Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
aitltlad to M for ixibllcsilon of ell nsws diipstolis
f41 It not oUmt-Im endliid la thlf f xr, and also to
-to a-s p jojumq nwsin. au rimu of guMieatloa of out waM
" Tyler 1000
For Night Call After 10 r. M.i
Mortal Trtat I9ML
QmlsUs DVpanmanl ........... -flr 1M8L
44rrtUiag Dsearlanot .......... xju ioml
Wain Offlc: ITta sue1 rimu
II Bootl 8L I Sou ik SIS Mil M It
Out-af-Taw n OffkMi
Tow Tor
It mrtk Ik I Wuhlnrti nil n M
Stsrsr Bldi. I rrti Franc 1M Bat St. Honor
The Bee's Platform
New Union Passenger Station.
Continued improvement of the Ne
braska Highway, including the pave
meat of Main Thoroaghfares leading
Into Omaha with a Brick Surface.
A short, low-rate Waterway from the
Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean.
Home Rule Charter for Omaha, with
City Manager form of Government.
First of all,' we want to thank Governor Cox
for recommending to his hearers that thev read
The Bee. It is a good practice, and the" gov
ernor s advice is quite in line with The Bee's
policy. Tim paper is read consistently and reg
ularly oy the enlightened, but it also strives per-
sistently to reach those sitting in darkness.
" . Governor Cox asks if the editor of The Bee
knows that Senator Harding is a brewer. The
editor does not, but, on the contrary, knows
that Mr. Harding never was a brewer; he
owned at one time a few shares in a small
brewery, which he disposed of long before pro
hibition was put into the law but not into effect
in Ohio. Possession of these shares for a short
time no more made the senator a brewer than
ownership of shares in a shoe factory make a
man a shoemaker.
Governor Cox says he does not approve of
) all that Attorney General Palmer or Postmaster
General Burleson have done. He does not
specify the acts he would condemn, but as the
One was an active candidate for the nomination
at San Francisco and as the other was an ener
getic supporter oi Mr. McAdoo, it is not hard
io locate a possible cause of the governor's dis
pleasure. By the way, the democratic platform,
to which the governor so lovingly refers, says,
defending' the postmaster general:
No utterance .from any quarter has been
assailed, and no publication has been re
pressed, which has not been animated by
treasonable purpose and directed against the
nation's peace, order and security in time of
war. ,
Since this assertion was promulgated, the
supreme court of the District of Columbia
has compelled the postmaster general to restore
the privileges of the mail to a New York pub
lication to which these privileges had been de
nied for more than two years, holding that the
.head of the Postoffice department had exceeded
his authority during all that time.
In regard to Armenia, the governor says
hat 'was disposed of by the platform. It was,
in this fashion:
We express our deep and earnest sympathy
for the unfortunate people of Armenia and we
believe that our government, consistent' with
its corstitution and principle, should render
every possible and proper aid to them in their
, efforts to establish and maintain a govern
ment of their own. j
What does that mean? We tried to get Gov
ernor Cox to tell us, but he refers us to the plat
form. President Wilson thinks that "every pos
sible and proper aid" includes acceptance of the
mandate from the League of Nations. Governor
Cox says he is "going Sn" and that means our
country will be bound to accept that mandate
with all it implies. A competent authority in-
quired on behalf of the United States and re
ported it would require the presence of 50,000
American soldiers and the expenditure of $150,-
000,000 for the first year of such occupancy. In
passing, it is comforting to note that even in
this matter the democrats exhibit an inclination
to submit to the Constitution of the United
States. It indicates that the donkey may yet re
turn to normalcy.
As to Creel, while the American people re
main familiar with his unspeakable Fourth of
July hoax, to which he signed the name of 'the
Secretary of the Navy, with that gentleman s ap
oarent approval, so long will he be an issue.
