Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1920, Page 13, Image 13
t..--j t THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1920. IS ( AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1 rtUD&UiN SFKlnSTKK. A r- s b w. m. . n. jpf Thin Is a nrmt nodal 12 Super Kr j. which has bean run less than !. miles 1. ftimn la Omaha. It waa chant' aa a i . .j 'lose ear and carries star regular suar- i 4. . ,ntesi. Hint a scratch ao It anywhere 1 ;i aad h) fully equipped. See It before lt'a . GUY L. SMITH tith and Farnam Sta. Dour. THS DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPACT. 251 Farnam St OAKLAND Ser.albis Six. MARSH -OAKLAND Co loth turner Sts. WE have it good used can to Mir from. All price keeks AUTO CO.. mr Farnam. Oaa hundred ahd fifty dollars rash, buys aa Oakland 4 touring, In food running condition. Walnut lit. FORD touring car. Jus Ilka new. Nw tires. Perefect condition. Cash or payments. Tyler 594. QLDSMOBILE SEDAN Here is a fine little five passen ger sedan of standard make and . as good as new. Has a heater and all modern conveniences. We have many calls for light, snappy sedans and this is certainly a fine one. Drey into our sales rooms and see it. GUY ii SMITH 26th and Farnam. Doug. 1970. TOCRINQ ear onder 1300: good ttrea; tartar and lights; most be sold by Friday. Colfax 4504. 7-PASSENUER Reo 4. 5 new tires. Origi nal finish. Ilka new Harney 1251 or Web. 72. 12 FORD aedan. perfect condition, good tires, etc. Cheap. Cash or term. Ty ler 1)04. DENBT truck. I-ton.- slightly burned. ii sarnam t Harn.y . AUTO painting. 2741 Burt. Hamey 4111. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, FIRST-CLASS. 111 t . I 12x3 SUM lxl I 13x4 4x4 J.i I 14x4 li Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes, 12.60, KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1733 CCMINO. NEW TIRES, 50 PEB CENT DISCOUNT. 44x1 t .7S t 22x4 112S StxlH 11.19 I 33x4 i5 S2x3Va 14.30 I 14x4 20.00 Mall crders filled. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 1ITH ST. WE SAVE YOU I S out of srary IK on auto insurance. Phono Douglas 771. 312 Patera Trust Bldg. Connontal Inv. Co. STUDEBAKER 4. 6-passenger, fine condi tlon. cheap. 3304 Gold St. H. 548L Accessories. USED T'RES 10x3. 15.00: 10x3, M.0O. A!l alxes la proportion. Look over our rebuUts. Open Sundays. Tyler 29s. 8AVIGE TIRES, m N. Uth St. Keystone Tire Shop. FINANCIAL, Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT LOANS, lowest rates. Priest losn boo'hs. Harry Malashock. 1114 Dodg. D. till Ea. 1194. OK ABA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2713. - PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to 110,4)04 mads promptly. F. D. WE AD, Waad Bldg. 11 S. 18th St PRIVATE MONEY. EHOPEN a COMPANY. Doug. 4221 PROMPT aerrlce. reaaonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros 145 Omaha Nat. MORTGAGES aad contracts bought. 4 Balrd Bids'. Stocks and Bonds. NOTES TO YIELD 23 PER CENT Two notes of 11.000 snd 11,500. re spectively, drawing t per csnt Interest: will discount IS per cent as must have cash to meet obligations. This paper U due In about 3 montha and ts gilt edge, given by farmers on farm land desls. Do not hesitate to investigate this security. Box 0-36. Omaba Bee. V FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. l0 ACRES Burlington. Colo.. 1500 down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 41 S3. Nebraska Lands. DAWES COUNTY PLACES READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. BARGAIN PRICES EASY TERMS. 440 a.. m. Marsland. i ra. Belmont: one 3 -room. one 2-room house; good well, windmill and tanks. Granary, hea house, etc , All fenced and cross fenced. Pleats ef timber. heavily grassed. 40 acres under .plow, 200 acre can be farmeed. " Excellent Pine . Ridge loam soil. Immediate sale, 120 per acre. 10 a.. T m. Marsland. 4 m. Belmont All fenced and cross fenced. New :-roora frame house with cellar, good frame barn. Good well, some timber. 40 s. under plow, nearly all can be farmed.- 117.50 per a. , 11 JO a., s m. Wayside. m. Whitney; poor Improvements, but habitable. All . fenced and cross fenced into several fields. 100 a, under cultivation. 000 a. can be farmed. Two creeks cross piace. Very heavily grassed, ruts good hay. For immediate sale on ISO per a. (40 a., is ra. Whitney. Good road mall route and telephone. 120 a. onder plow. S0 a. can be farmed. All fenced and cross fenced. 7-room house large frame barn. Good cistern Ex cellent soil, lmmedlste sale 125 per a. 160 a.. 4 m. Whitney. 4 Crawford; ,11 a, fall wheat 3 -room frame house, bam, etc. All fenced, cross fenced. Ail fsrmable. 10 a. alfalfa. 190 a. good upland hay land. Immediate sale 131 per a. Ii9 a.. 1 m. north Whitney, small creek, balance ail farmable. Small frame house, frame bam. hen house. et. All rencea sna crns xencea. small acreage under cultivation, all well grassed. Per acre, 117. 