Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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11 !
V u
15 1
"VI ri
r; i
Afternoon Meeting.
j . fSfrs. GcjjrgeWooci; assisted "by
?VKS;,, George Merrill and Mrs. E.
A;AirinK, will entertain at her
pptnc, -'HI South .-Thirty-second
R'(jiiue, the members -of the Ladies'
auxiliary ,of the Parkvalc Presbytc
Hih church Thursday afternoon at 2
o cjiocK.
' Drama LeagUc
I Mrs. Victor Rbsewater. chairman
j education for the Drama league.
;iaKfs the tollowmp; announcement:
i , ,'(Alfred Kreymborg, popular and
i-.trtll known dramatist -and poet of
uv&inal and unusual style, will open
! it in
Jrama league lecture season Sat-
attcrnoon, October 23, at 4 p.
the ball room of the Fonte-
, J?A puppet performance of-Kreym-
NA-rr'c rvU.. 'T;, T) . - ...:t1
j, 't E. " wn yiay UJyails, will
k glVCU
be! given. This will be the first shaw-
-t ... i r li! , fl-L1...
1 f $ u iuii)ti. iii vjiuarm. - x iicy
; l;'vc Ksinca .a iremcnaous'
1 -I1" larger cities. x J
j j Krcymborg will -also
j'iiiique program in ihe reel
jj lji lyrics and dramatic versi
give a
recitation of
ver&es to the
i jijindolute," -
. Card Party.
Wednesday evening, October
ijj'the J'adies Auxiliary to I. O. c.
1 will ejoie'rtain its members at a
ifil party to be held at the club
mnis, Lyric building.
Entertain fof Guests. "
iss Olca Metz entertained at
idinner of 14 covers at the Athletic
IJtb, Wednesday evening, in t,onor
iiMr. and Airs. iJhiiip Metz ana
tiss'lfarriet Macji of Buffalo, New
iprk, the guests Tof Mr. and Mrs.
ppert Garrett. try
i J i 'Mr. arid Mrs. Albert Sibberhsen
iileiiienain at ciinner at ineir rnwnc,,
5ursday. evening, for these visitor?;
Hlfflke a glass of
Sidneys if bla
Salts to Flush
bladder bothers (
you -
Skatinor meat rceularlv 'eventiialCy
J fljoduces kidney trouble in some
" j jitirm or other, says, a well-known
3 .authority, 'because the uric acid in
J Jnlcat excites the kidneys, they be
VVfnle overworked; get sluggish;
tl'cjog up and cause all sorts of dis-
f . Ifcaa. pal tltuidl Ijf uativaviiu auu
Mel-y m the kidney region; rheumatic
itlvirfges, severe headaches, .acid
j Jsjpmach, constipation, torpid 'liyef;
j I sleeplessness, bladder and urinary
jilritation. ' , "
j Tfie moment your back hurts or
J kidneys aren t acting right, or it
Jlllkdder bothers you, get about four
3ances ot jaa salts irom any gooa
liiarmacy; take a tablespoonful in a
itass of water before breakfast for
a I fey days and your kidneys 'will
(ijeri act fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid- of grapes 'and
fiimon iuice. combined with Ifthiai"
itid has been used for generations
U flush clogged kidneys and stim-
te them to normal activity; aiso
to neutralize tne aciajin tne urine
fi it no longer irritates, thus end-
l ! ' ll.JJ.. J' J
ig Dianaer aisorucrs.
j jad Salts cannot .injure anyone;
takes a delightful effervescent
fhia-water drink which millions of'
ipn and women take now and then
5 1 Jo keen the kidneys and urinary of-
J ijns" clean, thus avoiding serious.
i I Kidney disease. . . in
Id Sores, Ulcers
and Eczdma, Vanish
food, Old, Reliable Peterson's Oint
l! ment FaTorite Remedy.:;
5i -
."Hod 51 titers on my legs.' DortoM
f nnted to cut off leg. Peterson's -OmU
tent cured me." Wm.. J. Nichols, 402
Wilder Street, Rochester, N. Y.
j.Get m large box for only. 60 cents at any
UK8:ist, say Peterson, of Buffalo, and
hiooey back if it isn't th best you ever
ised. Always keep Peterson's Ointment
in the house. Fine for burns. . scalds.
fruisea, DUIluurii, i"
emed for itching eczema and piles- the
i 1 1 iw. - i i.e. ...
