10 THE BEE : OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1920. ( is... I 41 W 1 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished room, modern bom, steam-heated; walking distance. Hr. 34. x ' I LARUE room turnlakvd or unfurnished, single or together; 1 bile to car. Web. 011. , RlCELY furnished room, prtvat family. suitable lor 1 gentlemen, fl week. Mar njr lilt. BEAUTIFUL large front eleeplng room, suitable for gentlemen or employed couple. Webster 1378 . SlCH modern room for two. Gentlemen preferred, reasonable. 3608 Capitol Ave. Vg. S40s. NICELY furnished room, private family of J. Reference exchanged. 1143 Marty. i H. 2607. tJTrtoCTLY modern heated and furnished room, large closet. Reference. 1011 Chi cago. LAKOE room, beautiful West Fsxnam dls trlcU Walking distance. 11 8. list Ave, ffCRNlSHKD room, private home; business woman preferred. 126 No. 33d. H. 6087. IU5AUTIFULLY furnished bedroom and h ;l t c hn.HJoajnhea ted.I3 0 N.23d. ROOM for two nurses;- house privllegcai Nurse' club registry. Har. 1473. LARGE well furnished room lor 1 A en tie men; very large closer. Ty 8SB0. NICELY furnished roorn for one or two gentlemen. References, bo. ibv. ROOM "for 1 young ladle employed), also canaries for sale. Harney 6198. t FURNISHED rooms for rent! working couple preterrea. ar.si;. I, A ROE and small furnished front room, 1820 Capitol ave. Ty. i: 111 SOUTH 35TH AVE., FURNISHED EaROB, well-furnished room for I gen' tlemen, very large closet. Tyler 1560. FURNISHED room for rent, closo In. Call Ty ler 600. 231 St. Mary Ave, NICELY furnished room, modern home for one or two sennemeii. nai . aviv ill 3 POUQLA8, well furnished room, 32 up, uonu ncm, ..mi ONE first-class, nlraly furnished room. 1014 Chicago St. Poug. MWj HaROB wefi furnished room tor 2 genilc- men, very large closet. , STcELY furnished, walking distance, modern. 1568 Harney8t. iTiil No. 16th St., nicely furnished room. reasonable. Webster 802. 1 NICELY furnished bedroem; walking dl9taneJ560826th AveH.l'l! iS private hom, reasonable to permanent, -i . . .. i..m ina Teiinea pan?, ' " " - 1643 N? 16TrI8t,. nicely fi 112 NO. 1ITH8T,-Nice i nicely furnished -room, aleeDlng room. Tall Tvler 4328. BTKAM HEATED,. ROOMS WITH RTJN- l.NU W A t Kit. KKAUTIFLiarge room a lcove. Dg. 8144. 3 steepln g rooms, reasonable. Web. 1609. pfxTlLE-room6 13 Bo. 16th. Aat. 12. 1704 FARNAM, 2 nice sleeping rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to respectable people: walking distance, 1717 . Burt St. Dg. 1144. BUITK of light housekeeping room. Steam heated. 623 So. 16th St. Apt. 12. HOUSEKEEPING suite, iwo modern rooms. 91 lJB2lBt St. Daws. 7680. 1543 N. 16TH ST. Furnished room for llhthousekecplng. Webater 801. 616 N. 21ST St. Two front rooms, heat, ga range; no cniiciron. vg. 313 S. 2 3D 1 light housekeeping room; no objection to cnuaren. TWO-ROOM utte for housekeeping. 3119 California, Harney tuui ONE large room with kitchenette, run ning water, -ooo jouama ' i NICE' room for housekeeping;, every- KllinBT compjew, ucuflici iv,. 1914 WEBSTER Housekeeping room. for BftCneior; 1J weeK, gaa mrmaimu 61NOLE housekeeping rooms with bath walking distance, jtar. a i a i "NICELY furnished room for rent' 1512 i STEAM-HEATED room with, running water. nwiw?. sal? fTrnamuitS aw-' HOUSE Ill SO. 20TH ST. Housekeeping rooms. Call Doug-las 7660, JJaRQH basement- housekeeping room. Dbug. 6349. 713rNORTH 19th St. Houekeeplng rooms. Tyler 4328. OUSEKE EPINO rm furnace ht. P. 8144. Board1 and Rooms. HANBCOM PARK DISTRICT tRoora with breakfast and dinner, prtvat .Mom; reference required. Call narney omo. FURNISHED room in beautiful private modern borne, 1 block to Farnam car line, lift montn. wainuv uait FIREMEN, brakemen, $225-3250 monthly, experience unnecessary. Writ Railway, Box Y-13IS umana pee. Nlc comfortable room, board all conven iencea, close Crelghton college, gentle men. Dg. 2781. , BOARD and room, private home, near Farnam car line, gentleman preierreo. Harney 7183. NICELY furnished room for 3 gentlemen. Breakfast. Near 26th and California. Tyler 1855. NICELY furnished room, private home, horth side. Married couple employed, Col. 3215, JSEMia PARK Rooms for nuraes, also . for gentlemen. Board If desired. Wal. 72 - HOME pfivHeges for two young gentle- mcn In private nmlly. Call Col. 627. BOARD AND ROOM. MERRIAM HO TEL, 35TH AND DOPtilS STB. WANTED Children to board. Good care. Reasonable. Walnut 1273. n -: Unfurnished Rooms. No! 1327 S. 25th Ave., 2 rooms, sec- ,oud floor. $25. v J . WALSH-ELME6. CO.. t : , REALTORS. ' Tyler 1536 No. 333 Securities Bldg, TWO large rooms newly decorated, steam hea t,l set So. 3 2nd St. J lar. 63W. UNFURNISHED housekeeping, partly modern. WeW 8 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms to coupre employer!. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. - JOR SALE My home, modern and In a-ood condition: four blocks from post- office and near Midland college, suitable for a home, small boardiig horse or apartment. FNces reasonamc an1 easy term. Mrs. Geo. W. E. Dorsey, 925 N. H St., Fremont, Neb. BRAND new 6-room Mlnne Lusa bunga low, completely furnished, electrically equipped laundry, garage for one car. Will rent for 6 months at 3125 per month. Call Colfax 0702 for appoint .ment FURNISHED 6-room cottage, 3119 Call fornia 8t. Harney 4001. Unfurnished. : FOR RENT BRICK AND STUCCO RESIDENCE West Farnam district: S rooms, mod ern, up-to-date; hot water heat, two baths; large corner lot; garage for two car. The house Is modern and first class In every detail. Will make leas to suit .tenant; rental 312 per month. GLOVER & SPAIN, v REALTORS, Dougla 2850. 