Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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4(111 WANT TO IUI,L that'hou8T
Want quick action? Just try in. Cal'
Tvler 46.
PSHi'HNK REALTY m . tin nix.
W. G. SHRI VER"5:'.5iT'ATi
uran .-iar. 111c. Hlrtg. Doug HI
-vlth us. U. r. Clary Co.. J404- Am.a
Ave., North Omaha Realtors. Col. 17.
V'.NT homes In colored neighborhood.
umjamtu A Franasuberg. Doug. Tit
Two-story, 6 rooms and bath,
J lOinplete in every detail and rcid
for immediate occupancy, in our
new DUNDEE district, which you
can buy on terms of
$1,500 Cash $125 Per Mb.
If You Want
a brand new, modern home of the
best type of construction and high
est grade interior, woodwork fin
ished in qual.ty oak and enamel
work, which you can buy on near
ly a rent basis, let us show you one
of these homes.
Located on 50th street and 50th
avenue, near Farnam. Price $12,
1214 City Nat'l Bank. Dour. 8102.
l'UACTICALLY new 6-room houso, well
built, all modern,, oak finish and floors
ilown, hard nine up. Itargain. Kasy
terms. Deal with owner. Walnut 2675.
THE manufacturer of a
fast-selling electrical
household appliance has deal
ers (department stores, elec
tric Jshopa, hardware and fur
niture stores) who need sales
men trained to sell this and
other appliances. We will
train men of good character
and place them to advantage
i with our dealers. Actual work
in the field during the train
ing enables them to earn more
than an average salary. See
Mr. .Tech at Granden Electri
cal Co., 1511 Howard, after
3 p. m.:
Big Sale Garden Lots
and Quarter Acres
$225 to $300
$1.00 Down $1.00 a Week Only a Few Higher
ElilWOOD PARK on the east.
FAlRACRES. beautiful homes, on the north.
Million-dollar AK-SAR-BEN EXPOSITION on the
Right in the path of Omaha's greatest growth.
Bound to increase in value.
Take the West Leavenworth car, get off at entrance
to Elmwood Park. Autos will be waiting to drive
you through the park to Elmwood Gardens.
616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1016
That many girls choose Long Distance Operating because it gives
them worthwhile associates, the best surroundings possible in a
business office, and what is best of all
from the day they enter school?
Your advancement to more responsible positions is limited
only by your own ability and ambition.
Miss Bell will tell you all about it.
318 Telephone Building.
Long Lines Department.
yrl jj REAL i 7
; Consult a Realtor for definite information about, owning Omaha Real
NKTHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 140.
"$f Down $1 Per Week
Elmwood Gardens
Lot Sale
Adjoining Klmwood park oa the weat.
Come out today.
Payne & Carnaby Co.,
616Omah Nat. Hank Hldg.Doug. 10H.
Graham-Peters Realty Co.,
i: Omaha Nnt'l Hnnk Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Don K 1b T 9 a. K ven I nga, W a 1 n u tll 0 3.
WE JIAVK nn unusually well located ple-
of trurkaire at 7th and Leavenworth.
81x132, tracks on both stele. At rlghl
price Alfred Thomas, 0k First Nat'l
WAL8II-ELMEB CO., Realtors, Real
Kstale, Investment, Insurance, Rent
a la. Tyler 1614. SIS Securities Bide.
9u AC KEH lake shore, rich soil, 30 cleared;
7-room house, barn, orchard, near town
and school, $4,100; $600 cash, Get new
lann list. lorn u. Aiason, cumueriana.
v is.
-FLOOR, $6,000.
Less than 4 years old, located in n.
vicinity of new homes; oak floor
throughout. All rooms good size. 92,000
cash re(jureu.
(Slower & spain,
MS-20 City National D. ;050.
Five-Room Home
With One-Half Acre
Nifty five-room home, electric light
and well with pump, full cemented
basement. Chicken house and yard
About 1100. cash, price $3 00. 6KOJ
Mason Street In Elmwood Gardens. Lot
Sale now going on. $1.00 down and $1.00
per week. Come out today. You can
raise 40 bushels of potatoes on two
Payne & Carnaby Co.,
Realtor Service.
616 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug 101
On account of opening up a new
branch office, must sell my six-room,
modern home at once at a, bargain;
light oak finish, full lot, V, block to
car and school; if you want a real bar
gain, call walnut 44U0.
for Everyman
There's some Real Estate in Omaha,
for each man that lives here.
