v12 A" 'THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 17. 1920. :4 it; Volunteer Squad Of Traffic Cops Is Here to Stay ' commissioner lunger and Others Instruct Citizen Of ficers at First Melting of Instruction School. Omaha'a volunteer traffic force of 100 businesi men is here to stay. It is to be a permanent organization, It meant business. Its members have offered their services to the po lice department in the interest of f safety for the people on the streets of Omaha, not to obtain any coveted privileges, or for honor and glory, but to assist the police in bringing the motor criminal to justice. Judg ment will be used. There are not too many citizens wearing police badges There are just enough to fight the menace to public safety on the streets of Omaha. These impressions were given by the interest manifested" by the civ ilian cops" at their fvrst session of the school of instruction in the Chamber of Commerce Friday night "1 am certainly glad to see that you men are taking this matter se riously, declared Commissioner Ringer. Chief of Police EbersteiTi, Traffic Sergeant Emery and Judge Foster were on hand to assist Couimissioner Ringer- in imparting the necessary information to the volunteers in the discharge of their duties as traffic of ficers. Numerous questions were asked by the civilian cops as to what to do in particular cases, and how certain provisions in the city and state or dinances were to be interpreted, tol lowing a lengthy prelection by Pb lice Commissioner Ringer on the traffic laws. Matters that could not be covered t the meeting will be fully explained in a letter which the police commis sioner will mail out today. Aside from suppressing reckless driving, the campaign, which will continue in definitely, will also educate the peo ple driving motor vehicles to a knowledge of the state and city trafr "Tic ordinances, according to Mr. Rin- ger. This, he said, will create a sen timent, which should be known to others besides lawyers, that "ignor ance of the law is no excuse." Referring to the permanency of the organization, Mr. Nesbit, wh , presided at the meeeting. announced 'that there is a Waiting list, and any officer on the force who is found to be not sufficiently active will have his badge taken away from him and he will be replaced by one from the waiting list. New applicants will be considered In the order of filing their applications with the safety of traffic committee ot the Chamber ot-com merce. Riot i Lnnrlnnrierrv j Londonderry, Ireland, Oct. 16. Scenes of wild disorder reoccurred here last night. Carlisle road was again the center of the fighting, the trouble beginning when a band of vouths suddenly appeared and be-, gan firing pistols. They maintained a running fire and rival groups re turned the shots. Pedestrians fled in terror. Soldiers were rushed to that section of the city and cleared the street. Auburn Girl Going To India as Midwest Bible Missionary LydiaMay Rediger. Auburn, Neb., Oct. 16. (Special.) -Lydia May Rediger, the first for eign missionary to be sent abroad b the Midwest Bible school of the As sembly of God, a Pentecostal sthool established here only i month ago, has started on her long journey to Saharanapur, India, to work among the Mohammedans and Parsees of that mountain country. Miss Rediger is 29 and her par ents live at Auburn. She is a grad uate of the Moody Bible institute of Chicago and of the Beulah Heights (N.' J.) Bible school. She has done social settlement work' at Hull House, Chicago; in Akron, O., and the slum districts of New. York City. ; She will sail for San rrancisco November 2 on the first dispatch boat, Santa Cruz, which has a pas senger list of only 29. Her first destination will be Calcutta, and from there she will go north to Delhi, and then to the northern boundary of Saharanpur, close to Nepal. Habeas Corpus Asked By Husband for Wife, Heiress to Fortune Auburn, Neb., Oct. 16. (Special.) William H. ReVlmondJ art Auburn tinsmith, has instituted habeas cor pus proceedings in the JJnited States ircmt court at st. JLouis to obtain possession ot hvs wite, so tnat ne can have her removed to the State Hospital for the Insane at Lincoln. Mrs. Reading, who has been men tally incompetent for years, is heir ess toa large estate. She has been in the Missouri state hospital at pulton tor many years. Her guardian, J. W. Howell, Mexico; Mo., is resisting the efforts of the husband. Burlesque High Mark Is Set at Gayety by TjieNSporting Widows "The Sporting WidoWs," featur ins Al K. Hall (Alcohol), at the Gayety theater, sets a high mark in burlesque. In many respects it is superior to "Peek-a-Boo." The play abounds in picturesque settings and pretty girls. 1 he stage settings, the most beau tiful shown this season, called for applause. The -wardrobe is the iarfc est and most lavish of the season and adds to the beaufy of the large and shapely chorus. Hall and Robert Startzman have one of the biggest laugh-producers of the season in a skit, Buying a Phonograph." A New Year home scene is Javishly produced, and the intermingling of jazz and old-fashioned songs proved popular. How to Get a Divorce is a pleasing comedy in which Hall fea tures. "The Bride and the Synco pated Wedding" undoubtedly is one of the biggest laugh-producers ' of the seasoon and carries a beautiful setting. Eugenia La Blanc, who de serted vaudeville for burlesque, pre sents a dancing specialty far above the average. She is also an acconv plished singer. June Leveay and George Weist have a collection of ngs that iilease every taste. Pretty Gertrude Beck also leads in 6ong numbers. eople of U. S. Want Change, Governor Coollidge Says Washington. Oct. 16. Conviction that the people desire a change and that republican victory in November was assured, was expressed here by Governor Coolidge. It was evident, he said, that the people did not favor the covenant of the league of nations as President Wilson brought it back from Pans, but, in reply to a ques- on, he added that in his opinion the high cost of living question pro bably concerned the people more in timately than any other. Mexican Agent Named To Succeed Calderon Washington, Oct. 16. Roberto V. Pesqueira has been appointed confidential agent of the Mexican government in Washingtoon to suc ceed Fernando Iglesias Calderon. recently recalled to take Jiis seat in the Mexican senate, according to of ficial advices. The new agent will combine duties of Mexican financial agent in New York, which position he has held since the De la Huerta regime, with those of his post here. , Divorce Court DItok Decrees. Emma E. Phillips from Frank Phillips, cruelty. Henry Price from Lillian Price, cruelty. Ins, M. Lilly from Elllclc Lilly, nonsup port. . Jennie Schneldewind from Otto Schneldewlnd, cruelty. Divorce Petitions. Mary Lundell aaralnit Charles T.imA.M 'nonsupport Josephine Mestley against Gilbert Mess ley, cruelty. , jonn Kenney against Mary Kenney, cru elty. Edna UcCaw against Malvln McCaw, cruelty. i War On Immoral Dances Des Moines. Ia., Oct. 16. (Spe cial Telegram.) Chief of Police Jos Donno-hn has declared war on im moral dances. With two public) which substantiates the report that dance halls and another hail soon to open, the dance problem is acute. The wool industry ranks as the fifth principal occupation of Rou mania. Several manufacturers, however, were obliged to close their, plants two or three months previous to the present .year's shearing. the total production supplies onlv three fifths of the country's demand. Dodge Brothers R It attracts especially thosewho are inclined to look for beauty com bined with -comfort and economy.. This is evidenced by the astonishing' number of women who own and drive Dodge Brothers 4 Door Sedan. The gasoline consumption unusually low. The tire mileage it unusually high. CEN-DAVlS-CDADAuTDCb. I "A OMAHA. NEB. 1814-UrlB FARNAM ST. TYLER 123 COUNCIL BLUFFS IA. N 103 SO. MAIN ST. .COUNCIieLUFFS SS(j . . ..... to Superior Quality for Each Dollar of Price Insures you Satisfying-Savings at Hayden's WOOL SHAWL SCARFS LADIES SWEATERS An almost endless variety of clever models for your selection. YouH want one for these cool days and evenings soon -to come. Splendid values shown at $6.90 $8.90 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 Ladies' Suit Department, Second Floor. AYDEN' THE CASH STORE Very comfy, as well as smart; wide range Ladies' Suit Department, of styles and colorings for your ff ACQ selection. A specially attractive lot T of values on sale Saturday at Second Floor. 1 1 jrrcF)v .ft i VOLT Exceptional Values in Winter Goats and Furs " Unusually broad assortments of charming new styles for selections at , surprisingly moderate cash prices. TWO COAT SPECIALS , &Coati at $75.00 Very best quality Salts Seal Plush Coats with Taupe shade Kit Conev Fur Collar. Cuffs and Border very smart style, one half length, or a Black O'possum Shawl Col-, lar Coat, one-half or full length. tTIE nn SPECIAL, MONDAY......... JO.UU CLOTH COATS AT $39.50 At thisyprice, Monday, your choice 'of Good, Warm Winter Coats, made up in the season's many smart styles, as wrappey coats, semi-tailored coats or slim-line coats. Styles suitable for the miss, matron or styl ish stouts in a large .range of shades, made to sell at great deal more. ttOfi cn SPECIAL, MONDAY. . . . . . 1 Ol). JU BATH ROBES v Just received andther shipment of the fiuest quality Kobes ever shown at the lowering market price, SUPERIOR VALUES IN CHOICES FURS Almost unlimited variety of the newest styles and every garment a most at tractive value. $25.00 will buy a good Manchurian Wolf Scarf, large size. $35.00 will 'buy Alaska Wolf Scarf, Australian two-skin O'pos sum Choker or long, A-l quality, Coney Stole. - $50.00 will buy Fox Scarfs in six different shades. $19.00 will buy a Poney Fur Coat. , $295.00 will buy a A-l 'quality French Seal Coat. s , Monday Specials Dix's make House Dresses, , Taffeta Silk Petticoats, all col worth $4.00, $5,000. .tone 0Ti wortl $4-00 $s,0- COOK MONDAY ...jZ.OJ MONDAY.. ..jl.3J Wool SliD-on Sleeveless Sweat- Lot of Baby Bonnets, slightly WW V W Mt W U V V kS V aV . - Monday we .will have for your inspection at $5.95. ALL COLORS, worth $3.00, soiled, spld up to !Z.OO. nn S4.00 4 MONDAY WW at $2 to $3 more. MONDAY. ... ... . ... . . . p 1.93 MONDAY. Second Floor WOOL DRESS GOODS VALUES SUPREME Splendid Fabrics (or Wialw Dreu, Coat w Skirt at Comiderablj Under Regular Market Qmtatioaa, 50-INCH CHIFFON BROADCLOTH The fine, all pure Australian Wool, sponged and shrunk, with the fine, perma nent satin finish, in all colors; plenty of navy and black. They are selling; elsewhere from $5.00 to $6.00, but you can buy them at Hayden's for A nQ cash, at.. ; s 0.?0 54-lNCH TRICOTINE Pure wool, the fine, soft finish material. , Plenty of navy, brown, plum, green and toupe. Don't miss to see them. . Al AQ - Special cash price , f 4i90 56-INCH TINSELTONE Such as men wear. Serge, French Serge, Epineles, Poplin, Tricotine and others. They have always been selling for $4.00 and $5.00 a yard. A IA yery special for cash ? vOitO, 56-INCH TINSELTOWN The silk and wool mixtures. Very mih in demand for suits and coats. , $7.50 has been the regular prjee. . E HO Special for Cash 9.4o 'HAVE YOUR SUIT, COAT OR SKIRT MADE TO MEASURE by our expert men tailors. Fit and workmanship guaranteed or money re funded. Inquire Dress Goods Department I J A A A The making for a skirt ....VU.UU . Mail Ordtn Promptly Filled ART DEPARTMENT SPECIALS SECOND FLOOR . , KLOSTER'S CROCHET COTTON , ' ColorsBluo, Pink, Lvandr, fielft. Yellow and Black. Sues 5, 30, 50 and 70. Linen and Ecru. Sizes 3, 5, 15, 20, 30, and 40. Whita. Sizes 3 tj 100. ' REGULAR PRICE, 30c to 45c SALE PRICE, A BALL, 26c AN OCTOBER SALE OF SILKS that offers unquestionable and unusual economies to our customers. Plenty for all, but make selections early, before assortments are depleated. 40-inch Crepe de Chine, all colors. ' 40-inch Georgette Crepesr-White, Bermuda, Pink, Flesh, Black, Navy, Brown. . 33-inch Corduroy White, Navy, Black, Copper, Wine, Ca det, Brown. v 36-inch Faille Lustre. v - 36-inch Printed Linings 15 patterns to select from. 32-inch' All Silk Natural Ponge. s; Regular Price, $225 Yar-SALE PRICE, $U9 YARD $3.00 36-inch Brocade Satin.'. $2.49 , Beautiful assortment ' $3.50 40-inch Crepe Meteor. .... . . . . .-. . .$2.75 Cope, Rose, Cadet Emmral $5.00 40-inch Satin Chaimuere. J . . .$3.75 Navy Brown, Taupe Plum," Wine, Midnight Gray, Black ' BLACK SILKS $7.00 40-inch Moon Glo Satin. $5.25, $4.50-r40-inch Crepe de Chin... $3.75 $3.50 40-inch Satin $2.75 $4.25-36-inch all Silk Satin.... $3.45 $4.00 36-inch Satin Duchess.... $3.25 $3.75 36-inch Peau de Cygile...$2.98 $3.50 36-inch Satin de Chine.. ..$2.49 $3.00 36-inch Satin Duchess:... $1.89 $57540-inch Satin Romain $4.75 $10.50 42-inch All Silk Black Chiffon.Velvet. . $8.75 OCTOBER SALE American Dinner Sets $25.00 100-Piece White Ransom Semi-Porcelain Din- ner Sets, service for 12 persons. Monday spe cial..... i... ; $19.50 32-Piece White Ransom Dinner Sets. Special for-' Monday $4.95 36 Piece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets', consisting of 6 dinner plates, 6 cups and saucers, 6 pie plates, 6 fruit saucers, 1 round vegetable dish, 1 oblong dish, 1 sauce dish, 1 meat platter, 1 covered sugar, 1 creamer. Special, the set, at. .'. $7.50 100-Piece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, white and gold decoration. Special, set, at $22.50 ' BLUE BIRD DINNER SETS Another shipment to complete our stocks enables us to continue selling at these low prices: 50-Piece Blue Bird Sets ...$12.50 36-Piece Semi-Porcelain Decorated Dinner Sets, consisting of 6 dinner plates, 6 cups and saucers, 6 pie plates, 6 fruit saucers, 1 round vegetable dish, 1 oblong vegetable dish. 1 meat platter, 1 covered sugar, 1 creamer. Special, set, at $8.50 One Lot of English Tea Pots, assorted colors. Values to $Z.00. Mon day, special, each.95e f i I rT7 HOUSEKEEPING DEPT. (Basement) Colonial Style, Heavy Aluminus Boilers, 2-quart size, for... $3.85 Colonial Style, Aluminum Tea Ket tles, 6-quart size, for $4.25 Coldnial Style, Heavy Aluminum Percolators, 14-cup size, for $3.95 Colonial Style, Aluminum Perco lator, 6-cup size, for. $2.45 Aluminum Four-piece Steamer an13 Cooker Kettle, for.' .s$3.98 Round Aluminum Roaster,for $1.89 '4-quart size Heavy Aluminum Sauce Pan, for.. $1.50 2-quart size Heavy 'Aluminum Sauce Pan, for $1.25 Extra Large and Medium-size Heavy Aluminus Pie Pans, for 45c 10-quart Aluminum Berlin Kettle with Cover, for.. $2.35 6-quart Aluminum Straight Kettle with Cover, for .'. $1.59 Electric Heater, or.. $9.50 S 1 T1--..'.T 1-1- o-pouna r,iecinc iron, complete f with Cord and Stand, for. . .$5.50 Universal Lunch Kit, with Vacuum Bottle, for ..$3.95 b Our Cut Ptkm n HMttn, CmI Stent mi tat Mm y kir. Tm'I b tk finer. SPECIAL FALL WALL PAPER SALE If you contemplate decorating this fall no better opportunity to secure fine papers at most reasonable prices will be presented than this. , Our New Daylight Department, our Enormous Stock, assure you of a satisfactory selection under most favorable conditions. New patterns at reduced prices on our Bargain Racks Every Day. Heavy Duplex Oat Meals, regular 45c value, roll ' 26c Fast Colors Brown, Gray, Green, Tan, etc. Very best Oat Meal made; .30 inches wide. Beautiful cut out Borderso match. - Novelty Bedroom Papers; also -papers suitable for '.iving Rooms and Halls. Stripes, Chintz and other popular de signs 26c values, per roll 16c Sold only with cut-out border. Parlor and- Dining Room Papers, 39c values 27c An unusual assortment in many colors canven--fional designs, plain effects and stripes, with latest Decorative Bands or Borders. We invite you to examine our large line of Fine Tapestries, Damask and Printed Velour effects. The most recent creations of America's formost mills. Complete line of Cut-out Borders for Painted and Tinted Walls as low asj . yard at..... 7c LTfffiTfr SEE HAYDEN'S BIG SPECIAL PURE FOOD EXHIBIT AND CUT-PRICE GROCERY SALE in IK. r,t nure irranulated sugar... $1.30 6-ounce cant Tango-spiced 48-lb sacks best high grade flour.. .. 2.98 6 lbs. best white or yellow cornmeal. .2c 4 Rs. rolled white breakfast oatmeal 25c 3 lbs. No. 1 hand-picked navy beans.. 25c Fancy Japan rice, per lb V Rttr Jlirrarnni. scaehetti Or Etta Noodles, pkg ..7&C 6-ounce cant Tango-spiced sar dines 8 l-3c '1-4 oil sardines, per can. . 4 3-4c 3-4 oil mustard sardine per can.... 10c Lae jars pure fruit pr -serves 38c 12ie ju oars Borax jNapnrs;;, fap ooc .6 bars Beat Em All or C. Soap.... 28c Lee & Perrin's Sauce, bottle 28c. 'v Brand A-l bause. battle irac 16-ounce cans Wilson milk 13e Large bottle Snider'sXatstip 28c 16-ounce cans Pet or Carnation milk. 15c All Kellogg's Battle Creek Sanitarium Tall cans pink salmon f ......19c foods at yi regular price. KEIFFEk PEARS, Last Sale Monday andvTuesday, BUSHEL. BASKETS $2.00 Mr.' i PnrSlrincr Potatoes, oeck . 30c DRIED FRUITS AND ' NUT SPECIALS Fney Muir Pechi. pr lb.. ...13c Finer California Seediest Raisin, per lb JJc Fancy Cleaned Curranti, per lb ....15c Fancy Evaporated Applet, per lb 49c Fancy Peeled Peachet, per lb 10c Braiil Nut, per lb J0t No. Soft Shell Walnut per lb lie Shelled Popcorn, per lb t ? Me Pineaprle Coret, per lb 5X Lemon or Orange Peel 0c ' OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA Our Famous Ankola Blend Coffee, per lb. ....45c Tht Beil Tea Siftints. per lb.. '....17M Choice Pan Fired Japan Tea, per lb ..40c Fancy Rasltet Fired. Sun Dried, Knglith Break last, Ceylon or Oolcnt; Tea, per lb 59c The Best No. t Red Triumph Cooking Potato, II lbs. to peek J 5c (Buy Potatoet by Weight Only) -Butbtl Basket Fancy Michigan Peart tor...l.M The finest and largest line ot Fresh Vegetables ana fruits in trie city at lowest prices. Tht Best Creamery Butter, Plb. carton 63c Tht Btt Bulk Cretmery Butter, carton per lb. 62c Feircy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, pfr lb. 58c Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, par lb SSc Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb 30c Full Cream Young American Cheese, per lb... SSc Fancy K York Whitt Cheese, pev lb 40c Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, per lb SSc Fsnev Fresh Ground Peanut Butter., ner 1h 9t Our Famou Santos Blend CoSee. per IB Je Fresh -Strained Honey, cheaper than butter, Fancy Golden Santot CoRee, per id w in Our Famous M. A J. Blend Coffee, per lb 40c Fancy Queen Olie, quirt... fjOC AND COFFEE MARKET. .Soc T 4 U4 iss paS Try HAVDEN'S First IS A V ww ' A ninmininminirnmininininiHiHiMri V . A i . m i.- " A I" fmf, tjj ', ,