Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1920. ii i ( Society' Cohan-Kubby. I Mis Ida Kutfhy jTjWedne$day evcnfiig, f 'ie Beth Hamedrtsh tr. I3orri Irving Col Mis Ida Kutfhy will be married Uctober ft at ,h synagogue to Cohan of Chicago. v .Although the betrothal took place in Ally, no formal announcement ot the engagement wai made MissjNoby ' the daughter of tne late Mr. and Mrs. Simond Kub- "jensky. ' : Many social affairs will be given for Miss Kubby by her ' friends. . Among those who have ' al ready entertained in her honor are: Mesdamen, H. Rothkop, M. Golden l erg, J. Raytnan, M. London, N. W. Naken. Karl Brnndcis, Harry Kub by and B. V. Lortg. Following the ceremony at which Rablji Morris N. Taxon will officiate, a (liijncr will be held for relatives and a f$w intimate friends. The young, couple ' will inafce a honeymoon trip to St. Jotiis, ' Mo.; Tampa, Jacksonville and Palm Beach, Fla., and Havana, uba. Up on their return they will reside in Chicago. , V , 1 ... Luncheon, ' Miss Jessie Millard entertained at luncheon at her home, Tuesday, in honor of Mrs Corinne. Roosevelt 'RoDinson, sister of the late Theodore Roosevelt, who spoke in Omaha Tuesday evening at the Auditorium. Covers were placed for 12 quests. Bridge Club Reorganizes. Mrs. Daniel Gruenig will be host ess Saturday .afternoon1 when a bridge club of which she is a mem ber will be reorganized. The club rrH'eU every two weeks,. .The mem- ' (fcrs are MfS Arthur Ross, 1 Mrs. Iponald Kowe, Misses Helen-Curtis, A mhv KUntrK.,! U.I,.., W.rf. lahel Picl. Dorothy Gray, . Myrne Oilchrist, Martha Gyger, Lucy Gar vin and Mildred Rhodes." " . i iu in m ' Somen Club. ' The Somers club will meet Tues day, October 5, with Miss Helen Walker. ' - Chlldr "y The Sal !Saving In Children's Clothing Needed. Salvage shop of the I Child Institute, 511 North Six teenth street, is making an appeal it J for children's clothing. Any one f wishing to make a donation is re- quested to call Douglas 8123. Rebekah Lodge. " v A program and dancei wiH be given Thursday evening by 'the Rebekah lodge, celebrating their 69th an niversary, at Odd Fellows hall, Fourteenth and Dodge streets, to which all members of the lodge and Odd Fellows are invited. ( , , . For Mrs. Meyer. Sirs. W. H. Wheeler entertained informally at a luncheon at her home Tuesday in honor of Mrs. G. A. Meyet of Denver, the guest of Mrs. T. L. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe gave a dinner of eight covers at their home Tuesday evening tor Mrs. Tueyeiv ; - Informal Affair. Miss Marian Figge, who leaves soon for California, was honor guest at a" informal evening affair given Monday at the home of Miss Jessie McDonald. - Country Club. v , Mrs. E. A. Creighton entertained at a luncheon of eight covers at the Country club, Tuesday, for her gnest, Mrs. Edith Scott Magna of Hol yoke, Mas. v .Personal Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Gifford anw nounce the birth of a son, Sundaf morning, y s ' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young have returned : from California, where they spentseveral weeks. f!e Martrarpr Wpiislev of Clawe- Innd, 6., who was the guest of Miss Alice rortcrneia,. ten aaturaay ior home. Hiiob Rohertson left Saturday for VCleveland, O., to he a delegate, at the national convention of the Ameri can Legion.' Mrs, Helen Reynolds of . New VArr urJ.n e ct Annin v-at the tenelle, leaves the latter part of the r . a t . wcck xor ncr nonic. to Mrs and Mrs. Paul H. MacCrone. Mrs. llacCrone was formely Murlle Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R, Barnes. ST Compextott Dvllcatcl ieh ad raAoad b the cvmpluiea aided by Nadine Face Powder Ttd wquttita beautllW Im parts aa ladaflnabl charm a cbam and lavallaeaa which andara throufheut thaydajp tod tlofar la tha mamorj. It eaolaaaa U rafraahlnav and it aanaot bans tba taa- dareat akin. Sold In tta craaa baa at laadtag toilat aounaara or by mail 60c. NATIONAL TOILET to. PAka, tnh, v 1 ICSXJ 'J ft -1M