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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
; i . " mfk0Bt f .t ; v" -ass f"iW '' smssHfeasslbaaeesji. Wei.A, VhiiIiwhi -Mi T"-rr"t'Tri-.i-r- SO I i ' t THE BEE: omaha, inunsiMY, OCTOBER 14 IMP.' V . . ' ---- - - a 0 ,1 7 V I F $ 1 .c x j a. REAL ESTATH WlUTvn W. G. SHRTVERR.BXE io't-i Omaha N.t Bkd"T"iim r-v- rr?' i, itu- aid VIB 1ln'ulr,, tor homes fio you wi J" vr propsriyr 1.ISI U Witt v. WILL pay cuh for desirable bulldtngIol ... vmr m viir pricea ngou AO dress Box X-1SS. Omth. Bee, your Boraa '" me o' " yo are , . looKinv tor nouns see ma. Frank T Fanowlch. m Pax ton BIk. Want homes In colored neighborhood, nonjamin Frankantwrg. Doug. 182 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. $2,900 2 Lots , Easy payments. AMOS GRANT CO,, REALTORS. Piiur- H0. lia---8 Brandela Theater, 24 ACRES IMPROVED Graham-Peters Realty Co.. . I2 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omshs, Nab. e.a. avertings, niinuiuvi. WE HAVE an unusually well located ptecs oi iracaaga at (tn ana Leavenworin, llxltl, tracks on both sides. At right price. Alfred Thomas, W First Nat'l nann. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. HAVE EASTERN COLORADO "n LAND, WILL EXCHANGE FOR STOCK MERCHANDISE IN GOOD LOCATION. ACT PROMPTLY. W. L QUIRK, PATHFINDER HOTEL, FRE MONT, NEB fc-OR EXCHANGE SWJ4 of See. 24 and ? .v Ntt ot NWfc cf Sec. 25-108-41, Murray county, Minn. Price, 7S.OO par acre. Mortgage, 4l.tOO.CO at ( per cant. Want : registered Herefrord caitls. Give full particulars tn first latter. Address A. C. Taylor, Harlowton, Mont REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES Za itina l .k.u I.W ,AI1 ft rr-mA 1 ft- 7 -room house, barn. orchfcrd,' near towri V ana acnooi, ouw csn. , 7 r W st .REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WAL8H-ELMER CO. Rsaltors. Real Estate, Inreetment Insurance, Rant. ala Tylsr His. Ill Securities Bids. - real estate Suburban. Benson. BENSON SNAP ..' Frame and Kellastone . Five-room, strictly modern bungalow, narrow oak floors and flolah. Full ce men ted basement, fumaca i, fui aarai i heat Lot 44s let ft. Eouble Baraga. Chicken house. -I1.00 cash. UtT N. f Oth SU Vols Is a bargain at ,t00. Payne & Carnaby Co RBA1.TOR SERVICE, v 111 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douf. 1011. t Dundee.. DUNDEE $990 Cash$57.50 PerMo. 't. MUST SELL THiS WEEK This wsk I will taka for my quHy In rooms (and small child's room), hot water heat, fireplace, quarter-sawed oak' floors, south front, pav ing paid for, nlca lot, tfixUt. Call Mr Tolllvor, Tylor 1l WaU 13JT evenings. . DUNDEE. Fop $750 down you can own your r home lu Duitj-ee. Monthly payments, V no mora that, tent. A new. all modern horns finished first class. Call Wal. Hit sverlngs or Douglas 7411 days for description. Ask for Mr. Cola. I ' A NEW', all modern, l-room bungalow, situated In Dundee, for only 1,000 down, ,', balance - monthly: finished with best ' material; has tiled bath and kitchen floors. Call Wal. 6412 evenings or Dg. sstas' V T 4 laydays. Ask for Mr. Cole. ?i5-roon cottag on paved St., facing Coun ' try lub, floss to Rose-Hill school, east front, fine garage, largo lot. Price .600. Terma to suit. Call Mr. Browne. Tyler 4310. ' Florence. FOR sale, direct from owner to purchaser, (-room modern cottage, splendid condi tion, lot 125x122, located at till Mormon St., Florence. Doug. 1888. ' NETHAWAT. Suburban prop'ty. Cob 140. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, Ml Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. "The RecoUectioa of Quality Rsmaiiis Lear After the Price is Forgotten." GOODYEAR and CORNHUSKER AUTO TIRES and TUBES Bkyclea, Repairs, Accessories, Supplies, Gunsmith, Locksmith, Phonograph Repairing, Cutlery, Tools, Raxors, ' Vacuum Cleaners. NOVELTY REPAIR CO, Rosea Rswley, Prop, MAIL ORDERS. 