Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    . V
Three Shot in Gun
Battle at Bavard
City Marshal in Dying Condi,
t tion Following Fight With
Auto Bandits.
Alliance, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special
Telegram.) Three men were shot,
two of them probably fatally, in a
gun battle between two officers and
two automobile bandits at Bayard,
about 7:30 o'clock Saturday night.
The wounded men are; Deputy City
Marshal Jan Lindgrcn reported to
have been shot through the heart;
City Marshal Charles Webb, arm
broken by bullet and another bullet
in his side, and. Nick Moriskus, a
Greek, shot through the. body and
Moriskus and his partner, also a
Greek, are alleged to have stolen an
automobile at Scottsbluff Friday
night and to have driven to Bayard,
where they cached the car in an
alley back of a garage. The men re
mained in hiding during the day and
the Bayard officers concealed them
selves in the rear of the garage and
waitedfor them to come after the
car. 1
Shortly before the shooting the
bandits appeared, bot into the car in
company with a young red-haired
woman and started the engine. The
officers commanded them to halt and
when they refused to obey, opened
fire. - The bandits returned the fire,
wounding both officers. One of the
baadits" appeared, got into the car in
escaped, in an alley. .The other man
and the woman drove away in the
car. The first bandit was appre-
; hended about midnight two blocks
from the scene of the shooting and
put up a fight, in which he was shot
and badly wtunded.
A man believed to be his com-
- panion Was arrested early this morn
ing in a rooming house in Bayard.
The woman has nof been found.
The bandits' car was found in the
outskirts of the town. City Marshal
Webb and one of the bandits are
reported to be dying. 1
Cancel Trips For
Amateur Winners
Secretary Isaacson Unable to
Schedule Games for Class C
And. Gate City Champs.
Following a conference with the
managers of both the Pearl Memori
als. Church league pennant winners
and city Class B champions, and the
McKenney Dentists, pennant win
ners of the Gate City league and
city Class C champions, Secretary
J. J. Isaacson of the Municipal
Amateur Base Ball association, an
nounced last night that the trips of
those two teams have been called
' Isaacson has been negotiating
with, both St. Paul and Kansas City
In order to send the Omaha champ9
there to play the champs of their
respective- class, but efforts were in
vain to arrange games. v '
The local "association intended to
pay the railroad fare of the teams,
and asked Kansas City and St. Paul
to pay hotel expenses," but even on
these terms neither St. Paul nor
Kansas City would arrange a game
with the Omaha champs.
Secretary Isaacson announced that
a meeting of the board would be
held some time this week, at which
time it will be decided on a prize
for the local champs.
Alleged Gangster Held
Under Bonds of $1,000
William Holmes, alias "Baldy"
Holmes, alleged member of a gang
of automobile and merchandise
thieves, was arraigned in Council
Bluffs police court Saturday upon
charges of receiving and aiding to
conceal stolen property. He was
.bound over to the grand jury under
bonds of $1,000 by Judge Frank Ca-
'pell after a preliminary hearing.
Cuticura Soap
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
Smb. CHntment.Tlim,e. wtrrwher 8tmtiT
fre.ofO.aeor. toc.UriM. D.,V X. suites, KW
Money back without quest!
W HUNT'S Salv fail ia the
tmtnsntoflTCH, EC2KMA.
othcrOchlnf tkmdtMiie Try
IS cant boa at our ni.
Sherman & McConnetl Druf Co.
Brass Buttons.
If it had not been for Mr. Crow,
no one in the mill-pond would have
thpught of having a policeman. You
see, Mr. Crow had traveled. He had
looked upon many big towns as he
flew . over their outskirts on his
journeys between Pleasant Valley
and his winter home in the so:th.
And he had noticed that most ..ities
had at leas.t one policeman and
some of them had as many as two.
"You ought to have a poli.eman
in this pond,", he told Mr. Turtle
one day. "It would save everybody
a good deal of worrying, for the
policeman would always be the
watch for trouble. And when there
was any danger he would warn
"I've lived here almost 100
years," he said, "and I've hud to
be on the lookout for danger all
that time. If we had a good police
man maybe I could spend the next
1 U0 years in peace."
"That's the idea!" said Mr. Crow.
"But where are we to fiild a police
man?" Mr. Turtle asked. "I don't
know of any in Pleasant Valley. In
fact, I never saw one in all my life."
"Oh I You'll have to find someone
right in your portd," Mr. Crow told
him. "AH you need to do is to put
a blue uniform on him and give him
a club. That's the way to make a
policeman. . . . But he must be
fat," Mr. Crow added. "All police
men aro fat. So what you need to,
dev is to choose the fattest person in
the pond."
"Then," said Mr. Turtle, "Paddy
Muskrat will have to be our police
man, for he's the fattest person in
the neighborhood."
After Mr. Crow had flown away,
Mr. Turtle talked the matter over
with his friends in the mill pond.
And all agreed that Paddy Musk
rat was just the one to wear a uni
form and carry a club and warn
everybody when there was any
danger. i
Paddy was much pleased when he
heard of the plan. And he felt very
happy, because Mr. Frog, who had
u tailor shop, promised to make him
a new suit with brass buttons free.
' But Mrs. Paddy did not like the
idea at first.
"Won't it take you away from
home a good deal?" she inquired. "I
don't like to stay alone in the house,
because I'm timid." , '
You'll be quite safe," Paddy as
sured her, "for I'll be on watch for
dan geh, every minute."
"Won't you need a new' suit?"
she asked somewhat anxiously.
"Your old one is patched, you know"
"I'm to get a new uniform with
brass buttons free," Paddy toM her.'
"Mr. Frog is going to make it "for
Mrs. Paddy Muskrat said at once
that on account of the new suit she,
was willing to let Paddy be a tolice
inan..,,. .' ' .. )-H -
' "What' color will the" suit be?"
she Qslccd. i F
"It will be blue," Paddy told her.
When she learned thar, his wife
seemed 'disappointed. ,
"I was hoping it would be ?ink,"
These chilly mornings
you should fire up a
little with good
The Kino) You Get From the
Phone Walnut 300.
For hudreds of years
wheat has been one
of man's, best ma
terials for building
Give your child the
right material to
build a strong, sturdy
Wheat ,
The ' rich, ; creamy
heart of the choicest
wheat is full of nour
ishment and is easily
she said wistfully, "because puik is
my favorite color.'
Then Paddy Muskrat said jood
bye to her and went straight to Mr.
Frog's shop to be measured for hii
new clothes.
In three days the new sut was
finished. Paddy tried it on; and he
was much pleased with it.
"I'll wear it," he saW to Mr.
Frog. "And you can carry mv old
suit home for me." , ' "
"You, can't leave my shop until
you pa me!" Mr. Frog tried. '
"Pay? you?" Paddy exclaimed in
great surprise. "You said you would
make me a blue suit with brass but
tons free I"
"And so I have!" retorted Mr.
Frog. "Here's your bill. And you'll
notice that I have not charged you
a penny for the buttons." . '
You see, Paddy Muskrat had mis
understood. The brass buttons were
all that was free. He had to pay Mr
Frog for the suit. And though he
hated to do that, there was some
thing else that he dreaded far more
and that was telling his wife about
his mistake.
(Copyright, 1920, by Oossett A Dunlap.)
New York Woman Indicted
On Charge of Willful Murder
New York. Oct. 17. Ida Werner,
42, was indicted by the Campbell
county grand jury on three counts
charging her with wilful murder.
The indictment was the result of in
vestigation of the deaths of Stanley
Williams, 4 months; Carl Williams.
2 years, and Shirlejr Williams, 4
years. The Werner woman is the
aunt of the children. A chemist's
analysis showed traces of pioson in
the children s stomachs.
Mrs. Baney tells how Lydia
E. Pinkham't Vegetable
j Compound Helped Her
( Through the Change
of Middle Life,
Rochester, Ind. "My troubles
were from my age and Lydia E. Pink-
nam s vegetable
Compound helped
me wonderfully.
I took doctor's
medicine and
other patent
medicine, but the
Vegetable Com.
pound baa helped
my nerves more
than anything I
have ever taken.
I am thankful to
the one who rec
ommended it to me and will surely
do my part in telling others what the
medicine has done for me." Mrs.
. Lottie Banet, 468 East 9th St,
Rochester, Indiana.
Such warning symptoms as sense
of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
timidity, sounds in the ears, palpita
tion of the heart, sparks before the
eyes, irregularities, constipation, va
r liable appetite, weakness and dial
aess should be heeded by middle-aged
women and' let Lydia E. Pinkham's
' Vegetable ' Compound carry them
safely through this crisis as it did
Mrs. Baney. . ; .
Delicious alone, superb with
Biscuit, the modern short
bread. Tender, mealy,
crumbly. Order some to
Vote for RE-ELECTION of
Andrew M. Morris ey
"The political partiea have made no
nominations forChief Juatiee. Tha Chef
Justice is not elected as a party candidate,
but his name will be found with other
Judicial Candidates, and school officers
on a separate ballot.
"We favor the re-election ni Chief
Justice Morrissey because we believe in
the law designed to tak the courts out
of politics and to elect Judges because of
their qualifications. -
"Six years sko when he. became Chief
Justice, the court was about three year
behind. Today the court is as nearly
up with its work as it is practicable for
a supreme court to be. Credit fo rthis
is not wholly due to the Chief Justice, but
other members of the eour whto have
eonributed to this result give full eredlt
to Chief Justice Morrissey for his shsrs
in its accomplishment.
"He hss executive ability that rets
results. He enjoys the friendship and
co-operation of his associates. He has
the respect and confidence of tha lawsers
who have business in the Supreme Court.
He has helped to clear away many tech
nicalities of the law. Law-breakers have
benn brought to justire and honest men
enjoy the protection of the courts.
"If you are in doubt about how to vote
on Chief Justice, ask your District Judge." i
t Lincoln Tribune, j
Jot K
Gill. Will
f t. .
Suppose Bobbie Had " There's Many
Been Your Baby
V4 N
a Slip"
' ' --aaassMsaaw
"I want to walk! I'wantto walk!" Over
and over again came the pathetic appeal
from the three-year-old cherub who sat
helpless at the window watching the happy
children on their way to . school. The
mother turned to hide the quick tears.
Poor baby! He did not know the doctor's
verdict: "Both legs and one arm are para
lyzed. He will never walk."
" .. : '' ':'. .!.,' ' ' ,-. '
-Then a neighbor, who loved Bobbie as
his own, said: "Take him to Dr. Edwards,
the chiropractor. I owe my life to him.
If there is any chance for Bobbie, it is with
Dr. Edwards."
Then followed anxious, interesting days'
while the parents watched for the im
provement Dr. Edwards told them would
come. Then the thrilling moment when
Bobbie took his first 'step! What joy to
teach him to walk, and then to see the once
helpless hand reach out to grasp the penny
which is the bonus paid all good boys and
girls at Dr. Edwards' office.
Several years have passed, and Bobbie
is now one of the happy children who run
laughing and skipping, to school. And
when Bobbie rides past 24th and Farnam
streets he points to the windows on the
second floor of the Ottawa Block and says :
"There's Dr, Edwards' office. He's the
doctor who made me walk!"
947-22-1 6
Bijf! . Bin1 go!!
. A pile of wriggling arms and legs, and
the football squad all in a heap! Easy to
understand how such strenuous sport
might result in strained spines or broken
bones. But you have had plenty of falls
in your life, even though you may not have
played football. Icy sidewalks, waxed
floors, banana peels, dark stairways, auto
accidents--an endless number of oppor
tunities for falls and jolts which are sure
to jar the delicate mechanism of the spine.
The spine is the human switchboard, and
through falls and strains put upon it some
of the spinal switches often get turned off.
This causes a short circuit of the human
electricity which is essential to health, and
dis-ease results. The sensible way to re
store your health is to remove thejeause-r-let
an expert chiropractor TURN ON
where your trouble is, no matter what its
name, there, is a spinal switch which con
trols it.
Are you sick and still sure your spine is
all right? Let our X-Ray convince you.
Dr. Edwards can show where your spinal
switches are turned off. Our spinograph
(X-Ray of the spine) absolutely proves the
chiropractic theory.
' I SKI i I '
K ltLasaaaaaaaaaaasasahAu. - -Wtllj' L'.if
Dr. Lee W. Edwrds was a medical
doctor for years before he knew any
thing about Chiropractic, the druglets
road to health. Ten years ago, after
studying both methods, he abandoned
the practice of medicine. Dr. Edwards
practices Chiropractic exclusively, not
fr6m necessity, but from chojee. Are
YOU skeptical ? Remember: Dr. Ed
wards knows, both sides of the ques
tion! Dr. Edwards says: "If you are sick
you want to get well in the quickest,
safest, easiest way. You want a per
manent cure, not a bottle of dope to
i give you mere temporary relief. I have
had such wonderful results during my
ten years' experience with chiroprac-
, tic, on difficult cases! where I was "The
Last Resort," that I know I can get
fully 95 of the sick people well. If
Health is what you want, I can deliver
the goods. , I can make you well, full of
pep and life as Nature intended you to
, be. And best of all, the cost will be
small, because my two hands are my
only .instruments."
''r i
No Drug Bills,
Costly Operations
and "Extras" When
You Consult
Dr. Edwards,
the Chiropractor
Bring This Ad to My Office
and Receive s( Free
Spinal Analysis.
Lee W. Edwards, M.D., D.C.
Palmer Method Chiropractor r
South " est Corner 24th and Farnam Streets (306 South 24th St.)
Lady Attendants
Private Dressing Rooms
References: My Patients
1 Phone
Douglas 35
Expert Spinographer '
l Won't Take Your Case Unless I Can Help You.