Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1920, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1920. Neal Widow not' tiommg For Hearing Oklahoma Woman 111, She Sgys in Letter to Attorney, Offering to Send Proof Of Her Claims. "Mrs. John Neal," claimant to the $1,000,000 estate of the la John Neal, who died in Omaha last Au gust, will not be here Wednesday to present her claims in the Doug las county courts, according to a letter from her received by Albert S. Ritchie, her local attorney. She says she is ill in bed at her nome in UkmuJgee, Ukl. She reiterates her former state ment that she is the widow of Mr Neal and that Neal is the father oi her 13-year-old son. She says her proofs of this are on the way to Omaha. Neal died here last August. laaV' ing a will bequeathing his property to various friends. Frank Shotwell, an attorney, receives 100 shares of Reynolds Tobacco company stock, and his daughter, Margaret Shot well, 300 of these shares, according to the codv of the will now on 'file in county court. The original 1 lost. Neat was believed to be a bach elor. A few days before the probate of the will was to be taken up in county court the woman in Okla homa put in her claim as his widow. Hearing on the will is set for next Wednesday in county court. Mr, Ritchie declined to divulge the contents of the letter from the alleged widow. "From my information, however, I believe she is the widow of Mr. Neal," he said. Three Super-Fathers Excused From Jury t .-: i ir- li i uutv DV Mna uage If you would escape jury duty, cultivate a Rooseveltian family. Three "super-fathers" were ex cused from jury duty when the new . panel of veniremen reported in dis trict court yesterday mornig. "I have nine children and make $8 a. day." Said the first father, "I can't afford to take-$3. n day for jury duty for two weeks and lose my $8." juage J.roup agrecu wun mm. "I have seven children and I make $9 a day," said the second man. "You ought to have a big bank ac count to fall back on," opined the judge. -"Haven't got any. Takes it, all to feed and clothe the kids and so on," said the man. , "Excused, said the judge. ' Another juror with six children was excused. , ' High School Men May Get Balloon Corps Bars v (! , ,. t, ; ; . ..... An opportunity for men with high school education to become reserve officers in the ballon corps of the army is offered, through recruiting str.tions of the country. A letter from the war department at Washington to Col. W. A. Kav- cnaugh, in charge of the Omaha re cruiting station,, explains that 250 candidates to' the course will receive training at Ross Field, Los Angeles, and later at Fort Sill, Okl. The period of training covrs 10 months with pay at the rate of $75 a month with an allowance of $1 for susten ance. ' Commissions as second lieutenants will be given the cadets upon .com pletion of the course.' The newly created officers may remain !n teg ular service or not, as thev prefer. Men Enlisting Chiefly For Travel and Adventure "Statistics of army enlistments! in Omaha show that education tanks third as a reason for men enlisting in service. Travel and adventure ap peals first to most of the men en listing in Omaha, according to Col. W. A..Kavenaugh. . "It seems that most of the ap plicants for enlistment consider travel and adventure as much an education as vocational training," fnt Kavnaiich said. . The army vocational training crtinnt at Tat-.m Funston has courses ranging from agriculture to steno graphy. Humane Society Checking f Funds Raised Button Day The Humane society has not;, de termined how much was given in the button day 4"ve held last Sat urday. Amounts are still being re ceived by mail. Yesterday morning Hay den Bros, sent a check for $50 Otis T. Alvison, assistant cashier of the Omaha National bank fmd treasurer of the Humane society, en tertained the following Humane so ciety workers at lunch in the rest room of the bank: Mesdatnes J. E. . Davidson, H. H. Baldrige, C. L. Farnsworth, Lucien Stephens, Ar thur Remington, E. H. Sprague, C. H. Ashton, F. J. Norton and T.XL. Davis and Misses Blanche Sorenson and Letitia Gambright. " Union Pacific Special Agent Dies While On Visit to Omaha John A. McNeil, 65, special agent for the Union Pacific at San Fran cisco for 13 years, died Saturday niortit in an Omaha hnsnital. He had ter in Omaha. He is survived by his wife; three sons, John and Donald of Omaha; David of San Francisco; two daughters, Mrs. Pierce Welsh and Adelaide McNeil. The body will be ' taken to Kansas City, Kan., today for burial. Alleged Holdups Found To Be Escaped Convicts Two negroes arrested here as holdup suspects have been found to be escaped convicts from the Penn sylvania state penitentiary. One it William Armsrrong, alias Jack Brown, of Youngstown, O.. and the other is George Turner, alias Wil liam Rhodes. 