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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
14 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1920. s Pascale Admits He Threw Baby in River ; After It Was Dead Philadelphia, Oct. 14. District Attorney F. X. Rcnninger of Mont gomery county today gave out the detailed confession alleged to have been written by Augusto Pasquale, "the crank," in which he old of kid naping and smothering 13-month-old Dlackely Coughlin. The confession, as made public, says Pasquale was in the vicinity of Korristown last May to raid tele phone pay stations and while walk ing alorfg the road heard a baby try ing, taw its mother put it to deep and Ifftve the room. This was the (Joughliu baby, and from this inci dent he conceived the idea to steal thr child for purposes of ransom, which he carried cut with aid of a ladder a few nights later. "I killed him by holding him too tight against my breast a little too long," the confession said. "So 1 took him to the river arid sat there by the track with the boy on my lap until I saw daylight coming. Then, not daring to hold him any longer, I tied hint with a string to a piece of rail. Then I ;hrev him in the river." The confession said Pasquale had to wait until the newspapers came out with the stor yof the kidnaping before he could learn the .name of the child's parents and write a letter to them for money. N "I can't find aliatne strong enough for myself," Pasquale is alleged to have written. He said he had no in tention of harming the baby, and that he would have returned the child even if he did not receive any money. 1 ' SLEEPY-TIME TALES E mm as, i& ww wtm mum i!aur u ( . CHAPTER XI. Seeing the Doctor.' For some time Paddy Muskrat had not been feeling well. When ever he swam far he would have to stop and float on the water, in order to catch his breath. And he was not able to swim so fast as he could once. , . Js soon as Mrs. Pa'dy noticed those things she began to worry. And she said so much that at last Paddy agreed to see a doclor. ' "Goodl" Mrs. Paddy exclaimed. "You,niust go over to see Aunt Polly Woodchuck, at her house under the hill. And I'll go with you, because "He needs work. He to fat! I can't wait to find out what she says. Whatever your trouble may be, I hope she'll have some herb that will help you." So off they started. And several times, on the way, Paddy Muskrat ' panted so hard that they had to stop until he caught his breath again. Luckily they found old Aunt Pollv at home. She put on two pairs of . spectacles and looked at Paddy Muskrat closely. , "Do yon feel tired after you've swum a long way?" she asked him. "Yesl Paddy said. "I thought as much," Aunt Polly remarked. "And do you like float ing better than swimming?" Paddy Muskrat admitted that fie did. "Just as I supposed 1" said Aunt Polly Woodchuck. "I know what's the matter with your husband," . she told Mrs. Paddy. "He needs work He's too fat." '"Dear me!" Mrs. Paddy exclaimed, had never gone to see Aunt Polly Friday Final Day of Howard Stove Sale and Demonstration Union Outfitting Co. Thousands Have Enjoyed the Aunt Jemima j - Pancakes A Howard Range and How ard Heater Will Be Given Away Friday at 8 p. m. f ' Many people have taken ad vantage of this big sale and demonstration and each and every person can not but express gratification to the Union Out fitting Company. for the oppor tunities it has offered. Friday is the. last day and the exhibit will continue 'in full force throughout the day. . As usual. Aunt Jemima, herself, will serve all visitors with a big stack of tasty pancakes, steaming hot from a Howard Range, hot Advo Coffee with rick David Cole Cream and heaps of purs Nucoa, the original Nat Butter and de licious Maple Xaro Syrup. The Union Outfitting Com pany, located just outside of the High Bans District never con siders any transaction complete until tfcs easterner is thoroughly satisfied. And, as always, you make your own terns. THE GUMPS L 1. .iii. hi r : '.'.... . .... .... . 7 ower'nvie "santo You T " T trots r I. ' S0 . ' ( NO 1MA.CE FOftVOV Tp " VrUKT I fj W A if" LVtNG AROUND COME ONHOW J0 -' ' " - I . i ' ' ' " "N .tAKe-rv. jwp To. vout-eu. 1 . - NX . ; . 