Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
r i i
VOL. 50 NO. 107.
Is Captured
gunmen Mentioned in Probe
Of "Mystery Girl" Murder
Near Omaha Held in
Fourth Suspect Escapes
Three of a gang of bandits sus
pected of a series of crimes about
Omaha that began with the murder
ot. the mystery girl a year ago,
have been aDDUjended and are in
jail at Oshkosh, Wis., according to
information obtained yesterday.
The men have been identified as
Eddie Meehan alias Hyland, leader
of the bandit gang, Albert Loach
and Leo Ososki, guumen, all of
whom shot their wav out of the
Lucas county jail at Toledo. O., on
Christinas day, last vear. Three
women who refuse to disclose their
identity are also being held, accord
ing to long distance telephone com
munication at noon todav with R
I ' Jilabhetts, assistant chief of police
r 4 a t . t. . . i . . .
mi iuunn man, mougnt to De Al
V nrt Joyce, gunman, escaped when
detectives corralled the trailer in a
lodging house at Chippewa Falls,
Wis., two days after the bandits
held up the Oshkoslj State bank at
noon and escaped with t but $800,
oftjrr seriously wounding the cashier.
All are being held in $25,000 bail
each. 1
Doubts Return Here.
Charles Pipkin, head of Pipkin's
Rational Detective Agency, who has
i-j'formation implicating the Meehan
iandit gang in the "mystery girl"
murder, the robbery of the $80,000
from Hayden's safe on December 3
and the daylight holdup of the
Farmers-Merchants bank at Benson
on December 31, doubts whether
Meehan, Loach and Ososki will be
brought to Omaha because of more
serious crimes standing against
them in other cities.
Andrew Pattullo, inspector of po
ice, declared he would use all ef
forts to have the prisoners brought
to Omaha. ,
"Meehan, Loach and Osoki 'are
wanted in St Paul, Minn., for hold
ing up a bank, in Toledo for breaking
jail and seriously wounding two
turnkeys and in New York for high
way robbery ,f A"istant Chief of
Police Gabbetts at Oshkosh . said
over the telehone.
"I am investigating to see if they
are wanted in Omaha," he added.
Flynn to Oshkosh.
Thomas Flynn, genera! manager
of Hayden Bros, store," declared he
would go to Ushkosh m an ettort to
identify the recovered loot as that
uKen from Hayden s safe. .
William F. Hmz, vice president of
the Farmers-Merchants bank at Ben
son, is pptimistic about the identifi
cation of the. Meehan gang as the
bandits who held up the Benson
"I'm interested in the arrest of the
?ang and if further investigation dis
v closes their connection with the rob
bery of this bank, efforts will be
centered to have them brought back
to Omaha," he stated. '
The criminal operations of the
Meehan gang were' disclosed in an
exclusive story published in , last
Sunday's Bee.
A .Diamonds and Bonds.
I Two trunks found in possession
'of the bandit gang contained $10,000
'"'worth of diamonds and other
jewelry, $25,000 worth of bonds and
" 10,000 in currency, a newspaper ac
count of the capture of the bandits
Whether the apprehension of the
bandit "gang will actually clear ifp
1 the murder of the "mystery gi.l"
whose disfigured bodyv,as found
fln a ravine north of Florenc; on
November 19, last year, is a matter
of conjecture.
ij'he suspected connection of the
Meehan gang with the series of
crimes about Omaha is that four of
their confederates were responsible
for the murder of the giri and the
robbery of Hayden Brothers' safe to
obtain money for the delivery of
Meehan, Ososki, Loach and Joyce
from jail in Toledo, according 'o :n-i-ajqviation
coming to Detective
The four bandits are of the.most
desperate of criminals, according to
circulars distributed broadcast by
New York police.
They are thought to have con
fined their operations to the middle
west since their escape from a train,
taking them to Sing Sing prison two
years ago, because of fear of appre
hension on sight.
The bandits were never known to
have committed a crime without a
woman involved in their escape, the
circulars read.
A standing reward of $5,000 is -offered
for their iJrrest.