1 Eugene Union, another negro ar rested with the two, will probably be tried here on charges of highway Jobbery Childhood Love Leads Omaha Singer to Altar 13 ' ' . "'"V "; A revival of true love between Douglas C. Isitt, a former profes sional entertainer about Omaha, and Grace Frances Warren, 1630 Victor avenue, childhood sweethearts,, es tranged five years ago, only to marry another, was emphasized in their marriage in Denver on Octo ber 8. Efforts to keep the marriage a se cret were in vain. Mr. and Mrs. Isitt were divorced from their first choices three years ago.- The young couple arrived in Omaha yesterday, returning to Den ver from their honeymoon in the cast l " ' She's Strong for "Doug." "You see, Douglas and I met again, patched up our little quarrel and were married," Mrs. Isitt de clared. "We know each other well, for we were -childhood sweet hearts. And Doug is such a . hand some chap, a clever singer. Omaha knows him, too. , I leaVried after I was married five years ' ago that I C. B. Shackelford, Omahan, Dies Succumbs to Heart Disease at University Hospital; Resi dent Here 40 Years. C. B. Shackelford.' 70. a resident of Omaha for 40 years and founder of the firm of C. B. Shackelford and Son, merchandise brokers, Iron huildinor. died vesterdav at the Uni versity hospital. His death followed a three weeks' illness. Heart disease was the . cause of death. Mr. Shackelford ; was born at Portsmouth, O. Forty-three years ago he moved to Des Moines, where he entered the .wholesale grocery business and where he was married Fortv vears aeo he came to Oma ha and worked for the McCord- Bradv -Co.. until 1900. when, with his son,. J. M. ' Shackelford, he founded the merchandise brokerage office :in,! the Iron building. Mr. Shackelford always was active in civic" affairs. He was a Blue lodge Mason. a . member of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce and a mem ber of the Elks lodge and a faith ful member and attendant at All Saints church. He was living at the Blackstone hotel with his wife until he was taken to the hospital. Funeral Wednesday. Besides a widow he Is survived by one son and two daughters, J. M. Shackelford, 1540 Spruce street; Mrs. A. C. Stokes, 4724 Davenport street, and Mrs. John Marischal, Spokane, Wash. Definite funeral arrangements will be announced later. Services will be held some time Wednesday. It is requested by1 the family that no flowers be given. T Omaha Cop, Once Paroled, Must Now Serve Sentence William J. JWilkening, fotmer Omaha policeman, who was found guilty of accepting a bribe June 12, 1920, and paroled, will have to serve his sentence of from one to five years. District Judge Troup yesterday revoked the parole, granted Wilken ing because. he had a young wife and two babies to support, at the request of Adult Probation Officer O'Brien, who received a letter from the coun ty attorney of Smith Center, Kan., stating that Wilkening had been con victed there for bringing liquor Into the, county. Keen Bidding Promised for Buttons, Humane Society Dog Bidding for "Buttons," the ,West Highland terrior given to the Hu mane society by Mrs. Sarah Bloom, promises to be keen. Several sealed bids have been re ceived at the Humane society's office. The dog will go to the high est bidder. A minimum of $50 has been set. Bids will be opened at noon Wednesday. ; - lora You must- say "Bayer" v Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package . .. . or on tablets, you are not getting genuine . Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years. Insist upon an unbroken package of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" containing proper directions and dose proved safe by millions. . : , Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets tost but a few crate Larger packages. Aspirta I u tnd mask ti Brt XeauXattart et MwvsctUcKldwtai of UcrUesett ' - t V - . . Vi 7 had made a mistake and a divorce was the only way out of it. "There was no collusion between us". When I met Doug again, he told me he too was divorced. Happy? wny we Knew men we were jusi meant for each other." . , . And here the happy bride elaborat ed upon her husband s success in life. . "Doug has a fine position with a music publishing company in uen ver." she said. "And oh. the clever songs he sings P Why we'll just be tne nappiest coupic in mc wunu. All Make Mistakes. Mr. Isitt's former wife is in Des