1 JlA I M I J MAje V.Kfj -RKCT OH THE V. tW If 1 1 If ' THAT VWUB W - ' x " Parents Problems ( : How can children best be taugUt to respect property rights?. Firsf. make clear to them th'it some things belong to them, scjme to you, and some to both .you and them. In other words, teach them the meaning of the words, "yours," "mine." and "ours." And be sure to remember yourself those several meanings, and respect the property rights of even the smallest child. ; TAb. P ARTHURiSCOTT BAILEY Hiiir Woodchuck. If his wife hadn't been "Can he be cured? Is there any herb that will help him?" "No, there isn't," Aunt Polly Woodchuck answered. '.'What he needs is to get a big saw and use it every day on the hardest wood be can find." "That's a queer kind of medi c:ne," Paddy Muskrat grumbled. But Mrs. Paddy paid no attention to his remark. - "I'll see that he follows your ad vice," she promised Aunt Polly Woodchuck. ; Now, Paddy Muskfat did not like to saw wood. And 'he wished he oMarcy . ANEW) A f I ilKKUW Collar A COLLAR THATS RIGHT FOR THE KNOT THAT'S TIED TIGHT 34 3! 34 CluettPeabody & Co. IncQroy,N.T. Worn Out In Mind and Body Your child is quick to observe disturbances in your mental attitude or physical condition. And when he asks: "What's the matter. Daddy?' there's a tone of solemn anxiety in his little voice. The depression stamped upon you reflects intensely upon bim because of his profound solic itude. He at once drops his plaything! and rashes to your side, but his happy smile has disappeared arid his buoyant spirits are gone replaced by a countenance of worry, and a bearing of hopelessness. You on it to th happinna and welfare of your family to keap trim in body and kaen ia intellect. You are the aun and the inspiration of their live. Dark, threatening cloude hover over their heads the instant yon enow eignaof being "out of aorta" or "under the weather. Don't imperil their future by neglecting yopriieaiuu "5e 5g &m aojica.'"jB Uh ssctura bm.R.I u 11 Mbtltuua New York For eaU by Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnant St., and ' all retail drug(Uts. - with him and heard what Aunt Polly ?aid, he never would have taken he; advice. But in order to have every thing pleasant at home Paddy finallv promised Mrs. Paddy that he would gested. . ' : "There's just one thing that may prevent my sawing wood, he said. ' You know I have no saw." ' "I'm sure Farmer Green would be glad to let you use one of his, Mrs. Paddy told him. And. that night Paddy went over to the farmhouse. He found that Farmer Gr.cen was abed and-asleep; so he just took saw .which he- found in the barn, without waking Johnnie . Green's father. , "I thought I'd better not disturb him,"' Paddy Told his wife; ' Well, the ' next day Paddy re marked 'that he expected to start sawing wood the following morn ing. But Mrs. Paddy made him be gin at once. , If you get any fatter, she said. "you won't be able to crawl inside the house." He groaned when he heard that. But he took his saw and made his way-to the bank of the mill-pond. ihen much as he hated to do it he set to work to saiy a big stick of wood. Paddy found it hot. sawinsr wood in the sunshine on the bank of the pond. And he couldn't help wish ing he was floating about in the cool water, under the shade of the great willow. Thinking about that, he half for got what he was doing. And with out noticing his mistake, Paddy Muskrat rested one of his feet on , the log, on the wrong side of the sawl - . Copyright. Grosaet & Dunlap. ! The Great General Tonic will banish that "tired feeling" and dispel that wonwsak look. It will renew your strength and vigor, overcome the ravishing off eeta of overwore and worry, revive youi spirits and increase your bold on life. Being a refresh ing appetizer, a valuable aid to digestion and a worthy promoter of the general health, because of its positive re vitalising; and reconstructive value, its ose ie especially desirable in cases of subnormal conditions. Ifyoiaeuflet from nervous exhaustion, muscular or mental f atigue, or deficiency of vital force due to general weakness or wasting illness, you'll find "LYKO" particularly bene ficial. It tones np the entire eyatem and keeps yen feeling