1440 a.. IS miles from small railroad point 12 m. Crawford. 600 a. deeded land. (40 a. school lease. Good frame house, barn, sheds, corrals, silo, all fenced and eroeax fenced, about 150 a. under cultivation, a world of timber, nice creek and scores and scores of never failing running springs. This place Is made up af hills and valleys and considered the1 finest ranch la all the west It is said that this place carries with It flOO.OOO worth of timber. It 'is aa ideal atnek ranch. Entire place aa It stands. 121.000. j 120 a.. 14 m. from Crawford; Large I -room f rams house, large frame barn, two wells, place all fenced and 'cross fenced. 10 a. under cultivation. 110 a. into fall wheat. 40 a. in valley pas ture lanced with 42 -inch woven wire fence. Immediate sale 132.00O. Immediate possession given any of the above, if desired, or rented on shsres for purchaser. To- those buying immediate ly, any ene of above places. I will sell all horses, harness and implements de sired er neeeded to work this purchase, right along with the place, giving terms . oa personal property aa well as on land. Would als sell cowa to purchaser If desired. The prices of personal prop erty guaranteed to suit yon. Yon can have your choice from more than 10 - had and from a large stock of macchhi ery. harness, etc This la your opportunity to get all fitted oat through one man and on most ' liberal terms. Too arrive here and close your deal one day and be ready ts go to work tho next , I have many other places, eonfb im proved aad Some unimproved, but many of these places above listed I could rlva you possession of at once or lu the spring. I guarantee tha above prices to be ' real bargains. - Come at once to sea these offerings r writ me for mv complete list. ARArf U HUNGERKORD. ' Crawford. Dawes County. Neb. Owner Says to Sell Seventy-wo-aer fsrm. 4 miles north of Florem-e. 41 acres rolling laud, partly c-vered with Umber, balance bot- 'vCMroom house. 10J bearing apple frees. eaoash timbe- to mors thn per foTtho tlace. Woold make fin. ponl tee. fruit er eUv-k fsrm A S"1"? country home. Price is cut to 14.0 if aoid this week. Can esene terms, you Will have i act uick if t"l this farm. . i Weeth & Herron Co., lUi Ames. ve. i idilaa 0t:a. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. 30 ACRES, 4 miles north of Moreaca. 34 seres In corn. Will run (0 bushels to the sera cr better. Good i-roora nous and barn. Good well. Owner will sacri fice for 115 per acre. 13,00 cash will handle. 40 acres aorth of Florence, amall house and barn, good well, one acre of raspberries, part under cultivation Price cut to Ills per acre. 12.00 cash will handle. Call Sunders and sveat.igs. Colfax 04 or VI. 0i0. WEETH & HEREON 2414 Ames Ave. tolfax J. GRAltf AND STOCK FARM Well Improved, all tillable. 240 seres only 40 minutea by auto fom Craaha P. O. 1 hour by truck to So. Omaha stock Tarda. Close to Ry. towns, good locality and a fine plac lor a real farmer. Owner will take small farm or city property as part pavment Is priced right aad less than adjoining land. Terms. . W.T. GRAHAM 704 Peters Trust Bldg. 4.019 ACRES Bos Butte county farm land, l;5 to 11 an acre In half section lota S. 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 215 City National Bank Bidg. Texas Lands. RIO GRANDE valley public sals at auc tion: fifteen Irrigated farm tracts and improved farms, November I. Address Drawer Is, iercedes. Tex. Wisconsin Lands. LAN DO LOGY special number Just out con taining 190 facts of clover land la Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a horn or as aa investment yoa are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send st once for this special number of 7-endolcgy. It Is frea on request. Address Sktdmore Klrhls Land Co 433 Skidmore-Rlehle Bldg., Marinette, Wis. Miscellaneous. . -24 ACRES IMPROVED Grahm-Peters Realtv Co., 2 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 651. Evenings WaL 1101. Wanted. EXCELLENT LAND INVESTMENTS For the cautious buyer wa have some very attractive propositions in farms, both Improved and unimproved, which we csa recommend aa being excellent Taluea. Among these we have soma excellent pieces In Kimball and Chtm enae counties and in eastern Colorado, which will make the man who buys them now Independent In a few years. We shall be glad to call upon yon and glva you. jy Information yon may de sire regarding any of this land. Call us for land of all kinds. D. V. SH0LES CO., Douglas 0044. 