It may be a lot, an acre, a Home,
business property.
But it's here.
FURTHEkMORE-There's such a
variety of this Real Estate at such a
variety of terms and- prices, that
any man cf n buy some of it.
There's NO EXCUSE for any
Omaha, man not owning some
( Omaha Real Estate.
Remember this: Scores of Oma
ha Fortunes started with Omaha
Real Estate. They are all founded
on Real Estate.
Clairmont Bargain
Five -room, semi -b'ungalow,
frame construction; east front,
oak finish downstairs, yellow pine
upstairs; owner leaving city and
must sell; only $6,500; for further
particulars call Mr. Sloan, Tyler
Lot Sale
EImwood Gardens
Adjoining Elmwood Park
On the West
$19.0 down and (1.00 per we ok. Come
out at once.
Payne $ Carnaby Co.,
610 Omaha Nat. Dank Bldg. Doug. 1016.
A-Fine Home '
In Leavenworth Heights
Five-room Kellastone, semi-bungalow,
living room and dining
room finished in oak, kitchen
white enamel, two bedrooms and
bath upstairs; price $8,250, easy
terms. Call Mr. Sloan, Tyler 3540.
Omaha Real Entate and Investment.
621 Paxton Dlk. Phono Tyler 4880.
BRAND new bungalow, oak finish, beau
tiful decorations, excellent location; re
duced from $7,450 to $6,800. -Very
easy terms. Douglas 1734.
EE N SO N& MEYE RS CO, 424 OmjNa t ' 1.
A FEW homes and iota for sale In Park
wood addition; a safe place for invest
ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 4270.
6 ROOMS and bath, 2 blocks from car, ce
ment basement $2,800, $300 down, $30
a month. Douglas 4228.
New 6-Room House
Strictly modorn and well built. Living
room, dining room, kitchen on first
floor; three bedrooms second floor. Oak
finish. Full baement. with laundry
tubs, floor drain, toilet s and plastered
coal bin. Located 6731 N. 24th St. Price
$8,500. Terms.
New Bungalow
5-room, oak finish, fireplace, built-in bock
cases and buffet. Full basement with
laundry tubs, floor drain, plastered coal
bin. Price $7,250. Terms. Located 6727
N. 24th St. Sundays and evenings call
Webster 784.
Norris & Norris,
1502 Dodge St.
Phone Douglas 4270,
8 Rooms, Garage, Sleeping
Porch, Beautiful Shade
Very large corner lot, fronting east;
paving paid on both streets; is strictly
modern; separate bins for fruit and
coal: cistern in basement; house Is neat
ly decorated Inside and out; cement
drive to garage; look It over or call
us for appointment. Location 1624 Mili
tary Ave. Terms and price are reason
able. McCague Investment Co.,
1506 Dodge St. Doug. 1345.
Evenings Colfax 1571.
Minne Lusa Dream
$1,000 Down, Bal. Monthly
s o-room strictly modern bungalow, alt
on one floor; large living room, dining1
room with built-in buffet; 2 dandy bed
rooms and bath with base tub; concrete
flour; kitchen has one-piece sink and
built-in features: oak floors throughout;
oak finish In living rooin and dining
room; Dearooms, tmn and kitchen fin
ished In white enamel; full cement base
ment; furnace heat; dandy lot on paved
street Price $6,800,
Payne Investment Co.,
637 Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781.
Sunday Call Co 1 fax 33t37.
Miller Park Bungalow
Srroom strictly modern bungalow lo
cated on Laurel Avenue, all on one
floor; living room, dining room, with
built In buffet; 2 bedroms and bath;
full cement basement, furnace heat;
dandy lot on paved street; handy to
school. Miller Park and street car. Wo
will show you a beautiful house In an
elegant location. Price. $6,800.
Payne Investment Co.,
637 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1781.
$500 Down
Buys Brand New
Five-Room Bungalow
Five rooms, strictly modern,
all on one floor; oak finish;
oak floors in living room and
dining room; builton book
cases; built-in kitchen eab
inet; two dandy bedrooms and
bath; full basement; furnace
heat; floor drain; nice lot
with trees.
This little home is beauti
fully decorated and has
shades and screens for every
window. Quick action is nec
essary. $500 down and the
balance like rent. Come to
day. 3365 Erskine Street.
Take a Harney car toM and
Parker and walk a block and
a half north.