. TVriU lla CYtl KI1VK1K -
) . "Peterson's Ointment is the best lor
I Meeding and itching piles I nav, ever.
Fimnd." Major Charles E. Whitney, .Vine
I X . . TT
1 jara niven, iiihso.
I T i.ii i h. i nan vMat
r HUBIBVIIVU . " -. ; - '
j fieisi, uuyiervuie,. i. , .
I, All druggists sell it, recommend It.
Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment
to.. Inc.. Buffalo. N. Y.
I jTsherman & McConnell Drug Co. will
I supply you. t
sands who slight readily build up
their red corpuscles, become rosy
cheeked, strong and healthy and
be much more attractive In eery
way. When the iron goes from the
blood ofwomen. the healthy glow
ot youth leaves their skin and their
charm snd vivacity depart. A two
, weeks course ol juxaca irou
works wonders in many cases.
V Satisfaction guaranieeo. or
good'druggits. .
This wonderful bookwid be
' U women N.
X would only taVe X
f . Nuxtted Iron when they '
feel weak, run-down, tired . I
f out-iwhen they, ere pale, nef. l
t , ' ' ' weeks course Ol juxea iroa f m
I works wonders in msny cases.
it V Satisfaction guaranteed or y
I- ' " K jnoney relunded. AtaU
f . h it X. V good'druggiw. 'S
l III-? " -'viTi J ift iBlgMftgr- I
Their cucsts will also include Ir,
and Mrs. Garrett, Burdette Kirken-
dall and Cutlibcrt Totter.
, . Alpha, Omicr on PL
Alpha Omicron Y'x alumnae" met
last Saturday with . Mrs. Herbert
Potter to make plans for the coming
year. Alumnae members will sew
for the Child Saving institute this
year and will give all their energies
toward this 1 institution. Meetings
will be held at the homes of mem
hers on the last Saturday of each
Mrs. Victor Smith will be hostess
at the next meeting, which will be an
informal affair, in honor of Miss
Mabel balmon.
The officers are Mrs. Herbert
Totter, president; Miss Laura Peter
son, vice president; Mrs. Benjamin
Harrison, secretary; Mrs. W. W,
Davis, treasurer, and Mrs. L. A.
Kappa Psi Delta.
'"Kappa Psi Delta sorority ofl-thc
Uniyersity of Omaha will entertain
at a HaSvest hhme sunner at Torirpn-
ion cottage,ti6rth of Florencej Fri-
day evening. ' . ;
The sorority will, give a matinee
party at the1 -Orpheum, Saturday:
October 16, followed by supper a
the home of the Misses Dorothy
and Frances Edwards.
Clubdom s
Federated, Club Notes. . f ,
Final arrangements for the state
meeting of women's clubs, to be
hjeld'.itt. Fremoht't 'the Congrega
tio'nal church, October 26-29, were'
made - Wednesday - at the opening
meeting'.'iw -.'the'r Fremont 'Womanis
club at the Pathfinder hoteV '
.'sMr?-Mi;:;i Xjamerontof Omaha,
cfiatrman of' the tirbgrarn'commitfee',
wa&.theguest. pf, fhe. ;gre.side.nt?, Mrs.
D.-.Sieyens,, at the luncheon pre
cedinsr the . meeting." " '
. MrS, Sarah. tnkewiescj:,' a Polish
woman, wno .came v mis' country in
July, gare an interesting account of
conditions in Poland during the war,
interpreted by her daughter, Mrs.
Archie ' Cavich, who has been jn
America seven years.
Mrs; Linke wiescz . will repeat ner
talk :aQhc stae meeting. ' ,
, Mrs.- Cole Speaks at Mead..; :
Mrs. F.VH. Cole, department chair
man"; rjo.f Iclvfl 'iseryjce reform,. . Ne
braska '' Fedefration , . of., Wcttneii's
Clubs, spoke , before the Woman's
club of Mead,' Neb., Wednesday 'aft
ernoon, her subject being, "Civil
Service ! iii Pijbjic Sc,hoois." ;
. . ' ' i' f la''
v ' Dr. Towrie Gives'Lecture.
