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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
4 . iv . . . . . . .'. THE BEEr 'OMAHA. -THURSDAY,' OCTOBER 7. 1920. ( V I '- . . hi t lieflang Says Assets kWortK Vi nl 1 19 AAA 1 ' plaintiff Leaves Stand After .Nearly Two Dayi Exami- 3 : nation nation Trial May Last All Week. V tlmhiir C. Eeflans left the witness itand in District Judge Sears' court ycilerday afternoon alter nearly two Ays' examination and cross-examination in his suit for a divorce irom hit wife, Caroline Leflang. Most of the time yesterday afternoon was tafccn up in cross-examination by Ufsl Leflang's attorneys, regarding the' amount of his present assets. v Mr. Leflang presented an itemized statement of these totaling $142,000 ahd cross-examination failed to re- vmI any more. He said(he paid about $4,000 ted- - eVl income tax on his income of last year which was between $.15,000 ' and $40,000, but that most; of, that - income -was derivedfrom the sale of some of his sharesin the Lexing ton Milling Co. , . . , After brief testimony by two wit nesses for the plaintiff this, morning, ' Mrs. Leflang's side of the case will , Ue taken up. " Attorneys estimate that thehear ipsr will not end before Saturday. - .Testimony regarding two sisters known in court as "Martha", and ."Hazel," and letters alleged to have jen written to "Martha" by Ar-ihur-C. Leflang. occupied the morn- ing session yesterday,. h." ! ; ,' ' i.Leilang admitted he' had - called Oil "Martha" and "Hazel" at their .partments in Chicago ' on a trip ast taken taken by himself and his wjife, for the purpose of obtaining these letters. He testified that efforts had been made' to sell these letters to, his wife.--' f ' v . . !"H saied that when'they arrived in New York his' wife intercepted a letter from a woman directed to' him a tithe Biltm.we hotel and rejfnsed, he , jjtclared, to tell who. wrote it. I.jun our return tnrougn mcago ! called at the same apartments," Leflang said,-"to learn whether they had written the letter and to give them notice to stop writing. While I;, was there Mrs. Leflang appeared with two policemen and three of her private detectives." ',." ' ji "Leflang testified that his wife had demanded $200,000, claiming-, this amount was necessary, to insure the ?)(000 a month income she claimed , Accessary to maintain her station in W : : 5wtlve Candidate Mt 'XT T ''. ' ror lMne ,yj acancies I ! On Gty, School Bdard "There are 12 candidates for "the Wtie vacencies on the" Omaha school lit ard to be filled at the coming taction, according to filings in the .office of Election Commissioner , ioorhead. '" i Terms of these, ffye. numbers ex hire with this year: W. E. Reed, president; C V. Warfield. A. R. Wells, Edward. Huwaldt, C. O. Sfalraadge and J. H. Wallace. Ail these except Mr. Talmadge and Mr. Wells have filed ' for - re-election. rThe place of K. ABrogan, who re Stntly resigned is to be filled. VD. A. Johnson and A; A. Lamo . Vcaux tyho were appointed to fill ijuhexpired terms, are candidates for jre-elejction' The following new men hive fijed 4or election: William Hislo of , IcCague Investment company, full ierm; Lewis Nelr on of Alfen1 & Rey nolds, full term; H. G. Streight. wholesale fruits, full term; Max I. TvValker, merchant,.full term; R. A. "Van Orsdel, attorney, unexpired term; A. N. Eaton, iNebraska-Iowft Jank company, unexpired term. . Congressman Reavis (ini 5; Third District Campaign s Oakdale, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.) Si-Congressman i Frjtnk C. Reavis spoke here to a large audience in cluding men anil women of all par :ies. ,It was the opening speech Jof the campaign in this section and ' judging from the close attention and rfavorable cpmment,. jt carried the Tsort of information ;,S6ught by the jvoters. He gave facts and figures jshowing the mismanagement, in ef ficiency andaaste of the democratic admintstratioiOHe gave a clear ex planation. .xf t-he le3gii,e of nations. iTirst Safe Held, in NewS, It Wahoo Breeders' Pavilion V Wahoo,, Neb., Oct, 6. (Special.) -f--The .new sales pavilion of .the iSaundcrs County Pure Bred ;Live t 'stock Breeders association,' at the Impair grounds at Wahoo? was packed .'to capacity'-st the opening sale, held by Clfts. Tanner of Memphis, who ' 'sold 40 Poland China hogs. A fair - crowd attended the T. W. Porter 7ale of shorthorns and Spotted Po land Chinas. VntA Wntpr BnnrTs. i i! PaxtonTNeb., Oct. 6. (Special.) viPaxton will be wet in spite of the f 18th amendment, according xo aion I of voters, who voted to issue. $60,- . J000 in municipal