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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1920)
Irish Homance f Comes to Light r In Cork Prison Death " of Hunger Striker Shows Loyalty of Fiancee , Claimant of American Citi- xenship Near Death. ' III '' By JOHN jLESTER. Vw York HmM-C'hlour Tribune Cable. loprrignt, iwiu. Cork, Ireland, Oct. 19.-lVhile strong military forces held the ap proaches to Cork prison Monday .several of the officers inspected the body of Michael Pitigerald, arid then gave permission for burial of the dead hunger striker. Tomorrow these same officers will coastitute a court of inquiry into the death in lieu of prohibited coroner's inouest J-Owing to tlie grave condition of the other hunger strikers the prison chaplain remained at his post all night. This morning it was stated that Joseph Murphy, who claimed to be an American citisen, was not ex pected to live 24 hours. i-. During Fittgerald's last hour yes terday, the priest, Puns and relatives Vere grouped around his bedside and just before the end relatives of pther hunger strikers joined them in jtrayer. When death came a nun led the others in De Profundi's. vVith the announcement of the death of Fitzgerald there came to light a romance' which wdfild have resulted in the . marriage of Fitz , tferald on his deathbed if permission could have been obtained to hold the '.ceremony. . A constant attendant on Fitzgerald since he began his hunger strike was Miss London oi rormoy. 3 he was supposed to have been his sister, but as it turns out she was Jhis fiancee. Miss Condon nursed te prisoner devdtedly night and day. 51 A week ago Fitzgerald expressed si desire that he be married to Miss Condon befdre he died. He said he felt that death was ntar. Miss Con don consented, but permission was Refused to the prison chaplain to perform the ceremony. , ff The biship 'of Cork was appealed It, and he is said to have authorized another priest to perform the mar riage ceremony. It is asserted that jwhen the prison authorities leirrted oi this plan they issued a warning ?that if it was carried out all visitors would be excluded from the jail in the future. Accordingly the plan was dropped. Fitzgerald had served IS months ia prison; for three months he r.aa keen in the same jail in . which he ADVERTISEMENT ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP WITH SULPHUR , n , Arty breaking out of Jhe skin, even tifiery, itching eczema, can be quickly a ? overcome by , applying a little Men v Iho-Sulphur, gays a noted skin spec ialist Because jf its feerm destrov- 1 1ng properties, this sujphur prepara tion instantly brings ease from skin j Irritation, soothes and heals the ! iczema right up and leaves the skin j; tlear and smooth. 3 , It seldom fails to relieve the tor-'j-tnent and disfigurement. Sufferers f from skin trouble should get a little Har of Mentho-Sulphur from any food druggist and use it like a cold tream. . t ,v. I- LJ iiiiBiliiii." ...Jl lied in solitaiy confinment. He had been out of the prison oily a fort right when he was reartrsted. Ho is said to have been the command ant of the First battalion of the Second Cork brigade of Irish volun teers. The treatment of Murphy gave ihe physicians their first opportunity to make a thorough examinaron ot any of the hunger strikers. "The emanci pation of Murphy is simply awful they said. "He is literal'v nothing but skin and bones. His abdomen i so shrunken that it is only a hollow Poles Given Note By-vAUied Powers Memorandum Declares Occu pation of Vilna Is Contrary , To Armistice. London, Oct. 19. A note with re gard to the Vilna situation was handed to the Polish government Sunday by the French and British representatives in Warsaw, acting simultaneously. The note declared the allied governments considered the occupation of Vilna contrary to .1. . '.1. T M ine armistice wun nnuania con cluded, through the mediation of the league of nations, and contrary to the assurances given by Poland td the allies and the league of nations. Ihe note is friendly, but firm in tone. Both the governments expressed the opinion that Poland should com pletely disavow General Zel!g6uski's action and thus give satisfaction to the league of nations, whose authori ty, it was pointed out. had been shaken. The. note said if the situ ation were not quickly cleared uo, the British and French governments would have to consider what further line of action might be necessary. Harding Spends Day At His Home Resting Marion. O.. Oct. 19. Senator Harding had today his first real respite from campaigning in several weeks. No speeches were On his pro gram, and although he had several conferences and considerable corre spondence before him, he hoped to get away early for a ride and, if pos sible, a game of golf. Ihe front porch campaign virtual ly ended yesterday with a speech to first voters. . Tomorrow at 7 a. m. he will leave on his last campaign trip outside the state, carrying him to Rochester and Buffalo, M. y. Mexican Industries Are Menaced by Miners1, Strike Mexico City, Oct. 19. A strike f 12,000 coal miners in the state of Coahuila has assumed such grave aspects that Provisional President la Huerta is making determined efforts to effect a speedy compro mise. nless an agreement is reached by Wednesday, it is reported, many smelters and other industries will close down because of lack of fuel. This would throw more than 100,000 men out of work. The strikers de mand a large wage increase and bet ter working conditions. Prominent Iowa Man Will , Fight for Lake Waterway Des Moines, Oct. 19. John Wal lace of Wallace's Farmer; J. H. McCord, president of the Iowa Chamber of Commerce,- and several other prominent Iowans are ex pected to be in New York, October 21, 22, o help in the fight to remove opposition by the New York busi ness men against the proposed great 1 lakes-St. Lawrence waterway project. i. ; brings Lack tKe friendly dlass? Puritij, foo&value and satisfaction in everij bottle! ) , Known everywhere -Buy it M y- -' hu the case for your home. " Anheuser-Busch . St. Louis League Letters Put in Record at Campaign Probe Senate Committee Informei By Attorney That Peace Body Officials Probably Violated' Logan Act. St. 