New Members Arc Added to
Inland Press Association
. Chicago, Oct. 19. Fifty-five new
members were voted into the Inland
Daily Press association. The mem
bership of the association now is
The Report of a committee ap
pointed to investigate the new
print situation was read bv 11. I.(
Pape of Waterbury, Conn., chair
man, who stated that indications, are
promising of a "softening market."
Imported paper, the supply of
which from Sweden and Germany is
increasing, can be sold for only 6
cents a pound, and is ot slightly bet
ter quality than domestic grades
selling at 12 cents, the report said.
Many Oklahoma Miners
Are Returning to Work
McAlester.' Okl.. Oct 19. With
the return to work of the "vacation
ist" coal miners at Gowen and
Bache, and the indicated return to
morrow of miners at two other
mines in the McAlester field, miners'
officials believe - that every mine in
the field will be in operation Thurs
day, they announced,
I :
Eatma u ImM CIiH Matter
OnalM P. 0. Uaw Aal al
Only Son Dies Following
Injury In Foot Ball Game
Physicians Baffled by Case
Which Was Not Con
sidered Serious
At First.
"Gee, mamma I got ' an' awful
crack over the right ear down at
Bejnis park playing foot ball this
afternoon." ,
This at 6 Saturday evening from
W. Franklin Worrell, 12, only son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Worrell,
3411 Hawthorne avenue.
At 6:15 Monday evening, 48 hours
later, while surgeons were baffled
and mother and father stood help
less at- his bedside at the Methodist
hospital, the. youth died from the
"The blow fractured the skull and
complications followed rapidly caus
ing death," Dr. C. C. Morrison, at
tending physician stated yesterday.
On Sunday morning, the boy told
his parents he wasn't feeling very
well and sat and read in a chair
downstairs until early in the evening.
"It was that chair by the window,"
said Mrs. Worrell yesterday after
noon, as she recounted the story.
"That jiight his father was up with
him i"arly all night and early in
the morning a physician was called.
At 6 Monday morning he was taken
to the hospital and at 0:15 he was
dead." .
Mrs. Worrell gazed at the picture
of her boy, the only one they have
of him.
Lloyd George to
Give Strike Plan
To Parliament
Opening Session of Body, Fol
lowing Summer Eecess, to..
Receive Premier's Plan to
Fnd Miners' Tieup.
London, Oct. 19. Premier Lloyd
George was expected to make decla
rations today at the opening of the
session of the British Parliament rel
ative to the situation resulting from
the strike of coal miners, which be
gan Saturday, and measures taken
by the government to meet the crisis.
Laborite members of the House of
Commons have been for several days
in conference with leaders of the
Miners' federation and other great
labor organizations and London was
hopeful that they had reached some
decision which would tend to bring
about a solution of Questions that
brought about the walkout of the i
coal diggers. . - :
Great Britain s coal mining indus
try has been almost completely par
alyzed by the strike. Sharp autumn I
weather prevails over the British
Yesterday's serious riotine near
the official residence of the premier'
in Downing street brought the prob
lem of unemployment sharply to the
attention of the people. Premier
Lloyd George has promised to bring
relief plans before Parliament at
The first untoward incident direct
ly connected with the coal strike oc
curred at Ton-Y-Pandy, in South
Wales, at midnight, when some
young colliers collected and started
to sing "The Red Flag," causing the
police to intervene. Stone throwing
occurred, but the crowd was dis
persed. The usual police , patrols were
somewhat strengthened today in
Downing street.
Two Charged With
Killing of Prosser
Man In Hootch Party
Hastings, Neb., Oct. 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Charge of man
slaughter was filed by County At
torney Addie today against Law
rence Thiene and Carl Stromer of
Hastings, growing out of the death
of Julius Kroll, a bacheler at! Pros
ser, following a drinking party.
It is alleged that Thiene .and
Stromer gave Kroll moonshin?
liquor which caused him to die of
acute alcoholic poisoning while alone
:n his home. Paul Thiene and Bart 1
Construck, arrested with the other
two have been released, the county
attorney not having found sufficient
evidence against them on which to
base prosecution.