bonds to build . mnnirinal water and light system. in. 117 fn- anH rioht Th-vote.' was 112 against the bonds. I'M THE GUY i T'vr the rufY who otants him- r - - tL. ertrfir en aft nnf Ito tniss anything thats gomgrpn, itndi makes everybody turning that ; corner wallc around him. f I'm not worrying about the space I'm taking tip, or, whose "way I'm Ifir. or how, I discommode others. I ilant myself .where I want to be, afcd if I want to make root there for i whole afternoon, that's my affair. -I don't see why I should move ut of YOUR way just because WOV want little room on the side ivalk. - That would discommode ME. v I'm entitled to as' much of the fefitmraltr 9a T -rnnv iinH Wtir- T iwant to hold down my share of it 1: Tf vnn nhirrt tn doderlnir a.round i turn the corner keep going straight tc go. For all of ale you can go 4 to KimchttkM. t V Changes Made Staff of the r 1L t. Plumhof, assistant to Vice President E. E. Calvin of the Union Pacific system, has been promoted (o the position of getral superin tendent of the southern district of the Union Pacific, with headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. W. H. Guild, wlio started with the Union Pacific 20 years ago, as-office boy, wifl succeed -Mr. Plumhof. These changes, which ' were an nounced yesterdav, will take effect immediately. Mr. Plumhof, who has been con nected with the Union,, Pacific sys tem fqf 21 years, has bcep in Omaha four years. He has worked in sev- "Divine Power" Healer 1( Leaves for Inrianapolis Mrs. i M. ' D. Woodwarth-Etter, "divine hdaler," held her final ses sion at ' the tent at Twenty-second arrd Paul streets Tuesday. She left last night with her party for In dianapolis 'x . - j Services will be heldfor those who have been converted to Mrs. Etter's faith after the "healer" has left at the church of the Rev. M. B. .V ... ' , . ! . . ' " l : ' js.. ' ' - .v A Pray s Prices Are Fair : It doesn't maiter what conditions are-M? U whetfier Rising or falling markets-ourr pricesare set with an eye to-tbe7 fair-. j hess to the-customer protection either - ' way that's why men who trade here-;. - ' the year found trade at Prays. -, ' Right now 'we are showing an unusual . assortment of the New PHOENIX Hose .. : v -patterns they are truly wonderful ;v V iet us show them to you if in -need ; ?: - , of hose." ' ; ' ' .-. ,;c : Two Phoanix Stor BO8-10 South 18 th 1908 Farnam '. : -, : Th Home of PHOEJilX Hot (or Men and Women "1 tn? i - Desire to become a part of their If you Jiave a fine, large music room, have your piano fit your room by purchasing a Packard Grand. It will give the right tofle to your surroundings, and will give you supreme satisfaction. May we show you the Tli Home of Pleasant V DaaUag Caruso Concert October 12 in Operating Union Pacific esal departmentsot the railroad and has served as trainmaster, chief clerk to the general superintendent, con tract agent, safety agent and as chief clerk in the car servipe agent's Of fice. .v He will succeed E. Stenger, whd resigned as general superintendent to become president oi. the Denver Tramway company. i . v D. C Olmstead, assistant superin tendent of the western division and chief clerk to General Superintend errKHamill, will come to Omaha as General Manager Jeffers. Until two years ago he .was em ployed in the Omaha offices. Long, 4004 street. North Twenty-fourth Three Workmen Fatally Burned in Oil Well Fire Fort Vorth, Tex., Oct. 6. Three workmen' were; fatally burned, an other seribusry hurt, and : several buildings .damaged in an oil-well ex pldsion and fire-at Breckenridge, Tex. Property damage is estimated at $50,000. Flowing oil was still burning today. . ' : .'... .'..''. " tell you that it pays to For Men K finftrrra a Piano surroundings, j; Packard Grand Piano? ; Fifteenth and Harney Omaha Get Your Tickets NOW BarTractor Driver From Bumping Auto Auburn, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special). Diedrich Holthaus of this county was placed under peace bond of $500 by the county court to prevent him from using his tractor to butt the automobile of his neighbor, Herman lAntholz, off the, public road. iiounaus was iouno guuiy oi nav- ing forced Antholi off the road on- one occasion, and threatened, , testi mony showed, to repeat the opera tion as often as his, neighbor btought his machine onto the highway. , Holthaus jA-as - also held for" ap pearance in the.: coming session of the district court. - ' "-" ' , , r ; 'Sj. mi 'I - " s Saunders County Farmers To Begin Husking Corn Wahoo, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.) Farmers will begirt