i -
Probate Hearing
To Be Held Soon
" .
( Attorney for Young Heir Ob
jects to Provsions With-,
holding Inheritance.
v Several Years.
The probate hearing in the mat
ter of the estate of Mrs. Theodore'
Van Wyck, who died two years ago
in her former home at Nebraska
City, has been set for October 28 in
county court Mrs. Van Wyck was
the daughter of the late ex-United
States Senator Van VVyclc from Ne
braska. .
The will, which bequeaths the en
tire estate, estimated at $500,000, to
the 16-year-old son, Vaji Wyck Ben
ner, was offered for probate in July,
1919, when Attorney E. L. Burke,
acting as guardian ad litem "for the
Child, filed objections to provisions
in the will withholding the inherit
ance from him until he becomes 30
years old.
The minor heir is living in New
York with his father. He has sent
depositions to Mr. Burke, which will
be used by him at the hearing to
substantiate hit claims that the re
strictions in the will leave him em
barrass to the extent that he shall
not be able to marry until he reaches
the age stated. He points out In the
deposition that if he does marry and
children are born he shall be unable
to -take care of them properly.
John W. Steimhorst of Nebraska
City has been appointed special ad
ministrator of the State in lieu of the
husband of Mrs. Benner, whom she
divorced previous to her death, j
Leaves $50,000 Estate to "
' ' Son and Grandchildren
.Mrs. Abbie G. Lake, Omaha pio-
ne'er, left her estate, worth $50,000
or more, tq her son, Dr. Frederick
Lake, and her grandchildren, ac
cording to her will, filed in probate
'V court yesterday. ,
Dr. Lake was given $20,000 and
V the Lake home, 5010 Capitol avenue.
J ' The sum of $1,000 was left to each
i of her grandchildren, Laurence and
Katherine Lake.
- "Certain articles wk"ch belonged to
her late husband. George B. Lake,
are given to Lake Deuel, Sterling
Morton and Laurence Lake, grand
' children. . - ' V .
Authoress Is' Strong for
Gang Spirit for Girls
New York, Oct. 19. "Mother. I'm
going out to jotn the gang, rnen-
lions daughter. "O. K." murmurs
mother. ' v , ' .
Mrs. Mary Roberts Rinehart ad
vocates the "gang" spirit amonjt
girls. She announced it today when
she accepted the post as chairman of
the Girl Scout membership . tam
Mhe girls need to be taught." she
added, "that their young bodies are
to be used as well ' as decorated.
Until they learn that, we shall have
sickly mothers and puny babies.
j New Jersey Whisky Curb
Raided by Newark Police
Newark. N. J., Oct. 19. Newark's
alleged "whisky curb" was rataea
' tpday by the police and 40 men ar
rested on a charge of loitering. They
were locked up in the police head
quarters pending fixing of bail.
Several men escaped in motor cars
as the police arrived. v
The curb was reported for months
- to have been frequented by men
who, although ; with no apparent
.means of support, had automobiles,
'at their disposal '
If (
American,: Electrical Heater Company, Detroit.
Makart of
Here's Fortune for Man
Sought In Des Moines
' w
; Vis' v
A little girl's love for hef "AiW
whom she has not seen for three
years caused Mayor Barton of Des
Moines to advertise in the press that
Roy C Cox or Roy C. Smith, as he
is also known, has a fortune coming
to him. The story of a child's yearn
ing tor her lather was revealed in
Omaha yesterday by the little girl's
maternal grandmother, Mrs. fayme
McMillan,, 1118 North Twentietn
MildredCox is 8 years old. Her
mother and father quarreled and
were divorced in Des Moiijes. "The
mother later married, Holly Parker
and went to Denver to live, taking
Mildred with her. That was three
years ago. Ever since the child has
asked for her "daddy" and begged
to see him. .
The mother lost track of her for
mer husband and recently when she
became worried at the smte of mel
ancholy, into which the child had
worked herself over her "daddy,"
she asked her- mother, Mrs. McMil
lan,' to.try to locate him. ,
' M. McMillan has written to the
mayor of Des Moines and the. au
thorities at Indianola, la., where Cox
formerly lived, in the hojje of get
ting in, touch with him.