'Louis. Oct. 19. Scores of let ters from the files of the league to enforce peace, of which William Howard faff is president, were in troduced in the record of the senate committee investigating campaign expenditures here .Monday. .Names of a number of prominent New York bankers were mentioned ri the cor responf'ence. Dom H. Hunt, attorney for the committee, who investigated the ac tivities of the league, reported that "in my estimation." officials of the league have violated the i.ogau act, passed January 30, 1899, which pro hibits American citizens carrying On negotiations with foreign govern' ments or their agents regarding dis' ptites or controversies without the permission of the United States. The ct carries a penalty upen convic tion of fines of not more than $5,000 and imprisonment ct Jrom , six months to three years." Five-Day Probe. The senate committee sent Hunt to New York several days ago to investigate ine activities oi ine League to Enforce Peace. Hunt conducted an inquiry for 'e days in the league's offices there, read all the correspondence in its files and examined employes and officers of the organization. His report, a voluminous docu ment, embracing ' copies 'Of all let ters which he thought had a bearing on the campaign expenditures in vestigation, was presented today. Ask Campaign Reports. The. senate committee met here Monday to complete its investiga tion of the preconvention campaign in Missouri and adjourned to meet again some time alter the election. Before adjourning, telegrams were dispatched to the chairmen of the republican and democratic national, senatorial and congressional com mitjes, directing t!iem to file com plete statements of their receipts, ex- enditures and pledges at Chicago qn Thursday. October 28. The reports will be made public at tha' time. Ihe report ot Mr. Hunts inves- igation of the league to enforce peace proved the sensation of the day. Dozens of confidential letters etween Mr. Talt. George W. Wick- ersham, Theodore Marburg and others were given. In his summary Mr. Hunt said that Herbert H Houston testified efore the committee that he had talked to the German chancel lor: Lord Robert Cecil, and David Lloyd George in regard to the UnitCTl Mate entering the league of nations and Edward A, Filene of Boston, who has been abroad on a similar mission is now "in Germany, on a mission to get Germany into the league." Keeps Wickersham Letters. Mr. Hunt also reported that Will iam. H. Short, secretary v,of the league, took from the fifes certain letters ( between Mr. Short and George W. Wickersham in .which Mr. Short proposed a campaign in the interest of Governor Cox, and Mr. Wickersham "agreed ia part." Mr. Short refused to give, up the letters, the report states! on , the ground they were personal.,! j The Hunt report said that the League to Enforce Peace spent $2,500 to finance a letter sent by Samuel Gompers to 50,000 local unions, asking the union members to THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1920. bring pressure to bear on senators to have them vote for the lesgue of nations. , Hitchcock t Matting. A conldentisl letter from Mr, Short to President Taft on July 8, lviy, says that -senator Hitchcock democratic leader in the fight for the league of nations, was present at a conference with Samuel Uompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, when plans wer made to have labor unions bombard senators with picas for ratification of the treaty and league covenant. The let ter says in part: "You will be interested to know the results of a conference I had in Washington last , VVednesJay with Mr. Gompers with reference to bringing to bear the full power of organized labor on the senate. Sen ator Hitchcock was present and fully concurred in what was agteed upon, ' Chicago Police Head To Tear Department Open In Booze Probe Chicago. Oct. 19. Chief of Police Garrity last night called a meeting of all police department heads for today when he said he would make disclosures bearing on the liquor in vestigation which will "tear the de partment wide open." "I have learned that certain cap- !.. : i 'J..: . l men to guard ,whisky shipments," he said. "My investigators have ob tained affidavits from policemen and others involving whole police sta tions in the whisky traffic- "In addition to affidavits there is a great deal of hearsay information, which if proven may involve still Others." The affidavits will be shown l to day's meeting of captains, the enfef said. His statement last night came as a complete surprise, police of ficials said. - - Estimate 60,000 Men Out of Work in Detroit Chicago TrlbuD-Omaha Dm laed WIN. Dstrfiit. Oct. 19. Mayor James Couzens today issued an open letter to the board of commerce and all employers of labor urging on them a rationing of all work wherever Possible with the Durnose of keeoins in Detroit its great body of skilled workmen, many of whom are now unemployed. Ross Schram. the mayor's secre tary, in giving out the letter,, said that he estimated 60,000, men were, now out of work here. The esti mate was wade, he said, from fig ures given to him by Chester M. Culver, secretary of the emoloyers' association and others. ? 