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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1920)
THE BEEt bfllAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER-19; 1920. ft - II XT til , Society Entertaint at Tea. Mr. J. W. Griffith will entertain at tea at her home Thursday after noon in honor of Mrs. Dana Van Dusen and Mrs. Walter Griffith. State Librarians Meet ' The Nebraska State Library as sociation will hold its 26th annual meeting in Lincoln, October 20-22. More than 100 librarians from over the state will attend. Miss May Ingles of Omaha is president and Miss Florence L. Osborne, also of Omaha is secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Laura B. Ennis, Miss Blanche Ham mond, and Miss Edna Wolff of Omaha, are among those on the pro gram. For Mrs. Morey. Mrs. J. J. McMuHen entertained at a luncheon of 14 covers at the University club Friday in honor of Mrs. P. Morey of New York, who is visiting Mrs. Fred Metzj White chrysanthemums and salvia" formed the centerpiece. , Mrs. J. S. Weitzell will entertain at luncheon Tuesday for Mrs. Morey. s 1 f For Lorraine Proulz. Miss Mary Munchhoff will enter tain at a tea at her home Sunday afternoon, October 24, in honor of Miss Lorraine Proulx, ,who will be a November bride. Wedding Anniversary. C Mr. and Mr William T HfrPaf. frey entertained at a dancing party at their home Thursday evening, the occasion being their sixth wedding anniversary. Rummage Sale. St. Andrews guild will hold a , rummage sale Wednesday at 4825 South Twenty-fourth street. Clubdom Business Women's League. W. B. Clift, vice president of the Omaha Trust company, will speak to tlje Business Women's league Wednesday evening attheir regular meeting. C W. Gardner will con duct singing and Mr. Gurney will be "another speaker. y ) P. E. O. Luncheon. Chapter E. P. E. O. will enter tain at luncheon Thursday, October 21, at 517 South Twenty-fifth, Mrs. G. B. Eddy and Mrs. Roberta Kitch en, hostesses. Business Girls' League. Tuesday Lafayette club aupper , Dramatic art clans T:S0, Miss Ethel Mul bolland, instructor. Wednesday Wamm club aupper . Sew Inr class 7:30. Hiss Emma Klssllng, In atructor. Thursday Banee at Cattle hotel. K. K. K. olub. hostesses. v F-.iUay Glee club rehearsal 7:30. ' ' ff W. Clnb Luncheon, I p. m. Wed nesday, Prettiest Mile club. , Vestslde W. O. T. V. Evangelistic neettnf. Wednesday, home ot Mrs. A, M. Kelly, 40 Hickory street; Mr. John Calvert to apeak on "Sowing and Reap ing." . - Liberty Chapter, O. K. 8. Tjesday. 2:30 p. in., Kensington, home of Mrs. Byron Peterson, , 2740 North Forty-seventh ave nue. V"' - Starr Tellers League Thursday, 4 p. m., Blaclcstone, Mrs. Ueorse Klce, .eader Mrs. Joseph Lawrence and Miss Jennie Redi'ield will give program, .a IJberty thapter. Masters Star 'Kensing ton Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Byron R Peterson, 2740 North Forty-seventh ave nue. i Omaha, School Forum Wednesday, Oc tober 20, 4 p. m.. Central High school. V. S. Grant Foot Memorial hall, court house, Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. Woman's Belief corps Tuesday at. 3:80 p. m. rublle Spenldng Department, Omaha. Woman's Club Tuesday, 10 a. m., 7. W. t A. "Action and Impelling Motives" will be the subject. Munis Department, Omaha Woman' Club Wednesday, 2 p. m., for rehearsal. At Sr80 a program will be given In charge of Mrs- Raymond Toung. Mrs. Ernest Reese, Miss Elsa Reese and Mrs. O. W. Noble will appear. - Art Department, Omaha Woman's Club Thursday, 2:11 p. m.. Y. W. C A. Mrs. John Haarmaa leader. Mrs, 3. C Ham mond will apeak on "London As I Saw It." Mrs. C J. Roberts will also talk. Daughters of Veterans, Betsy Boss Teas Thursday evening. Memorial hall, court house, t o'clock. Home Economics Department, Omaha Woman's club. Thursday, 10 a. m., Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Phillip Welch will give a paper on the national budget and the high cost of living. Mrs. F. J. Burnett will tell of her summer vacation In Co'orado and New Mexico. Personal Will Bender of Yutan, Neb., spent Saturday in Omaha. v Mr. and Mrs. . Dean R. Hall are moving to Fremont. J. H.Kritenbrink has returned from Hastings, Ntb. Miss Leta Twining of Ames, la., is in Omaha visiting relatives. Miss Viola Swanson of Lincoln spent the week-end in Omaha. A son was born October 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Stovel at Ford hospital. Mrs. H. H. Jobst has returned to Lincoln after a visit with herTJar ents, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Morton. Eugene Lowe, who is attending Iowa State college at Ames, la, has been pledged to Kappa Sigma fra ternity. ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. White ha re turned from Hastings where they spent three weks with their son, R. J. White. Mrs. C A. Pedersen and son, Clement, of Obert, Neb., are the guests of Mrs. Pedersen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kritenbnnk. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Allen went to Lincoln Friday toispend the week-end and attend the Nebraska Notre Dame foot ball game. ' While in Lincoln Mrs. Allen attended the annual home-coming luncheon at the Pi Beta. Phi Sorority bouse. A daughter was born Tuesday, October 12, at Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C O. Byam. Mrs. Byam was formerly Miss Naomi Byrne. Lois Thompson spent the week end in Lincoln, w,nere sne auenaca the Nebraska-Notre Dame foot ball game. ' She visited at the . Kappa Gamma and Pi Beta Phi houses. Y Mr. and Mrs. E. T." Heyden and their daughter, Virginia, have gone to Los Angeles, Cal., where they ex pect 'to spend the winter. Their son, Howard Heyden, is attending the University of Southern Cali fornia, in Los Angeles, . What's What By HELEN DECIE French children are clad w"th picturesque slrrfplicity. From their earliest years, by precept, practice and object lesson, they are tauIit to wear their garments properly and to preserve them in exquisite neatness. Incidentally, they learn by degrees the fine art of dress as a means of personal expression, and the science of selecting colors and fabrics to suit individuality. - They acquire, too, an almost pro phetic sense of style, as cultivated by the Parisienne even as a matter of economy, since one really new mode can be worn an entire season without losing its chic Appearance, while a passe fashion looks old ana "provincial" from the very hour of its purchase This invaluable sixth sense developed by madame is as evident in her children's clothes as in her own attire. , Needlework Guild In Omaha By MRS. ED P. BOYER. "Charity begins at home." The object of the Needlework guild in Omaha is to collect and distribute new, suitable garments among the eharities and hospitals of our own city. Any man, woman or child may be come a member by giving two new garments. Anyone may become a director by getting 10 new members. At a meeting last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Arthur Metz it was decided to collect the garments November 4 and 5, at the Scottish Rite cathedral. Twentieth and Doug las streets. Last year over .6,000 garments were collected and divided regard less of the race or creed of the dif ferent organizations. Among the beneficiaries were: Associated Char ities, Jewish Relief, Child Saving In stitute, Father Flanagan's home, Old People's home, Social settle ment, Salvation Army Rescue home, Clarkson hospital, the outgoing' patients of the University of Ne braska hbspital, as well as many more organizations and numerous private cases. Officers of the guild are: Hon orary president. Mrs. W. G.VTem- pleton; president, Mrs. Milton B. Newman; vice president, Mrs. W. W. Carmichael; secretary, Mrs. 1. H. Tracy; treasurer, Mrs. George J. Henderson. Ihe omcers are very anxious to enlarge the work. They hope peo ple will not wait to be asked to join, out will volunteer membership. Omaha is one of the 500 branches of; the national organization, of which Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt is honorary president and Mrs. Tru man H. Newberry of Detroit, presi dent. v When Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt was here three years ago she? told Mrs. Newman that it was her pet charity and that Theodore Roose velt said that the guild "accom plished the most good with the least effort" of any charity he knew. Before the war the national or ganization had more members than the American Red Cross. . The guild is affiliated with the Red Cross, Federation of Women's Clubs and Camj) Fire Girls. In times of disaster it is ready to be called upon for aid. At the time of the tornado barrels of clothing and money were received by Mrs. Robert Cowell from the state branches of the Needlework guild. Ervin-Samoson. XThe marriage ot Miss Florence Comncnn anrl fr Pant Ervin. nephew of Mrs. W. J. Kirkland, took place Saturday morning at St. wary Magdalene's churph, Father B. Sen- nincr nf firiatincr Grace SamDSOn sister of the bride, and Waldron Kirkland, cousin ot the groom were attendants, and Angela v Kirkland, was served at the home of the bride. After a trip south, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin will be at home in Omaha. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Leibovitz an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marcia, to Samuel Schlaif er of Omaha. No date has been set for the wedding. ADVERTISEMENT MOTHER! 'California Syryp of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say nli' - State Nurses Meeting ; JnCity T1i VoKractra fsti TiircpcV ncan- ciation meet, in convention Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Fontentlle hotel. County nurses met Monday for a conference on public health conducted by Marie Phelin, American Red Cross fiel6 director from Chicago. Miss Grace V. Bradley of Omaha is president Good Pies for the Autumn ' Sea3on Apple Pie Four or five large ap ples, one-third to one-half cup sugar, one-fourth teaspoonful cinnamon or nutmeg, few grains salt. Pare and slice apples. Line a pie plate with pastry. Lay in sliced ap ples, sprinkle with sugar and spice. Put upper crust on, press edges to gether and trim. Bake in moderate ovem, Lemon Pie One cup sugar, jme cup water, three tablespoons corn starch, one tablespoon butter, one lemon (rind and juice), two eggs (yolks). Mix cornstarch and sugar, pour on the' boiling water, add lemon rind. Cook until clear and thick. Take from fire, add lemon juice, butter and beaten egg yolks. Pour filling into a baked crust and cover with meringue made with two egg whites beaten stiff, add two table spoons powdered sugar. Put back in over and brown the meringwe. Custard Pie Two eggs, three tablespoons sugar, few grains salt, one and one-half cups milk, ,few gratings nutmeg. x Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt and milk. Line plate with paste, make fluted rim. Pour in the filling, sprinkle with nutmeg. Bake in quick oven at first to set rim, then de crease the heat, as milk and egg mix ture requires a low temperature. - , Y"' r . , i mocoiaie ne une pint mine, one half cup sugar, four tablespoons cornstarch, one or two ounces chocolate, one egg, one teaspoon vanilla. - ... Scald milk. Mix sugar and corn starch with enough- cold milk to pout easily. Add to hot milk and cook until thickened. Melt choco late, add to the filling. Beat egg, add to filling, take from fire, add vanilla. Pour into a baked crust Sprinkle with cocoanut. One- cup prunes (stewed and stoned), one cup raisins, one cup sugar, two tablespoons prune juice, one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon flour. Mix all the ingredients, pour into a plate lined with paste and coyer with upper crust Bake in a mod erate oven. ' College Alumnae. St. Marys College alumnae will meet Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at the home of Ruth Beatty, when plans will be crjmpleted for a bene fit bridge to be given at the home of Mrs. A. L. Reed Friday, October 29. Proceeds will be devoted to the St. Marys building fund. Aid Society. . . An all day meeting of the All Saints Parish Aid society will be held at the Parish house, Wednes day, to prepare for the December bazaar. ; ADVERTISEMENT "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Dandciine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff besides every hnir shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. STIFF NECK Caught in a draft the stiffness and; . pains go quickly ' ' when you apply BAUME ANALGESIQUE BENGUE , (Amm jf jms Bm-fmj) Tss,UahcCo..N.Y4 ADVERTISEMENT ALL THE YEAR ROUND FAMILY MEDICINE You must re nt e m b e r: that -Father John's Medi cine is an all- the-year-round tonic flesh builder and people gain steadily while taking this wholes ome food medicine. If you want to gain weight begin taking Father John's Medicine right now. Guaranteed free from alcohol and dangerous i drugs, . niiiiHiiniiiiium mmiiiH ri rjiim msmot& BUJEBGDX By CORINNE LOWE. New York. (Special Correspond-ence.)