4SO 5. Z4TH ST. TEL. S. 1404. THE manufacturer of a fast-selling electrical, household appliance has deal ers (department stores, "elec tric shops, hardware and fur-i nitare stores) who need sales-' men trained to sell this-and other appliances. We will train men of good character and place them to advantage with our dealers. Actual work in the field during the train ing enables them to earn more than n average salary. See Mr. Jech at Granden Electri cal Co., 1511 Howard, after" .3 p. mv- you; CN SAVE $500 By Buying My 1920 Model ; ; ' HUDSON x SUPER-SIX ) x -.i Only bafsi titad four months mui is g ol "Wy H cortl, tiras, also one extra core, a! bumpar. Sae me Ixmt it at once. T ' . T. HEYDEN ' 1614 Haraey - Phone TyHr 50 : ? Evenings. Walnut 262 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West STUCCO BUNGALOW k LEAVENWORTH J HEIGHTS MOVE RIGHT IN ' Beautiful new, strictly modern 5-room stucco bungalow; all the latest features in the way of con struction and finish. Oalc through out; fireplace, tiled bath, all built- in features; nicely decorated, beau tiful fixtures, window shades. Wise , furnace, full light, airy basement, stairway to attic; a real home; now vacant, immediate possession. Price $8,500 on very reasonable terms. ; J. L. HI ATT CO., 900 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. YOUR CHOICE OF TWO NEW HOMES. ' - Beautiful 5-room bungalow, Kela stone exterior, finished throughout In oak and white enamel, neatly dscoratad, large attlo, full basement. Also dandy 8-room semi-bungalow, I bedrooms, oak and white enamel finish. 11,600 to 18,000 down, balanoe 41ke rent, These are new listings, first time offered. We predict that they will go quickly. For appointment call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 610 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 1181 IMMEDIATE possession; a beauti ful 5-room apartment, o-room effi ciency; located in the fciwood; close to car and school. Rental $137.50 per month. T T TTTAtnm nf V tl . JJ. Xll A A A VV., 900 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 63, BLOCKS OF DUNDEE CAR LINE. . MOVE RIGHT IN. Four , rooms first floor, S rooms and 'sleeping porch Id floor, strictly .Modern, - hardwood floors, dandy full lot. hedge fence, choice location, cement basement, A-l .furnace. PRICE OF HOME will ' please you. On account ot business af fairs ownsr must sell. Doug, 1501. Brown Realty Co., 211 Kennedy Bldg. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for Invest ment, Norrls A Norrls. Douglas 4178. BRAND now bungalow, oak finish, beauti ful decorations; reduced from 87,450 to 10,100; easy terms. Douglas 1714. 6- ROOM; bungalow, possession at once. newly pslnted. Price 11,700: 1400 down, 135 a mrfnth. ' Douglas. 4128. . BENSON METERS CO.. 424 On, Nat'L North. IT'S A SNAP! 2408 NORTH 18TH " . $7,000 . If you will Inspect this property, you will admit It Is good value for a home, with an Investment possibility. The corner Is 106x141. both streets paved and paid for, with six-room modern cottage with hot -water heat Large ga rage for two or three ears. Owner going to California and the price has Just been reaucea sj.vuo ror quick sate. Arrange with us xor inspection. i GLOVER & SPAIN, v REALTORS, Doug. 2850. J 118-10 City National, Own Your Own Home Dandy 5 .room bnngalow, all on one floor, large attic, oak finish Interior, nicely arranged, newly decorated, built in bookcase and cupboard, full else press brick basement Located 2718 Ames Ave. Terms to good party. South front, paved street. . . ( C. G. TTARLBERG, S12 Brandets Theater Bldg. : 5-ROOM MODERN HOME WITH OA- . raqe; extra nice lot. on thhj Lavement, near countrt clob; a IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. PRICE 85.609? 11.500 CASH WILL HANDLE. BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 617 MILITARY AVE. WALNUT 422T. . BEAUTIFUL This, all modern home nes I rooms and bath on 1st floor and 2 bedrooms and store room on 2nd. It has a full cement basemsnt with hot asd cold water and olosedln coal bin. On large lot (50x128). located just ohe.block from car line and close to schools and thurchcK Let us show you this bums. R. F. J3LARY CO., 5404 Ames Ave. Colfax 175 ' Meredith Avenue An all modern bungalow that Is priced right Has : livtas; room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen on 1st floor; 2 bed rooms and bath on 2nd: full basement. furnace heat. For further information, call Colfax 1248 or Colfax 6214, evenings. R. F. CLARY CO.,- REALTORS. , ' 404-0 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. $4,000 ' 5 rooms snd bath, electric lights, large lot (108x160) plenty of rrult trees; lor full description and terms call Colfax 1243 or Colfax 5294. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS. 2404 Ames Ave. Colfax 171. - CHOICE MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW. Five rooms and bath, oak finish. atrlctly modern, garage, choice south front lot. s Quick possession. Pries. $7,500. I . - OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 2212. BUNGALOW, HOME, Oak finish, fireplace, built-in features. Fine basement and attic; economy fur nace; garage. Webster 2482. . 18th and Evans. Ownsr, 17AI1T REAL ESTATE Am in the market to buy either improved or unim proved Omaha real estate, Large or small propositions considered. Won't .consider nnless a bargain. State what you have, 'also lowest priee and terms in first letter. , R-54, Omaha Bee. " A $500 Down Buys Brand New Five-Room lungalow Five rooms, strictly modern, til on one floor; oak finish; oak floors in living room, and dining room; built-in book' cases; built-in kitchen cab inet; two dandy keclrooms and bath; full basement rfurnace .heat; floor drain; nice lot with trees. : ... - This little home is beauts fally decorated and has shades and screens for every ; window. Quick action is nec essary. $500 down and the balance like"enf Come to day. 3377 Grand Street. Take a Harney car to 83d and Parker and walk a block and a half north. ' MM ? - ' ' ' 1 Cleveland Pays v Homage to Its Base BallTeaih Mayor and Citizens Plan Many Entertainments and: -Banquets In Hono of Series Heroes. Cleveland, 0 Oct 13. With the' fifth city of the United States in the matterof population probably defi nitely assured of being the first city of the base' ball universe for at least 12 months, Cleveland today settled back to enjoyment of the world's championship ' baare ball honors brought here by Jim Dunn's Indians when they defeated the Brooklyn Dodgers,, 3 to 0, yesterday and cap tured the annual classic of tbe pro fessional diamond by: five games to tWO. .' . :" -V; Cleveland, 42 years a hanger-on in professional base ball, but now the Official home ; of the world scries winners, turned its thoughts today to devising new ways of show ing appreciation of the prowess of her athletes. Although several watches, medals, automobiles, loving cups and half dozen floral wreaths of unusualsizc have been presented to the winning players by appreciative fans,' Cleve land believes it has done little for the American lefguers. Hold- Welcome Tonight The first of a series, of cslebra tions will be held toniaht.and. ac cording io plans, ' the wildness of Cleveland throughout the past four days over its club will be trirne and dignified compared with , the joy to be displayed. Mayor . Fitzgerald has ' issued a proclamation calling on all good citizens within walking or,, riding distance of this metropolis to be REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. PRICE ONLY $5,000. . y Five rooms and bath, strictly modern. Choice east front lot, desirably located In Boulevard Park addition, just two. blocks to Shsrman Ave. car; 11,600 will handle, balance like rent.' Here la a 1 saw listing worth while. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 610 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas S282. S44I WHITMOBE, a new 5-room modern bungalow. Yours for 11,000 cash and baL mo. Crelgfc, 108 B. Dg. 200. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. COLORED il-room," mod. cottage; only 4160. S25Q cash, Johnson, web. S. strictly modern, full basement. its, garage, cement drive. CoU 4162. T-ROOM, mod. home,, near car; 14,600- I,., r i w..,.. jicn ' J. B. ROBINSON, real eatate and Invest- xnent, 441 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6017. South. '." VINTON STREET Hera Is a fine opportunity for some one to pick a real snap In a rental in vestment. I cottages on Vinton near 10th, partly modern and In the line of wonderful' development. The ground alone Is worth the price at which yon can purchase the whqle proposition. Call ns for details, as you won't iplck up a bargain Ilk this very often.' ix;v.sholes cel.," V , realtors: Douglas 48. 816-17 City Rational. Hanscom Park Home ; Look at this l-room modern house at x 1711 8. 28th St. Living room, dining Nroom. sunroom and kitchen. Four bed rooms and large alseping porch. All oak floora and finish. Double garage and drive.- Close to school. A real bargain. Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas zoo, 80S Bee Bldg. WEST SIDEHANSCOM PARK Dandy 6-roomi oak finished bungalow. . Full cemented basement. Large ' east front lot. Two blocks -to Windsor? sBhooL Immediate possession. Price, 15,850; about half cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 130 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 2282 MU8T sell at lots, double 117 So. 41st nee, (-room bungalow, 2 garage; on paved strest, Pnone Harney zsib. 16-ROOM modern bouse and 12,000 worth oi inrfiiiure, an xor siv.vuv. apieuaiu location for boarders. Dong. 4641. Miscellaneous. Amos Grant Company Homes $4,200 ' This house consists of .six rooms, two-story plan, modern plumbing, . nice light fixtures, guaranteed fur- nap, full r.m.ntrl h3ctrtjtit asking $500 down, but we might arrange as low as $300 down, $35 or ?40 per month. j. splendid eight-roon houselot cated on corner lot-, with paving panl, is modern throughout with oak floors upstairs and down, regular homelike place. On easy terms. , $4,500 A seven-room, story and half plan house, furnace, electric lights, cemented basement, oak floors downstairs, terms. $5,000 ; Another good house of the later type of construction with good sized lot, located on paved street, near the Clairmont addition, terms. $5,000- . n Eight-room hcnlse. oartlvumod. ern, big garage and three lots,, one of which is set out in fruit: ask ing only $750 down and $35 per llJUIIlll. AMOS GRANT CO.. " V. Realtors Doug.. 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandcis Theater Bldg.- . , , V MINNE LUSA . . ; . $1,000 DOWN ; ' " l-room strictly modern' bungalow all en one floor; large living room, dlnlnir room with built-in buffet; 2 dandy bed rooms and oath with base tub, concrete floor, kitchen having one-piece' sink and built-in feature; oak floora throughout; oak finish In the living room anrt-dln- inr. Z1m: sdroirms. bath and kltchM finished u 'White enamel;, full cement' basement, furnace heat;' .dandy vjot on paved atreet. Price 14,800. , .. v Payne Investment C.V? 117 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglstj 178L Sunday Call Colfax 222T. . - Just Finished Move into a new homel and pay for it like reat & rooms,' oak and white enamel finish, small cash' payment, will handle. ' ' Call ,Mr. Bijby, Walnut 2378, evenings. jpr Dougla242cV days. dNLT 1500 CASH, ' " and batancs like rent will buy tills brand new l-room home for you. Strictly modern, oak and enamel finish. Call wiiast iih ror ae tails. STRKETT& CO., sells, reits and lesues real estate; 16u Bee Bldg., Douglas 111. 1.88 S ROOM 1 Is Omaha Women Loath ?To Register, Claims County Chairman Ure Women are not taking advantage of their pTlvilege to vote as they should, according to W. G. Ure, chairman of the republican county committee. ( . Reanstration in the first, fourth and sixth, wards show that only 27 per cent of the republican voters regis tered 4hus, far are women, while only 25.5 per cent of the democratic voters registered are women, accord ing .to statistics secured ' by Mr. Ure. There are 5,471 men and 1,996 women registered as republicans and 4,093 men and 1,404 women regis tered as . democrats . in v these three wards; according to" these statistics. present tonight at Wade parkland pay official homage and tribute to Tris Speaker and his tribe. High officials of the city""will be present to explain Uo the Indians in detail just how proud Cleveland is of them. . : ' An official dinner for the players, wjth' the city officials as hosts and everyone in the blue, book as guests, is another affair which probably will take place- in a day. or two. Then there is7 the matter of presents for all the players and possibly a parade. Wbtn the players go home they probably will be honored further, for Sandusky, O., already is arranging a. big homecoming for Elmer Smith. Cleveland in Furore. 'From the time littje JoeSewell made his wonderful stop of Konet- chy's 1 grounder, ending lhe series, and Tris Speaker climbed into the stands to kiss his gray-haired mother Cleveland has been in a furore. The name of every player is on the lips of every fan, but standing out above all ate Tris Speaker, Stanley Coveli eskie, Elmer Smith, Bill Wambs ganssGeorge Burns,, Walter Mails, Tim Bairbv and Steve O'Neill, the men whose individual feats brought the championship here. "Cleveland's superiority over the National leaguers was evident in the series, for the American league champions outhit, outfielded, out played and out-guessed their senior circuit rivals. , Maryland Convicts Take Guards' Guns; vTw6 Prisoners Hurt !