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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1920. v5 G. 0. P. Nominee Answers Wilson's Note at Once Senator and French Foreign Office Deny Any Impro priety in Conferences With S pokesni e a. Bjr The Awrlat4 Prn. Marion. O., Oct 19. Replying to an inquiry from Presidtn Wilson, Senator Harding wrote the White House last night that although France had sent her "spokesmen" to hi minformaUy asking America to lead the way for an association of nations, the incident had not in Tolved the French government in auy violation of international im proprieties. The senator declared that id his reference to the sabjert in a speech at Greencastle. InL, recrntly, he cnljr had sought to convey the thought that there had come to him "those who spoke a sentim-nt which Ihey represented to be verv maaifest among the French people.' He ad ded that his words "could not be con strued to say that the French gov ernment has sent anybody to me.'' Referring to Mr. Wilson's sug gestion of impropriety in a foreign nation approaching "a private citi er." on such a . subject. Senator Harding 'pointed out that Jit ss a member of the foreign relations) com mittee as well as a nominee for the presidency, and suggested that "an informal expression to me is rather imre than that to a private citizen." Text of Letter. The text of Senator Harding' let ter sent in reply to one from Presi dent Wilson, asking whether the senator had been correaly quoted in nis 4reencasue spleen, is as toi- tows: "Dear Mr. President: "I have before me a press copy of your letter to me of this date, though I am not in receipt of the original copy. I am glad to make a prompt reply? , "It 5a very gratifying thar you hesitate to draw inferences without my assurance that I am correctly quoted. The quotation as reported in your letter' is not exact. The notes of the stenographer reporting my remarks quote me as laying: 'France has sent her spokesman to ire in- formally asking America in its new realization of the situation to had the way for an associat'on cf na tions.' Explains Meaning. ! am sure that my wrds iould rot be construed to say that the French government has ent any lody to me. The thought I was try ing to convey was that there had come Id me those who spoke a senti ment which they represented to be very manifest among the F.encb people, but nothing could sasgest the French government having vio lated the proprieties T)f international relations. Official France would never seek to go over vour high office as our chief executive to ap peal to the American people or any portion thereof. i "I can see no impropriety in pri vate citizens of France, or in Amer icans deeply friendly to France, ex pressing to me their understanding of sentiment in that friendly repub lic. "It is not important enough to discuss, perhaps, but I very respect fully urge that an informal expres sion to me is rather more than that to a private citizen. I hold a place as a member of the foreign rela tions committee of the United States senate, which is charged with cer tain 'constitutional authority in deal ing with foreign relations and I am necessarily conscious that I am the nominee of the republican part; for president of our republic "In the combination of these two positions it ought not to be unseem ingly that some very devoted friends of a new and better rela tionship among nations, no matter whence they came, should wish to to advise me relating to aspirations to co-operate with our own repub lic in attaining that high purpose. Let me assure you again of the observance of all the properties and again assert that the French gov ernment has maintained that great respect for your position to which I myself subscribe. "With great respect, I am, very truly, WARREN ' G. HARDING." Consortium Organized For Financing of China Washington, Oct. 19. The repre sentatives of the banking groups of the United States, England, France and Japan have reached a complete agreement and perfected the organi zation of the consortium for linanc ing China, the groups having for warded a report to their respective governments and the State depart ment is expected to issue a statement on the subject tomorrow. Former Stenographer Admits Killing Hubby III I .3 i r'ijt:-:- wife y in a sensational allegtd confes sion after she had been on the po lice grill for 72 hours, Mrs. Vir ginia Clark, 27, matrimonial agency bride of Chester J. Clare of Oak land, Cal., admitted having shot and killed her husband as he lay in bed beside her, according to a report from Oakland. According to the alleged confession, Mrs. Clark declared she had killed her husband because he was "not the kind of man I thought he as." Following her arrest Mrs. Clarlc, formerly a stenographer of Hart ford, Conn., is said to have denied killing her husband and declared he had committed suicide. It is learned that no demands ob noxious to China will be made by the consortium in consideration of loans to be advanced, but the guar antees to be requested are severe, and it is asserted in well-informed quarters that representatives of the consortium will supervise both the expenditures of the loans and the collection of revenues pledged to secure the loan. Acting Mayor Promises Prompt Reply to Palmer Frisco Executive Denies That He Said Attorney General Knew of Liquor Transac tion at Demo Meet. Sacramento, Cal., Oct 19. Acting Mayor Ralph McLeran of San Fran cisco denied he had ever said "At torney General - Palmer knew all about the transaction" whereby 41 barrels of liquor were purported to have been released frpm bond in San Francisco for use of delegates to the democratic national conven tion. A telegram from Attorney Gen eral Palmer at Washington, asking that McLeran submit, proof of this statement, had not been received by him, McLeran said, but would be answered at once when it came. ''I