-Very Spanish saucyv is this navy serge frock with its embroid eries of blue, red, and yellow, and its real toreador sash of old blue crepe. And let it be remembered that in the league of notions about what dress "ought to be the Span ish has one full vote along with the Renaissance, the Moytnage, the Breton, and all the other influential sources of inspiration. Velvet is to be used more than ever thu fall, and is seen very often in some shade of brown. Much embroidery is used on these new velvet frocks, and rust color thread ta a brown foundation is one of the novelties of the season. Surprise Party. Schoolmates of Myrtis Roach en tertained at a surprise-party in her honor Tuesday evening, October 12, at Jier home, the occasion being her 14fh birthday. Entertains Informally. Wayland Magee entertained nurses and internes of the Univer sity hospital at his country home Saturday evening. . Good Tune Club. A dance will be given Wednesday evening at Lyric hall by the Good Time club. -" Affords protection against in fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves of this dependable germicide. AT DRUQ STORES BVERYWHERB Kill That 7 CASCARA M QUININE FOR Colds, Coughs Neglected Colds Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold In 24 hours Relieves , Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does net affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Be Young In Body, Mind and Looks Despite Your Years How often you have wished that you could indulge in the strenu ous exercise of out door sports with the vigor and enthusiasm of youth! But the 2nd of the week finds you all in you are tired, listless and lack the energy to gooutfor a vigorous walk or a round of the links ori any other exercise that re quires much physical exer-' tion. Many a man, even in his middle forties, has a ,vague feeling, that he is 'getting oldr' and right ata time when he shouldbe t his very bestphysically. ' Andheiegrowingold.not n the sense that the years pressing heavily upon him but in the sense that his vital forces are wasting away faster than Nature re-. 1 places the worn out tissues. L LVKO is ssMtasrlslnal paafe. sgaa anly. ilka picturv assis. Sola Manufacturers i svsaunitss. For talc by Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Sts., and .all retail drug gists, Picture Made of Fur Is 'On Exhibit A picture, made entirely of small tufts of fur is being shown in Balti more, Md., at an exhibit in one of the local art galleries of works of art from European nations. The articles on display are the handi work or possession of the foreign born people in Baltimore, most of whom are Polish, Lithuanian and Ciecho-SlQvak. Forcign-born archi tects in the city have helped arrange their country's display and artists of the various nationalities are assist ing. In connection jvith the ex hibition, which is to last several weeks, "Nationality Evenings", of popular entertainment are given by the foreign-born people. The "Home lands Exhibitions" has been planned and directed by the international in stitute of the Y. W. C. A. in Balti more, Md. f F ADVERTISEMENT No Risk With "Diamond Dyes" Colors Never Streak, Fade, Run or have that "Dyed-Look" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color into worn shabby garments, draperies, cover ings, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, . cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes no 6ther kind then perfect results are guar anteed even if you have never dyeM before. Druggist has color card, showing 16 rich polors. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach Kidnevs-Heart- Llvnt Seep the itaJ organs healthy by -egularl taking the world s stand ird remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL .rha. National Ramedr of Holland lb: :enturies and endorsed by Queen Wilhel nina. At all druggists, three aires. wsok fat Ska Baira-GoU MaJal on vrary Is mnii accept ao imi tattoo Cold With AND La Grippe v are Dangerous s. Thousands yes millions of people find themselves in this condition early in life. And there is no excuse for it. You can check that tendency to grow old. You can carry your ?outh with its joys and enthusiasm into your 0'a and 80'a. But you must give Nature all the help you can. The