THE BEE: OMAHA.- THURSDAY, OCTOBER "21, TUO. 12 f Classified Advertising Rates ISe par line (count I word to Una) 1 day la par Una per day, I consecutive daya lAa par Una par day, T consecutive daya 14 par Una par day. JO oonaacutlva day ho adda taken for laaa than a total of lie. Thaaa rataa apply althar to ttaa Dally or Sunday Baa. All advartlaanianta ap pear In botn morning and avanlng dally pa para ror me ona cnarge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ads accaptad at tba following of' flees: MAIN OrriCB....lTth and rarnam Sts south eiiia :11s n m. Council Bluffs It Scott St WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT TYLER 100 THH BEE will not ba raaponalblo for mora than ona Incorract Inaartlon of an ' advartlaaraant ordarad for mora tban one lima. CLOSINO HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition., .11:41 A. .f. Morning Edition .. (:00 P. M. Sunday Edition. .. .,9:00 P. M. Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. MORIARTY Kalhrvn T.. IS v..r. of pneumonia, beloved wife of Charles t: Aionarty, eurv.ved by huaband and nna aon. Jehn. alio parcnta, Mr. and Mr. John Rnah. of Omaha. Funeral Thureday. from family resi dence. 607 North Thirty-ninth atreet 9 a. m., to St. Carinas Cathedral :15 a. m. Interment Holly Sepulchre ceme tcry. HltlLKY Mary M., wife of C. H. Hlgley. at local hoapltal. Tuesday morning. Re main! will lie In alate at Crosby Fu neral Home, 24th and Wirt atreets. Funeral from Kountza Memorial church. 26th and Farnam, Thursday at ' 2. p. m., the Rev. Mr. VanDorn offi ciating. Interment West Lawn came' tery. NYLAND Morrla J., axed 14 yaara. la survived by ona brother, John; ona lis ter, Mrs. D. J. Ho ban. Funeral Thursday afternoon from real dance of Mrs. Hoban. 4747 South Six ' teenth street, at 2 p. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. " .WORRELL W. Franklin, aged 12 years. Beloved aon of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wor . rell. 1411 Hawthorne Ave. Funeral from Cole-McKay Co. parlors, zois rarnam St., Thursday at 2:30 p. m. Friends welcome. FA RNSWORTH. E. P.. aged 71 years, died junnaay morning at an umana noapitai. Funeral Wednesday at 3 p. m., from jtrewara Funeral Home, Z4th and K Bta, Burial at Oracelsnd Park Cemetery, R. I Wheeler, officiating. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64 HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. " Tit South 16th St. Douglas 1226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, undertakers and Kmbalmers. Phong H. 265. Office 2S11 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korisko Funeral Home. J3d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON.r' Florists. 114 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnem. D. 3000. L. Henderson. 1618 Furnam. Douglas 1248. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births William and Ethel Cllft, 3527 Harney street, twins, girl and boy; Cloyd and Jessie Steele, 3345 Boyd street, boy; Samuel and Lena Feldman. 2118 Burdette street, boy; William and Myrtle Wagensel ler, 2 din North Sixty-sixth avenue, girl; Roy and Lets Wilson, 638 South Twenty seventh street, girl; Walter and Mary Clear, 2117 Elm etreat, boy; John and Clara Lorenee, R. F. D. No. 5, girl; Harold and Mary Dalllnger, 1424 Sherwood avenue, girl; Joseph and Frances Hoffman. 2308 Ellison avenue, girl; Roaario and Camela Salejno, hospital, boy; Jake and Fannie Llberman, hospital, boy; Dewitt and Paul ina Spence, hospital, girl; Guy and Hazel Hunter, hospital, girl; Victor and Augusta Jeep, hospital, boy; Ed (tar and Elsa Christy, hospital, boy; Henry and Theresa Grell. hospital, girl; James and Kntherlne Knowlea, hospital, boy; David and Dorothy Oerher, hospital, boy; Windsor and Ethel Megeath, hoapltal, boy. Deaths Leo How. Lung, 75, hospital; Clarke Bolrd Shackle ford, 70, hospital, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were Issued to the fol lowing 'couples. John K. Dnrfee. 25, Omaha, and Agnes D. Skamrla, 21, Omaha. ' Phil J. Monhelt. 27, Omaha, and Evalyn Youaen, 20, Omaha. William Clltes, 44, Omaha, and Florence Clltes, 43, Omaha. Earl F. Codv, 91, Long Beach, Cal., and Saltsta B. Thuraton. 30, Omaha. Joseph G. Bauer, 36, Omaha, and Anna . Ward, 26, Milwaukee, Wla. Charles E. Dlgby, 28, Omaha, and Lucy Withers, 22, Omaha. Charles R. Hays, 26, Omaha, and Ther esa Hoyt, 26, Omaha. Edward J. Qulnn, over 21. Omaha, and Mary E. Goodland, over 18, Omaha. Floyd M. Buttery, over 21, Omaha, and Magdalena Wactltla, over 18, Omaha. Dan Mladevlch. 23, Omaha, and Mary Srdonov, 18, Omaha. Leo J. Wardlan, 26, Omaha, and Agnes Boyce, 22, Omaha. William Marshall Jr., 21. Omaha, and Myrtle Falrbrass, 20, Omaha. BUILDING PERMITS. L. Larson, 318 North 3iith Ave., frame duelling, (5,500. Louis Sooboda. 662 South 19th St., trick dwelling, 18,000. Ed P. Bauett, 3618 South 20th St., fnime dwelling. (1,200. T. H. Calhus, 2230 North 68th St., frame dwelling, (3.500. T. H. Calllus, 4609 Fowler Ave., frame duelling. (3,600. C. J. Balser, 429 South 41st St., framo and stucco dwolling, (8,000. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cirs tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY.. PARTY who took seal coat with beaver trimming from home 3822 S. 23rd St. was seen leaving with coat and s known. Return to owner and avoid trouble. LOST Bunch of keys wtth name plate. Return to O. M. Beadle, 4414 S. 20th, and receive reward. LOST Valuable cameo stickpin bet. 8th and Hickory and 6th and Hickory. Re ward. Doug. 0266. LOST Lady's black seal collar on Flor ence road. Reward. Webater 2160. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. V MRS. DYMOND. Swedish masseuse, form erly of Solar Sanitarium, will give trent - ments In home and at her home. D. 8994. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglaa 1C7, Arlington Blk., Omaha, Neb. RENT Hoover vacuum sweeper. Har. 1071. j MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. V-l p;na School for Dancing. 2424 XV.CI"AH1C Farnam. Doug. 7860. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. ' We teach ball room and all kinds of 4kpcy dancing. D. 2681, or H. 2792. ITaNCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN. SEASON, (20. KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. Diamonds. DIAMONDS .hSS. to buy back at small prcnt URoaa JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug las 6049. Dressmaking. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts, jackets re llned, remodeled. Reasonable. H. (804. DRESSMAKING. CALL WAL. 6625. t Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, (1J NevUle Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler lias. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Dong. 9056. Night. Col. 466. Dentists. DR. 8ECOR. 1017 1st flat. Bk. Ty. 2138. Painting and Decorating. PAINTING, papering, reasonable yrlces house painting specialty. Frank Kul. aek, Webater 3021, or Walnut 1427. INTERIOR varnlahinr. decorating. enameling, floors reflnlahed. wall paper cleaned. Tyier isia. Painting, papering, plastering. WaL 4567, Patent Attorneys. JAMES W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney, 1716 Dodge St. kPatent your Invention and aell it to a manufacturer. BRINGING UP COME RIHT BACK HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hemstitching and Pleating;. ACCORDION, aide, knlfm. aunburat box pleating, covered buttons, all alxea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 108 Brown Blk. Douglas 1836. Nebr. Pleating A Button Co., nam St. D. 6670. i8oe Far- Miscellaneous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, aell needlea and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1673, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra- tora, razor oiaaea sola, umana jtazor Sharpening Co., 1622 Vi Dodge. 103 N. 16. OMAHA-PILLOW CO. Feather mattress as made from vour own feathers, aum- mer A winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. BT.LL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can ba purchased at Rlalto Drug Store, 1'B and nnugiss sts., umana, Men. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait at faxton Hat works, 1607 w rarnam Kt. Work guaranteed, v. 93t. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. write for prices, me ensign Co., Jbui Howard St. WEDDING ani.ouncements and prlnllng. Douglas Printing Co. Tel Douglas 644. FULL dreBs suits and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St., John Feldman. D. 3121. CORSETS made to order. Call Webater 6615. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. v. 4397. RENT Hoover vacuum. 81 25. Wal. 1947. Q A T? TTQ BARGAINS, 12th A Farnam. AilO. j. j. Darlght Safe Co. GFT our figures on roofa. North West Ready Hoofing uo., ao:i a. !1. MATTRESSES remade, springs rep. H. 7163 lr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th, D. 628. WEAVING, old ruga remade Tyler 1433. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. WE BUY old and new furniture. We pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co.. web. 3380. 1417 North 24th. FURNITURE fbr sale. Doug. 7047. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. nhdlnmeu.;nc Pianos for rent, 14 per month. NEED the cash, will sell my large beau tiful 6200 manogany pnonograpn, rec ords and needles, only 395. Web. 211. DRUMS traps, marlmbaa, Instructions, re pairing, raone Harney zb(. ueo. a. Smith 2761 Davenport St. BRUNSWICK phonograph, mahogany, $80. Call Apt. 6 or 2 The Newton. Ty. o7. VICTOR vlctrola and 60 records; a snap. 5720 n. letn. coirax 4sza. CABINET grand piano and cluck for sale cheap, bo. 33fe3. ALMOST new Knabe piano. Cheap. Wal. 0271. UPRIGHT piano for aale. Ty. S66. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES v ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and rernired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 3120. 1912 Farnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co.. "all roakea." 206 S 18th St Tyler 2424. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. 320 Neville Bldg. & E.'s; bargains. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 3Hx3H foot platform, also 28-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St, Phone Tyler 1000. GLASS FOR SAL8. SIZES 6x7. 6x8. 6x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS 8ET3, ETC. CALL MR. HADLEY, Tyler 1000. -ENGRAVING DEPT. DIAMONDS On payments to reliable people at reasonable prices. THE DIAMOND SHOP. 602 Securities Bldg. Tyler 3685. GENUINE mink scarf, nearly 2 yards long; never worn, (60; seal scarf and muff, (16 each; also plain and trimmed French seal coats, sacrifice. Mrs. Mc- v Namara. Hotel llarley, 20th and Far nam. IDEAL, No. W. 28-7 hot water boiler. Just , the thing for an apvrtmont house. Prac tically new, with extra set of grates. Cost (674. Will seli for (425. 