never said to any person that Palmer had knowledge of release and use of liquor during the demo cratic convention. I never met Palmer, and have no means of knowing whether he was aware of any liquor transaction. ;The matter was one of general knowledge among the delegates, and the attorney general was in San Francisco at the time." General Ludendorff Now Only a Private In German Home Guard Berlin, Oct. 19. Gen. Erich Lud endorff, Germany's noted military strategist, and for two years prac tically commander in chief of more tHan 7,000,000 officers and men com posing Gtrmany's army, is now a private. He holds that low rank in the Bavarian einwohnerwehr, or home guard. General Ludendorff recently moved from Berlin to one of the suburbs of Munich, where he applied for ad mission as a private in the local confpany of the home guard and was accepted. Should disorders break out, the former head of the German army may have to shoulder a rifle and patrol the streets "side by side with an ordinary householder. Japanese Questionnaire Seeks Recruits for Army 'Tokio, Oct. 19. As a result of Cannon loaded with sand arc used to break tip swarms of locusts in Costa Rica. Are the Rich Growing Richer and the Poor Poorer?, Is the Power of Mere Money Increasing or Decreasing? Who Will Rale the World Henceforth? Is it Labor or Capital or Any Other Class? Why Has the Excess Profits Tax Really the Inevitable Ef fect of Increasing the High Cost of Living?. What Are Our Tasks Ahead? These and other important questions before the American people today are discussed in a straightforward and impar tial manner in OUR ECONOMIC AND OTHER ,- PROBLEMS By OTTOH. KAHN At Att Bookseller ATf, U 00 " 0 1 OUR TAILORS AT FASHION PARK OUR TAILORS AT FASHION PARK J$E SUITED BY TASTE -AND TAILORING INTELLIGENCE TO INTERPRET TOUR IDEAS PRECISELY. AND WITH AN EXTRAORDINARY DEGREE OF GRACE, THE EQUIPMENT IS STANDARDIZED AND. THE PRO DUCTION JS UNIFORM AND STEADY" THROUGH OUT THE ' YEAR. OUR ORDERS ARE - EXECUTED FAULTLESSLY. THE GARMENTS HAVE THE STIMULATING LINES AND OUTSTANDING, IN COMPARABLE QUALITY WHICH YOU EXPECT IN SPLENDIDLY TAILORED-MERCHANDISE: THIS:SITUATI0N1REINFRCEDiBY0URTP0LICY, 'jndthat.of.our TAILORS.W.GUARANTEE allegitim ateltr ansac tion, , pr'acticall y eliminates any'possibilityforldissatisl faction. the clothes youpurchaselwill not" bet ray' your trust. they repre sent:aleveltofworkmanshipwhichiis revolutionary and beyond doubt pre sent;thejmeans7for1pr'acticing REAL ECONOMY. AND, THEPRICES..WHILEINOT EXCESSIVE, WARRANT GENUINE FALUEl t lira CUSTOM SEflVlCElWITHOU.T THE'AlNOYANCEiOF A'TRYjON READY-TO-PUT-ON TAILORED AT FASHION PARK , ALWAYS PRICED TO WARRANT VALUE Tmr ttfj if mTii Mm." ink m drt&, u rtaf Mens, Young Men s. Younger Young Meniand Boyi Clothing. Entire Second Floor Main Building and Annex. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY " (,m.6fiaefotf3ma&. JOHH A WM I HOtZ"A".Tacj COMPARE OUR VALUES , ALWAYS. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. the census taken October l, the fig ures of which have not been an nounced the government has been sending circulars throughout the country asking physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, tailors, black smiths, and other persons whether they would be willing to serve n the army in case of war. Cotton Cains Cent. New York, Oct. 19. Recovery of more than a cent a pound in the cot ton market was shown during early trading hours here today. Decem ber contracts advanced to 18.96c Unofficial reports from the south west said holding of spot cotton was more determined. CADILLAC Recognized everywhere for its PERMANENCY of VALUE J. H.Hansen Cadillac Co Omaha Lincoln (3 . A the new Arkow C QLLAR CtUCTT.PEAUODY trCO.wcJlAK&S. TROY, N.V Supply Your Apparel Needs r in h u in r, n THE EVENT OF EVENTS OF THE SEASON EMPHASIZING this store's 'deterrnination to ever lead in value-giving and celebrating the 35th anniversary of the founding of this store. Making a two-fold attraction for every man, woman and child who wants to save money on Fall and .Winter clothing and wearing apparel. Extraordinary Values and Anniversary Souvenirs Gold Pieces Free! WITH INDIVIDUAL CASH PURCHASE OF 25 OR OVER THROUGHOUT THE STORE Gold Pieces Free! WITli INDIVIDUAL CASH PURCHASE OF $50 OR OVER THROUGHOUT THE STORE SHOP ON A TRANSFER . In every department on every floor all mcrchan-" ; " dise included in the great 35th Anniversary Event : All Men's Clothing Underpriced: . Our entire mammoth, stocks of Men's, Young Men's and Dots' Clothing de liberately underpriced to show the most convincing values offered anywhere in the West. "We must hold your confidence at any cost, at the price of all profit, if by so doing -we an assist in readjusting living costs. That's why you see: i Suits and Overcoats Made to 'retail at $50.00 are selling here today at Suits and Overcoats Made to retail at $o5.00 are selling here today at Suits and Overcoats Made to retail at $65.00 are selling here today at J35 '50 Suits and Overcoats Made to retail at $75.00 are selling here today at Suits and Overcoats Made to retail at $S5.00 are sellmg here today at Suits and Overcoats Made to retail at $100.00 are selling here today at '60 '65 75 Suits and Orercoata made to retail it j fl"A $35.00 and $45.00 are selling here today at and $JU Another Great 35tli- Anniversary Special Men's and Young a -a Men's Trousers, made to retail at $10.00 to $12.50, at 57.50 FEW LEATHER LDTED FCX COLLAB OVERCOATS 3TEW KITEBSIBLE LEATHER M0T0B COATS 3TEW MOLES KT5 A5D SUEDE CLOTH MOTOR COATS JEW FALL TOP COATS, MOTOR COATS, RAT5 COATS Hats HbnUsherr Shoes. The rrt main floor Joins hands with all other ieparUaenU 5o restrictions Erery line in titrj department participates in tb AinlTersarr Distribution of Gold Pieces. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. :r:TXT apparei for xrn.v axd tcomen- -r- 1; i '5 il II