Pv Irf v t : , ' $U if Sterna A McCoanell Drag Stores mat, utter louet couaura, What's What By. HELEN DECIE. . " Of the twd high school girls pic tured, one at the. left is wearing a long-sleeved school blouse of pon gee, simply made, with hunter's green satin ribbon running through eyelets around the deep collar and forming the scarf ' in front. The other girl, who is going to a matinee,, wears with her trim blue serge coat and skirt the blouse, as illustrated, fashioned of sheer batiste, with yokt and short-sleeved cuffs of hand em broidery, edged with Val lace. Simplicity is the keynote of good taste for girls of high school age. Everything may be, and should be, as dainty as possible,- but elabora tion is bad form. Daughters of re fined mothers are not given to the "loud" dressing and flashy jewelry which, among the less well-informed, so often. mar the effect of youthful beauty. (Copyright, 1120, by Public Ledger Co.) mi I' Dr. Elizabeth' Bass of New Orr leans, La., has been chosen head of the Medical Women's National as sociation, ' I Do You Know XX Three Questions a Day for the - Housewife. 1. When .the grape industry was started in this country? 2. The way to cook prunes to make them most tender?? 3. How to cool any 'liquid quickly if you have no ice? (These questions i will be an swered this week by the House wife.), v, Answers to Monday's Questions. 1. Raisins are good food for You Will - Price, service ind ? quality are better rftow tlia they ican be later. - ' Anrl in oi.f.A11 Will oflll Tl Q 7A . TV. Q Ti V AllUt Jll aUUJtUVUi J Pennsylvania Hard Coal Coke for Base Burners "Economy" Coal From Franklin , -County, Illinois "E-Z-Lite" Coal, also from Illinois , These are economical grades. Many dealers -do not have them. We offer a limited stock, subject to priojr sale. Sunderland Brothers Co. Main Office, Entire 3d Floor Keeline Bldg., 17th and Harney Streets One of Our Yards Is Near Your Home Draperies Specia ly Priced For Saturday at Bowen'f That most desired time when you can secure new draperies for your home, when you can "dress up" the in terior appearance of the rooms at trifling cost, will occur Saturday, Oct. 2d, at the Bowen Store, 16th and Howard streets. There is no denying the beauty of the immense stock of tfew draperies shown at this store neither is there any denying the Exceptional val ues of the draperies offered in our big one-day sale. If you are only - looking for a single drape or draperies, to be made and hung in several rooms, you will realize an immense saving by . buying here Saturday. Count the number of dra peries or curtains you want and be at the H. K. Bowen Co.'s store early Saturday morning. From, our large stock there will be no trouble in selecting exactly what you want. . i Bee want ads brine results. Camp Fire Tag ' Day Workers Nmed m Chairmen and their assistants for the Campfire Girls' tag day, Satur day, October 2, are as follows: Street corner: Mrs. Irving S. CuttJf and Mrs. G. A. Young, chair men. Farnam and Eighteenth, Miss Puth Bracken; Farnam and Seven teenth, Mrs. Otis SmitbiFarnam and Sixteenth, Miss Bertha Vaughan; Farnam and Fifteenth, Mrs. Virginia Davidson and Miss Irma Craig; Farnam and Fourteenth. Miss Anne ErixSon: Farnam anl Twenty fourtJi, Mrs. Charles . McGill and Mjss lone Heminway; Douglas and Sixteenth, Mrs. L. A; Hornbcrg; Douglas, and Fifteenth, Mrs. Guy Hoyt and Mrs. Glenn Smith; How ard and Sixteenth, Miss Olga Jor 'gensen; Harney and Sixteenth, Miss Madeline Marr and Mrs. Clatffx Seldoniridge; Dodge and Sixteenth, Miss RoSalie Platner; Twenty fourth and, Lake, Mrs. L. N. Peoples; Forty-njnth and Dodge, Miss K, Dunnigen,; Fiftieth and Underwood, Miss Margaret Holyoke; Twenty fourth and Amesj Mrs. .Frank MtU otels: Mrs. G. C. Cunningham, Mrs. J. C. Bufiington, chairmen; Fontenelle, Miss Margretha Gfim mel; Loyal, Miss Grace Gallagher; Merchants, Miss Henrietta Medlar; Castle, Miss Katherine Case; Pax ton, Mrs. Sam Henderson; Conant, Mrs. Mildred