918-20 City National. FOR COLORED. I ROOM house at 4039 Decatur St 816.00 per month. t F. D. WEAD. S10 S. 18th St. Tyler 0151. l-ROOM modern house except heat. 3566 Leavenworth St - . F. D. WEAD. . 310 8. 18th St. Tyler OKI. KEW large 4-room bungalow, oak floors and finish, also garage. $43.00 per month. 2 month ru advance. 3613 N 29th St. ; EIGHT-ROOM modern but heat, alt on one floor, fine for renting rooms. On West Q St. on car line. Tyr 19:0. HOUSE, 4 room and ttlc near Wlndsot ,. school. Inquire 3917 Arbor St. or phone - Dg. 0327. r FOR RENT APTS AND FLATo. Unfurnished. - apartment For rent Several more of th beautiful new, flvejroom apartment In th Mount Ver non, 31st and Dewey avenue, are now ready for occupancy by those desiring something exceptionally choice. Price $120 and $149 per month. Maid' room In building. Steam heated garages If desired. PETERS TRUST . C0MPANY, Tyler 114. 17th ant Farnam Bt. J010 N. 23D ST., three excepUoaallr nice . m nm xi . . mi , . I irvnjfi ffaw I w f FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. One fine five-room apartment New ly decorated, in one of Omaha6 finest apartment buildings. Five rooms with six-room accommo dation. Corner apartment. On car line. Convenient to garage. In fact everything that makes an apartment worth while. Call us for an appointment to inspect this apartment ' ' J. L. Hiatt Company, 900 First Nafl Bk. Bldg. Tyler 0063, THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel, Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex. Furnished. BEAUTIFUL apartment, 3 room and bath. completely lurnisnea, walking aistanoe, wear; syo; rererences; jougia ua FURNISHED apartments In the Black' atone, Harney 946. FOR RENT Business Property. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT Corner store room, 38x66 ft., with basement, Possession April 1, 1911. Choice retail location. Wholesale With Trackage 5-story and basement brick building, 44x132 ft, with sprinkler system and R. R. trackage. Will build on adjoin Ing ground if need more room. Will Build to Suit Tenantl Lot 80x80 ft. in the business district owner will build for responsible tenant. Rent to -be based on interest on the in' vestment.) DtJMONT r& CO. 416-18 Keeling Bldg. ' Doug. 0690. STORES 3106 Sherman Ave., modern brick tore, $35. 4134 Hamilton, good location for shop or store of any kind, tire repairing, etc., $35. 810 Dougla St., 2d floor, 24x60, parti tloned off, can be used for offices, mod ern building, $50. WALSH-ELMER CO. , ' REALTORS, Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg, space for rent; includes ste nographic and telephone service, MAT 1 SUN fit bMAlL.br 1213 City National Bank Bldg. 1G22 CUMING St.. store and basement. heat and water furnished, 360. Rasp Bros., 210 Keelne Bldg. Ty. 721. WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD STOR . AGE. HARTUNO'S TRANSFER, CO. TYLER 1976 or WEB. 6228. FOR RENT 2d floor, 20x128, hand ele vator, steam heatlllliirnarn. DESK room for rent after November 1, Inquire 1615 City Nat'l. Dg. 8350. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household roods and automobile. Watch thi column, as nw!ll keep you Informed where wa are maklrg carload shipments to. It you are shipping to any of the cities represented or to town adjacent to our hipping point, see u about our rates, - as It la likely that our through rate 1 lea than the regular local rat and you have th advantage of canoaa serv Ice. Today we are accepting shipment! for the following cities: Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angeles Cal. Oakland, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Chicago, 111. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO., 319 N. 11th SL Phone Douglas 394. Omaha. 'Neb. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE (RATES. FREE RENTAL BERVICH. - COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Dougla 288 MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate lockea room for househo.d goods and pianos, moving, packing and nipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler S400, GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age,' call -Tyler 230 or Dougla 4333. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage, 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2903. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS for sale, write H. R. Peck. 601 Southeast Btn St.. ues MOine. la. ROLLERS Harx ' mountain canaries. Wal. 617. Yr.ung thoroughbred Boston terrlor. C. 0270 OR sale, 4 Airedale puppies. Col. 2770. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. TWO brood mares and harness, 4 and 7 years oid. weight 2700 lbs. Two mules and harness, walking plow, disk corn planter, light road wagon, gasoline en gine and hay sweep. Will sell cheap for cash. Wal. 4250. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and iHiiier vuimrs, 09 pt'r vein uibvuuui. Write for free price list. Desk No. t. Mid West Harness, 706 No. 16th St. HORSES and mules, harness, wagons, sale or trade. Held s Transfer Barn, III Seward. PAIR of mares, weight 2S00 His. 7 and 3 ears old, sound. 21n9 No. 24th St. Web. 2883. ' i SINGLE harnesses, one top buggy. 2109 NO. Z4th. Web.. 2883. 1 LIGHT double harness. 2M9 No. 24tn St. Web. 2883. ONE four-year-old mare. 2109 No. 24th St. Web. 2883. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HUDSON SUPER SIX LIMOUSINE Tltls weekr'we are showing a beautiful Super Six Limousine "which is just like new in every re spect. Has had careful city use and is as good as the day it left the factory. Seats seven people comfortably and would make an ideal chauffeur driven family car. Beautifully finished and trimmed throughout. GUY L. SMITH 26th and Farnam. Doug. 1970. $150 And Up 17 Overland roadster, 18 Chevrolet, 16 Enger six rdstr., 17 Saxon six, 18 Saxon six, 17 Stearns Knight four, 17 Btude baker six, 17 Allen four, 17 King eight. 18 Chevrolet, 19 Chevrolet. 19 Overland four, 18 Ford sedan, 17 Hudson sedan, 17 Cadillao sedan, 18 Franklin. 30 Max well. 18 Hudson cabriolet, 20 Nash and many others. Every car ready to hit the road. Money back If not satisfied. Trawver Auto Company V 2210 Farnam AUTO painting. z - AUTOMOBILES FORxSALB. 0 I USED CARS 120 Buick 45, 5 passenger. 1920 7-passenger Studebaker. ' 1919 4-passenger Cadillac Victoria. 1919 Cadillac, 4-passenger; 1919 Stutz.v 1919 Hudson coupe. 1919 Oldsmobile, 4-passenger. 1919 i-passenger Allen sedan. 1919 Oakland touring. , 1919 Scripps Booth, touring. 1919 Lexington, 4-passenger. 1919 Hupmobile, touring. 1919 Haynes, touring. 1919 Paige, touring. . 1919 Buick, touring. 1918 Oldsmobile, coupe. '- 1918 Oakland, coupe. 1918 Cadillac, touring. 1918 Studebaker, touring. 1918 Chevrolet, touring. .,1 1918 Chandler, 4-passenger. 1918 Oldsmobile 8, touring. 1918 Oakland, roadster. 1918 Oldsmobile 6? touring, 1918 Cadillac, touring. 1917 Ford truck. . 1917 Haynes, touring. 1917 Moon, roadster. 1916 Hudson 6-40, touring. MEEK'S AUTO CO. 2026 Farnam. Dourias 4101. 0 CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT SA SAFE PLACE TO BUY. Cadillac 57 touring; being painted; in perfect condition . Buick 45-K touring; good paint and tires. A dandy good car, not . used much. . Dodge touring; in good mechanical condi tion; tires and paint fair. Hudson Super Six touring; in good condi tion throughout, Velie touring; wire wheels; good paint and tires. A good little car fofthe money. Studebaker touring; new paint; in good me chanical condition and tires fair. ' Overland coupe, A nice little car for cold weather. Runs well and has good tires; paint very good. Paterson 1920 touring.' New car. High grade light six at a bargain. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. : J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam at 26th, Harney 0710. ' Buy a Cfuy L. Smith Used Cair We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. ach is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug-i las 1970 any time for description or cars ana prices. BEST VALUES -IN USED FORD CARS ALWAYS FOUND AT THE M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., (The Handy Ford 8ervic Station.) I ' 15TH AND JACKSON FTS., - - DOUO. 8500. FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES. NEW AND USED CARS. WINTER TOPS FORD BODIES. CASH 'OR TERMS. COLOSTRUM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 HARNEY. TYLER 714. HUDSON SUPER gJX I TOURING We are showing two current model Hudson touring cars which have been exchanged on closed models recently. Thev have had very little use and are just like new. Both cars carry our regular guarantee, you can get a real bargain here so don't delay. See them this week. GUY L. SMITH 26th and Farnam. Doug. 1970. uitKBUN Nman build gang, driveways, sidewalk and do general ra ce U- work, Phon South 2794 wr Bo. 1711. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Ah w WONDERFUL VALUES IN USED CARS. ' 'It will be to your benefit to in vestigate our line of used cars be fore purchasing elsewhere. We are offering the best values in our history. 1919 Big Six Studebaker. 1920 new Dodge. 1919 Dort. 1918 Briscoe. 1916 Buick. " 1916 Chandler.' Jackson Six. 1919 Lighf 4 Studebaker. 918 Studebaker Six touring. . 1918 Studebaker Six roadster. O. N. BONNEY MOTOR CO., 2SS0-4 Farnam St., Studebaker Distributors. Phone H. 0676. OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Here is a fine little five passen ger sedan of standard make and as good as new. Has a heater and all modern conveniences. We have many calls s for light, snappy sedans and this is certainly a fine one. Drop into our sales rooms and see it. nirv t onffTmrr- uu j. xi. o mi j. xi 26th and Farnam. Doug. 1970 We have somt splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622, WILLYS-KNIGHT COUPE This knight motored four pas senger coupe ir equipped with wire wheels andNs in first-class condition throughout. An idfcal car for winter use as it has a heater and all conveniences. We will guarantee it in every respect and closed cars are going to be scarce this winter. See this one today. GUY L. SMITH , 26th and Farnam. Doug 1970. A FEW GOOD BARGAINS. inn.rann 17.fi rhnmtnr ADoerson 17-8 7-DHssenrer. Auburn almost new, equipped with cord tires and wire wheels. 