A strictly modern bungalow, 5 rooms,
all on ono floor, for $5,01)0: 4J30 N. Siitn
Ave. A strictly modern bungalow for
$4,250 at S91S..N. 2sth St. A 7 -room mod
ern but furnace at 1706 N. 36th St.
for $3,250.- All are now vacant and In
best of condition. Easy terms can be
arranged. Call Doug. S656 or Tyler
mu ana wilt be glad to take you out.
High grade cross roof bungalow.
large rooms and 2 bath rooms, 'fireplace,
benm ceilings, bookcases, .walla hand fin
ish paint decorations, cistern with
pump In basement, garage, close to car,
a real homo.
210 Veellr.e Bldg. Tyler 721
r Ive-room cottage, city water, sewer
and electric light, full lot; owner non-
resiaeni ana says aeu; price 3,ioU,
Boou terma.
$50 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 633.
Nice Home Frilly Modern
Eight rooms, well located, go-d heat
ing plant, fine p4nce, lot 00x124, with
gal-ail's, at 1623 Lothrop St. Inquire
1st door east.
UUN15ALOW, 8-room and bath; strlotly
mouorn; oak unisn, fireplace, dandy
basement and furnace: . garage. 1624
Evans; price $6,860. Owner, Webster
146 WHITMORE, a rew 5-room modern
bungalowx Yours for $20 cash and
lm . mil f'rptirh' fiOH Yt rir ?nn
6 TtOOMS modern, garage, two' lots, near
24th and Sprague, will take smaller cot
tage as part payment. Colfax 4182.
MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer tho
best opportunity to Invest your money,
Phone Tyler 187.
J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest
ment. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097.
7-ROOM modern home, hot water heat.
4.5DI), S45U cash. Web. 4160.
Ready for. Immediate
6 rooms, all on one floor, fin
ished in oak, large floored and
plastered attic, all the latest built
m features, nice lot, paved street,
only one block to Hanscom car
line, all home owners, located
3083 South ed St. Price right,
312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
Two 6-room strictly up-to-dnte bun
galows. Oak floors, large lot full base
ment, close to school and street car. Lo
cation Ideal. $5,350 for this week only.
1912 Vinton St. Tyler 905
Income $1,668
Price $4,500
Ten-room modern house, converted
Into four apartments with, hot water
heat; rents for $135 per month; garage
rents for $5; three apartments are fur
nished with new furniture which cost
$fi:J8 and goes with the property: the
lot Is 60x124 ft., one-half block from car
line;, price $4,500, terms $2,500 cash,
balance easy pavments; ovuner needs
money for business purposes.
Dumont & Co.,
416-418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 690.
Ten brick St. Louis flats on first
class corner lot in the direct path of
the city's growth. Separate heating
plants and water meters for each ten
ant. Rental $450.00 per month. Best
combined Investment and speculation In
Omaha. Priced at only $40,000. Part
Tyler 1536.
333 Securities Bid?.
Here is an honest -room house hav
ing Z rooms down and 3 fine bedrooms
and bath up. Full lot. Good location.
One block to car line. Price only $6,000.
Must besold. Ask us for appointment.
Douglas 4ii. 915-17 City National.
$1,000 CASH
Five-room bungalow, modern In every
respect and priced right; $1,000 cash,
balance monthly.
Six-room and sleeping pgrch, brand
new. near car line; $1,500 cash, balance
monthly. Call Mr. Green. Doug. 245C
or evenings, Walnut 4951.
$2,500 VACANT
6 rms., story and half, corner lot.
AMOS GRANT CO., Realtors,
Douglas 8380 330-2-4-6-8 Brandeis Th.
4-ROOM cottage, modern except bath:nlce
lot. very nice; close to car and school.
Price $2,500, on terms. Call Mr. Browne.
Tyler 4316.
sells, rents
i.r.ri Iscnefj
feal estate. ISO Bee Bklg., Douglas 033.
Bank Bandits Are Given
Indeterminate Terms
Salt Lake City, Oct. 7. The four
automobile bandits, H. A. Gravell,
J. T. Smith, William Benney and
Frank Rodgers, who late in Septem
be held up the Sugar House bank
here and took approximately $6,000,
were sentenced to indeterminate
terms in the Utah state penitentiary
by District Judge Harold M. Steph
ens. They had entered pleas of
guilty and were captured on the eve
of the holdup of a posse near Provo,
'San Francisco, Oct. 6. Admiral Waln
wright, Balboa, Manova, Honolulu.
San Francrsco, Oct. 6. Boudosowo,
Manila. Oct. 2. Arabia Jtaru, Tacoma.
