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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1920. 11 FARM LANDS;. Colorado Lands. FOR THE RENTElT and the man with mall maana that watita a home I hava torni vary good place near Cheyenne Walla. Colo., tbat will suit rou at bargain prloee with tarma. B. U. HOTTORFF. Phone Harney till $620 Martha Bt.jDmah. Neb. CH is YBNXK county, Colo.." I" iti at Chey. enire Welle. Fine level laUl, from $25 o iso per acre, rina terms. Land with full wheat already up Write C L Tale, 659 Omaha Nat. Bank, Omaha. 2KanMSLnds. OR SAU, BARGAIN. Splendid improved quarter sec tion near Axtcll, Marshall county, Kansas. All in cultivation. Good wheat, oats, millet, corn, alfalfa land. Excellent water, good terms Write Joseph Jlodnett, Owner, Holconib, Karfas. Minnesota Lands. SACR1FICK $1na section p-alrie, & miles from rail road town, southwestern North Dakota, farms on all sUlt-a; boat of soil and wa ter, endless supply of coal, has aM the features of grain and stock farm. Halae one crop of fl.ix on thla land and pay tor It. Only $:I0 per acre, B. J. Malone, 1197 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Missouri Lands. FARMS, farms, Forninn's farms, over 101 wll selected. Write Forman. 317 In. ternatlonal LI fa Bids., St. Loula, for free list. Nebraska Lands. A SNAP RO rr9 nicely Improved,, located jut half mile from Sprlnprfield, Neb. Trie (r arre ; vry Rood terms, i HELD LAND CO., COM JJlll tary A vj -Call, Wri. 175. 1'INK one-naif section Improved at Lodge I'ole. Neb., will lake small piece of city property clear on thlH. Part cash, bal amo 6 yearn' time. Write C. L. Tata 669 Omalio Nnt.'Bank, Omaha. fo(iACRP:s hoi Butte county tartnland, tit to 186 an acre In half section lota, a R AND R. E. MONTOOMERT. 811CityNatlanal Batyt Bldg. Wisconsin Lantjs. LANDOLOOYanecial number Just out con tattling 1 920 fuels fit clover land In Miirlnclte county, Wisconsin.. If for a home' or a an Investment you are thinking of birytng good farm landa where farmers grow rich, aend at once for this special number of Landology. It l free on request Address Skldmore Richie Land Co.. 483 Skldmore-Rlchle HklH Marinette. Wla. BI.UMKIBBON KXCHAOE. Owner will exchange eoultloa Inifol lnwln(r proposition located near Iowa KeUa, la., for a well-Improved ranch or unimproved cheap Innd In . northern Sllsaourl, aonthern Iowa, JJInneaota, Ia kntaa or C'anarta 154 acrea, fairly well improved, thoroughly ttled. price 1350 per cre. encumbrance 134,000. 1 .acrea, - well fenced and ejnrtlv tiled, build ings, price 300 per "nere. encumbrance S15.000. 80 acres. Improvements nil new and modern and coat W,000. thorouRhly ttled. price $800 per acre, encumbrance $4,500. I.arge modern residence In Iowa Falla of 13 room, rental $S5 per month, encumbrance 17,600. All gilt edge and not trading propoaltlnns, but owner wishes to convert equltleg Into one ptecs of land. Wtll anume reaaonablo, en cimibrano.e. No caah. Give complete description In first letter. II. B. HALL & CO.. IOWA FLLS, IA. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. DIAMONIjV and JICWELRT LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Jtary - Malashock. 1614 Dodge. JO. 6619iEs.Ji34. OMAHA I OMEK EAST.- NEB. FARMS. OKffKFE RKAI. ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. N,it Pk. Bite. iog-JIl!' " PRIVAir MONET. S10 to IHUIOO mads prornjKly. F. 3. WEAjWid Bldg.. til 6. 18thSt. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPENjtOMPANT,oiig.,22S. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, prlvata money. Garvin Bros.. 845 Omaha Nat. PEAL EST ATE JW ANTE1X To buy or wll Omaha Real Estate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD, UI9 City NaransMgOouBlrt- lOlfwANT TO SELL THAT HQIISE Want quick. action? Juat try us. 'Call TyW 46. CtfjRORNBREALTTr;O;.480 BeeBldg W. GTSHRIVER rsur.'- 1M7-9 Omaha NiBank(B2dg;J)1163t. HAVE Inanlriea'iuT homes; do yoo want to eell-yom property? Llet t with C A. OrijUOmaha NtyBankBJlg HAVE buyers with $500 cash down. List with us. R. F. Clary Co.. 3414-6 Anies Ave. North Omaha Realtors. Colfax lJi. REAL ESJATJWMPRVED. WI2 HAVE an unuaualiy well locatud pleoe ot trackage at 7th and Leavenworth. ;5tl2; tracks on both aides. At right price. Alfred Thomas, 604 First Not. Bank. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENT INCOME $1,668 PRICE $4,500 10-room modern lmuse converted Into 4 apartments with hot water heat. Rents for $135 per mo.: garage rents for $6. Tliree of the apartments are furnished wllh ew furniture which cost $638 and greg with the properw.- The lot Is 50x 127 ft., one loek freiii car line. Price) " $4,600.1 Terms $2,600 ih, balance eusy ptivnients. No mso asking to see this unions you have the cash. Owner needs lnonr-y for biisliess purposes. D0MONT & CO., 416-18 Keciine Bldg. WALSH-ELMER CO" Realtors. Real Estate. Investment, Insurance. Rent als. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. . Dundee. Brick and Stucco " j $15,000 ' ' A lieaulifiil h-jnie in Dundee. I3 cee.llruriy attrncllve ajid -very well dunned. Irfirge living room with old fnshi(Mied stone fireplace, large dlmm? room. he-ry u room, breakfast room nnd lrltctien, Ioiik bednom entire len4Tth of house on second. Sleeping forch and two !maller 4-edronis. Hoobla garage: full lot. Half liiKh retjuircd. y REALTORS Tyler 1536. 3S3 Securities Bids' Florence. NKTHAWAT. Suburban Piop'ty. CoLJQ Bee want ads are best business frt-ttcrs. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED "West." OWNER WANTS -OFFER NEW KELLASTONE HOME i Locked In Montelalr Addition, ad.ieni .Ing Bimis -fark. a brand new borne. Colonial atyle, tratral hall arranXcmenl. large living room, gunroom, d!n4n room, breakfast rootn and kitchen first fioor; four d imly bedrooms and tile hath second fkr;Viak and whtte enamel fin ish throughout, large fireplace nd, other built-in featur; located on cor ner lot: garage for two ram; n very attractive home. ,iust completed thla year and dvelfable In every way. , GLOVER & SPAIN, -. REALTORS. OUgi3 ss. 91N-20 City National. A Real Bargain Owner Leaving City. Within 3 blocks f 4itn and llam'i toa car nervier. - Dandy, neat, tlvj-room (ottage. sirtctly modern, good attic, oak fliHn. Chol'ie east front rwraer lot a4 pavtnt all paid. Best buy otfertsd at $4,300. Owner leaving city. Oreo thla at once. Osborne Realty Co., C3 Prtera Tnut Bld(r: T'ouslai 2t. Omalia. Rut) Eytm nrt Inntr-eii - JOHN T. B.0HA5I. '"""on Hlh. Pnwo Tjiar 0. REAL CST ATE IMPROVED. West. Military Avenue ' Bungalow Five-room, itrlctly modern bungalow, having llvlnit. dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms and bath on first floor, oak floors. House newly decorated. Full omenied barement Vltli laundry tub. About II, (00 cash Kill hand la. Price $5,600, ran ihnw you thla any time. 2105 Military Ave. - Payne & Carnaby Co., REALTOR SERVICE. US Omaha