The public is not so ill-informed on the topic
as the governor would like to make St appear,
and they do resent the fact that they were tea
cn falsehoods by a man who was retained in
office by the president after his lies had been
challenged and exposed, not once but many
times. .'
finvmnr Cnx's reolies are about what
might, have been expected from the platform on
which he rests his case, shitty, evasive, ana ae-
cidedly unsatisfactory to one who is seeking
only the truth.
King of Spain Seta the Pace.
.The "shimmy" has hit Spain. The fandango,
the valse despacio, all the alluring and dreamy
things, castanets and guitar, the stunts of Car
men and of Carmencita, native to the Iberian
peninsula, are as nothing compared to the new
craze. Only they do not call it by the name
familiar over here. 1 It is given a more sonorous
title, which, freely translated sounds something
like "Spanishiver." 'Oh, very well; "a rose by
any other name would smell as sweet." The big
point is that they .are all doing it. King AJfonso
learned it from a charming duchess, and pro
ceeded at once to teach it to everybody who
would accept instruction from his royal person
age, thereby proving himself to be what the
world has thought of him ever sinee the war
broke out, a regular fellow.
Just as the tango was invented by the guachos
of the Argentinian pampas, and introduced into
this country via the "Barbary Coast," from
whence came also the "Bunny Hug," the "Gris
tly Bear and other forms of Terpsichorean
fantasy, to mount to the lofty heights of elite
aha exclusive society, so has the "shimmy," the
origin of .which is unknown, but the nature of
which asily suggests its source, now attained
whatever of respectability royal notice, patronage
and indulgence can bestow . upon it It may
never again be said to be entirely declasse, but
that willjget it nothing from the vigilant censors
tinder the auspices of the Welfare board. How
ever, the light and lithe young persons who feet
the impulse of, "jaia" stealing over them, cours
taw lake fire though their veins, will "shake a
wicked shoulder" now and then, ind maybe
River, river, Guadalquiver
Ain't it swell, the Spanishiver.
It's hard to keep a naughty dance down
these days, you know.
The Second Wife.
naving a secona wne is a novel exoerience:
being one is another. The novelists have at
tempted, with more or less success, to write
human's nature's reactions to second marriages,
but perhapsnone of them have been wholly
true to actual experience. It is not unlikely
that no two instances ever ran parallel, although
human emotions and feelings in similar circum
stances are strikingly similar.
But there is one thing most women believe,
which is that second wives have an easier time
and are more generously treated than their
predecessors. This may be, perhaps is, because
the first wife usually undergoes the economies,
the sacrifices, the hard work, necessary to put
the marriage partnership on a prosperous living
level. Then if death comes to her, and the
bereaved husband seeks a second mate to share
his worldly goods, a state of affairs follows
which is touchingly described by the Hastings
Tribune in the lines which follow, under the title
"The Second Wife."
I went Into the farmhouse where she lived
Those many years.
I saw the bareness of her hidden life,
The stifled tears.
I opened wide the closet where still hung
The dresses patched.
With trembling hands I shook my own
gowns .
They scarcely matched.
I never knew her, but I feel her come
To every door.
No matter where I go I feel that she
was there before.
She worked and skimped and saved to buy
Slaved all her life.
And left It prosperous and paid for now, for me,
The second wire. .
Whence it appears that the second wife has
some things to think about as well as her hus
band to whom comparisons must come during
his second venture.- As a rule, the second mar
riage seems to have hazards and liabilities un
known to the first, when the initial experience
has been a: happy one. Certainly "marrying
again," if it is to prove successful, requires pro
found study of the very first principles of human
nature .along with a deal of tolerance, of for
getfulness, and of practical common sense. Too
often the twice married man or woman, how
ever blessed with abundant means, looks back to
years gone by in many a saddened hour. Only
those who possess the consciousness of having
been loyal and generous, loving and consid
erate, of the first partner, have any prospect for
a really happy1 second married life, would be
our guess.