315-11 City National REAL ESTATE WANTffD. ARE YOU G6ING T0 SELL YOUR HOME? We have a large list of buyers, a large portion of whom will wait until spring for possession. March 1st, or later. Call us and ws will be glsd to co -operate with you. ' walsh-eCmer CO., Tyler 1518. Ill Securities Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE ' I will buy Omaha Improved real estate to the value of 1200,000. Brick flata and small apartments preferred. Give full description and price la first letter. Box B-i7, Omaha Bee. WE WANT HOUSES TO SELL. Buyers galore! Come in and see ns. J. J. MULVIHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Fhne Uong. WVtt. WANT six-room house in Field Club Di-t-lct or Hanscoro Park: will pay 17.500, to 1J.O0O according to location and con dition; half cash. Address Box 0-17, Boa Office. To bay or sell Omaha - Real TEstats aes FOWLER & M'DUlNALiL 1129 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 142. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE t Want qnlck action T just try urn. -i Trier 49.v OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Biag. HAVE buyers with $500 cash dovjp. List wttn us. n. r. i-iarr viuct Ave.. North Omaha Realtors. Colfax 1 1 a. . W. G. SHRIVEl.n-eT 1047-S Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug, wo. HAVE inquiries for homes; do yon wa. to sen your proyenyi juisi i- A. ortmmei. umsaa net, nann pius- LIST your horns with me or If yon are looking for house see me. Frank J. Panowich. 3i Paxton Blk. WANT homes in colored neighborhood. Benjamin A Frankenberg. Doug. 732 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Hare modern R-ronm house in one of the best localities of Oma ha. Also an improved section of land in central Nebraska. " Will trade both of these Btvperties on good Omaha investment flats. garage or store building. Call R. W. CRAIG Tyler 3210. The, Great Bulwark - . - ' ... Real Estate is the Bulwark of America's ; JSW Greatness, Prosperity and Prestige The Owner of Real Est ate is Immune from Poverty REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 1 HAVE a modern 4-room . luutae, bat water heat In good neighborhood in Lincoln. Will em hangs for tha ssma la Omaha. Direct swaer. 2401 9. 25tb 8t Lincoln. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. OPPORTUNITY t:S DOWN. It PER MONTTI BUYS FIN8 LARGE LOT. WELL LOCATED, NORTHWEST - PART. CITY WATER, SEWER. SHADE TREES. SECTION RAPIDLY IMPROVING. ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT. PHONE HARNEY 5051 OR WEBSTEK ill. 11 ACRES, two miles from Ak-Sar-Ben and aviation field. Nice aightly building spot, run ning water. Price 13JS per acre. -O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Realtors, 101 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 271S. WE HAVB aa unusually well located piece ef trackage at Tth and Leavenworth, tlxlll. tracka on both sides. At right price Alfred Thomas. 0 First Nat'l Bank. i Acreage, r . 10 ACRES, good, level laying ground, close to Leavenworth car line. Will take some liberty bonds on this. L. L. PORTER CO. Doug. 3064. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Close In Investments Look At 218 to 222 South 29th Avenue Contains two six-room, three-five-room and one ' four-room apartments. Income, $4,800 per annum, 651-3-5 South 26th Ave. Three five-room flats, oak fin ish and floors throughout. In come $1,740 per annum. These are close in properties and are worth-j while investigating. PAYNE & CARNAlftr COMPANY REALTOR SERVICE. ' 616 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1016. ' CLOSE IN APARTMENT CORNER $6,500 , Ground (1x140. On 2Kb. between Far nam and Leavenworth. House on sits . will carry your investment until you build. Rental now 1420. Very liberal terms offered on thla, . WALSH-ELMER CO.' REALTORS. TyWr 1521. 313 Securities Bldg. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE, RENTAL $11,000 PRICE $55,000 ' Where else can yon invest money that will bring you 10 tet on your capital? This building la located tn -the best district of the city, consenlent to three car lines. 12M00 invested in this prop erty will yield a little better than (5,000 per annum. We look upon this ss one of the safest, surest shots you can take ' this year. No trades. WALSHELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1131 131 Securities Bldg. TRAQKAGE DOWNTOWN 40,000 SQ. FT. ; Priced at about 31.00 per square foot. B- A M. trackage on two sides. Located only about eight blocks from 16th and Farnam on prominent corner. A re markable tract From an advertising point of view alone It's worth the money. Let ns tell yon alt about this fine property. WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS. , . Tyler 153. 