Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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Harding Special
Car Is Derailed
; .
, On Higlijrestle
Woman Thanks Youth r
Who Helped Save Home
Dffcclive" Casting , Nearly
; Lauses Bad . W reck Car of
i Slate Also Off Track,
Says Nominee.
Ou Board Senator Harding's Spc
cial Train, Sept. 30. Senator Hard
ing's special 'train escaped a serious
?wreck by a hair's breadth yesterday
u it was carrying the republican
nominee across West Virginia tn
the last leg of his campaign trip.
Ilis private car, "Ideal," left ,the
rails near Millwood, a small inoun
in village, and, with its trucks
banging themselves to , pieces oyer
lite railway ties, was dragged across
a high trestle at the rate of 30 miles
hpur. The train came to a stop
beyond, the chafin, just as the rear
wheels of the "Ideal" veered off the
ties entirely and buried themselves
in the gravel. , . ?
The other cars of the train did not
leave the rails, and no one was in
jured. A defective casting; in the
front truck,, which jolted to pieces
as , the car crossed a switch, was
Named by train officials for the ac
cident. In its perilous career, the
heavy car splintered ties and snapped
off rail bolts tor more than 300
yards, and two of the ties in th:
; trestle it crushed entirely.
Makes Several Speeches.
Last night the special, minus thcl
abandoned," l dp I, turned northeast
ward forManoi., the'senator com
pleting his .three-day trip with two
, evening addresses in Ohio. During
..the da he had spoken m a half
dpzen West Virginia cities, and had
Addressed a big afternoon meeting in
Ashland, Ky.' . . x '
Americanism representative gov
ernmental economy featured the
nominees' speech,' and he also touch
ed on most of the other issues of the
campaign. At Ashland he con
demned "pork barrel" river and har
bor legislation and asked for a morj
efficient development of the nation's
i inland waterways. Speaking: to
' crowd at Mason City, W. Va., be
compared his abandoned private
car to the American car of state
'The great car of state." he said
going forward to the fulfillment of
national engagements, somehow got
eff the track last year over in Paris
and it left things in very bad order
ana 1 think maype in crossing lie
tiesue oi internationalism m the sen
ate, to prevent us from completely
leaving the track, we might have had
i very serious wreck for the Unked
"So I am telling you that instead
ot tryinr to out a broken car bad
on the track Itct us cut it loose and
go on and keep our engagements
wim all the world."
Remarks Cheered.
The allusion aroused a cher.
V. Another shout of approval came dur
ing a speech at rarkersburg, W. Va..
when in referring to Governor Cox's
discussion of the "America first"
slogan in South Dakota, last night,
the republican nominee said:
nottf by the morning papers that
sorikeone. has taken up that slogan
and tried to compare . it with that
used by the Germans during, the
war. Somehow, or other the com
parison has appealed to me. And I
noted in a colloquy between the
democratic candidate and a citizen of
German origin that it was attempted
to make the slogan, 'America first,'
appeal as one of selfishness and an
ultimate' menace for us in pur rela
tions with the rest of the world. I
do not know that I can pronounce
correctly the well-known slogan of
the Germans, 'Deutschland Uber
Alles, but this meant, understand,
that they were thinking of Germany
"And I beg to remind my country
men that under the spirit of 40 years'
practice in Germany under that
slogan Germany became industrially
the most eminent, educationally, the
most influential, progressively, the
most notable, well known in the ac
complishment of art and most con
spicuous in widened commerce of
anv people in the worid."
Airs. Cristine Bradley South,
dughter of former Senator Bradley,
introduced Senator Harding at the
Ashland meeting and in opening his
address the candidate expressed his
gratification of the adoption of the
woman suffrage amendment.
Chester Dieno. v
. Chester Dieno, 12. 5015 California
street, will don a brand new foot
ball1 suit when he goes out to play
with his schoolmates for the first
Kcme of the season. ' :
Chester will get the foot bait out
fit for Ins presence of mind JLueSday
when he saw flames shooting from
UIV ItVIUlw V Jvv V 4.sjs.sJisy f vvvt
Cass street, while on his way home
from school.