1917 Stearns. A-l mechanically. APPERSON NEBRASKA MOTOR CO., poag st. ryier uat. 1135 WILL rent space for your car until 0 March 1, 1921, at 1501 Marcy St., Har- lung s jTansier io., lyier i9fe. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. This 1 a current model 1920 Super Six which ha been run less tnan 3,ouu mile here In Omaha. It was exchanged on a closed car and carries our regular guar antee. Not a scratch on It anywhere and Is fully equipped. See It before It's gone. GUYX. SMITH 26th and Farnam Sts. Doug. 1970. 1920 MODEL Stearns Knight 6-pass. tour lng car, recently repainted and almoHt new tires. Owner needs money and Is prepared to really sacrifice this car. Call Mr. Vane, Harney 0345 week days, SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mo vanrey Motor to. i ne nanay - r ora service station, lotn ana Jackson, uoug. la 3500. I FORDS, DODGES, BUICK FOR SALE OR THAUB. EAHI TbKMo, UALiij 8, 198, O'ROURKB AUTO CO.. 3701 S. 24th St. WANTED For spot cash. 100 jsed car quica acuon; no aeiay. auio juxcoange Co., ZB6 rarnam St. Douglas togs SNAP. 18 Chalmers six. dandy condition. 8500. Twenty other bargains. 2210 Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St. HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDANS These. early autumn days turn our thoughts to a closed car, and a Hudson is a strictly high-grade car which will give lasting and satisfactory service. We . have several styles, so look them over early and get the body you prefer. All cars carry our regular service '' guarantee. GUY L. SMITH 26th and Farnam. Doug. 1970. CAKLAND Sensible Six. . - MARSH.OAKLAND CO 20th Harney Sts. WE have 60 good used cars to selec from. All prices. ' MEEK3 AUTO CO., 2028 Farnam. FOR SALE By private owner, 82-A Overland. Excellent condition. 9450 cash for Liberty bonds- Tyler 3206. CHANDLER bIx, In fine condition, for only 3760, -Can't be beat for the money anywhere. Phone Tyler 1250. I One hundred and fifty dollars cash, buys an Oakland 4 touring, ;n good running condition. Walnut 1166. 1920 FORD touring car. Just like new. New tires. Ferefect condition. Cash or payments. Tyler 5304. GOOD 4-passenger or chummy roadster wanted for household good and cash. Box O-42, Omaha Bee. 7-PASSENGER Reo 6. 5 new tire. Origi nal finish, like new. Harney 6258 or Web. 729. 1920 FORD secfan, perfect condition, good tires, etc. Cheap. Cash or terms. Ty. ' ,er 5304. DENBY truck, 2-ton, slightly burned. 2S62 Fai 2S62 Farnam St. Harney 'J.i 6. OLDS 8 A real buy, from owner. A-l mechanically; 3560. Ty.14Bl, OLDS 8, real buy, from owner. A-l me- chanlr JICK icaiiy. 55u. Ty. nil, BUICK roadster, E-44, good condition. Bargain. Doug. 4437. BUICK roadster, E-44, good condition. Bargain. Doug. 4437. Tires and Supplies. " NEW TIRES. FIRST-CCaSS. 30x3 1 9.96 I 82x3 314 96 30x3 H 11,93 I 83x4 20.96 96x4 20.95 I 34x4 20.95 Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tube. 32.60. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. NEW TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 40X3 9 .7 I 1 i 20x3tt 11.90 83x4 19.60 12x3 H 14.90 I 34x4 20.00 Mall orrfera filled. STANDARD TIBS CO.. 410 N, HTH BT. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Tires and Supplies. WE SAVE YOU 35 out of every 310 on auto .nsurancs. Phon Dougla 7768. 813 Paten Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. TWO 34x4 Diamond cord tire, almost new, with inner tub.'s; driven 2,000 miles; guaranteea i,vu; cost 1Z&, for I6V. beavenwortn street. STUDEBAKER 4, (-passenger, fine condl- tlon, cheap. 3904 Gold St. H. 6481. Accessories. USED TIRES. 30x3, 36.00: 30x3 tt. 33.00. All atzes In proportion. Look over our rebuilt. Open Sundays. Tyler 2988. SAVIUE TIRES. 903 N. 18th St. Keystone Tlr Shop. FARM .LANDS. Wanted. FOR SALE OR TRADE WHILE RUNNING , AROUND TRYING 1 TO FIND A FARM Why not let us "show you 320 acres miles west of Cotesneld, Neb.; 25 acres in alfalfa, 85 acres in corn, balance hay and pasture; owner will sell for $85 per acre or trade for a good home or income property in Omaha. Mortgage of $12,000 expiring in 1929. Posses sion March 1, 1920. This is a real pickup. Will show at any time. , J. L. HIATT COMPANY 900 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Ty. 63. Alabama Lands. STOP freezing. Raise etock cheaply. Come soum. xjargam. ii acre, "4 mile Het lln city limits, county seat) on Bank head highway. Improved, 80 acres val ley, all splendidly fenced and cross fenced with woven wire, good soli, well watered, perfect title, Bouse, barns, or chard. Ideal climate, exceedingly health ful. Ideal stock farm. 920 acres, half cash. Purchaser's fare paid both ways. Cheuvront, Heflln, Alabama. California Lands. . ATTENTION CALIFORNIA. Big ranches for sale or lease, either for stock or subdividing purposes with good oil Indications. San Lull Obispo Realty Co.. Halcyon. Cal. Colorado Lands. IJASTERN COLORADO WHEAT AND CORN LAND. aefe all 20 acres with 90 acres wheat. 80 es alfalfa. 200 acres bottom land, can be cultivated. 