2701 Leav enworth St. LARGE size hot air furnace, 26-inch fire pot. Big enough to heat store or 6-r. house. Cost new (250. Will aell for (125. Call Mr. Edman, Harney 2406. til' RE and safe Investment, city warrants to pay you 10 per cent Interest, (100, (600 and (1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon 517 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. WE buy. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 3. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. NEW black lynx scarf, 72 Inches long. Price (150. Bargain. Can b seen at 418 Securities Bldg., Doug. 6347. FOR SALE 2 tubulai boilers. 16x5 and 6x3. Beth In excellent condltlf n. Call Douglas 6808. Mr. Downs. FOR SALE Used furnace, good condi tion, 24-Inch tire pot. Phone , Walnut 1556. 4917 Burt St. RUMMAGE sale Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 622 South 13th St. Clothing of all kinds. FOR SALE aod slzd n-friirrator, opal lined, practically new. Call Walnut 0070. SEVERAL office desks and chairs, good condition, 2566 Farnam St. Har. 0210. ONE Cahner doughnut machine, complete, very cheap for cash.. Doug. 666 ELECTRIC washing machine, practically new. (75 cash. S24 N. 17th St ALFALFA hay In atack. On Ordge street road. C. W. Sears, Doug. 80S1. HAND-PICKED Jonathan apples for sale, (2.50 per bu. Colfax 2894. TAUPE fox set for sale. Call Doug. 17(7. Room 217. GCOD motorbca'., 7764. can use on river. Dg. 2D-HAND lumber. 1826 N. Hat, Web. 459. LAWN manure for sale. Wsl. 1516. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED to borrow. (TOO or (80 on Stearns Knight touring car n A-l con dition. Box R-3T, Omaha Bee, FATHER- WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; usd desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reea, 1207 Farnam. u. nit. WILL buy aecond.hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 26s. a. zavett. ?ue n. iv. LIBERTY bonds bought. Macka Bond House, 1421 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED By man and wife, to take charge of well stocked farm, one that will produce feed for stock. Everything furnished, prefer percentage of Increase Instead of salary. Am thoroughly ex perienced. Reference furnished. Make me an offer. Am 38 years of age. Ad dress Box 662, Cheyenne, Wyo. WANTED By well educated young man. a position as companion or valet for a responsible party; am zo years or age, single, nnd well acquainted with all . make of car. I am willing to travel If desired. Call Walnut 0839. Female. YOUNG woman wishes steady position as housekeeper in bachelor's or widower's Home. Phone 360-w. or address Mrs. L. Meston, Plattsmouth, Nob., care F. Payn. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domeatlo column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always aavertired. Don't miss them. Laundry and ' Day Work BUNDLE washing called for or discount If del. Roughdry or finished, web. BUI DAYwork, bundle washing; experienced, eC W ir.08. 4- DAY WORK, bundle washing. Webster 3361. COL. laundress wants day work. Web. 3101. SMALL bundle washings wanted. H. 7320, HALF days, cooking, cleaning. Web. 1343, Day work by hour, reliable, sol Dg. 1132. DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 612. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web 6216 WOOL blankets, lace curtains. H. 1130. BUNDLE washing. Webster 1319. HALF days, by the week. Web. 4505. COLORED girl wants day work. Web. 5442, DAY work, laundry, exp. Weo 1306. DAY work, with ref. Web. 6004. I'AY work, exp. Tyler 043 3. DAY work. Tyler 0413. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTI3D Price clerks for billing depart ment. Must be experienced 'n plumbing and heating lines. If looking for a per manent change with an up-to-date Job bing house, write Leighton Supply Co., Fort Dodge, la. ACCOUNTANT; (160, (160; office clerks. 186. lion; steno.. 6125. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANT some married man or woman to sell popcorn evenings. Good pay. Write for Interview. Lock box 66. WANTED An experienced drug clerk. at. Joseph Drug Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. Professions and Trades. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and capable packing house cooper. Steady Job and permanent connection guaran teed for the right partv. Must be In dustrious, sober and a man who is look ing for a permanent connection. Ad dress Box Y1316, Omaha Bee. WANTED FIRST CLASS COMPOSITOR, ABLE TO HANDLE JOB AND CATA LOG WORK. STEADY POSITION, PREVAILING WAGES, 48 HOURS, NON-UNION. ADDRESS R-39, OMAHA BEE. YOUNG men, study law. Eve. downtown sessions, univer. of umana Law uepi. Thorough course; nominal tuition. See. 404 Omaha National Bldg. FIREMAN WANTED Stationary engine at pumping plant, naturooutn water Co., Plattsmouth, Neb.