Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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    . V . ..,,". A
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i mwtf,ir MBKhimni,. ymmmtfm
High School Block
Valued at $41,000
- v
Real JEstate Men Set Market
Value Figure aV Request of
Board of Education. .
Appraisal of the Central lHih
, school grounds was made by a cora-
, miuce appointed by the Omaha Real
tat .board at $41,000. computed
, on th; basis of naked value.
' The school board has requested a
Valuation of the school1 property so
that bonds could" be issued to raise
money to acquire a conveyance of
me property trom the state.
The Real Estate board, at its mcet
, ing in the Chamber of Commerce
yesterday afternoon, discussed the
jppraisal, many declaring that an es
timated value of 200 or 250 per cent
, should be added to the 5paked value.
This would give an assembled valut
of approximately $1,000,000, which,
it is thought, will be the final figure,
individual appraisals made by mem-
, ,aer placed the value-ot the pro
srty at !f(H),000, $451,000, 5UX)0j
; an-" :m:u,uuu. , -
Those in favor of the low figure
' took into consideration thefact that
clcen to the nronertv is entailed with
a provision that it be used for educa-'
tional purposes only, and on this ac
count its valuation should be com
puted on the basis of its reasonable
market or naked value. The question
J will come up for further considera-
, tior at a meeting of the committee
with members of the school boarq, ,
Brief City News,
Jewish Brotherhood Danct The
Temple Israel Brotherhood will hdlfl
a dance at the Blackstone hQtel Sat
urday evening.
Ijooking For. Jobs Men are look
. Ing for Jobs theso days, according to
Walter Grantham of the Omaha In
dustrial home of the Salvation
.Army. Grantham now is seeking
70bs for easterners, who have come
wes: to fid work.
More Car-Urged Proprietors of
retail stores were urged to take
More care in the acceptances of
checks to be cashed for payment
for merchandise, at a meeting of the
.Associated Retail Credit Bureau and
Credit Men last night. -. i'
Freight Agent Named lSverett
Stolspart, 2024 Howard street, is the
new traveling freight agent for the
Chicago & Great Western railroad to
bucceed W. F. Stewart, who has gone
to Spokane, Wash., to become gen'
eral, agent for the western circuit. ;
Divorce For Choking Denied Be
cause . her ljuaband choked and
cursed her, was not considered Buf
ficiontNgi'oinds for a divorce by
District Judge Goss, in the suit
drought ye.erday by Catherine B.
Thompson, 707 Souths Twenty-ninth;
street, . . v .. . . ,.,
Officers iworn In Before the po-
Vce OemonHtrated the methods em
ployed in detecting traffic Violators.
It.lW. Walters of the volunteer traf
fic squad, repo.-ted 77 violators,
Walters and 115 others were sworn
In nt the Chamber of Commerce last
night by Chief of. Police Eberstein
an special officers and Instructions
In chasing down violators were given
by police officers.
Snea For pamagea Giuseppe Ft
nocrhlaro was made defendant In a
$10,000 suit filed yesterday by Mrs.
Mary Beran for . allege 1 damage
sustained when the defendant ran
Irto her with his automobile at
Eleventh and Howard streets, Sep
tember 30.
Salesman Elect Offlwra Walter
Johnson was elscted president of the
Salesmen's auxiliary of the Omaha
m& Katate board at a meeting held
nt the Chamber: of Commerce yes
terday afternoon. T. R. Houston
was elected vice president and Max
Agor, secretary and treasurer.
Woman Chosen Mrs. Hester
Kronson Copper has been chosen by
the democratic county central com
mittee as a candidate for the state
legislature following the withdrawal
of Frank A. Goodall. Claude F.
1 osHie has( tendered his resignation
as secretary of the central commit
tee. '
Jul 1m Speeder Judge Foster yes
terday sentenced Frank Lambertson,
Council Bluffs, to 10 days in Jail for
running down Alfred Elllott,ll, ne
gro, 2013 Izard street, In front of
the Kellom school. Twenty-second
and Nicholas streets. The accident
occurred list wk. It wai charged
Lambertson was speeding, A,
Looks For "Daddy" "I am out to
see my 'daddy,' ',' said little Ray Ho
ehaw, 3, of 421 South Twenty-fifth
Any Woman can Dye nnv
venue, when met yesterday at Sev
enteenth and Harney streets bt C.
E. Bowen of th child welfare soci
ety. Mr. Bowen held the . lnd for
safe keeping until his brother was
notified to take him homo. , .
Bidding Delayed Motors for par
cel post deliveries will not be used
l.i Omaha for at least three weeks,
due to the fact that the government
sent only one set of blue prints to
the local postoffice, and these blue
prints must be distributed to each
Family Celebrates Reunion A
fimlly separated by the broad At
lantic for years celebrated Its re
union yesterday at the home- of An
pelo Caccamo, 1511 Castelar street.