2 milus to school. granary and barn. . Price, 335 per acre wiia oniy .d, uvu casn. Wa aiso have Improved and raw land in rii ize from sib oo'im. 8JSAMAH & UKAY, Brush, Colo. SALE 900 acres within eaav driving uiBiniiue ui rueoio. coio. lioon lmDrove- ments. 100 acres alfalfla, 200 acres other crops, water ngnts for 480 acres, bal ance pasture. If you wajit a good stock ranch at a clean up price. Investigate once. ueo. a. nankins, Ordway, 160 ACRES Burltngtonolo., 3500 down or win luxe umana property. Colfax 4183. Florida Lands. ESTABLISHED poultry farm for sale In norma consists of following, 10 acres land unencumbered on hard road, 8 has been cleared and cultivated, small house, barn, 46 hen houses, 2 brooderhouses, tiiv capacity each; duplex heater Incuba tor, total capacity 1,000 egg: Fair. banks pumping system; 496 pullets, some beginning to lay; 200 yearling hens and 25 cocks for next year' breeders, all wnue legnorns; Cadillao car, good tires fresh cow, heifer calf, tools, etc. Poul try clears 12,600 a year. Your own milk. eggs, butter, meat and vegetables and fuel reduce living expenses. A chance to step Into an Independent, already es tablished business, where money begins returning the next day. Will pay your fare back if you find anything misrep resented. Price, 37,600.00. Don't write u you haven't cash, because this is no foroed sale. Seminole Poultry Farm, t. 4. isox Z67, Jacksonville. Fla. .TWENTY ACRES AND PLENTY , 1 the title of our - free book about Florida. It tell the truth. Monthly payments, easy terms. Sylvester K. WU- son, uept. uii, unanao. Floriaa. Indiana Lands. FOR SALE Indiana Income Dronerty. 360,000. 3 acres in La Port located In residential section. Lincoln hlehway. Im proved. 15 families living on property now. future possibilities enormous. Great bargain. Desaaux, 4625 Kermore Ave., laiicago. Iowa Lands. WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale, Mrs. W, Booth, Hlpark, Des Moines, fa. Kansas Lands. FOR SALE In the wheat belt, 640 acres 380 In cultivation, balance In pasture, 300 lowed to wheat, 1-3 goes with land, fenced and cross fenced. 2 wells, plenty water, 355 per acre, good terms. Will aeai with buyer only. Fred Spalding, Dorrance, Russet county, Kansas? Nebraska Larrds. i 80 ACRES, 4 miles north of Florence. 30 acres iln corn. WitI run 60 bushels to the acre or better. Good 5 -room hous' and barn. Good well. Owner will sacrl flee for 3150 per acre. 33,000 cash will nanuie. 40 acres north of Florence, small house and barn, good well, one acre of irasprjerrieB, pan under cultivation. Price cut to 3150 per acre. 32,000 cash will handle. Call Sundays and evenings, Colfax 0648 or Col. 0950. WEETH & HERRON 2M.Ames Ave. Colfax 0926. Owner Says to Sell Sevonty-two-acre farm. 44 miles north of Florence, 45 acres rolling land, partly covered with timber, balance bot tom land. Five-room hone, 309 bearing apple trees, enough timber to more thin pay for the place. Would make a fine poul try, fruit or stock farm or a bea-jtlful country home. Price is cut to 34,500 If sold this week. Can arrange terms, you will have to act quick if ycu get tnis rarm. Weeth & Herron Co., 2414 Ames. Ave. -s Colfax 0926, GRAIITAND STOCK FARM Well Improved, all tillable. 240 acres 'Only 40 minutes by auto from Omaha P. O. 1 hour by truck to So. Omaha stock yards. Close to Ry. towns, good locality and a fine place fnr a real farmer. Owner will take small farm or city property as part payment, Is priced right and less than adjoining land. Terms. W.T.GRAHAM 704 Peters Trust Bldg. FOR SALE 80 acres near Davenport, Neb., good buildings, 310,000. Adso 40 acrei; near Falrbury. Well Improved, 31.000, terms. Geo. R. Hanklns, Ordway, Colo. 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land, 925 to 335 an acre In half snctlon lou S. 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOOY special number lust out con- taming 1920 racts of clover land in Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmer grow rich, send at onco for this special number of Landolcgy. It Is free on request. Addresa Skldmore Richie Land Co., 433 Skldmore-Rlehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. Miscellaneous.1 " ALFALFA FARM $100. Acre; Easy Terms On mils R. R. town ovnr hard rock road, easy . drive city; 220 acre machine-worked famous black and post 4ak soil; great crop alfalfa; 20 acres wood timber; pleasantly located' farm butlrilngu, tenant hou, good water supply; owner must relieved care, only 9100 acre, part cash, balance easy terms. Details this and magnificent 600-acre stock ranch page 61 Slrouta big, new ' Illustrated catalog, farm barglna, 33 States. Just out. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency, 831 D F N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. 24 Acres Improved Graham-Peters Realtv Co., 829 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb, Dougla 8(3, Evening WaL 1103, FINANCIAL. ior. VONEY. W have gilt edge farmers' paper to sell drawing 10. l'rompt payment without expense la assured the pur chaser. Thia U no etock sailing cheme, simply a largo retail concern wishing to raise money on Its farm paper. Let us tell you th particulars whether you have 3100 or 36,000 that you could In vest. Box T-1308, Omaha Bee. MONET In bonds. 