Not. Ilk. Hide. Doug, !! Comfortable Home Wt have a very good home on Lafay ette Ave., west of 40th St., that la rale floora downstairs, fireplace, boqJ7 cases, beautiful lighting flxturea, carafe. The lot faces south and la very con veniens, to Cathedral and parochial sohool. alao close to public achool. It require 14,200 cash to buy, balance (Buy, ami at 17,000, la a cheap home. Alfred Thomas, Realtor, (04 First National Bank Bldg. $6,500 Bungalow $6,5Q0 This neat five-room bungalow ia HiloeJy located, being lVj block! from a 'car and ! Mt blocks to Columbian school. Newly ratrrted and decorated thla eprtng. I'resaed brick foundation. Garage. Thla la a sound value at above price. Ehoara only by appointment. Alfred Thomas, Realtor, 604 First National Bank. Cathedral District On Slth and 'a wa have large stucco home with nice porch havlnir west and south exposure. Ttila house la Just fine for a large family Double garage on pave alley. Owner fa pre paring to go to California ani 1s offer ing same for 18,600. One-TAalf cash, balance easy motthly jaymnt. Alfred Thomas, Realtor, 604 First Nntlonal Bank Bldg. North. Dandy Bungalow " 150 f6t from Kountze Fark. on I nved street, 5 large rooms and bath, oak finish, all modem, t-car garage. aH cunented and electric llghta, nice lawn front and rear and close to car line. Price if sold -In next II days St.UO. &3.000 cash required. P. J. Tebbens Co-, 603 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. S141 Bungalow Dream Five rooms ,aud bath. ak flnlab. strictly modern, neatly deoorated, choice Tilt n i, uuut itiV) via vua va. ux i a..ns , streets In Omaha: located at 4120 North 1 IMh St.. and the price la only S6.04M for onlck sale. ISee this today. j Osborne Realty Co., i i 0 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 2283. $S Per Month Would yo pay this much rent then why net buy this sew S-room eaat front bungalow on toe boulevard. . The down payment la small. The housa oonrpletely xmodeno, nas Dover been oc cupied. Mpve im today. Phone. Har tley 8666 evenings QfyOouflas 7413 days. Ask) for Mr. Carte. . A FEW homes and lots for sale im Park wood addition; a safe plaoa far invest ment. N orris ft N orris. Doarlas 427. 5 ROOMS modern, garage, two lots, near 24th and Sprague, will take smaller cot- tage as part payment. Colfax. 4182, MINNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest yur tDanejr Phone Tyler 117. J. B. ROBISON,, real estatsV and invest ment. 443 Bee Bldg. Dowrtas 1097. BENSON eV METERS CO.. 424 On. Htt'l South. SO. 10TH STREET " $12 ' This Is a large, well constructed homo, ln,,iitd ner Kt. Josenh hospital, on 66x 140-ft. lot; finished in oak 1st floor, Pn second: hot water neaping jiiani. inm property la 1n excellent condltloB and now rented for 3100 poT 'month to very good tenant. We can inaka very rea sonable terms to responsible parties. GEORGE & CO., RBALRS 902 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3024. - 6-Room Bungalow 3052 S. S2d St. Southwest corner of 32d and Frederick. Two-story bunga low, living room, (IRilng room, sunroom, kitchen and breakfast room on flist floor; thiet- large bedrooms ami bath with tiled floor on seeond floor, fire place In living room; interior finished ia oak and white enamel. Just as com plete home as is possible to nana. ia rnire. Fully worth $1.600. Can offer Fully worth $1.600. Can offer for a limited time for $9,600. Take a look at It fc. G. CARLBERG, I REALTOR, 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. DUNDEE VACANT LOT Near 61st end Farnam streets. Lot 50x136 ft., surrounded by brick homes: here Is your opportunity to buy a weal located lot at a reasonable figure; price upon application. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. "V FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Four lovely 6-room bungalows, full cemented liasemets, oak floors, strict ly aodrn. In b4t of location, good! neighbvrhood, paved street and paid up;- Khade xml fine lawns; they are good from 1h ground" up; at 1416. 1432. 1406 and 1409 Pasadlna Ave., at 3700 south: priced at $6,860 each. O. B. SCHLEICHER. 1912 Vinton St. Tyler 5. IMMEbTATE possession; 624 S. Mth"st.; -room modem stucco bungalow; $2,60 cash, ha I. mo. Orelgh, 608 Bee, tg. t0. 1500 CASH, partly modern house, mis Fran ken berg, IJoag. 732 Beaia- 7 HE manufactuter T a fast-selling electrical household appliance ha JmI- era (department stores, elec tric shops, hardware and fur-r niture stores) who need sales men trained to aell this and v other appliances. We will train men of good character and place them to advantage "with our dealers. Actual work in the field during the train ing enables them to earn more than an average salary. . See Mr. Jech at Granden Elaetri cal Co- 1511 Ho-aurd, after 3 p. m. A special bargain this every day. A REAL INVEST MENT PRICE $2,975 RENTAL $480 PER YEAR 983 No. 271 Ave., an excellent two - apartment home, renting for $40 per month. In good condition both inside antj out. Large lot, paved street. - Only $975 cash to handle. Be sure and se this., DASTIR&v &HETDEH 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyl 50. Live Stock Omaha, Sept. 18 Receipts Ware Official Monday . KatUnata Tuesday Cattle Hogs Sheep 11,435 11.6410 2.684 81.671 1. 1(0 86,000 4.234 71.t7 cms 11.997 T.01 11,219 Two daya thla week J7.016 Bama last week.... 11.371 Kama 1 weaka ago.. 14.666 Same 3 weFlts ago.. 10,160 Santa days year ago IS.I7I 8.141 50.967 1.447 It.lft Cattle Arrivals of cattle this morning wera the largest or the aeasoo for a Tueedey, about 15,604 head were reported In against 10,161 head a week ago. A lot of the rattle did not get In Aintll lata in ma morning ana as Day era were lr. no hurry the market was extremely raggy 00 ail classes. lestrable corn fods sol4 about steady, a top of 116.66 etna made. Wasterns opened steady with the low time yeaterdsy or 36c lower than early and the same was true as to news and hellers. Mtockers and feeders were almost demoralised. Traders wera able to snore very few cattle yesterday and had no place for today'a arrivals. Sharp accuse were m prospect. , Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, 316.617.60; good to chnica beeves, 16.T16.60: fair to good beeves, I13.l6t716.00; common to fair beeves, MLOetDlS 60; choice To prime yearling-!. I16.00(17.25; good to choice yearlings, m.eeff 1.; fair to good yearilnga, 118.09 16.; common to fair yearilnga, I1V06 918.00; rhodoe to prime grass beeves, U2.0014.0; good to choice grasibeovea, t9.60ig11.76; (air to good grasa beeves, IA.09.ft9.60; common to fair grass beeves. 17.00)8.00: Mexicans, IT.KPSDg 60; choice to prime grass cows. 17.6048.60; good to choice graas cowa. IS., 7. 5-0; fair to good grass rows, 5. !6.0G; common to fair rass cowa, I3.766.26. choice to prima feeders, Il0.7612.00; good to 'choice feeders, $9.261910.60; medium to good feeders, 61.00,. 