"I hope that Roy will get work
at or near Denver so that he may
visit Mildred once in awhile," said
Mrs. McMillan". "Roy has agreed
that it is better for her to stay with
her mother." v .
IsaaAt O. Miller from Martha Miller,
crueller Albert Hayford from Helen Hay
ford, cruelty: Fannie Morrjson from
George -Uorflnon. cruelty.
DWorce Petitions,
Ina Sent aitalnet Tony Setto,, cruelty;
Florence "Barrett against Edgar iBarrett,
nonaupport ' .
Always say "Bayer '
1 Aspirin is trade mark Bsyer Manufac
ture Monoaceticscidctter of Salicylicacid.
1 I
electric utour
The bett iron made
Discriminating purchasers favor the Tbasf
icaaBefltity'over all othersbecause they kno7
its slight extra first cost is offset many
times by its ; sturdy reliability? that
assures years of satisfactory service and
that really makes it cheaper in the end.
a Complete line of Eloctric Heatadf bvvioea.
by EketricmL Hardware, mnJ Dmpmrtmml Stem. '
, cnaf Elmetrieml Comppnima
Brief City News
Concert Postponed The appear
ance of Tom Burke. Irtoh tenor.
scheduled to sing at the Auditorium
next Sunday, has oeen postponed.
Guard Minimum Fixed The Wa
department has aet the minimum
enlisted strength at which national
guard infantry companies may , be
maintained as 85. ,
To Inspect Hospital The weekly
luncheon of .the Omaha Rotarlana
will be served tomorrow t the Uni
versity hospital following an inspec
tion of the Institution. ,
Mum, About . Ilmaolf B 1 m e r
Flodlerl 21, arrested Monday as a
prowler'by Special Officers Gale and
WalkeV, refused -to give police any
information-about himself.,
Indian Enlists Harold Big Fire,
Gordon, Neb., Indian, enlisted at the
Omaha recruiting station yesterday.
He was given a furlough to"go after
some more braves in his some town.
New Pilot Arrives DC. Smith,
air mail pilot, who has been making
the New York-Cleveland "run,- ar
rived in Omaha to take the place
of Bryan McMulIen, killed Satur
day near Chicago. .:
PQstal Service Examination Ex
amination for clerk or carrier in the
United States postal service will be
held at the federal building In
Omaha,' November 13. The examina
tion is open to males only.
L Will Enter Balloon Race Lieut
Klcner is. xnompson oi r an unu
left Omaha yesterday to compete
in the international balloon race to
be started from Birmingham. Lieu
tenant: Thompson won second place
in tfce-Wcent elimination contest
. 100 - To Join Church The First
Baptist church. Park avenue and
Harney street, will receive lOO. new
members at a big ihurch family
reunion and receDtlon this evening.
theRev. A. A. DeLarm, pastor, will
present embossed membership certi
ftcates to the new members.
.Shackelford Funeral Today Fu
neral services lor v. a. onacKeuoru,
Omaha pioneer, who died Monday,
will be held at 10:30 af m. today
from the residence f his son-in-law,
Dr. A. C. Stokes. 4724 Davenport
street Services jll be private. The
1 I H
- 3
, -
Desk Lamps
PNhera it serves your
purpose dbsi. nnu tnua
save your eyes.
Office efficiency and -eye
strain never go hand
in hand. .
Let us show you our as
sortment at !
Artistic Lif htinir Fixture ' and Elec
tric Household Afpllancee.