husking corn next week. .They say that the corn is drying out rapidly and in view' of the heavy yield it is necessary to get 'as early a start as possible Johnson County Fair to v , Open at Tecumseh, Oct..i3 Tecumseh, Neb., Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) The annual Johnson county fair will be held in Tecumseh Octo ber 13 to 16. The usual premiums will be given and there will bet over $WX)0 in special premiums. There will be two harness and one run- Sure Relief 6 BCLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AWS FOR INDIQESTIONI .'IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllUllllllllllUIIUIIIIIIIll! At Bowen's tJ V We are listing bei1 i I .low a, few values.? I pDonft let an offet like 'this go by' with- 1 oxl taking; adyan tage of-it. Thejplf I I be on sale all week i ; 500 in box, strike aijy- Where, 6 boxes only I ' GOLD : DUST WASH- I IjNG POWDER, 3 p'4ck' I I ages; only lX$' I I . GRAPE NUT BREAKS 1 1 FAST FOOD, 2 packaged , only . . .. i.y . . . .2- '! I; -LB.iCJAN'HERSHEY 1 COCpAonly!canU9d ; j 1 BdWEN'S BROOMS, , I J6th at Howard iiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii; A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed 151 Oouglaa St. Tel. mug, Rupture-Kills 7,000 Annually . Seven thousand pefBons each year are laid away the burinl certificate being marked "Rupture." Why? Because the unfortunate ones had neglected themselves or had been merely taking care of the sign (swelling) of the affliction and paying no attention to- the Sause. What" are you doing.T Are. you neglecting yourself by wearing a. -truss, ' appliance, or whatever name you choose to call it At best, the truss' is only a makeshift a false prop against a collapsing wall and cannot be expected to act as more than a mere me hanicaf support. The binding pressure retards blood circulation, thus robbing the weakened" muscles of that which they need most nourishment. But, science his found a wax, ant every truss Sufferer in the land is invited to make si FREE test" right in the privacy of their own home. The PLAPAO method is unquestionably the most scientific, logical and successful, self -treatment for rupture the world has ever known. The PLAPAO PAD when adhering close ly to the body cannot possibly slip or shift ouj of Vlace, therefore, cannot chafe or piaciT Soft as Velveteasy to apply inexpensive. - To be Hised whilst you work and whilst you sleep. No straps, buckles or aprings attached. Learn how to close, the hernial openine as nature intended ,so the rupture CAN'T come dbwn. Send your name today to PLAPAO CO., Block 840. St. Louis. Mo., for FREE trial Plapao and the information necessary. Money back without quo two If HUNT'S Salve fails la the treatment of I TCH, ECZKMA, . u tw wavm. 1.1 I bit W Other! tchlnf tUn diseases. Try II cent boa at sur risk. Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co. Cuticura Soap ComnlexioiLS Values ' i - v i Are Healthy ning race each day, base ball games and athletic contests. Saturday there will be automobile races. Cadillac Motor Conroany To Maintain Its Standard "The ' announcement oi the Cad illac Motor company to the effect that prices on current models can rot be reduced until labor and-ma-tcrial costs are lowered, is just what we expeoted,"-said J. H. Hanson of the J. H. Hansen Cadillac company. "The Cadilac has a certain standard to maintain and cost1 is a secondary consideration, as it is with many of thebetter automobiles. I am glad they can kee'p the cost at its present level instead of making advances, as 'some mauracturers have done." : Auburn Garage Sold. Auburn, N"eb., Oct. 6. (Special.) Dr. George Joseph of Crawford, Neb.,1 sold the Maze garage here to Frank Archer'of Omaha. The price was $80,000 and included the stock of accessories on hand. effeipon, Couny Census,. 1 "Fairbury,.Neb., Oct. 6-(Special.) The 14th census shows the popu lation ofvJefferson county decreased 712. Fairbury gained 160, Plymouth gained i.5 and-all other towns lost. Bee want ads are Lusiness getters. Use Your Credit pole's Hot Blast Sold on a euaran- tee ot absolute Rfltfnfnotlnn TTnt blast tuba, perfect nnmhiiftHs-ifi "Mi- fable and Bench Finished ' goUen.' Mirror1 is1 larger ana supported by strong standards Large drawer for toilet articles.... . A Simmons Steel Bed Has heavy cootiiiUoua posts, Sim mons made. "The filling rods are substantial too. Each part is con- siruciea Dy im mons, which al , ways stand's for excellence. T h e price of this all t.eel bed is Solid Oak Chairs. Are well constructed and well braced. The fumed oak used In the construction makes a dur uii a aur- able and, good,,, woking chair. Price, each . . 