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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1920. Classified Advertising Rates CLASSIFIED ADVERT!. ,N RATE. IS .per Una (count I words to lint) 1 day 14 pr line per day, 1 consecutive days lie per line per day, T consecutive day m par Una par day, 19 consecutive daya No adds taken for less than a total of 360. These rataa apply either to the Dally or Sunday Baa. All advertisements sp Par in bota morning and evening dally pa para (or tba ona charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tha following of flcaa: MAIN OFFICE.... 17th and Fa mam 8ti South Blda .........ISlg N St Council BlutTa It Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONB AT TYLER J000 THE BEE will not ba raaponalbla tor mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertlaamant ordered for mora than ona uma. CLOSING HOURS FOE WANT ADS Evening Edition 11:45 A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 1:00 1. M. Saturday DEATH A FUNERAL NOTICES. ROBINSON Hannah, aged 7S years. 7 months and 1 dayi, October 14, 1920. at tha residence 0f her daughter, tin. S. It. Doracy, 3643 Parker. Deceased la aurvlvad by two daughters, Mra. Dorsey , and Jennie Rohlnaon, and a aon. Joaepb, of Cleveland, O. Funeral Sunday, 4 p. m. Burial at J?!Sr?"lJtI,S 3ltryj t7f,RNEY John, asnd ii. was lnstanttv killed at Leavenworth and Park Ave., rrinay, uet is. Funeral aervlcaa will bo hold at Cros by's Funeral Home. 24th ami Wirt Sr.. Tuesday, 1:J0 p. m. to 8t. Phllimenns cnurvn, I p. m. Interment Holy Sep nlchre cemetery. ROBINSON Hannali. age 75 years, T mnntha, 23 day, Oct. It, Id 50, at tha realdenca of her daughter, Mra. F. H. Horsey 3643 Parker St. Deceased la sur vived by Mra. Dorsey, Jennie Robinson, and J. J. Robinson of Cleveland. O. FINLAYSON Duncan, October IS, 1920, ago IS yeara. House of Hope. Funeral 2:30 p. m. at Fero'a chapel, 23d and Cuming. Interment Prospect Hill. Intrment Prospect Hill, " SC H ECI I T E ft M ra. Sarah, died at S a. m. at the homo of her daughter. Mother of-Mra. H. Milder. Funeral at I p. m. from (031 Ixard. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney (II. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South 18th St. Douglas 1226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, tTndertakera and Embalmere. Phona H. 168. Office llll, Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korlsko Funeral Home, !3d and O Sta. FLORISTS ' 1811 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 300"?. L. Henderaon, 1511 Farnam. Douglaa 1248. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following paraons were Issued per mits to wed: Ruben O. Rlckabaugh, (3, Grant City, Mo., and Maude Hartman, 41 Tabor, la. Hans J. Bradder, 29, Hugo, Colo., and Laura Petersen, 16, Friend, Nob. Elton E. Lowell, 26, Olbbon, Neb., and Margaret M. QUts, 22. Olbbon, Neb. Chrla Johnson, 15. Council Bluffs, la., and Nellie J. Maxfleld, 21, Council Bluffs. William F. Dlxson, 11, Ames, la., and Clara C. Sprtnkelmler, 21, Anns, la, Clyde W. Nash, 31, Dm Moines, la., and Laura Lockwood, IS, Des Moines, la. Ola O. Treen, 14, Omaha, and Margaret Busey, 37, Omaha. Robert B. .Rhodes, over 11, Belh?grade, Neb., and Mary A. Fulton, over 18, Omaha. Jackson D. Davis, 38, Omaha, and Adeline D. Banka, 18, Omaha. Joseph Zych." 38. Omaha, and Agnea Kvlndecska, 18, Omaha. Harry Hooper, 39, Marshall, Mo., and Dorothy Shimer, 27, Omaha. Jacob Brener, 59, Sioux City. la., and Sarah E. 8ourtwrlght, 68, Sioux City, la. Sidney E. Pechota, 21, Omaha, and Irene Hatcher, 21, Omaha. Harold J. Longnecker, 30, Indiana Har bor, Ind., and Masle M, Magill. 30, Colum bus, Neb, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Clyde and'Velma Brcoks, 1803 No. 24 St., girl; Walter and Mettle Alls mun. 636 So, 25 Ave., boy; Thomas and Margaret'Fearnslde, 1233H So. 20 St., girl; Nils and Emma Pearson, :i007 Webster St.. boy; Albert and Liljan Nelson, 2708 Fort St.. boy, 1 Deaths Mra. Mathilda A. Thind, 43, 1029 So, 24 St.; Ella Hall, 50, 2114 No. 20 Ft.: Charles D. Bessie. 67, hospital; Clar ice Lucille Nelson, Infant, 4406 80. 12 St.; Lictle Gahan, 60, 45 and K Sta.; John Galas, 6. 4219 So. 38 St.; Frank Zabrowskl. infant, 4418 So. 34 St.; James Kubat, 62 hospital; James- D. Gregory, it, hospital; .Abble O. lake, J9. 5010 Capitol Ave.; Hoby Doefal, Infant, hospital; Lyman 3. Iuckley, 77, Omaha, Neb.: George W. Rogers, 68, hospital; Charlotte McArthur, 50, New York, N. Y. ; Sara Moore, 41, hoa pltal; John Copeland, 40, hospital; Hanah Robinson, 73, 3643 Parker St. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. STRAYED from Ralston. Neb., the night of Oct. 13, one light-colored Jersey cow, weight 1,209 lbs. Test tag in right ear, wearing leather halter. Call Ralston 48-W and receive reward and pay for all your trouble. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxioua to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANY. PARTY who took seal coat with beaver trimming from home 3828 S. 23rd Bt was seen leaving with coat and e known. Return to owner and avoid trouble. LOST Brlndle bulldog, white feet, whit breast. 2864 Lake St. and receive re ward. Tag No. 1763. Web. 294 8. LOST In Qayety theater mink fur scarf. Call Mra. Cavanaugh, Tyler 3210. Re ward. ; LOST Gold breast pin, heart shape, with pansy In center, set with diamond, valued as a g)ft Reward. Wal, 3376. WILL party who found package contain ing lady's blouse in Beaton's drug call Ty. 4096. LOST Ring of keys. Reward return to Kaipn Tuttie. 37g3 o St. a. 944. LOST Gold brooch Thursday dow don nl town for Jiberal district. Reward. Wal. 3760. LOST Fitch choker. Return reward. Harney 6256. LOST A female brlndle Boston bull. Re ward. Weboter 6616. SPECIAL NOTICES. RACE record meeting to be held Ak-Sar-Ben field track, Oct. 18 to 23, Inclusive. (Signed) Ak-Sar-Ben Driving Club. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home ' solicits your old clothing, furniture, magailnes. We collect. Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 11 10-1112-11 1 4 Dodge Bt. PIPKIN'S "NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, x Incorporated. Douglaa 107, jiruniiDn jpib... umaira. eD. RELIABLE party without children, de slrea 10 ear for small child. Colfax 1729. j .RELIABLE party without children desires to care for email child. Colfax 8729.- RJEXTelecvjic.cleaner, $lday. CoI4116. RENT Hoover vacuum" aeprHar. 16 71. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth StT j ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. MISS GRACE ABBOTT Following Two Years' NEW YORK TRAINING METROPOLITAN BALLET . Will conduct classes in CLASSICAL, STAGE AND SOCIAL DANCING. , Under the auspices of THE O. E. A. CLUB. Since leaving Omaha in 1918. when ahe was Professor Chambers CHIEF IN STRUCTOR. Miss Abbott haa been as soclated with the foremost artiste in her profession. For Appointment Phona Harney TI36. TCpl-PinP School for Dancing. 1424 A 111C Farnam. Doug. 7866. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. Wa teach ball room and all kinds of fancy dancing. D. 1581, or H. 1792.. FANCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN. SEASON, 120. KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. Dressmaking. SEWING, alike, velvets, skirts, jackets ro- lined, remodeled. Reasonable. H. 6804. DRESSMAKING. CALL'wAL. 6525. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Nevtila Blk. Evidence accured In all cases. Tyler 1111. JtELIABLB Detective Bureau. - Railway II Bldg. Doug. oat. Night, CsL 415. K BRINGING IIP I VELLMHOP& I J'LL 5C ) ' I I SOME. PLACE YOU'LL CALL TO I Vjf$f Of. LIOVrTD I HE'? COT 1 HQlrn; j j ANNOUNCEMENTS. Painting and Decorating. PAINTING, papering, reasonable '.rices house painting specialty. Frank Kull sek. Webster 8 0 : 5,orWalnutl 427. Painting, papering, plastering. Wal. . 4567. Enitt0.'!?-9: , JAMES W. llARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1718 Dodge St. Tatent your Invention and sell It to a manufacturer. , Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, afde, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sines and styles; nemsiucning, picoc eaimc, eye let out work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating C0.1 208 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936; Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011. Room 13. Douglas Blk., 16tb and Dodga. Ne'br. Pleating A Button Co., 180C Far- nam Bt. U. 6670. Miscellaneous Announcements. "SEWING MACHINES We rent repair, aell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973. NEBRASKA , Vulca Patch Sales Agency. 411 So. 24th; distributors for Vulca Patch'. Parker'a Llffhtnlna Auto Polish, Bear Non-Skid Emergency Chalna; or- der by mal. PAXTON-MITPHELL CO.. 17th and Martha Sta.. Omara. Neb. Brass, bronae, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETY raaor bladea sharpened, new ra iors. ranor bladea sold, umana tutior Sharpening Co.. Ai?lJ5.oJ4SBiJ.0iJt:lJ' OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress ea made from your own featnere, sum mer winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT cad be purchased at Klalto Drug more, JS'n and Douglas 8ts Omaha, Neb. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait. at Paxton Hat Works, 1607 H D'arnam Bt Work guaranteed. D. 6939. FI1.M9 develooed: Drlntlna and enlarging. Write for prices, une unsign o., joui Howard St DENTISTRY exchanged for Liberty bonds, face value. Dr. Secor, 1017 1st Nat'l Bk. WEDDING announcements and printing, Dotiglaa. Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. FULL dress, sulta and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St., John Feldman. D. 3128. CORSETS made to order. Call Webster 6515. OMAHA WELDING C. "The Careful welders." 15th and jacuson. v. t-ivi. RENT Hoover vacuum, II 25. Wal. 1917, QTWO BARGAINS, 12th & Farnam. UAA' AJO j. j, Dar Darlght Safe Co. GET our figures on roofs. North West Ready Roofing uo., bus b. ri. M ATTRESSES remade, springa rep. H. 7163 Dr". Bradbury. No pain. 921-W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. WEAVINO, old rurs remado. Tyler 1433 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION. 24 oomplete homea of extra good fur niture to be sold as fast as we can sell. 2 days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, October 18th, 19th and 20th. Sale atarts each day at 1 p. m. aharp, In my auction house, aoutneasc urner ism ana Webster Hta. w Remember this sale lasts 3 days and la one of the bigest saleH I have ever conducted on furniture consisting of 6 extra 'good pianos, 6 standard talking machines, 4 extra good parlor suites and 6 extra good living room suites com plete, duofolds and davenports, dining room sets all kinds, 1 mahogany dtnlng room sets complete and 2 American walnut dining room ttta complete. Over 100 rugs an Kinas, including oriental, Anffln-Pnralan. French and roval wllton. body brussell and axminester, all sizes. Bedroom suites, the vary best in Amer ican walnut, mahogany, white Ivory, . clrcaslon walnut bedroom suites com plete. Brass, Vernts Martin and Simon beds complete. Beautiful dressers, chlf- fionlers, ehlfforobes, dressing tames in oak, walnut and mahogany, all kinds. Drapes, linens, cut glass, hand painted china, bedding blankets, havlland china, sunroom and wicker furniture, Ice bdxes. kitchen cabinets, gas steel, coal ranges and heating stoves, laundry and cooking utensils. A complete stock of groceries to be sold for the creditors. Automobile and hundreds of articles too numeroua to mention. 24 homes of furniture. Sales run 8 days. JAMES ti. DOWD. Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Douglas 3ZS6 or Tyler 966. AUCTION SALE. Annual Sale of Unclaimed Goods From Household GORDON FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE AND VAN CO. Will Be Held on WEDNESDAT, OCT. 20, AT 1 P. M. at N STEPHENSON'S AUCTION HOUSE, 1614 Chlcage St. All kinds of furniture, rugs and house hold goods will be sold at auction, one piece at a time, to the highest bidder, to satisfy unpaid storage prices. Sale Begins at 1 P. M. F. E. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE chalra, tables, etc. Also complete hard pine stairway. At 2310 California, Tues day, Octobcr19.atJp.m. WE BUY old and new furniture. We pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co., Web. 3380. 1417 North 2 4 th. ; 4 GOOD child's bed and mattress, also 600- pound fsafe for sale. Phone South 0231. LARGE sized baseburner. Colfax 2433 FURNITURE for sale. Doug. 7047. Pianos and Musical Instruments. NEED the rash. Will sell my large beautiful 1200 mahogany phonograph, records and needles, all for 195. Webste. 111. A. HOSPE CO. EaTandl.'.c Pianos for rent, 14 per month. BEAUTIFUL $160 mahogany phonograph and 42 10-Inch records. Will sacrifice to cash buyers for 885. Walnut 3911. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith 1761 Davenport St. BRUNSWICK phonograph, mahogany.180. Call Apt. 8 or 1 The Newton. Ty. 0957. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable if taken this week. Douglas 8066. WILL sacrifice $285 Vlctrola phonograph for $166; bargain. Douglaa 1066. HONEY white clover, finest quality, In all glass jars. Doug. lilt. ALMOST new Wal. -0271. Knabe piano. Cheap. GUITAR, brand new, cheap. Wal. 1796. UPRIGHT piano for sale. Ty. 3965. Typewriters and Supplies. TvnirA,'Di't'irTJC I A A l lt , , A JU1U AND " ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and ret aired. Sola agents for tha CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. 1 Central Typewriter Exc. ucugiaa aizo. iu Farnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co., "all makes." 206 S 18th St Tyler 1424. PROTECTOORAPHS, F. E.'Si bargains. 820 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6x7. 6x8. 8x10. BEST GRADE; ' CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS, ETC. CALL MR. HADLEY, ' , .y , Tyler 1000. J , .ENGRAVING DEPT. ji FATHER- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. 1 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 3x3 4 foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Be office, 17th and Farnam St Phone Tyler 1000. HANDSOME aeal stole, about 2 yards long, never worn, 115; seal muff, $15; mink and squirrel stole; also beautiful seal coats, sacrifice. Suite 111, Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mrs. mo 'n mnm. DIAMOND for sala cheapf" Blue" white stone, clean cut, weight about six-tenths carat. K-t. umanaiJee. : DIAMONDS " On payments to tellable people at reasonable prices. THE DIAMOND SHOP. 602 Securities Bldg. Tyler 36S5. til' RE and safe Investment city warrants to pay you 10 per cent Interest, $100, , lbo ana ii.uuu amounts, n. u. tjniomon 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. - MITLTIGRAPH. comDlete with type and other accessories. Motor-driven. Fire. stone Tire & Rubber Co., 2560 Farnam. WE buy. sell safes, make desks, Bhow- - 1 - l. EM,.,,,,., n. fl.nnlu I S. W. Cor, 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. LARGE drill press with electrlo motor. complete with singles ana tools, rtre N stone Tiro & Rubber Co., . 2566 Farnam. ONE No. 6-25-A International steam boiler. rate 1,350 feet, cost new, 2505, will sell at $360. 2701 Leavenworth. FOR- SALE 2 tubular boilers. 16i5 and 8x3. Both in excellent conditicn. Call Douglas 6S08. Mr. Downs. FOR SALfil Used furnace, good condi tion, 24-Inch fire pot Phone Walnut 1556. 4917 Burt St. RUMMAGE sale Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 022 aouia lam ai. iuiu,ub ui nn kinds. - FOR SALE Base burner and soft coal stoves cheap at 3729 Marcey St Harney 37S1. SEVERAL office desks and chairs, goo( condition. 2666 Farnam St H. 120. ALFALFA hay In stack. On Ordge street road. C. W. Sears, Doug, susi. TAUPE fox set for sale. Call Doug. 2787, Room 217. GOOD motorbca. can use on river. Dg. 77G4. GUITAR, brand new. Cheap. Val. 1796. 2D-HAND lumber. 1828 N. 21at Web. 459, WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; usd deska bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reeo.. 1207 Farnam. P. 6116. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. I6s. A. zaveti. two 1. 19. LIBERTY bonds bought Macks Bond House. 1421 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED to borraw. $700 or $800 on Stearns Knight touring car Jn A-l con dition. Box R-37, Omana nee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. CORRESPONDENCE with a per sonality is the specialty of a young man whose services we can no longer use because we are discon tinuing some 01 our lines of work. He has served us so satisfactorily that we want .to help him get the sort of position he deserves, Phone Tyler 4400 and let us ar range an interview for him. AUDITOR and office manager, former re, ident of Omaha, thoroughly familiar with all details of department store ac counting .and system, now connected with chain store in the east, desirous of returning to Omaha or vicinity. Y-1310, Omaha Bee. Female. TWO excellent fcjrl clerks of ours are losing their positions through . , a discontinuance of some of our work. We can give them unquali fied recommendations. Phone Ty ler 4400. . YOUNG woman wishes steady position as housekeeper In bachelor'a or widower's I home. Phone 360-w.' or address Mrs. L. Meston, Plattsmouth, Neb., cars F. Payn. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always aaverusea. uon't miss tnem. ( SEVEN years' road experience In Neb. and S. D., wantB candy line. Write Box Y-1300, Omaha Bee. Laundry and Day Work BUNDLE washing called for or discount lfdel. Rouahdry or finished. Web. 6151 EXPERIENCED" laundress and "irofter" with references. South 4461. DAY work, bundle washing; experienced. SMALL bundle washing wanted. Harney 7320. DAY WORK, bundle washing. 3351. Webster Day work by hour, reliable, col, Dg. 1132. DAY work, experienced. Colored. Ty. 3158. DAY work, house cleanlng.; Harhey 6129. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web 6216 BUNDLE washing. Webster 1371. HALFdays, by the week. Web. 4605. HALF DAYS, cooking, cleaning. Web. 1341 WASHING and Ironing. Webster 1317. DAY WORK, cleaning, exp. H. 6945. DAY work, with ref. Web. 6004. DAY work, exp. Tyler 0413. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. OFFICE clerk, some knowledge of ship ping, $110 to $126. Office clerk to ds ledger posting. $106. Office clerk, $86 to $90. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. a 117-18 W. O. W. BLDG. STENOGRAPHER A-i firm, $140; book keeper with future, 1160; young man, 16 to 18; office and messenger, $70-$7J. WATTS REFERENCE .COMPANY. 912 First National Baak Bldg. BOOKKE EPER, excellent concern Kan- sacl $125 to $136, , BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 117 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER $150; office .-krk $90-100. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS . THE MARTI CO. 1126 W. O. W Bldg. MEN quick with figures to do tabulating worn curing election. Apply J. A. Kaw lings, Editorial Room, World-Herald. WANTED An experienced drug clerk. fit Joseph Drug Co., Bt, Joseph, Mo, HELP WANTED MALE. Precessions ndrradef. "men wanted" TOBECOMB DRAF8MEN. Salary $200.0O-$25O.OO per month when competent. Chief draftsman will train you personally, also furnish free all toola Training given until placed In position at above aalary. Address, Chief Draftaman Dobe. 4001 Broadway, Dir. 18-A, Chicago. MEN WANTED I want few mora man to train aa draftsmen. Experience not necessary. Draftsmen earn 6160 to $300 per month and more. Big demand. Splendid opportunities. Learn quickly at home. Let ma aend you free lesson. No charge. Charles W. Morey, Director. 