Caccamo is the son-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs, Carjnelo Vlncingucrra of
Lentlno, Italy, who. with their three
minor children, arrived In Omaha.
The family -experienced many diffi
culties at Kills Island, principally be
cause of the slowness in the arrival
of $300 from the Omaha branch of
the family, and for a time deporta
tion was threatened.
Lqcturca Rotarians Dr. Thomas.
Cftsmlay, rector of All Saints Episco
pal church, said that business men
aren't "hard . headed" enough in
handling matters of public policy
through the clubs and other organi
sations in a speech before the Omaha
Rotary club at the Rome hotel yes-t-mlay.
Optimistic As To Cars C. V. Stur-
tevunt, chairman of tho transporta
tion committee of the Grain Ex
change, was optimistic yesterday the boxcar shortage would
noon become a thing of the past The
constant building of new equipment
and rapid repairing of old cars were
given by Sturtevant as reasons for
his belief in better conditions soon,
j ,
Live Stock .Commission Buys
Property at 32d anr Dodge
Mike Gilfoyle, lite stock commis
sion man with the Corn Belt Com
mission company, has purchased, a
?lece of property at Thirty-third and
)odge streets through the Mulvihill
Real Estate company. The property
is 105x95 feet. Mr. Gilfoyle bought
the property as an investment.
.For sterilizing water in large
quantifies a portable chlorinator has
been Invented that supplies chlorine
gas at any desired rate.
J.Z , . t
A Stupendous Sale
of Women's
ach packiqe of "Diamond Dyes"
contains . direction so simple that
any woman can- diamond-dye any
old, faded garments, drlperies. cov
erings( everything,: Whether wool,
silk, 'linen, cotton or mixed goodly
a new, rich, fadeless color, '
Buy 'P'iamond Dyes"rto oth'er
kind then perfect results are guar
anteed even if you have rtevet dyed
before. Druggist will show you
Diamond Dyes Color Card.
II , ' J; .4 11 I ill a V
Straight from Paris-- v . (wLg. .-r.!': ;".v" 'if jjvj .
Vogue'l Paris editors and art'uts At- i; SfflBT ; .A JjE
"tended every Importsnt opening of SOS ' " I '-fc ' ".'
. th "Crandes Maiwns," appraised , - I :Jt
every model sfld selected, sketched, h iv I Jenny combines black velvet I :jfJE
. and forwarded to the New York I with a rich dark brocade of 1 -TH -
the invslusb e tnaterisf id Ail .Paris ' 1 I 1 threads. The. straight skirt is I E3JE3
I Fashions Number. I I bordered with 4 gold galoon, 1 1 . jjE .
I 1 -the cittttott tomes to iust . I tTtd
You'll , emerge from its pages with Iwili I , below ike teaist and ts faced :3f:
an eye trained to recognize the(cor- ""mfei'BL. iHa..m I f brocade tvkkk also -Street
Hare for a cost, the right length uTsM(l"("'f ffiT , mkes the high-eoUared waists :3 f :
for a skirt (sad it may be different' toat. In the back the cape ,
it different hours), the newest ; I ' mounts' smoothly to the top -3 6;
coloun You will know whether to , , II - f collar, falling in one. '
buy a long fuf cost of a Hudson ; , ; J , hne. It is edged with galoon fs
Seal suit, sn evening gown with two 1 v 1 ' an buttoned with one large Uffc
" trains or Otla with practically no jet button in front. - nt$
'skirt t sill Every fact and forecast : ''-l3jl- x' v ((L"!
of the Paris mode shown in the re- --fiM- - ' . , , , fccJ
cent series of Palis openings is shown ; -Slsasi-nk ' . II ESill:
I - Paris Fashions Number ' ' v
; jr B M ;s
j , ' ' ' CONDE NAST. rubllshw 1 B ' ' V1 rt,m "-
. ' i '. ' -. ' XONA WOOLMAN CIIAHK, tdllor I v . y'
i I SETl'OKTH CAMPBEIX. AM DtiKU 1 H f 1 1 1 " ' " ' ' 1 ' rr'" '
Anticipate Your Winter Need
and Buy Thursday , .
One of the most amazing events we have ever been able
to offer. -
- i . , . j
Just at ft time when every woman Is busy supplying her
future underwear needs. comes this Wondrous sale of union
suits of the. finest qualities, medium and super weight cotton
and lisle, in white and pink, in such famous makes as Carter,
Daulby, Globe, Burgess-Nash, Mesco, Richielieu, Statford, etc.