' Chester ran into the house, asked
Mrs. Magney, who was alone there,
for a bucket, and fought the flames
tlone until the firemen came, then
guarding the door against curious
intruders. Mrs. Maguey pronounced
the lad a oerfect Kcntleman and
rewarded his deed with the foot ball
Houston Answers
Hardinjr Attacks
Charges Senator With Attempt
To Deprive People of Pride
" . In Financing War.
Washington, Sept. 30. Criticisms
of the treasury plan of war and post
war financing, in recent speeches
by Senator Harding, drew a state
ment from Secretary Houston in
which he accused the, republican
nominee of ' a partisan attempt to
deprive the American people of th'ir
legitimate pride inv financing- tine
war." ' (
Statements attributed to the sena
tor relative- to increases in the pub
lic debt under the present admin!6:
nation, likewise werei attacked hy
Mr. Houston. They indicated, he
said, that Senator Harding "knows
little of the subject himself and, that
he is being badly advised."
The senator's advisers, Mr. Hous
ton added, appeared ''not to have
tiken the trouble to ascertain, ne
facts or are willing to Vnisrepressnt
them for partisan purposes."
The statement declared' that not
only was the public debt not :in
rreasing, but that it was dccreasit.g.
adding that the treasury's expec a
tion of a lower outstanding gross
debt on September 30, compared
with June 30, "woulcLbe amply fulfilled-"
Mr. Ilcuston placed the re
dustion at $325,916,000 since June 30.
Polish Forces Capture .
Lida and Pinsk, Report
Warsaw, Sept. 30. (By The As
sociated Press.) Polish farjea1
captured Lida, an important town
45 miles south of Vilna, and Pinsk,
a fortified city 90 miles east cf
Brest-Litovsk, on Tuesday, accord
ing to an official statement issued
The Polish advance toward the
northeast is continuing and-'the fall
of Vilna, the Lithuanian capital, U
expected within a few days.
Kamanetz-PodoAsk, a city on the
northern bank of "he Dniester river
in Ukraine, has been recovered by
Ukrainian troops from the bolshc
viki, it is reported. , . ,.
Soviets' Regime
Hard Pushed to
Check Uprisings
Terrorist Methods pesigned to
Stop Counter-Revolutions of
Xitle Avail, Report From
Sebastopol Says..
New York limes-Chicago Tribune Cable.
rpyriht, me.
Sebastopol, Sept 30. Reliable re
ports from soviet territory as tar
east as "Rostov on the Don, and :.s
far west as Odessa, indicate that the
red regime is- having difficulty -n
holding its own against the uprising
of the people despite terrorist meth
ods designed to check counter-revolutions.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Petroff, who re
ctntly escaped from Odessa in a row
boat in which they were at sea two
days before- being picked, up by a
destroyer , and: brought here, and a
Russian newspaper man who walked
here from ,Rostov tell stories re
markably similar, relative to the
reign of terror being carried on by
the government. The regime, how
ever, is failing to check the revolts
The 1 Petrotfs say that repeated
rebellions are occurring in Odessa
and vicinity. The red garrison in
Odefsa, consisting of 10,000 troops,
spends more than half its time out
side ofvthe' city burning villages
where revolutions occur and the
soldiers are diverted to such an ex
tent that the reds fear Wrangel
would have no difficulty in occupy
ing that place.
Women Sent to Chinese Troops.
Mrs. Petroff 'and her sister verify
the report that the reds sent wom
en having no employment card is
sjed by the communist party, to -he
Chinese troops on the Polish front.
They know of several cultured and
respectable women being sent ajd
themselves saw one detachment of
seven cars leavine for the front. All
women between 16 and 21 having no
employment cards are arrest?c
When a commissar sees a woman
he. wants, he. orders the soldiers s
arrest her.
The newspaper, correspondent re
ported similar practices at Rostov.
The prisons, both at Rostov andj
Odessa, are full. "Fifteen thousand
prisoners at Rostov, who are receiv
ing half a loaf of black bread of poor
quality and insufficient water daily,
are perishing slwly. An'entire army
cf 7,000 white troops which the Rou
manians "refused to permit to cross
the border were captured and im
prisoned by the reds when they oc
cupied Odessa, and tyive perished
from hunger., iiKacufions of from
50 to 1 50 daily, without any trial,
are reported to be occurring in both
Rostov and Odessa. )
Plenty of Food at Odessa.
