Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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5, 5
Votes of Women
On Constitution
Number 20.487
Amendment Prohibiting State
Aid in Sectarian Institu
tions Carries by Xarg
. est Majority. ,
Lincoln, Oct. 1.?. (Special) Ac--.ording
to figures prepared by
Secretary of State Amberry, 20,487
jivomen voted at the constitutional
lection ind 69,107 men, making a
total of 89,594 votes. At the last
election there wasa total of 225,
117 votes cast by the men and as the
Aoraen did not vote at that elec
:ton the indications are that less than
sne-third of the vote was cast. :
The prposed amendment secur
ing the largest vote was No. 23,
prohibiting state aid to sectarian in
stitutions.. Fifteen thousand two
hunderd and seventy women voted
(or the measure and 2,123 against.
Of the men voters 45,725 voted for
it and 13,242 against.
The amendment receiving the
smallest majority was No. 6, to
raise the membership of the senate
to 50. Among the women, 10,093
voted yes ami 6,472 voted no. The
men gave a majority against the
raising of the senate membership.
30,153 voting for the change and
32,666 against, but the "women did
the work," and saved the amend
ment. T
One of the, amendments which
brought on one of the hardest fights
in the constitutional convention and
which met much opposition in the
campaign was Mo. 17, to fleet su
preme judges by districts. The ma
jority in favor of the amendment
was 35,559. The women voted 12,
839, yes, and 4,302, no. The men
cast 44,073 vote for it and 17,051
against it.
No. 40, .increasing the salaries of
state officers and supreme court and
district judges recetved a majority
of 45,883: The women favoring the
amendment numbered 14,849 while
those against it were 2,256. The
men voted 46.S44 for the increase
and 13.254 against. '
Man Cleared on Charge of
Using Saccharine in Pop
Geneva. Neb , Oct. 12. (Special.)
-E. J. Pierce has been cleared oi
" the charge of using saccharine in the
manufacture of pop here. A state
food inspector brought the case into
county court yesterday. ' Mr. Pierce
proved the pop examined belonged
to another narty and was not a prod
w net of his faetory.
Downtown Programs.
Rialtc William S. Hart in "The
Cradle of Courage."
Sun Alice Lake in "The Misfit
W ife."
Strand Thomas Meighan in "Ci
vilian Clothes."
Moon "The Return of Tarzan."
Empresi Eileen Percy in "The
Husband Hunter."
Muse Rex Beach's production,
"Going Some." '
Neighborhood Houses.
Grand Carmel Myers in "In Fol
ly's Trail," and "Pirate Gold," No. 7.
Hamilton Owen Moore in "The
Crimson Gardenia." v
Lincoin Stcdman, 17-year-old son
of Myrtle Stcdman, is now appear
ing in his third consecutive picture
with Charles Ray.
After 10 years or more of screen
success Henry B. Walthall is re
turning to the stage for a season of
Ibsen, appearing in "Ghosts."
Maurice Tourneur, director, is
"contemplating" a trip to Europe
and Africa to absorb atmosphere for
future Associated Producers' pic
tures. f Constance Talmadge is to be
starred in a picture adapted from
the state 'success, "Mama's Affair."
The film will be made in Los An
geles. ' '
Bessie Love and members of her
company will go to Arizona to film
cattle on ranges, etc., for, her forth
coming picture, "Penny ' of Tophill
mm a
State Bureau Issues
1 , Permits to Sell Stock
Lincoln, Oct. 12. (Special.) .The
following permits to issue and sell
stock have been, issued this week by
the state bureau of securities:
Hcpflnftr United Patterns Co.,
Falls City. Neb., October I 20,000
Industrial Development Co., Cen
tre! City, October 7 4,200
Farmere' Union Co-Operative asso
ciatlon, Berlin, October S........ 10,000
Towlo Roaltjr Co.. Falla City, Oc-
. tober S 7 475,000
Applications filed before the bu
reau : '
Home Oil Co., Raitlnfs, Neb S.000
Cedar Creek Coal Co., Dei Moines,
la, 80,000
Cedar Creek Coal Co., Dei Molnei
la. S80.O00
Carbonero Consolidated Mlnei Co.,
Denver, Colo 200,000
Nebraska Oil and Oas Development
Co., Holdrege 225,000
Valley Heal Estate and Agricul
tural Co., Valley, Neb JJ.000
Valley Real Batata and Acrrlcul-
Farmers' Co-Operative Union asso
ciation, uarneston. nod i,uuu
Norway's first automobile factory
has just been completed.
Connie Talmadge used to da ste
nography work. . She hasn't forgot
ten it. Nor has she forgotten some
evils of employers as learned under
their vigilant' care. In "Good Ref
erences," her latest picture, she
shows the .fallacy of employing help
solely on the reference plan. The
picture will be shown next week at
the Rialto theater.. . . 1
HARRV HAYDEN became well known
to. tha, theattr-solns publlo while
plaiylna- the Juvenile lead. In Bslas
co's "Tha Boomerang." Ha la delighting
Orpheum audiences thla week with his
quiet comedy work In "Tha Love Game.
"Visions of 1970,". preeented by Percy
Dromon and Winnie Baldwin, la a Natlrl
cal comedy with clever lyrlca and charm
ing dances. Jack Wyatt. with ten Scotch
lads and lassies, presents a spirited act
in which tolk songs and dancea ara de
lightful elements.- Dainty Maria not only
gives a very graceful performance on
tha Roman rings, but dances and alngs
effectively. , '
Charlea Dillingham's operetta "Applo
Blossoms," will bo offered at tha Brandeli
theater for the last two times today,
matinee and evening. Tha composers are
Frits Krelslsr, the violinist and Victor
Jacobl. This Is Kretsler's first operetta.