Moines, while Mrs. Isitt's former husband is in Indianapolis. Referring to their former mar riages. Mrs. Isitt said: "We all make mistakes. And it must be remembered that all mar riages are not happy. Doug and I have learned that lesson." Mrs. Isitt will remain in Omaha for two weeks -before joining her husband in -Denver where the couple will make their home1. v ' i ) Dodge Street Short Line Torn Up;Wotk To Be Finished Soon Work of lowering Dodge street to a new grad has been completed so far as the use of the Dodge street "short line" is concerned. Contrac tors Conden and. Bolen yesterday began tearing up the tracks. Engineer ti. h. McLlintoctc, in charge of the work for the city, ,de clared that the entire grading proj ect, including all work of lowering private property as well as streets, will be completed in 30 days if the weather is favorable. All dirt yet to be removed will be -taken out by motor trucks. , : v "It will be impossible .jto do the paving this fall," said Engineer Mc Clintock," and the street car tracks will not be used for winter service further than Seventeenth street." James Parks has been given the pav ing contract, which specifies brick as the material to be used. Negro Beats Captain 'To the Draw' In Holdup C. R. Williams, 5026 Spencer street, is a captain in the navy on recruiting duty in Omaha and carries a large navy revolver. The revolver is now the contra band property of a negro holdup, who "beat the captain to the draw" when the two met in front of the navy man's home Sunday nfeht. The bandit also got $8 in cash. Captain Williams, rearming him self, scoured the neighborhood for an hour after the holdup but could not find his man. Ben Ferrell, 3410 North Twenty fourth street, told police he was robbed, of $10 and a gold watch by a bandit who held him up in front of the Calumet cafe at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Dr. Kent to Go to Trial In Bahy Case November 8 Dr. H. S. Kent, in jai! awaiting trial on three charges in connection with the placing of two newly born infants in an abandoned cistern at Thirty-third and California streets last July, will be placed on trial in district court November 8, Deputy County Attorney Slabaugh said yes terdav. ' Kent was accused of being the father of the infants and Louise Boeke the mother. Both d-;ny this. Royal League to Honor Supreme Sentry at Banquet A banquet in honor of J. W. Bar nett, supreme sentry of the Royal league, will be given by the league at the Henshaw Wednesday night, C E. Piper, supreme scribe, of Chi cago, will be a guest. The banquet concludes a membership campaign conducted by the league and each member who obtained a new mem ber is eligible to attend. Pure Food Show Formally Opened At Auditorium Large Crowd Attends Second Annual Exhibition Held by Omaha Retail Grocers Association. ' The second annual pure food show of the Omaha Retail Grocers' association at the Auditorium was formally opened at 1 p. m. yesterday. Some of the booths were not com pleted but most of the exhibits were in place. The show this year is one of the largest ever attempted in this part of the country. An orchestra furnished the music yesterday afternoon. It will play again mis evening. A large crowd attended the show yesterday afternoon. The show will last trftough Sat urday. Secretaries of Commercial Clubs to Meet Oct. 22-23 Secretaries of the commercial clifbs of Nebraska will hold their an nual conference in the Chamber of Commerce rooms Friday and Sat urday. The program for the Friday morn ing session will include a call to order by President Frank H. Beele of Hastings, Neb.; "Greetings" by Robert S. Trimble, president of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce: "Membership Promotion and Con servation, by W. S. Whitten of Lin coin. During the noonday luncheon a round table discussion on the sub ject, Community Trade Develop ment and Publicity," will be led by Arthur Thomas, manager of the Chamber of Commerce bureau of publicity. Chauffeur Given 15 Days On Reckless Driving Charge Alex Kozicki, 2424 Bancroft street, was given 15 days in jail on charges of drunkenness and reckless driving by Judge roster sn Central police court yesterday morning. Kozicki's car collided with an automobile driven by C. F. Helgrer, 146 Drake court, at Twentieth and iHarney streets Sunday morning. ' The occupants cf.the Helgrer car, Mrs. C. F. Helgrer . and Miss Mathilda Raber, 3912 South Twenty fourth street, escaped uninjured. Kozicki suffered body bruises. New Hammer Comes to Home Of War Romance Parents A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hammer, 210 South