33S Securities Bldr- THE RIGHT BUILDING FOR A GROCERY BUSINESS Thwrf-,tnrr snd hssement brick build ing in the wholesale district suitable fori factory. JoDDing or warenouse; in oc ' copied but not tied up with leases. Can give possession of all or any part by January 1st You could use what you need and let-tenants stay in balance until you need more rooms. The rents net a good return on the Investment Price and terms reasonable. Low in terest Ask far partlcnlara. - DUMONT & CO. 411-11 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 0490. Investment and Home Pressed brick duplex flat near Farnam street 7 rooms on each side. A I oak finish throughout Snsp st ill.50. lu cerne 11.100 per year. Terms can be arranged. Bedford-Johnson Co.- Douglas 1734. it is the farmer's means of liveli hood, the manufacturer's hope of sus tenance, the miner's source of wealth, the laborer's goal, of independence, the capitalist's dream of riches and power, the family's cherished idea of comfort and happiness. It is the vision of the immigrant, the basis of all wealth, the glory of gov srnments, the highest material attain ment. . .OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BRICK INVESTMENT "RENTAL $6,180.00 Twa-story and basement with six store rooms, oa corner lot xll2. located In the very heart of the commission dis trict Always rented and will show better than 10 net on sale price wllch la just reduced for quick action. Tou'.i miss the best buy of tha season if y don't Investigate ilia at once. " WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1521 112 Securities Bldg. DUPLEX BRICK FLAT. FINE INVESTMENT. T rooms on each aide, strictly modern, like new, hard wood floors throughout, excellent location, income . 1150 , per month, convenient to Farnam car line, D. 1505. ' BROWN REALTY CO., 211 Kennedy Bldg. WALSH-ELMER CO. Xsaltora, Real Estate. Investment, Insurance. Rent, ala Trier lilt. IIS Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON BARGAINS Ground 101x150, cherries, garden spot bee farm, i-room, all modern, h:me, t blocks to car. Sidewalks all In. Owner goes to Indiana. Only 14.000 with terms. R. F. CLARY CO., . REALTORS 2404-01 Ames. Colfax 01 71. 1-ROOM tome tn Benson. 1 lota, lots of fruit. Price 13.750; 1500 cash, 131 per month. Doug. 4223. sDundee. SEE THIS NEW HOME TODAY 311, SOUTH 50TH AVE. IN DUNDEE Just completed, i rooms and bath, full two-story. Has large living room across entire front with beautifully de signed fireplace, attractive dining room and convenient kitchen. Three-corner bedrooms and tile bath, all finished in ivory enamel. The woodwork down stairs Is natural oak and the floors throughout are clear oak. Large base menr with separate laundrv room and stationary tubs. Guaranteed v furnace. This property is brand new aad n well landscaped with growing shrubs. Com bination cement driveway, rrice, 11 S. 100 on terms of 11.600 cash and 1125 per month. ' Open This Afternoon. MATTSON & SMAILS, 1214 City Nat Bk. Doug. 1102. JUST NEW 318 South 50th Street IN DUNDEE , This new home la of stucco construc tion, located on east front lot 49x135, close to car line. Full two-story with 7 fee( ' Inches fully plsstered basement and sip pie, well ventilated attic. Ves tibule, living room with fireplace, din ing room finished in cathedral oak. The kitchen with plenty of built-in cup boards, and the three corner bedrooms are in ivory enamel. Tile ba'h room wttn built-in tub and pedestal lavatory. This horns Is attractive tn design and con venient In arrangement It Is ready for Immediate occupancy. Price 112,750. reasonable terms. Open T,his Afternoon. MATTSON & SMAILS, 214 City Nat Bk. Doug. 1102. Dundee Home Price Reduced to $10,000. x $3,000 Cash 4 And balance to suit will buy this lovely heme on Chicago street near 50th. Built by owner for a home. Has' ves tibule with coat closet large living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, beautiful di.!ng room and kitchen on first floor. All finished In osk and oak floors. Three large bedrooms and com bination sleeping porch and bathroom on second floor. Birch finish with beautiful maple floors. Large basement station ary laundry tubs. Guaranteed furnace. Beautiful lawn with trees and shrubs. Close to car line snd school. Located at 4911 Chicago. Will be open for In spection between two and five Sunday afternoon. For appointment during week days rnll The Byron Reed Company Doug. 0!97. 1612 Farnam'St HAPPY HOLLOW Living room across front of house, fireplace, bookcases, French doors be tween sun room and dining room. At tractive kitchen, four bedrooms and sleeping porch, two complete baths, furnace heat 2-car garage. Lot 90x121 feet Price 125,000. Terms. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS. Tyler 3n;4. ' 901 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. r.nnn ritTNDEE HOME. 5008 Chicago St.. nearly new 2-story and sttic. 1-room stucco house, brick foundation, full basement oak and white enamel finish, oak floors through out cement drive, lot 50x135 ft Quick possession. Terms- 15.000 cash, balance monthly like rent Price on appllca- ,l0F0VLER & M'DONALD. REALTORS. -Doug. 142. 