2208 Chicago Tech. Bldg., Chicago. BRICKLAYERS, COAL TEAMSTER'S, LA BORERS, BOX FACTORY, COAL YARDS, STEEL SHOPS, STONE WORKS, ST. BY, TRACKS, ETC. IF J OUT OF WORK, SEE U8. EMPLOYERS FREE LABOR BUREAU. 1911 HAR NEY ST. WANTED FIRST CLASS' COMPOSITOR, ABLE TO HANDLE JOB AND CATA LOG WORK. STEADY POSITION, PREVAILING WAGES. 48 HOURS, NON-UNION. ADDRESS R-39, OMAHA BEE. WANTED NOW Experienced oat maker of cattle and horae hldes, on salary and percentage, or will consider part nership; no large sum of money needed. Writs Kansas Robs and Rug Tannery, Lawrence, Kan. - MAN to work this city reflnlshlng chan deliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $10 dally without capital or experience. Write Qunmetal Co., 171 Elm, Decatur, ill TEACHERS Emergency vacancies. Ele mentary, secondary, college, universities all kinds. Salaries high. Write quail flcatlons. Cllne Teachers Agency, San Diego. Cal. YOUNG men, study law. Eva. downtown sessions. Untvar. of Omaha Law Dcpt Thorough course; nominal tuition. Sea. 404 Omaha national jpiag, FIREMAN WANTED Stationary engine at pumping plant. Plattsmouth Water Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. WANTED Plasterers, union Job, two months' work. Apply Archls Allison, Cheyenne. Wyo. WANTED First class auto trimmer. Coll seum Motor coenpany, Casper, Wyoming. Moler Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. Catalog Free. WANTED Mechanical draftsmen, ReflAlte Co., 1023 Harney. Ty. 2856. ATTORNEY to take charge of office In western city. Box T-1308, Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Four reliable, high grade, topnotch salesmen at once. I Live leads furnished. Easy propo- ! sition to handle. You QUALIFY your prospects ONLY, our mana gers CLOSE the sales. If you make less than $10,000-to $25,000 . yearly, you can't stay on the sales force. Our best men are making as high as $50,000 yearly. This ig- not a stock, bond, leasing or pro motion proposition. It's a perma nent connection, and unless you can show a clean character and a successful selling record, do nbt apply. Suite 1123-24, First Nation al, Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced tire sales men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager of branch stores1. State briefly your experience, whether married or single, what part of the country you are most familiar with, sal r.ty wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present em ployers; also the class of irade. Only tried and producing sales men need app!y. Box Y-1296, Omaha Bee. 1 AM LOOKING FOR A TIRE SALES MAN WHO CAN SHOW RESULTS WHEN OTHERS FALL DOWN. HE IS NOT AN ORDER TAKER. HE IS ABOVE THE AVERAGE GOOD SALES MAN IN ABILITY. AND MUST BE ABLE TO COACH JOBBERS' SALES MEN IN SELLING. TO THE MAN WHO CAN SHOW ME SUCH ABILI TY I OFFER A REAL POSITION BRINGING RETURNS COMMENSUR ATE WITH HIS TALENTS. THE MAN I WANT PROBABLY 13 AT PRESENT EMPLOYED. PHONE ROOM 352, TYLER 1313 BETWEEN NOON AND 1 P. M., SUNDAY FOR CONFIDENTIAL 1NTJSKV1BW. BIG OPPORTUNITY Salesmen wanted by large New York manufacturer and importer to carry strong line laces and cotton piece goods- ' straight commission basis. Will pay substantial Weekly advances once results are shown. State territory cov ered, experienced, etc. Write F. H. C, Room 2602, 110 Weat 40th St., New York City. 1 WANT 100 men and women quick to take orders for Comet raincoata nad vwaterproof aprons. Everybody buys. Mc Crary's profits last year were $5,218. New styles, wonderful bargains, direct from manufacturer to wearer. Barnes made $523 in 30 days. Tremendous prof its for you. $2,600 a year for three average orders a day. $10 a day for your spare time. No delivering nor collecting. No capital required I furnish everything, Including a beautiful sample coat. Write quick for liberal offer. The Comer Mfg. Co., Dept G-15T, Day tun, O. LIVE salesmen to sell Brunswick phono graphs, good proposition to right men. Call at once. State Furniture Co., 102 So. 14th St , $6,000 A YEAR ia your profit from four sales a day. Davidson sold 96 one weeK. No experlenceneeded. The Aladdin light Is a sensation wherever Introduced; five times as bright as electric; won gold medal: farmers have tha money; they need thla light, and out of 10 will buy; also big opportunity In small towns and suburbs; excellent spare time and eve ning seller; no capital required; sample on free trial. Write for agency proposi tion whlla territory still open. Mantis Lamp Co., 1721 Aladdin Bldg., Chica go, 111. . 8ALESMEN wanted; high grade leather aavertiaing specialties for 1931; straight commission j prefer one with experience In this or other lines of advertising specialties; good opportunity for right party to make protltablo connection wUh a first-class house. Stats experience and give business reference. A. Henderson, 830 Tribune Bldg., Chicago. WANTED Young man with high achool education to sell a thoroughly estab lished line in the state of Nebraska. Ex perience desirable but not absolutely receaaary. Salary and commission from the start te right men. Address Box Y-1S0I. Omaha Bet) v SEE JtCGS AND MAGGIE- IN FUU. PACE Or COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE velum called cm COIN TOOeVY-HC CERTAINLY MAVOME HELP WANTED-MALE. 'Salesmen and Solicitors. WERE vou ever offered a grocery store T You can handle sugar, flour, canned goods, dried fruit, coffee and entire line of groceries aa wall aa paints, root ing, alumlmim ware and automobile una, win, iiv iciii iu yuy, hi, iiiuiiuj in vested, take large orders from samples. Goods are guaranteed and ptoven qua. lty. selling experience not necessary, Steady, profitable work for "workers.' Address Hltchcock-HIU Co.. Dept. 121, Chicago. 111. Reference: Any bank o express Co. ATTENTION, SALESMEN. Wanted By large educational instltu lion, two real salesmen, capable of earn ing six to eight thousand dollars per year. The men selected will be given individual training In the field by sea soned salesman. Expenses training period advanced. An exceptional oppor tunity for a clean cut, aggressive sales man. Uall Kocra 129 Hotel J-ontenelle Monday evening, 7 to 9, or write Box Q-38, Omaha Bee. ,V ANTED High-class specialty salesmen who are accustomed to working the re tail trade In villages, towns .and smaller cities. For nucB men, who ars hard workers and producers, we have a 11ns that will make you from 17.600 to 112. 