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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
i. p, ! Wim i .1 urn wii . y i, il ,u. r, m .mh.i-.,iii -., I 1 I I 1 -a . IN'1 ; ! Classified Advertising Rites CLAHTVIRI AnVERTIMNU KATEft. Ida psr line (count words to line) 1 day ta per lino per dr. t concutlva day la pr lino pr day, T eonaacutiva day I4e pr lino par day, St eonaacutiva day No adds taken for less than a total of J So. Thai rates apply lthr to tlia Daily nr Sunday lies. All advertisement ap pear In botn mornlug and evening dally paper (nr lh one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION'. Want ada accepted at tha following of- MAIN OWICE...:iTth and Farnam Sis Month Sid ini N St. Council Bluffs 15 Scott St. WANT AIDS BKf KIVKD BY rnONE AT TYLER 1000 THE BEE will not b responsible for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 11:45 A. M. Morning Kdltton 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday LODGE NOTICES. DEGREE OF Ho"Noh members. Grand chief of Honor Florence T. Owens will visit Washington lodge Thurs day. Oct. 14. at A. O. IT, W. hall, at I p. m. Matters of Importance -.will ba dis cussed. Sister lodgers Invited Mrs. Ag nes McArdle. C. of II. Mrs. Bridget Don nelly, Recorder. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. " PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thlrty-thlrd and Farnam. Ilarnejr (4. HULSE & RIEPEN riONKER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 1l South Ulh Bt, t Douglas 122g. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. rhone II. 265. Office 2811 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 6S0. Korlsko Funeral Home, 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARM0NFCEu' 1S14 Douglas St. Bouglas 244. J OH N BATH. lth and Fartiam. 1). 3000. T I.. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1148. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births .Tames and Tear! Davis, 3325 Camden avenue, girl; Paul and Alice Cramer, hospital, boy: Weldon and Ger trude LlnUhat, hospital, girl; Leo and Gladys Brown, honpltal, girl; Harry and lska Rotholz, hospital, girl; Ray and Margaret Farrows, J927 South Twenty fifth street, girl; Marcus and MabM Humphrey 2903 Decatur street, girt; Harry and May Converse, 3608 North JForty-fourth avenue, boy; Raymond and MJonevleve Stevenson, 2821 Crown Point venue, boy: George and Mary Cook, 4713 Mouth Twentieth street, girl; Macedonlo and Soledad Magana, 2904 G street;, boy; Oeorite and Bessie Kama, 4410 South Twelfth atreet, bey; John and Josephine Melocrnro, 2244 North Nineteenth street, boy; Elmer and Carrie Hansen, hospital, , girl; Nunzlo and Conoetta A llano. 1145 North Nineteenth atreet, girl: Howard and Hostile Back. 1401 South Twelfth streat, girl: Thomas and Marie Berton, hospital, girl; Bert and Marin Hynes, hospital, girl; Charlie and Alice Hallberg, 811 Castclar htreet, boy; Liovannl and Angela Brognn, 1406 William street, boy; Charles and Agnes Plvonka, 6845 South Twenty-first street, girl; oJe and Bessie Kalnlt'k, 1912 Charles atreet. glsl; Horace and Florence JtcGruder, 3113 Fontenelle boulevard, girl: Joseph and. Alolsla Krejcl. 194J (South Fifteenth street, .girl; Arnold and Blanche Black. 1703 North Thlrtv-thlrd street, girl; Willlnin and Edith Walker, hospital, girl; Ernest and Dorothy Otto, hospital, boy; George and Clara Hoaley, hospital, boy; Walter and Edna Truelsen, hospital, girl; Otto and Katherlne Grafts , kow, hospital, glri; 1. J. .and Mabel Thompaen, 1623 Manderaon street, boy; Jacob and Sophia Svaclna, 5613 South Twenty-second street, girl; Frank and Klsle Leaders, 1131 Lake street, girl. Deaths J. D. Bailey. 28, hospital; Galtano Nastase. 81. hospital; George Warno Gates. 6, hospital; Veronica Lenci rwskl. 1, 3517 South Thirty-sixth street; Josephine. Kmleclk. 5, 4107 South Forty first street; Mrs. Julia Sykera. 30, Route 5, South Omaha; Mrs. Mary E. Clouae, 32, 2718 South Sixteenth street; Vornon Stln son, 27, hospital; Joseph M. Leidy, .07. '.'816 Meredith avenue; Banno Zerkowskv, M, hospital; William H. Baumgardne'r, 28, hospital; Mrs. Hattle Batimgirdner. il. hospital; Annie E. Whltmore, 68, 1818 Webster street; Abraham Whitmer, 84, 408 North Sixteenth street; Lee S. Kstelle, 72, 163 Cass street; Elliabeth Burgett, 9, hospital; Kathryn Claassen, 1, 1323 South Sith atreet; Frank William Green man, 61, hospital; Powell Herbert Gard. nor. Infant, hospital; Robert ,E. Rains. Infant, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were issued to tha fol lowing couples: James K. Murray, 22, Omaha, and Leon.t Setbold, 21, Omaha. Bosie Stanclet, 21, Omaha, and Florence Johnson, 19, Omaha. Paul Abegglen, 28. North Bend, Neb., and Estella Fresch, 23, Columbus, Neb. George Drummond Smith. 25, Omaha, and Florence Pausner, 19, Beatrice, Neb, Gua Klmmel, 33, Omaha, and Edna Grace League. 21, Walnut, la. Henry B. McCall, over 21, Omaha, and Grace Cox. over 1, Omaha. James K. Smith, 27, Lincoln. Neb., and Jennie Johnson, 24. Lincoln, Neb. Rlflnh V.. T.evenn. 97. imli (! and AdenaA. JerTe, 26, Omaha. I Raymond T. Smith, 27. Omaha. ana Elsie Wittke, 23. Racine, Wis.' Alphonse J. Ramn, 28. Omaha, and Ger trude A. Miller, 25, Omaha. , John J. Leahy, 22, Omaha, and Mary Ann Clayton, 23, Albion, Neb. ' Julius L. Gagtnn, 23, Omaha, and Tonetta Kiefer, 24, Omaha. Austin -Wearne. 23, Marshalltown, la., and Grayce Marks, 20, Arapahoe, Neb. Joseph L. Jnros. 