College Boys' Deviltry. '
College boy pranks, often grotesque and ex
travagant, sometimes amusing and not mtre-
quently harmful, never cease to show ingenuity
and variety. The latest one we have noticed is
in vogue in an Ohio college where the fresh
men and sophomores are in the usual turmoil
that continues from the opening of college in
the fall until November.
Hair-clipping is the collegiate outdoor sport
in that institution, and fresh and soph, armed
with clippers, range the campus near the dormi
tories, seeking an unfortunate "foe" who may
be surrounded and denuded of his locks. In a
recent instance of this kind, the fair locks of
the captive were later auctioned off, bringing
some $20 to the exultant robbers, which were
promptly invested in "camels" or some other
brand of narcotic solace.
The young men are leaving their marks on
each other temporary, to be sure, but none the
less enjoyable or humiliating, as the case may be.
Take a Tip from Tammany.
If you really want to know just what the
situation is in New York, try to' find out how
Tammany feels as to the prospect. Cox 'was
the preferred Tammany candidate at San Fran
cisco, and was put over by a combination ot
bosses, in which Murphy of New York, Nugent
of New Jersey, Taggart of Indiana and Brennan
of Illinois were the dominating figures. Natur
ally, it would be expected that Tammany would
be back of its candidate for president with all
its force. However, New York politics is a
peculiar thing, and the "organization" is noted
for the keen eye it keeps on its own interest.
Governor "Al" Smith, also a Tammany
candidate, running for re-election, opened his
campaign at Albany last Friday, ' when, in his
notification speech, he declared that national
issues should not determine a state campaign.
This was wildly cheered by the large group of
Tammany leaders in attendance. As the gov
ernor failed to mention the League of Nations
or any other of the "paramounts," the inference
is plain that Tammany intends to win for Smith,
regardless of what comes to Cox. That is all.
. s
Palmer's Bully Boys.
Palmer official heelers at the San Francisco
convention charged their expenses to the gov
ernment Certainly. Public office has always
been a private snap in democratic administra
tions. But it does look a little raw for the of
ficial assistants of Attorney General Palmer,
"on duty" to help their chief in his quest for the
democratic presidential nomination, to charge
the expenses of their high-rollicking trip to
Frisco to the taxpayers.'
Really, it is time to turn the rascals out. The
country wants a change at Washington.
The president has opened fire through his
private secretary. Two years ago when he used
his own typewriter it resulted in a flareback.
., Chicago and Philadelphia restaurants are
promising lower prices on chow. The move
may yet reach Omaha.
Maybe the Coxites will yet regret they in
sisted on Senator Harding leaving the front
Now for that good old Indian summer ttme
in Nebraska.
T. R.V sister sustains the family reputation.
Bryan or Cox which is wrong?
It Was Good Advice.
Governor Cox ousht to take his doctor's ad
vice and stop talking, both for the sake of his
throat and the sake of his campaign. 'Boston
Why Not Give It a Trial?
About 10 hours a day at hard work will cure
the most obstinate case of unrfest. and it is Mire
to relieve hunger. Houston Post
A Line 0 Type or Two
Hra to Hi Use, lit ths uIm fill srhtr thy -a.
IF the candidates for president and the
orators who are extolling them had half the wit
of Carrie Chapman Catt, one might read their
spcecnes wnnoui yawning, inc compeiuion in
dullness is unusually keen this year.u
THE "peak of high prices" having been
passed, the ultimate consumers had better rope
themselves for the dizzying descent, and keep
an eye out lor bargain avalanches.
"ONE country, one language, and one flag,"
is i lie amenuea rnuai oi me uranu Army oi ine
Republic. And the greatest of these is one
language, for if you have that you have the
A Tactful Acknowledgment.
(From the Wakarus, Ind., Tribune.)
The Tribune family was presented twelve
varieties of cake from the' Huber reunion.
We don't know who baked it, but the wal
lnut cake went big with your Uncle D. The
wife rather .favored the fruit cake. We are
free to admit that the Huber relationship
have some fine cake bakers.