360 Investel In foreign! certificates gives opportunity to make I 8500, 9100 will raakM 91.000. prices low Act quirk. Foreign Securities Ass'n, 804 I uwignt mag.. Kansas city, aio. Real Estate x Loans " DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan boo'.hs. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 5819 E. 1894. 1 OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS, O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 1013 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. , Doug. 3713. PRIVATE! MONEY. 3100 to 310,000 mad promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. 810 8. 18th St 42 SHARES prefered stork In Sterll Mfg. Company at t6o on dollar. Address H. O. Stevens, Gen Del.. Omaha, Neb. PRIVATE MONEY. BHOPEN ft COMPANY, Doug. 4223 PROMPT service, reasonable rate, private I money, uarvin tiros, m Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTffD. ARE YOU GOING JTO SELL YOUR HOME? We have a large list of buyers, a large pdrtlon of whom will watt until spring for possession, March 1st, or later. Call us and we will be glad to co-operate witu youv ' WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1638. 333 Securities Bldg. WE WANT HOUSES TQ SftLL. Buyers galore! Come in'anu see us. J. J. MULVIHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Phone Doug. 0092. To buy or sell Omaha Heal Estate ao I FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dougla 142. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE. I Want quick action 7 Just try us. car Tvler 498. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Be Bldg. HAVE buyers with $600 cash down. List I with us. it. F. Clary Co., 2404-06 Ame I Ave., North Omaha Realtors, Colfax I 176; W. G. SHRIVERErSa:ATB 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1833. .HAVE Inquiries for homes ; do yon want to sell your property T List It with C A. urlmmel, Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. 1 LIST your home with me or If you are I looKing ior nouse see me, (ran a. Panowlch, 336 Paxton Blk WANT homes In colored neighborhood. Benjamin & Frankenberg. Doug, lit REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE . Have modern 8-roonT house in one of the best localities of Oma ha, Also an improved section of land in central Nebraska. Will trade both of these properties on good Umana investment, flats, garage or store building. Call R. W.CRAIG Tyler 3210. i 1 I, 160 ACRES COLORADO LAND Will trade for city property, stocks or Donas; an ivel valley land, good sou, located near good town; no Improve ments except fence and water; clear of incumprance. Box u-32. Omaha Bee. Large Corner, 60x140, With 5 Cottages Income 3130 per month. Located on North 19th street, where values are Abound to Increase when Dodge grade is I completed, rnce 912,000. Incumbrance 95,000. Will exchange equity for nice home or flat or take in good vacant property as part pay. Write Box R-20, nee. Some Trade Beautiful new Dundee home, near Happy Hollow; 7 rooms, all oak finish: double parage; sun room, fireplace, tiled bath. Price 814,600, on easy terms, or wm uae gooa sman no use as part pay. Bediord-Johnston Co., Douglas 1734. TO EXCHANGE Want going ranch or I larm for ray beautiful modern 65-apart- ment ouiiairig, ovenooKing ' L,aKe Mich igan; large lot; gray stone, court style, on corner; rents 331,000 year; price 3200, 000; clear of Incumbrance; will make quick deal for right land. Jos. Miller, jpo vt. inrit 01., unicago. TO EXCHANGE Elegant downtown cor ner store ana oirice building in Loop, north of Auditorium; fireproof construc tion; rents tiz.uuu a year; price 8200,000; clear. Owner wants large farm or ranch; prefer equipped. C. P. Carroll, 29 S. iiasaue bi., rtoom ou, unicago. WILL accept a good second mortgage or iana contract ir it is on umana prop erty as down payment on a Dundee home, brand newlose to car and ready 10 occupy, xiox it-Do, jee. I HAVE a modern 6-room house, hot I water neat, in good neighborhood in Lincoln. Will exchange for the same In Omaha. Direct owner. 2009 vS. 25th St., Lincoln. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 1 DUNDEE LOTS. 8. E. corner 63d and Farnam, 150x125: Price $7,500. 32.000 cash. N. E. corner 61st Ave. HoTard, $2,751. 1 Merms. S. W. corner 61st Izard, two lot. 24.000. N. W. corner 60th Wester Ave., 50x135, 1 i.uvu. 1 S. W. corner 49th. Capitol Ave., luixuu, 7,tuu casn. CHAS. E. BELMAN. D. 3235. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. , OPPORTUNITY 325 DOWN, $5 PER ' MONTH BUVS FINE LARGE LOT, WELL LOCATED, NORTHWEST PART, CITY WATER, BCiWJK, CittAUH, 1 rti.9. HKUTIUN RAPIDLY IMPROVING. ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT. PHONE HARNEY 5051 OR WEBSTER 3162. 31 ACRES. two miles from Ak-Sar-Ben and aviation field. Nice sightly building spot, run ning water. Price 3326 per acre. O'KEEFE REAL HSTATE CO., Realtors, 1016 Omaha Tiat I ..Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. WE HAVE an unusually Well located piece of trackage at 7tn ana L,eavenwortn, 81x138. tracks on both stdea At right price Alfred Thomas, bQi First Natl Bank. Acreage. 