THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920. 19 Real Estate Loam FINANCIAL. . "HAH lOMtH- EAST. NKR FARMS, . VKEKI.B RKAI. KaTATB CO, 1011 Qm. Bh. Bids. Douf. 1711, PRIVATr MONET. IDA la 110.000 mad DromntlT. P. n. "yWAll Wead Bld(., 110 8. ISth St PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPKN COMPANY. Dou. Oil. REAL ESTATE WANTED. ra buy or Mil Oman Real Ratal FOWLER & M DONALD, US0 Clt Mat'. Hn Bldf. Dou. nil. TOU WANT TO BELL THAT HOUBHt Want fiutek action t Just try ua. Call Tyler 4S4. OSBORNB KttALTT CO., 431 Bee Bld. w.gTSHKWer .fcijsr HMT-S PbJJIt JJankJJIdf.DHlt, H AVT lajulrt icr bom; do you want to Mil your property T List It with C 4- Pelmmel, Org' jtafl Bank Bldit. KAftf "Buyaro witiflftS rash down. List with o. . P. Clary Co.. H)4- Am- Av. North Omaha Aealtor. Colfax 171. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WAUIH. ELMER CO, Raaltora, Real Estate, Investment, Inauranoo, Rent, a la Tyler III. Ill Securities Bid. REAL E8TATE TO EXCHANGE. WANTED to rnr from pnrtv who has a largo Hardware and Imnl.'ment business to trad for an Ideal ranch In guod Nebraska eott'.ty. Land valui will not ' In flatfl.t Hot Y-13ii8, Omaha Be. JIIAVB you on.1 mortgager Will taka It In aa flrat payment on a 6-room, ' strictly modern bom; well located; aat front. Harney 151 evenings. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. 7 1-2 ACRES $650 AN ACRE Thl la located In Keyatone park, northwest of Beraon, near the Omaha city llmlli. Beautiful location, high, sightly ground. Rick aoll; good homes nearby. Cloa to I paved road. Will urely b worth 11.000 an acre before long. Only 1-10 caah, balance 1 per cent month. 1 HASTINGS & HEYDEN THE GUMPS- OH, THE MOTH AND THE FLAME Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. For. -TttEr LoxC o mkp t-wiv Arr LOOK UKE A -AC CUltTAlK 1W y VARPRobe. WXH CLOTHES 60 HtCW VX "rAKES A LOT OF hfcY to 0ARt A 300fc HEALTHY noTn NOW TAYS tOTH QrXCS Ert V)P PVT5 EM AWAfT NEATLX- Jetty akp Jam oh mine. ; 90 CKE.TS tKSTEAD OF "OTH GALLS 1 j3 Arm J III III II I UtW- v I I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. 1111 Harney Bt. Phone Tyler 50. Dundee. Houses on Terms Dundee Home 7-r.; four bedrooms; eaat front, double garage. Price 11,500, 12,600 cah. balance monthly. 11,10011.100 cash. T-r.; built Within the last two year. On flrat floor ara living, dining room, den or bedroom, kitchen and aewlng room or breakfast room. Upstairs art three nice, large bedroom and bath. House la in ele gant condition and la well worth, the prlco sked. , J. J. Mulvihill, iio Brandelt The, Bldg. Phono P. 18. Florence. METHAWAY. Suburban srop'ty. Col. 1101. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 4324 Barker $6,900 Leavenworth Heights This is a neat bungalow with five good , rooms on the first floor, all finished in oak; two rooms finished above. House in first-classcondi-tion throughout; full basement, ?:ood furnace; full lot, with garage or one car.,. About $2,500 cash required. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 2850. 918-20 City Nat'l apodal bargain this pact very day. Close In Bungalow Bargain 2780 Capitol Ave. Seven large rooms, all mod ern. Large lot, 50x135. Dou ble garage. ' This is one of the best bar gains in the city of Omaha. Price for quick sale, $6,350. Immediate possession. Call at once if interested. Ask for Mr. Ormsby, Tyler 50. Evenings Harney 7244. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1!4 Harney St Phono Tyler Sf Beautiful Bemis Park Home Real Bargain Eight rooms, hot water heat, quarter-sawed oak, fireplace, tiled bath and shower, toilet, bath and billiard room in basement; large 90xl86-foot lot; beautiful shade trees; just painted' and re decorated; now vacant, immediate possession; two blocks to two car lines; one of the best built homes in the city and must be seen to be appreciated. Price, $15,000, on very reasonable terms. Call us for an appointment. ' J. L. Hiatt Company, 900 1st Nat'l Bk Bldg. Tyler 63. West Farnam Home ' Across the Street From St. Regis Apartments Seven-room, strictly modern homo with four fins bedrooms and bath on second floor. Large living room, din ing room, and kitchen with good pantry and refrigerator room on first floor. Dandy light basement, good furnace and laundry facilities. Immediate possession. 