29, Omaha, and Helen Perina, 20, Omaha. , . Verne McPherson, 27, Neligh, Neb., and Hilah Fisher, 26, Omaha. Frank A. Lynch, 29, Sioux City, la., and Mabel O. Olson, 22, Sioux City. Ia. France M. Lake, 24, Omaha, and Carrie E. Ellis, 34. Omaha. BUILDING PERMITS. A. F. Levy, 184 North Forty-third street? frame dwelling. 34,000. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. PURSE containing Liberty bond and money amounting to 1200. belonging to Joseph V. Flearl, in vicinity of Kountze park. ' Finder please return to residence of Al bert Miller, 3315 Sherman Ave. Reward, Telephone Webster 4811. FOR ARTICLES LOST on streat cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST Black and white Llowellan setter female puppy. Liberal rewaid offered for Information or return of dog. Ar thur P. Gulou. 401 9. 4iit. Har. 362. LOST Probably between 16th and Harney and King Fong restaurant, a platinum bar pin with diamond and two pearls. Call Walnut 2101. Liberal reward. STRAYED or . stolen from HO 4 North Forty-second street, young Airedale male dog, answer to, name of Bags. Walnut 3745, reward. LOST Ladies' wrfst watch, between 24th and Howard and 17th and Douglas, Sat urday. Reward. Call Doug. 6960, Apt. C LOST Brlndle bulldog, white feet, whit breast. 2864 Lake St. and receive re- ward. Tag No. 1763. Web. 2948. LOST In Lothrop school district, pair of shell-rimmed spectacles. Reward, Web. J 18 4 L . LOST Fitch choker. Return for liberal reward. Harney 6258. MOST Gold pearl bag, downtown district; reward. South 1116. SPECIAL NOTICES. AT a meeting of the .director! of the Grange Co-Op. Elevator Co.. held at Gibbon, Neb., September 25. 1920, It was decided to receive sealed bids on the elevator together with all property vi ioe company. All Dias must te re ceived on or before October 23. 1920. and tha board reserves the right to' accept or reject any or all bids. Directors Grange, co-op. Elevator Co. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. W collect! Wa distribute Phona Dou. 4131 and our wagon will van. i. an ana inspect our new Home, niO-1112-1114 Dodge St. . ' MRS. DYMOND. Swedish) masseuse, tormar ly of Solar Sanitarium, will aire traat. rpents In home and at her home, P. 1994. WANTED Children to board, good home, yi car. nhinia IZiiS. HKXT Hoover vacuum, IL25. Wal. 194 tIAS8AQE 210 North Seventeenth St. SWEDISH Massage. 318 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academics. rol-Pino School for Dancing. 2424 CVC1-A7 UlC Farnam. Doug. 7850. KEEP'S HOTEL. ROME, W teach baU room and all kind of fancy dancing. D. 2581, or H. 2792. fANfCT DANCING FOR CHILDREN. BBASON. 20. KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. Dressmaking. . ' 8EWINQ, silks, velvets, skirt, jackets re lined itmodeled. Reasonable. K. (191 BRINGING UP HOME- TONKHT-Jlit '"OVK WirE WAITIN' FER "TOO Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 107, Arlington Blk., Omaha,. Neb. , JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cafes. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE DetcetlVe Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night. Col. 466. Paintingand Decorating. INTERIOR varnishing. decorating, enameling, floors reflnlshad, wall papor cleaned. Tyler 1426. PAINTING, papering, reasonable prtcea. House painting specialty. Frank Kuli sek. Webster SMS, or Wal. 1427. PAPBRHANGING and painting? Walnut 4098. Painting, papering, plastering Wal. 4567. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcut edging, eye . let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. 'Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating.- Doug. 6011. Room 33, Douglas Blk., 16lh and Dodge. Patent Attorneys. JAMES W. MARTIN,- Patent Attorney, 1716 Dodge St. Patent your Invention and sell It to a manufacturer. . Miscellaneous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell noedles and parta. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. - Douglas 1973. diamonds pay the best price with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRX CO., 402 N. 16th St. Doug las 5049. NEBRASKA " Vulca Patch Salts Ager.ey, 411 So. 24th; distributors for Vulca I'ctch, Parker's Lightning Auty Polish, Bear Non-Skid Emergency Chains; or- dcrby mat. . PAXTON'MITCHELL CO., 27th"and Martha Sis., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETY raiior blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. loiig Va Dodge. 103 N. 16. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es msde from your owui feathers, sum mer & winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. BALL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can e purchased at Ktalto Drug Store, lo'h and Douglas -Sts., Omaha, Jeb. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat Works, 1607 H Farnam St. Work guaranteed. D. 6939. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Unslgn Co., J607 Howard St. i . DENTISTRY exchanged t.v- Liberty boirls, face value. Dr. Secor, 1017 1st Nat'l IJk. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for wnt, 109 N. 18th St., John" Feldman. D. 3128. CORSETS made to order. 6515. Call Webster OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. D. 4397. RENT Hoover vacuum. 31 25. Wal. 1947. Q A TclQ BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. OJir AJO x Daright Safe Co. GKT our figures on roofs. North West Ready Roofing Co., 803 S. M. M 4.TTRE8SES remade, springs rep. H. 71 63 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. llih, D. 528. WEAVING, old rugs rematT Tyler 1 4.13. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. WILL trade good coal range with water back for typewriter, phonograph or what have you? Webster 2471. 2004 N. 19fh. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods: "WE BUY old and naw furniture. We pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co., Web. 6206. 1417 North 24th. Pianos and Musical Instruments. a., hospe co. retrd,nm8usrc Pianos for rent, $4 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable If taken this week. Douglas 3066. . WILL sacrifice 8285 Vlctrola phonograph for 3165; bargain. Douglas 3066. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKF.8, bought, sold, rented and revaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Dcuglaa 2120. 191 3 Farnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co.. "all makes." 205 S 18th St. Tyler 242 4. NO. 5 UNDERWOOD, 1st class condtion, 349.50. 1404 Dodge St PROTECTOGR A PHS, F. & E.'s; bargain. 120 Neville Bldg. , Miscellaneous Articles. , 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 3Vix3 foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forgo Co. exhaust 'fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1000. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6x7. 6x8. 8x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS, ETC. CALL MR. HADLEY, Tyler 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. HANDSOME seal stole, about 2 yards long, never worn, $15: seal muff. 115; mink and squirrel stole; 'also beautiful seal coats, sacrifice. Suite 111, Hotel Haney, zoth and Farnam. Mrs. Mc Na mar a. LADY sells handsome Fur Coat, $75; a loo 3 other French seal coats, never wora. sacruice, Hotel Mariey, 20tn and tar nam. Mrs. McNamara. Suite 111. Sl'RE and safe Investment, city warrants to pay you 10 per cent Interest, 3100, ouu ana si.uvu amount, a. u. soiomon 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas (382. MULTIGRAPH, complete with type and other accessories. Motor-driven. Fire. stone Tire Rubber Co., 2666 Farnam. WB buy. sell safe, make desks, show, cases, etc. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co. 8. Cor. 11th and Pouglas. 272. LARGE drill press with electric motor, complete with singles and tools. Flre- stone Tiro & Rubber Co., 2666 Farnam. CNK No. S-26-A International steam boiler. rate 1,350 feet, cost new. 9505, will sell at ssbu. zioj. eavenwortir. DIAMOND for sale cheap. Blue white tone, clean cut, weight about six-tenths carat. R-63. Omaha Bef. SEVERALxofflce desk and chairs, good condition. Za66 Farnam at. H. 120, ALFALFA hay In stack. On Dodge paved rosa. y. n.oears, oug. avst. TAUPE FOX SET FOR SALE. DO. 2787. ROOM 817. 2D-HAND lumber, 1828 N. 21st. Web. 459, GOOD plush coat. Walnut JSJS, ANNniiNPKMRNTJL I WANTED TO BUY. I HELP WANTED MALE. I HELP WANTED FEMALE FATHER ri III ,,,iMTaliTTlF I I AOUnC tTTlM 1 1 Ml ' EiM5- iSi3 . 1 ILa! Exl I i 1 6utTTi in w.' . ii . .-t. - ii in mm nismmm i ip- mm i il (DftETTER rXTTENTION HEKE- -i"' m s i'" " I'M I I I I rP. -I a I nL- WC nnvt iw if I'l U r-.tvCNtvir-n IK1 R I K3H M " I II I N r A l -- II I I JA i-U H r iwr-& II J 1 I WW .'- - B WANTEiTTO buy Good 1-ton or lH-ton motor truck In good condition for cash. Address Box R-22, Omaha Bee. DESKS DESKS, DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reeo, 1207 Farnam. D. 6116. WILL buy second. band clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 705 N. 16. LIBERTY bond bought. Macks Bond House. 1421 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. WANTED TO BUY Good trunk. Box ' O-40, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED Steady place on farm by ml 6?-dle-aged single man. Box 0-48, Omaha Bee. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. FIRST CLASS dressmaker, makes suits, fancy gowns, fine remodeling, out, by day. Call Harney 4293. Laundry and Day Work BUNDLE washing called for or discount !f del. Rnughdry or flnlahed. Web. 6151 DAY worit, laundry, cleaning, exp. Web- nter 2238; DAY work, bundle washing; experienced. .-eb.15j). IRONING, cleaning, day work. Webster M22. : CLEANING, all kin,ds, ironing, day work", experienced, colored. Tyler 1739; SMALL bundle washing wanted, Harney 7320. DAY AVORK, bunule washing. Webstjr 3351. : DAY work, .experienced. Colored. Ty. S158. LAUNDRESS - wants Mon., Tues. S. 616. DAY work, liSuse cleaning. Harney 51 2. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web 6216. DAYwork,cleaning, experienced. II. '6945, BUNDLE washing.. 'Webster 1 319. ; DAY work.' ' Tyler 413. HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices. CORRESPONDENCE with a per sonality is the specialty of a young man whose services we can no longer use because we are disebn tinuing some of our lines of work. He has served us so satisfactorily that we want to help him get the sort of position hf ' deserves. Phone Tyler 4400 and let us, ar range an interview for him. A YOUNG man who has had expe rience as. an oifice and shipping clerk will make some one as excel lent an employe as- he has been for us. Call us at Tyler 4400 and let us tell yon about him. ; MEN quick with figures to do tabulating work during election. Apply J. A. Raw Jtngs, Editorial Rooms, World-Herald, Professions and Trades. WANTED A BARBER TO RUN SHOP AT FORT- CROOK. CAN EARN 3300 EASILY EVERY MONTH. WE SUPPLY SHOP. HEAT. LIGHT. HOT WATER. CHAIRS AND CUSTOMERS. APPLY LIEUT. K. P. MORTIMER, FORT CROOK, NEB. Tinner -Wanted A tinner and furnace man to take charge of shop. Salary depends on ability. Courtrlght Hardware Co., Fre mont, Neb. YOUNG men. study law. Eve. downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. Sec 404 Omaha National Bldg. BUSHELMAN wanted In first class cloth ing store; will pay good salary. Tha Magees' Clothjjg Co-., Sterling, Co lo. WANTED Plasterers, union Job, twa months' work. Apply Archie Allison, Cheyenne, Wyo. WANTED First class auto trimmer. Colt- seum Motor company, Casper, wyomlag, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 So. 14TH ST. CATALOG FREE. WANTED Mechanical draftsmen, P.flnlte Co., 3 028 Harney. Ty. 2856. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Four reliable, high grade, topnotch salesmen at once. Live leads furnished. Easy propo sition to handle. Yon QUALIFY your prospects ONLY, our mana cers CLUbfc, the sales. It you make less than $10,000 to $25,000 vearly, you can't stay on the sales force. Our best men are making as high as $50,000 yearly. This is not a stock, bond, leasing or pro motion proposition. It's a perma nent connection. anr unless you can show a clean .character and a successful selling record, do not apply. Suite 1123-24, First Nation al Bank Bldg. WANTED Exoerienced tire sales men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager of branch stores. State briefly your experience, whether married or (single, what part of the country ' you are most familiar with, sal- ;.ty wanted and volume of business secured tor last, or present env ployers; also the. class of trade. Only tried an producing sales men need apply. . Box Y-12y&, Umaha Bee. WANTED Salesman, by long established automobile distributor, handling two best known and advertised automobiles. Per manent position, wltt? a chance of mak Inn an assured Income. Absolute confi dence resaected. Answer, alvlnr age. whether married or stnglt, experience In selling ana if any la tha automobile Busi ness, also reference and salary desired. It you feel that you haven't it In vou to make Kood, do not waste your time and our time by answering this ad, as we are looking for only -a hlgh-cl-ss man and producer. Box 0-49, Omaha cee. TRAVELING salesman: candy line, west ern Iowa; established trade; headquar ters in umana: salary open. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N, iao First national Bank Bldg. SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, ruga and blanket; can use coupla or good msn, out-of-town work. C. F. Adam Co., 623 South. 16th Bt WANTED Several good, live aaleamen , that csn sell rubber footwear, write, Hood Rubber Products Co., Davenport, 'a. r Bee want ads are business getters BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1920. Hotels and Restaurants, WANTED. MESS HOUSE COOK, WHITE. T. K. RANCH," SHERIDAN, WTO. SEE' JOSEPH BARKER, 207-U S. 19TH ST. ' DOUG. 1350. WANTED DISHWASHERS. HOTEL FOfTTENELLE. PAN WASHEftS WANTED. HOTEL FONTENELLE. WANTED YARDMEN. HOTEL FONTENELLE. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. Truck Driver Wanted at once: best of wagos to willing worker; must know city well. Apply to Gordon-Lawless Co., 8th and Dodge Sts. Boys. CAN USE A COUPLE OF BRIGHT BOYS FOR OFFICE WORK. GOOD PAY AND OPPORTUN ITY. APPLY OFFICE. SWIFT & CO. SO. SIDE, OMAHA, NEB. BRIGHT BOY WANTED. AUOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, FOR BANK WORK. CALL SOUTH 4780 OR DOUG". 226. WANTED BrlKht boy. 16 or 17 years, for office work and to run errtnas. cnance to learn advertising, business. Apply 806 World-Herald Bldgi , WANTED Messenger boy; light work; hours, about 8 a. in. to 3:30 D. m. In quire journal-Stockman Co.. Stock Yards. WANTED Messenger boy, light work hours 8 a. in. to 8:30 p. m. Inquire lournal Stockman, stock yards. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Alex ander Drug Co., lith and Fa natr ERltAND boy wanted. See Mr. Tully, Midwest Electric, 1207 Harney. BOY to worc at soda fountain after school. Beaton urus co. BELL boy wanted. Hotel Keen. Miscellaneous. VANTED. EXPERIENCED FLOORMEN PERMANENT POSITIONS GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT. ON BALCONY. BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED Broom makers, open shop, best wages and conditions. Apply at Free man Broom Works, South 6th and Pa cific sts. CARD PRINTER WANTED. APPLY PHILLIPS . DEPT. STORE, 24TH AND O STS., SO. SIDE. WANTED Chicken pickers for scalding poultry. Apply Swift ft company, Beat rice. Neb. WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER. APPLY PHILLIPS DEPT. STORE, 24TH AND O STS., SO. SIDE, OMAHA, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. IF YOU are in need of a stenogra pher we know of one you would like having. As former employers of hers, we are anxious to help her to secure a good position Phone Tyler 4400 and let us tell you about her. TWO excellent girl clerks of ours are losing their positions through a discontinuance of some of our work. We can give them unquali fied recommendations. Phone Ty ler 4400. STENOGRAPHER, produce firm, 3125; bookkeeper and stenographer, small up town ofttce, 9100, $1Z;; typist, Dank, 380; filing clerk, 385; Burroughs Post Inff Machine oDerator. 3100. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'.N, 1306 First ."National tanic mag. GIRL WANTED FOR ADDRESSOGRAPH FOR TEMPORARY WORK. ONE WITH SOME KNOW' LEDGE OF MULTI, GRAPH PREFERRED. APPLY SPRAGUE TIRE ft RUBBER CO.. 18TH AND CUMING. BOOKKEEPER to take full charge. 3135 9150; cashier, 9165.9175; candy sales man, 8200-9300. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. THE MARTI CO.. 1128 W. O. W. Bldg, GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; personal in struction enables you to nnisn. quickly positions furnished. Call Doug. 7774. STENOGRAPHERS, 875 to 1125; dicta' pnone operator, smu. , - WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 913 First Nat. Bank. Bldg. WANTED Reliable cashier who Is quick at Ilgurea and willing worker, salary lisu per week: Call In person only.v Milder Grocery co . 