000 annually. Majority of our salesmen average better than 1800 par month. Want only Industrious, olean men, with good references. Old established highly rated firm. Address Dept K. 110$ Great wortnern Bldg., Chicago. WANTED Bids Una salesman. Strictly legitimate proposition. Our catalogue ehowlmr many high-grade staple lines, your only sample. Goods sold to general stores, etc., and shipped 1'rect from factories. Twelve and a ha'f per cent commission paid promptly on shipment Our men make money. Write for par ticulars, giving information about your self, united Factories Distributing Co, 136 West Lake St., Chicago. SALESMEN A real opportunity. We, large Cleveland manufacturer, want an able salesman to represent a hlgh-claas specially neeoea by ail retail mercnants. Belling experience an asset, but not essential. We will co-operate with you so you will be able to draw larger com mission checks weekly than you ever thought possible. Position permanent State age. Address E. D. Nykamp, box 176, station C, Cleveland. O. IF YOU ARE THE TYPE OF MAN WHO THINKS IN TERMS OF $6,000 THE FIRST YEAR WRITE ME PERSONAL LY; established house; nationally adver Used, fast-selling line for retail stores unusual features Insure large orders: ex cellent territory open In Nebraska; splen did commission contract; liberal weeKiy advance to producers. Geo. R. Williams. Mgr., 1920 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O., Dept. E-101. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to take over exclusive distributing rights in this ter ritory for remarkable calculating ma chine that is supplanting high-priced machines; the direct subtracting feature can be compared to $360 machines only; easy to demonstrate; easy to aell; un conditional three-year guarantee. Write Immediately for particulars. Ray Add ing Machine Co., 465 Washington St., New York. . DISTRICT sales manager. Industrial proposition, now more than $0 per cent financed, nas opening lor nign-ciass man with managerial capacity. 1 To such a man, who haa aix or more salesmen ho can bring with; him, we have an un usual offer to make, wire or write ai once, W. J. Tarronce, 328 Bedell Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. SALESMEN Sell our 6.000-mlle guaran teed new tires. Not reconstructed or seconds. Brand new. Nationally adver tised. 30x3 y, sells for $k3.95. -liners according to size. No investment or experience necessary. Big money maker. Klass-wortn JO., suss siicnigan Ave. Chicago. COLLECTION CLERK WANTED, 25 YEARS OLD. EXPERIENCED. CAPA BLE OF HANDLING CORRESPOND ENCE THAT BRINGS RESULTS, AND GOOD AT FIGURING, ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS. GOODYEAR TIRE 4 RUBBER CO., DODGE SALESMEN wanted by active producing oil company. Strong co-operation, soma leads furnished. No advance mane, we want clean cut men who can sell a clean cut proposition, truthfully and on Us merits In the state of Iowa. 238-240 City Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha, NeP. Bfil YOUR own emDlover. 150 to 175. de fending on your own energy and ability. Sell our high-grade line of coffees, teas and food products to consumers. Your business. We furnish you the goods. For further particulars, The National way, peoria, 111. WANTED At once. High grade adver tising salesman for a high-grade, exclu, slve advertising medium of proven pop ularity. An exceptional opportunity for a capable salesman. Box Y-1312, Omaha Bee. ; AGENTS, salesmen, to call on druggists with quick-selling preparation in tre mendous demand; commission over $160 weekly; repeats credited; territory as signed to producers. Essaromes, 387 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. -J. HALESMEN--Worklng retalV druggists for side line; best powder puns manufac tured; 16 per cent commission i give ref erences; state territory covered; confi dential. Atterley Co., Monadnock Block, Chicago. ; CNIISUAL noDortunltv for live wire pro moter and salesman to handl big Oma ha deal; only men of large ability will be considered. Remuneration limited only by hia own efforts. Addreas Box 0-43, Omaha Bte. SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, rugs nnri hlankets: can use couDle of good men, out-of-town work. F. C. Adams Co., 023 Eoutn itn pi. WE WANT a man to sell , druggists In Nebraska. Work remunerative and line well known In eastern and Pacific coast states. Write us for Appointment with general agent In Omaha next six days, country ciud Toilet rroaucts io Racine, Wis. - SALESMEN Sideline, Amerlkards are 100 per cent American playing cards. Drug, cigar and stationery stores buy on sight Beautiful colored poster and pocket samples Root Playing Card Co., Kansas city, mo. 6,1-00-MILE tires. Guaranteed, (iood money making nroDositlon for live wires. 30x3 K ronnkld sells for $13.85. Other sizes priced accordingly. Prompt shipments. No capital or experience required, liar rfsnn Tire Co . Hammond, lnd. SALESMEN For .standard bank check covers, pass books. 12-sheet roll-top. art calendars, leather goods and advertising specialties; established house; good com missions; references required. Bankers Supply Co.. Iowa City, Ia. SALESBOARD salesman. Ws offer you a quality line of 100 different assort ments. Commissions paid on receipt of order. Iowa Novelty Company, Mullln Bldg,, Cedar Raplda. Ta. GROCERY salesmen to sell the farmer and the rancher grocery supplies direct Must have a car. Experience not neces sary. Dept. 10, Manke Grocery Com pany, Kansas city, mo. SALESMEN High pressure men required for sale clean proposition; responsible house; perfect co-operation; no stocks. Address 8ales Manager, 927 South Hen derson, Fort Worth, Texas. WANTED Reliable, ambitious man or woman as district manager; unusual proposition. Address North American Accident Insurance Company, Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling; write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 166, Chica go. III. CHEWING GUM Sell to country stores. Dandy 11ns for spars tims. Spearmint and Ball gum; 11 brands, all flavors. Write at once. The Helmet Co., Cln clnnatl, Q. SALESMEN Salesboarda. sideline to handle high-grade jewelry saieaboard as sortments; $10 commission. Pocket sample. Paul S. Doyle, 111 North La Salle 8t.Chlcago. " WANTED traveling" salesman to repre sent old established printing concern In Iowa, 8'iuth Dakota, Missouri and Kan sas. Box Q-44, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN An organiser for state ot Nebraska; specialty line, well adver tised. Box 1104, Omaha B , HE RCH? COLVf ALU OVER HIS PROPERTY HERE;ALUX A'a RICH At THEX AX HE V HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Side line salesmen for the De Luxe candy sales board line of America; quality salesmen csn earn big money with this line. Blossom Candy Co., 2731 N. Clark, Chicago. WANTED Three young men to assist In men's clothing department. Apply Mr. Keller. Beddeo Clothing Co.; 1417 Doug las. , SALESMEN Have the best selling leases on market. Big commission. Want rep resentative, In every town. Fuller. 