The identity of the young women,
who gave the names of Grace Rogers
and Alice Johnson, and who are held
under bond as witnesses, is a com
plete mystery to the authorities. The
women are modest and refined in
appearance and speech and decline
to explain their presence with other
members of the alleged moonshine
party at the time of the arrest It
is believed that they gave assumed
Directors Ask Receiver
For King Motor Company
Detroit, Oct. 19. Dissolution of
the King Motor company of Detroit
and appointment ; of a receiver to
take over the affairs of the corpora
tion was asked in a petition filed in
the Wayne county circuit court by
directors of the concern. The peti1
tion set forth that the action was
asked because of the impossibility
of the directors to give their en
tire attention to the affairs of the
company, and because the working
capital was lacking.
Woman Indicted for Murder
Of 5-Year-Old Daughter
Cleveland, Oct 19. Mrs. Kather
ine Mikulic was indicted for first
degree murder for slaying her 5-year-old
daughter, Eva, whom she
drowned in the lake last, month,
when she tried to take her own life
and did not wish to leave the child
to the charity of friends. A jury
of women will be demanded for the
.trial, her attorneys said.
It, I9M. at
Marak. . 117,
ou know," she said, "he was our
qnly child.
Mrs. Worrell burst into tears.
Friends who have been with her
constantly led -her upstairs.
The boy was a member ' of the
Boy Scouts and alsb a junior Y. M.
C. A. member, fond of shorts and
the "out-of-doors." (
The father, H. E. Worrell, is sec
retary and treasurer of the Omaha
Life Insurance Co.
Opponents Open
Fire on Deep Sea
.Waterway Plans
Passageway From Great Lakes
Through St. Lawrence River
To Atlantic Ocean Said
To Be Impractical.
New York, Oct.' 19. Criticism of
the proposed deep sea waterway
from the Great Lakes through the
St. Lawrence river as impracticable
and injurious to the barge canal of
New York state was massed by its
opponents at a hearing before the
international joint commission. To
morrow eastern proponents of the
project will' place their view of the
commission which was appointed by
the governments of Canada and the
United States to investigate the
feasibility of the plan.
Among the arguments were sev
eral references to the expenditure of
great sums by the United States to
improve waterways in other coun
tries and several times opponents
pictured the plight of the investment
in case of war between Great Britain
and America. One speaker declared
he could not' see why tho United
States "should start another Panama
canal in a foreign country."
These remarks brought a reply
from the American chairman of the
international commission, Former
Senator Obediah Gardner of Maine.
"Several times today-1 have noted
inferences, some deliberately errone
ous, that this project is an attempt
on the part of Canada to inveigle the
United States into building a water
way for Canada," he said. "This
project originated in the house of
representatives of the congress of
the United States."
Public service Commissioner
Lewis Nelson asserted, "it would
seem thei benefits of this project are
generally assumed." Taking cogni
zance of the strong support it has in
15 western states, he thought "many
cities are dreaming of being ocean'
ports," naming Duluth and Chicago
as two of them. He predicted af
least 20 locks would have to be built
on the lakes, and pointed out
the slow time the boats would make
compared with a trip to an Atlantic
port. Also he continued the argu
ment of other speakers that the route
would be closed half of each year be-,
cause of ice, fogs, and other hazards.
Republican Leader
Suffers Broken Leg
Riverton, Wyo., Oct. 19. Frank
W. Mondell, member of t'.ie house of
representatives, sustained a broken
leg, as the result of a fall on the
Shoshone reservation, near here.
Mr. Mondell was with a party of
local men on a trip of inspection to
the Shoshone reclamation projecf
when a "drag line" of a steam
shovel on which- he stepped, broke,
causing him to fall. The rope was
only a few inches off the ground..
He was taken to a hospital in
Mr. Mondell had been touring the
state, fpeaking for the republican,
Thousands of Positions
Offered to Immigrants
New York, Oct. 19. Hundreds of
letters from manufacturers, coal op
erators, railway managers, farmers
and other employers of labor were
received at Ellis Island, offering
jobs to immigrants. The letters
vere sent as a result of the activi
ties of. the newly organized bureaus
of immigration, distribution, which
is seeking to place immigrants in
American industry.
New York Rent Laws Are
Held to Be Constitutional
New York, Oct. 19. Supreme
Court Justice Edward R. Finch, in
the Bronx, handed down a decision
holding that New York's new rent
laws are constitutional. He said
that protection of homes is within
the police power of the state, when
a public emergency exists.