Hamilton; Hill, Miss Mry Dixson; Rome, Mrs. Theo dore Bailies; Blackstone, Miss Esther Smith; "Colonial, Miss Lucy Garvin. V- ' Clubs: Mrs. W. W. Hoagland, Mrs. O. H. Barmettler, Miss Gladys Shamp, chairmen; University, Miss anyone taking a long- walk, be cayse they check thirst and con tain also nourishment in a, very I concentrated form. i 2. Pack sliced cr ' shred Jed pineapple fjr 24 hours in a cov ered glass dish on ice. 3. To dry lettuce without breaking place cloth and swing it around: quickly it gn a quickly , (Copyright 120. by the McClure ',' Newapaptr Syndicate.) V. Benefit 1 1 If You Put Your COAL in NOW WW. UU1.4A v . . No One Need Buy Cuticura Before He Tries Free Samples Sop, Ofntmont. Talcum, tte. vverywber. Baraplet ireo ui vvwtmr MVairvaajrws, uapsj. MUium, KaN. - The perfect illum ination provided b y-Westinghouse Mazda Lamps creates a bright, cheerful prosper-:; xjus atmosphere I whether the store itself be large or small. iWESTINGHOUSE' THE NELSON COMPANY Artlatle Lightinr Fixturaa and Elac- Iric Houscaeld Appllancea. 408 Sa. lBth St. Douflai 7S49. Naxt Door ta Orphaum. Mable Rassmussen; Omaha club, Miss Pauline Hand; Athletic, Miss Helen- Regan; Commercial, .Miss Loretta Burns. j , Mofies: Mrs. AV. R. Coats, Mrs. , C. J. Huboard, chairmen. Muse,' Miss Ruth Armstrong; Strand, Miss Mildred Foster; Em press, Mrs. M. Katlenian; Rialtn, Miss Edna Thrane; Moon,- Miss Ernstine Wunrath; Sun. Miss Velora Boone; Orpheuni, Miss Ruth Peter son; Brandeis, Mrs. Sam Schaefer. Miscellaneous: Mrs. William Berry, Mrs. Willis Berger. chairmen. Union PaCifit headquarters, Miss Marie Neismann; Stock Yards, Miss Jean Berger and Miss Viola Cudney; Ben son Miss Mildred Thompson and Miss Merle Hughes. ' ' Campfire Notes. Mrs. Charles' Hubbard, chairman of the executive board of the Omaha Council of Campfire Girls, has sent out an,S. 0,S. to all members, of flie organization asking thein to re port at the headquarters, room 23, Patterson block, to help tie tags for the Campfire tag day, Saturday, October 2. I , Clubdom 1 , v Mothers' Culture Club, The Mothers' Vulture club' will open the season dnesday with a 1 o'clock luncheon, at the home of Mrs.. W. H. Indoe, 90S North Forty ninth street. " ; r - Business Girls' League. The.Wamm club will meet -for. supper Wednesday evening at 6:30. The sewing class will meet Wed nesday, 7:30 p. m.; Miss Emma Kiss ling, instructor. Alpha Grove No. 2. Members of Alpha Grove No. 2 and new members off Druid Grove. Woodman circle, will be entertained at a social Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, in the. new hall, A. O. U. W. building, Fourteenth and Eodge streets. r 1 i U 75 Colorado Spring?' Largest and Finest Hostelry CHAS. A. tCHLOTTER, Manager -European Plan . Restaurant' Famed . In the center of the city, surrounded, by fifteen acres of garden and park. An ideal objective for motor trips. Garage. SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER and. NOVEM BER weather conditions are perfect for motoring, golf and other outdoor recreation. Detailed information and booklet on request. THE ANTEERS HOTEL Colorado Springs, Colorado smM r in I 1 B av I ' ' " ' .11 ifmencsm, O&smtf EliECTEIC rROJST The bes iron made , ". The first cost is unimportant. JResults count. Buy an electric iron for what it will do for the service it will render and v the years ij will last. ' The sturdy construction of "RnxxBaBmf ' ' irons assure the same satisfactory serv- : ice after years of use as upon the day of purchase. ' ' r ( Manufactured by American Electrical Heater Company, Detroit. Makers of a Complete line of Electric Heating; Device. A. X "tvv .JT7 . Sold by Fine Arts Society Present Year's Program The Fine Arts society has a par tially assured schedule whicli it con siders the best yet attempted by the society, according to Mrs, A. Dar low, publicity chairman. Friday, November 12,, W. - L. George, celebrated author of many books, will lecture on '"The Modern Novel." Monday, February 21, the noted