10 ACRES, good, level laying ground, close to Leavenworth car line. Will take some liberty bonds on this. L. L. PORTER CO. Doug. 3064. ' REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Close In Investments ,ook At 218 to 222 South 29th Avenue Contains two six-room, three- five-room and one four-room apartments, income, $4,800 perl annum. ' 651-3-5. South 26th Ave. Three five-room flatsf oak fin-1 ish and floors throughout. Jg come $1,740 per annum. These are close in properties and are worth while investigating. PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY REALTOR SERVICE. 616 Omaha Nat.vBk. Bldg. D. 1016. WALSH. ELMER CO.. Realtor. Real Estate. Investment, Insurance, Rent 1st Tyler Mi. 131 BtcurUlea Bldg. J REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE, RENTAL $11,000 PRICE $55,000 Where else can you Invest money that will bring you 20 i.et on' your capital? This bulldlnir I located In the beat district of the city, convenient to three car linos. 326,000 invested Mi this prop erty will yield a little better than 96,000 per annum. W look upon thi as one of the safest, surest shots you cn take thi year. No trade. WALSH-ELMER CO. reXltors. Tyler 1533 833 Securities B'.dg, ri v- TRAJCKAGE ' 1 DOWNTOWN 40,000 SQ. FTV Priced at about 91-00 per square foot. B. & M. trackage on two side. Located only ajfffut eight blocks from 16th and Farnam on prominent corner. A re markable tract. From an advertising point of view alone It's worth th money. Let us tell you all about this fine property. WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1531. 333 Securities Bldg. THE RIGHT BUILDING FOR A GROCERY BUSINESS Three-story and basement brick budd ing In the wholesale district suitable for factory, jobbing or warehouse; all oc cupied but not tied up with lease. Can give possession of all or any part by January 1st. You could use what you need and let tenants stay In balance until you need more room. The -rent net a goo return on the Investment, Price and terms reasonable. Low In tereat. Ask for particular. DUMONT & CO. 418-18 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 0690, BRICK INVESTMENT RENTAL $6,180.00 Two-story and basement with six store rooms, on corner lot 66x132, located In the very heart of the commission dis trict. Always rented and will show better than 10 net on sale price which ts just reduced for quick action. You'll miss the best buy of the suason If you aon t investigate mis at once.- WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1538 833 Securities Bldg. f- CLOSE IN APARTMENT CORNER $6,500 Ground 69x140. On 29th between Far nam and Leavenworth. House on site will carry your Investment until you ouua. nentai now it?o. very UDerai terms onerea on. this. WALSH-ELMER CO. REALTORS. Tyler 1538. , 333 Securities Bldg. ' Double Store Building For Only $4,000.00 Having a five-room flat above each store with bath and gas. Ground 63x124. .Bargain. W. H. GATES 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dougla 1294. Investment and Home , Pressed brick duplex flat near Farnam street. 7 rooms on each side. A'l oak finlBh throughout. Snap at 813,600. In come $1,800 per year. Tenm can be arranged. ) Bedford-Johnson Co. Douglas 1734. " . DUEI.EX BRICK FLAT, ' FINE INVESTMENT. 7 rooms on each side, strictly modern, like new, harfood floor throughout, -YOe!!nt InrMnn In.nm. na. month, convenient to Farnam car line.' V. 1505. BROWN REALTY CO., 211 Kennedy Bldg. . REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BENSON BARGAINS bee farm, 6-rBom. all modern. h:m. ( Weeks to car. Sidewalks all In. Owner goes to Indiana. Only 94,000 with terms, K. r. CLARY CO., REALTORS 2404-06 Ames. Colfax 0176. 6-ROOM home In Benson, 1 lots, lots of fruit. Price 33,750; $500 cash, $35 per momn. XJQUg. Dundee. SEE THIS NEW HOME TODAY ' SOUTH 50TH AVE., IN DUMDEE. Just completed, 6 rooms and bath full -two-story. Has large livlngroom across entire front with beautifully de signees urepiace. attractive timing room and convenient kitchen. Three-corner bedrooms and tile bath, all finished In ivory enamel. The woodwork down stairs Is natural oak and the floors throughout are clear oak. Large base ment wun separate laundry room and stationary tuba Guaranteed furnace. This property is brand""new and Is well landscaped with growing shrubs. Com bination cement driveway. Price, $12,- nuo.uo on terms of l,too.oo cash and i2D.uu per month. , Open This Afternoon. MATTSON & SMAILS. 1214 City Nat. BkyDoug. 8102. Dundee Home Price Reduced to $10,000. $3,000 Cash. And balance to suit wilt buy this lovely home on Chicago street near 50th Built by owner for a home. Has ves tibule with coat clos.'t. large living room with fireplace, uullt-ln bookcases, beautiful dining room and kitchen on first floor. All finished In oak nd oak floors. Three large bedroom smd com bination sleeping porch and bathroom on second floor. Birch finish with beautiful maple floors. Large basement, station ary laundry tubs. Guaranteed furnace. Beautiful lawn with trees and nhrubs Close to car line and school. Located at 4919 Chicago. Will be open 'or In ' erection between two and five this afternoon. For appointment daring week days call The Byron Reed Company, ! T JUST NEW" 318 South 50th Street IN DUNDEE. This new home