Dr. R. S. Towne spoke before the
literatur(Ldepartmenf of th" Omaha
Woman's-' club - Wednesday', morning,
his subject being,' "Witchcijaft."
: Personal
Victor RosevAter returns Thurs
c'ay from an eastern trip. s '
M9vFrank Colpetzer leaves short
ly to spend the winter in California
A daughter was born .Tuesday td
Mr. and Mrs H. H. Ingram at Stew
art, fcwpitsl ,:...; --U'- Jr.l
Miss Ruth Patterson was called to
North" Platte Sunday by the sudden
death of her sister. ' i in
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and
Mrs E. B. Zimmerman of -Lincoln
spent Tuesday, m Omaha.. . . !,
Miss Helen Smails. who, has spent
the past vsumnier 'in the'east,' is -ex
pected home; .November . J. v ,
Mr. and Mrs: R. P. Hamilton jr., -., the ..birth . of .a, daughter
Sijnday, October at Stewart hos
pital. ' . ' '
'' ; '"bltr E.-C. 'McSfianehas 'returned
from Estes Park,: where she spent
the" summer, ana ' is.1 now: af.stae
Blackstone.. ..' .
Mrs. Thobnas Dugher 'has .returned'
from Chicago,' where she spent a,
sbort time, visiting vjier- daughter,
Miss Nell Ddgher. "
Miss'. Ann .McCprinel1,;,daughter of
Mr. and'Mrs. Charles S.' McConnell,
loaves jiext wppW for Petersbufflr.
Va..-where she WilbenterL Southern
college. ' - , 1
Miss Luclla. Petersen, who is trav
eling intjie ast, is: now. visiting at.
Vassar college where 'she was for-
erly a student bhe is the guest ot
iSs,-Josephjne Marple. ;. ..-ji
Miss -i Marsrhuerife - .. McCartney
leaver -Saturday,. Octdberv 16, ifor
Pnlrfwatpr. Kan., where she will he
a bridesmaid at the wedding of tier
cousin, Miss urace uoason.,s .
Paul Duffv leaves Friday for Bos
ton to. be a delegate from the Creigh-
ton -chapter, at we Rational cdftvert
tion of the Phi Beta2i medical fra
ternity which wiH .be iheldat Har
vard." ''.',."':' ,.'.'.' '' " '"
Mr. and Mrs. AlfredMunger have
returned from their Honeymoon trip
and will be at the'C. W. Russell
home until their apartment is ready.
Mrs. Munger was Iorence Russell
before her marriage.
Problems That Perplex
An we rid By
Tubby: The height of a girl of 17
varies all the way from five to seven
feet, most" girls being between five
feet four inches nnd five feet seven
Inches. lW weight which onje ought
to possess depends upon the height.
very slight girls weigh about loo
pounds, some even less, but this is
under weight. A girl five feet four
inches ought to weigh 120 pounds.
A girl five- feet eight inches .ought
to weigh as much as 140 and not
more than 155 of 160... '
Our collection of diamonds is greater , than
ever before to meet thedemand of increasing
numbers who have come to know Henrickson'a
as the store of jewel fashions linked with mod
erate pricings where intrinsic value exacts no
additional premium because "of good taste.
Stones purchased at below present market
prices offer exceptional values to the diamond
, customer. Your viewing ol our diamond stock
is solicited. -
Established 1882 . . '
1 16th at -Capitol - '
Art Chairman
6 I
. Mrs., Anna R.-Morey'of Hasttn'gsV
state chairman of art tor the JNe
brska Federation of Women's olubs,
is in Omaha in tHei iiiterc'st of club
work. . ' . ' . t
'Jft'nile' in: the, city '"She' will the,
guest of. Mesdames Avery,) Lancas
ter and 'M. QtCatneroh., MrSF.