Rate Increase Denied.
Springfield. II., Oct. 19. Rail
roads in Illinois were denied a 40
pre cent increase in freight rates
by the state public utilities commis-
Of Bankers
Condemnation of Controller
Of Currency Williams Fea
tures Forecast of Action
. To Be Taken.
Meredith Makes Speech
ChlrafO Tribune-Omaha Be Itaned Wire.
Washington, Oct. 19. Addresses
and reports made at the first general
session of the annual cbnvention of
the American Bankers' association
today gave a forecast of some of the
Vlanks to be incorporated in resolu
tions adopted later in the week.
Among them are the following:
Condemnation of Controller of
the Currency John Skelton Williams
lor his attack upon high interest
lates of New York banks.
Promotion of foreign trade by
means of a $100,000,000 export fi
nancing corporation.
Revision of revenue laws by con
gress to remove present inequalities
:n taxation.
A more careful supervision of gov
crnmental expenditures.
Elimination of the orgy of extrava
gance and speculation as a means of
promoting more economical con
sumption as well as increased pro
Eneouragement of a private
owned merchant marine.
FavorTransportation Act.
Approval of the transportation act
passed by the last session of con
gress as having taken railroad se
curities out of the highly speculative
class, and helping to stabilize credit
conditions. s
Commendation of the manner in
which the federal reserve system has
operated during the .war and the
critical period of readjustment fol
lowing the war.
Denunciation of organized labor
for fomenting strikes and an appeal
for greater consideration of the pub
lic in the "settlement of disputes.
An expression : of opposition to
Prof. Ervin Fisher's gold stabiliza
tion plan and other schemes involv
ing a change from the present sys
tem of a fixed gold standard.
More generous support by con
gress of the activities of the Depart
ment of Agriculture. .
A dtclaration m favor -of ade
quate financial aid to farmers in or
der that they may handle their crops
without sustaining serious losses.
MemUers of a resolutions commit
tee were -appointed by Richard S.
Hawes, president of the association.
The committee will make its report
at the closing session of the conven
tion on Friday.
There were three chief addresses
at the general session of the conven
tion. One was the annual address
of President Hawes; another . a
speech by Secretary of Agriculture
Meredith on "The Banker and Agri
culture," and the third, an address
by John J. Pulleyn, president of the
Emigrant Industrial Savings bank of
New York City, and president, of the
Savings Bank Association of New
York on the transportation act and
its effect on credits.
. President Hawes in his annual
address, digressed from his prepared
speech to administer a stinging re
buke to Controller of the Currency
Williams for the latter's attack upon
high interest rates published in the
Monday morning papers.
Challenge to Bankers.
"I want to comment on the pub
lication originating with a govern
ment official, the controller of cur
rency," said Mr. Hawes. "His
statement is a challenge to the in
tegrity of the bankers of America.
I trust the resolutions committee
will take cognizance of his state
ment, and answer it in the proper
. Representative Madden of Chicago
was singled out by Secretary of
Agriculture Meredith for attack, in
referring to cutting of appropria
tion for the department by congress.
Secretary Meredith, in making an
appeal for ample credit facilities for
the farmers of the country, said that
they face a shrinkage of price as
Compared with last year aggregat
ing more . than $2,500,000,000, or
nearly 17 per cent.
Take Still in Raid.
ttorth Platte, Neb., Oct. 19.
(Special Telegram.) James Diehl oj
Wellfleet was arrested for operating
a still. Fifty gallons of mash were
found in his house where the still
was concealed. He was fined $234
and the mash was 'destroyed.
Pilot James P. Murray.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct 19. United
States mail planes were sent front
here today to search for Pilot Jame3
P.' Murray, who has not been heard
from since he left Salt Lake City
yesterday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock.
He was due here at 5:30 o'clock
last evening. Air mail officials fear
he met with an accident while cross
ing the mountains. Pilot Murray
was recently transferred from Oma
ha, where he was a regular pilot on
the Chicago-Omaha division.
Ex-Omaha Mail Pilot
Is Thought to Be Lost
.. .