320 No. 23d. " SALESMEN To carry a high grade line of hair nets as a side line, can easily earn $10 to $20 per day. Write at once to B. Garry A Co., K ansae City, M o WANTED Two experienced provision salesmen, ona for city and one with car for country, Omaha Sausage Co., 80 0597. WANTED Ten salesmen to sell stock in local farmers' elevatora and mills. The Bankers' Investment Trust, 905 Pioneer Building, St Paul, Minn. SALESMAN to calS on garages and acces sory houses; new Invention; Ford neces sity; samples free; commission basis. Reardon. Mfg. Co., Dept. 24, Peoria. III. We pay 30 centa an account; ether agencies pay 20 centa $2'i0 woekly. Illinois Adjusting Corp., 12; N. Dear born. Chicago, Agents and Canvassers. SISLL SEIFERT HEATERS Earn $000 per month; special agents wanted to sell tne seirert heater; only positive, practi cal device known to keep water In auto mobile radiators and motors from frees- lng In winter; no chemicals; easily In stalled on running board or any car, truck or tractor; sells on sight; low price, big profits. Write today. Per manent money-making connection. Be come established In a real business of your own with unlimited possibilities. Your territory now open. Address Bales Manager, Dept. C, Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ff AGENTS We want men. and women everywhere to take orders for the Allen line or better made combination rain coats. $5,000 a year for 4 average or ders daily. George Krlll made $631.06 last month. Ed Swain made $119.00 last week. Mrs. A. Tracey averages $50.00 weekly working only spare time. You can do the same. No experience or capital reaulred. We show you how. Complete selling outfit and sample coat free. Big cash commissions In advance. Write today. Dept G-69, The Allen Manufacturing Co., Louisville, Ky. AGENTS Make $50 weekly taking orders for fast-selling Goodyear raincoats; nun .. dreds of orders waiting; $2.60 an hour lor spare time: we deliver and collect: sample coatf free. Write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co., 9697 Good- year Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. ENERGETIC men, every city, town and village, can make $50 to $100 weekly handling a new automobile specialty that sella on sight to every autolst. Our folder, tells how to build an ageacy bus! ness; It's free. Good Will Service Co., Alliance, or.10. SANITARY wire grip brushes, dustless mops, dustlesa furniture dusters, etc., are the big moneymakers of the year. Ex clusive territory and free asm pies for live salespeople, mortc nidge urusn Co., no i iarn at., f reeport, ill. MAKE $5 hour selling Columbus raincoats to your friends. Miller made $30 first day, spare time. Big profits. Sample free. Act quick. Columbus Raincoat Mfg. CO., Dept. 161, Columbus, Ohio. GAS heated soldering copper. Noiseless, economical, wonderful results obtained. Secure territory. Particulars free. Cal lender Soldering Process Co., 11 So. Jef. rerson nt. cnicago, III. - AUEiNTS $100 a week representing our splendid line of mens guaranteed tail ored neckwear and Ideal tie re-newer. E. U Keiser ft Co., Palmer Bldg., De- trou, alien, AGENTS 200 per cent profit; wonderful little article; aomethlng new; sells like wildfire. Carry In pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, Gen. Mgr., American jqg., Cincinnati, unio AGENTS Sell custom-made guaranteed raincoats. No experience needed. We deliver and collect. Big pay. Sample coat free. Temple Raincoat Co.. Box I35-A, Gardner, Mass. AGENTS Sell necessities; everybody needs ana ouys me .Business Guide; Bryant cleared $800 In 10 daya; Gutllus, $560 in z aasa. send ror sample. Its free. Nichols Co., Napervllle. 111. . AGENTS $60-6200 week. Free samples. Gold sign letters. Anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter co 435 w. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS Sell Kno-Blo inner tires; dou ble mileage; prevent punctures and blow outs; every car owner Interested; show one, aen lour ig profits. Write Kno Blo Inner Tire Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. AGENTS Wonderful seller; 96c profit every $1 sales; license unnecessary; no stock to carry; sample free. Mission Rosebud Co., 2811 W. Tlco, Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS everywhere to sell meat trade, an Improvement In meat grinders; good commissions, repeat sales, exclusive ter ritory.. Write Victory Steel Co., 822 Ex- change Ave., Chicago. AGENTS-Canvassers Send for free sales Plan for our wonderful rug shampoo, nuKnu, a Dig moneymaKer. jnepmato t-rooucts co.. ft. wsyne, lnd. WATER STILLS. Write, for free booklet giving prices and description of our heavy copper water stills. Boyer & Co M-776 Farnam Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TRUCK DRIVER wanted at once, steady work and good wages for man who Is willing worker. Must know city well. Apply today. GORDON-LAWLESS CO 8th and Dodge. Boys. BRIGHT BOY WANTED. ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, FOR BANK WORK. CALL SOUTH 4780 OR DOUG. 226. WANTED YOUNG MAN OVER, 16 YEARS AS MESSENGER AND TO LEARN TRADE; WHEEL OWNER PREFERRED. M. F. SHAFER ft CO., 17TH AND WEBSTER STS. WANTED Bright boy, 16 or 17 years, for office work and to run errands. Chance to learn advertising business. Apply 806 World-Herald Bldg. BOY wanted for errand and generafofflce work. Opportunity for advancement 210 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED Messenger boy. 16 to 18 years. Appiy itoom TH. New Telephone Bldg. OFFICE BOY; chance to work up. stand- arauii co , isix Farnam St. Miscellaneous. WANTED. ELEVATOR MAN. STEADY WORK, GOOD PAT. ADDRESS BOX R OMAHA PEE. . mm IHiL Drawn for The Bee by McManus. Copyright, 1920 International News Serslee. 