H.' Cole will entertain1 at luncheon
for her on Thursday. "
'Mrs. Morey is" returning
Shenandoah, la., where she gaye an
art lecture Tuesday at the open day
meeting of the Shenandoah Wo
man's club. She will leave Thurs
day for her,home.
iCalifprniar Syrup hf Pjgs'
; Child's; esriaxative 'I
.Accept ''California" Syrup of iFfgS
paly look for -the name California
on the package,: then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most-'harjnless physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its fruity taste. Full directions
on: eacK bottle.. You .must say
"California." -
Beautiful Women
of Society, duilngthepsSt
jcveiuy ycuis nave reucu
upon it ior tneir oisiin-
uished appearance. The
oft, refined, pearly I
white complexion it I
renders instantly. Is
always the source of I
flattering comment.
A Stubborn Cough
- Loosens Right Up .
HT 'Thin home-made remedy Is a won
jr aer ior quick results, easily
T t aud cheaply made. l l
, ' I1 4 l (' 4 4 "l1 ' V
:.HereAis a home-made -syrup wnich
1 millions of people have found to be
the most dependable means of break
ing UD stubborn couirhs. It is rhenn
. and pimple, butvery prompt inac
,tion.. Under its healing, sootbJnff in-t
." fluence. chest soreness -xmes.'-nhWrrr.
, loosens,. bxeathirTgi becomes easier,.!
. tickling, in throat stops and you tret .
a goou mgnta festiul sleep, llie
usua thtcat and chest colds are con?
qiiered' ' by. it in 24 hours . or less:
' Kothing better for bronchitis, hoarse
ness, croup, thrSat tickle, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
1 To make this splendid congh syrup,
Tour 2 ounces" of Pinex into a nint
bottle and fill the bottle with plain.
granulated sugar syrup and shake,
fhorouphly. If you prefer use. clari
fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar Syrup. Either way,
you get a full pint a family supply
of much better cough syrup than
you could buy ready-made for three
times the money. Keeps perfectly
and children love its pleasant taste.
Pinex is a special and highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, known the world
oyer for its prompt healing effect
upon, the membranes.
To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "iy3 ounces 'of Pinex"
withLiull directions, and don't accept
anything else. Guaranteed. t give
lpromntlyi,refunded The Pinox Co..
, Ft.' Wayne; Ind.-;
J" . v - -K
f !5nfv ' Dunlap Sailor is an artistic, practical.hat whicKl tffi
'. iv x i'v lri' , -.' ;' ; ISwI .' v .gracefully complies with the requirements of dis- ioS
What's What '
A "Jargtr wedding" -means hun
dreds of invitations to church and
breakfast,, a color scheme for.drc
orations and' bridesmaids' costumes,
and a hundred, other time-cpnsum-ing
incidentals, The prospect of
tins exhausting burden of detail and
publicity so affrights -some ol .the
only really "interested parties" even
J in. the higher social circles that they
elope to a friendly clergyman and
are married without more ado. In
that case the mother of the bride
sends out , the wedding announce-
419 Eggs From 20
Jbiis Ji30 Days
Mr. Dougherty Got This Result in
October. Plan la Easily Tried.
"I tried Don Sung and the results
Ti-re far past any expectations. I gok
-419 eggs In 80 days from 20 hens while
moulting. I think this Is Wonderful, as
th"" hitrdly laid at all before." Frank
. Mr' Dougherty bought
tl worth of Don Sunir In
Octobor and wrote this
letter In November. Fig
ure his profit on 85 dozen
meny iaiu little or nothing.
This may sound too good to be trn&T
but it costs nothing to find oat. 'We'll
make you the same offer we made him.
Give jour hens Dou Sung and watch
results for one month. If you don't find
that it pays for itself and pays you a
good profit besides, simply tell us and
your money wtMe cheerfully refunded.
Don Sung (Chinese for egg-laying) is
a srientllic tonic and conditioner. It ll
easily giveu In the feed, Improves the
hen's health and makes her stronger and
more active. It tones up the egg-laying
organs, and guts the eggs, no matter
now cold or wet the weather.
You can obtain Don Sung from your
drugglft or poultry rensedy dealer, or
send $1.04 (includes war tax) for a
package by mail. Burrell-Dugger Co..
