I -
vi -ma
Supply Your Needs Thursday
In This ' Sale of -
A Specipl Purchase of Manufacturer's Samples
and Surplus Stock of - c '
Shirts Drawers
Men's Union Suifs
Don't stay stuffed upl Quit blow
ing and snuffling 1 A dose of "Papf s
Cold Compound" taken every two
hours until three doses are taken us
ually breads up a cold and ends all
grippe misery.
Thi first dose 01
and air
pens clogged-up
ssages ot head;
stops nose running; relieves head
ache, dullness, feverishness, sneez
ing, soreness, stiffness. . , ' '
Tape's' Cold Compound" is tKe
quickest, surest relief known . and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance. Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. vInsist
on Pape's! , ,-...
S Your New Fall Hat
,' o
. - o
. n
. R p Si i tp Titia Sit o fcnril
sfoull find keen enjoyment, in selecting your fall hat
at our stores. For our assortment is complete; fell the
latest styles and shades for fall in every grade of hat
that STETSON makes. O , ,
laOS Fsm StrMt
ss4 BOS Istfc Strsst.
-- I.
v Whst beauty spseislists retard as sua
ef the most important -CicoveHe in rs
,, cent years is tfca phelseUn method of re
botIbs soprflans hsir. Its srest sdvsn-
, tar, of sears, lias in tits fsct thst it
aetuaJlv rcsaeves the hsir roots. - It docs
Shis sasiljr, imtantly, harmlaasly. Snffer
ars from the afflictfoB named need no
lotursr despair. Tha actual hsir-roots
soma out befor your vary syss. letn
th skla ss smooth and hairless aa a
babe's. '
Bceaas. it offers eueh eomplete rel)u,
s stick of pbelsctlne is the most lues
pensive thine a woman can buy for the
- removal of hairy growth. - Fr th earn
rssson draasists are having an snormona
demand for it. To can ns it with en
tire safety; it is so haamims on could
ins eat it without any ill affeet: '
All Work 0raatd
The Old Reliable
A PIANO vith ajepuiation
thai goes back over 70 years.
1 m k
Past performance backs every .promise we make
you about this fine instrument.
Rich in tone handsome in case design and
honestly and well built thevKurtzmanii is so, good a
value that we recommend it and stand behind every
oife we sell with our.ersonal guarantee.C v
. " 'In both Uprights and Grands A" fine as
sortment awaits your selection at our store . .
iU. S.
MOsrtc Co.'
1807 Farnam Strsat Omaha ancl Norfolk, Neb.
Samples and Surplus Stock of the Globe Knitting
Mills, Augusta Knitting 'Mills and Dunham Knit
ting Mills. i
C ; ',; 'l " .. ;
Regularly Worth 3,50 to 5.50
Men' Wool, Wool Mixed and Worsted Plaited
inion Suits; all sizes in assorted mixtures. Some ot
these suits are slightly Imperfect, but in no way does
this impair the wearing quality; every one of .these
suits is real bargain . '
1,344 Shitts and Drawers
Special Purchase pi Samples and Surplus
Stock from two Jobbers.
Worth regularly from $2 to $3, each at
Ttiese arc slightly soiled; all sizes in the lot, but notin all quali
ties' ' TJese are exceptional values, worth from 2.00 to 3.00 a gar
ments Attend this sale early as at theselow prices the quantity
. i ' ma. a 1
wiU not last long, xnursaay, at, eacn, ,
r Brandeis Stores Main Floor Men's Store.
Autumn's Bright Blue Weather
Prompts This Sale 61
: High Quality and Pretty 1 '
Color Combinations in
Pure Wool Plaid
For Thursday
Values from
22.50 to 32.50
Principally box and side pleats in
regular size, aS to ji-incA , waist
measure, and 39 to 40-inch, lengths.
-Our Best Skirt Offer This Season!