00; common to fair feeders. J 5.00' 8 00; good to choice etock era, 9.0fl10.26; fair to good atockera, It.0lfr8.76; common to fair stockera, J6.6S)6.76; stock heifers. $6.7697.25; stock cows, $5.O06.26; stock calves, $6.00 99.50; veal calves, I3.0012.00; bulls, tags, etc., $5.06 11.00 BREF STEERS. N. Av. Pr. No. Av. 36 1214 16 65 NEBRASKA. , ,"6 fdre 362 3 10 39 fdrs 633 24 stra 1256 11 20 49 strs 1181 11 hfrs 60 6 00 17cowa 1023 Pr. 7 09 10 69 69 Hegs Today'a run of hogs amounted to 3.600 head. Prices collapsed in the east and local values were also sharply lower. Bulk of the supply sold at a ae cline of to 60c with packers buying 'most of their hogs 3650c lower. The big end of the receipts changed hands at 1 1 6.60 tf 16.00, with best light shipping hoe-s making a top of $16.60. Sheepr-The yard estimate cauea tor 36.000 sheep and lambs.. Folly 76 per cent of the offerings were not fat enough for slaughter, prices paid for killing mate rial ruled strong ,to quarter higher with - -a - - - n best lambs bringing flt.00lS.26, rat ewes were quotable up to $6.00 and fat yearlings w to 19.00. A little better prices were practically steady In moat cases. Qood feeding lambs went out around 112.36 12. 60. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Kil lers Best fat western lambs. $12,750 13.76; medium to good lambs, !12.25ifB 12.60; plata and coarse lamb. $11.66,0 12.00; choice handy yearling?!. 8.-764?00; heavy yearlings, $8.2698.60; aged wethers. $1.5007.60; good to choice ewes. $5.25 $6.00; fair to good ewes. $5.206.26; cull and canner ewes, f 2 0003.60. HOQa Nor Av. 22.. 310 58.. 382 6?. .302 I..814 71. .273 68. .188 Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 70 16 60 It 15 5 It 15 ; 70 1 19 70 16 25 .. 16 40 66. .325 149 15 120 15 76 140 ,16 00 66..2M 7..262 65. .271 43. .213 JO 111 IIS 16 16 35 70 68.. 209 ... 16 60 Feeders Best light lambs. $12.26 Lit. 60; fair to good lambs. 111.76(9113.25; inferior grades, nil.ouini il.utj; yearling wethers, $8.60(9.50; yearling owes, breed ers, 18. Mi?!. 50; yearling ewes, breed ers, $6.60(gi9.50; . good to choice young ewea, $7.60.00: one-yar breeders. $5.76 90.60; good to choice feeder ewes. 5.26(9 5.75; fair to good feeders, I4.75Q5.25; shelly feeders. $4.04.T6. Chicago Live Stork. Chicago, Sept. 28. Catt le Receipts, 1S 000: vers dull on aU but choice steers: top. 418.10; bulk .choice. $16.60(3)17 meuiunp Rmii-u was. van ntnrc, ptuw lower, tl 2.00 1 4.25 : common steers, $8.60 OIl.M; very, drntrgy ; low priced she stock ovd, cannera 'Steady. $4.00 ft 6.25; better trradea lull. 6.2610.; bologna bulls loweii $.00fj).7$; choice veals. $17.00431 17.75: steady; grassy calves, weak, $6.50 trll.O0; stackers end feeders dragg and lower. Receipts westerns, 6.00; market unevenly lower: teulk. $3.60 13.00. v Hogs Receipts. 22,000; nlostly 60fl75c lower than yesUirday's average: closing 75c lower and spots more; early top, $17.60; ont of line; practical top early, ?17.36; late, $17,00; bulk tight and batch ers, 12S17.25: bulk packing sows, Hil0lS.SO; pigs mostly $1.00. Jnwer; bulk desirable kinds, $15.C0l50. , fheep and lambs Receipts. 25,110; fat lamhs opened tteady and closing, strong; sftots iio lower; strictly choli-e Idaho, 14.00; practical top natives, $13.00; year lings strong; t. 310.10 to klltere; 110.15 to foedTi: sheep stoady; top ewes, $6.00; bulk. $3.60; good Utah weathers, $7.00: feeders, lambs alow, steady te easier, $13.36 bid. St. Louis live Stock. TCnst St. Lonls, III., Sept. 28. Cattle RaMtnl. A AOO I...!