7 Embargo on Big Corn Is Placed by Auburn Bankers Auburn, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special) Nemaha county banks have placed an embargo oa farmers bringing in any mora giant cornstalks'or ears of corn for (display in the lobbies of the banks. ; So great has been the competition fortke past few weeks on the part of farmers Irvine tn shnw the larc. ears and the tallest stalks of corn, that space in the lobbies has been ' crowded, and it has been a problem on the part of the baflc eniployes to find space for the ex hibits.' .' 4 TentativeTiWage. Scale Is Fixed for Corn Huskers 'Auburn, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.) Farmers in this vicinity have en tered into a tentative agreement to pay corn shuckeVs 8 cents a bushel for gathering the crop this .year, provided the price dc;es not drop rower. With the "growing demand for jobs oh the part of men, who have been displaced from factory work in flie ast, this price may eventually drop to 6 cents per Dusli el. ' . . Using ordinary coal tar as a basis, a factoryn Europe is turning out I aoour zou.' ions oi arimciai ruooer daily. 4 , We calMt the trimmings, but beauty with' is omj Be Wise With the price oi heaters con tin u ally ad v a n c 1 n g you will ffe wise indeed -it you take advant age of Hart man's pre-aea-son reductions. Those who wait . toay " be" disappo 1 n t e d because of a Oak Heater 75 severe- 8 h age of heaters one thing is -certain the prices charged later will be away up in the skies. Just . like ' the- - picture the white portion shows th Handsome nickltj trimmings. Buy this special value tomorrow on reijjr easy terms. UserYoiir Credit Here is one of bur very best " dining , uites. the finish is that rich waxy Jacobean that at once combines long wear? withbeuty. Chairs "have seats of Spanish leather. - Price of suite complete n i ii ii n u-." i iu r " n t; 3 Handsome Pieces i V r , i- A more dignified and comfortable furnishing for your livinT room, library or dsn could" hardly- -bV pictured than this fumed three-piece suite. The seats of the chairs are of Spanish fabricoid. Liberal Credit Our liberal credit plan is known by hundreds of people who have tried it and found it to be . all that we claim. . W e -charge no 1 nterest cash or credit same. 42-Inch Table Fin 1 s h , d mahogan, y. Cower shelf is wide and the. drawer , is of ,dar ze ...... Sixteenth between SBSBSSSSSSS , Will irold Meet at Wahoo. Wahoo, Neb., Oct. 6. (Special.) The Saunders County Pankers as sociation withhold its third annual convention at Wahoo October 22. E Coffee Troubles -whether Venation ovei high price or irritability from disturbed neryes vanish when you ; change to Instant Postum j bw's a good time to try this delightful drink of ever increasing popularity. Made by Postum Cereal CoInc, Battle CreeV.MicK.i ffliiElaipi "Eange Beautiful" because of its this is not sufficient reason for-you buying the range. , Combine wonderful cooking iimlity, Economical i-: 'ky :L" fuel consumption1 and convenience, and you have a very 0 'good reason indeed for buying the Regent combination L range. It is just as it is shown here -hums gas, tjlij or coal separately or at the satne time. ine greatly -reduce price on Very Easy -Terms if desired Oil Heater o r t-f ,Just what yu need to take the chill vfk the bedroom ori bathrbom. Does not smoke or give out any of fensive odor. Absolutely guaranteed. ' , on This Bargain Conv Steel Couch Bed Closely link ed gping8l tor cuimori and long wear. Qpens full size, t ... Harney and Howard The officers of the association art Hj AyWiggcnhorn, Ashfand, prcsi dcjflCj. Kirchmin, Wahoo, vice pfesident; Emil Benson, Wahoo, sccretarvrtceasurer. ;. lNSTANT.0 Q P0STUM A acviof hetem M Comaea) in Price artistic nickel and porcelain r Use Your Credit 11 ?. Acme Oak Heater At thia low price, you will not want to, bewithout tftH excellent heater. Gives a wonder ful heat. Center TaBle Bargain e n 1 e n t for, .odd corner; pold en -finish.-' It- is ' Just tlte thing "to ' hold plant or lamp. Price....... Red Cedar Chest StrongTy made of hard. Tennessee " ce dar; - Beautifully pol lished. An excellent bedroom f ji r.n iture. Moth proof ........... s " O I Fumed Oak The simple lines and artistic .de sign of this handsome buffet will commend it to the lover oeauty. Note, the - long oblong mir--ror. Plenty of room to store linen, etc shape of the ' I $69 V V. SE2. T is i.;, V, 'Ai, . . w. 9oap.OiittOTt.TsleTirn. TtwHrai nw ..-'.,. t .. , . - - , . ;...,,' . r .