-- WANTED Young man for clothing and Island, Neb. WANTED First clasa auto trimmer. Coli seum Motor company, Casper, Wyoming. WANTED Good Job printer, permanent. Monarch printing Co., council uiuira. Moler Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. Cataloj Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Four reliable, high- grade, topnotch salesmen at once. Live leads furnished. Easy propo sition to handle. You QUALIFY your prospects ONLY, our mana gers CLOSE the sales. If you make less than $10,000 to $25,000 yearly, you can't stay on the sales force. Our best men are making as high as $50,000 yearly. This is not a stock, bond, leasing or pro motion proposition. It's a perma nent connection, and unless you can show a clean character and a successful selling record, do not apply. Suite 1123-24, First Nation al Bank Bldg. . WANTED Experienced' tire sales men with executive ability, capable of being promoted td manager of branch stores. . State briefly your experience, whether married or single, what , part of the country you are most familiar with, sal r.iy wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present em ployers; also the class of trade. Only tried and producing sales men need app!y. Box Y-1296, Omaha Bee. '. LARGE educational Institution needs im mediate services of high class salesman on proposition good for aeven to ten thousand dollars a year. Man eelectcd will be given Individual tranlng In the field by aeasoned aaleaman. Expenses training period advanced. An excep tional opportunity for a clean-cut ag gressive salesman. Call Room 127, Hotel Fontenelle, 7 to 8:30 Wednesday evening or write Box 0-38, Omaha Bee, for week end appointment. SALESMEN wanted by active producing oil company; etrong co-operation, some leads furnished. No advance made. We want clean cut men who can sell m clean rut proposition, truthfully and on Its - merit In the atate of Iowa. 138. 240 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. SALESMEN High pressure men required for sale clean proposition; ' responsible house; perfect co-operation; no etocks. Address Sales Manager, 927 South Hen derson, Fort Worth, Texua, ! HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED A live sideline salesman call ing on confectioners, caws stands drug stores, etc.,- In Kansas City, Omaha or Des Moines territories, to handle a new staple "nickel" seller, big repeater. M. J. Gandolfo, 607 Jackson St., Hloux C-.y, la. SPECIALTY salesmen in silverware, ruga and blankets; can use couple of good men, out-of-town work. F. C. Adams Co., 623 South 16th St. SALESMAN An organizer tor state 01 Nebraska; specialty line, well adver tlsed. Box 1304, Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. COLLECTION . CLERK WANTED, 26 YEARS OLD. EXPERIENCED. CAPA BLE OP HANDL1NO CORRESPOND ENCE THAT BRINGS RESULTS, AND GOOD AT FIGURING,, ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS. GOODYEAR TIRE As RUBBER CO., 9TH AND DODGE. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS WANTED. To haul coal And building material. Call Walnut 0301. UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO., Math and Dodge. TRUCK DRIVER wanted at once, steady work and good wages lor man who Is willing worker. Must know city well. Apply today. GORDON-LAWLESS CO 8 th and Dodge. Boys. WANTED OFFICE BOYS. Fine- opportunities for boya who can attend to business. - Clever youngsters will find experience here equal to busi ness education. Good pay. Apply general manager s office. s 4th floor, BRANDEIS STORES. , BRIGHT BOY WANTED. ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, FOR BANK WORK. CALL SOUTH 4780 OR DOUG. 226. WANTED YOUNG MAN OVER 16 YEARS AS MESSENGER AND TO LEARN TRADE; WHEEL OWNER PREFERRED. M. F. SHAFER A CO., 17TH AND WEBSTER STS. BOY wanted for errand and general office work. Opportunity for advancement 210 city mat i joana jpiog. Miscellaneous. WANTED STONEMAN OR LOCKUP FOR AMU UILlflUfcno, MUST BE ABLE TO HANDLE ALL CLASSES OF WORK; STEADY POSI TION; PREVAILING WAGES; IDEAL CONDITIONS; 48 HOURS; NON-UNION. ADDRESS R-38. OMAHA BEE. WANTED Forty corn pickers to start worK at once; win pay i v' o .i,. nnA Arn HI. P. Reeves. (joumy Agent, auuuwu, i.. MAN and wife to work on farm. Box Y-1318, omana nets. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young lady students to enroll In our snort courses in stenography, typewriting, operation of comptometer and higher accounting. Day and night classes. Individual Instruction. Position secured for every graduate. Call and ...... n tal.nhAr. .(1,1,1 7 1 1 Pi DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Second Floor weaa mag., isia rarom GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, DooKKeeping, etc.; persona, in struction enables you to tinlah quickly; STENOGRAPHER and sect., splendid firm, (160. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. OUNG lady wanted to work Ir, storo. No experience required. snerman-Mecon-riell Drug Co. 16th Harney Sts. WANTED Young lady of good appearance for Jewelry store; spienaia opportunity. Call Tyler 36go. OFFICE clerk wanted. Bradstreet Co., Baker-Corey-McKenzle Bldg., 4tn iioor. Professions and Trades. 1 ! GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? . Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today. Good Wages are paid, meals are furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished exclusively for the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. . Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. " TWO GIRLS WANTED FOR CANDY FACTORY. ONE BON BON DIPPER. ONE CHOCOLATE DIPPER. PERMANENT POSITIONS. APPLY SUPT.. BALCONY, BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED MACHINE GIRLS. STANDARD LAUNDRY, 2405 NO. 24TH. WEBSTER 0130. Household and Domestic. WANTED Middle aged woman for house keeper on farm, must be neat, no ob jection to one child. Must furnish best references. Box Y1217, Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework. In email family; good wagus and good home. ' Mrs. Toby Jarotw, Harney 80M. WANTED Maid for general housework; two in family: small apartment. Ap ply 626 So. list 8t, Apt. 22, Phone Harney 7067. , WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework. 2 In family, no wash ing, good wages. Har. 4042. 1320 So. 34th St. WANTED A houaekeeper on farm, atate wages. H. C. Baralman, Oakdale, Nab. SEE J1CG3 AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. MAID for general housework; permanent place for right party. Mrs. Chan. Mc Monies. 1610 S. 36th St. Har. 6470. WANTED A young girl or middle-aged woman to assist with housework; 'good home for right party.. Har. 4061. WANTED Competent whlti maid for general housework, 2 In f.HHily; small house, rnone jiarney en NEAT white girl for general housework No laundry work. N. C. Leary, 1304 S, 35th St. Har. 2290. WANTED White - reliable cook. Refer. ences required. Mrs. Arthur Storx, 315 S. 64th St. Wal. 331b. WANTED Girl for general housework, 1 In family, no children, good wages, call walnut zscti. WANTED Exoerlenced girl for second work. Mrs. Joseph, Barker, 426 No. 36th Bt. Har. vvn. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Airs. Aner. tit jaarney du rnuuo nir ney ansa. MAID wanted for general housework. Mrs Geo. T; Porter, 3625 Lincoln Blvd. wal liut 2829. WHITE girl fur general housework. Mrs, F. L. Devereux. 1706 So. 32d Ave. Har. ney 670. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by young man on farm. State wages wanted. Box Y-1309, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED child's nurse. Mrs. F. L. Devereux. 1706 So. 32d Ave. Harney 670, WANTED Girl to assist general housework. No washing, wainutsidj. EXPERIENCED- child's nurse. Mrs. K, H. Patterson, 127 No. 40th St. Har. 387 WANTED White laundress for Monday and Tuesday. 3709 Jonea. Har. 0672. W'IDOW to keep house on farm for two brothers. Box Y-1319. umana Bee. WANTED A white girl for second work, Telephone Harney 69 Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED. MESS HOUSE COOK, WHITE, i 'V. K. RANCH," SHERIDAN, WYO. SEE JOSEPH BARKER. 207-11 S. 19TH ST. DOUG. 1350, WANTED Glrla to wait on tables. Hen- shaw Valley of Sweets, 1 but rarnam. FLOOR maid wanted. White. Clarkson hospital. Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for tha benefit ex ousinesa gins, ooa -,- DOUglaS 6692. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED ' 15 GIRLS . AND 15 YOUNG MEN AS DANCING INSTRUCTORS. APPLY JACK CONNORS, AT EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. WANTED Men, ladies and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea wnue learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge HI. Tn-city carper uouege. EDUCATIONAL. T1AV SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete .courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, snonnanu and- typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large illustrated catalog. Aaaress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of B'isliesj Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bids Douclas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Restaurant in good location. first-class place and good Business. Worth (2,000. On account of other busl nrss wilt take (1,200, (500 down, balance (25 per frreek. Box X-8, Umana Bee FOR SALE UD-to-date cafe, new fix lures, aoing goou DUBiness, idwd ui v good reason for selling. W. O. Feck ' Gerlng, Neb. MOVIE THEATER Iowa, good lo.atlon, town 4,500, seating 500; one otner movie In town. Address Box Y 1301 Omaha Bee. TO GET In or out of business, aee LEWIS Co.r 411 Mccague mg. Rooming Houses. SEVEN-ROOM flat, steam heated, electrle lights, nicely furnished; can' ne usea ior home or roomers. Bargain. Am leaving city. 616 S. 16th St, Apt 2, Phone Tyler 3440. ELEVEN-ROOM, modern rooming house, . . , . . - n . n .1 A YXTl.-fa at oargain. ei.'.ov ivuu wvw..:.. Tyler 6318. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, ANU AOK. RJBUUl' uui BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK READERS AND ADVERTISERS LARGE room, good location, family of 2, . , . , l L. . M n.hA- iiome privileges w niiiv roomers. Breakfast If desired. Gentle men only. Refs. Walking dlst H. 4100. SINGLE and double rooms for men only; steam heat, running hot and cold wa ter: within walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st St. Doug. 6644. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam dis trict. Phone Harney 6676. VERY nice comfortable room, all conven iences, close to Crelghton College, gen tleman. Dg. 2781. 3 LARGE rooms furniahed or unfurnished, alrglo or together, 1 blk. to car. Web. 0611. NICE modern room for two. Gentlemen preferred, reasonable. 2508 Capitol Ave. Dg. 6408. LARGE well furnished room for gentle men, very large closet. Douglas 8144. FURNISHED rocm for rant. Har. 1281. 