Two Policemen
Shot in Chicago
In Liquor Raid
Steps Taken to Hush Up Ac
tivities Following Confession
Said to Involve Wash
ington Officials.
Chicago, Oct. 19. Unusual activi
ty was displayed in all sectors of
the illicit liquor battle front, with
the possible exception of any further
move toward arresting the men in
volved in the Sadler and Pappas con
fessions. , What activity there was
in that line was devoted to hushing
up the confession, which is said to
involve some high officials here and
in Washington.
Two former policemen were shot
early this morning in a mysterious
affray which the authorities are con
vinced was a whisky running expe
dition and probably a quarrel over
distribution of the loot. The dis
trict where the shooting occurred is
notorious in the records ot illicit
booze deals.
"The prohibition law will never ba
observed until its violators are sent
to jail," said Federal Judge Landis
today, in passing sentence upon a
saloon keeper wno naa oeen aoing
a tremendous business on a $25 li
cense fee. "This is not a license,"
commented the judge. "It is a tax
a tax on crime. I want to see
some of these , men who are selling
illegal booze brought before me. I
want to send them to prison. That
is the only cure,"
Major ijairympte piacea ai ine
doors of a district judge and district
United States Attorney responsibility
for three killings in Wisconsin in ef
forts enforce the prohibition laws.
Dtflrymple says there is wholesale
disregard for the prohibition law
through Wisconsin and the people
generally have been led to believe
that there will be no honest en
deavor to enforce the laws. He says
if the judge and prosecutor in ques
tion had shown any inclination to
enforce the law in cases of violators
between them, the three killings that
followed in battles between revenue
agents and whisky runners would
have been averted.
More Trouble in Sight for
Home Brew Manufacturers
Washington, Oct 19. Persons
vho violate state prohibition laws by
manufacturing or selling cither
fermqnted or distilled intoxi:ating
liquors, are liable upon conviction,
not only for the fine and penalty
levied bv the court, but must also
pay the federal government $1,000
as a special tax. Interna! Kevenue
Commissioner Williams instructed
prohibition agents and internal rev
enue collectors, that a prevision of
the revenue laws' of 1918 imposing
the tax was still "in effect, and
directed them to carry it out.
Grand Jury to Investigate
Boston Restaurant Prices
Boston. Oct. 19. The federal
grand jury was ordered in special
session on ' October 27, by United
States Attorney Daniel Gallagher to
decide whether present high prices
for food at hotels and restaurants in
volve criminal profiteering. As an
exhibit for its consideration, he m
dicated the grand jury would be
shown a ham sandwich which cost
0 cnts to make and sold for 30
y Mall (I yaar). I..I. 4t, lo.a, Ball 4 Mfw. : g;jl LfJ'SlX u
0ulilj4lh Zona (I yawl. , O.lly aad Saaday, til! Oally Oaly. IUi Sui4 0l. W
Delegates Pass
On Constitution
New Nebraska Document Is
Signed and Convention' Ad
journs Few Absent.
Lincoln, Neb., Qct. 19. (Special
Telegram.) The constitutional con
vention of Nebraska is a thing of
the past, the gavel in the hands of
President A. J. Weaver falling at
S:10 this evening and the convention
adjourned sine die on motion of dele
gate Everett P. Wilson of Chadron.
The convention convened this aft
ernoon after a long recess of several
months with a majorify of the
members present. Later others, who
had been detained, came in until the
attendance showed but 19 of the 100
members absent. t)onohue of Doug
las county was excused because of
illness, while Abbott of Douglas
county and Kunz o'f Hall county
were excused fcr the same reason.
Hare of Hamilton county has moved
to Seattle and Haskell of Dixon
county is travelling in Europe.
After the opening prayer by Chap
lain Cressman, President Weaver de
livered a short address, following
whieh the convention spent most of
the afternoon in listening to the
reading o! the constitution by Sec
retary Barnard. At the close of the
reading the members present signed
the constitution, while under a mo
tion the document will be left with
the secretary of state, where .ab
sentees may sign the same, either
prsonally or by proxy.
Report of the publicity-committee
showed that there is left on the ap
propriation $4,274.47. However, ad
ditional expenses will probably near
ly reach that figure and there may
be left only about $100 on the
Just before adjournment, Dele
gate Tepoel of Douglas county
moved that the gravel be presented
to President Weaver and the motion
carried by a standing vote.
