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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1920)
, ; .. , j, , . ,. ;; . ....... y,. , .. . .. ............... :s. .. . v ... ; , ...... ; . .' ... , ,P.,.',; r v . " , , , . " - ' ; . - .u - ' 11 - v ' - . . ... f . - s J 10 - 7- . 1 ; BEE? OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1S20. ' . XX ; ; . , - , ' " : v " - " v . - - ' ' r ; .. : i.r ' . . ,',vv ; 1 :-.A . - " . '""J ; , 1 lie Standard of tlie w orld . ' ' . ' ' , . . . . n , , ' . ..- - : ' - - ' v ', - - - ' i ' ' M '. . - V f f r i 3 - V . r- i . . s . . i ill l '"THERE is - no i possibility of a reduction in the price of Cadillac "automobiles until it is possible for the Cadil lac Motor Car Company to maintain the same degree of quality at a lowers production cost v v V So fa there have been no reductions in either labor or materialcbst worthy of consideration, ajjd, some things, such, as freight rates, have advanced recently. V The Cadillac Motor Car Company has pot been profiteer- ing Its product is honestly priced and consequently therib can be no reduction in price. ' v yy ' , V7- After the World War when there was a slight improve ment in Jabor conditions, the Cadillac price was reduced. Since then slight increases have been necessary to take care of improvements, refinements; producing new models and to offset advancing costs of labor and material s "The workmanshipon a CadiUac is xsjlmply perfect There is no cither word It is far and away super ior to anything I have seen elsewhere The infinite pains" taken over the infinitely small jobs are most impressive," says the distinguished English designer, Mr. Lawrence H Pomeroy. J'':-, :: ; ' ' c 'V"VV'J?f s The most critical men and women here and everywhere have known this to be a fact for a long time. The perform ance of thousands of Cadillacs overseas finally proved this to otir conservative foreign competitors. This fact is well v recognized and even admitted by Other manufacturers: r So-h't it better to buy unquestioned quality and value in a motor par as in everything elserj TTiink of wh money brings you when you, buy Cadillac cars give sat isfartion long after the piice is forgojten. ' Y: " Perhaps some' of the recent reductions in motor car prices have feen occasioned by over-production rather than a ... change in manufacturing conditions, material and labofr costs: There has been no dver-supply of Cadillac ? To maintain the high standard of workmanship and the quality which characterizes all Cadillac models in the minds of the people in - every corner ofx the worlds itflsV necessary-to buy the best materials arid employ the finest workmen. : , ;:.;.; .';': : ' : Tens .of thousands, of owners -ryes everyone kn6ws that Cadillac cars represent a permanent (not fictitious or inflated) value. s- , -,:-.... Isn't it better to recall "Business a$ Usual' 9 , so effectively worked out during the war period, and buy now what , is needed? Buy" value-giving articles 1 v ' ' . , -V ; ; -; ; And think also of service. We are happy ' wlthTthcT knowledge tfiat our company : has become known for the Permanency of its "Real Service." Our monthly inspec tion syistem has beev a complete success from the sWt. Ouf gafage is open until 11 p. m. for the convenience of owners and Sunday service is always available from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Our traveling expert calls Ton 'Cadillac ownfers outside of Omaha, Our shops employ; none but the very finest workmen and they do-theix work effectively. Ye enjoy the confidence of an immense Cadillac clientele. , . t - "No tar," says The Motor of London, "is perfect, and none ever will be, but the Model 59 Cadillac approaches that ideal as closely as any other car on the market, re- gardleib. of price or size. 99 " A- ("The Motor" i the National Motor Car Journal of Great Britain. 1 We have thousands- of dollars invested iri Cadillac parts tools, machmery and shop equipment. Every department knows its busin'ess. We are permanently located and financially able to meet our' obligations. n Our entire organization specializes in. serving Cadillac buy ers and distributors in a systematic, xbusiness-like manner. Our company has, in fact, become known as: 'v . V it A SAFE PLACE TO BUY 99- V V m. tiansen Omahk aaiiiac uompany V r Distributors Lincoln it- i i . - - Ij. ... . . .JU U. M.iMV.W4r.1 Urn, -li lull Im t.ll lift II n I i.i I ' .. . si . .t - ' . - 111! 1 1 1 1 i ; ;.A v " j- I