- ieCH stendv- ton Ktoers, $16.50; bulk, 8.5ig)10.aO; yearllnB steers ana neners, i"itc .nicner; can ner cows. 10(fi)16c hUrhor at 3.604.d0; bulls steady; calves, 25W50c higher; good and chotoe vealers, $17.017.J6; feeder ateefa, steady. Hogs Receipts. 10.000 hend; closing, 50o lower on best, butchers. 50c lower; top. $17.60; bulk, light and medium. $16.40 17.25; bulk heavies, 1 16.26 017.00. Sheep Receipts. 2.000 head; best lain be, strong to 25 cents higher, others steady; top lambs. 11.2.50; bulk. tll.Odift UAgy, top ewea. $5.50: bulk, $5.00 05.60. St. Joseph I Ive Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 28. Hogs Re ceipts, 4,500: 35(feS0c lower; top $16.55; bulk, $15.60$16.75. Cattle Receipts, 8,509; market ateady to 15c lower; steers. $9.904f 17.60; cows am heifers. $4.6.60: calves, $.50S) 17.50; stockers and feedera, $f,.nOifll.fl. Slieep Receipts. 6.500 ; market steady: lambs, $12.00?13.00; ewes, $5.00,4f 6.00. Unseed Oil. Duluth, Minn., Sept. 28. Linseed $3.10V4t8.18'4. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION lx-room, strictly modern house, with large garage, javed street, fine loca tion, $004 So. 16th St.. easy terms. C. B. SCHLEICHER. 1012 Vinton St. Tyler 905. Miscellaneous. Close to Car Line Five-room bungalow finished in oak, thotoughly. modern in every respect, well located. $300 down. "balance njpnthly. Seven-room Kellastone. beauti fully finished, brand new. has . never been occupied. $4,500 cash, balance monthly. - Call Mr. Green, Dg. 2456. WHY HESITATE When you can buy a place of this kind at tills reasonable price. fine rooms, strictlv modern In every way. and two lota situated in a beautiful location in Ihe newest part of Dundee. Price only $8.O0. Must be seen to be appreciated. v D V. SHOLES CO., ' - i REALTORS Douglas 46 915-17 City National. HOUSE OWNERS j ATTENTION ' I Get your basement In sanitary con dition, pointed up; save coal this wln I tor. get your line fence fixed up- and Veep out of trouble with your nelgh ,' bors; very reasonable, i CALL I. GRANHOLM. I 626 So. 25th Ave. Tel. Tyler 128. i LATE styie bunfTftlow; 6 large rooms and bath oil ftrM floor and one on second; oak finish awl tally iiiiiifern. aJl In the best of rennlc. lot 60x128, near car and school; price only $4500, about 11260V RASP BR.OSU 213 Keeline Bldg., Tyler T21. BIRKETT & CO., 2g real estate. 250 Be Bldg.. Douglss 43 rOR 8ALE Modern" home! will take sec ond mortgage on desirable property as first payment. Call Walnut 127 days. DrfLEX pressed brick flat, near 30th snd Fsrnam; 8 r. on ench side: eik finish: snap at 112.600: terms. D. I734days. HOWK. 4 rooms, attic, 3 lots; $3,000; 1 hnrgaln. UK. 41 Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Financial Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire New York, Sept. 28. The selling nioyoncnt which carried prices dow so swiftly on Monday spent mueii of its force before business had proceeded far into the first hour today, and thereafter there was an irregular recovery of, industrial fhares. The upturn s not alto gether convincing: on dhangt in the speculative situation ,and it was noted that as prices moved upward iron; a half-point to mofe than two points, the latter in automobile, steel, oil and rubber issues, the de mand slowed down. The charcter of business was fully in keeping with preceding events. The an rouncement of several new automo bile price reductions, ordered by the companies, whose