1045 So. 29th St. Gentlemen preferred. LARGE, well-furnished room for 2 gen tlemen, very large closat. Tyler 2660. ROOM and board, 1822 Webster, three blocks from Webster street station. NICELY furnished room, modern hoie for one or two gentlemen. Har. 1674. ROOM for two nurjes; house privileges. Nuraes' club registry. Har. 1473. FURNISHED room In all modern, private home. 5663 Ohio. Walnut 4918. ROOM for 2 young ladles employed; also canaries for sale. Harney 6198. STEAM HEATED ROOM WITH RUN NING WATER. 2474 HARNEY. FURNISHED room for rent, close In. Call Tyler 6080. 2219 8t. Marys Ave. 2211 DOUGLAS, well furnished rooms, (2 up. Good heat. Call Dg. 8762. NICELY furniahed room, private family for 2 gentlemen. Har. 3576. LARGE and small furnished front rooms. 1(29 Capitol avp. Ty. 4969. 3 NEATLY furnished rooms, use of living room, modern. Cel. 3699. EXCLUSIVE room, gentleman. 6491. Harney BEAUTIFUL large room alcove. Dg. (141 lHT nKIUM .gt(iveti iHGt FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SLEEPING room with porch. II. 3676. ROOM for rent. South 1494. Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to reaoectable people: walking distance. 1717 Burt St. Dg. 8144. 81C SO. 23D. 3 light houtekeeulng rocms, Newly furniahed. No objection to chil dren. FOUR large housekeeping rooms, every thing furnished A 1503 Binney St., Web, 3269. v HOUSEKEEPING suite, two modern rooms. 911 S. 21st 8t. Doug. 7(50. 1643 N. 16TH ST. Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Webster 802. 1914 WEBSTER. Housekeeping rooms for oacneior. a wreK, ga rurn.sned. 3 LARGE light, warm, rooms tor house keeping. 1309 8o. 32nd St. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, 2d floor, basement room. ' Harney 0604, NICE rooms for housekeeping; every thing complete. Webster 1609. 2222 FARNAM SUITE KEEPING ROOMS. OF HOUSE- 911 SO. 20TH ST. Housekeeping rooms Call Douglas 7650. LARGE basement Doug. 6349. housekeeping room. 712. NORTH 19th St. Housekeeping rooms. Tyler 4328. HOUSEKEEPING rm., furnace ht. D. 8144. Board and Rooms. EOARD. room to married couple or 1 persons employed, very desirable rorm . Modern, respectable district, home priv ileges, home cooking, Web. 1166. HAN8COM PARK DISTRICT Room with breakfast and dinner private home, reference required. Call Har. 6106. LARGE, nicely furnished room; good board; suitable for 2 gentlemen or cou ple employed. In private family. Har ney 1166. WANTED Two men of good habits t, room with private family; oreakfast If desired. 3203 Corby St., call Web, 4131. BOARD and room for gentlemen, con venient to 2 car lines. Modern, private home. Har 7021. NICELY furniahed room, private nome. north side. Married couple employed. Col. 3216. HOME privileges for two young gentle men in private family. Col. 627. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large rooms newly decorated, steaim heat, 1309 So. 32nd Bt. Har. 6030. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. CALL TYLER 2058. TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, can Ty. zo&8. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. WILL lease for 6 months my elegant 8- room home, uniurnisned. ah modern conveniences. Beautifully located over. looking Bemls park. References re quired. Box R-3, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT In Bellevue, 10-room home with garage, hen house and tennla ground, 1 y, acres with fruit and shade. possession at once. coirax Viiv. 1410 NORTH 17th St., 3-room flat, price n.o. S. P. BOSTWICK. 400 Peters Trust Bldg. FOR RENT (-room, all modern home. (60 per month. Call Colfax 0176. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS Furnished. IF YOU need a dandy little furnished apt. close in, in nign class apt. oidg., for (95 per mo., call Wal. 6168 or Col. 1835. after 7 p. m. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE BLACKSTONE. HARNEY 945. Unfurnished. (APARTMENT FOR RENT Several more of the beautiful new, apartments In the Mount Ver non, list and Dewey avenue, are now ready for occupancy by those desiring something exceptionally choice. Price (120 and (140 per month. Maid's room In building. Steam heated garages if desired. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, . Tyler (44. 17th and Farnam Sts. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest ,Ex- elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. -ROOM flat, heat, water and janitor serv ice furnished; Immediate possession; close to school and car; Weat Farnam District Most rental (112.60. J. L. HIATT CO., Tyler 0068. 900 First Nat'l Bank. FOR RENT Business Property. READ THIS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get a good-paying business, one of the most up-to-date confectioneries In Omaha; long-time lease, low rent; own er has business out of Omaha; will con alder real estate In exchange or one half cash, balance terms. Price (15,000. This Is a going business, first-class In every respect, and will stand tha cloaest Investigation. If you have money or good real estate, address Box O-20, Omaha Bee. EXCELLENT store room for rent,' 203 South 19th street, aee roster-Banter Company, 209 South 19th street, tele phone uougiaa iio, OR RENT Excellent new store building in Mitchell, 8. D. One of the bent lo cations In the state. N. E. Logan Mit chell, S. D. , WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD STOR AGE. HARTUNO B IHANMSR Wf TYLER 1976 or WEB. 6226. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automooues. Watch this column, as It will keep ycu Informed where we are maklrg carload shipments to. If you are shipping to any of the eltlei represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our ratee, as It Is likely that our through rate Is less thsn the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload serv ice. " Today we are accepting shipments for tha following cities: Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angel's Cal. Oakland, Cal. San Francisco, Cat Chicago. 111. r'.iiimhu. n GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO.. 219 N: 11th St Phone Douglas 394. Omaha. Nefc MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAKiiuuo. , Separate locked rooms for houaeho.fl goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. - OMAHA VAN IAD BTUKAUli .J; 106 South r Dour. 4! Sour. 411. Drawn for The Bee by McMamu. Copyright 1U20 International Newt Service. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. AND VAN STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE v RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglaa 281. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400. GLOBS VAN. TRANSFER AND 8TORAOE CO. v For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4331. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. (90S. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MIXED grain (3.50 per hundred delivered A. W. Wagoner, 810 N. 16th. D. 1142. FERRETS for sale, write H. R. Peck. 601 Southeast 6th St.. Des Moines. la. Roller, Harts mountain canarlea, Wal. 0617. Young thoroughbred Beaton ten'lor. f . 0270 ! OR aale, 4 Airedale puppies. Col. 1,770. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and leather collars, 35 per cent discount. Write for free price Hat. Deak No. (, Mid West Harness. 706 No. 16th St. PAIR of marea. weight 2C00 lbs. 7 and ears old, sound. 2109 No. 24th St. Web. HAY, (18 per ton delivered. A. W. Wag, ner, sol N. lotn St. uougias litz. 2 SINGLE barneases, one top buggy. 2109 r.o. 24tn. weD. 288. 1 LIGHT double harness, 21u9 No. 24th St. Web. 2883. ONE four-year-old mare, 2109 No. 24th bt. wen. zs3. . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. Cadillac 57 tourinR; being painted; in perfect condition. Buick 4S-K touring; good paint and tires. A dandy good car, not used much. Dodge touring; in : good mechanical condi tion;" tires and paint fair. Hudson Super Six touring; in good condi tion throughout. Velie touring; wire ' wheels; good paint and tires. A good little car for the money. Studebaker touring; new paint; in good me chanical condition and tires fair. Overland coupe. A nice little car for cold v weather. Runs well and has . good tires; paint very good. Paterson 1920 touring. New car. High grade light six at a bargain. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26th Harney 0710. AUTOMOBILE WANTED 40 shares Basket Stores Company preferred 7 per cent participating stock for high-grade touring or closed car; inuai ue in iirac-ciass conamon. THE INTER-STATE COMPANY, 219-220 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Tyler 1360. HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING. We are showing two fine Super Six touring cars which have been exchanged on enclosed models. Both these cars are current models and carry our regu lar new car guarantee. Thla Is a chance to get a Super Six at a big saving and still be protected -by a new car guar antee, isee mem tonay. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam. Douglas 1910. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Iach is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. CLOSED CAR WANTED Will exchange (0 acres Colorado agri cultural land for standard make car. Will give liberal exchange. Land priced worth the money at (100 ner acre. Will not consider any old or run-down car. Call Tyler 1360. HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN. We are showing a beautiful Super Six aedan which will not be here long at the price we ask. It Is In excellent condition throughout and we will guar antee It In every way. Good sedans are hard to find so see this ons with out delay. GUY L. SMITH. 2th and Farnam. v Douglaa 1970 DENBY truck, 2-ton, slightly burned. 2(61 Farnam St. Harney Oetl AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ' FORD TRUCK If you want tha best Ford truck In Omaha for tha money, phona , Tylai NEBRASKA WHITFJ TRUCK CO, 1411 Canitol Ava. FORDS, BUICKS. DODGES. NEW AND USED CARS. WINTER TOPS FORD BODIES. CASH OR TERMS. GOLDSTRUM AUTO BAT.Efl CO. 1318 HARNET. TYLER 714. A FEW GOOD BARGAINS. Apperaon 17-6 chummy. Apperaon 17-8 7-passanger. . Auburn almost new, equippea wHl cord tlrea and wire wheels. 1Q1T Ntearna A-l machanlcatlv. APPERSON NEBRASKA MOTOR CO.. 2526 Dodge St. 'jyier at. We have some splendid 19H newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buj it. . Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. (36 WILL rent space for your car until March 1, 1921, at 1601 Marcy St., Har tung's Transfer Co., Tyler 1976. FOR SALE Late 1919 Oldamoblle truck, electrlo lights, self-starter, equipped with grain body, A-l condition and good tires. This is a snap for someone. Box Y-1116, Omaha Bee. USED CARS. 8ee ui before you buy. Immediate de livery. . ' TRAWVER AUTO CO. 2210 Farnam. 