24th and N streets. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Must be ex perienced. Some bookkeeping. Address Box X-301, Omaha Bee. YOUNG lady to woik In prescription dent merman Mcionnci urug Co., itn and Jiarney Bts. Professions and Trades. ' , Young Women 16 to 25 Years We have a few positions in our LONG DISTANCE operating de partment, which must be filled by capable young women. If you have an eighth grade, or, better still, a High School education, see MISS BELL, within the next few days at 318 Telephone Building American Telephone and Telegraph Co.' SEE J1CCS AND ; MAGGIE IN FULL FACE OF COLORS Ity THE SUNDAY BEE Professions and Trades. GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? , Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to . young women today. Good wages are paid, meals are furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished exclusively for the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. Apply to ' MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. TaLS WANTED NOW FOR STEADY WORK In various departments of the Snow Whito Bakery. Must be 16 years of age or over.tGood pay to good workers. Ap ply at once to Supt. Costello. ITEN lySCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES. Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. office Hntrancb Middle of Block. WANTED Ladles' clothes inner. Stand- ard Laundry. 2403 No. 24th. MACHINE girls wanted at once. Stand ard Laundry. 2403 No. 24th. Saleswopien and Solicitors. SAE8 LADIES wanted for dry goods ana. woman s ready-to-wear, state in first letter ammount of experience and whom with last and what salary wanted. Kamsay Bros, ft Co., Pitts burg, Kan. . WOMEN WANTED Store demonstrator by largest dis tributer in city. Salary car fare Must be live wires. Give experience and telephone number in letter. Write Box x-82. Omaha Bee. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT girl for general housework, must be experienced and a good cook. laundress Kept; pay good wages. Ad dress Box X 87, Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced second "girl by"P, D. Smith. St. Edward, Nep. ; two In fam. ily. No laundry. Wages 350 month and railroad fare. WANTED A good girl for general house work; 3 In family, no children; good pay and good home to right party. Call Walnut 2965. WANTED White girl for general house work, 2 In family, small house, laund ress kept, good wages. Call Aval. 4o EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR 2-YEAR- OLD CHILD; REFERENCES RE QUIRED. MRS. ROEDERHAR. 693, A MAID for general housework: no laun dry work. Mrs. John Mir.lop, 3r.,-8U3 Willow Ave., Council Bluffs. Tel. 817 WANTED A comVetent girl for general housework; must be good cook; no laundry. Phone Har. 3014. WANTED White reliable cook; references required. Mrs. Arthur Storz, 315 So. 64th St., Walnut 3215. WHITE enatd for general housework. No laundry. Pleasant room and Dam. 3iu Jones St. Har. 672. WANTED White girl for general house work, Mrs. F. L. Devereux, li06 bo. 33 Ave.. Harney 670. EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MRS. BOED ER, HAR. 593. COMPETENT irlrl for general housework. Mrs. Arter. 3526 Harney St- Phone Har ney 6865. WANTED Maid; no laundry; references. Mrs. w. J. Hynes, 432 south 38th St., Hnr. 4760. COOK WANTED. GOOD WAGES. MRS. A. W. GORDON. 3611 JACKSON. HAli 61. DOMESTIC help wanted at 1619 Lothrop St. for part of day. Phone eb. 2688. WANTED White second ma'.d. Mrs.' C, Hamilton. 1113 Park Ave. Har. 2891, WANTED Girl to assist with genera housework. No washing. Walnut 3233, NEAT colored woman as housekeeper, no children or washing. Webster 4160. EXPERIENCED girl for general hou- work. No laundry, w alnut S60. WANTED Woman to do family washing and ironing. walnut 4961. - WANTED A white girl for second work. Telephone Har. 69, EXPERIENCED second girl wanted; good wages. N. B. Updike, 3514 Jackson, WANTED Experienced white .second girl. Mrs. w. U. nostord, ti2S o aftn. EXPERIENCED child nurse. Mrs. IC IL Patterson-. 127 No. 40th St. Hr. 38V. GIRL for general housework. Wal. 897. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO Bus girls wanted at once. Best wages. Harmony Cafeteria, 1609 Harney. GIRLS wanted to wait on table at siJa fountain. .Good pay. Beaton Drug Co. WANTED PANTRY GIRLS. APPLY HOTEL FONTENELLE. -Miscellaneous. PLEASANT, profitable work in your spare time for particulars write Box Y-1299, Omaha Bee, 742 Market, San Francisco, Cal. IilO SISTERS ASSOCIATION for tha benefit of business girls. 663 Bee Bldf. Douglas 662 WANTED White scrub woman. Apply hoOsekeeper. Omaha Atnietto jiud. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly moaern. or wm 1403 Dodge Bt. Trl-Clty Barber Collage. WANTED Exnerlenced man or woman tnwnrk In confectionery, lea cream and luncheonette place. Write at once fori position. C. L. Peck, Neola, la. Bee want ads are best business getters. - EDUCATIONAL. i.iv arunrii xioht BCHOOIi. Complete course In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, compUimetry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wtretee telegraphy, civil service ana an ens n.h and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 (or larg lllustratod catalog. Aaaress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sent School of Bialnes, Day and Evening Schools. 