Twenty-fifth avenue, at the Wise Memorial hospital Sunday, thus en larging a family sprung from a war romance to four. A little girl, Betty Joan, 3, was delighted at the arrival of her pink little brother. Mrs. Harry Hammer, nee Miss Nell Shepherd, English vaudeville actress, made A perilous voyage to America to live with relatives ,in Omaha during the war. Here she met her husband Harry. Mrs. Orschel-Withdraws Charges Against Husband Mrs. Martha Orschel yesterday in district court dismissed her suit for divorce against Hernert M. Orschel, president and general manager of H. M. Orschel- company, manufac turers of asbestos products, 701 South Eleventh street. . Her petition alleged that her hus band frequented questionable places. In the withdrawal of her suit Mrs. Orschel declared that the reports given her about her husband's al leged escapades are untrue. A baby carriage seat Invented by an American living in Siam can be lifted out and hooked to the handle bars of a bicycle so as to test on the top of the frame. It will give you in Winter all the advantages that you enjoy from the 6un in Summer. All 'portable Majestic Electric Heaters are equipped with ijeet of heater cord Majestic Electric Heaters, are the original patented heaters of this type. Then art 8 pirtabU typt Majtrttc Thtrt un 3 initrt typt Majulie Ask jour deafer bouf Jfajesfic s.. . ' 'TLW III i Majestic Electric DcTelepaeat Cempur ill Saarra Wlf A Ik . V M MthtHe VteMe Heifers- Jf I X 1 1 Btsi la Cri iffon for Jfcaf Ratfiiflon k J I X jj Brief City News 5 Cement Is Stolen J. Stein. 163Z North Nineteenth street, reported to police that hia at ore at that address was robbed of eight sacks of cement Sunday. On Hunting Trip W. M. Gravett, Eighth and Bancroft streets, and son, Goorgre, left yesterday morning by automobile for Brown county on a two weeks' hunting trip. Two Couples Wed Miss Emma J. Hranilovte was married to Charles Nerad Saturday by Rev. Charles W. Savidge. Miss Nellie J. Maxfleld al so was married to Chris Johnson by the "marrying parson." Israel Brotherhood Meeting Mem bers of Temple Israel Brotherhood are requested to attend a meeting Wednesday evening In the vestry room of the temple. The entertain ment committee announces a special entertainment. The invitations read: "8 p. m. sharp." ' General A. O. V. W. Meeting Delegates from all lodges of the A. O. U. W. in Douglas county and delegates from Council Bluffs lodges will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in the A. O. U. W. hall in Omaha. The delegates will meet with a subcommittee of the A. O. U. W. lodge fair. Beject Appralsment -The city council committee of the whole yes terday rejected an appraisement of $107,665 on a tract of land between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets, north of Paul. ' After en larging the tract and making an other appraisement, it is to be used as a playground. Defer Action on Bridge N. E. Waddell of Kansas City, represent ing the J. A. L. Waddell Bridge com pany of New York City, appeared before the city council yesterday In connection with the free bridge proj ect, which Mayor Smith has been promoting. It was decided that no definite action be taken until after the national election. Finds Jobs Without Charge Eliza beth Stearns, who recently returned to take charge of the women's free Not A Blemu mars the . perfect appearance of her com' plexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively concealed. Reduces un natural color arid corrects gitasy skins. Highly antiseptic, used with beneficial results si a curative agent for 70 years. I15I ill! .'.- Ill ADVEBTISEMENT Famou Old Recipe for cougfi syrup Easily and cheaply made at home, oat u Dcaw tnem ail ior quick rcaulte. Thousands of housewives have found that they can save two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, by using this well known old recipe for making cough syrup. It is simple and cheap but it has no equal for prompt results. It takes right hold of a cough and gives immediate relief, usually stopping an ordinarr'cough in 24 hours or less. Get 2'2 ounces of Pinex from any druggist, pour it into a pint bottle, and add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. If you prefer, use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, it tastes good, keeps perfectly, and lasts a family a lonfr time. It's truly astonishing how quickly it acts, penetrating through every air Iiassage of the throat and lungs oosens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded cough dis appear entirely. Nothing better for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, hoarse