2tt OR 1-ton dump body and Uood'i Hoist for sale at bargain. Hartung'i Transfer Co.. 1601 Marcy Bt., Tyler 1976. SOME bargain In used Ford cars Me Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford . Service Station. 16th and Jockson. Doug, las 3500. FIVE-PASSENGER touring, good tlrea new top, new paint, fine running -ir" aa (260. See car at 422 So. 16th, WUr-Tl DICKSON & Nevman build garages, driveways, sidewalks snd do genersl re pair work. Phone South 1794 or So. 1761. FORDS, DODGES, BUICK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL 8. (99. O'ROURKB AUTO CO.. 1701 8. 24th Bt. WANTED For spot caah. 100 jaed cara quick action; no delay. Auto Exchanga Co., 2069 Farnam St. Douglaa 60?5 THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 20th Harney Sts. . WE have 60 good used cars to el from. All prices. MEEK8 AUTO CO., 2026 Farnam, 1920 FORD touring car, Just like new, New tires. Perefect condition. Cash or payments. Tyler 6104. TOURING car under (300; good tlrea; starter and lights; muat be sold b Friday. Colfax 4504. 1919 Willys Six, Redfleld Continental mo tor; guarantee car In perfect shape. (560. Tyler 3082. i B i ft vnon . . . - - v - u.ii. ,r,ia,i, uwiwi (juiiuiuun. kdod .- tires, etc. Cheap. Cash or terms. Ty.,.eSVi AUTO painting. 2768 Burt. Harney 661f Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, FIRST-CLASS. SOxS t 1.96 I 32x3 (14.91 80x3 11.95 I (3x4 20.91 36x4 20.95 I 84x4 20.91 Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes. (2.60, KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING. NEW TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 40x3 $ (.75 I 33x4 (19.21 30x3 11.90 33x4 19.66 33x1...,... 14.(0 I (4x4 20.01 7 Mall orders filled. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 16THST. WE SAVE YOU IS out of every (10 on auto Insurance Phone Douglas 7766. (It Feterj Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. Accessories. - AUTO TIRE REPAIRING. VULCANIZERS. SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. Sectional molds, half circle molds, treading moms, truck molds. Machine skived shoes and rellners, cord and fabric Job lots first and second tires; odd size tires; self-curing tubes snd suto toD patching. 5,000 10x3 N. a Fidelity fresh firsts, wraDDed. 60 off Goodrich list. 3,000 tubes, (2.00; second hand equipment; assorted sixes. 20.000 Blowout Patches, (22.50 hundred. 600 Reteread Bands, assorted sizes, (3 each. 1,000 First Rellners, (2; second hand equipment; asorted sizes. EVERYTHING FOR THE VULCANIZ ING TRADE. Out-of-town Dealers write' VULCANIZERS SUPPLY CO. 2(11 FARNAM St.. Omaha. Neb.. Har ney 6833. , USED TIRES. 30x3. (5.00: 30x3tt. (4.00. All sixes in proportion. Look over ou rebullts. Open Sundays. Tyler Z966. SAVIGE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shol FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maiasnock, 1514 Dodge, u. toil u.a. is OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 271 S, PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to 110.000 made rromDtlv. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. 310 8. 18th , PRIVATE MONEY. 8HOPEN A COMPANY, Doug. 422 PROMPT service, reasonable rates. Drlv money. Garvin ros. 346 umana r', MORTGAGES and contraota bought. I Balrd Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. NOTES TO YIELD 23 PER CENT Two notes of (1.000 snd (1,60 spectlvely. drawing 6 per cent Interest! will discount 16 per cent, as must have cash to meet obligations. This paper la due In about months and la gilt edge, given by farmers on farm land deals. Do not hesitate to Investigate this security. Box 0-86, Omaha Bee. FARM LANDS. Fori Rent FARM FOR RENT. (20 acres, 31 miles southwest of Oma ha, 7 mill's northseat of Aahland. About 70 acrea in cultivation. 130 acres of pas ture and 320 acres of hay land. Will rent part If party does not deelre all the hay land. Also 240 acrea grain farm, near Council Bluffa, la. J. C. BONE, Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone 2735. Grand Hotel. Colorado Lands. 160 ACRES Burlington, Colo., (500 down or will take Omaha property, coiiax ais. Nebraska Lands. Owner Says to Sell 8eventy-two-acre farm. 4 mllei north of Florence, 45 acres rolling land, partly covered with timber, balance bot tom land. Five-room house. 309 bearing apple trees, enough tlmbe- to more thin pay for the place. 'Would make a fine poul try, fruit or stock farm or a beautiful country home. Price la cut to (4,600 tf sold this week. Can arrange terms, you will have to act quick it ycu gel this farm. Weeth & Herron Co., 2414 Ames. Ave. Colfax 092(, GRAIN AND STOCK FARM v Well Improved, all tillable. 240 acres only 40 minutes by auto from Omaha P. O. 1 hour by truck to So. Omaha stock yards. Close to Ry. towns, good locality and a fine plsce for a real farmer. Owner will take small tm or city property as part payment. T priced right and less than adjoining land. Terms. W. T. GRAHAM 704 Peters Trust Bldg 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land, 136 to (36 an acre In half section lots U. 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. IIS City National Bank Bids. 'A is--. .'4 - . ..J J .' V,V; v..V.V,'.V- rV4aXA Uiil 4 f j-'ii-r r-;yi.e;' ,'"Va'-,eo."Wi''S-iM-rft rVt"w, - '