- Baltimore Oct U. Two prison- ers, armed with pi&tols taken trom bveroowered euartfs. atf emptea to stampede the convicts at Maryland penitentiary into a general riot ma afternoon. , No one escaped and the twemen David Bender, sentenced for mur der, and Tames C. Evans, sentenced ffor robbery who started the trouble, surrendered to Marshal Carter, atter they had held the penitentiary guards at bay for nearly, an hour. Either in the wild shooting with which Bender and Evans1 tried to stampede the other prisoners, or dur ing the exchange of shots between the guards and the two rioters, two other prisoners were shot -Tftey were: Carlyle Webster,' . murderer; hit twice in arm. ' . Anthony Cugino, shot in little lin ger. : The three guards from whom Ben der and Evans took the pistols" were cut and bruised in scijffles with the rioters. ' Comniissibners Clash Over Ash-Hauling Bill City Commissioners Ure and Towl clashed in council meeting yester day over the payment of $270 to F. L. Busche for hauling ashes to Eighteenth and Dodge streets. , Commissioner Towl recommended the amount be paid-from miscellane ous fund. The hauling of the ashes was ' necessary to open the street during Ak-Sar-Ben, he declared. "There is a fund provided ior that expense and it is not the miscellane ous fund,", retorted Commissioner Ure. Method of payment of the claim was referred to the next meeting of the committee of the whole. J Plan Missouri River Dam Near Geddes, South Dakota Geddes, S. D., Oct. 13.-KSpecial.) A convention of -leading citizens from this section of South Dakota will be held here Thursday night to back a big power dam project across the Missouri river at the Mulehead ranch site near Geddej. Commercial clubs of Platte, Wagner, Lake An des, Dante, Ravinia, Armour add other towns will have delegations present Speakers who have imrae a close study of the proposition have been asked tp address the meeting. A large delegation from Winner, Dallas, Gregory, Bonesteel and oth er towns west of the' river will also be present. I , Packers Attack Proposed Increase in Demurrage Washington,- Oct. 13. Railroad proposals to increase demurrage charges on freight cats detained by shippers were attacked by the in stitute of American Meat Packers in a brief filed with the Interstate! uommerce commission, where the question is pending. The packers asserted that much of the delay in moving freight equipment was due to, the railways. themselves, that in crease in demurrage charges would not necessarily increase -the efficiency operation, and would penalize the snippers . unnecessarily j ; Sharp. Reduction Announced v By Chicago Coal Dealers Chicago, Oct. 13. Reductions' ranging from $2 to $3 a ton were reported by several Chicago coal dealers. Only Illinois bituminous coal was affected by the drop. The cutis attributed to the fight against high prices. Coal that has been sell me wholesale for $7 and $8 a ton is now quoted at $5 and $5.50. . . . . . Man Cleared on Charge of Using Saccharine in Pod Geneva, Neb. Oct. 12AfSoecial.l j. merce has been cleared oi the f harge of using saccharine in the manuracture ot pop here. A state food inspector brought the case into coujKy court yesterday. Mr. Pierce proved thepop examined belonged :o anotner party and was not a prod uct of his factory. Mexican . Agent s To U. S. Accused ;0f "Meddling" ' : " : Representative Asked to Ex plain Assumption, of Au thority in Seeking Recogni tion of His Country. Chicago Triboae-Omsha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, Oct 13. Roberto V. Pesqueria, federal agent of the. Mex ican government In , New York; was put on the defensive v immediately upon hfs arrival in Mexico City, be cause of his efforts to supersede Fernando Iglesias - Calderon in ar riving with the State department at an. understanding looking toward the recognition ' of Mexico by the United States, according to advices from Mexico Cily today. So strong is the feeling against Pesqueria for what is called "med dling" in the