IMMIGRANTS at Ellis Island are piled like
cordwood. They represent all fields of activity
except cooking, laundering, and waiting on
. IT is too bad to spend $15,000,000 (or is it
SjU,UUU,UUU!') on a campaign when l'rof. God
dard needs the money to shoot rockets at the
Information for Bank Blowers.
(From the Marcellus News.)
The First State Savings Bank has just
installed an up to date burglar alarm. The
alarm is on the outside of the building, so
it can be heard for some distance when
sounded. It is so arranged that any tam
pering with the vault will gause the alarm
to sound. It can also be sounded from sev
eral placeR in the building, so in case of a
daylight hold-up it would be very easy for
some one familiar with the buttons to press
one. There are also places within the vault
for giving such an alarm.
THERE is a reassurinff steadiness about M.
Millerand. He has had his attack of Socialism
and recovered from it, and his only dissipation
is playing dominoes with his son.
NATURALLY, or paradoxically, a Prohibi
tion nomination is spurned by Mr. Wasservogel
ot JNew York. i
"THE perils of lockjaw" are considered bv
Dr. Evans. It is due tq a bacillus that never
attacks campaign orators.
(From Ah Long & Co., of Yokohama.)
Dear Sir: I have been send you suit of
tomorrow ,it has been finish, I hoop this
suit will be allright, if it is does not fit at
all, please you let me know when I can
come up to see you awaiting your good
ansew. Thanking you for your kindly at
tention, i
THE new wrinkle in divorce suits is to di
vide the contents of the wine cellar and award
to the wife the custody of the minor liqueurs.
No, No Go On! Go On!
(W. H. Hudson, "Birds and Man.")
My reason for not going to the garden is,
that our cultivated blooms are not only arti
ficially produced, and in some degree monstrosi
ties, but they are seen in unnatural conditions,
in crowds and masses, the various kinds too
near together, and in most cases selected on ac
count of their gorgeous colouring. The effect
produced, however delightful it may be in some
ways, Is confusing to those simple natural feel
ings which flowers irt a state of nature cause In
us. I confess that gardens in most cases afreet i
me disagreeably; hence I avoid them, and think
and know little about garden flowers. The
large garden is the greatly valued annex of the
large house, and is as much or more to the
mistress than the coverts to the master; and
when I am asked to go Into the garden to see
and admire all that is there, I cannot say.
Madam. I hate gardens." On the contrary, I
must weakly comply and pretend to be pleased.
And when going the rounds of her paradise my
eves liirht bv chance on a bea or tulips, or scar
let -eraniums. or dark larkspurs, or detested
calceolarias or cinerarias a great patch of col
oured flame springing out of a square or round
bed of erassless. brown, desolate earth tne ei-
fect is more than disagreeable: the mass or
colour Glares at and takes possession of me.
and sDreads itself over and blots out a hundred
delicate and prized images of things seen that
existed in the mind. But i am going 100 iar.
and perhaps making . . .
"PUT Newark on the Ocean." is the slogan
of Farmer Dunn, who is running for office in
New Jersey. He is probably tamiliar witn tne
method suggested to Loz Onglaze for bringing
the ocean to Main street; but Newark's lungs
may not be so powerful as Loz s
Sir: In La Porte he isn't a mortician; he is
conductor of the funeral home." M. N. W.
YOUNG Mr. Ouimet's feat of holing out in
one iron snot contains a neipiui mm lor xne
novice. When the hole is only 243 yards away
. . . r t t . f - ,1..
take a midiron. A driver might put you over
the green.
Umpire: "Boy. that's certainly some tear
you cave your pants when you slid."
Casey (colored): "Shuan is. Mignty near
havin' to call this game off on "counta dark
ness." WHIT.
FINANCIALLY the Democrats are in an
uncommonly bad way. 1 hey haven t money
even for betting purposes, at the attractive odds
of 1 to 6.
The Intellectual Pullman Porter.