1611 Jones St. Price only $6,500. Easy terms. Payne & Carnaby Co., REALTOR SERVICE. Ill Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. FIELD CLUB s . This fine 12-room home and 3 beauti ful lots on Woolworth avenue. 1 block east of Field club. This Is an Ideal home for a large family with room for ad ditional Improvement on the ground. Ask us for particulars. D. V. SHOLES CO., Douglas 48. 916-17 City National. THE manufacturer of a fast-selling electrical household appliance has deal ers (department stores, elec tric shops, hardware and fur niture stores) who need sales men trained to sell this and other appliances. 1 We will train men of good character and place them to advantage with oar dealers. Actual work in the field during the train in,; enables them to earn more than an average salary. See Mr. Jech at Granden Electri cal Co., 1511 Howard, 'after 3 p. m. REAL BARGAIN - 6-Room Modern tHouse 1,500 $4y Has living, dining room, kitchen 1st floor; 3 bedrooms and bath 2d floor; also has a garage: on paved street; pav Ins paid; 314 blocks lrom Central High school and only 3 bloc cs from Creighton co'lege. Located at 2131 Webster street. Plione Walnut 1187. - REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 6 LOTS WITH IMPROVE MENTS WORTH $1,80000 ACROSS STREET FROM THE MAIN GATE AT AK-SAR-BFN FIELD. CALL WAL. 1495 OR INQUIRE AT GROUNDS. $3,500 CASH WILL HANDLE. Omaha Real Estate -and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 121 Paiton Blk. Phone Tyler 1811. North. Save Your Rent Possession at Once Eight Rooms, Garage Well constructed, fulfy 2-story home in fine condition. Large south front 50-foot ' lot. Fine shade trees. Vj blocks to car line. Close to both public and parochial schools. We can ' sell this on easy terms of a small cash payment and the balance nearly like rent. One of the best lo cations on the North Side, J. L. Hiatt Company, 900 fst Nat'l Bk Bldg. Tyler 63. FINE home. 7 rooms, Douglas 4641. Bemis park, 15,500. FOR RENT We have two office rooms, also one sales room, available for im mediate occupancy. BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 318 South 18th Street Douglas 1014 "The Recollection of Quality Remalaa Long After th Price is Forgotten." GOODYEAR and CORNHUSKER AUTO TIRES and TUBES Bicycles, Repairs, Accessories, Suppliea, Gunsmith, Lockamith, Phonograph Repairing, Cutlery, Tools, Razors, Vacuum Cleaners. NOVELTY REPAIR CO, Roscoe Rawley, Prop: MAIL ORDERS. 4809 S. 24TH ST. TEL. S. 1404. Start Your Home $10, Cash and $10 Per Mo. Prices running from $390 to $650. We will sell a few lots in Carter lake on the aboye terms. When you have your lot paid tor, we will build for you; thus giving you a chance to start the first pay ment on your home on the basis of $10 down and $10 per month. We expect to build 50 to 100 houses in this addition this com ing spring. These lots are on the ( car line or within three blocks and about zi block to two blocks from the lake shore. Why hesitate when you can buy lots at this price and on these terms close to the street car line, - close to the lake shore and in a locak'ty that is bound to become the most attractive spot around Omaha. J. L. Hiatt Compapy, 900 1st Nat'l Bk Bldg. Tyler 63. $5,750 . 7-R00M HOUSE 1616 WILLIS AVE. Well built house in good location, close In. Corner lot with large shade trees. Paved street. House has large reception room, living room, dlninT room and kitchen on first floor. 3 large bed rooms and bath on second floor. Full bricked cahar. 11,200 first pay ment and balance on easy terms. Call Mr. Ormshy, Tylr 60. Evening. Har ney 7244. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Bt. Phone Tyler CO. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park, wood addition: a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas 4270. S ROOIIS modern, garage, two lots, near 2ith and Sprague, will take smaller cot tage as part payment. Colfax 4182. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Ora. Nat'l rjiiiiimiiiiiiimimmiiiiiimMimiiiM I We Are Forced to Extend the Time The Public Gets the Benefit Owing to the Unprecedented Sale of Acreage and Lots at RALSTON, Omaha's Busy, Beautiful Suburb 5 on Saturday, Sunday and Monday and the further fact that so many were unable to S jet out to take advantage of the exception al prices and terms during the three days, " nd the urgent call for an extension of tim e on the same old prices- and terms S We have decided to give the general public another opportunity to buy RALSTON Acreage Tracts and Building Lots on SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY, 1 October 2, 3 and 4 Don't Forget the Dates I SAME PRICES SAME TERMS READ ABOUT THEM. Edison Working On Apparatus to Talk With Deac Hopes to Perfect Instrument Delicate Enough to Be . Manipulated by Per sonality in Next Life. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be leased Wire. New York. Oct. 1. Thomas A. Edison is now at work on a delicate apparatus, which he has designed to effect indisputable communication between those whom death has re moved from this eanh and those who yet live. It is' Mr. Edison's hope to com plete the instrument within-a few months and he himself realizes what a tremendous sensation it would create should it prove to be suc cessful. He says he would not be surprised if responses on his new apparatus should first come from telegraphers or scientists of those thoroughly familiar with the use of delicate instruments and electric cur rents. Announcement of Mr. Edison's ex periment is made by B. C Forbes in :;n article in the American magazine for October, in which he quotes the inventor at length respecting the ap paratus. Mr. Edison, however, does not disclose anything of the char acter or physical aspect of his new device. "I am' proceeding, Mr. Edison says in the article, "on the -theory tba in the very nature of things the degree of material or physical power possessed by those in the next life must be extremely slight, and that, therefore, any instrument designed to communicate with us must be superdelicate as fine and responsive as human ingenuity can make it. "For my part, I am inclined to be lieve that our personality hereafter will be able to affect matter. . If this reasoning be correct, then if we can evolve an instrument so delicate as to be affected, or moved or manipu lated whichever term you want to use-by our personality as it sur vives in the next life, such an instru ment, when made available, ought tfi record something." Mr, Edison, commenting upon the mass of material being written these days about spiritualism, says that "the methods and apparatus com monly used are just a lot of un scientific nonsense." Oklahoma Host to Nominee of Demos Cox Makes Early Morning Speech at Enid With League as His Main Theme. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. North. OWNER LEAVING CITY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A very small bungalow In a restrict ed neighborhood, built by tha owner Ipss than two years ago for 4 home the best material, construction and rlumblng, fire place and garage. Terms. Call Colfax ,2206. North of Kountze Park 5-room strictly moHcrn bungalow, all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors In living room and dining room; lull cement basement; hot water heat; landy floored attic; extra large lot, SOx ' 150 feet. Price 15,800. Payne Investment Co., 5.17 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. MONMOUTH SCHOOL DISTRICT Pandy S-room oarf finish home. Wide lot, garage. A snap at 15,260. Only $1,500 down. Immediate possession. Shown by appointment. Call at one. R. F. CLARY CO., Realtors. 2404-08 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. You Can Buy ACREAGE TRACTS as Low a $550 Note Terms: 1 acre, $10 Down -$10 per month 2 acres, $20 Down $15 per month 5 acres, $50 Down $25 per month You Can Buy BUILDING LOTS 50x120 as low as $200 Note Terms: 1 lot, $1.00 Down and $1.C0 a Week ' 2 lots, $2.00 Down and $2.00 a week 5 lots, $5.C0 Down and $5.00 a week You Owe It to Yourself to See Ralston Come to Our Sale Saturday, Sunday or , Monday, October 2-3-4 If you come by street car, take any South Omaha, Crosstown or Benson-Albright car to 24th itnd N, South Side. Then you get on the Ralston car at the same corner and ride direct to