' Economic conditions are bad, but
plenty of iood is reported in Odessa.
However, under the soviet officials,
the troops have received no pay for
four months and are discontented.
They arc said to be aiding in the
uprisings. , ,
The workers in Rostov have been
most active and rebellious, and de-
rpite attempts ot the reds to force'
their union wijh the communist
party, only abjmr 5 per cent belong.
The workers receive 6,000 rubles
monthly. 0ne pound of black bread
costs 700 rubles. A large portion of
Rostov "has been burned by thered3
to check uprisings, and the housing
problem has become 6erious.
Petroff saw officers of an Italian
destroyer, sunk by a mine while at
tempting to enter. Odessa harbor,
walking , in the streets. The reds
held impressive funeral . services for
seven Italian sailors drowned when
the ship went down.
Illinois Candidate
ror ijovernor peeks
Audjence With Wilson
Chiracs Tribune-Omaha Bee Iaed H ire.
Washington, Sept 30. James
Hamilton Lewis, democratic candi
date for governor of Illinois, came
to Washington seeking a conference
with President Wilson. He did not
see Mr; WilsonJ but will remain un
til tomorrow whrti he expects an
engagement to be made.' ...
At the White House executive of
fice, Col. Lewis said that if the elec
tion could be held at once he would
be elected governor of Illinois by
50,000 plurality, s
"But I will be elected anyway,"
he added, "if no blunders are made."
Col. Lewis is Returning to Illinois
to campaign in every county of the
state. He has been speaking for the
national ticket in the east.
"I never saw such political
apathy." he said, "among the peo
ple. .They seem to have no interest
and I do not expect much interest
to develop until a few days before
election. Then the people will wake
up and decide who to vote forfor
president." I
Italy Fears Coal
May Be Cut By U.S.
Newspapers Aroused By Ao
tioH of One Firm Cancelling
t Orders to Supply Fuel.
Leghorn, Italy, Sept. 29. Alarm
is felt here over the prospect that
American shipments of coal to Italy
will be stopped. 1 Newspapers of
this city publish a telegram received
by an agent of an American firm,
which says: "Owing to the revo
lutionary movement in Italy, vve
hive ceased sending coal and are
cancelling former orders, the stabili
ty of Italian money being uncer
tain." ' ' ,
Commenting on. the subject, the
Tempo of Rome says this is a
"mere episode in the campaign of
systematic defamation of Italy
which is occurring abroad."
Newspaper dispatches state the
capture of several steamers ; by the
Federation of Seamen has had a
disastrous consequence, as Italian
exporters have decided not to trust
their cargoes to Italian ships. Switz
erland,, which formerly used Genoa
in its commerce with America
, has
canceled contracts aua.uvo U I UumJ torroiutul trom the Hflgft'j
1,000.000 francs, and is ""f
goods to the United States -by the I Roveriii wr"V m. v
way of Marseilles. ' ' train to pass through "VnhtA tw
Phoa your order today
Updika Lumbar tt Coal Co.
Phone Walnut 300
v E
"They Work while you Sleep"
Japanese Envoy Confident
Of Amicable Agreement
Seattle, Sept. 30. Confidence that
pending negotiations neiween we
United States and Japan would re
sult in the amicable settlement of
the California land question insofar
as it affects his countrymen, was
expressed by Kaname Wakashugi, at
tache of the Japanese embassy in
Paris, who arrived on his way to
Geneva to attend the first general
session of the league of nations.
Japan s . supreme desire, Mr.
Wakashugi said, "is to Continue close
relations with the United States and
it will make any reasonable sacn
r:. ;i i"Jti:
iiic tir civtii in lading.
Raise Indiana State Tax
Levy 4 Cents on Every $100
Indianapolis. Ind.. Sept. 30. The
state board of tax commissioners to
day increased the state tax levy from
18 cents to il cents on every $IUU ot
taxables in Indiana. The 4-cent in
crease, it was estimated, win aaa
more than ?1,000,000 to the state
Pershing's Gelding Takes ?
