THE DEEf OMAHA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1920. V I s rop Production fn World On Gain Figures Show Increased Acre age In Almost Every Country of World Much Wheat. Washington, Oct. 8 Production figures on agricultural crops of the worltt outside of the United States, assembled by the International In stitute ot Agriculture at Rome and K'iven out today by the United States Department of Agriculture, show greatly increased yields for 1920 in almost every division. The 1820 wheat crop in countries of the north ern hemisphere, including Hulg.tri.i, Spain, British India, Finland, Swcd i iv Switzerland, Canada, Guatemala, Algeria, Egypt and Tunis, the insti tute reports, is 1,046,070,000 bushels, or 101.0 per cent of a five-year aver age production for the same coun tries and U9.4 per cent of 1919 pro duction. s Area now planted for the 19'02l wheat crop in the southern hemi sphere, in Argentina, Australia and Souih Africa, is 28,384,000 acre, whrch is 128.4 per cent of the crop area for last year and 102.1 per cent of a five-year average. .Cruelty Is Charged To Omaha Attorney Charging extreme cruelty, Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, 3709 Jones street, filed suit for divorce against Charles S. Elgutter, Omaha attorney, in dis trict court yesterday. She also asks for the custody of her daughter, Kathryn, 11. AT THE THEATERS RKfWNSinir.ITY for the book nii'l score of "The Social . Malila," opening a week's slay at the Usyi ty thin tifter rioon, It laid at thi floor of Leon Herif anil Will H. Voilery. Those who huve enjoy.j.1 work done In the pnut hy these purveyors of trffo public rnu' will need no fur ther argument to convince ihcm that "The Hoy From Home" In u winner, ' Ably ald init and abetting Nlblo and Spencer, the stara, Hrc Johnny O Donncll, Rnlph Knrltn way, Mnbelle lllake, Anna O'Jinnnell. th Social Maids .lnzzor Ilax 5. Joe Muck and Hilly WalnwrlKht. In addition there la n chorua of llnmdway favorites. Tomorrow' matinee starta at 3. Two jiinre eliancca arc uvallnhle for Omaha playgoers to see Henrietta (Yes man In the one-act comedy. "K.vcry Halt Hour," With the matlneo and evening performance today at the Orpheum .shu concludes her engagement. The curtain this evening la to rise at 7:65 o'clock. le glnnlng with the matinee tomorrow, tho Incoming show will hnve two headline of ferings and two featured acts.,, Terry Jtrennon and Winnie Halxv In are to appear In a clever sketch by Jack I, nit. a comedy with lyrics and music, the lltlo of which Is 'Visions of 1970." Jack Wyatt, with his Scotch lads and lasHles, will con tribute the other stellar offering. Painty Marie, ttuvYenus of the air. is featured on the bllli as is also the romantic com edy. "The I.ove (lame." This Ip to be presented by Harry Hayden and company. "Some Hnhy," the Fulton theater. New York, comedy success, with music, will lie the attraction at the Branded theater for a run of fo,ur days, with matinees Satur day and Sunday, starting Thursday night, October 14. George Kempton. well knowi character actor, will have the comedy role, while Miss Katherine Hoilman will appear In the title role of "Some-Baby." Downtown Programs. Rialto "Harriet and the Piper." Moon "The Revenge of Tarzan." Strand "The Master Mind." Sun "The Chorus Girl's Ro mance." , Empress "Help Wanted; M.ilii." Muse "Jes" Call Me Jim." Neighborhood Houses Grand Tom Mix in "Deseit Love." Hamilton Tom Moore in "Gay Lord Quex." Apollo Shirley Mason in "Merely Marv Ann" and "The Lost City," No. '2. "The Revenge ot Tarzan," a sequel to "Tarzan of the Apes," opens to1 day at the Moon theater and will continue throughout next week. The story is a roiinnce experienced in the jungles of Africa. A delightful phase of the pict'.rc production, "The Old Swimmir.' Hole," James Whitcomb Rilev's poetic gem, which Charley Kav vs now making, is his policy of "adher ing faithfully to the time and locale of the poem. The old water mill snd the sycamore tree so vividly de scribed will be an actuality to the Hoosier poet's ideals. Rumor has it that Charlie Chaplin has offered to give his wife a divor'e and $100,000 cash in full settlement of their difficulties, and that she has spurned the otter and has coni back for $300,000. Chaplin has re cently declared that he intends to go to his old home in London. She didn't belong among refined people; they sneered and they even doubted her virtue until, in the crisis of another woman's life, she proved to be a thoroughbred. How she won back her husband's love, Alice Lake as Katie Malloy portrays dramati cally in "The Misfit Wife," opens tomorrow for a week's engagement at the Sun theater. Forrest Stanley plays opposite Miss Lake. In "Dead Men Tell No Tales," Vitagraph's production of the fa mous story by E. V. Honing, the ourning of the "Lady Jermyn" at sea and its destruction by gun powder, form one of the drama'ic scenes with 000 extra actors as crew and passengers Eery college student in the coun try is writing a scenario, thinks Dr. James A. B. Scherer, writer of orig inal, stdries and scenarios. Since he resigned as president of the Califor nia Institute of Technology onlv a few weeks ago, the educator has ap parently been accepted uf the guar-J rlian angel ot collegiate literary hopes'. "Better stories," he says, "are bound to result from this turn ing of educated literary minds to the problems of motion pictures." Concluding performances will be glvei tonight fit the popular show at the Bin press, headed by the one-act musical play let, "Number, Please." and Captain I'lck ard's seals, i which perform stunts whl-'h make the audience gasp with amazement. Jtert Howard, composer, comedian and pianist, meets the requirements of the world of vaudeville patrons. A talented young musician Is Musical Sullivan, whose selections on the xylophone are one of the outstanding features of the show. Wyoming Doctor Heads U. of N. Medical Alumni Dr. Oliver Chambers of Rocf Springs, Wyo., was elected president o the Alumni association, Univer-sity-of Nebraska, College of Medi cine, at the eleventh annual reunion c; the organization which closed in Omaha yesterday. Other officers elected follow: Dr. H. D. Burns, Al bert Lea, Minn.; first vice president; Dr. R. Allyn Moser, Omaha,- second vice president; Dr. William N. An derson, Omaha, secretary. Body of Man Is Found In Wash Room of Train Great Falls, Mont., Oct. 8. The body of W. L. Pierce, SO. of Salt Lake City, was found in the wash roqm of a train when it reached Havre last night. His throat was cut and conditions led to the belief that he had taken his own life. c should not be " dosed." Treat them externally with VapoRub Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly Money back without queauas tf HUNT'S Salve falli In the treatment oriTCH, BUSMA. RINGWORM, TETTER or Other itching skin diseaiea. Try 7i ccm boa at our cuk. Sherman St McConntll Drug Co i I H 1 1 jit Seldom Fails j Many boys and girls as they progress in their 1 teens, outgrow strength. 8 SCOTT'S EMULSION should be given gener ously and regularly to most children of school age. Scott's Emulsion is tonic nourishment that seldom fail. g Scott & Bowne. Haomfie1d.NJ. 20-75 1 I Buy a Genuine Victrola from M ICKEL'S Style 9 $75.00 You arc sure to bo satisfied if you purchase from M ICKEL'S. For over 23 years we have made good all promises and backed all guaran tee. r Take Advantage of Our Special Victor Service Style X, $125 Any Finish hi Style XI $TS0 Any Finiah Our Special Outfit D, Style IX Victrola ten 10-mcli 1). F. Records, 20 selec tions. On verv easv - . payments Our Special Outfit E, Style X Victrola twelve ID-inch double race rec ords, 24 selections. Very ?asy payments Our Special Outfit F, Style XI Victrola twelve lU-mch double lace V ictoi Records. Verv easv "avments , Don't Hesitate to Come in. A ' It's a Pleasure to Show You. All Styles in Stock Now! "" $16 with 50 with 20 with 20 'The Houie cf Pleasant Dtalingj MICKEL'S ,; Fifteenth and ' Harney Omaha. Remember the Caruso Concert, Oct. 12. A Few Choice Seats Still Available. Get Yours NOW. .. , i iMiitiiMiiiililililtillllllltlllllMlllllllllllllllllHIMilllllllllMlllltlllllMIIUIlllll'il'fiJ .pilllllllllllllllllHIIIIIlllllllllllli Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllliii his Smite in Ivory SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR SATURDAY A bedroom furnished with this elegant Ivory Enamel Suite will have Unction it will win the admiration of your friends. Then, too, tomoi more than be or interest to you, fot it has'been greatly reduced. The Adam Style will be sure to please you, and bear in mind that you do not need ready cash to obtain this bargain for your CREDIT is waiting at Hartman's. People are constantly referring to this store as the character aid dis row's price should - Priced Separately: Chifforobe (nn mirror) 1617 45 Tnilpt Tahle fid 75 headquarters in Omaha for quality merchandise isfiiirorooe (no mirror, po.o i oner i aoie, dv. o and each artlcle ROld i3 backed by tne Hartman H Dresser, $68.50 RoJ (rs11A rnol tAQ TH Buanmtee for workmanship good quality for oea 5011U panels, y.O ieast expenditure of money. Special at.... 30 Rug Values For Saturday i 4 Just like Picture H In Famed Finish i s use Your Credit IPHI i 1 1 ii I II i n P"-'7'J. .J .ll.llIM I I1 1. 