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW Flv comfortably sised -coma, con veniently arranged, finished tn oak are now ready for occupancy. Tastefully decorated, completely modern, built-in feature. The terms ars very easy and can probably be arranged to suit If you want something good but reuonab'e call Barney 155 Sundaye. Florence. NETHAWAT. 8ub'rrian prop'ty. Col. 14.', REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. J8S est. WEST FARNAM SNAP 116 N. 43D AVE. . Six-room home having living room, dining room, one bedroom and kitchen on first floor: oak " floors; two bedrooms, swiiisr room and bath on second floor! Full basement, fruit room; out side cellarway; lot 100x125 (note the size); we just listed this home yesterday; vacant this week; own er moving to Fremont; J-J block " from Dundee car; only $1,000 cash, $45 per month, including interest. Don't delay on this one; it will go within a week. Price only $4,250. We will take you out PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY, REALTOR SERVICE. 16 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1016. CLAIRMONT 249 N. 47TH AVE. SIg-ROOM FULL TWO-STORY, KELLA STONE. FRAME. HEATED SLEEPING PORCH; OAK AND WHITE ENAMEL, LARGE BEDROOMS AND CLOSETS LONG LIVING ROOM. FINE PTLY. ON PAVED STREET. ALL SPECIALS PAID FOR. MIGHT CONSIDER SOME ACREAGE OR SMALL PLACE. WALNUT 2105. WEST FARNAM DIST. $800 CASH, $70 PER MONTH. I must sell my house near 41th and Dodg Sta.. and will show It any time today. 7 rooms, hot water heat quarter sawed oak floors, largs living room with fire place, south front (paving laid for). Tha price la now 16,650. CALL WALNUT 1337. FOR SALE By owner. New two-story stucco house In Clearmont addition. Six rooms, bath and breakfast rooms, oak and white enamel finish, beautifully dec orated and ready to move Into. Good terms to right party. Phone Har. 5121. I'OR SALE In Dundee, (-room modern cottage, full basement south front lot price 15,750.00, part cash: balance same as rent Owner, 4633 Douglas street Im mediate possession. OmsJia Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 1 Paxton Blk. Phona Tyler 4180. BY OWNER 5-room. strictly modern bun galow. One block to car line. Clifton Hill and Parochial schools, 15,250. Walnut 059. A FEW homes and lots for ssle tn Park wood addition: a safs place for Invest ment orris Moms, uougiss 4ii. BRAND Sew bungalow, oak finish, beau tiful decorations, reduced from 17,450 ts 14,900. Easy terms. Doug. 1714. BENSON MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nsf L North. IT'S A SNAP! , 2408 NORTH 1STH . - $7,000 If yon will Inspect this property, you will admit it is (rood value for a home, with, an Investment possibility. The corner Is 105x141. both streets paved and paid for. with six-rsom modern cottage with hot water heat Large ga rcge for two or three cars. Owner going to California and the price has Jut been r-duced 11,000 for quick sale. Arrange trith us for inspectica. GLOVER & SAIN, REALTORS. Doug. 2S50. . 911-29 City National Minne Lusa Dream, $500 Down. 5-room. strictly modern onngalow, all on one floor: large Irving room, dining room with built-in buffet. 2- dandy bed rooms and bath with base tub and cone crete floor; kitchen having one-piece sink and built-in features; oak floors throughout: oak finish in living room and' dining room; bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished In white enamel; full cement basement, furnace heat; dandy lot on paved street. Price !.. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, v 537 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 171 Sunday call Colfax 3227. h ,, si is it f. - -' -'--- - Beautiful Dundee Home $17,000 Just being completed, a brick and stucco residence, ten rooms (including maid's quarters). Has ideal arrange ment. Vestibule, tile floor, large living room with fire place, sunroom, dining room, breakfastsroom, butler's pan try and kitchen. Large refrigerator room and entry way. Four bedrooms and tile bath upstairs. Third floor finished complete with heat and plumbing. Downstairs living rooms finished in old English oak, balance ivory enamel. Fully equipped basement. Located on Slst street just south of Dodge. No expense wns spared on materials and real workmanship throughout. At the above price we know this is exceptional value. Reasonable terms can be arranged. The Byron Reed Company Dougbu 0297 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. THIS DAINTY BUNGALOW MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Owner, leaving for California, insists on ocr selling his home at 4915 N. 30th St. at once. It is a splendid 5-room bungalow; oak finish and oak floors in parlor and dining room; two dandy bedrooms ' with large closets; "delightful bath