120 a lam. rtaruaa siaviet. Imo. HELP WANTED-MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED STONfiMAN OR LOCKUP FOR GORDONS AND CYLINDERS; MUST HE AUI.B TO HANDLE ALL CLASSES OF WORK; STEADY POSI TION: PREVAILING WAGES; IDEAL CONDITIONS; 48 HOURS; NON-UNION. ADDRESS R-38, OMAHA BEE. 115 A WEEK In your spare time; no can vassing;a small but sure Income; com- v plete instructions sent sealed, 25c; satis faction or money refunded. Arnold Spe cie lty Co.. Arnold, Pa. . WANTED Men to set pins. Apply man ager bowling alley. Omaha Athletic club. 1714 Douglaa ; HELP WANTED FEMALE. 1 Stores and Offices. WANTED Young lady students, to enroll In our short courses In stenograpr.-y, typewriting, operation of comptometer and higher accounting. Day and night individual instruction. Position secured for every graduate. Call andH see us or telephone Wouglas T416. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING. Second Floor Wead Hldg., 18th ft Farnam. OFFICE clerk, some experience, $70 or . ..... -, I. will An XSll! fjt; ornce 1'iein, u,b,uc, . n " ' Stenographers, $115. $90 and $85. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS $125, $10. $9.. . $85, $80; bookkeeper, $110-125; assistant bookkeeper, $100; typist, $60; dictaphone operator, $100-$110. ..' WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 912 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced fire insurance stenographer tor automoDiie am, imu,ir department, reply In long hand stating experience and salary desired. fne r-ninmhia Fire Underwrltors, Masonic Temple Bldg. GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; personal in struction enables you to finish quickly; WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER. Apply Phillips lepi. more, 2 4th and O Sts,, jothglde CARD PRINTER WANTED. Apply Phillips' Dept. Store, 24th and O Sta,, South Side. DTruonniPHRii nr tvolst. good pay, noli mt nnce. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308 Harney. tV ANTED Ladles' clothes lroners. Stand ard Laundry. Z4a ino. iim, MACHINE girla wanted at once, ard Laundry. 2403 No. 24th. stand- Professions and Trades. GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to voune women today. Good wages are paid, meals are furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished exclusively for the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment1 Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. WANTED. TWO DEMONSTRATORS. . CALL "DOUGLAS 1930.' GIRLS WANTED LIGHT FACTORY WORK APPLY AT NEW OFFICES 9TH AND JONES. PAXTON ft GALLAGHER. TEACH SiRS Emergency vacancies: ele mentary, secondary, college, universities ail Kiotis. salaries mgn. write qualifi cations. Cllne Teachers' Agency, San Diego, Cal. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced salesladies, Bonoff. 1409 Douglas street Household and Domestic. COMPETENT girl for general housework, must oe experienced and a good cook, laundress kept; pay good wages. Ad dress Box X 67, Omaha Bee. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework, 1 In family, no wash ing, good wages. Har. 4041. 1320 So. 34th St ' WANTED A maid for general house- work, 1 in family, small apartment. Apply 626 S. 31st St.. Apt. 2. H. 1067, NEAT white girl for general housnwork. no laundry work. N. C Lsary. 1304 S. 35th St Harney 2290. WANTED Experienced girl for second wora. sirs, joe liarKer, 426 North 38th. Har. 0027. MAID for general houaework; permanent &lace tor right party. Mrs.tChas. Mc Jonles,1610 8. 86th St. Har. 6170. WANTED White reliable cook. Refer ences required. Mrs. Arthur Ssort, 315 8. 64th St. Wal. S216. WANTED Girl for general housework! 8 in family, no children, good wages, Call Walnut 2965. WANTF.P-.Maid, no laundry, references. Mrs. W. J. Haynea, 432 80. 38th St. Har ney 4761. EXPERIENCED child's nurse. Mrs. K. H. Patterson, 127 No. 40th St. Har. 387. WANTED White laundress for Monday aim 1 uesuay. aj irj Jones, xtar. 067 2. COMPETENT white girl for generat house worn, up Norm asm Ave. WANTED A white girl for second wori leiepnone tiarney 69, WHITE maid for general housework. No laundry. Pleasant room and bath. 1701 Jones St Har. 672. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Airs. Arier. jass Harney Bt Phone Har ney 6866. WANTED Competenf whUo' maid for general nousework, 1 In family; small house. Phone Harney 4770. MRS. GEO. T. PORTER. 1625 Lincoln Blvd., maid for general housework. Wal nut 282. WHITE girl for general housework, Mrs. Har- r: u uevereux, 1706 80. 12d Ave. ney ill. r.ELIABLE girl to help with housework Nice room and good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 601 80. 40th, llarnev 171, HOUSEKEEPER wanted by young man on farm. State wages wanted. Box Y-130. Omaha Bee. liXPERIENCRD child a nurse. Mra. F. L. Devereux. 1706 Sfi. 3Jd Ave. llarnev 670. WANTED Girl to assist "general MU6n'9f4, i9 ff'.hlpg. Walnut 1133. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. , WANTED Experienced whits second glrL M ra. W; r. Hosford. 616 .unct. ClfKL fur general housework. Wal. 117. . Hotcla and Restaurants. Gini.S wanted to wait " table l gda) fountain. Good pay Beaton urug . Floor maid wanted. Whits. Clarksoa hospital. : - Miscellaneous. GOOD BUSINESS CONDITIONS and ' an Increased nation-wide demand oreates several splendid openings for well educated women between 16 and 40 who are free to travel extensively. Posi tions are with well-known sales organi sation new paying permanent workers an average of $76 per week and offer railroad fare, aalary and commission to start. Southern territory during win ter. Give sge, education and ex perience In first letter. Address S. J. Glllflllan, 61 East Washington St., Chi rago. 111. LADIES $4 to $5 a day for your ware time; finest line of toilet preparations, aoaps and perfumes! permanent; no ex perience required; outfit furnished free. Write toaay. American rnnmuw 470mercafljmdg!njj , PLEASANT, " profitable work ia your spare time. For particulars write Bo Y-1299. Omaha Bee, 141 Market, Ban Francisco, Cat . Fig" sisters"a8soci ation. for the benefit of business girls. (6$ Bee Bldg Douglas 4698. WANTED Messenger girl, 10 to 18 years. Apply room 713,- new telephone Blaj. HELP WANTED. Majeand Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to leayl barber trade; big demand; wagss while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge Bt. Trl'Clty Bsrber College. XmBITIOUS men, women over 17 wanted; U. S. government positions; $186-$1S month; list positions free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 228-H. Rochester, N. T. ,' : EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses Is accountancy, machine bookkeeping, coinptometry, shorthand and typewriting,! railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish .and commercial branches. Write, rail or phone Douglas 1661 for large . Illustrated catalog. Address HOYLES COLLEGE, ' 4 , Boyles B ldg Omana, Nep. .7 LEARN tire repairing and retreading! also tube repairing end all Rubber vul canising IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVB T1RK REPAIR SCHOOL IN OMAHA. Three weeks' training.. $26, Write or call. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th Street and Capitol Avenne. We do not sell vulcanlilng machinery. , Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Sohools. 210 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas 1190. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO OPEN Ten retail stores In Nebrsska. Over 400 successful stores In operation. Several in Omaha and vicinity. - Our commodities are used every meal, every day in the year, by every family In the land. . One buying power for all stores. Commodities and methoda of mer chandising standardising everywhere. Expert advertising and sales promo tlon. A permanent business with operating cost and balance sheets showing results elsewhore. . It will cost yotf $5,000 to open ens of our stores and become part of our system. Interview by applntment wltn Merle MacFarland, Hotel Hill, room 111. OPPORTUNITY, $2,600 will buy a one-half Interest In a new but going business whloh will make a small fortune within the next few months. On account of other business. It ' Is Impossible for the bwner to devota any time.. You must bs capable of taking full charge and the active management .of the business. The specialty which we are marketing Is a Kerosene-Gas Heater that beats and the demand for alch a heater la unlim ited, which we csn provs to you by orders and correspondence now on hand. Don't pass this up If you deslrs to get Into a money-making business on a small amount of capital. Address at once Box O-40, Omaha Bee. A HIGH class manufacturing concern Is ready to open negotiations for the ex clusive state selling rights ot a recently patented article that has a ready sale amongst the masses. Tbs man we seek . must be financially responsible and pos sessed of proven organising and exec utive ability. . Such man ha the opportunity to assure himself of s large income and a great future. No answsr will bs considered except from prin cipals who are able to Invest ten thou sand dollars in cash against merchan dise they receive. Address Y-1107 Oma ha Beo. 1 OR SALE The largest gasoline and oU station In southern California, clearing $1,600 per month. Guarantee work for 4 people.- Price $16,000; Immediate pos session. If yod are coming to California and want to engage at once in the beat paying oil station In southern California this Is your opportunity. Address 4J-119 West 24th St Los Angeles, Cat LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man to open branch office and manage salesmen. $300 to $2,600 neces sary; handle your own money. Exclus ive rights; patented article, money making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses .to Baltimore if you qual ify. Addresa Mr. Clemmer, Salesman ager. 603 N. Eutaw St. Baltimore, Md. U. S. PATENT. No precedent parallel. No competition. Firm, flexible, non-breakable. Sold as commodity or for adver tising purposes. For sale 1-10 of an ar bitrated minimum commercial value. John Franklin McDonald, Inventor, 901 N. Kedvale Ave., Chicago. FOR. SALE Real live Implement business In real ltva territory In central South - Dakota. An exceptional opportunity fore live wire. Have good agenolea and un limited territory to draw trade from. Owner retiring. Addresa "Box T-1S11 Omaha Bee. iibO PROFIT weekly. Go into movlug pic ture business. We furnish complete pro fessional machine, outfits, film and supplies. Openings everywhere. Free catalog. Monarch Theater Supply Co., Dept 620 228 Union. Memphis. Tenn. WE offer wonderful opportunity to re liable man to make from $60 t 116-4) weekly at home in spare time. Dlcct by mall proposition. No experlonce .leaded. . Capital required only $120. Mutual Co., ' Minneapolis, , Minn. , BUSINESS or property sold quick for cash; no publicity; old, reliable, licensed brokers. Chicago Business and Realty Exchange. 327 S. LaSalle. Chicago. $26,000 buys foundry and machine shop. real estate, machinery equipment ana stock In good thriving city, halt cash. . Box Y-1298, Omaha Bee. MOVIE THEATER Iowa, good lotatlon, town 4,600, seating 600; on? other movie in town. Addreas Bos Y 130L Omaha Bee. 7 $15,000 GENERAL mdae. stock for sale at tho right price. Write or wire A. 8. Holmes, Coon Rapids, Ia. SBOE Repair Shop, unequaled opportun ity; cross-town corner. Apply 320 4 N. 2d. 600 PER CENT per annum :s a safs busi ness enterprise, write Bog 184, JJurk burnett. Tex. TO GET in or out of business, see LEWIS ft Co.. 411 McCague Bldg. Rooming Houses. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. An elegant 10-r., strictly mod. home. Fine oak floors and finish; excellent basement Also good 7-r, house en same lot ' A total of 17 room. H block to 1 car tinea Income new ovrr $2,000 and owner occupying part ef house.. In chofre location. Near Park Ave. and Leavenworth. BROWN REALTT CO., Doug. 1605. Ill Kennedy Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES. 14-room modern rooming house. Unfur nished. First-class downtown location. Repairs being made. Ready Nor. 1. 1211 Howard. $100. Burbank, 111 Omaha Nat. Bank. FOR SALE 8-room rooming house gad restaurant. Call South $360. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT Or OUI READERS AND ADVERTI8ERS LARGE" ! attractive room, good looalltr. with fa miry of 3. Home privileges to right party. No other roomers. Break fast if desired. Gentlemen only. Ref erences. Har. 4100. (15 PARK AVE. Large front room In modern home; gentleman preferred, but will consider married couple employed or two girls. Harney $170. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam dls- ' trlct. Phone Harney 1674. NICE furnished room, private home, gen tleman preferred. 101 S. 16th Ave. Har ney 6899. 1309"sd."'lb, large front room far 1 or empioyeq steam fteai; . priyau aauia euUauce,' 4