best assistance yea can find assist ance ot a sound, constructive character la in the use of Hie Great General Tonic It enriches the blood-cently stimulates heart llTsrand . kidneys to normal activity brings back your pep, punch I and mental vigorchases away that tired, worn-out feel in ar Replaces it with a spirit of buoyancy. LYavO is a distinctive preparation, scientifically eoN . MtiniUoomUnationa(madicinalinrredients.and thare'a nothing more inrtfroratinf, more stranrthaninc or mors re building. Specially beneficial for inTsJida, conralescanta and run-down people of ail conditions. Get a bottle from your druggist today tomorrow you will feel better for It. Lyko Medicine Co. NswYarb lbaaasCUr.Ms. TpolAfeak to Do Anything The ordinary every-day life of most women is a ceaseless treadmill of work.. How much harder the tasks become when some derange ment peculiar to her sex makes every movement painful, ana keeps the nervous system all unstrung until life seems hardly worth living. Every women in this condition should profit by the experience of these two women whose letters follow. ' Read the Beading, Pa.--Inad organic inflam mation, pains in the side and back which were soBharp that they pulled me to my knees, and I could not walk. I had an operation and still I failed, and in the eight years I suffered I had four doctors and none helped me. My mother-in-law advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I was then in bed, and after the first bottle I could be out of bed, then I took Vegetable Compound Tablets and Lydia KPinkham's Blood Medicine and . Jl . f , ITT 1 T . .,1 aiso usea ine oanauve wasn. x bhu take the medicine and am able now to do my own housework. My friends say, Mv! but vou look do? Who Is your doctor?' And there besides. You is only one answer, ham's medicines which I tfladly recom mend.' "Mrs. Wm. Street, Reading, Pa. Ailing Women Resiriol . does stop itching When you are suffering from eczema, or some similar skin trouble, you need Resinol Ointment It almost always stops itching and burning at once, and quickly clears away the eruption and irritation. m Resinol is no longer an ex periment hundreds of people have been using it foriVears. and doctors prescribe it regularly. Resinol Soap is exfJcllent for the complexion and bath, Resinol Soap and Ointsxnt at all druggists. ADVERTISEMENT To "Youlh-ify" Gray, Streaked Hair Ask anybody to Ruess how old you are. and notice - how their first aspraisinK slance is directed at your hair. To be answered "You can't be more than thirty; I can tell by your hair," must give to any woman who is really forty or more a sense of pride and sat isfaction. v Bub to become prematurely gray at SO or 40, to look ten years older than you actually are that Is Indeed a bitter ex perience. However, any woman can, with a bottle of Brownatone, restore to gray, faded and streaked hair air its maiden beauty and the identical color it had in girlhood, whether light golden, medium, dark brown or black. Brownatone is in stant in results and absolutely harmless. At all druRgists: 60c and tl.&O two colors: "Light o Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black." Special Free Trial Offer , , For a free trial package of Brownatone, send to The Kenton Pharmacal Co., 637 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky., enclosing 11 cents to pay postage, packing and war tax. Tear this out. A. mild system of Rectal Diseases in Piles era tion. Mo Chloroform, Ether or other general anasthetie ased. A ear guaranteed in every ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid until cured. Writ for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials ot mora than 1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. OR. E. It. TARRY Sanatorium, Trust Bldg. (Baa Bldf .) Omaha, Ne. Experience of These Gainesville. I suffered untold agony each month with pains in my sjjie. I found only temporary relief In doctor's medicino or anything else I took until my hus band and I saw an advertisement of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable t Com pound. I mentioned it to a neighbor . and she told me she had taken it with food msults, and advised me to try it. , was then in bed part of the time, and my doctor said I would have to be oper- . ated on, but we decided to try the Vege table Compound, and I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I am a, dressmaker and am now able to go1 well what do vou about my work, 'jLyaia &..rws.