EveYy garment is radically reduced in price and will be
placed on sale Thursday at 9 A. M. -"'
There Are All Styles Including:
Low Neck Ankle Length With No Sleeves
High Neck Long Sleeyes-r Ankle Length
Bishop Neck Elbow Sleeves Ankle Length
Choice Thursday at
1.00 a Garrrient
Burgess-Nash Company
The Paris Fashion Number mirrors the Paris
mode from a conservative little tailleur by
Doocetto a statuesque affair in gold and silver
lace from the house of Jenny. Quilted coats v
and flashing embroideries, filmy tudics and
brisk tailleur, startling colour, magnificent
fabrics, varied silhouettes every page of
this Issue of Vogue illustrates just how the
Paris openings nave outlined the winter
Mode i
And besides the scones of drawings through
which the Paris creator! speak so decisively,
there are. pages of hats, something about the
astonishing laces so favored of fashion, and
a dozen drawings of some of the smartest new .
country clothes Vogue has ever shown. And,
of course music, art, New York Society, and a
brilliant review of the new plays. Be sure
to buy this issue today. It .will be sold Out
tomorrow!. ,
At All News Stands! Now!
Breikfait by it ttmlikchctt
Majestic Electric Heater
enables you to have healthful, life-giving heat In aay
. room where there-Is an electrlo outlet. '
' v
It fives you Instantaneous,' safe, steady heat where you ,
want it, when you want It, as Ions; as you want it With-
; i out work, worry, odors or dirt.'
" All portable Majestic Electric Heaters ire equipped wlth (
I feet ot heater cord .
Majestlo . Electrlo Hoaters
ara the orlflnal patent ,
, heaters of this tjrpe.
There art t ftrtable type Majtrtk
There are 3 iiiiert type MajettU
Ask your fesef tboat Mifcsfle
' .. v . , ,
Electric Development
' Coapaay
XunuCMr UmTtm&m
Jkfsestt( i eiesWe ffealer-r
f tjf la Creatiea fer tfssf Knilttton
" ' : : " 1
Kill That Cold With
Crlds, Coughs OM f1 Gr,"
. i Neglected Colds are Dangerous , '
Taka no chances. Kep this standard remedy handy for the first innn.
Braaks up a cold in 24 hoars Relieves
V ' : s Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache .
OoinJne in this form does not affect the head-Cascara ia beet Tonic
LMtive-No Opiate in HfU'a. - '
Very Special Sale
Of Dinnerware tts
Next Saturday At
Union Outf itting Co.
Savings Arm the Most Re
markable) That Omaha
Has Known in Many.
a i - Months.
A Thousand Plates in the
New "Dot of Pence" Pat
tern Given Away Free.
To secure a beautiful Dinner
Set at about Half Price is an fPfi-i
usual event, but Is made possible
by a special purchase made by
the Union Outfitting Company.
The Dinner Sets come in a
new "Dove of Peace" design that
is certain to add a touch of dis
tinctiveness and refinement to
your table. .
They can ba had in 21, 42, 50
and 100-piece sets and, due to
the immensity of the purchase,
sale prices are 'just about half
what , they would ordinarily ' be.
The pattern is so unusual and
the values so extraordinary that
the Union Outfitting. Company
believes every woman in Omaha
will be interested in seeing these
sets, for this reason they will
give a "Dova of Peace" plate
free to every woman who calls to
see the Dinnerware on Saturday,
whether purchasing or not
The kale ia further evidence of
the ever-increasing . Buying
Power of the Union Outfitting
Company located outside of the
high rent district No transac
tion is ever considered complete
until the customer is satisfied.
fiMUL 4hjSJLiCjJ s
v. itu arTbanevrous Drug!
The Broom Is Out of Place
In the Modern Home V
P the ever-busy and tidy
' housewife of today uses
mm ii - ji cgsHfftiraroTifciffcrasraa n-
keeping her, home spick-and-span
, :; at 'all times" with little effort
makes it easy for every housewife to be
rcome the .possessor of a Hoover -that
wonder of woriderssuctidn. sweeper.
Have a Hoover demonstration in your home I
1 it placet you 4jnder no obligation to buy. II
Nebraska! Power Co,
"-av YOUR rTLECTRtC. ""
ftrwm at Tiftccnth servw coriwor 2314 H St So. Side
Why Mazola has the greatest
sale of any brand of salad
or co
HOUSEWIVES everywhere who know the
delicious appeal of fresh, green salads are now
using Mazola. Mazola is equal to the finest olive oil,
and on account of its low price, salads can be served
every day of the week.
For frying, cooking or shortening, Mazola gives
results that cannot be secured by any other, form of
cooking fat Even the most delicate people can
digest food prepared with Mazola Makes delicious
pie crust, doughnuts arid cakes of every kind
Mazola is used by more than seven million dis
s, criminating (families today and is used by leading
hotels, clubs and dining cars throughout America,
It is more economical than butter or lard, and with
a better flavor than ordinary vegetable oils.
17 Battery Place, New York
I FREE S'fourPautyUstratedCornProdtict8l, ' .'
I I Cook Book. Write today. Corn Products Re&nio7 I .
Company, P.O. Box 161, New York City. . I
, .aw
E3 E
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