Blue Ribbon at Horse Show
Philadelphia. Sept. 30. "Jeff." the
big bay gelding owned by General
Pershing, captured the blue ribbon
at the opening event of the Bryn
Mawr horse show. The: horse took
first place in the jumping class for
green hunters.
The horse was presented to him
by the Jeff Fiegel post of the Ameri
can Legion New York, on his return
from France and was pamed for the
donor. ! .
v I. C. C. Approves Loan to
; Rock Island Railroad
Washington. Sprit. 3f -Annrnvat
of a Toan of 52.000.000 to the Chicatro.
Rock island & pacific Railway com- Name "Bayer" on Genuine
pany to aid it in meeting its 1920 ' , -
maturing indebtedness, was an
nounced today by the Interstate
itself is required to finance in con
nection with its maturing indebted
ness approximately $6,000,000.
v : v
Port Authorities Open
Annual Meet In Chicago
Chicago, Sept. 30. One hundred
and fifty engineers and port experts
gathered here today to attend the
ninth annual convention of the
' American Association of Port Au
thorities. The men represent all
sections of the United States and
. Canada. ?
Waterways x and barge . canal
. projects from coast-to-coast will be
discussed. ,
Midland Packing Co. to
' Collect Subscriptions
.Sioux City, la.. Sept. 30. Stock-
hntrlArt nf trt f irllanr! Parlciiior rm-
panv last night unanimously decided
in favor of collecting outstanding
subscription notes due the company
to pay its indebtedness of approxi-
nately $1,000,000 an"put" the Mid
land back in operation. '
The company is in the hands of a
Do you feel all tangled ur bil
ous, constipated, headachy, nervous,
full of cold? Take Cascarets tonight
for jiour liver and bowels to straight
en you out by morning.- Wake up
with head clear, stomach right,
breath sweet and feeling fine. No
griping or inconvenience. --Children
love Cascarets, too; 10, 25," 50 cents.
For Itching Eczema.
Old Sores and Piles
"I guarantee my ointment," aays Peter
son of Buffalo, "to cure eczema; to (top
the itching at once and any reliable drug
gist will cheerfully refund your money
i 1-1 T I A. ill J
evcryiiiinK i. asy iv wm uo.
William A. Carley of Franklin, N. Y.. is
surely a wise man. He writes: "I used
PETERSON'S OINTMENT on a little boy
suffering; terribly with eczema. It did the
Then there is Alex. Louttel, a brave
fireman of Buffalo, who is elad to write
as follows: "I had an old sore on my leg;
for many years. The best doctors failed.
PETERSON'S OINTMENT entirely healed
the sore quickly." And from over in Can
ada comes a letter from A. Blockeby, stat
ins;! "The best thins; I ever hit for itch
ins piles is PETERSON'S OINTMENT."
A big box for SO cents. Moil orders filled
by Peterson Ointment Co.. Inc. Buffalo,
N. Y. Sherman t, McConnell Drug Co.
will supply you. '
Dr. Burkhart
Startles the world with the most wonder
ful offer ever made suffering;, humanity.
If you have Liver, Stomach Trouble, Con
stipation, he will sell yon through your
druggist a SO-day treatment or 26c, or
he will send you a trial treatment of Dr.
Burkhart'a Vegetable Compound. It is an
old reliable herb remedy and a preat sys
tem builder. . Address Dr. Burkhart,
Cin'ti. O.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is
genuine Aspirin proved safe by mil
bens and prescribed by physicians
for over twenty years. Accept only
an unbroken "Bayer package, which
contains proper directions to relieve
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism, Colds' and Pain.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is
trade mark Bayer. Manufacture
Monoacctieacidester of Salicylicacid,
Money back wflbout queraeo
i nu 9 nwv ibus in the
treatment sf ITCH. EC2KMA.
Other "chine, skuidiseans. Try
IS ecu bos at our ruk.
Sherman 4t McConntU Drug Cf
Cuticura Soothes Rashes
Of Infancy And Childhood
When little ones are sleepless, fretful and
crost because' of distressing irritation
mothers should know that Cuticura will
quickly aootha and in most cases heal.