Is of stucco construc tion, located on east front, lot 48x136, close to car line. Full two story with 7 feet 6 Inches fully plastered basement and ample, well ventilated attic. Ves tibule, living room with fireplace, din ing room finished In cathedral oak. The kitchen with plenty of built-in cup boards. nd the three corner bedroom are In Ivory enamel. Til bathroom with built-in tub and pedestal lavatory. This home Is attractive In design and con venient In arrangement. It I ready for Immediate occupancy. Price, 313.760.00, reasonable terms. Open This Afternoon. MATTSON & SMAILS, 1314 City Mat. Bk. Doug. 8103. Ir- RE?AL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. -,. BRICK AND STUCOC, DUNDEE, $15,000. A rmrkabt horn at far lea than It real value. Built about seven year ago when material and labor were lower. Thla fine dwelling h every convenience that you can Imagine. Best of oak woodwork, flneat plumbing and lighting , fixture. Long living room, with artistic, fireplace, dining room with elaborate, built-in buffet, kitchen. un room and maid' room on flrt floor; thrs fine bedrooms and tiled bath second floor. Lot 60x135. Double garage, close to oar line and not far from the best grd school In Omaha. Don't delay. This place will please you In every particular. , WALSH-feLMER CO., t ') Real tors. Tyler 1536. 333 Beouruur tsiaw. REAL DUNDEE HOME. - This place at 706 So. 52d St. is a dandy; on the famous Lockwood drive, and the home has all that is needed to make a real home; breakfast room, sunroom, tiled bathroom, garage. Drive out to day and look at this place. Ad dress, 706 So. 52d St. You will agree that it is the place you nave been looking for. For price and terms call CREIGH, SONS & CO., , Douglas 0200. 608 Bee Bldg. DUNDEE. Your chance for real home, for sals by owner (no real estate commissions), full two stories, first floor all oak, hall, re ception room, dining room, breakfast room, white enameled kitchen, and lc box room; second floor three airy bed rooms, all white enameled, and en closed sleeping porch; floored attic, hot water heat, Rudd water heater and soft water connection In basement for laundry, nice lawn, plenty of shrubbery. Price $12,800. Phone Walnut 3686, or , Doug! 1190. . .DUNDEE BUNGALOW Flv comfortably Bleed -com, eon-, venlently arranged, finished in oak ar now ready for occupancy. Tastefully decorated, completely raoditv, built-in features. The term ar very easy and can probably be arranged to suit. If you want something good but reuonabl call Harney 8566 Sunday; Florence. Mtt-ACRB farm, 3 miles north of Flor ence; small improvements, A-l good land, mostly level; price $6,600; posses sion 30 days. Investigate at one. Netir away. Florence, Colfax 1409, NETHAWAT. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 140. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. IF YOU WANT A REAL HOME IN THE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT DON'T OVERLOOK THIS.' Beautiful corner lot, south and east frontage. A stucco house with living room, fireplace, - dining room, butler's pantry, kitchen, sun room; quarter sawed oak floors and finish; very high grade Tiffany lighting fix tures. Four bedrooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath on second floor, beautifully decorated. Billiard room, maid's room and complete bath on third floor. Hot water heat, Rudd heater, laundry tubs, floor drain; fruit cel lar, concrete vault, toilet in base ment, and other conveniences that go to make a real home. Heated garage for three cars. A. P. TUKEV & SON., REALTORS, 620 Frrst'Natl. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 502. Sunday, call Mr. Larson, Wal. 5382. LOCATED in a district that has well constructed home, occupied home owners, is a 2-story kella- . stone residence facing east on lot 50x125. House is modern in every re spect; has 6 rooms and tiled bath. Oak finish and floors downstairs; oak floors and white enamel fin ish upstairs. Furnace heat; full cement basement. 3 good sized bedrooms with large closets. House is new and is priced to sell, x Price, $8,500; $2,500 will handle. If you are interested in a home you would do well to investigate this property. Call Mr. Goodrich, 89. , SHULER & CARY,- Doug.' 5074. 204 Keeline Bldg. A MAN'S HOME IS HIS . PALACE. Our five-room bungalows in Leavenworth Heights are indeed palaces. Every modern conveni ence, complete in every detail. Oak throughout; fireplace, tiled bath, all built-in features; nicely deco rated, beautiful fixtures; win decorated; beautiful fixtures, win dow shades. Nice furnace, full light, airy basement, stairway to attic; a real home; now vacant, immediate possession. Price $8, 500, on very reasbnable terms. Sunday call Harney 7333 or Col-, fax 4125. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 0063. NEW 5-R00M CORNER BUNGALOW. FRONTS SOUTH AND EAST INN CATHEDRAL DIS. Double garage and driveway; Kcllastone construction; all oak finish and oak floors; an attractive home and two blocks frdm Farnum car line. j $8,000.00. One-fourth cash. SfHULER & CARY; Realtors, 202-8 Keeline Bldg. Thone Douglas 5074. 3 BT OWNER 6-room. strictly modern him. gatow. One block to car line. Clifton Hill ItiY. 9C0M Ka0 6'9 .walau .5 sr