1:0 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas 5590. BUSINESS CHANCES. CAFE AND ICE CREAM PALLOR Best in lowa county seat oi z.ouu, on mver to River automobile highway. No competi tion to speak of. Only 1 other small cafe. Good equipment, including soda fountain, cigar and candv cases, lunch counter,. Ice King refrigerator and elec tric piano. Living rooms upstairs. Will sell for 11,800. Invoice small stock. Reason for selling, other busi ness. Address Box 246. Oxford, Neb. FOR SALE Printing and office supplv business in town of 25,000 In lowa. .i magazine Intertype, Mlehle press, Kelly press, two jobbers, one with Miller feed- , er, folding machine and other machinery. uooa Dusiness. aiway lliaoo money, jran time to the right party. Manager wants to specialize In one branch of business Write H. V. Mercer, Ottumwa. la. FOR SALE Drue store, best location In state. 30 years or business oy same man. Extra good deal to right party. -Part cash down, balance on time. Good rea son for selling. No trades. R, M. Splits, Aurora, Neb. OR SALE Or trade." a general mer chandise storo, building and dwelling. In a good live little town and a cash business In tha wheat belt In north eastern Colorado. W. R. Stewart. Wig gins, Colo. 926.000 buys foundry and machine shop. real estate, machinery equipment anu stock In good thriving city, half cash. Box Y-1298, Omaha Bee. DOMESTIC burner, 609 No. 16th St.; makes gas from oil and air: simplest, best and cheapest on the market; burn ers and territory for Bale. FOR sale or trade, bakery in town of 1,500, good reason for selling. A money maker, vt . K Barnes, oriswoiu, ia FOR SA.LE Bulk apples, car lots. Wick- nam uerry f arm, gaiem, -Nep. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS C0., 411 McCagua Bldg. Rooming Houses. ATTRACTIVE 8-room flat, modern, close in, 9o a month. si..'0'J lor quicK saie. 213 No. 24th. Douglis 4669! , A restaurant and rooming house fcr eal. Call So. 33C0. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT (-)Ut' BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS TWO Dleasant connecting front rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 gentie.nen or couple employed; hot and cold water In rooms. 628 So. 26th St,, Dg. 8975. 315 PARK AVE. Largo front room H modern home: gentlemen preferred, but will consider married couple employed or two girls. Harney 61 iO. FURNISHED room In private home for girl, who can have privnege ot using kitchen and dining room. Close In. Rea sonable. Har. 7177. SINGLE and double rooms for men only; running hot and cold water: steam heat, walking distance. Brown Apts., 60S ,N. 21st, Douglas 6644. V EXCEPTIONALLY nice room, 16x20; pri vate family; modern. 2 car lines; walk ing distance. 2305 Cass. Doug. J433. FURNISHED room In beautiful private, modern home, one-half block to Farnam ar line. 32 month. Wal. 877. NICELY furnished room In private home for gentlemen. Price reasonable 4Z&0 Douglas St. Walnut 59. WELL-FURNISHED room for gentlemen, West Fsrnam, nar car line. . Refer ences Har. 3620j VERY large room for 3 or 3 students; walking distance. 628 So. Stith St., vg. 8976. 618 .NORTH 41st Ave., nicely furnished room, private nome; gentlemen. vau 2943. FRONT furnished sleeping room for 2 people. 1147 North 17th St. Web. 5103. LARGE room for 1 or 2 employed; steam heat; private outside entrance. H. b030. 1529 PARK Ave., nicely furnished room. newly decorated, on car line. i. lltj NICELY furnished bedrooms; walking distance. 560 S. 26th Ave. H. 1719. 212 DOUGLAS: walking distance; large room for 2 gentlemen; god heat. NEWLY furnbhed sleeping room, gentle- man or married couple. Har. 1130. LARGE well furnished room for 2 Klitle- men: very large closet, ry Zo o u. 1543 NORTH 16th St., nicely furnished rooms. Reasonable. Webster 802. NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. References. So. 8,80, LARGE fronfr room in private home; gen- jjemcn preferred. ryierjzzoo. FURNISHED rooms for rent; working couple preferred. Har. 3729. TWO sleeping rooms, strictly modern, ki privatenonie. web. 2870. 526 SOUTH 25TH AVE.. FURNISHED ROOMS; REASONABLE. 4202 AMES AVE., nicely furilshed room. Colfax 613. SLEEPING rooms; walking distance. Har. 6295. 1 OR 2 elegant rooms, moilern Web. 531, EXCLUSIVE room, gentleman. Har 04H1, SINGLE room 623 So. 16th. Apt. 12. SLEEPING room with porch. H. 3576. 2 BEAUTIFUL rooms. Call Ty. 14!0. MODERN sleeping. rooms. Djf. 7077; LARGE sleeping room, Dg. SH4. Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms to respectable people; walkln? distance. 1717 Burt St. Dj. 8144. SINGLE housekeeping rooms with bath. Walking distance, for coupla employed. Harney 3737. 2208 HARNEY Suite of rooms, gas range, running water, also single housekeep ing reoms, - STRICTLY modern heated and furnished 1 room, large closet. References. 3012 Chicago. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms. Steam heated. 623 So. 16th St. Apt. 12. 1543 N. 16TH ST., furnished room for light" housekeeping. Webster 802 LARGE room, kitchenette, running water, 2 basement rooms. 2566 Douglas LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROC MS. NORTH 19TH ST. TTLER 4328. 719 813 S. 23D 2 light housekeeping rooms; no objection to children. MODERN rooms for light housekeeping. 1720 Dodge St. Dg. 7077. SINGLE housekeeping rooms. Har. 6295. Board and Roms. HANSCOM. PARK DISTRICT. Room with breakfast and dinner, private hnme; references required. Call Harney 6106. 1643 North 18th St. Bedrcom, parlor, pri vate residence, sultabl4or 1 or 2 gentle men employed. Breakfast If deslrrd.kCall Web. 3643. 