Bathe the affected part with Cuticura
Soap and hot water. Dry and gently
apply Cuticura Ointment.
isUlMkrtwtrlfsM. Addras:"esarsLsk-
tnUtUt, DT. 7 IUJ4M tt. Mut " SoMmrr
ihgr Sospffie. Olnrinent 34 and Talcum 26e.
WCaticara Seap abava without Mug.
"Curo Your
Rupturo Lilio
I Cured nino"
CM Sm Captsia Curtd His (hrs
Eupture Afttr Doctor Said
"Optrat or DettL"
BU Bimsdy and Book lost Frta.
Caitaln Colllngs sailed the seas for
many' years; then he sustained a bad
double rupture that soon forced him to
not only remain ashore, but kept him
bedridden for years. He tried doctor
after doctor and trust after truss. No
results 1 Finally, he waa assured that
he must either submit to dangerous
and abhorrent operation or die. He did!
He cured himself. Instead.
One Price Clash Sale
m :
, -. Double !
i i Discount II
tJsedCar. . Sale III
Value. I Prices
$2,200 . $1,800
$4,650 $3,200 $2,800
- 4 (
i . m
$2,9S0 $2,500 I
$2,750 $2,000 $1,600 1
$5,300 $3,350 $2,650
At 10 c At 20c U
sr hi i
! $2,850 $2,386 $1,922
2019-2025 Famam Street Phone Douglas 171X
CASI4 Is the Only Consideration mt TsMtc Prices
' New Car
" . - Price. .
Hudson. Sedan
This carls a 1918 series, but has
seen very little service, having
run less than 10,000 miles.
Equipped with wire wheels,
Goodyear Cord tires and in per
fect shape mechanically. Kefin
ished, and looks like new.
Kissel Kar Coupe
1920 model, run less than 4,000
miles. Original equipment
throughout, includes wire wheels,
Firestone Cord tires,- with an ex
tra wheel and tire. This car is
newly varnished and guaranteed
to be in perfect running order.
Franklin Sedan
1918 model, series 9-B, run only
10,225 miles. Overhauled, refin
ished and in perfect condition
throughout. Goodyear Cord tires.
This car has same lines and same
general appearance as a 1920
model. . $3,850
Franklin Four-PasMnger Roadster
1918 model, series 9-B. This car
has been, run about 11,000 miles.
Refinished and in excellent con
dition. Cord tires throughout,
new top. Well worth the money.
Marmon Five-Pasaeng er Touring
1917 model 34. This car has al
ways been kept right up to the
minute and has never needed
overhauling. This is 'a five-passenger
car, but can be made into.:
a seven-passenger at very little
additional expense. You must see
this car to appreciate its value.
Franklin Fire-Pasaenger Touring
inis car nas standard equipment
throughout. Has been used on
the territory by our salesmen
and is sold under same guarantee
as a new car.
"Fellow Mesj an) Women, Yon Don't Have
' Te Be Cot Up, and You Deal Hare , .
, To Be Torture By Trusses."
Cantata Colllnn mad n. atudv of
1 himself, of his condition and at last ha
1 was rewarded by the finding of the
1 method that ao quickly made him a weli,
' strons. vigorous and happy man. i
I Anyone can use the same method i 1
- It's simple, easy, safe and Inexpensive.
I Every ruptured person in the wirld
, should have the Captain Colllngs .book, 1
' telling all about how he cured himself, ,
and how anyone may follow the same
treatment in their own home without :
any trouble. The book and medicine are j
FREE. They will be sent prepaid to
any rupture sufferer who will fill out ,
i the below coupon. But sxmd It right
awny now Delore you put down ttiie
paper. . ,
Rancor coupon.
Capt. V. A. Colllngs (Inc.)
BoslUB Watertown. N. Y.
Please tend me your FREE Rupture
Remedy and Boole without any obll
gatluu on my part whatever. t
Dee .wain add . bring results.
Worn Out In Mind and Body
Your child is quick to observe disturbances in your mental attitude or
physical condition. And when be asks: "What's the matter. Daddy?"
there's a tone of solemn anxiety in his little voice. The depression
stamped upon you reflects intensely upon him because of his profound solic
itude. He at once drops his playthings and rushes to your side, but his
happv smile has disappeared and his buoyant spirits are gone replaced
by a countenance of worry and a bearing of hopelessness.