New York, Oct. 6. Thomas (transport),
San Francisco.
A special bargain
this space every day.
Beautiful Benson
Bungalow, $5,700
3117 No. COththe prettiest
street in Benson. Has living
room, diiyng room, kitchen on
first floor, two bedrooms and
bath on second. Oak down
stairs. Full cement basement.
Newly painted and in nice
condition. Large garage.
Trice, $5,700; $2,500 dfcwr..
Call Tyler 50 and ask for
Mr. Reed.
1614 Harnry St. Phone Tyler 50
On Monday young James Whit
,.'! W 11.34 'm i"!4 "JJO.,
lock Jimmy to tveryone who knew
him began the eek in his usual
way, rising to the vibrant summons
of the alarm clock, ea'ting a hasty
but cheerful breakfast in Mrs. Het
trick's well-patronized, if humble,
dining room, and going blithely on
his way to work as one of the insig
nificant clerks in the employ of Bon
wit & Co., manufacturers of superior
paints and varnishes.
On Tuesday Jimmy's whole worU
was changed as if by magic. Sum
mons to a lawyer's office, a bewil
dering story of the demise of an old
friend of Jimmy s father, who, hav
ing no near of kin, had made gener
ous if tardy acknowledgment of a
debt to Jimmy's dead father by leav
ing the bulk of his fortune to Jimmy.
Then came the reporters, scenting
Jimmy's affluence almost before the
youth himself realized it. And that
evening, hiding his blushing face in
the seclusion of this third-story hall
room, Jimmy read the startling head
lines referring to himself as one of
the city's new millionaires.
"It's nonsense! It can't be true.
I'm dreaming," protested the young
man. "A million why " Jimmy
began to reflect on some of the pos
sibilities of wealth. He did not
sleep as soundlly as usual that night.
But the alarm clock rang as in
sistently as ever the next morning,
and young Whitleck with a dazed
feeling of having had a glittering
dream, dressed with his usual me-
trictilous haste and descended to the
dinning room.
A strange husi was in the air.
None of the ola friendly greetings.
Eyes regarded him in more or less
open wonder or furtive envy, f o
lite voices offered congratulations.
Mrs. Hettnck who sat at the head
of the table leaned heavily toward
Jimmy on her right
It s so wonderful I can t take it
all in. But I suppose it's true, Mr.
Whitlock?" ,
"Guess it is." said Jknmy shyly.
She beamed on him even as she
sighed. "Then of course vou'll be
leaving us soon. We'll be missing
you, too but this is no place to suit
a millionaire.'' And you taking it so
calmly, Mr. Whitloek. Why, you
aon t look or act a bit different.
"Give me time," muttered Jimmy
with" a sickly smilo. "And you
needn't worry, Mrs. Hettrick. . I'm
not going to leave you today.
Instead of the hilarious guying.
Jimmy expected from his co-workers,
he was met with respectful cere
mony. One or two of the younger
fellows made joking remarks in an
undertone, and the girl at the switch
board giggled behind his back; but,
as a whole, the office force showed
the crushing influence of the al
mighty dollar when it reaches the
million mark.
The taciturn Mr. Bonwit shook
hands with him. "Great news, Jim
my 1 You certainly are a lucky chap!
Now I suppose you'll be leaving us
Mrs. Hettrick's words exactly.
Jnmy winched. ,
Why should l: he returned
I'm more interested in wnat I've
been doing here than anything I
I can think of Mr. Bonwit- I'm going
to study chemistry. How things are
made is more interesting to me than
New Subscription Rates
The Omaha Bee
Effective from October 1st, 1920
By mail, inside the fourth postal zone
(within six hundred miles of Omaha)
Daily. Only
(Week Day sIssues)
for one year.
who buvs tlniii. I'd like to follow
that end of the business, Mr. Bon
wit." .
"Well, I giicss there'll be nothing
to prevent you." The taciturn Mr.
Bonwit actually, smiled 'and patted
limmv s shoulder.
At the end of an uncomfortable
dav. Mr. James Whitlock found
himself avoiding a second meal at
Mrs. Hettrick's and eating a lonely
dinner in a restaurant where nobody
knew him.
Then came the evening and Edna.
The one girl in the world for Jimmy.
And in a burst of generosity the
young man bought a bouquet of
orchids and delivered them into the
hands of his divinity. '
"Orchids oh, Jimmy!" Edna
looked at him in sad reproach.
"You're getting extravagant already.