3877 CAL1FORNJA. Board and room for 2 gentlemen. ' Harney car line. Harney 734 BEMIS PARK Rooms for nurses, also for gentlemen. Board If desired. Wal. 723. BOARD AND ROOM. M ERR I AM HOTEL, SoTH AND DODGE STREETS. COMFY room and breakfast for 3 ladies or gents employed. Col. 4381. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large rooms. 623 N. 17th St. Rooms Wanted. WANTED 2 or 3 rooms: walking distance of 24th and N Sts. Box 0-47, Omaha Bee. FOR RENTHOUSE'S Unfurnished. 8-ROOM. modern except furnace, all on one floor, $35. 3706 CJ St. Douglas 3556 or Tyler 1910. FIVE rooms, modern except neat, ju month. 528 No. 32nd. Douglas 5383. Bee want ads are best ousiness getters. Drawn for The Bee by McManus. Ooprrigkt, I9t0 International Ntwa Servlca, FOjt RENTAPTS AND FLATo. Furnished THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's -Newett and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. COMPLETELY furnished two anil three- room apartments. Walking distance. Brown Apartments, 80S North Twenty flrst street BEAUTIFUL apartment, 3 rooms and bath, completely furnished, walking distance, west; 95; references; Douglas 1734. 3-ROOM apartment with 6-room ascom- modatlons. Furniture for aale. Ty. 3250. FURNISHED apartments ill the Black- stone. Harney 946. FOR RENT Business Property. HANDSOMELY appointed offices in the best oftice building in City; two larce ronms with tlirp nri- N- ..,. v. .. , . ..:-. k 1 i i (f aic irsuita, ruiiciijk; lot law ill 111 or doctors; furniturf and equip ment will invoice about $8,000. Phone Douglas 1160 or address Omaha Bee. Box 46669. DESK space for rent; includes ste nographic and telephone service. MATTSON & SMAILS, 1213 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD STOR AGE. HARTUNG'S TRANSFER CO., TYLER 1976 OR WEBSTER 6226. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads o! both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as It will keep you Informed where we are maklr g carload shipments to. If you are shipping to any of the cities represented or to towns adjacent to out shipping points, see us about our ratea as it is likely that our through rate Is less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload serv ice. Today we are accepting shipments for the following cities: Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angeles Cal. Oakland. Ca4, San Francisco, Cal. -Chicago, 111. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO.. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. Omaha. Net. FIDELITY storage nr AND VAN VV. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for househo.d goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. tOS South 16th. Doug. 416S. METROPOLITAN ' VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned ty H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 34O0. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or ator re, call Tyltr 230 or Louglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS for sale, w.rlte II. R. Peck, 601 Sduthen-i' 6th St.. Pes Moines. Ia. BEAUTIFUL yellow canary birds. Walnut ei7 HORSES ANJD VEHICLES. JForJale. GOVERNMENT and farm" harness and leather collars. 35 per cent discount. Write for free price list. Desk No. f. Mid West Harness. 706 No. 16th St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT Neither age nor miles diminish the value of Cadillac construction, and you cannot Ret Ca dillac quality In any other car than a ' Cadillac Type 57 Town Car. Special body. Just rc- . painted. A very beau tiful car at an astonish ingly low price. - Type 57 Touring. Thoroughly RE-NEW-ED. Nearly new cord tires. Just repainted. Tvpe 53 Touring. RE-NE"W-ED. Just newly painted. Type 59 Touring. Used as a demonstrator for a short time. Painted Hunters Red. Goodyear cord tires. The advantages of ac curate workmanship, fine . machinery, fine tools i and skilled operatives, are present in a RE-NEW-ED Cadillac to a degree which would not be possible in a new car of equal cost. We also have a com plete line of used cars of miscellaneous makes. These cars are all in good condition and many are newly painted. Patterson 1920 Touring. Buick 1919 Touring. Chalmers Touring. Dodge 5-PassCnger. Hudson Super Six Tour ing. Overland Roadster. Overland Coupe. Yelie Touring. Studcbaker Touring. ' , YOU ARE SURE THAT OURS ,IS A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. ' , N J.H.HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26th Harney 710. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car We alwayi have a few first-cl uoFft rarn which are real!'. 1 K.ich ii guaranteed and w-ith a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. Hudson Super-Six Touring W are showing 5 1920 Hudwn tour ing ca's which hav been slightly used hare In o.nahs. Tha owners turned thorn In on enclosed models and ; tliar are excellent autoiuolll bargains at ta price wo aU. If you aro going to gt a high grade car this Is a chance 10 savo soino niony. , . Guy L. Smith, We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard s. Doug. 3622. WE SAVE YOU. $5 out of every $10 on auto insuranoe. Phona Douglas 7708. 3IS Peter Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. J35 WILL rent space for vour car until March 1, 1921, at 1501 Marcy St. Har tung's Transfer Co., Tyler 1979. SOME bargain in used Ford cara Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Tha Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jockson. poug. las 3500. J DO YOU want a good automobile at bargain prlve? All make and sizes. Terms or rash. Call Mr. Jones, D. 6188. DICKSON" ft Newman build garage driveways, sidewalk and do general re. pair work. Phone South 2794 or So. 1761. FORDS, DODGES, BHICK FOR SALE OR, TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL 8. 