fiCAk your druggist for a bottle today. Sale Masmfactaarere LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Kansas City, tls fore! HOLDING A Adele Garrison's Revelations What Rita Brown Told Leila Fairfax. : ."Hello, Leila!" . , Rita Brown came into the room where Leila Fairfax rested against her pillows with as debonair and carefree a manner as if she were go ing to pay the most casual after noon call. I marveled at her as I followed her in, my face still tingling with the flush her scathing words had brought there. Not that I mind ed the gibes she had thrown at me, but the reference she had again made to some mysterious defection of Dicky'ihad stung me for an instant, even though I knew how utterly un worthy of credence any utterance of hers would be. ; "Oh, Rita!" Leila fairly gasped the words. I "Madge says " "Please spare me that!" The girl whom we Shad known so long as Rita Brown flung out her hands. palms turned outward as if she were repelling something loathsome. "I've listened to what 'Madee savs' iust about as long as I can stand it. Now l m going to say a few things, and I want you to listen carefully." Sne pulled a .chair near the bed. sat down, crossed her shapely fe;t. and bent forward insolently. iou quite fancy yourself, dont you, dearie?" 'Leila started, looking at her with in cash prizes to the women who send us before October 31st, 1920, the best recipes for the use of The recipes must be different from any given on our noodle package read the recipes on our noodle package carefully and send us one or more that you think are better. YOU MAY BE ONE OF THE PRIZE WINNERS. 10 Prizes-First Prize $100-00 Second Prize . $50.00 Third Prize . . 40.00 Fourth Prize. 30.00 Every first-class grocer sells Schuke's i N Many people have experienced real satisfaction from the use of our delicious Egg Noodles. They Have become our regular and enthusiastic customers but there are many housekeepers who think "Noodles are Noodles" and have never experienced the real delight of eating such Noodles as Schuke's Egg Noodles. HUSBAND New Phase of of a Wife something akin to terror in her eyes, I guessed that never in their lives together had she heard such a tone from Rita Brown's lips; But I knew that the mask the girl had worn so long was down and I surmised that she actually was reveling m this chance to revert to the gutter repar tee in which she had been reared. ' Rita Revealing Herself. "Quite a proud southern beauty on a pedestal, an F. F. V., and all the rest of that rot, aren't you? Oh, I know I've jarred you many a time! I've seen you wince at some of the things I've pulled off, but you didn't dare say a word, 'did you,. sweetie, because of the times Rita's money stepped in and saved you two pulling failures from starvation or the next thing to it." . : -:. Leila's face was whiter than be fore, if that were possible, and in her eyes, as she turned them involun tarily to mine were such pain and hu miliatibn that I almost stepped for ward to silence Rita Brown by main strength if I could do it in no other way. But a flash of intuition told me that Rita was consciously or uncon sciously doing the very best thing possible for Leila. If the gentle Vir ginia girl could be convinced of the utter worthlessness of the friend whom she had trusted, it would be an easy task to prove to her Alfred's Egg Noodles Fifth Prize... $25.00 Sixth Prize... 20.00 Seventh Prize 15.00 SCHDLZEBAiaNGCO. . Drawnfor The Bee by Sidney Smith. innocence of the things Rita had said against him. "I suppose you think I threw out the shekles because I 'loved you so,"' she hummed the words mock ingly. Let me ennghten your con ccited innocence. I would have let you both starve, only that I needed you in my business never mind how or where, that is none of your affair! And I can't remember the time when I wasn't bored to death by the sight of your babv face." Leila Horrified. Leila put her hands over her face as if to shut out the woman who was tormenting her. Rita laughed malicicVsIy. - " Tisn't such pleasant turtle-dove cooing as you've been used to lately, is it, dearie?" she, asked mockingly, then her tone changed to one of cold fury. , , "You chicken-hearted, poor-spir