Sir: The old time porter's idea of service
was vastly different from that of the present
generation. In the old days two bits was enough
to make Uncle Tom "skin 'em back," but now it
takes at least one buck to thaw him. On the
last trip our car was In charge of a literary
brunette from Philadelphia, whose dome was
adorned with a huge pair of horn spectacles and
who had a penchant for composing poetry. He
confessed to composing his effusions between
Denver and Salt Lake. Before havin? an erup
tion he would eit and gaze out of the window
for an hour or so, muttering softly to himself.
Gamma: Pray proceed.
Esu Houseman: Save it.
M. C: By far away we meant leagues.
REPORT that Huerta's dry policies have ,
caused a ferment in Mexico City reminds us to
appoint Mr. Joy Grogg of Waterloo, Ind., as
superintendent of the Academy s home brew.
(From the Cedar Rapids Gazette.)
I would strickly like it understood that
the scandal that has been reported on K
street west about Jones is not Marie A.
Jones, formerly Marie Von Cura. Adv.
"ONE of the compelling necessities after a
wa ris to stop hating." Mr. McAdoo.
Yes. Even the Germans have stopped "hav
ing their morning hate."
(From the South Bend Tribune.)
Mr. and Mrs. John Leaf, and son Forest,
of Chicago, returned Tuesday after a visit
with relatives.
CAN'T we get up a minstrel show for the
benefit of the Democratic campaign fund?
B. L. T.
Should Have Waited.
That Wisconsin lady who woke up after
sleeping two years might have been wiser if
she had prolonged her nap a little further.
Charleston News and Courier.
No Need to Worry .
In Petrograd it is a serious offense to be
caught with a pound of potatoes. But as there
are only a few pounds in the whole town, there
is little danger to gfiy individual. Dallas Morn
ing News.
none of
How to Keep Well
Quatlon concerning hyglsna, sanita
tion anil prevention of disease, aub
mitted to Dr. Evana by raadars of Th
Bh, will bo aaawarad personally, aub
J act to proper limitation, where
tamped, addressed onvalop I en
closed. Dr. Evan will not malt
diagnosis or prescribe tor individual
diseases. Address letters In car of
Th Be. v
Copyright, 1(20, by Dr. W. A. Ivan.
it wouiu
more of
Writing as woman suffrage Is an
accomplished fact, there is no bet
ter theme than the results of a
study by Dr. Clelia D. Mosher of
Palo Alto, Cal., read before the In
ternational Conference of Women
Dr. Mosher concludes that there
Is no difference in the muscular
strength of women and men, due to
stx as such. Such differences as
are frequently found are due to
differences in the use of the mus
cles brought about by the conven
tional limitations of activity or by
These conclusions were based on
careful studies made with standard
instruments for measuring the
strength of individual groups of
muscles and single muscles, it is
true most of the women were col
lege girls doing gymnasium work
and older women and mothers who
had been athletic in their younger
days. But conclusions drawn from
this group can be applied to all
women without doing violence to
the truth. Dr. Mosher thought.
Some muscles were stronger in
women than in men. Foi- instance.
the muscles which lift the arms
were stronger in women because
women hold their hands above their
heads while dressing their hair and
the restraining coats worn by men
hrevent these muscles from acting.
Two women wno roae oicycies
several thousand miles a year were
stronger In their leg muscles than
were men. Women trained in fan
cy dancing were stronger in certain
leg muscles than were men.
It is generally held that women
breathe with their chest muscles
and men with their abdominal mus
cles, because nature had pregnancy
in mind Jn fashioning woman. Dr.
Mosher shows that the difference Is
due wholly to woman's dress.
There Is no Justification for
monthly invalidism, as has been
shown by Dr. Mosher and others.
Ninety-nine per cent of women whd
He in bed at that time do so as the
result of faulty training. During
the discussion of this subject sev
eral women from Europe dissented.