products have en joyed a wide demands-indicated that the movement instituted at bv Mr. Ford was'sweepmg onward and car ried the implication that readjust mcnts. of quotations might be ex pected to continue in other fields. Sentiment aroused by thoughts along these lines was hardly condu cive to new purchases of manufao tunng company shares, but the urge to convert quickly accumulated nrofits wis evident in soeculative purchases and Duyinir tor tins pur pose was enough to strengthen the price tone. . Bail Stocks Firm. RallroaeV stocks were again firm, severaf which bil been nuiet for several week coming forward with siaable grains. Tnre vtre Indication of profit taking in rail road bonds, although sales wera put through without causing more than a wavering of the price front. " Strangely enough, the MUerty bond mar ket appeared to teelethe effect of specu lative transactions of a sort usually limit ed mainly to stocks. The advances of thi to about 3 points which several of these lnsues had scored In the preceding ten days v. re , unusual and afforded opportunities for profits Infrequently seen in so staid a department as tho bond market. There v as heavy selling of two of the 4Hs, car rying the quoialions down more than a pclrt, but later offerings were well ab sorbed and moderate recoveries occurred In all the Issues. The improvement of government bonds has be':n reflective, tike other funded securities, of the easing ten dency of money rates and hs fall of security prices. While there was. evidence aplenty today that the downward swing of commodities was continuing, tt was' not so elesr that money for use In financing purchases of stocks and bonds would mantaln the cur rent relaxed position and this may have stimulated some selling of bonds. Belat ed borrowers of call funds on the stock ex change again paid as high as I per cent, although the prevailing rate during busi ness hours was 7 per cent. ' The federal reserve bank drew in for treasury account scms $12,820,000 of deposits, representing payments on the last two certificate of ferings and 19.509.000 more la to be taken p by tho treasury on Thursday. These shifts are not substantial, but were report ed to have necessitated a moderate calling of loans today and nn Monday. Autos en Decline. It ia significant to trace the spread of automobile price redactions, especially be cause of comment attributed to the auto mobile trade after the Ford reduction that present costs did not wrmlt reduction. Vhe movement cau hardly be called epi demic, but there is no doubt but that cause common to all has prompted the cuts thus far announced. Tins w toe fact tha. sales at old prices are satisfactory In com paratively few directions and besides mo tor car makers realise tnat ttiv are liot alone feeling the brunt of fhe pufcllc de termination to ho'd off for lower quota tions. The tendency to seek a new basis for doing business has reached out Into many Industries lu the last few weeks, so that the producers of various finished goods feel safe In counting safe upon low er prices for lower , materials In . their operations of a few months hence, or In the nearer future. Cotton recovered, with many erratic fluctuations, directed by short sDverlng ad leports of Impaired crop condition during September. Wheat and corn declined for a time, hut rallied on late buying .o about their final prices of Monday. New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading stc4 furnished by Logan & Bryan, Peters Trust building: V RAltLP. , Monday High Low Close Close A. , T. & S. F. .. 