406 So. 15th St. DougUa 7649
Next Door to Orpheuta. :.. . .
family requests that (no flowers be
sent " ,
- ScdAn Da marc! John T. Yatea,
("sovereign clerk of th Woodmen of
the World, appeared in municipal
court yesterday to testify in hla suit
for 1800 brought against the Fidelity
J Storage & Van .company for damage
to his sedan automooiie. juage
Robert Patrick took the case under
advisement . ' ; '
On Trial for Shooting Quaguln
Delgado testified yesterday at the
trial of Zuan Garcia for shooting
with Intent to kill, that Garcia on
September 8, said he was going to
kill Pedro Gonzoios and discharged
his revolver. The bullet struck
Delgado in the breast and it was
thought for a time that he. would
die. '."
State Fire Warden Will
Probe Mysterious Blaze
Norfolk, Neb., Oct. 19. (Special
Telegram.) Charles E. Hartford,
state fire warden who was in Nor
folk Tuesday morning, left for
Emerson to investigate the myjteri
ous fire which destroyed the public
school building there. He talked
with the county attorney at Pender
over long distance telephone, who
said thai several persons were under
suspicion. NThe county attorney
will meet Mr. Hartford during the
afternoon and they will make the in
vestigation together.
t r ,
TO pu actually know or do you only guess? Don't
be satisfied with any one salesman's opinion of his
phonograph. '
T T will take you ten minutes in our, store to discover,
f the real truth about phonographs-just what each
can do. Your ear will be your SOLE JUDGE. x
have installed the fahious Edison Turn Table
y1 " comparison. You hear the four leading phono
graphs played in the same room under the same, condi
tions. N v
T JIIS comparison is absolutely scientific in it6
; method. . " ' ,; -
.. -
HEAR the evidence of the Turn .Table. Make your
" selection. You will know beyond!all doubt, which
' is the best phonograph." -
House's Phonograph Parlors
1916 Farnam Street.
THE Ulktaf auchiaM ut4
turars of such macliins.
ar to substitute ether machines of the same make, of then; own selection,
at any time during business hours. v .
The Readers of The Bee
Hare Faith in Our Want
Ada, Why 7 Because Thy
Are Mutual Friends.
Mother Beats Stork
Toll. S. To Ensure
Baby Being a Yank
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Byam jour
neyed to far off South America
Montevideo, Uruguay last year,
soon after being married; when Mr.
Byam was made office manager of
the Morris plant Jhere. '
Mrs. Byam, in her enthusiasm to
have little Joeann Byam born in the
United States, evidently had never
heard of the famous "domicile" case,
Graham against Graham, in which
the law declared' the legal domicile
of the minor was the permanent
abode of the. parents, regardless of
their being on foreign soil -when the
child came into being. Had she
known this she would not have had
to travel 8,000 miles from far oi!
Uruguay so that her little daughter,
strictly speaking, could be born an
Mr. and Mrs. Byam arrived in
Omaha a few days ago, the home of
their childhood, and soon aiter little
oearfn, a bouncing baby girl, was
rought into the world.
"Now thajt it has been called to
my attention about this legal domi
cile business," said Mrs. Byam in re-
HAT make 'do you name, in answer t) this ques
Ition? -
in thtu tests ars kept by us in th best posslbW condition. 'Manufae
or thsir raonsantativM. ara invited to inspect them, to remlate them.
Tast good, do goWf dUsolve
hutantly oa tcegn t in watari
carry la vast-pocke or ktaV
isfctM take as naadad.
Also In table form for thoe
who prarff thewn.
maok ar acoTT a bownb
Iscorrs emulsion
- ryss
imrnnr. j
fleeting on it, "I am inclined to think
that I knew. But it was a good ex
cuse to come, home to see mother,
The little family is visiting at the
home of Mrs. B yam's mother, Mrs.
J. Byrne, S021 Webster street.
Cold Wave May Arrive
Here Before End of Week
A wintry wave may strike Omaha
the latter part 'of this week as the
result of high atmospheric pressure
in British Columbia now bulging to
ward thm amtth Th thrmnmitr
stood at 18 -degrees in Edmonton.U
anaaa, in mis area yesieraay.
High -pressure also exists in the
east, making another direction from
which chilly weather ntay come
Red Raspoutirie Nlcknanie
Of Woman Friend of Lenine
Paris, Oct. 19. "tfed Raspoutine"
is the nickname of Lenine's friend.