ited little calf!" she said. "What Alf Durkee can ree in you beats me! You haven't backbone enough to stand up for your man two consecu tive seconds, but the first story you hear against him you" run bleating to this other calf, and resolve never to see him again. Bah! I thought I hated you when I knew Alf was going Jo marry you, and I planned he sweetest revenge. But you bit so easily, swallowed hook, line and sinker, that hate is too good an emo- ton to hand you. ' just despise you. the same as Alf would if he knew how you fell for the rot I told you." "Oh. Madge. Madge!" Leila shrieked. "What is she saying! Didn't Alf?" "No. Alf didn't." Rita mocked. "And if that other woman opens her face I'll go straight to Alf and tell him what an easy mark you were. But I'll tell you now that there i-'-M Eighth Prize .$10.00 Ninth Prize.; 5.00 Tenth' Prize. . 5.00 Egg Noodles 1 ' -J The Home of SCHULZFS Egg Noodles wasn't a word of truth in 'what I said. You can havf your honey-boy back unsmirched. But take-my ad vice, and don't tell hi about this. He might be a bit peeved. Get out of my way.'' She had whirled toward the door, and she threw' the words at me as if I were a dog. But I was too glad at the completeness of her reparation to heed or resent anything she alight say. ; I simply moved closer to Leila as the door closed, I hoped forever, be tween her 'and the girl we kneW as Rita Brown.. (Continued Tomorrow.) . I'M THE GUY I'M -T.HE GUY who talks with my hands, ' ' Why shouldn't I talk with my hands if 1 want to, even if at that particular moment I happen to be holding some harmless little thing like a knife or fork. . 1 It may look to you as if in my ex citement I might, let go of the ob- EMPRESS ' TWO SHOWS IN ; ONE EIGHT LUNATIC CHINKS; MAKER ft REDFORD; STEVE FREDA; JOHN ft MCRUER; Photoplay Attraction, "Forbidden Valley," featuring Bruca Cordon; "Fatty" Arbuckla Comedy: Path. Weekly. ,. ' "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tngtTf Dally Mat .15c to 75c 5SffcW, Nitss: 25c to $1.25 Hurti( SdCIAL MAIDS sSKggfe With those dancing wonders,', NIBLO ft SPENCER. Incomparable Cast. Social Maida Jazzor Rag 5, and Beauty Chorus of Fascinating Femininity. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Bsc auc avwa: al k. Hall '; fiM -. A yacht is wrecked, and two men WK 1 J " and a woman are cast up on the I shore of Africa. Come and gee what I hunger, fear and the blood-call of I the primitive did to three worldly I ' and jjolished children of civiliza- tion. . I , Only Two Day More! I TW WILLIAM S. . I HART ; 'the Cradle of Courage r--sr-a- STOPS WOWING Today and Saturday Roy Stewart in a gripping tale of the primitive west 'Hitting the Trail' WATERTOWN A properly balanced stvle iui cmiy iuu i LI O N COLLARS a United Shirt 8-Collar Ca.Troy.N.Y h A . Also Makers of Hon Shirts F, r 4 ject and hit you. If you resent my sprinkling you with odd particles of food, I should worry. I don't see why you get nervous and give me hard looks. If you don't like it, tell me so, or if you are too nolite to talk up don't try-io wither nie with looks. But in cither case it won't do you any gcod. If I want to flourish a knife or fork, that's my atfair. If it bothers you, that's your worry. If you don' like it, on't eat at the same tabic with- me. ' f That's how I feel about it. , Copyright, 1920, ThointMon Keuturo Sorvlca MOTHM MEND For. Expectant Mothers . Used By Three Gekeritio, asm ros sooklet M bothiskooo saa am. rats UsADniLD mauuroa Co. sirr. s-o. atlaku. sa. AMl'SEMENT. Matinee Daily, 2:15 Every Night. 8:15 PERCY BRONSON ft WINNIE BALD WIN: JACK WYATT and his SCOTCH LADS AND LASSIES; DAINTY MARIE; THE HARRY HAYDEN COM PANY; Jimmy Duffy and Mr. Sweeney; Dunham' 4 Williams; Dave Harris; "Topics of the Day;" Kinograma. Mats., 15c, 25c and 50c; few 75c to $1 Saturday and Sunday. Night. 15c 25c, 50c, 7Sc, $1, $1.25 beatty;s Co-Operative ; ' Cafeterias Pay Dividends to Those Who Do the Work STOPS SATURDAY JUST TWO DAYS MORE COMING SUNDAY h Big Banner Double Program The World-Herald Photoplay "A Romance of Omaha" and WANDA HAWLEY in "Food for Scandal" . Bportim widows" I SaBBssaasBiBaBBSSBBsssssasaBaBaBsssssseaaBBaBaar-aiBaBl C 1 r si A ..-' m -r- f"