ness or bronchial asthma. Pines is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine Nor way pine extract known the world over for its healing effect on membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for "2ya ounces of Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Majestic The Portable - Electric Heater of many, uses Wherever there is an electric outlet a Majestic Electric Heater can be used. labor bureau maintained by the Board of Public Welfare in the city hall, wishes to make her department as ' useful as possible to those in need of female help and also to girls and women who are in need of employment There is no charge made to those who want workers or to those who want work. Probate Postponed Probate of the will of the late R. C. Martin, vice-president of the Mutual Live Stock Commission company, was con tinued Indefinitely In county court yesterday. Martin died from injur ies received, when he drove his au tomobile head-on Into a street car at Twenty-Sixth and Leavenworth streets, the evening of June 20, 1920. His brother, Joseph W. Martin of Madison, Neb., has been appointed administrator of the estate, said to be worth $200,000. Charred Letters From Fatal Airplane Received by The Bee Mute evidence of the tragic air plane accident in which Bryan Mc Mullen, Omaha air mail pilot, was burned to death Saturday at Batavia, 111., 37 miles west of Chicago, came to the office of The Bee Sunday in the shape of several charred letters. They were marked, "Contents dam aged by air mail fire, October 16." Poles and Lithuanians ' In Hot Battle at Vilna London, Oct. 18. A severe en gagement occurred between Polish and Lithuanian troops Saturday night and early Sunday on the front between Vilna and Kovno, accord ing to official dispatches from Kovno. Both the Poles and Lithuanians suf fered heavy losses, the dispatches say. BURGESS Tuesday Values in Extreme Values in Underwear Children's Waist Union Suits, $1.00 Medium weight, brushed cot ton, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; properly taped, with garter supporten tabs; $1.00 a suit. Women's Hose, 2 Pairs for $1.00 Full fashioned, semi-fashioned and seamless silk, fiber and cotton, black, white and colors; special at, 2 pair, $1.00 DownitsJra Store. Housefurnishings Specially Ironing Board, $3.95 Ridjid ironing board with stand, stands very firm, $3.95 Wall Paper Cleaner Smoky City wall paper cleaner, can, 10c. Tea Kettle, $239 Pure aluminum tea kettle, 5-qt. size, $2.39. Don't Prod Your Liver Info Action i Overcome Bilioueneae, Constipation, Sick Headache, Quickly. No Grip--inf or Pain. Guaranteed. The organs of digestion, assimilation and elimination the stomach, liver and bowels are closely allied, and the proper action of any of these organs is largely dependent upon the correct functioning of all the others. "Whipping" your liver into action with ealomel or forcing your bowels with irri tating laxatives or strong cathartics is a great mistake. A better, safer plan i strengthening and toning the whole di gestive and eliminative system with Na ture's Remedy (NR Tablets), which not only brings immediate relief, but genuine and lasting benefit. It acts .on the stom ach, liver, bowels and kidneys, improves digestion and assimilation, overcomes biliousness, corrects eonatipation and quickly relieves sick headache. Get your system thoroughly xleansed and purified for once: stomach, aver and bowels working together in vigorous har mony, and you will not have to take medicine every day just take one NR Tablet occasionally to keep your system in good condition and always feel your best. Remember it is easier and cheaper to keep well than it is to get well. Get a 26c box and try it with the un derstanding that it must give you greater relief and benefit than any bowel or liver medicine you ever used or no pay. Na ture'a Remedy (NR Tablets) is sold. ' guaranteed and recommended by your druKgint. aSaintUIiffgJiflTi Sherman & McConnell Drag Co. The Reader of The Bee Have Faith in Our Want Ads. Why? Because They Are Mutual Friend. "' APVKfiflBEMEKT i imcnTTuifuvvT. 