9. O'ROURKEUTOCO8701S. t4th SU 6-PASSENGKIl touring, good tires, new top, new paint, fine running order, $260. See It at 423 8. :otn. ween gays. WANTED For snot cash. 100 jsed ca quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., Z0li9 Jt arnam Bt. uougiaa vnu THE DiXIlS FLYER, , W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT. , 2520 Farnam St. OAKLAND Ser.slble Six. MARHH-OAKLAND Co. 20th Harney Sts. WE have 60 good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2028 FanarrK SEVEN-PASSENGER Reo 6, 5 new tlreaj original finish, Uka new. Har. 6258 or Web. 729. 1920 FORD Sedan, perfect condition, good tires, etc., cheap. Cash or terms. Tyler . 6304. WILL sacrifice Stearns Knight roadster. 11 any extras. Perfect condition. Dg 7464. FORD sedan, fine condition; starter and extras; u n I y 8660. Doug. 6749. Tires and Supplies. . NEW TIRES. FIRST-CLASS. 30x3 .......8 9.95 I 32x34 $14.91 30x3H 11.95 I 33x4 20.99 3Cx4 20.95 I 34x4 20.9$ Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tube. 92.60. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. NEW TIRES-50 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 40x3 .$ 9.75 32x4 $19.11 ftOvSU. 11 On I S.1vA . 10 KA 32x3' j 14'90 i 34x4 20.00 A Mai order filled. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 16TH ST. USED TIRES. 30x3. $5.00; 30x3. 99.00. All sizes In proportion. Look over ouf rebuilt. Open Sunday. Tyler 2989. , SAVIGE TIRES. 90S N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands, 640 ACRES IMPROVED AND 320 ACRES UNIMPROVED LAND FOR SALE. EASTERN COLO RADO; WANT $25,000 STOCK MERCHANDISE AS PART PAYMENT. C. V. NELSON, 3012 DAVENPORT, OMAHA, NEB. 160 ACRES Burlington, Colo., $500down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4182. Kansas Lands. 341 acres Elk county, Kan., large modern house, tenant house, 3 barns, all good alfalfa land, one mile of high school; corn this year will make 80 bu. per acre. Price 865,000. will take some exchange. ' Address Room 112, Harney Hotel, Omaha. Louisiana Lands. Louisiana Lands Prices ranging from $25 to $100 per acre. I want 250 practical farmers who are willing to invest and farm these lands. Will sll any amount to reliable parties, from 10 to 25.000 acres, on liberal terms. J. R. Andrews BOX 473, ALEXANDRIA. LOUISIANA. Nebraska Lands. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land $25 to $35 an acre In half section lot S. S. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Bldg. Texas Lands. rtro GRANDE vallev nubile sale at au tlon; fifteen irrigated farm tract ni Improved farms, November 9, Addresl Drawer ZT,9. Mercedes, Tex. Virginia Lands. HOMESEEKERS send for Virginia farK. list. Dept. 69, Emporia, Va. Wisconsin Lands. Cozy Home for $1,200- Forty, level, highly productive, no rocks, 15 under cultivation, balance eas iest possible clearini?. nice little, 3-room bungalow, good cellar, small frame bam. and garage, good well, on main roadiy miles to school, free tius to school, 12 miles, from Webster, Wis., on Soo iine. . 85 miles northeast of St. Paul, 1 mile from projected electric railway on which 50 miles of grading have already been done. Will sell for $1,200 cash, or could accept $00 cash, and give terms on bal ance. Compelled to raise money on short notice Is the reason for this extremely low price, and It will pay you well to come on the iiixt trafn If prepared ta take advantaifV of the situation. Good corn. aats. wneat, clover, timothy an potatoes raised hero and a fine count to live In. Owner, 804 Glob Bids-. 8U ram. .-Minn. - LANDOLOOY special number Just out con taining 1920 facts ot clover land in Marinette county, Wisconsin. It for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm land where farmers grow rich, send at onro for this special aumber of Landology. It Is free on request. Address Skldmore Richie Land Co., 433 Skidmora-Klehla Bldg., Marinette, Wis. Miscellaneous. 1EXAS OIL LEASES AND CHEAP LANDS Several thousand acres choice lease and feo lands mar drilling well In twenty counties in Central. West and Southwest Texas, New five and tt-vear lenses, good titles and very low rentals. For quick action will make ycu best prices you ever heard of. Write or wir for prices. A. F. LUSE, 433 Burton Bldg. Fort Wnrth. Tex. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest ratea Private loan boo'ha. Harry Malashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 5619 Es. 1994 OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS, O'KEEFE REAT, ESTATK CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. poug. 2711, PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly, r. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. 3 IK 8. 19th St, PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. po-"9 PROMPT ervlce, reasonable ratea, privet money. Garvin Broa 846 Omaha NaU REAL ESTATE WANTtTD. Wanted Houses to Sell Our organization backed by 40 yeara of experience In real estate Is at your service; buyers call on us every day. We need listings In all parts of tha city. . McCague Investment Co., Doug. 1345. 150 Dodge St. Ground Floor. To buv or ll Omaha Rest EsUte FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 'City Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1499. tOU" WANT TO" SELL THAT HOUSE, f Want quick action T Just try ua Call Tyler 4. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bt Blo. J 4 t .7, t ' v r gaJ kaaassaVaaa