the center of RALSTON. From Omaha you can take one of the Omaha-Papillion cars on Sixteenth Street be tween Capitol Avenue and Jackson-Street and go direct to Ralston. To motor there are many ways West on Center Street to the Ak-Sar-Ben Field, and then south on cither 60th or 72nd Street, or you can drive to South Omaha and go out either L or Q Street. I J. T. O. STEWART Sales Agent, To wnsite Company I RALSTON. NEBRASKA 5 DON'T MISS THIS SALE This Is Your Chance S niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimwiimixiiii nKau:i!Eigiiiii:ii::iiHii.Etii:i:iciaiiinni.:ii.:is:aEE:i:i!iia 3372 Grand Ave. Beautiful 6-room, all modern semi bungalow, the kind that's teen -selling, for $6,000 or more. See this (key at of fice) and make an offer. Owner leaves for California. R. P. CLARY CO., REALTORS, 2404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. MINNB LUBA homes and lots offer th best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 117. BEAUTIFUL five room home 1624 Evans. Oak floors thiouglout, fireplace, garage. Owner Webster 3452. J. B. ROBISON, real estate and Invest-, ment. 442 Bee Bldg. Douclss 8017. South. WAREHOUSE, Eleventh street, near Howard, for rent next No vember. ' 10,000' square feet. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 564. BEAUTIFUL new. 7-room, Dundeee home, near Happy Hollow, all oak finish, fl e place, double garage, sun room, corner lot; many other attractive features. Im mediate possession. Price 114,600. Easy terms. Call Dr. Carney. Douglas 120!. IMMEDIATE possession; 824 S. 38th Et.; 6-room modern stucco bungalow: 12,600 cash, bal. mo. Crelph. 60S Bee. Dg. 100. 1500 CASH, partly modern house! Benja min t Frankenberg. Dou,722 4-noOM house, with attic. 3 lots, 3000; fine hnrgain. Douglns 4641. Enid, Okla., Oct. 1. Governor Cox of Ohio opened his presidential camoaiKn in Oklahoma here today with an early morning speech in the . , , i . j . i laiiernacie, wnere ne again maue inc league of nations the paramount issue. He also discussed farm ques tions. , The governor was met here by a delegation of Oklahoma democrats who accompanied him during his tour of the state, - which included eight speeches, the last to be de livered at Tulsa at 8 o'clock tonight. His itinerary carried him to El Reno and Oklahoma City, where he was to speak at noon in the auditorium. Afternoon speeches included Chand ler, Bristow, Sapulpa and Tulsa. The Oklahoma campaign will end early Saturday morning with a rear plat form speech at Miami before re entering Missouri, where the western tour will end tomorrow night at Kansas City. Petroleum Companies Pay Mexican Taxes for 2 Months Mexico City, Oct. 1. Petroleum companies have completed payment of their export taxes for July and August, the amount of revenue re ceived by the treasury totalling more than 8,500,000 pesos. Announce ment is made that more than 2,000, 000 pesos paid to General Pelaez and other, revolutionary leaders would be applied to account as, tax payments. Consideration is being given com plaint by oil companies relative to methods adopted for fixing the tax rate, and it is planned to change the system so that the average selling price for a period of six months will be taken as the basis, instead of prices for two months. British Delegates Here For Pilgrim Celebration Washington, Oct. 1. Delegates from Great Britain, The' Nether lands and Canada to the tercenten ary celebration of the landing of the Filgrims arrived here today and to night will be guests of honor at a dinner at the British embassy. The delegates will visit Mount Vernon as guests of Secretary Dan iels on the presidential yacht May flower. They will be accompanied by Sir Auckland Geddes, .British ambassador; Secretaries Colby and Baker and General Pershing. . Frost In Michigan Washington, Oct. 1. Heavy to killing frosts were reported by the weather bureau this morning in upper Michigan, the upper Missis sippi and middle and lower Missouri valleys and light frosts as far south as Arkansas, north Mississippi and north Alabama. The bureau also an nounced that the lowest tempera tures for October 1 were registered. this morning at Atlanta, Thomas ville, Ga., Mobile, Ala., and Jackson ville and Tamoa, Fla., 52 degrees be ing registered at Tampa. Real Estate Transfers Miscellaneous. PHONE RALSTON 10-W s $500 DOWN Home and 2 lots, pric I2.S00. Amos Grant Co., REALTORS. ' r-niig, 8380. 