affairs of state in both official and unofficial circles, that there is talk of sending Dr. Alfredo Caturegli to New York as financial agent in Pesqueria's place,' Dr. Caturegli was in New York under President Carranza, but since the overthrow of the Carranza regime he has subscribed to the new ad ministration of affairs' i in bis native country. -sAuacked U. S. Newspapers. Pesqueria, on hrs arrival in Mex ico, lairached an attack upon a the American newspapers and especially the Washington correspondents for, as ne terms it, "giving him the worst of it," in, respect to his interview with Undersecretary of State Davis over the heed of the accredited am bassador, Don Fernando Iglesias Calderon. , He" was immediately called upon to explain his assumption of author ity ipL seeking to secure recognition for 'Mexico- through . diplomatic channels when he was without dip lomatic standing and when all nego tiations had been entrusted to Iglesias Calderon. Pesqueria was accompanied to Mexico by Robert Hammond Mur ray, a former American newspaper man, who lived for many years in Mexico and , who was considered a member of the entourage of Presi dent Porfirio Diaz and later asso ciated With Madero and Carranza, ahd Zach Cobb of Texas, v former collector. of (he port of El Paso. Efforts were, made by the three to meet President-elect Obregon when he passed through El Paso, it is said, bpt this plan mis. arried be cause Obregon elected not to remain in the Texas city, but proceeded-to Arizona points, declining to make appointments for Interviews of any sort at El Paso. Joined George Creet Pesqueria, Murray and Cobb, joined George Creel, former chief of the committee of public intormation, of which Murray was the Mexico City representative, on the border, where Creel alone had failed to ob tain an interview with Obregon. Creel, when his identity became known, gave out that he was going to Mexico to secure material for publicity purposes, but ic is under stood among officials here that he is associated with Pesqueria and his en tourage of Americans in th en deavori to secure recognition first and then' a substantial loan to put Mexico on her feet financially. Friends of the Americans who are BfJj115555aiatJBBMaBJB y : . : 15,080 in Heu Bowery Curb Trade x In Bootleg Booze to be Probed by U.S. Men N New York, Oct 13.-Frank L. .Boyd, supervising prohibition en forcement agent for New York, state, has received orders from fed eral headquarters in "Washington to investigate the reports of the existent of a "curb. market" in contraband liquor in the Bowery,' it was learned today. Within a short distance from po lice ' headquarters large transac tions, in liquor are said to have 1 been made. The market is: said to be open from late evening until the early morning hours. with Pesqueria said that as soon as they could get in touch w.'th Obregon they would tie able to as Sure the United States government uthoricies that Mexico would meet the, requirements laid .down br this country as precedents to recogni tion They also said that the Pes-queria-Murray-Cobb-CreeL combina tion has arranged with New York financiers to loan Mexico all the money needed to refund the na tional debt and to further important public works that are deemed neces sary for the advancement! of Mex ico. Methodist Church Closes Revival Meet at Ogallala Ogallala, Neb., Oct 13. (Special.) A three weeks revival in the Metho dist church closed here Sunday night the church. 'Evangelist Carnsau of Minden and-Singer Helen C. Laffl Minden and Singer Helen C. Lau berlain, conducted the meeting. They begin another' meeting at Randolph this week. v . f Beats Gasoline, at 15 Centr a Gallon i x New - Invention Rt takes Fords Run 34 Miles on Gallon of . Gsaeolirie and Start Easy in Coldest . Weather. Other Cars Show Proportionate Savings. X saw carburetor which eats down gaso line eonsamption ot any motor, including the Ford, and redvees gasollns bills from one-third to one-haf Is the proud achieve ment of the Air-Friction Carburetor Co., 411 Madison St, Dayton, Ohio. . This re marxabla invention Hot only increases the power of all motors from St to 50 per cent, but enables svsryone to run slow on high gear. , It alao Tnekes it easy to start a Ford or any ., other car in the coldest weather without previously