A copy of the contribution will
be engrossed and made an official
record .for the future.
Woman Batdes Man When
He Tries to Steal Her Coat
When Mrs. C. H. Hammon, Teka
mah, Neb., saw a man attempting to
make away with her fur coat from
her automobile at Fourteenth and
Howard streets, -Monday, she
grappled with him and called PitroW
man Ed Vanous. The olficer ar
rested the man who gave his name
as Fred Jensen,, alias Nels Nelson,
of Minneapolis. Police say Nelson
was sentenced to the state peniten
tiary a year agofor grand kreeny.
The coat was valued at $500.
Search Made for Airplane
Carrying 10 Passengers
' Miami, Fla., Oct 19. Search was
made for a passenger airplane which
left here Sunday morning for Nas
sau, Bahama Islands, with 10 pas
sengers, but did not arrive there.
. Storms were reported off the
Florida coast yesterday, and it is
thought the plane may have stopped
at gome of the smallcr islands.
Texas Man Murdered.
Brownwood, Tex., Oct. 19. J. N.
Weatherby, a large landholder in
Mills county, was found dead on a
lonely road eight miles from Brown
wood, with the head badly beaten
and body wrapped in an army
blanket. Valuables had been taken
irom the body,
Be Returned to
Howard County
Judge Woodrough Issues Writ
In Accordance With Decision
That Confessed Murderer's
Trial Invalid.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct 19. (Special.)
Federal Judge Woodrough today
issued a writ directing Warden Fen
ton of the state penitentiary to turn
Alson B. Cole over to the sheriff of
Howard county in accordance with
Ids decision of October 12. that the
death sentence imposed upon the
prisoner was invalid. -
Judge Woodrough instructed that
the necessary papers be placed m the
hands of Deputy United States Mar
shal Tom Carroll and that they be
served on the warden Tuesday. Ac
cording to Mr. Priest, attorney for
Cole, the papers have already been
issued and are now in Marshal Car
roll's possession.
Cole was under sentence to die
in the electric chair November S for
complicity in the murder of Mrs.
Lula Vogt in Howard county on
July, 1917. Cole and Allen V. Gram
mer, also under death sentence in
connection with the murder, through
their attorneys have put urT a thrill
ing legal fight' for their lives, nu
merous reprieves having prevented
tehir execution up to this time..
Judge Woodrough based his re
cent decision on the tact that the
degree of Cole's . .crime had never
been fixed by the judge presiding
0cr the trial.
Condition of King .
, Of Greece Unchanged
Athens, Oct. 19. At 10 a. m. the
condition of King Alexander showed
little change. The congestion of the
lungs persists and drowsiness is tak
ing the form of coma. The king's
temperature was reported as 102;
pulse, 124; respiration, 34.
Paris, Oct 19. A noted surgeon,
whose name has not been disclosed,
left here for Athens tonight by spe
cial train in apswer to an urgent
summons from the bedside of King
Alexander. It is understood that he
will attempt a further operation, on
the king. i
Coroner's Jury Decides
Toronto Child Murdered
Toronto, Oct. 19. George Albert
Hincs, 2, whose body was found
yesterday in the woods near here,
was murdered accoring to the ver
dict of the coroner's jury.
Albert Hines, shell-shocked Ca
nadian soldier and father of the boy,
is in the Coburg jail on a charge
of attempted suicide pending a. fur
ther investigation into the death of
the child.
The Weather
. Probably showers and cooler
Hourly Temperatures.
r. .
a. m. .
? a. m. ,
n. m . .
Ii . m. .
"1 . m .
II a. m . .
It boon . .
. ,M
. C7
t p. m.
S p. m.
4 p. m.
5 u. ni .
o. m
7 i. m .
V V- ai .
U. S. Kept
At War by
Ellhu Root
Former Cabinet Member De
clares United States Would
Have Joined League But
For Stand of President.
Article 10 Is Condemned
By Tbe Awoclatcd fro.