You owe it to the happiness and welfare of your family to keep trim in body and keen la
intellect. You are the sun and the inspiration of their lives. Dark, threatening clouds horer
over their heads the instant you show signs of being: "oat of sorts" or "under the weather."
Don't imperil their future by neglecting your health. asa ja a,.
The Great General Tonic .
will banish that "tired feeling" and dispel that
ifa) 3
1 -
LYKO ! Mid In rlrinsl pshas Mil,,
Ub rlcttm shot. KWum all ukalltuMs
look. It will renew your strength andviamr. omrnma
the rayishing effects ot overwork and worry, revive yout
spirits and increase your bold on life. Being refresh
ing appetiser, a valuable aid to digestion and a worthy
promoter of the general health, because of its positive ra.
vitalizing and reconstructive value, its use is especially
desirable In cases of subnormal conditions. Ifyousuffet
from nervous exhaustion, muscular or mental fatigue,
or deficiency of vital force due to general weakness c
wasting illness, you'll find "LYKO" particularly bene
fleial. It tones up the entire system and keeps yoa
feeling fit. Ask your druggist for a bottle today. ,s
Sele Manufacturers '
New Yark . . Kaasaa CrV
For sale by Beaton Drug Co., 15tk 'and Fa man Sts., an
. , all retail drugiistsr
Germans Threaten to Stop
Relief Train to Polantl
Brussels, Sept. 30. On the eve of
Notwithstanding the tlcrniau
thrfat, the train left for Poland at
6:45. p. in. after a tleiiioiistration at
the station by a K'Vat crowd.
SOB 01
Right Now Is the Tbe
' To Consider the Purchase
of a Stove
One that will throw out sufficient heat to keep you comfortable
without the waste, of fuel.
Bowen Stoves instantly recommend themselves to you for their
heat-giving and fuel-saving qualities.
Special Values Of fered Now
in Coal Heaters aniCookers
. , ' ' , '
o 'Don't wait, worry and be uncomfortable a single day come to
the Bowen. Store and choose the stove or heater you want and
have It delivered to your home for Immediate use.
June Day Heaters
i Q) (
Nickel trim 6-inchi firebowl,
and equippeil with a hot blast '
air chamber around firebowl,
thereby meaning a great sav
ing of fuel to you.
T1.U.J a '
These Heaters can be had In
many different designs and
sizes. The Economy is consid
ered one of the very best soft
coal beaters made, and they
fjivub I vvw mwvvh uawa) mi;
$35.00 I from $30.00 to.. $60.00
Economy Combination Coal
I I J tXQRMt j 7
Gks Range
This tove is made of all cast
iron construction, has four gas
burners and automatic lighter,
nd also the same amount of
jolea for coal. This range is
without a question of doubt one
of the most complete combina
tions built There is absolutely
no change to make when you
want to burn coal or burn gas,
or they both can be used at the
same time. This stove can be
had in all white porcelain or In .
plain black and is guaranteed
perfect baker. A -.n v
lev?.:.,.., $150.00
Economy Cast Iron
Coal Range
This is a six-hole rang)
with a full 18-inch oven
has heavy duplex grates and
guaranteed a perfect baker
at .,
We also carry a full line of
Steel Ranges. These ranges
are heavy asbestos lined and
made of 'Armco rust-proof
steel, which insures the put
chaser of having a perfect
stove in every respect These
stoves oan be had In full
nickel trimmings and in
plain black and ts m A
range in price Tkr I II I
m r ws w
up from.
For Your Bed Room
Odd Dressing Tables
in Mahogany and Walnut
If you have no dressing table In
your bedroom, make a note to
come and look at this one. . A
dressing table is as essential In
the bedroom as the bed itself, and
every modern bedroom should
have one. Priced at, only
Ecoholny Heaters
Better Values are to be had
I every day at the
O 'mcwuis it stTwirN attng' ' Q
- -..-r'"--.j; viiii 'fe",' ' h..
- T . .