1 . . ort Omaha Balloon Pilot Leaves for Birmingham Race Lieut. Richard E. Thompson, oilot of the. Fort, Omaha army balloon which took second place in the re cent elimination contest held at Bir mingham, Ala., left yesterday for Birmingham to complete in the in ternational ballron race held at that city next Saturday. His aide, Captain Weeks, who also was aide m the elimination contest when they lost first place by one and one-twelfth miles, is now in Bir mingham, making preliminary ar-, ., C ) - 1. 1 Newspaper Man Dies ' Minneapolis, OCt. 19. E. L. Clif ford, 46, well known newspaper man of the northwest and recently business manager of the New York American, died at a hospital here, loiiowing a. long illness. Visitors corJIfyjnviifd Jo inspect out plant Seek Heiress anjl. Beach Life Savr Eccentric Chicago Artist Dis appears and Search Is Ex tended to California. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leaned Wire. Chicago, Oct. 19. Search for Miss Margaret McDougall, an eccentric North Shore artist and sister of John D. McDougall, millionaire member of the board of trade, to day extended to the Pacific coast Particular search is being made for James Griffin, formerly a life saver at the, Highland 'Park beach, in whose company Miss McDougall spent much of her time during the summer, and who is said to have shipped three trunks filled with costly women's apparel to the Pacific coast a few days, ago. - i Oriffin vanished from his shack coincidently with the disappearance of the young woman. Quite re cently she came into possession of a million-dollar estate, shared equal ly with her brother. Shortly before shegriropped out of sight she bought two 'tickets for California. Griffin's daughter insists that her father did not go away aith Miss McDougall. "If he ran away it was to get away from her," the girl said. There is a sinister aspect to the I affair. Miss McDougall was known ADVERTISEMENT LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and No body Will Know. - , , . V The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, grayk hair . to its I natural color dates back to grand mother 8 time. She used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attactive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded W streaked ap pearance, this , simple mixture was applied, with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out of date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Com pound, vou will get this famous old preparation, improved by the ad- ition of other ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A' well known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody 'can, tell, it has been applied You simply damp en a sponge fcr. Soft brush with it and draw thil through your hair, taking ' tone strand at a time. By morning ;the gray hair disappears, and after 'another application or two it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. , . mk:sci $80,000 STOCK IN c 14 Value V XL ttdk DRESSES H If 1 .Tsa H4X 11 wy II I No Approvals No Exchanges . No Deliveries Our Same Liberal Credit Service as UsudL r 1 to rarry large sums of money and her habit of strolling along the lake shore and through the woods was well known. There is a possibility that she fell victim to a gang of rob bers. The money and jewels she carried would have made her attrac tive prey to highwaymen. A myster ious telephone call sent a squad of police and private detectives this evening to explore a strip of lonely woods at Highwood. They were be ing assisted by all the citizens in the immediate district. The police doubt The Measure of a the beginning. 1 3 : i 117 1 41 7 DOUGLAS STREET GIGANTIC FIRE SALE GiVing That Has Astounded the Entire Our Entire Fall and Winter Stock '-)' ' Womn s and Misses ' SUITS SKIRTS, BLOUSSS Orde red Jo Positively wiaiiuiaciurers The' fire which vigited this store recently has re-1 . Suited in the most phenomenal shattering of apparel prices ever ' witnessed in Omalia. Hundreds of mag nificent garments1 only slightly scented by smoke arc , oiierea wune mey able. Bo oho of the,', fortunate shoppers. Get full share of these phenomenal bargains. ' - Miss McDougall eloped with Griffin and say he disappeared, according to their best information, 10 days before she dropped out of sight. Former eather Bureau Man Heres Improves in California Col, L. A. Welsh, former head of the weather bureau in Omaha,, and his, wife are enjoying life in their new home in San Diego, Csl., accord ing to a letter received recently by TALK NO. 2 Shoe Dollar One good thing least has corn'e out of the period of high prices. '.. " ' ; ' '- . And, that is, American paople are learning to measure the dollar by what it buys "IN-THE END" rather than at How much-to pay for your shoes is your affair but our business ia to sound a friend ly warning that "price" by itself is mean ingless. It's what you get for your money that counts. .The "STRYKER',' price scale is at all t times based upon shoes that can be depended upon to give satisfaction.' We ask our custom ers to be careful and Jbuy as 'we do as in these reconstruction . days manufacturers . are trying to see how , much they can take" out of shoes and still - Ms make it look like an honest shoe. i We can fit your feet with an honest shoe. Shoe Fitters to Serte You. STRYKER Douglas Shqe Store, Inc. "SEE. STRYKER" N. 16th St. Opp. P.O. -a COATS HATS Be Sold by the Fire Adjusters atJPrices Less Than Half Cost last at prices positively unbeliev Meteorologist Robbins. The colo nel writes that he is regaining hra health in th balmy southern Cali- . fornia weather. He states that he and Mrs., Welsh have found especial enjoyment in listening to concerts on the gcaf open air organ in San T e ; Shop in the Forenoons ts. City of y,our 7 I In A Paxton & Gallagher Co. Distributor Omaha, Webr. " a;