. eafto . I .'111 VUair IVI
zii (jouimma uidg., Indianapolis, In
Chinese for Egglaying
6oothe the im'tatioo arid vou relieve the
distress. Do both quickly and effective!?
by using promptly e deoendable remedy-
m'i r e.
from ' ISl : : ' ' ' -t: .gTTWSM 1 . v
I It Mil: -, j - ' - 1 ! ll 1.SA
" ' '' wiininaunj women, k. Ml
IRM The new styles make the Dunlap more desirable than -! jRy -
JIU! . , ever in f LAI IN BLACK., CLUt, lAUft, BKUWH, ? . v; Wffrl -
: BQitfra , r.DrFN ,a ruAMPArNf ; thf Twn.TnwF Biitiri
IfBa EFFECTS, navy-blue With champagne under brirri; J ffil';
IaITsTu . seal brown with mushroom brim and French edsr; , - I ....
3 iWtt . ' Unfit FrAnrK fdorn vrith' rkamnamiA nnlwlu-Jm
I i IC?3 taupe diamond shape'erown with bound edge. kR
.1; . . .y -J AWr x-x.- x- mail:-'.:
:-WKa : -r . . 2MHtVj&r .... . eqki
""' " 'J,:''' ' Corner 16th and Harneyv ' " '"' SE '
l ! 1 "The Phppnix Hosiery Store of Omaha" g
Sherman & rlcConnell Drug Co.
mcnts, as soon as tlie requisit? sta
tionery can be engraved. More, sen
sible is the via media of a. wedding
t-'arty. with inly the immediate fam
ily 'aiyl a few intimate friends pres
ent.,. 1'hj bride may wear the tradi
tional wedding veil and orange blos
soms," just as .though 500 guests had
been , invited. The engraved an
nouncements, together with the at
home cards of the happy pair are
inclosed in envelopes, addressed,
sealpd ' and stamped in advan.-e of
th' date, and these are mai!ed to all
friends immediately after the cere
monj' '
(Copyright. 1920, by Fubllo Ledger Co.)
What is reputed io be the mbsti
beautiful string of pearlt in exist
ence is owned -by Princess Carmi
nati, of Italy. They are large, flaw
less and perfectly matched. ,
Safe TJlWi
rInfaiiH,InHdindOrewfn;Chil(lrn I
does wonders for
ppor compIexicMis
Underneath 'most unattractive skins
Is a clear, pleasing complexion all
that is needed is the proper treatment !
It is surprising how often a brief use of
Resiriol Ointment and Resinol Soap
will -clear away blotches, redness and
roughness and give the skin its natural
freshness and charm.
If your skin isn't just what yon want It to be, ask
your dealer for Keeinol Soap and Ointment.
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful, it
usuauy as indication mat tne
dneys are out of order. Keep
mm organs healthy by taking
tit world's standard rsmsdr for kidney,
Uvar, bladder and oric add troubles.
Famous slue 1690. Take regularly and
kf in geod health. In threa sizes. al
druggist. (Uuarantead at lapfwatotM.
Uok fot the aaaae Gatl Medal arery n
1 Si& 1
Care of Toaster -
When the electric toaster has
served its purpose at a meal, brush
'out the bread crumbs with a little
paint-brush'. This keeps the insutat-
(ng wires' from -obstruction and pro
ongs Abe life of tbe toasten-
Putting on Gloves
The correct wa to pTiV on silk
.gloves is to wofk each finger and
the thumb down . scparatejyv The
gloves should never be forced down
by the finger of the other hand into
the crotch of the fingers.
Unusual Flower Note
- Paris has invented a novel use for
flowers on large hats. The soft
flowers are worn close to the face
edging the underside of the brim
where it joins the crown. '
The Original .
Imitations V
ami SnhatifntjM '.-
Rich Mltk, Matted Oraln Extract In fowder
W CkiiiourUhin1rMUui
Headache ;
If s foolish totufier from constipation'
tick headache, biliousness, dizziness
indigestion, and kin- yisv .
dred ailments . jr--
Little Live UAKICKa
PllU will end
all misery in
few hours.
Purely vege
table. Act
gently on liver and bowels.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
J Gargle with warm salt water
"""" then apply over tftroat
. V-VapoRud
Over 17 Million fan jUstd Yearly .
Br vrid New Way to!
Remove Hairy Growths
(Actually Removes Roots end All)
The vexed question 'of how to com
pletely remove superfluous hair has been
solved at last I By means' of the new
phelactine process, the hairs entire, roots
and all, come out before your very eyes
easily, harmlessly, "quick as a wink."