I know in books and plays rich
young men always buy orchids. But
I think it's very silly. They're not
half as nice as carnations, now are
thev. limmv?"
"They don't smell as sweet," ad
mitted the young man ruefully, "hut
I thought you d like them .dna.
"Oh. I do. But I think it was
wasteful. And " Edna looked
away and sighed. "Of course it's
sroiner to make a difference with you
Jimmy," she said mournfully. "And
with us.
"With us!" The young man was
startled. "Why should it make a
difference with us?'7
Edna's lips drew in a rigid car
mine line. She nodded her head de
cisively. "With von and with us.
All the-difference in the world. Why,
just see these flowers orchids
they mark the difference already.
You go right out and buy orchids.
And I'm not an orchid girl."
"Oh. eee!" muttered Jimmy. "Why
does everybody think this money is
going to make a different person of
me? Some kind of a freak or a
criminal, I should say. And now
you, Edna "
He came nearer with an eager
light in his eyes. "The only differ
ence it can make with us," he began,
but Edna moved away and spoke
quickly. .
"Wait and see how wise I am.
I'm not in your! class now. You'll
meet the sort of girls who adore
orchids and then . Really, I
think it be"st you should not come
to see me any more." Edna spoke
regretfully but implcably, and her at
titude was stony. "I have my own
future to think about, James."
"Say Mr. Whitlock and be done
with it," retorted Jimmy miserably,
as he reached for his hat.
Young James Whitlock was sum
moned again to his lawyer's office
thp next day. .
"I regret to say er a second
perusal of the papers in the case
show a shrinkage of the er as
sets," informed the lawyer. "Your
legacy will amount to considerable
less than the first estimate. In fact,
about a quarter of a million, I should
say would be a fair "
"Count it again, and I hope it
shrinks," Jimmy glared aggressively
across the lawyer's table.
"And there is also a person claim
ing to be a legal heir who writes that
he is going to contest the will "
"Give him all of it. I don't want
it. Money's unlucky," shouted
"But. Mr. Whitlock, I think we
may avoid a lawsuit if you "
said Jimmy, suddenly becoming bus
iness-like. "That's more than hed
get by suing. And a hundred thous
and or so is about all I could stand
anyway. I don't want to be in the
millionaire class at all."
That evening . Mr. James Whit
lock set out for an early Call, and
and Sunday
your order on this Coupon,
The Omaha Bee,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Gentlemen: ,
Enclosed findjp '. for
Street or
P. OvBox
to start The Bee
Canadian night is
Started at Halifax
Halifax, N. S, Oct. 7. Two of
ficers of the ( auadmn Royal Air
lorce started the transcontinental
flight to Vancouver this ltorning at
H o'clock, when they "hotoped off"
from the Eastern Passage ir sta
tion. They expect to reach Riviere
du Loup on the first leg of their
Colonel Lockie and Major Bassil
Hobbs, both members-vof the Dis
tinguished Service order, were the
officers who began the flight across
the dominion which is expected to
Maze flic way for regular air travel
They used a light seaplane. Weather
conditions were favorable.
If conditions in the western prov
inces make the use of a seaplane
inexpedient, they plan to switch to
a land plane.
Franklin Roosevelt Asks
Voters to Support Leqgue
Pueblo, Colo.. Oct. 7. Support
fcr the national democratic ticket
because it favors eotng into the
league of nations and affords the
best opportunity for the develop
ment of the wonderful resources of
the west, was asked by Franklin D
Roosevelt, democratic vice presi
dential nominee, in an address here
before an audience which filled the
municipal auditorium.
on the way he stopped in at the
ilorist s shop and bought a dozen
carnations. V
"Bv gee. they are sweet! Just
like well, perhaps she'll listen to
me now. he mused happily. I H
stay at Mrs. 'Hettrick's till we get
married. And 1 11 take uo a new
line with Benwit. And when the
money comes" A broad smile
oversoread Timmv's features I II
n-ive it to: Edna for a wedding pres
ent and let her do the worrying.
Real Estate Transfers
Bernard Tombrink and wife to
James L. McKornan ana wire,
3rd St. 120 ft, S of C St, E.
S EOilSO $ 6,160
George K. Thompson and wife to
Godfrey S. Hi. s.'anerg, i.aiayuno
Ave. 142.8 ft. JV of 32nd St. N.
S. 47Sxl20 2.000
Josef Rommer and wife to Frank
I Szawlclkl, Arbor Bt., ion iu w
Or 29111 SC. 41. 0.