poet, dramatist and essayist, also AnVKRTISKMKNT. "DANDERINE" Stop Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. v A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life-; vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. M. ll.'J"J"W.MMl" " J ataaaaaaaaaaAaaUaaaaaaa t ' 'rlTJt Electrical, Hardwarm, mnd Dmpmrtmtti and Electrical Companiat HZ U? 4 1 "i author of "Abraham Lincoln," John Driukwater, will lecture on "An English Dramatist's View of Lin coln." Early in February John Living ston Lowes, professor of English in Harvard college, author of conven tion books and poetty, is assured for a lecture, In earl March- Ralph Adams Cram, architect and author, is ex pected. ' . 7 . Fv the middle' of1 March it is gratifying to-know that Mrs. Doug las Robipsofl will speak on modern ?oetry. As is well known, lrs. lobinscm is a sister , of Theodore Roosevelt. It was she who- second- NEWEDISQN k riMfhtnttrql with a Stuiy fini. ) Budget rian Say$ ! "NOW!" I now, Why, wait? Our Budget Plan savs vou cet 3'our New Edison right away, a soon as J we carfl get it 'to your home. fv It sayi, too that you don't have - strain ' yoursel in a financial way, It shows you how to regu late your enjoyraent .. expenditure and make! room for aNew Edison. You don't feel the purchase when vou buy by - our Budget Plan. : It gets in its best work while you 1 are already enjoyin" your New Edison. , T You Save time by this thrifty way of buying. Save money, too, because ypu avoid a lump sum expenditure. Don't forget to ask about i1. r THE EDISON SHOP Shultc Bros., Owners, 313 South 15th St. 5(r . x " U . ' IS SSL' k 11 M Certainly VII cd the nomination of General Wood in Chicago. It is hoped that this society will be able to secure-Gilbert K.' Ches terton. ."',' There are other noted lecturers ill view which the public and society will be informed about as soon as the final contracts are signed. Mr. Maurice Block of the- Chicago Art institute has been secured as di rector of the art school, ts has been previously stated, this iustitute will be free from all expense to the student. Douglas 3940 ' Courtney Building Wednesday Specials Pure Cane Sugar, 10 4 rolls Toilet Paper for 25 Per dozen.. .... .70t Ehmann Ripe Olives, j pint jar.. .454 White Bear Preserves, per jar 424' -Per dozen.,... 154.85 ; Libbey's Baked Beans, per dozen ......1.65 Ankola Coffee, per -pound 504. We are giving a SPECIAL demonstration on KEL LOGG'S HEALTH FOODS; . . , x Baako Butter, lb.r 61c Ma'zola Pint can .. v . Quart can. . . 35c 69 c Basko Milk- Baby, y size . .... Lare 14 c can. A . . 7? " Potatoes. 15 pounds 45c Rumford Baking Powder, 07 ' Mb. can Geam OA Cheese, lbC , , 1 . Magic City Pickles, 10-ounce 00 bottle.... . OC .Basket Stores You Will Appreciate the Saving ,- - . . ' V!:.' (PtUTTJJMj m m AK ERICA'S H0S2E "jr. ttSrtL X5f BestFriendsJcl aKaanaaaMMMvaOTMMial J Woman's Faculty Club. The Woman's Faculty club ofthe University of Nebraska will meet Wedtiesdhy afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. F. Jonas, 106 South Thirty first avenue. Mrs. Samuel Avery, wife of Chan cellor Avery' of the University ol Nebraska, and president of the Faculty club in Lincoln, will be honor guest at the meeting. , -t 9 aii - I i l Dentistry is one of the best pay ing professions for women in Scm bia. -. pounds . . .... $1.57 New York White Cheese, rier pound ... .i , .43d Round Steak, per lb.30 Pot Roast,s per lb. .15c Xarab Chops, per lb.25dr Lamb. Stew, per lb..X04 Veal Roast, per lb. VeaLChops, per lb. 254 ,;Veal Stew, per lb.124 No. 1 Ham, per lb. 354 No. 1 Bacon, per lb .454 Wilaon'a , Nut 32c My Wife's Syrupy Medium OJ bottle : ODC Large -bottle Tomatoes, large No 3 18c can. . . . ww Onions,, !i'OQA lO pouiibV. Lard - M Q.r.r i s ' : . , . l Basko Bread 10c Ipaf . . 15c loaf, 9c 2 for , Midwest Milk We are headquar v ters. SHOE P0USH "r t OXBLOOD ShkxmA Soften MMi Preserves that Leather Wx Miriifijl aaaaaaWaWBaawaarwBaaB, aaBaBaaajajaaBaaaaaa. fR V. J if 1