It Is so different from the depilatory, elec
trical and shaving "methods, yoQ simply
must try it to fully appreciate its remark
able advantages. I
i phelactine is perfectly odorless, non
irritating, non-poisonous a child - could
eat it without the least injury. It leaves
the skin so soft, smooth and hairless, n
one could, tell you ever had a moustache
or otherhairy growth. If you will pro.
cure a stick of phelactine from your drug,
gist and follow, the simple instructions,
you wtll certainly be astonished And de
lighted with 'the result; : ,
Bee want
ads are best business
Buy Your Heater
and Kange at
It's none too early. Be prepared f or
the cold days and nights to come. ' ; ,
Bowen Heaters waste no fuel, are
guaranteed and offered at value-giving; ;
prices. 4 y ' -' j
Economy Heater
These Heaters can 'e had in
many different designs, and .
siatskThe1 Economy is ctfnsid-;'
ered one of the 'very best soft
'coal heaters made, and -Hiay, .
c;,.. $3.o.op;
This is 'a six-hole range '
with a full 18-inch oven
. has heavy duplex grates v
and guaranteed a perfect
1)aker priced
' We also 'carry-;, full Uina t ;
Steel Ranges.' These ranges
; are heavy asbestos - liried and - - -
mae of Armco rust-proof : .
steel, which Insure the pur-
chaser of (having a r, perfect,' '-t
stove in every respect. These
staves can be had in full
nickel trimmings . and . in
plain black and a? B
range in price DOaJ r
up from.
Coal Range
Thursday October 7th, of
This sale coming at a time when blankets and !
, comforts are most .needed, presents to you an oppor
tunity io'secure those you want at a wonderful saving. ,,j
Heavy cotton blankets for the Jll nights soft "
and fluffy, in prettypTaids'of tans, blues and grays
r f BbwenU Special Value
Size 66x80, at Size 54x76, at ' '
$11.00 and $8.50 . $6.50 and $4.75 '
In two sizes, large ranged of colors and patterns.
Some real values. '
Bowen'a special value, $2.50. and $1.50 each. V . i
Soft, fluffy cotton comforts in assorted patterns
of silkoline and sateen covers, large sizes and reason
able prices. Note some of the following Bowen" 1
special values -l ' . ' ,
$10.00, $8,00, $6.00, $5.75 and $4.95 each. I
. Size 45x60 crib comforts in pretty small allover
chintz patterns in' pink, blue, yellow and combination; '
colors with pretty sateen borders in plain colors to
matclj. - . - ' "S 1 1
' Vi Bowen's special value, $5.75 each.
. 0-IAAX
bsws n
PilTla Fistula-Pay ' WheirCured .
Jt JULxrSi A mi,d rt treatment that cures Piles, Fistula and othei
UBa as' Reetar Diseases in a short time, without a severe surgical ep.
, , eration. No Chloroform. Kther or other general anesthetic used.
tuI ?It'dJn ,r"Id for treatment, and no Money Is to be paid ontil
5aJf Wri lor book on HtLl Diseases, with name and testimoulals-af more thaa
1.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. ; . ,
DR. E. R. TARRY Saaaterlusa, fetsira Trnat BMfSBea Bldg.) Oman. Nek.
t r Sr '
June Day
Nickel trim lG-inchirebowl,
and equipped with a hot blast
air chamber around f irebowl,
' thereby meaning a great savf
ingoffuel to Jjg QQ.
you. Priced at vww,uv
,i . . r. i 551 ''
' We also are showinir a larsre
line of soft coal heaters, in
various sizes, irom tne me
dium to the large, which , ) I
will kpen vour Tfinrnli rnm- i M
'fortable no matter how low :
" the . thermometer may drop. '
?jmd.rP.... $12.50;
A splendid line of Peninsu
lar Har4 Coal Base Burners
'! now offered. These stoves
are unsurpassed and will last
,-for years, tfhese stoves can
;be had at less than the pres-,
. ent wholesale price.
Cast Iron
mtwuw sjatsaf
i h
- I
" . . :...::. , ........ t. . .
..- f r- M!-' M.,l-n.." f ,Ji,. Pf i.i J, 4 .a. , f
V;''-''-'',,rw'J' ' r ' "