room; fine kitchen with built-in features; dandy lighting fixtures; full basement, cemented. with dandy furtjace, laundry facilities, etc.; all on a very, good-sized, at tractive lot, with paved street all paid fbr and dose to car .line. This house is very well furnished throughout and entire property, in cluding all furnishings, can be pur chased for $6,500, with $ 1,000 cash, balance monthly. The furnishings, which even include an electric washing machine, could not he purchased for less than $1,500. However, owner will sell house without furniture at f 5,800. if nec essary. Don't tail to see this prop erty today. Owner himself will show you through. It's got to be sold at ence. This is your chance to buy a home, furnished .or un furnished, at a bargain figure. See it quick, then see us as to easy terms. PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY, -Exclusive Agents, ' 616s Omaha National Bank Bldg., , DcSiglas 1016. -I 4352 FRANKLIN ST. Just Listed SSevenroom, two-story home; three large rooms and hall on first floor: fodr lovely bedrooms on second floor; full cemented basement, furnace beat; paved street; lot 601150 ft; lots of fruit trees; one block to car. This Is a bargain and only 26.000. PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY, Realtor Service, 1 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Dg. 11 6-Room Modern House, $4,500 $750 Cash., This Is a corner on paved streets with paving all paid. Thia house has a re ception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen first floor, 1 bedrooms and bath second floor; all modern; located 2101 No.. 24th. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1329 Farnam St Dong. 0514. Apartment JUat Largs high-class pressed brick build ing, with 4 beautiful oak finished apart ments. Each apartment has individual heating plant and each is finished in oak. with fireplace, -filed bath and other fine features. rooms and bath on each one. Income 13.200 year. Plica cut to 125,90. Easy terms. Bedford-Johnston Co., Wead Bldg Doug." 1714. Near-Miller Park On 24th St. -room strictly modern home, arrange, ment and construction Al. Hardwood -floors, dandy hot water heating plant fine level lot garage, choice location. Convenient to two schools, owner leav ing city and has reduced price. Shown by appointment BROWN REALTY CO., 1 D 1505 211 Kennedy Bldg FOR SALE 5-room. all modern house, full cement basement floor draini cis tern and city water In basement Lo cated In Benson. M block, to car Una, 1740 N. 64th. Walnut 4481. MR. COLORED MAN. We have dandy four-room house, elec tricity, gas. toilet; 1200 cash, bargain, Benjamin Frankenberg, Doug. 0722. BRAND new, large 4-room bungalow, oak .. finish, also nice garage,, 13.450.00; 104 cash, balance like rent 3613 No. 21th St NICELY furnished front room, modern, private home, one block tn Farnam car, walking distance. 3345 Harney 8t Phone Harney 6602. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler W. SEVEN-ROOH modern home, near car, 14H0 cash. Price 14,300. Web. 4150. SIXTEEN A 4 and the man wentd 244 WHITMORE. a tew 6 -room modern bungalow. Tours for 12.000 cash and bsL mo. Crelgb. 101 B. Dg. 200. 5-ROOM burfgalow for sale by owner. Call Doug. 5082 between 1 and ; after Web. 09S. COLORED Five-room cottage. 1175 cash. Price 11.150. Johnson. Webster 415s. 5 ROOMS, strictly modern, full basement 2 lots, garage, cement drive. Col. 41? 2. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest ment 443 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8"7. SjQuth. NEW 5-room bungalow, all modern, for sale by owner, first-class condition, oak finish, 321 So. 23d. Inquire at 1401 William St Doug. 6425. 1612 Farnam- Street REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. HAPPY HOLLOW DISTRICT. Exceptionally well instructed brick home, located on a south front corner lot Some of the most attractive fea tures of this home: The Urge Using room, sunroona and especial Ir the bed rooms; mald'l room on third floor; three complete ' natt; rooms, two extra lavatories and toilets; Interior finish of walnut: double car garage. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS. Tler 124. il City Natl Bank Bldg. HAPPY HOLLOW. Living room acroas front of house; fireplace, bookcases. French doors be tween sunroom and dining room; at tractive kitchen, four bedrooms and aleeping porch, two complete baths; furnace heat: 1-rsr garage; lot 10x123 feet Price, J:. 500; terms. GEORGE & CO., RE ALTO I8 102 City National Bank Bldg. Tyler 104. 17th and Castelar, $500 Down an J $30. a Mo. l-room, strtrtly modern except heat, cottage; 4 rooms m the first :oor; 4 rooms oa the second floor. Pries 12,600. Located at 2421 South 17th street Will sell to the first party bringing tha 1500 Monday morning. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 537 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1711 Sunday call Colfax 327. A Perfect Home Only $7,000 Ent hall. L. R. D. R., kitchen, pan try and Ice box room on first floor; beauti- f.11. eini.h in heat n n U - 1 Invelv bed- N rooms, bath and sleeping porch up; splendid basement excellent nesting plant An Ideal home, close to 24tb St car and near Woolworth Ave. Priced for quick sale. Be quick. BROWN REALTY CO., Douglas 1506. 211 Kennedy Bldg. SIX ROOMS Just completed, 111 South 22d St: ( rooms all on one floor, oak finish, all the latest built-in features, nicely , ar ranged, full basement paved street one block to car tine, good lot; pries 11,160, terms. C. G. CARLBERG, 111 Brandeis Theater Bldg. BEAUTIFUL building lot In new addition in Rlverview park district tl down. 11 per week. Walnut 6171. Miscellaneous. MINNE LUSA , Mary street, near boulevard. An elegant California bungalow, beau tifully finished in oak and white enamel; 66-foot south front lot; all the latest built-ia features. A snap at $8,250. Titus avenue, near 24th. A fine 5-room oak finished bungalow; fireplace, bookcase, buffet. A bar-J gain, ?7,300. ' NORTH " Best location on Prettiest Mile Extra large east front lot, 53x234; fine home oi 7 large rooms; quarter-sawed oak on first floor; 4 bed 1 rooms and sleeping porch on sec ond; large attic, fine basement; hot water heat; garage. See this today and make offer. . If you have $1,500 cash and can pay $55 per month, we have a dandy 5-room bungalow, finished in quarter-sawed oak, close to car and school, large attic, full cement basemen!, fine east front lot, near Omaha university. SOUTH SIDE On Spring street, near 16th, we have a good 5-room house, mod ern except Beat A mightv good buy. $2,500. - Fine modern home of 7 rooms excellent condition throughout; 4 rooms on first floor, 3 and bath on second; 1 room finished in at t'c; all fine rooms; fireplace, mir ror doors, screens, storm sash, hot water heat; 1 block to car. On South 29th St, near Mason. $2,500 cash to handle. By appointment only. - - On' Sundays, call E. A. Hoising ton, Corfax 3472 or Jos'. Langfell ner, Colfax 2832. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., REALTORS, 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. ' DUNDEE DISTRICT, v $4,250. . -room modern home, with garage, half block to Dundee ear; 4 rooms on 1st floor. 4 bedrooms and bath on 2d. 2 finished rooms hi basement; lot 48x 101; can arrange terma. CHAS. E. BELMAN, Doug. 3235. ' 7Z Peters Trust Bldg. HERE IS A SNAP I , - RENT $480, . PRICE $2,975. A double house. In first-class condi tion. Very . reasonable rent It takes 1175 cash. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, U14 Harney St Phona Tyler 1050. 5-ROOM COTTAGE -FOR $2,250 A well-built bouse with baih. gis and electric light; stairwsy to necond floor nnfinished; east front lot 50x110. Terms half cash. "W. H. GATES,- M7 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. I?4. Just Finished Move into a new'horae and pay for it like rent 5 rooms, oak and white enamel finish, small cash pavment will handle. Call Mr. Bilby. Wain uf 78, evenings, or Douglas 2428 day. THE manufacturer of a fast-selling electrical household appliance has deal ers (department stores, elec tric shops, hardware and fur niture stores) who need sales men trained to sell this and other appliances. We will train men of good character and place them to advantage with our dealers. Actual work in the field during the train ing enables them to earn more than an average salary. See Mr. Jech at Granden Elertri cal Co., 1511 Howard, after 3 p. tn. Thousands Visit V Food Show Display Ninety Firms' of Middle West Have , Booths Country Store Is Feature. Strolling through the f Isles of the Omaha Auditorium Monday 5,000 perions tasted various dainties and foods on exhibit by the retail ' grocery trades of tie middle west at th,e opening of the second an nual pure food show of the Omaha Retail Grocers' association. .. Ninety firms are represented by booths at the show. These in elude concerns from Milwaukee, Kansas City, Cincinnati, Chicago, Council Bluffs and Omaha. A miniature country, store, which sells $2.50 worth of groceries fot; 15 cents, is a feature of the show. Olson's orchestra furnished the music last nisrht Wagner's saxa- phone band1 s expected to perform today. Thursday is Council Bluffs day. Friday, is South Side day. Prizes and favors are given away at each show, lasting through the week. South Side Railroad Fireman Fined $100 Because of Sideline John Thompson, alias W. L Grant, is a railroad fireman. But Monday South Side police discovered he had a sideline. A raid on his home at 2505 Diexel street, brought to light a still, 20 gallons of mash and a quantity of alleged alcohoL . A " ' , John was assessed "100 in police i court for illegal possession yester day and then 1 turned . over tee the oveniment on a charge of op erating u stilL , j South Side Man Takes- V Gun- Away From Holdup J. W. Tyrrell. 