1 m a. ' M Hi mm m Y. M. C. A. Fall Opening Week Is Big Success Bishop Ernest Shayler spoke be fore an audience of 200 at a men's meeting in the , Y. M. C. A. audi torium Sunday afternoon on the last day of the big fall opening weel: celebration at the "Y." The week of the revelry was highly successful in every respect. When George Campbell s "Grand Dixie Minstrels" Saturday wound up s!x nights of entertainment with a program full of melody and mirth with their show the association di tectors were patting each other on the back. t Every department shared in - the varied program offered in the course of the week. The entertainments were enjoyed by hundrds of persons who attended during the week. "It was everything that we hoped for and more," declared R. S. Puck ctt, in charge of publicity, of the week's work. Gates No Longer Ajar; Divorce Suit Dismissed ' "Mr. and Mrs. Gates have become reconciled and want to dismiss their respective divorce suits," announced Ross Shotwell, attorney for Mrs. Gates, to District Judge VVakeley in his court room yesterday morning. "A question of 'Gates ajar,' is it? mused the judge. "No, the Gates are'nt ajar any more. That's all over," said Henry Bremers, attorney for Mrs. Gates. Bee want ads are best business getters. " EVERYBODY STORE"' The Day of Great the Downstairs Store Just Arrived Another Large As sortment of Women's Dresses at $18.50 to $24.50 SMART styles in eith er plain tailored ef fect? or the more elabo rate styles are made of tricotine and serges, . trimmed in effective de signs of yarns, beads and braid. Women's Union Suits', $1.00 High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, bishop neck, el bow sleeves, ankle length; or low neck and no sleeves; made of combed cotton, a good value. Priced Wash Boilers, $239 Heavy tin wash boilers with copper bottom, have stationary wood handles; No. 8 size, $2.39. Fry Pans, $239 : "Mirro" pure aluminum fry pan, made extra heavy, has wood handle; 10-inch size, $2.39. USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAIN You caa juit tell by its healthy, stimulating odor, that it it going to do you good TF I only had some Sloan's I Liniment!" How often you've said that! And then when the rheumatic twinge sub sided after hours of suffering you forgot it! Don't do it again get. a bottle today and keep it handy for pos sible use tonight! A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the paina and aches re sulting from exposure. You'll soon find warmth and relief in Sloan's, the liniment that penetrates with out rubbing. Clean, economomical. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $1.40. Linimenfc Leg Sore A ante sots very deep fun ef toe ucharra. Agony all dan rest at Bight. Tnea just a fcw drops of the fee tie, easting llqald. D. D. O. IrrltetJea and peta goo, weet, refreehlmg sleep t night la da time, complete hoe, he. We guarantee the Brat bottle, tse, ate sad fl ., Aak far D. IX D. todai H2XICD. M IoGan ibr Shin Disease Five Shermaa 4 McCoumU Prog Stores. mm mm Kegulate your stomach so you can eat favorite 'foods without fear of Indigestion Flatulence Gases Acidity Palpitation A few tablets of Pane's Dlapepsln correct acidity, thus regulating diges tion and giving almost instant stom ach relief. Large 60c case drugstc-reB, Money back without qunepa If HUNT'S Salv fll. In th treatment of ITCH, KCtfiMA, RINOWORM, TETTER or thcr'tchlnj akin dimm Try IS cent boa at our riah. Sherman & Mcgnnall Drug Co. Bee want ade are business getters. Real Values in Furnishings for " Men and Boys Koveralls, $1.00 Levi Strauss koveralls for boys and girls, age 2 to 8 years old; all colors; long or short sleeves, $1.00 suit. Shirts, $1.65 Men's high-grade shirts, sam ples and seconds, of madras and percales, sizes 14 to coat style, French cuffs, $1.65. Gloves and Mittens $1.00 Pair Horsehide gloves and mittens, heavy fleece lining-, knit wrist, $1.00. Union Suits, 98c Balbriggan union suits, long or short sleeves, ecru and white, sizes 54 to 40; excellent quality for quick clearance; 98c suit. Union Suits, $2.49 Suit Men's wool mixed ribbed union suits, silver gray and ecru, $2.49 suit. All sizes. Men's Hose, 5 Pair for $1.00 Men's hose, 5 pairs for $1.00; all sizes and all colors. Linen Specials Table Cloths, $3.95 Each A splendid value, bleached damask pattern table cloth, fine quality, handsome circu lar design, size 72x72. Pillow Cases, 49c Pillow cases', size 45x36, In a good wearing quality, with neat three-inch hem; special, at 49c each. ' Marseilles Bed Sets, $7J95 Set consists of spread and bolster cover to match. Beau tiful embossed designs. , Healthy liver Healthy Life Your liver healthy or clogged, acthe or sluggish makes all the difference between a vigorous, cheerful life and low jf. spirits and fail- lafoUjKl ure. . To subdue a atnhhnrn liver, over-yj ITTLP 1 VER cuius consti pation, dizzi ness, bilious- ness, indigestion, headache and the oiues mere is nothing on earth so good as Cuto'iUttk-Lhrer PW. Purely vegetable. Small raSkuOlDese Sm&Q Price 'MlJSwe.g... i sent fnettoany man upon re- 0 erra WoHavie.faw. mmm ii.i 4 If II i I rTlat This wonderful bookwil be