- leccer as a resumomai as iam aiway glad to speak a Stein, 560 Douglas Mrs. W. Jtt. dtephens,-(j narvey dc, Gainesville.'Texas. Should Not Experiment A; HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed 1518 Douflas St. Tel. Ooug. 188 ADVERTISEMENT? BETTER THAN WHISKY FOR COLDS AND FLU New Elixir, Called Aspironal, Medicated With s Latest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by European ' and American Army Sur geons to Cut Short a Cold and Prevent Complications. - f . Every Druggist in U. S. In- structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Counter If Relief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. , Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. The sensation of the year in the drug trada is Aspironal, the two minute cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the lab oratories; tested, approved and most enthusiastically endorsed by the highest authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye, or any other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. All drug stores are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all you have to do to get rid of that cold is to step into the nearest drug store, hand the clerk half a dollar for a bottle of Aspironal and tell hira to serve you two teaspoonfuls with four teaspoonfuls of water in a glass. With your watch in your hand, take the drink at one wwallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit. Don't be bashful, for all drug gists Invite you and expect you to try it. Everybady's doing it When your cold or cough is re lieved, take the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and babies, for Aspironal Is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most agreeable cold and cough remedy for infants and children. Fistula-Pay Wtam Oairel treatment that tares Piles. Fistula and other a short time, without a sever surnieal on- Two Women Tex." For three years and do my housework are welcome to use this word for your medicine.".. But Insist Upon Ladies Keep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum 13 Eggs A Day From 17 Young Pullets Mrs. Nlles Starts 6-months Old Pullets Laying. Tells' How. "Early in November, I bought 8 package of Don Sung and started giv ing it to 17 May pullets. In the first 30 days they laid 138 lovely eggs. All through December I got 11 to 13 egga a aay." airs. ju. n. Nlles. R. F. D. 2. Lu cerne, Jnd. ' Mrs. Nlles found how to start young pullet I laving and keen them laying all winter. The same method helps hena through the moult, and starts them lay ing, lou can lest mis at our risa. Give your bens Don Sung and watch . results for one month. If you don't final that It pays for itself and pays yon at -good profit besides, simply tell us and your money will be cheerfully refunded. Don Sang (Chinese for egg-laylog) is a scientific tonic and conditioner. It la easily given, in the feed, improves the. ben's health and makes her stronger and more active. It tones up the egg-laying organs, and gets the eggs, no matter -how cold or wet the weather. You can obtain Don SUng from your druggist or poultry remedy dealer, or 1 send $1.04 (includes war tax) for package by mall. Burrell-Dugger Co.. 214 Colombia Bldg.. Indianapolis, InuU Chinese for Egg-Laying AI)VKRTIS)EMET SAY "DIAMOND DYES'1 Don't streak or ruin your material is. poor dye. Insist on ''Diamond Dyes." EaBy directions in every package. GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH; WHITEN Make Lemon Lotion to Double Beauty of Your Skin Squeeze the juice of two lemons . into a bottle containing three ounces1 of Orcsliard White whtch can he had at any. drug store, shake well and you have a quarter pint of harm-. less and legihtful lemon bleach for few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lo tion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly not the beauty of your skin. Famous stage beauties use lemon , juice to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion. Lem-J ons have always been used as ft ' freckle, sunburn and tan rcmcver. . Make this up and try it. : " Bee want ad are best businesv getters, j I: