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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 17, 1920. , 10 A Classified Advertising Rates CLASSIFIED ADVERT! INU RATES. ISe per tin (munt wortli to line) l day le par line per day, 1 consecutive day 15 per Una per day, 7 consecutive 1ya Me por fin pur liny. 10 consecutive days No add taken ror lei man a total or inc. Those rates apply wither ta -the Dally er Sunday Bes. All advertisement P- i pr in coin mornwi ana, evening oauy paper lor ih ona charge. CONTRACT KATK8 ON APPLICATION. Want ada accapttd at tha followlnf of fices: MAIM OFFICE. ...17th and Farnam Bla Booth Side 23 1H N St. Council Bluffa 15 Scott St. WANT ADS RTC' RIVED BT PHONE AT TVLER 10 , THE BEE will not be responsible fnr mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one lima. CI.OSINO HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 11:46 A. M. Morning Edition t:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday D E AT H&F U N ER A L NOTICES. THE funeral services for Mra. Oherlntti IMacArlhur, who died in New York Oct. 7 will take plant at St. Fhtiomena's church Sunday afternoon. Oct. 17. at J: 3H. The burial wltl ba at Prospect Hill cemetery. Her parenta, Mr. and Mra.-P. T?rke aon. reside at 111) Snuth 6th St., Omaha. Mra. MacArthur was a slater of Mra. A. T. Slawart. who broiiKht tha body from New Tork. Mrs. MarArthur haa resided In New York for about 25 years. She aleo ha a brother. Nels Terkelion, Omaha. HOllKBS tleonta W aged 68 years. Filneral from Cole-McKay Co. parlors. 2416 Farnam St, Sunday. at 1:30 p. in. Friends welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK &-FALCONER OMAHA'S rvfcST. PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thlrty-thfrj and Farnam. Harney 64. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 8outllJIhBt;J Douglaa 1E28. HEAFEY & HEAFEYT Undertakers and Embalmer. Phone H. 26; Office 3611 Farnam. TOR AMBlTI.ANCnTcallSouth 680. Koriako Funeral Home, 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARM0NrX nfennelle Florists. 1814Douglna St. Touglss 8244. JOHN BATH. l-th anil Farnam. D. 9000. L. Henilerson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1248. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births H. W. and Eiisabeth Ftcknor. 2414 Cass, girl; Claude and Edna Lancas ter, 2571 St. Mary's avenue, boy; Stefam and Ludvlka Kllment, 1702 South Twenty first, boy: Charles and Anna Calta, 3630 Drexel, girl; John and Josephine Tubrlck, 4011 South Thirty-fifth. girl; E. L. and Anna Inscho, Forty-fifth and J, girl: LRalph and Mildred Moore, hospital, boy; Joseph and Joaepflln Zaloudek, 1732 South Ninth, girl; Homer and, Florence Rape, hospital, boy: Joseph and Daisy Brown, 1501 South Twentieth atreot, boy; Joseph and Anna Paterna, 6312 Evans, boy; John and Mary Kudlacs, 3101 South Thirtieth, boy. Deaths Mrs. Katherlne Hanald. 40, hos pital; Orrin Edwards, 74. 4301 South Twenty-eighth; Rasmus Miller, (5, hoapltat; Corll Vette, 27, hospital; Smith Clark, 81, 1609 North Thirty-fourth: Bruce O. R. Wagenseller, 17. i 2616 North Sixty-sixth avenus; "eter Jacobson, 68, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were Issued to the fol lowing couple' Tom L. Anderson, over, XI, Mlnden, Neb., and Effle A. Weseen, over 18, Oak land. Neb. Clarence A. Brown, over XI. JCaarney, Neb., and Hazel B. Brigga, over 8, Mls aouri Valley, la. Mark J. Coad, over 21, asd Reba Mc Namara. over 18, Omaha. William A. Wawrxnklewlc. XX, Omaha, and Pearl Walker, 17, Omaht. Charles A. Zutfer, 31, Omaha, and Au drey B. Tucker, 18, Omaha, Neb. Barton C. Richardson, 25, Omaha, and Alberta Ellles, 20, Omaha. T.sadore Oarber. 22, Omaha, and Ida Qoffsteln, 19, Omaha, John H. ' Oard, 20, Omaha, and Pearl Trobee, 22, Omaha. , Lyman M. Maples, 29, Omaha, and Mary A. Croft, 24, Omaha. Chester J. A. Knowlngton, over 21, Elk hart, Ind., and Mary E. Stevens, over 18. Blair, Neb. y Grgorlo Gonzales. 45. Omaha, and Ba cllia. G. Aqulx, 25, Omaha. William. H. Harrison. 20, Omaha, and Mary E Newton, 20, Omaha. Robert O. Record. 28. Sah Jacinto Cal, and Cornelia Cockrell, XI, Omaha. BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permlta have been Issued: George W. Platncr, 109 North Fifty-fifth gtreet, veneer dwelling. 127.000. George W. Platner. 10 North Fifty-fifth treet. brick garaite. 11,000. LQSiT FOUND AND REWARDS. TRAYED from Ralston, Neb., tha night f Oct. 13. one light-colored Jersey cow, weight 1,200 In Test tag In right ear, i wearing leather halter. Call Ralston 48W and receive reward and pay for all your trouble.. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cara tele phone Tyler 00f We are anxious to re store lost artrfles1 to rlirhtful owners. omaha council, bluffs st. ry. comKany. ! LOST One brown sample case, 2txl5x4. containing catalogs, etc. Reward. Den n'son Manufacturing Co., 1128 City Na- ticnal Bank! Blg. Douglaa 1333. LOST Brlndll-bulldog, white feet, white breast. 2854 Lake St. and receive re ward; Tag No. 1763. Web. X948. Tost t, Ittle boy's cravenette raincoat In df wntown district Finder tall Walnut 4963. LOST In Gayety theater mink fur carf. Call Mrs. Cavanaugh, Tyler S210. Re ward. 5st Fitch choker. Return for liberal reward. Harney 625 6. ' ' LOST Gold pearl ring, down-town dia- trlct. Reward. South 111 6. LOST Shell rim spectacles, 14th and Har ney, S p. m. Monday. Tyler 3177. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. AT a meeting of the director of the Orange Co-Op." Elevator Co., held at Olbbon, Neb.. September 25. 1920, It . waa decided to receive sealed bids on the elevator together with all property of the company. All bids must be re ceived on or before. October 22, 1920. and the board reservea the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Directors Grange Co-Op. Elevator Co. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We cpllect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. ' CALLSTONES Free book tells of Im proved method of treating Inflammation of gallbladder and bile ducts. Write to i?.y' rr.Pldfck, Box 9M201." Kansas lity. Mo. - RENT Hoover vacuum weeper. Har. 107"j. MASSAGE 210 ' North Seventeenths"t7"' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. Kfl-PiriP ,h00' r Dancing. 2424 A 1HC Farnam. Doug. 7850. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. We teach ball room and all klnda of fancy dancing. D. 2581. or H. 2793. FANCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN. SEASON, 120. KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. Dressmaking. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts, jackets re llned. remodeled. Reasonable. H. 6S04. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL . ' DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglaa 107, Arlington pik., jmar.a. wep. JAMES ALLAN, 113 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all case. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2068. Night. Col. 465. Painting and Decorating. INTERIOR varnishing, decorating, aamellng. floors reflnlshed. wall pspor -.;-. tyler 1421. PAINTING, ranerln. ressonable -rleea , house painting specialty. Frank Kull- ivk, nmiersus, or wmm PAPERHANGINQ and painting. Walnut Painting, papering, plastering. WaL 4567. - Patent Attorneys. JAMES W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1714 Dodge St. Patent your Invention and sell It to a manufacturer. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, ail size nd -v styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye v. let cot work, buttonholes, pennants. . Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 101 Brown Blk. Douglaa 1934. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating Doug. 6011. aoarn 11. Dougla Blk- lltand Dodge. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hemstitching and Pleating. Nebr. Pleating A Button Co., 180 Far- nam St. D.6670. M iscellancous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, aell needlea and part. MICKEL'S l!thandHarny. ' DougIa1171. NERRA8KA Vulca "patch Sale Agency, 411 So. 4th: distributors for Vulca Pateb, Parker' Lightning Auto Polish, bear Non-Skid Emergency Chatne; or derby mal. PAXTON-MITCHEIX CO.. 17th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronte. aluminum and machine gray tron castings. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new re.- zora. razor bladea sold. Omaha Huor fajTnlncCo.. 16224 Doflge.JOl N.16. OM AHA PILLOW CO. Fatherniettree ea made from your own feathera. sum- marwlnter sides. 1907 Cumlng.L;2467. BKLL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store, ll'h and Dolitlas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works, 1607 V. Farnam St. Work guaranteed. D.693. J FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writ for price. Tha Ensign Co., 1607 Howai" St. DENTISTRY exchanged f.)' Liberty bonds, face value. Dr. Becor. 1017 1st Nat l Hk. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. FULL drees stilta and ttixedos for rent. 109 N 16th St., John Feldman. P. 3133. to R SETS made to order. Call Webater 6515. OMAHA KI.DINO CO. The Careful Welder? 16th and Jackson D. 4397. RENT Hoover vacuum. 1145; Wal. 1917. SAFES BARGAINS, 12th 4 Farnam. J. J. Darlght Safe Co. OPT our figure on roofs. North Wcat Ready Roofing Co.. 80: a 1. MATTRESSES remade, springs rep. H. 7163 Dr. Bradbury. No paln.Tai Vf. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. Llth. D. 638. WEAVING, old rugs remade TyleivUJJ. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. WE BUY old and new furnfture. We pay beat price. Eureka Furniture Co., Web. 3380; 1417North 24th. MAHOGANY WRITING DESK, STAIR Cj COLFAX 1761 GC)ob child' bed and mnttrees. also 600 pound feafo for sale. Phone South 0211, ST6VESoftcWf heater. Co'fax 4560. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. E;Ary.nhd,nm'u.;nc Planbs for rent, 14 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, Instruction, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Paven port St. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable If taken this week. Douglas 3066. WILL sacrifice 1285 Victrola phonograph for 1166; bargain. Douglaa 3066. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ? AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Gnt cur price before you buy. Svcry machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 3120. 1912 Farnam. ALL MAKES. Typewriter Co.. "all makes." 205 8 18th St. Tyler 2424. PROTECTOGRAPHS. 320 Neville Bldg. F. a-. E.'s: bargain. MisccllancousaArticles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, mx3Vi foot platform, also 28-inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office,: 17th and Farnam SU Phone Tyler 1000. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6xT 6x8. 8x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS, ETC. CALL rftt. HADLEY, Tyler 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. HANDSOME aeal atole. about 2 yard long, never worn, 115; aeal muff. 115; mink and squirrel stole; also beautiful seal coats, sacrifice. Suite 111, Hotel Hartey, 20th and Farnam Mra; Mc Namara. SURE and safe Investment, city warrants to pay you 10 per cent Interest, 1100, 1500 and 11,000 amounts. E. G Solomon 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglaa 5262. STILLS For water, oils, liqulds,'a!l drink ing purposes; gallon hourly; 115 up, prepaid ; circular free. European ' Sup ply Co., Box 1682, Pittsburgh, Pa. v Bottles-Barrels At Nathan Steinberg's. 1019 Harney St. Doug. 6168. MULTIGRAPH. complete "with type snd other accessories. Motor-driven. Fire. stone Tire & Rubber Co.. 256C Farnam. WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha" Fixture & Supply Co.. S. W. Cor. -11th and Douglas. D. X724. LARGE drill press with electric motor, complete with singles and tools. Flre stone Tire & Rubber Co., 2566 Farnam. CNE No. 5-25-A International steam boiler, rate 1,350 feet, coat new, 1505, will aell at 1350. 2701 Leavenworth:. . APPLES for -sale, (.prayed and hand pick ed, 1 mile north, m miles west of Ral ston. Beavers Farm. Walr.ut 15313, FOR SALE 2 tubular boilers, 16x5. and ex3. Both In excellent condltlrn. Call Douglas 6808. Mr. Downs. DIAMOND for sale cheap. Blue white stone, clean cut. weight about six-tenths carat. R-53i Omaha Bee. SEVERAL, office desks and chairs, good condition. 2666Farnam St. H.120. GOOD motorboat, can us on river. Doug. 7764, u GUITAR! brand new. Cheap. Val. 1796. COAT, suit, cape, dresses Harney r)9 20. ELECTRIC Grill, used twice. Tyler 6229. . SD-HAND lumber, 1828 N. 21st. Web. 469. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; usd desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reeo, 1207 Farnam. D. 6116. WILL buy second. hand clothing, shoes and lumiture. Ty. Z5i)g. zavett. u . is. LIBERTY bonds bought. Macks Bond House. 1421 First Nat l. Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. CORRESPONDENCE with a per sonality is the specialty of a young man whose services we can no longer use because we are discon tinuing some of our lines of work. He has served us so satisfactorily that we want to help him get the sort of position he deserves. Phone .Tyler 4400 and let us ar range an interview for him. ALDITOR and office manager. If ormer res ident of Omaha, thoroughly familiar with' all details of department stare ac counting and system, now connected wan cnaln storu in the east, desirous of returning to Omaha or vicinity. Y-1310, Omaha Bee, Female. IF YOU are in need of a stenogra pher we knowof one you would like having. As former employers of hers, we are anxious to help her to secure a good position. Phone Tyler 4400 and let us tell you about her. TWO excellent g-'rl clerks of ours are losing their positions through a discontinuance of some of our work. We can give them unquali fied recommendations. Phone Ty ler 4400. i SITUATIONS' WANTED. Male. THACTICAL nurs and competent house keeper (widow), age 48, wishes place In Sood plain home for self and oung aughter, good health and appearjnto, best references. Omaha bee, Jiox T 130J. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good placea are always advertised. Jn L mlaathenv ri'BLIC atennaranher want extra work at her office, 710 Peters Trust Bldg., or will call. Douglas 1586. Laundry and Day Work BUNDLE washing called for or dlacount If del. Roughdry or finished. Web. 6161 DAY work, bundle waehlug; experienced. wen. i;os. SMALL, "bundle washing wanted. Harney 7320. DAY work, experienced. Colored. Ty H68, L AUNDR ESS want Mon.,Tue. S. 6 1 4. DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 6129. DAYwork wanted, experienced. Web 6216. wbOL'bianketa". lace curtains. H. 1180., BUNDLE washing. Webster 13(9. DAY work. Tyler 411. HALF days, by the' week. Web. 4505. HALF DAYS, cooking, cleaning. Web. 3841 PAY work wanted" Webater 6413. WASHING and ironing. Webster 2111.- HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. OFFICE manager and credit man, 1200; traveling salesman, staple line, estab lished trade, 1200, expenses and comm.; Burroughs Posting Machine operator, assistant bookkeeper, 1100; bookkeepdr, bank. 1125; cashier, country bank, sal ary open. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N, 1306 First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, executive ability, 1160 1160. Hardware salesmkn, Montana and Wyo ming territory, 1250-1300; drug, sundry salesmaa, 1350-1300. THE MARTI COMPANY. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. SUPT. OF SERVICE, outside Job, 1125 to 1136; office clerk, 190. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg; STENOGRAPHER. 1125; bookkeeper, 1160. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 First National Bank Bldg. MEN quick with figures to do tabulating work during election. Apply J. A. Raw llnga. Editorial Rooms. World-Herald. BOOKKEEPER, executive ability. 1160. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. LEARN auto and tractor business In six to eight weeks; opportunities every where offering 1150 to 1400 a month: twice more equipment and floor space used In daily practice training than any auto school In America; master me chanic Instructor and same method we used to train thousands of soldier me chanics In 60-dsy courses; write now for . free catalog. Rahe Auto and Tractor School, 2130 Oak street, Kansas City, - Mo. BRICKLAYERS Wanted at 8th and Farnam Sts. Come with tools ready for work. Omaha Cold Storage Bldg. YOUNG men. study law. "Eve. downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. See. 404 Omaha National Bldg. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants railway mail clerks. 1135 month. Particulars free Franklin Institute, Dept. 229-H. Ro chester, N. Y. , ' MEN wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganor, former government detective, St. Louis. Mo. FIREMAN WANTED Stationary engine at pumping plant. Plattsmouth Water Co.. Plattsmouth. Neb. WANTED Plasterers, union job, two months' work. Apply Archie Allison, Cheyenne, Wyo. WANTED First class auto trimmer. Colt seum Motor company, Casper, Wyoming. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, -110 So. 14TH ST. CATALOG FREE. WANTED Mechanical draftsmen. Refintte Co.. 1023 Harney. Ty. 2856; Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Four reliable, high grade, topnotch salesmen at once. Live leads furnished. Easy propo sition to handle. Yon QUALIFY your prospects ONLY, our mana gers CLOSE the sales. If you . make less than $10,000 to $2SJ0OO yearly, you can't stay on the sales force. Our best men are making as hij.h as $50,000 yearly. This is not a stock, bond, leasing or pro motion proposition. It's a perma nent connection, and unless you can show r, clean character and a successful i Uing record, do not apply. Suite 1123-24, First Nation al Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced .ire sales men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager -of branch stores. $Ute briefly your experience, whether married or single, what part of the country you are most familiar with, sal aty wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present em ployers; also the class of trade. Only ' tried aiul producing sales men need app'y. Box Y-1296, Omaha Bee. . . SALESMEN WANTED W want to plac capable, energetic, business men in com plete charge of certain blocks of ter ritory In Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. We offer the ex clusive selling right In these territories on the Tokhelm "Sight-Measuring" Un derwrlters Approved gasoline equipment, as well as Tokhelm lubricating and oil outfits. Our line also includes 'he United Statea automatic De Luxe ilr compres sors and devices, air and water stands. To .the salesman who la a good business man and who Is determined to Improve his standing and Increase his esrnitg power we solicit Immediate replv. Mayes Equipment company, general dis tributors. Wichita, Kan. V - ATTENTION, SALESMEN. Wanted By large educational lnstl- tlon, two real salesmen, capable of earn ing six to eight thousand dollars per year. Previous experience net absolute ly essential to a man of pleasing per sonality with plenty of pep and en thusiasm. Tm men selected will fee given Individual training in the field by seasoned salesman.' An exceptional op portunity for a clean cut, aggressive salesman. Call Room 128, Hotel Fonte nelle, 10- to 12. Sunday morning. SALESMEN If you can sell leaaes offsetting drill ing well and furnish references, write T. J. Cannon Drilling Co., 926 Nat. Bank SALESMEN wanted by active producing oil company. Strong co-operation, some lead furnished. No advance made. W 'want clean cut men who can sell a clean , cut proposition, truthfully and on lta merits in the state of Iowa. 238-240 City Natl. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. UNUSUAL opportunity for live wire pro moter and salesman to handle big Oma ha deal: only men of large ability will be considered. Remuneration limited only by his own efforts. Address Box 0-43, Omaha Bee. WANTED Salesmen to carry our line of keg beverages and fountain syrups.' Big demard. highest grade goods, liberal commission. References. Bradstreet and Dunn. The Lyons Bros. Co., Dallas. Tex. X SALESBOARD salesman. We offer you a quality line of 100 different assort ments. Commissions paid on receipt of order. Iowa Novelty Company, Mullln Bldg.. Cedar Rapids. Ia SALESMEN High pressure men required for sale clean proposition: responsible house; perfect co-operation; no atocks. Address Sales Manager. 127 South Hen derson. Fort Worth, Texaa. SPECIALTY salesmen In allverware, rugs and blankets: can uae couple of good men. out-of-town work. K. C. Adama Co.. 623 South 14th St. WANTED Two experienced provision salesmen, one for city and on with car for country. Omaha Sausage Co., Bo 0597. 8.41.E8MAN An organizer lor state ol . Nebraska; specialty line, weU- adver tlsed. Box 1204, Omaha Bee. TWO experienced provision saleamen. one for ctty and one with car for country. Omaha Sausage Factory. Bo. 0057. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS Large manufacturer want agenta to ell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mill. 603 Broadway. New York. WANTED Lady or gentleman agent In the city of Omaha for Watklns Fsmous Products. Known everywhere. Big prof its. Write J. B. Watkln Co.., 67 Wi nona'. Ulan. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents and Canvassers. LIFE agent should sell Columbia policies and make moat money. Our selling proposition haa no equal. Policies ex celled by none, no eatlmatea, ve-y figure guaranteed, settlement at ma turity of policy written out In full on first page of policy. Why not llfle up where you can make roost money from 1 your workV Address Columbia Life Insurance Company, Fremont, Neb., stating age and experience AG-NTS-Self-lhreadlng needle find a aale In every home: fine aide line; easy to carry; repeat sales; sample and particulars free. Francis Lee Co., 146 E. 23d St.. New York, N. Y. Hotels and Restaurants. "WANTED DISHWASHERS. HOTRI. VnNTBWRT.t.liA PAN .WASHERS WANTED. HOTEL FONTENBLI.E. WANTED YARDMEN. HOTEL FONTENELLE. Boys. BRIGHT BOY WANTED. ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, FOR -BANK WORK. CALL SOUTH 4780 OR DOUGt-226. WANTED Bright boy. 16 or 17 years, for office work and to run ernnds. Chance to learn advertising business. Apply 06 woria-teraiq mqg. BOY wanted for errand and general office work. Opportunity for advancement 111 City wat'l Bank Bldg. BOY to work at sods fountain after acnooi. Beaton Drug Co. Miscellaneous. WANTED. ELEVATOR MAN. STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY. ADQ-RESS BOX R 40. OMAHA BEE. WANTED EXPERIENCED FLOOR MAN; PERMANENT POSITION; GOOD PAY. APPLY SUPT. .BAL CONY. ' BRANDEIS STORES. FARM HANDS. i or 6 married men and several sin gle men for farm work. Mills Co., la. See Mr. Farquhar at 1 p. m. Monday. EMPLOYERS FREE LABOR BUREAU, 1911 Harney St. MEN Age 17 to 66. Experience unneces sary. Travel; make secret investiga tions, reports. Salaries, expenses. Ameri can Foreign Detective Agency, 476 St Louts. STOP dally grind, start silvering mirrors, auto headlights, tableware, etc.; plans free. -Clarence Sprinkle, Dept. 44. Ma rlon, Ind. 6i EXPERIENCED corm huakers wanted at once; 6c per bu, also board and room' County Agent, Rockwell City. Ia. WANTED Gordon feeders, familiar witft color work. Beaoon Pre, 1214 Howard, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED. CAFETERIA MANAGER FOR INDUSTRIAL PLA.NT, WOMAN PREFERRED. ADDRESS BOX X 202. OMAHA BEE. WANTED Young lady students to enroll in our short courses In stenography, typewriting, operation of comptometer and higher accounting. Day and night classes. Individual instruction. Position secured for every graduate. Call and ate us or telephone Douglas 7415. DWORAK 8CHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Second Floor Wead Bldg.. 18th & Farnam. WANTED Experienced fire Insurance stenographer for automobile and liabil ity department. Reply in long hand, ststlng experience and salary desired. The Columbia Fire Underwriters, Masonic Temple Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, secretary to department mgr.,; steno. ana dictaphone opr., 1110-1100; office clerk, 150. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. THE MARTI CO., 1126 V. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and assistant book keeper, small .uptown office, salary $100 to start Western Reference & Bond Ass'n, 1306 First National Bank Bldg. BURROUGHS Posting Machine operator, salary 1100. Western Keterence Bona Ass'n., 1306 First National Bank Bldg. GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; personal in struction enables you to flnlBh quickly: STENOGRAPHER, manufacturing firm, salary 1160. Western Reference Bond Ass'n.. 1306 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER. Apply Phillips Iept. Btore, 24th and O 8ts.. South Side. CARD PRJNTER WANTED. Apply Phillips' Dept. SJore. 24th and O Sts., South Bide. Professions and Trades. V GIRLS! WHYs NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today. Good wages are paid, meals are furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished exclusively for the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. , Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. GIRLS WANTED NOW , FOR STEADY WORK In various departments of the Snow White Bakery. Must be 16 years of sge or over. Good pay to good workers. Ap ply at once td Supt. Costello. ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES. Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. Office Entrance Middle of Block. WANTED. TWO DEMONSTRATORS. ALL DOUGLAS 1930. WANTED Ladlea to learn barber trad. Special rate and Inducement. TRI-C1TT- BARBER CuLLEOT. WANTED Mangle girl, l-.-od "wagea Stsndard Laundry, 1403 N't. 14tn at. WANTED Ladles' clothes ironera. Stand- 24th. MACHINE girls wsnted at nncew. Stand ard Laundry. 1403 No. 14th- 1 HLP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. COMPETENT a-lrl for general housework"! muet be experienced and a good cook. laundrese kept; pay gono wagea, AO- dress Box X JOmhaBee. NEAT white 71 for general houswork. ro laundry wVk. N. tf. Ltary, 15J4 8. 15th St.Harney S290. WANTED White "girl for general house work. 2 In family, small house, laun dress kept. Good wagon. Walnut 4668. WANTED Experienced girl for aecond work. Mrs. Joe Barker, 421 North 18th. Har. 0027; MAID, for general housework; permanent place for rlgnt party. Mrs. nas. juc Monies. 1610 S. 36th St. Har. 6470. WANTED A competent girl for general housework: must, be good cook; no laundry. Phone Han 8014. WANTED White reliable cook; referencea required. Mrs.1 Arthur Storz, 116 So. . 64th St., Walnut 3216. WHITE maid for general housework. No laundry. Pleasant room and bath, nut ' Jones St. Har. 672. COMPETENT girl for general houaework. Mra. Arter. 3536 Harney St. i'bon Har ney 6R65. 1LANTED Competent white maid for general housework, I in tanily; smell House, -'none iarnty i MRS." GEO. T. PORTER. 3625 Llnco'ln Blvd., maid for general housework. Wal nut 2829. WHITE girl fur general houatwork. Mrs. K L. Devereux. 1706 So. 32d Ave. Har ney 670. EXPERIENCED child s nurse. Mrs. F. L. Devereux, 170R So. 3Jd Ave. Harney 670, DOMESTIC heln wanted at 1619 Lothrop St. for part oT day. Phone Web. 2088 WANTED Girl to assist w:th geneial houaewqrK. wo washing, walnut 3233. WANTED White second tnnUI. Mrs C. VV JamUton, 1112 I'ark ave. Har. 2H91. WANTED Experienced white second girl. Mrs. W. D. Hosford, J26SJ7th St. EXPERIENCED" girl for general house work. No laundry. Walnut 500. COMPETENT white girl for general house work, us pjortn atn Ave, GIRL for general housework. Wal. 897. Saleswomen and Solicitors. COMPETENT woman to take special training and qualify for Nu Bone Cor set business. Phlne Mrs. Glddlngs, Ty ler 4701, for appointment, or write care Hamilton Afartmenta. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO Bus girls wanted at once. Best wages. Harmony Cafeterl a ,1 509 Harney. GIRLS wanted to wait on table nt aula fountain. Good pay. Beaton Drug Co. WANTED PANTRY GIRLS. APPLT HOTEL FONTENELLE. Miscellaneous. PHOTOPLAYS 5,000 Ideas needed; work ing girl paid 110,000 for ideas she thought worthless; details free. Write Producers' League, 237. St. Louis. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for tha benefit of business girls. 663 Bee Bldg Douglas 6692. HELP WANTED. Male apd FemaleT" WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade: big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge Bt. Trl-Clty Barber college. AM BITIOUS men, wqrnen over 17 warRed; U. S. government positions;' 1135-19S month; list positions free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 228-H, Rochester, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless " telegraphy, clvfi service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading; also tube renairina- and all rubber vul canizing IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE Three weeks' training. 125. Writ or call. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th Street and Capitol Avenue. We do not sell vulcanizing machinery. Van Sant School of B'lsliess. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douelas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. CAFE AND IOE CREAM PARLOR Best , In Iowa county seat of 2.500, on River to River automobile highway. No competi tion to ispeak of. Only 1 other small cafe. Good equipment. Inoludlng soda fountain, cigar, and 'candy cases, lunch counter. Ice King refrigerator and elec tric piano. 4lvmg rooma upstairs. Will sell for '11,800. Invoice small stock. Reason for selling, other buai neas. Address Box '246. Oxford, Neb. TOR SALE My equity in 40-room notel, doing a good business, located In a coun ty seat town In northeastern Iowa; population 3,000 and business equal to town twice its size. Thir hotel Is steam heated and in splondid repair, good reasons for selling and n bi "bought on easy terms. AJlress Box Y 1302, Omaha Bee. . 126,000 buys foundry and machine shop, real estate, machinery equipment and stock in good thriving city, half cash. Box Y-129S. Omaha. Bee. - MOVIE THEATER Iuwa. good location, town 4,500, seating 500; one other inovle In town. Address Box Y 130i Omaha Bee. i SHOE Repair Shop, unequalod opportun ity; cross-town cornr. . Apply 220V N. 2id. GROCERY and butcher shop for sa.e. 2619 Sherman ave. Omaha, Neb. TO GET In or oifl of business, see LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCague Bldg. GROCERY and butcher ahop for sale. 2629 Sherman Ave., Omaha, Neb. Rooming Houses. FOR SALE 8 -room rooming house and .restaurant. Call South 1360. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 10.00. AND ASK ABOUT OUU BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK READERS AND ADVERTISERS TWO pleasant connecting front rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 gentle.nen or couple employed; hot and cold water In room. 628 So. 26th St., Dg. 8976. 216 P.ARK AVE. Large front room In modern home; gentlemen preferred, but will consider married couple employed or two girls. Harney 6170. SINGLE and double rooms for men only: running hot and cold water; steam heat. walking dlntance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st. Douglas 6644. ' NICELY ftfrnlshed room In private hom for gentlemen. Price reasonable 4250 Douglaa St. walnut 69. WECL-FURNISHED room for gentlemen. I West Farnam, near car x line. Refer- enccs. Har. 3620. -J 618 N. 41ST AVE. Nicely furnished room, private home, gentlemen preferred. Wal. 2943 VERY large room for 2 or 8 students; walking distance. 528 So. "26th 8t., Dg. 8975. SLEEPING room for one or two gentle men in private home; price reasonable. Walnut 2984. NICELY furnished room, private home, north side, married couple, employed. Coffax 8 216. 1309 SO. 32D, large front room for 1 or 2 employed steam heat; private outalde entrance. NICELY furnished rooms, modern home, steam-heated; walking distance. Har. 7340. 1 LARGE rooms furnished or unfurnished. single or together; 1 blk. to car. Web. Ofill. FOR RENT Room In private family, walking distance, lady preferred. Tyler 3206. NICELY furnishrl room, private family, suitable for 2 entlemen, 13 week. Har- ney 3576. BEAUTIFUL large front aleeplng room, suitable fnr 2 gentlemen or employed couple. Webster 1376 . FURNISHED room, private home; business woman prererrea. lb wo, sa. nousf. 2218 DOUGLAS.' walking distance, large furnished room, good heat. Doug. 8782 LARGE well furnished room for 2 gentle- men; very large closet. Ty f560. , NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Reference. 8o. 1780. 2 FURNISHED rooms for rent; working couple preferred. Har. 3729. 626 SOUTH 25TH AVE.. FURNIFHED ROOMS; REASONABLE. LARGE, well-furnished room for 1 gen- llemen, very largeclostt. Syler jo. LARGE and amall furnished front rooms. 1820 Cspltol Ave. Tyler 4969. NICELY furnished, walking distance,) modern. 256 uarneyi. 1643 No. 16thSt nicely furnished rooms, ressonable. Webster 802. NICE modern room In prlvste family, near car line; Harney 445t. SLEEPING rooms, wslking distance. Har. 6295. NICELY furnished front room In private home. 8720 Cuming. Walnut 1901. NICE, modern room for two gentlemen; reasonable. 2508 Capitol Ave, vg. " SLEEPING room with porch. Harney 3f76. FRONT furnished sleeping room for 2 people. 1117 North llth Bt. weo. eiuj. FOR RENT SOOMS. Furnished Rooms. 1 NICELY furnished bedrooms; walking distance. tjHO S. 16th Ave. II. 719. 1 NEATLY furnished rooms, use of liv ing room, modern home. Colfax 1699. SINGL E room li8o. 1 6thT' A ptTW. 1704 Farnam, lnlc sleeping rooms. LARGE sleeping room. Dg.Jil44. 1 sleeping rooms, reasonable. Web, 1609. Housekeeping oomS. HOUSEKEEPING room's to respectable people; walking distance. 1717 Burt jBtpg. : SINGLE housekeeping rooms with bath, walking distance, (or coup' employed liar. 3J37. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms Steam heated. 621 So. 16th St. Apt. 12. 1543 No. frith St., furnished" rooinfor light housekeeping. Wenster 8i'l. 813 8. 33D 3 light housekeeping room; no objection to children; TWO-ROOM suite for housekeeping. 1111 California; Harney 4001, ONE- large room with kitchenette, run ning water. 2666 Douglas. 1 NICK room for housekeeping; every thlng co mplete. Webster 1609. Board and. Rooms. V.OARD. room to married eounle or 2 persona, employed, very desirable roomy modern, respectable district, home prty ' ( 1 - W ..... - ,.! -).-- .1R. IICQCB. IIUIIIB LUII.III,. . . .", D. J.uw. HANSCOM" PARK DISTRICT Room with breakfast and dinner, private home; references required. Call Harney6l06. j BOAlfl) and room for gentleman; conveni ent to 1 car lines; modern, private. Har- ney7021 BOARD and room for gentlemen; private 1 blk from car-line; 111 week Har 1911. FURNISHED room In beautiful private modern home, i block to Farnam car llne1125 month. Wanut0877; FINE room, close in, on two car lines; breakfast and dinner If desired. 1608 So. 10th St. BOARD and room, private home, near Farnam car line, gentleman preferred. Harney7183. s iili CALIFORNIA Board -.nd room for 2 gentlemen. Harney car lln Ha' 734. HOME privileges for two young gentlercer cs for two young gentlercer mlly.Col 627. T ildren to board, good home. Walnut 1273. in private family. WANTED Child best of care, Unfurnished RoomsA TWO large rooms newly decorated, steam heat, 1309 So. 32nd gt. Har. 6030. 1 OUR modern unfurnished ,oom Col. 1091. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to couple employed. Tyler 2058. UNFURNISHED 'housekeeping. partly modern, web. 3936. FOR RENT HOUSE!.. BRAND new 6-room Minne Lusa bunga low, .completely furnished, electrically equipped laundry, garage for one car. Will rent for 6 months at $126 per month. Call Colfax 0702 tor appoint ment. FURNISHED 5-room cottage, 3119 Call- fornla St. Harne,y 4001. FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS. Unfurnished. APARTMENT FOR RENT Several more of the beautiful new, apartments In the Mount Ver non, list and Dewey avenue, are now ready for occupancy by those desiring something exceptionally choice. Price $120 and $140 per month. Maid's room In building. Steam heated garage if desired. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 644. 17th and Farnam St. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Streets Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. 2010 N. 23D ST., three exceptionally nice rooms, 120. Harney 4330. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished two and three- roem apartments. Walking distance. Steam heat Blown Apartments, 608 North Twenty-first St. BEAUTIFUL apartment, 1 rooms and bath. completely furnished, walking distance. west; 196; references; Douglas 1734; FURNISHED apartment In the Black- stone. Harney 945. FOR RENT Business Property. DESK snace for rent: includes ste. nographic and telephone service. MATTSON & SMAILS, 1213 City National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT 2d floor, 20x128. hand ale vator, steam neat, liy f arnam. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY "DRV?S CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate lockea rooms for househo.d goods snd pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., .06 South 16th. Doug. 4161. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler S400. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us .estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug 1908 POULTRY AND PET STOCK, FERRETS for sale. wriTe H. R. Peck. rife" H. R. : 601 Southeaa' 5th St.. pet Moines, la. BEAUTIFUL yellow canary birds. Walnut BIT ROLLERS Hars mountain canaries. wal. 617. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and Ivsnther collars. 35 per cent discount. Write for free price list. Desk No. 8. Mid West Harness. 706 No. 16th St. HORSES and mules, harness, wagons, sale or iraae. nem xi.dubi joai 11, Seward. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car We always have a few first class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and wi(h a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself Co., N 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. $35 WILL rent space for your car until March 1. 1921, at 16H Marcy si., nar tung a Transfer Co., Tyler 1976. "WE SAVE YOU $5 out of everv $10 on suto .nsuranee. Phone Douglss 776. 311, Peter Trust Bldg. Continents! Inv. Co. SOME bargain In used Ford cara Me Caffrey Motor Co. Ths Handy' Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson. Doug. las 3500. ' DO YOU wsnt a good sutomoblle at a bargain price T All makes and si lee. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones. D. 6118. DICKSQN Nmsn build, drlewsys. sidewalks and do general re pair work. Phone South1794 or So. 171. FORRS, DODGES,' BU1CK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL S. 399. O ROURKE AUTO CO.. 1701r 8. 24th Si. l-PASSENOER touring, good-tlrea. new top, new paint, fine running order. $350. 8ee It at 422 S. 15th. Week days. WANTED For spot vash. 1"0 .'sed cais quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2051 Farnam SU Douglas 6036. t ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. LFAV1NO 'eitvTwIlf sacrifice n'y 19IJ Reo 1 touring car. This Is s burnetii, dot. I miss It. Phone Rjton 7W . WlI.L sell or trad for roadster m T-pas-senger Reo touring, late model, like new, I'hone Ralston 97 W evaiilnss. THE D1XIK FLYER", W. R. NICHOLS M'lTOR COMPANY. 2620 Fsrnsm St. . Oakland sensible six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 20th Harney Sts. WE have 60 good used car to c from. All prices. !EKKBAVJTO CO., 2026 Farnarn. i'A TOE. 1;o LsTrciimont. run" 1,000 miles; will take $1,000 lea than cost. Walnut 6636; WILL sell or trade for roadster. myfT- psssenger Reo touring, late mudl, Ilk new. Phone Ralston 97W evenings. LEAVING cfty; lll sacrifice my 7f Reo, 1 touring csr. This la a bargain don't mlsslt. Phone Ralston 97W. STUDE BAKER 4, 5-paasenger, fine condi- tlon, cheap. .3904 Gold St. H. 1411. FORJ touring, fine shape. Web, 4964. AUTO paint in g. 2 76 8 Burt. Ha rney" 681L Tires and Sucnlies. NEW'TIRES. FIRST-CLASS. 30x8 $ 9.96 I 32x3V. SOxSU 11.95 I 13x4 3Cx4 10.95 I 14x4 fiondrlch Guaranteed Ford Tubes. 114 95 20.96 20.93 12.60. KAIMANTIRE JOBBERS, 1722 I'UMINU. NEW TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 40x3 $ 9.75 12x4 119.26 30x3 11.90 13x4 19.60 32x5 V, 14.90 I 34x4 20.00 Mall ordr filled. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 16TH ST. LANDS. FOR SALE Cheap, 24 acres, eight mile west of Millard; good upland. Call or write W. L. Gibeaut, Millard, Neb., R.FD. For Rent. FARM FOR RENT 520 acres In Saunders county. Nebraska, about 31 miles north west of Omaha, 7 miles northwest of Ashland, one-half mile west of Wann; 70 acrea under cultivation, 130 acres of pasture, 320 acres of 'fine hay land: small set of improvements. Occupied by B. W. Wells. Anyone to whom I make a lease must have plenty of help and a stock of their own and come very well recommended. Also a grain farm of 240 acrea for rent In Iowa. J. O. Bon. 34 Pearl St. Phone 101, Council Bluffs. Ia. w California Lands. ATTENTION, SUBDIVIDERS. Here Is a Ripe Opportunity for You. . I 7,000 acres, best California fruit land, With gravity Irrigation water from ditches on the property at low cost; gently rolling land, in the famous Oro- vllle-Palmero citrua belt; healthful cli mate and home surroundings; good neighbors, with convincing demonstra tion nlaoes. showing fertility and pro duction. Price 160 an acre, half cash,'! balance easy. Hogan D. Cosby, 10 &asl St., San Francisco. FOR SALE A paradise In southern Cali fornia. 4 acrea, $15,000. P. O. Box 617, Escondldo. Cal. Colorado Lands. LAND BARGAIN. 320 acres choice level black loam, soil 100 per cent tillable; 40 t-crea winter wheat goes with place. No buildings, no better land to be found. Located, Kiowa Qo., north half section 29-19-43. Six miles southeast Sheridan Lake, Colo. Price, 136.00 per acre: 13.000 down, 11,000 March 1. 1921. 11,800 March 1, 1922, balance September 1, 1925. Will sell all or part. Adjoining farm has corn making 50 bus. per acre thia year. Write or wire, owner, Fred W. Hunt, Sheridan Lake, Colo. , 2207aCRE Improved farm. 6 VI ml. S. W. ol Wray, In wheat district: 187 acres Is ultivatlon ; 190 per ac. for quick sale, 18.000 down, carry balance. Box O 33 Wray, Colo. ' 160 ACRES Burlington, Colo., $500 down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4182. Kansas Lands. T IMPROVED FARMS Terms: 80 acres, $65 acre; 80 acres, 176 acre; 80 acrea mile to- h. possession, crop, go $100 acre. 13.000 will handle, balance 6 Der cent: 160 acres, 168 tillable, level land, owner old, boys left, must sell, $S6 acre. In cumbrance $8,700. P. H. Atchison, Wa- verly, Kan. Minnesota Lands. FARMLESS MEN $100 will start you to ward the ownership of a farm home. Land that will produce general farm crop In one of Minnesota's best coun ties. In 40, 80-acrs tracta or up, $100 aown and $10 a month on each 40. Write for our free map of Aitkin county. Thorpe Bros., 209 Andrus Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE 160- acres 2 Vi miles esst of creignton. Neb., 125 acres under culti vation. House and outbuildings in first class condition. Address Jos. Shoiln, 3554 Indiana St.. San Diego, Cal. 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land, $25 to lih an acre in half s.-itLon lote. S, 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Bldg. Texas Lands. RIO GRANDE valley public sale at auc tion; fifteen Irrigated farfn tracts and Improved farms, November 9. Address Drawer 369, Mercedes, Tex. Virginia Lands. HOMESEEKERS send for Virginia farm list. Dept. 69. Emporia. Vs. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Just out con taining 1920 facts of clover land in Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment ou are thinking of buying good farm landa where farmers grow rich, send at onco for this special number ef J.andol' gy. It Is free on request. Address Skidmore Blrhle Land Co., 433 Skldmore-RIehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. Miscellaneous. TEXAS OIL LEASES AND CHEAP LANDS Several thousand acres choice lease and fee lands mar drilling wells in twenty counties in Central. West and Southwest Texas. New five and ten-year leases, good titles and very low rentala For quick action will make ycu b; prices you ever heard of. Write or wire for prices. A. F. LUSE, 433 Burton Bldg. Fort W.rth. Teg. 24 Acres Improved - Graham-Peters Realty Co.', 829 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Douglas 653. Evenings WaL 1103. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan boo'hs. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 5611 Es. 1804. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1014 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. . Doug. 2715. PRIVATE MONEYf 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St 42 SHARES prefered stock In Sterll Mfg. Company at 26o on dollar. .Address H. O. Stevens. Gen Del.. Omaha. Neb. PRIVATE MONEY. 8HOPEN& COMPANY. Doug. 42JS PROMPT service, ressonsble rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTffD. Wanted Houses to ell Our organization backed by 40 $ear of experience in real estate is atyour service: buyers call on us every day. We need listings in All parts of the city. McCague Investment Co., Doug. 1346. 1506 Dodge St. Ground Floor. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estite a.' FOWLER & M'DONALD 1129 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1424. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUS1I Want quick action? Just try us Cal Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg W.G: SHRI VERRi 1047- Omaha NatBk Bldg. Dt-ug1636. HAVE-Inquiries for homes; do you tS sell your property? List ! w'th ... A. , Grlmmel. Oma haNst.BankBldg. LIST your horn with me or V you are looking for house se me. Frank I- Panowlch.63i-Paxton Blkv WANT homes In" colored neighborhood. Benjamin A Frankenberg. Doug. 722 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Fairacres A beautiful S-acre tract. Sur rounded by splendid improve- ments just the spot for your new home. Terms easy. s I Wofld Realty Company,,, Doug. 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. WE JTAVE an unusually well located ple'e of 'trackage at 7th and Leavenworth. 81x132, tracks on both side At rtKht price Alfred Thomas. 04 First Nat'l Bank. - Bee want ads are best business getters. -s REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Warehouse For sale warehouse on Union Pacific trackage, N. E. corner 13th and Jones St. Building has front age of 132 ft. on 13th St., 66 ft. on 'Jones St. Trackage both front and rear. New pavement; all assess ments paid. Building S stories ami basement containing over 50,000) feet of floor space. Possession cannot be given immediately, buf it will pay you to Investigate pric t on this" property and plan for youf future business home. Trice $60, 000 $25,000 first mortgage 5 per cent $25,000 cash balance easi terms. Liberal discount for all castt above mortgage. WORLD REALTY CO., W. R. McFarland. Mgr. 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. Tnvpsfrripnr. Close In for-the little fellow, i-ronrn, 84th snd Burt. Owner occupies firs) floor, sedond floor rents for $16. $1,!0( cash required. Price $4,200. Call Mr. Lawler, Doug. 1145. Evenings Col. 2571. WALSH-ELMER CO, Realtors, Real Estate. Investment, Insurance, Rent, ala Tyler 1616. 131 Swcur1hesBldg WILL you Invest 11.600 to Bake $100 per month clear, and aen ai vour tlma spent? Tyler 3685. RlLSTTTOXCHANGE. 11 AVE EASTERN COLORADO LAND. WILL' EXCHANGE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE IN GOOD LOCATION. ACT, PROMPTLY. W. L. QUIRK, PATHFINDER HOTEL, FRE MONT. NEB. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 6-ROOM homo In Benson. 1 lots, lots of fruit. Price $3,750; 1500 cash, 135 peg month. Doug. 4!2. , BARGAIN. 6 rooms and bath, strictly modern Very small payment down. Wal. 4921. Dundee. -MOVE RIGHT IN. Dandy 6-R., Strictly Mod., Dundee, $2,000 DOWN PR. 5,600 and 150 MO. Fine south front lot R., dining R. and kitch first floor: 1 nice bear 2d floor: splendid full quick. Call D. 3482. OSBORNE R. CO.. i 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Florence. FOR sale, direct from owner to purchaser 6-room modern' cottage, splenditf condl4 tlon, lot 125x132, located at 3111 Mormo( SU. Florence. Doug. 1886. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. il. 140 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West, -r- 6-r60M modern cottage, eorner lot, ttonsf In excellent repair, has Round Oak furj . nare and full basement, good teeth b4 oak floor throughout. The heXiee hag Just been newly painted and floor re flnlshed. Close to school, and car and good neighborhood. This Is a dandy little home and price, right, with good terms. Immediate po session. " HICKEY & SEYBOLD, REAL ESTATE Doug. 6002. 226 City Nat. Bank Bldf. BRAND new 6-room stucco bungalow, wltl double garage: well built by owner; nice, large living room, with fireplace, and dining room finished In oak; two bed. rooms, bath and kitchen finished ig white enamel. Price 17,750. 4222 ParlM er St. Walnut 2481. NEW 4-ROOM MODERN bungalow fnr only 1500 down, balancf monthly. ! Well located. Call 4t. m;i evening or D. 7412 days. .Cole. Ask Tor Mr Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. A FEW home and lota for aale in Parld wood addition: a ssf place for Invest ment. Norrls s Norrl. Dougis 4270. BRAND new bungslow. oak finish, beautl. ful decorations: reduced from 17.450 to - 16. 900; easy terms. Douglas 1734. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Kat'L - Will. LOOK 1421 SHERWOOD AVE. 5-R. Strictly Mod., Close-in. Oak floors and finish, with screened In porch. This bungalow has 6 large rooms; splendid attic and basement: double garage. Worth 16,500. Owner says take $5,800, with $2,600 down. Call D. 2282. STOCKS WANTED. Will buy at a discount lor cash any good -Nebraska or Iowa corporation stocks or bonds; start, par value, amount you wish to -dispose of and your lowest cash price. Box Q-41, Omaha Bee. S-R. COTTAGE, BEMIS PARK Mod. Ex. Heat Large Garage. $1,000 DOWN PR. 3,000 $25 MO. Snug, cozy home; nice location; plna finish. A bargain at the price. Call " B uriML0WHO M E " Oak finish, fireplace, built-in feature. Fine basement and ' attic; .conomv fur4 nace; garage. 18th and Evan. Owner Wlr.34S2! FOR SALE 5-room all modern housed full cement basement, floor drsln, els tern and city jvater In .basement Ih cated In Benson. V, block to ear line 2740No. 641h St. Walnut 4481. 2446 WHITMORE. a new 6-room modersj bungslow. Yours ror (3.000 cash .an na I. mo.Crelgr:, 608 B. Dg. 200. ' MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer tha nest opportunity to invest your money. Phone Ty!er187. 5-ROOM. oak finish bungalow at a bar gain. Vacant. 4530 N. 36th Ave. Easy payments. Douglaa 3556 or Tyler 19l6j 6 ROOMS, strictly modern, full basement. z lots, garage, cement qrive. lot, fisz. J B. ROBINSON, real estate snd invest ment, 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. COLORED, 7-roofn house, modern, $3,508. Bargain, vg. 4641. South. , LOOK AT 708 HICKORY ST. Owner Leaving City. Must Sell. Price reduced from $5,000 to $4,400 5-r., strictly mod., oak floors and tinlshf very nice. Call D. 2282. DOUBLE house. 1 6-room. modern, cle to business, 17.200. Income 61.200 B'g bargain. Dg. 4641; NEAR Hanseom Park, good location, elgnt rooms, modern, well built home; very reasonable. 3111 Pacificist. Har. 1668. 16-ROOM modern house and 12.000 worth of furniture, all for $10,000. Splendid location for boarders. Dg. 4641. Miscellaneous. Just Finished Move into a new home and pay for it like rent. S rooms, oak ana white enamel finish, small cash payment will handle. ' Callv Mr. B.lby. Walnut 2378, evenings, or Douglas 2428 day,. $6,750 Strictly modern NJiome, big lot. shad trees, paved street, 2 blocks from cathedral. 40th and Webster. Owner leaving town. Only $3,500 Double frame, brick basement dwell ing. 1 rms. each, near High school, not new. Ideal place for boardets. or live In one house and rent the other. Snap, W. G. SH RIVER, f Douglas 1636. POSSESSION AT ONCE 8-r. cottage In good condition, mod eS heat; location bright and home-like; 41 feet frontage on 24th St.; close to Q St. School advantage good, parochial as well as public: price. 14. SCO. Term, discount for csh. payment of $5,000; balance carried over. JOSEPH O'DOHERTT. 708 Keeltne Bldg. BIRKETT & COT,'-SFSS rsal estate. 160 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 631. Bee want ade are business getter. 1 A i ft af 1 I 1 fl i'W-itw -fr !HKir t ff M -- - Et,r-' frW. faV. Vi ' vi Ae" L , f . J ! . . A A J jM Mt f , ;. 1. at. JLA al.4H4M.4ia . JL.A -. f i i y.f t ,v 4 - 4s l.s I Mm i v 'ai .