In the company are John Charlea Thomas,
who will be recalled In "Maytlme;" Wllda
Bennett, who has Wen aeen In various
musical plays; Percival Knight, the Eng
lish comedian, who first appeared In thla
country In "The Arcadlana!;' Adela and
Fred Aatalre, the danceri; llaurlca Darcy,
Edgar Norton, Ruth Lee. Marie Berno,
Edna Temple, Harry Cornell, Kathleen
Brenon, Dorothy Maighton and a chorus
of distinction.
"The Boys from Home." li tha title of
the musical burlesque, which ia'tha "back
bone" of "The Social Maids." at the
Oayety all week, and It la enough of
praise to aay that Leon Berg Is responsible
for the book and Will H. Vodery wrote tha
special music. Alwaya present and aid
ing tha principals when exploiting fun,
dancing and song, is a real beauty chorus
of 20 girls, every one of whom is a tal-
enter singer and a graceful dancer. Ladle
matinea at i:it aauy.
Joseph Belmont's canary chorus, con
slating of thirty-three feathery songsters,
who harmonize and thrill In perfect
rhythm wttn Mr. Baimont s piano piay
I rig, tp the great delight and enjoyment
of the Empress audiences, will close their
engagement witn tonignt s performances.
Rose and Thorn, "The Yale Boy and the
Swede titrl, avln commendation witn their
bright new material. Paula Armstrong
accomplishes feats heretofore exhibited by
oniy tn strongest men.
Omaha will see. for the first time.
"gome Baby," - farce by Zellah Coving'
ton. "Some Baby" opens for four days
at the Brandels starling tomorrow night
with a matinea Saturday and Sunday.
Epidemic of Hog Cholera
Not Expected in Nebraska
The threatened hog cholera in the
state of Nebraska and points in east
ern Iowa is not expected to reach the
epidemic stage, declared Hugh F.
Mcintosh, manager of the Chamber
of Commerce agricultural bureau, in
referring to the report given out by
the Department of Agriculture that
the disease is spreading.'
A Los Angeles theater wUch
maintains a nursery for infants while
their mothers are in the audience
lias arranged Its electric sign boartl
act announcer to summon a womin
whose child may need her.
Pa's a Democrat,
Grandpa's aRepublican
and Ma's Independent-'
but when it comes to the
Food Administration,
we all vote for
With acknowledgments to K. C. B. ,
Tfai0 6h&o4
a 1920
" ,: i'
i I ...
tm peetefoe of 30 proUttod hy
apexsW tnotatara . proof xvrtppmr.
Alootmromod AIR TIGHT tia of SO.
LAST MONTH, on a bet
WITH THE boys up home
ALONE IN the old.
AND WHEN 21ier&.
MOANt AND groan
I SAID The xftni."
I HEARD rapping,
AND 8AID "KU.- ,
THEN I beard atop
AND IN the light.
OF A dying moon.
A WHITE spook roe.
I WASNT Beared much,
BUT DIDN'T feel like.
BUT THEN I 'caught
JUST A taint whlaV,
. a)
Of AtamMaft
SO I gave the gnoat, '
THE HORSE laugh,
MAKE BUM ghoata, i
BUT BEFORE joa fate
LEAVE WITH me one,
OF YOUR cigarette,
THAT apiey. delicioaa aroma of fine tobaeeoa,
both Turkish and Domestic, makes you al
rooet hungry for the 'Mtlsrfy-tmoke.'' And there
lent a ghost of a chance yoe'U erer fled ita equal
anywhere for the Chesterfield Tlend is) an
mdumiM blend. It can't to copied.
J s -V. a a
A ) the new
stores Coal under roof on
concrete floors in tight bins.
No rain or snow can get to
' this fiiel.
delivered from Sunderland
storage bins is dry, clean
, and attractive in appear
ance. Sunderland Brothers Co.
Main Office, Entire 3d Floor Keeline Bldf .,
17th and Harney StroeU
1 mi iiii 1 ii 1 1 iin Mil 1 null 1 11 1 111111 111 n 1 nil 1 1 11
The: Controlling
in Price Making
On September 29th we announced a sweeping reduction in the
list prices of our motor cars. At that time we stated that there was
no economic justification for such action and it could only mean a
very substantial loss to this company.
This, loss we very cheerfully accept in the interests of a worthy
movement to decrease the excessively high costs of living. But no
business can remain permanently on a non-profit basis and, unless
commodity prices do actually decline, our experiment will merely
prove to be an expensive failure.
In brief, , materials and production costs must come down in the very
near future or the price of Paige cars must inevitably go up. These two
elements materials and production costsare the controlling factors
in price making and upon them rests the entire manufacturing structure.
We have stated the facts in a blunt; straightforward way. Paige cars
are today selling for less than the cost of production and you, of
course, realize that such a condition cannot continue indefinitely.
It merely remains to affirm that we shall not, under any circumstances,
depart from the high standards of quality which have always cnar
arterized our vehicles. Irrespective of cost, the Paige will continue
to be a fine mechanical product worthy of your complete respect
and confidence
"Manufacturer! 0 Paige Motor Can and Motor Trwf
Nebraska Paige Co.
Distributors 1 . '
1824 Douglas St., Omaha ' Phone Douglas 3660
jimm 11 1 Hi urn 11 11 111 smssfaAssssfsss