3724. R street, aa, engineer at Morris at Co., was on, his way home at 11;15 Sunday night1 In his pocket was more money than he could afford to lose. So when a bandit attempted to intimi date him with a revolver while he. was crossing L street viaduct Tyr- rell seized the weapon with his left' hand and planted his right fist on the holdup's jaw. - The bandit fled. Tyrrell turned; the revolver over to the police. lt was empty. Man Is Slugged and Robbed Of $7 On Doorstep of Home: Hans Jensoffc, 5130 South Thirty eighth ,street, was just about to enter liis homt at 12:10 a. m. Sundarrwhen he was knocked down by a bandit who took his watch and $7. The holdup, however, on second' thought, returned the watch to I Jansen saying; ' "All I want is the cash. See that , you have more with yon the, celt time." V' Real Estate Transfers Albert V. Dresner and wife to Gail B, Dartman and wife, N. K Oor. 25th Ave. and Jones St. 3x4..S i.TM Jacob L. Caplan and wife to Robert Dinger and wife, 27th St, 1 ft N. of Grand Ave.. W. &, 44x110 5.50 Jacob L. Caplan and wife to. Payne Inv. Co Taylor St, 10 ft W. of 2th St. K. 8., 45x125 H 4,1 Jl Irenaens Shuier and wife et al to Bernard Jaeger. 43d St, 10 ft S. ' of Burt St. S. 8.. 40x121 145 Harry H.-ViUer tn Luther M. Char ron. N. W. Cor. 16th and Brown Sta.. 15x120 1,110 Eleanors, K. Hansen to Mabel Mor tensen. Burdette St, 10 ft W. of ' 58th St, N. 8., 50x130 . II James B. Hadfleld et al to John Voldi, JT. W. Cor. 24th, and TJ Sta.. 125x130 509 Francisska SUkoskl and husband to Stanley Martynowica, 26th St, (0 ft N. of B St, W. S.. 10x150 1,151 Michael F. Guilfoyts and wife to John Martin, S. W. Cor. 22d Ave. and Xodge St, 13.7x135 11.100 Anton Pugol to Josef Chaldek. 8. W. Cor. 17th and S Sta.. 50x130. .. 1.500 Ella Ambler tn Itoy H.' Tonng, 50th , j St. 240 ft S. of Center 8t, W. S.. 40x124 1 . Johanna Swansoa to Louis Berks et al. X. E. Cor. 16th and Spring Sta.. 78x107 1.00S James O'Brien and wife to Cornelius V. Ryan and wife, 60th St, 107.11 ft N. of F St, W. 8., 124.5X 1.015.4 1.000 Lewis Balcombe Reed to Holland A. Hart 48th St, 205 ft N. ef Maple 8t, S. 8., 40x127 159 John P. Christopher to Leon a Swan son. Meredith Are., 50 ft E. ef 13d St. 8. S.. 10x111 5,90 Fronts B. Lamberton and husband to Ralph L. Med hurst et si. Kan sas Ave.. 122 ft E. of 16th St. W. S.. 122x271.2 3,000 Chas. R. Stout and wife to J. Mar tin Cannon, Wirt St., 100 ft W. j. of 21at St. S. S-. 75x124 .5M William C. Morris to Edward T. Tates. Raymond Ave., 1 10 ft N. of Redlck Avsl. E. S.. Sx4( 500 Fred Kocher and wife to Jliels Han sen. 45th St.. ICO ft. S. of Lafay ette Ave.. W. S.. 50x100 19 William C. Morris to Edward T. Tates. Florence Blvd., Ill fti X. of Redlck Ave.. E. S.. 44x135 ,00 Charles G. Trimble et al to Trimble - Bros. Building Co N. W. Cor. 8th and Jackson Sta.. HSxllf 50.04 Neff S. Sowerwlne and wife tn Ell klm A. Sowerwlne and wife. Cass St. 150 ft. E. of 44th St. N. S.. 10x122; Ohio 8t. 10 ft E. of 42d St. S. S.. 50x120 l.e S. D. Mercer Co. . ts William L. Mastermaa. S, E. Cor. VI Ui and California Sta., 44x6 1,50 Fred Armbrust and wife to Jake Williams. 424 st, to It. S. of tarn I St. E. S., Sxl21 3.401 George Todd snd wife to Edmund. A. Van Valkenbnrgh. 4I4 St, 241 ft. M. of Farnam St. E. 3. 4x 11S 4.1W George Arthur Rathbnn aad wife to Samuel L. Robinson et sL M. W. Cor. 2th and Charles sta.. 13.75 xl 20 1.50S Ellen J. Anderson and husband to August Lindqutst et al. 41th St.. 4 ft 8. of Miami St. W. 3- 4 Ox 101.4 , John W. Newlean et al to Samuel , M. Rips, Parker St.. ft W. ef lth St. 8. 8.. xl24 LOW Nellie A. Rsmacdottl to Hutda Llndleaf. S. W. Cor. 25th aad Ma son Sta. ttxlO 1.401 Myrtls Grimshaw and husband to Lenors O'SelLMHth St. 17 ft Jf. of W St. K. 24.. 44x111 U . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous, $3,500 Terms Bungalow, modern but heat X lots, easy payments. Amos Grant Co., Dug. 8380. 31S-2-4-1-! Brandeis Then, VINE year around cottage at Carter Lake Club. - 5 rooms and bath, white enamel woodwork throughout Bog oakwtatned fleers, nice screened porch, fine garage. For Information Call Webster 177. 4 ROOM MODERN. Ready to move Into. Complete) tn every respect Good loeatiot S blocks from ear line; 1500 00. Will handle, fcset tike re:i. Call Walnut 240T. J4IFTT BUNGALOW. Fire rooms and bath, strictly modern, oak floors aad finish, neatly decorated throughout !! cash aad 115 per month. Walnat 117a. 24 ACRES IXPROVaTIX GRAHAM-PETERS REALTT CO 121 Omaha Nat Bk. BUg., Omaha. Neb. Douglas 551. Evenings Wat 113. BIRKETT & CO., TrleT rU nut, ts Bc B;d. j Pencil tiv -i f