warming the motor. With it you can ; use ' the very ebeapest grade of gaso)tne or half gaso line and half kerosene and still fet more power and more mileage than yon now get from the highest test gasoline. Many Ford owners say , they now get as high as 45 to SO miles1 to a gallon of gasoline. So ear are the maanfaeturers of the lm mense saving thsir new carburetor 'will make that they offer to send it on SO days trial to every ear owner. As it saa be put on. or taken off in a few minutes by anyone, all readers who want to-try It should send their name, "kddress and make of ear to thf mjanaiactarers at once. TJiey also want laeaf agents, to whom' they offer sxceptlonally large profits. Write them today. - - A TelaphoontB lireotory More than 15,000 changes have been made s in the numbers Usted ui the October telephone , directory, which is now being delivered. ' All the former two and three-figure num bers have been prefixed with ciphers, -as for example, Harney 90 is now Harney 0090. To cct this number, for example, you should call ' "Harney oh-oh-nine-oh." I 'All former one-figure numbers have been changed entirely to four-figure numbers These changes have had to be made to pre pare for the installation of automatic service in the downtown djstnet: At that tune all num bers must contain four, figures. And a large number of other changes in numbers has .been necessary -in all the central olfices because of moves jmd new installations. Your co-operation in looking up every num ber .before you make a call, will assist us ma-' terially in our furnishing-you satisfactory tele-. : phone servifte. tlEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPAm , Attorney General's; Assistant Resigns Over Coal Mine Case - Chleaga Trtksae-Omaha Baa I ssssl Wire, . Lafyyette, Ind., Oct 13. Declar ing that restrictions placed by At torney General A. Mitchell Palmer on the government's prosecution of the conspiracyscaae against the coal mine operators and United Mine Workers had "cut the heart out of the case," .Dan W.- Simms of this city, assistant to the attorney gener al, has resigned, Announcement of his withdrawal from the case was made todayt although Mr. Simms forwarded his letter of resignation to Mr. Palmer October 4. The charge against the miners Snd operators is that of conspiring to violate the Lever act and Mr. Simms expressed the opinion that the government had every reason to ex pect a conviction if the prosecution were conducted as it should be. He said that the attorney general's limi tation would shut out all. the evi dence of the conspiracy, as it was that evidence which led to the in dictment of the operators and min- Dry Agents ' Arrest 40. Steubenville, O., Oct 13. Federal and county officers armed' with search warrants, raided 33 business establishments and residences, con fiscated much liquor, and arrested 40 persons who were charged with violation of the prohibition laws. SOUTH NIGHT 23rd and Opens October 11, 1920 7:30 P.M. - FREE COURSES IN Accouating Advertisla ' Boetkkoetping Busiaas English Basiaoss Corraapondaaco Chamlstry . . x v CooUng i Coramarcial Law Drawing Freehand Drawing -Meehaaical , ' Electricity Eaglbk 73 Other subjects when a sufficient number register. Registrar , tiea Room I. Phone South 2321. . Classes will meet on Monday, Wednesdaj and Thursday evo nings. You are urged to register this week, if possible, bat you may enter on any evening during the term. 1 Omaha Attorney Is Named on Elks Credentials Committee. . John C. Barrett, attorney and for. mer exalted ruler of the local lodgi of Elkf, has been made a member of the credentials committee of the na tional order, according to notifica tion just received from Grand Ex alted Ruler William Abbott. This is one of the big honors, ol Elkdom, as the credentials commit tee is one of the mjor committees of the order. These chilly mornings fou should fire up a ittle With good - COAL The Kind you Get Fleas tha UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. Phono Walnut 300. V A. HOSPECO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed IBlSj Pswglaa St. . Tsl tug, 7 HIGH J Streets i - Mathematics' PaamaasMp . Sates maasaip ; Sawing ) Shorthand Spanish , SpeUiag , Telegraphy Typewritiat Wood Work School for Foreigner f 1 SCHOOL X ymimmtagi isjewpa isa i