33Q.2-4-6-8 Brandela Theater. $300 CASH 125.00 MONTH Partly modern cottage; newly dec orated; nice lot on paved stroet only one-half block from carllne. 2,000. Olover-Morell, 718 Kecllna Bldg., Tyler BmkETTXCO., sr real aatat. 250 Be Bids. Douglas 131 Your Needs Easily Secured by Using Bee Want Ads. PHONE TYLER 1000. . Henry J. Bock and wife to James Kosak, S. E. Cor. Harcom Blvd. and Oak St, HI. 8x128.1 1 3.000 Charles Fnncis Runey and wife to Henry J. Bock and wife. 8. E. Cor. Hanr-com Blvd. and Oak St.. 18.18x1 28.4 2,500 Bankers Realty Inv. Co. to John W. " Fall, 27th St., 253 ft. S. of Blnney St., W. S., 60.75xU6.41 600 Carrie B. Wright to Margaret Cor .bett, N. E. Cor. 38th and Cuming Sts.. 30x158 12,500 Edward L. Cain and wife to John W Hall. 27th M., 201 ft. S. of Binhcy St., W. 8., 13x136.41 .... 1,800 Edward I Cain and wife to Clifton M. Ogden 48th St., 82 4 ft. N. of Military Ave.. W. 8., 40x 4,400 Edward L, Cain r.nd wife to Marl Kafka Rubrcs, lltnncy St.. 1.3 ft. E. of 28th St., S. 6.. 46.25x115 2. 300 Edward L. Cain to pucar Farmer. V. W. Cor. 40th and Fowler Aves., 40x127 3,400 Edwnrd L. Cnin to Alsdle Kostrup, INth St., 82 ft. N. of P-ntt St., E. S.. 18x140 2.000 Mable O. Goodrich end htHbknd to Dena, S E. Cor. 5.1d, and Podge Sts.. lOOxl-iS fO.100 Jiax Emmert and wrfe to Murk C. I,i sr h. Underwo'.x" Ave., 260 ft, W. of 4th St., X. S.. i'C:128 10,500 Leolla Clempnt and husband to M. G. Allen, T Sr.. 175 ft. W. of 2'Jth St. 8. 8., 50r1 30 1,100 Rdlph A. Ilam-.n to Benson Uealtv Co., 56th Bt., 86 2-3 ft. N. of Miami St., W. S., 43 1-3x182,... 2,815 OH-6 P. Bottorff ct al to Edgnr m. Bottom, B. tv. Jor, ii)!n and Arbor Bts., 10127, and other property- 1,000 JIary H. Abbott and husband to Vern Runjaniln, 49tn Ave,, 4 ft. S. of Cuming St.. .W. 8., 47x 126 ,750 Paul Kuhns and wits to James Kur'it. Spencer St.. 120 ft. E. of 41at St.. 8. H.. 40x117.5 385 Earnh R. Fisher to Clarence E. Afertx. 27th St., 67 ft. N. of Hick ory St., W. 8., 13x100 J.050 Louis Ep-teln snd wife et al to Harry Welner. N. E. Cor. 13th snd Douglas Sts., 15133, Vn. U, JS.flOO Bt'rnan P. Oallrtgher to Max Olese, 50th Ave., 171 ft. N, of Leaven worth St.. W. S.. 25x1.10 . "60 Byrcn Reed Co. to Arthur T. Moon, Oik St., 51 ft. W. o' 46th Ave., N. tlxllS 285 Art;unta A. Rred and husband to Walter C. Johnnon. Harney St., 167 ft 13. of 33d St., S. 8., 60x 100 J Margaret L. Hsll snd husbnnd to Thomas L. Blarkburn, N. W. Cor. ' f0th Ave. nnd Ixnrd St.. 60x12,;. ll.OQO Anna S. Hlnrhey to Maurice F. Hln. eliey. 17th SI.. ISO ft. N. of M St.. -W. 8.. 45x140 2.0(10 Vendla C. Lillyman and busbsml in Kenneth M Snyder, 46th St., M fl. S. o' Webster St.. W. S.. 42x -100 4-8,600 Man's Efforts to Aid Balloon In Race Cost Place Indiana Farmer Ties Knot In Trail Rope Thinking Bal loonists Were Endeavoring to Make Landing. Detroit, Oct. 1. The efforts of a man in Indiana to assist in what he thought was an attempt to land their balloon was responsible for fheir craft being nosed out of first place in the elimination race starting from Birmingham last Saturday, accord ing to Lieut. Richard E. Thompson of Fort Omaha and Lieut. Harold E. Weeks of Ross Field, Cal., who reached here today from Richmond, Ont., where they landed. While traveling at a low altitude over Indiana a man noticed the drag rope trailing along the ground and tied a knot in it, believing it would catch in some obstruction and aid in what he took to be an attempt to land. Before they were able to rise to a higher altitude, the airmen said, the knot caught in fences and trees, at times threatening to throw them from the basket and greatly slowed up their progress. While crossing Lake Erie, Lieu tenant Thompson said, they were at a good height when they struck a down draught. Before they could throw out ballast they had shot downward until the life preservers dipped into the lake, but they managed to rise again and ex perienced no more trouble until they reached the Canadian side, where they were forced to rise to 30,000 feet to avoid a storm. The Thompson-Weeks' balloon was unofficially placed second in the race. H. E. Honeywell outdistanc ing it by one and a twelfth miles. Vote to End Strike. Martins Ferry, O., Oct. 1. Rep resentatives of 5,000 eastern Ohio coal miners votd, to end their strike and go back to work Friday. The :niners .walked cut several days ago when their demand for compensa tion or removal of stone were refused. Smith Objected to Clemency by m iWar Secretary Lieutenant Convicted of j Brutal Treatment of Sol- diers Wished to Serve Full 18 Months' Term. X: Washington. Oct. 1. Lieut ' Frank 11. (Hard Boiled Smith, ; whofe release from imprisonnwi following conviction y army court- martial of brutal treatment of American soldiers 'in France, has just become known, objected to any clemency being extended him. Sec retary of War Baker said today, - Smith's commanding officers, the secretary said, had appealed to tha clemency board of the War depart ment for a reduction of the 18 . months' sentence. Smith, learning of the action, wrote the board ob jecting to any change, saying that he wished to serve out his sentence to avoid further publicity. . r; A War department statement ex-s plained that Smith wai at liberty because the sentence given him by court-martial had expired. Hii im prisonment began at Fort Jay, New York, on July 21, 1919, the statement I said, and continued until March 20, 1920. when, because of good conduct, he was granted a parole. He was ; teleased from parole July 28, when"" the reduced sentence expired. Spanish Authors Plan to Protect Selves hy Union Madrid, Oct. 1. Spanish authors and translators have taken steps to form an organization for the defense of their interests. They have been ,, moved to take this step by the high" price of paper, which makes pub-... lisliers hesitate about publishing new books. Many of the leading authors , ' of Spain have promised to join. . Death Toll of New York Bomh Explosion Now 3tf New York, Oct. 1. The death toll from the Wall street explosion, September 16, was increased to 3$, when Alfred G. Phipp 28, a broker of New York City ded in a ho.-,, pital. Death resulted from bum, " internal injuries ana iractures ot ,. . iU t ' Get Down to Brass Tacks of Apparel Values Compare judge for yourself don't spend a dollar until you feel certain it cannot be better spent. Beddeo values are the best they have, ever been, and every man or woman should include this progressive, store in their Fall buying tour over the city. I Take Advantage of Beddeo's liberal Credit Service ' A service rarely equaled anywhere select your entire Fall and Win ter outfit a small payment down is sufficient, the balance can be cared for in most convenient terms. 1417 Douglas Street Smallest Profit Prices $1.00-Candy -39 c SATURDAY ONLY Full pound bos Dreibug ChocolatM A most extraordinary candy special featuring this high quality chocolate at a price that appears quite satisfactory just 250 boxes to the first 250 customers we urge" you to come early. THIRD FLOOR fl ba.sed on ever a' YOU'LL find, prices here this Fall the closest margin of profit tempted. It's saving our customers a lot of money, and because of this jve're doing more busi- , ness than ever. Remarkable value-giving has always been a Beddeo policy. It pays us because it pays . you. We both gain by it. -Fall Suits Styles tend toward simplicity; pain two and three-button single and double-breasted models. You'll see the style in these suits when you put them on. Sale of Overcoats Making a Hit ' Here's a rare combination newest, smart est overcoats and reduced prices. Many a man has already taken advantage of this op portunity. It will end shortly. . This sale concerns our entire stock oflnew overcoats. The range of selection is extraor dinary. Every need and taste met with over coats of the highest type. They're made by America's Best Clothes Builders and priced -at MAIN FLOOR- $39 $49 to$6im Positive Savings of $10 to $15 Indoor Tops FREE Come in, boys, and get a novelty top FREE. Lively, long-spinning tops that won't hurt mother's table or chairs. Bring in all the youngsters from your neighborhood. BOYS' SHOP MAIN FLOOR Out-of-Town Customers Send for Our Latest Catalog. Mrli n ft A .i