1 . n ii i i U'AUiiiUtIMAMAWVe?i, i irv . xtt. -t- . . One of the real bargains for Satur day is the rocker pictured above. The frames are of fumed finish and the seat is upholstered in high grade imitation A leather. A very com- 1 ImXK foi table rocker and J I UUJ well cans t r u c t e d.' I mW- See rocker tomor- row at Hartman's.. 9x12 Seamless r ' Velvet Rugs 63 s I m ' 27x54 Inch Axminser Rugs 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs $3085 Solid Oak Dresser Extra Special .L 9x12 Genuine Royal Wiltons 9P 9x12 Axminster Rugs J'fjhaps you need a drtssor to com plete your bcdioom. (l;ir special for tomorrow will undoubtedly give you an opportunity to select a rich gold en oak dresser. One with a larpe mirror and two full width drawers, with two smaller drawers as pic tured. W u i s t you to come early as the quantity is very limited $3785 27x54 Inch Velvet Rugs $435 l,Si"!P!l!!!iliiil!i!;!!l, l!!!PBf!! I Big Loyal Regent Don't delay in purchasing your new heater, for the wintry days will soon be here, so prepare In .i vnura tomorrow Lllll. .-i . , . .11. vtpiisive stocks. A . fecial this r nvil Recent henvilv nickel trimmed and fuel econriv.izer at only tensive stoch.3. a $22 Saturday Special Golden. Finish U A durable high 'Chan for babj-, with wide tray and high back. Comes In the golden finish and at a bargain at White Enamel A Bargain andospedthrub- ient spring and is very roomy. A. Bpeclal from our crib depart ment on fiuv fifth floor. Sut. price.. $795 $J85 Use Your Credit Come Early Too For Saturday l or tomorrow only, and you will realize a sav ing by taking advan tage of this special price. In golden oak with genuine Spanish leather seats and of I'uied at fa 1 Moore's Base Burner g Moore's make : known everywhere. Tlie heater beaiiliul-nd attrac tive enough for any room. No smoke, no soot, no dirt always a ted. " cheery fire to spread warmth in the "home. Satur-, day's reduced price. . Regent Combination Burns' Coal or Gas Absolutely guaranteed perfect baking and handsome range Is as trimmed with polished nicKei ana attractivi tinrflklaiti Ha. lay, buy yours tomor- ji-'w, taau or greail at and does cookinir. picture and most This is '128 $7 85 782J Duofold Bargain A Pullman Two piives il' furniture for the price of niie. A I'ullman is a handsome riovi.nnnrt in the elavtimc. and at night ir von so ni si re, can be turned into a lame com fort able bed. 1 old- n or fumed oak in Spanish fabricoid . . . ivuine, nun m $j2o 1 3S "PrisciUa" A very useful ri ticle for the thrif- 1 ty housewife. This sewing cabinet has divided draw er for thread, needles, etc., and cornea in mahop my finish at $8 75 This Rocker Greatly Reduced Has broad seat and roll arms. ni-i.w. a irnilmr lit rewl comfort and durability. Is exactly as illustrated above and offered In the golden fin ish. Select rours tomorrow at this .special price $C65 Credit Terms C o n v 11 i cut credit terms without inter est can be ar ranged for any outfit or in dividual piece of furniture in our stock. A "Sellers" Kitchen Cabinet Itm.'ognized as the Host Servant in the Home" by nil housew i v e s. The only cabinet with the automatic dwering flour n. On credit at 69 75 1 UUItllii.iiiiiillillUli!llllllllllillllllllllllll 'acobean Finish The table pictured la ol lainly Queen Aline design. 1 xecuted in Jacobean Oak. lias large IS-inch top anil xtenus tu tun six feet Complete Suite for Saturday mm N'owhere can you obtain such a bargain as the one offered lor tomorrow. Just another insiont that you can save money at Hurtmnn'a on furni ture of dependable Quality. The Jacobean finish. with chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Ta ble extends to full 6 ft., and price is reduced to. Oar Stocks A more choice selection and romp 1 e t e as s o r t m e :i t nf quality furni ture is not to be found any where in the city. Buy Ycur'ColeY Tomorrow We are exclusive agents for this renowned make of Hot l'.lnsts for this vicinity, and extend a cordial invitation to you to come in und permit us to explain its merits. A spe inl for Sat ur d a y, with large fire pot. at $2375 One of the real bar a 1 n s for : nturday h filing. ill !!:!!Y Ittllllllll'll ifillliitllilltlilllll eCQ75 Chiffonier Bargain Sixteenth B-tvesn Harney and Howard -.Jietlv as pictured, w ill. ur full width druwers nd two smaller ones hove, fomes in the rich olden oak, ith large lirror. See iliis tiniis 111I v a 1 11 1 Uimorrow