Olga Gorokow.
She is a young woman of 23. not
b&rmiful, but passionate and daring.
Dike Jeanne P'Arc, she claims to
have visions', and lke Jeanne D'Arc.
she preaches war agamst the EngJ
' She foresees a general victory of
omttiunsim and urges a red advarfce
in Asia.
313 South 15th St.
of equal or greater value,
iThue tae Tara-Tsals CoeuwiSiT
.e liiaetslled as a serries ss tfce
pablie, it wU be
ZX1Q rear del
Just Apply This Paste
and theHairsWill Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets) i k
The judicious use of a delatone
paste insures nny woman a clear,
hairless skin. To prepare the paste,
mix a little of the powdered delatone
with some water, then apply to the
objectionable hairs for two or thrcf
lunnutes. When the paste is removed.
.i. i .
ana ine skih wasnea,-every trace oi
hair will, have vanished. No pain
attends the use of the delatone and
it will not mar the most sensitive
skin, but to insure results, see-that
you get real delatone. .
Bee want ads are best business
Pardons by Mayor ,
Smith Honored Since
Clash on Question
Pardons for Frank Chester,
Charles Wheeler and Mary Bing
ham have been received and hon
ored by Sheriff Clark since the re
cent ftareup on -the pardon ques
tion, when Judge A. C Troup di
rected the sheriff to discontinue hon
oring pardons issued by Mayor
These three last cases were of
persons committed to the county
jail by the police judge on city com
Chester was sentenced to 30 days
on a charge of assault and battery.
His wife interceded 'in obtaining a
Wheeler was sentenced to 15 days
for fighting with his brother-in-law.
The Nebraska Power company ap
plied for his pardon.
The Bingham woman was sent to
the county jail on a charge of
drunkenness. ' '
One of the pardons was issued
teEss-ta Compaq
Autumn's Newest and Most
Attractive Modes in
ULTkA smart suits cor
rectly tailored in ac
cordance with the Burgess-
Nash high-standard
tinctive styling and superior (
workmanship, are devel
oped, of luxurious
y Duvet J)e Laine Tricotine
; Velour, Silver tone, Peachbloom
Many suits are' trimmed
in seal, Nutria and Austra
lian opossum, which gives
them that; comfortable look
in real winter weather. $35 ,
and up. '
SometHiiig New for
the Needlewoman
The home woman takes pride in having a
pretty apron to slip on when the occasion de
mands. '
Can you imagine any thing as new and
novel as
Embroidered Aprons
Coverall aprons-of tan and blue cham
bray and unbleached muslin have little designs
to be'worked in colored embroidery. v
Refreshingly New Designs and
Beautifur Fajbrics Char-
acterize the New ' x
Its Gointo Turn Cold, You'll
' Need Plenty of v
These Are Exceptional Values
Grey Blankets
Grey bLSnkets for full
size beds, $2.95 each.
- '"Wool Finish
Blankets, $5.95
Wool -finish blankets
in handsome plaid de
signs and good colors;
size 70x80 in.; $5.95
Many charged with
the care of children,
turn instuicjtively to
as a dependable means
of sustaining, growth
and vitality. You
could not do better
'than profit by this
Scott & Bowne Jlloomficld, N.J. 20-78
Bee want ads "are best business
getters. -
. 1
of dis
STRAIGHT line.tail
ored frocks in wool
meet with approval for
those in search of street
dresses, and for the
more elaborate, silk
frocks; there seems to
ybe a style for every '
woman's whim or f aijcy.
Many of th shim
mery satins and char-meuse-are
gorgeous in
bright, colored ; trim
mings, of beads and
vyam. $29.50 and up. :
Bed Comforts
y $5.50
Large size bed com
fort, filled with good
quality of cotton, and
covered in handsome de
signs; $5.50 each.
Bl&ikets ,
$1.19 each
, Children's blankets, in
colors of pink or blue, in .
large size.
getters. v
i. .. L -.IMII . I ii ,