Irene H. Jess to Harold L. Prlt-
chett. 61st Ave. 176 ft. N. of Far-
nam St. E. S. 60x135 19,000
George C. Flack to Stanley P.
Conover. et ai, a. w. cor. aisi ana
Curtis Ave. 42x1112 6,850
George C. Flack to Viola I,atta,
Curtis Ave. 42 It, w. or aisi en.
H R 40x102 6.S50
Miles McFayden and wife to Llnnie
Collins. 19th Ave. 130 it. r. oi
Jones St W. S. 60x67.75 6,000
George C. Flack to Worley W.
Funk, Miami Bt. iti It. H. oi
60th St. S. S. 60x130.;
Eggert Bodl and wife to Foster S.
Gamble, Barker Ave. 226 ft. w. ot
43rd St. N. S. 45x108
Alfred Gustafson nnd wife to Carl
Kteifbaugn, s:ra M. vn rt a. oi
Webster St. W. S. 46x96'4
Herman Beal to Ot-orge I. Thomas,
36th Ave. 80 ft. M. of P. St. W.
S. 80x110
Earl W. "Gannett to Michael F.
Gullfoyle, S. W. Cor. 32nd Ave.
arid Dodge St. f3xl35 13.000
Melissa A. Starbuck and husband to
Isaao N. Jones. 2'th St. 198 ftt N.
of Plnkney St. V. S. 40x167 3,600
Margaret JJ. Fitzgerald to Hastings
Heyden. 33rd su i.i rt. a. oi
Webster St. W. S. 46x9614 2
Paul L. Le MarquMd and wife to
Avlngton A. Edir.gton, California
St. 100 ft. E. ot 62nd St. N. a
60X128 12,500
Robert L. Ratikln and wife to Josle
Shlplev, Fowler ve. 92 ft. W. of
2th St. S. S. 0r66 4,700
J. V. Rosenblum and wife to Jacob
Marks. 25th St 75 ft. S. of
Sprague St. E. S. 50x100 26,000
$Q00 a
tear it out and mail to The Omaha
today. I
which send me Siy
R. F. D.
Geddes Urges U. S.
And Britain to Layj
Cards on Tabic
Ambassador Says Adequate
Trade Development Desenda
Upon Course of Nations
In the Future.
Washington, Oct. 7. Adequate
world trade development by Great
Britain and the United States re
quires that both nations lay their
cards on the table, Sir Auckland
Geddes, British ambassador, de
clared at a dinner given by the
Chamber of Commerce of the United
States to representatives of their
Chamber of Commerce here of the
American organization.
The ambassador insisted that
there was a greater desire in Great
Britain for close business co-operation
with America than has been in
dicated by many American writers.
He had learned from these writers,
he said, how "diabolically clever
the British, more especially the Eng
lish, are, and. with what machiavel
lian duplicity the British push their
Economic waste results when each
nation regards the other's commer
cial and financial activities with sus
picion, he said, adding)
J, believe that it is imperative
that each country should play the
great game of world trade, so im
portant to us both, vMh its cards
upon the table insofar as trade is
supported and developed by nation
al, that is, political action.
Secrecv breeds suspicion, ana 1
believe that full reciprocity in frank
ness is essential if we are to avoid
difficulties. I believe most strongly
that, in spite of possible local dimin
utions of orofit. co-oneration be
tween our nations will pay us both
best in the long run."
Two Nebraska Cases on
Supreme Court Docket
Washington. D. C. Oct 7. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The United States
supreme court has but two cases on
the docket from Nebraska to be ar
gued during the present term. The
titles of the cases are: Henry
Ralph and Mary Thomas, plaintiffs
in error, against Harry W.' Ho-
warth, administrator, etc., and the
Postal Telegraph Co. against the
city tf Fremont. Both cases were
appealed from the Nebraska su
preme court.
Columbus Canning Plant
k ' Doubles Season s Pack
Columbus, Neb.. Oct 7. (Spe
cial.) The Columbus Canning com
pany has finished its season run of
corn. Manager Hamilton says the
season's pack is about 22,000 cases,
which is nearly twice the production
of any previous year. The quality
is exceptionally good.
President Takes Daily
Outing in Carriage
Washington. Oct 7. Finding the
weather a bit too wintry for motor
ing, President Wilson went driving
in the White House victoria. Mrs.
Wilson accompanied the president
and secret service men followed in
a touring car.
Sund"y '