They said the women In Europe
during the war who worked at day
labor stood up all right at first,
but that they wore out before the
war was over.
For instance. Dr. Thuillier-Lan-
dry and Dr. Glboulet said in France
it was noticed that in the beginning
the women munition workers were
able to work as hard as men, but
little by little they became exhaust
ed. Many became tuberculous.
To this Dr. Mosher replied that
most of thsse women had been
brought up in idleness and few or
their muscles had been
taRe-a generation or
different dressing, differ
cnt activities, and even diWorent
social attitudes of men and women
to get the rank and file of women
to have muscles and bodies as well
developed as those of men. The
wrong attitude started at the cradle.
Glrl were taught to play with
dolls ami not to be tomboys. Boys
were brought up to play muscle
developing games. Tho boy Is
trained to independence, the girl
to dependence. It will take a gen
W. G.
St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 27. To the
Editor of The Bee:
Ha Is no boaatlng, vain, dorolvlng man
A statesman traluxd, In him the people
Regarding as naught each clique or clan,
Desiring Only peace for all mankind.
In him. America her chamnlnn aecka:
eration to overcome this. It will
take at least as long to change tha
dress to one that permits of
good muscular development. These
changes will mean a better motherhood.
NoblKt ot all In life, his
Ulorlfylng his name In all
Oil Paintings
1513 Douglas Street
LV. Nicholas Oil Company
Bee want ads
American State Bank
Capital, $200,000.00.
Farnam at 18th.
October 1st we pay our regular 4 compounded
quarterly interest on your Savings Account.
i-You are invited to test its convenience.
4 compounded quarterly interest added to your
account Subject to withdrawal without notice.
Deposits made on or before the 10th day of any
month considered as having been made on the first
Your checking account invited. This bank does more
for you than carry your account. We have the facili
ties you would specify for the handling of your bank
ing business. We invite your account on the basis
O. W. GEISELMAN, President. H. M. KROGH, Attt. Cashier.
D. C. GEISELMAN, Cashier.
Deposits in this Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guar
anty Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Jt 9
there IS a man.
IN OUR town.
WHO IS so old.
HE'8 FORGOTTEN his ace.
HE WAS elevator boy.
OF WASHINGTON'S headanarters.
HE WAS the first
WHO BROUGHT, down the hoosa,
A HEN crossed the road.
80 THAT'S how old he is.
HE'D JUST lost a job.
THAT HE started on,
IN 1869.
HE 8 AID if he'd known.
IT WASN'T permanent.
HE'D NEVER have taken It.
HE ALSO said.
e e e
"IF A ham needs.
A WEEK of smoke.
e e e
I'M CURED of everything.
F6R I been smoking-.
NIGH ON a century.
THE ONLY secret ot old age.
IS ALWAYS keeping.
AND I gave him one.
OF MY cigarettes.
AND HE smacked his lips.
AND 8AID, "That's It
hlslvent aim:
ha speaks.
oolc about vou -axv
tkinlc of the pianos
t.m .
m different nomes you
lmrtar. wrtick liave 05t
their oriqtnal fmc tone.
Then reflect that
tone endures like that
of a rme violin. INo
piano in, the world
gives the xriusicover
a tone so kautmxl, or
so lcmq-lived. Not one
Jlsk uso shorryou
bring results.
There are eleven other
notable Pianos in our
stock to select from.
Over 100 Pianos and
Players on our floors,
all priced in plain fig
ures at the cash prices
or if desired on pay
ments. ( 1
Pianos from $365 and
up. Players from $595
and better.
1513 Douglas Street
The Art and Musk Store
Remember Caruso
Concert October 12
Bee want
bring results.
JVith acknowledgments to K. C. F
'"THEY SATISFY"-that's the solid fact
A to tie to. And there never waa such
a cigarette for steady company. Good
tobaccos, yes but more than that. Good
blending, by a private formula that can't
be copied that's why Chesterfields ever
lastingly "$atisfy."
tSJ I Sir 1 M