New .York, Oct 19. Elihu Root,
in his only address on the league of
nations during the presidential cam
paign, tonight declared that the
treaty of peace with Germany would
have been ratified and I America
would have been a member of the
league 'fif President Wilson had .
been willing." ' .
"Mr. Wilson, however', was riot
willing. He insisted upon the treaty
absolutely unchanged," Mr. Root
said, adding later on in his speech:
"I do not question Mr. Wilson's .
beliefs that the disposition of the
treaty for which he was contending
on May 31, 1919, were just and fair;
but, without disrespect, I do question
Mr. Wilson's infallibility; I do ques
tion the complete control of abstract
justice in the processes by which the
four men who dictated those treaties,
which undertook to make over east
ern Europe, reached their conclu
sions, j
Impression of Mistakes. 1
. 'T have an impression that there
was the accommodation of conflict- :
ing interests, the giving of some
thing here to get something there;
the yielding of some things in order
to avoid losing others; the shading
of justice by expediency, which has
characterized such c onferences since
history began. I have a strong im
pression that some of their conclu
sions were mistakes.
"And I think it most objectionable
that the American people shall enter
into solemn and positive agreement
to guarantee and maintain by force
of arms for all time the dispositions
of territory and sovereignty which
these four men made in the year
"That is a part of what article
10 undertakes to do. It is an al
liance to enforce perpetually through
the operations of the legue, the de
cisions of Mr. Wilson and his as-,
sociates in the year 1919. It is a
throw-back to the old discredited al
liances of the past. It speaks a lan
guage of power, and not the spirit
of progress. , It is an attempt to
do what the holy alliance sought
100 years ago (with just as noble
expressions of purpose) to impose .
by force the judgment of the rulers
of the present seneration, upon all-'
future generations."
Urges Harding's Election.
Mr. Root declared that "we shall
promote the peace of the world" by "
electing Senator Harding, republi
can candidate for president, whose
stand on the league, he said was un
changed from the time' he voted for -ratification
of the peace treaty and'
league of nations with the senate
(Continued on Pa Two, Column One.)
Former Housekeeper
Tells of Witnessing
Murder of Mining Man
Los Angeles, Oct. 19. Mrs. R. C.
Peete of Denver, who was either a
tenant in or housekeeper at the
home of Jacob C. Denton when that
wealthy mining man was slain here
last June, today told the district at
torney's deputies investigating the
case that she saw a man and a wom
an kill Denton.
, Mrs. Peete said the woman had
quarreled with Denton through the
night and she had shot him as they
sat at a breakfast table before dawn.
Mrs. Peete was in Denver when
the murder became known by the
discovery of Denton's body in a
rudely built crypt in the basement of
his home here a few weeks ago.
After investigation she-was escorted
back here by attaches of the district
attorney's office, being accompanied
also by her husband and daughter. '
Mrs. Peete's story fixed the iden
tity of the persons who she said had.
done the actual slaying and it wai
believed that the authorities knew
where to find the two and that ar
rests would follow soon. ,
Woman, Here's Your ,
Chance for a Husband
Lincoln, Oct. 19. (Special.)
Frank L. Kennedy, secretary of the
Department of Labor, is in a posi
tion to furnish a husband to any
woman who can come up to the
specifications necessary. The appli
cation comes from a farmer, who
says he is well enough off so that
there is no danger that the wolf can 1
successfully prowl around the warn
ily hearthstone.
The woman needed must be be
tween 35 and 40, must be refined, no
past to regret, good housekeeper,
jolly, congenial, loving and gooa
ratured, one that would rather staj
at home than be on the go. Anj
woman with all these qualification!
can write to Mr. Kennedy or hit
efficient deputy. Mr. Dunn, who ii
an expert on all matrimonial af
fairs. ;
Commercial Bodies Ask
Switching Rate Change
Lincoln, Oct. 19. (Special.) Ths
Omaha and Lincoln Chambers ot
Commerce were represented beforf
the State Railway commission -this
morning with building interests ol
the two cities asking for a recon
struction of the rate charged for
switching. The carriers now charg
$2 per car if notice of switching it
given before the car enters the yards
and 45 if notice is not so given.
F. Montmorency, representing the
carriers, also appeared and after a
short pro and jon discussion the
meeting was adjourned without at