These plaids give one a particularly youthful appearance v
and are quite the thing'for Autumn's "bright blue weather." Ko
wardrobe is just complete without this slight addition. V
They will bear inspection both as to quality and work)rinn
ship, and we feel they are Just about the best thing wejiave had.
to offer in our skirt section so far this season. Values range from .
$22.50 to $32.50, on sale Thursday, - , $1175
Brandeis Stores Second Floor West. ' " I ? 4
- - Thursday OAK; DAY
Specials in Apron-j
In Our Newly Enlarged Basement
984 Apron-Dresses-
In Bungalow and Priscilla Styles
Regularly priced 1.95, 2.25 -J og
Special for Thursday, at iSs
g Fancy Plaids and Stripes, pretty Dotted Patterns,
g Joth Light and Dark, Solid Pink and light Blue, In
H digos, etc.; in tie-back styles, new strap-effects, belt-
gxed and elastic waist styles, many with large double
j pockets, rick-rack and fancy trimming; in all sizes. A v
wonderful lot of right up-to-the-minute Apron Dress-;
H es, justreceived to be sold on the hew liw price basis, '-
. Thursday only, at, each, .yi m 1.39
and Silk Petticoats
The Economy Center of Omaha
429 Silk Petticoats
' Plaiir and Fancy for
Women and Misses
Worth $4, $5 and 5.50
Special foA Thursday, at
All Silk Jersey, with fancy
mmaawMMaaaaaaawaawnwMMjaMm "
m '"
9 -yi
All Silk Taffeta, with scal
loped bottoms. - - , 4
All Silk ,Jeney, with plain Jersey Tops, with messaline
bottoms. . - flounces.
; - All Silk Messaline, with tucked and ruffled bottoms.
Black and all season's desirable colors; well-made, with
fitted clasp tops; perfect in every detail: a splendid Twtt..oof
for the price of the silk alone. Thursday only as long as 429 IS
last, at, each - , i - 3.69 M
Brandeis Stores Basement-lEast. M
m I I Don
m I vest
H I I the"H.C.
l Good
Match -That- Coat and Vest in
ThisThursday Sale of 800 Pairs
Men's Pants"
In -3 Low Priced Lots!
VALUES FROM 7.50 TO 10.50
At3-5v- 7
the "Ole Clo' Man" have that perfectly good ' coat and
which have been hanging in the closet for so long; get even with
by getting a new pair of trousers to wear with them.
Materials, Workmanship and New Shades
j 1 Worsted Cassimeres, Tweeds, Serges, Flannels,' in all the latest shades; lotsol
g patterns to match the old coat and vest. , . . I . . - - ;;
-, . We guarantee that you will be satisfied with values, style, fit and wear; if you are
not your money bacK. ' ' i , - J
Brandeis Storel Men's Store Second Floor. , : ' . ) " ;
Ladies Don't Buy a New Suit Without
, Proper Attention to Your
Sale of Walking Boots for
WoYnen and Growing Girls
$y, 510 and 51 1 values
- Special aC v' -
. Many women make the mistake ot giving attention
to every detail of the costume except the shoes-
the most important part ot the whole attire. No ex-i
cuse for this neeject when we are selling 9.00, 10.00
and ll.Off value for 7.85 beautiful brown and black
walking boots for women and growing girls; broken
. lots taken from our regular stock, and grouped it
one big lot for a quick disposal. All sizes in the lot
but not in each tftyle; ', N
Women's Comfort Shoes-
Made of soft black kid, with flexible soles -and
low heels; the kind that one looks forward to
wearing when the feet ut tired; C Of5
priced at, , ; OaOO
SMnola Pdllsh makes old shoes
look like hew In black, brown. Jan
and ox blood; 1 for - 17.
Gilt Edge Shoe Dnsslif, per
bottle. -23ti
Sunshine White KM qeaner, 23
Biandeis Stores Main Floor West'
iiUlwi-uBiiiMMiimiiidlUllui .
mi !
x n
Ilia DMgba St.
last. iaa