84 B. & Ohio 44 43-, 44 43 Can. Pacific 120 ll'.i 120 HO'a N. Y. H. R. ... 764 76, 76, 76V6 Erls R. R lt 19 iti 19 Gt. Ifortbern, pfd. 79 it 78 79 78 (nil. Gt. Weestern 12 12k 12 12 Illinois Cen 90 90 SOU 89 M K. & T 6 6 6 K. C. Southern ..24 24 24 23 29 36 81 Mo. Pne. 30 , 29 29 N. Y., N. H. i H No. Pac. Ry. . . . Chi. & N. IV. .. Penn. K. R. .... Reading Co. . ... C. R. I. Sr. P. .. rio. Pac Co So. Railway . . . , C, M. St. P. 36 624 76 42 S3 39 96 31 35 36 80 $2 76 75 41 42 92 2 39 39 95 96 30 31 42 92 39 95 31 89 39 38 Union Pacific ...123 122 122 121 Wabash 11 11 11 11 sIteels Am. C. & V. 132 131 181 131 Al.-Chal. Mfg. .. 28 32 3t 32 Am. Loco. Co. .. 93 91 - 92 91 Utd. Alloy S. Corp. 38 Ya 88 38 38 H Bald. L. Wks. ...108 106 10R 107 Beth. S. Corp. ... 71 70 70 70 urucHiie H. t.o. ,.12 126 127 126 Am. 8. Fndries. Lack. S. Co. ... Mid. S. Ord. R. I. & S. Co, . R. 8. Spring Sloss-Shef. s. A 26 35 16 56 .. 3 . .. 37fl ..77 ..93 I. 4 3 37 75 93 64 63 37 76 93 t) 68 14 45 :t ii 61 U 62 37 76 65" 6 62 V. S. Steel S7 86 COPPERS. An. Cop. Mln. 61 6H4 67 ltt A. 8. & Rfg. Co. Chile Cop. Co. . . Chlno Cop. Co, , Insp. C. Cop. . Kenn. fop Miaul Cop. C. Ray Con. C. Co Utah Cop. Co. 69 1H , 23 14 67 14 26 45 :s i 14 61 45 ' 23 14 ) 69 INDUSTRIALS. A. JS. Sng. Oo. .. 7A A.,G.sVW.I.S.8, ...143 A. Int. Corp 72 A. S. Tob. Co. ..86 Am. Tel. & Tel. .. 97 Ltethlehem Motors i Amer. Can Co. i,. 33 Chandler Mtr. Car 77 Central Lthr. Co... 45 Cuba Cane Sugar 37 Oil. Pack. Corp. .. 4 ChI. Petol. Corp. 27 Corn Prds. Rfg. Co. 84 Nat. Enm. & Stmp. 0 Fisk Rub. Co. ... 21 Gen. Klec. Co. ..141 Grn. Mtrs. Co 18 Goodrich Co 49 Am. H. s: Lthr. Oo. 19 Haskell & Br. Car. 66 L'.S.Ind. Alcltl, Co. 82 Interna. Nickel ... 18 Inter. Paper Co. ..76 AJax Rubber Co. ..43 Kelly-Spring. Tire 66 Keystone T.& Rub. 13 Inter. Merc. Mar. ..19 Maxwell Mtr. Co, 5 Mexican Petrol. .191 Middle States Oil 16 l ure OiL . 88 Willys-Over. Co. .. 12 Pierce Oil Corp. . .13 I-an-A.Pet, a- Trns. 92 I I vice Arrow. Mtr. o4 Royal Dutch Ca .. R7 f. 8. Rubber Co. 77 A. Sugar. Ug. Oa. 108 Sinclair Oil & Rfrt, n &ear-Roebock Oo. 12l Wiromberg Carb Co. 68 Studebnker Corp. 66 Tot,. Prds. Oo. .. Trans Con. Oil .... 12 Teles' Co 50 CS.Irood Pr. Corp. 66 White Wwtor Co. ,. 44 Wilson Co., Inc. ..50 TVentern Union West HI. A Mfg. 47 Amer. Woolen Co. 7.1 76 76 77 142 143 147 70 ' 70 72 96 86 17 97 4 6 S 32 ,33 32 74 77 77 44 46 45 36 27 36 64 4 65 27 27i, 27 68 413 82 19 59 60 t0 21 21 141 141 143 18 18 18 48 v 49 48 J0 10 10 65 6 6 SO 81 79 17 18 17i 74 74 75 42 , 42 41 62 55 5.1 13 13 13 19 19 .... 6 6 7 98 16 187 16 16 16 38 38 38 11 12 12 13 13 Ua 92 91 91 34 ' 34 34 86 8f 87 75 7? 744 W7H 107 1117 1 SI S2 32 U5 126 125 t',6 i;k tin 55 66 55, 7 47 12 12 12: 50 60 49 55 6i 6 4 44 44, t'0 60 .... l 83 ' 4,7 47 ..... 72 73 72 I o'clock eali. 696.BO0. , MondaJ Close Close Money 7 7 Marksm Naif, M.rlmg 3.19 Tarsirstisw awl ttosln. Savanuah. Ua., S'-pt. 28. Turpentine, no sales; Inat sale. Sept.mhcr 26 at $1.50 'l.56: receipts. 7i hihi. ; sfcipmetita, 692 lln.: etoclt, 14,917 bbls. Rosin Firm: rales, 971 nslia; rccelpss. ;. casks;' 501 4lts; stock, id;. 94 caskr. : H. it. tll.26: fx. F, U. M, I, K. M, N. 1VG, WW, $U.2611.!7 Omaha Grain Omaha, Sept. 28. Virtually all of today's trading was in wheat, for which there wui a fairly good demand, with prices unchanged to 2c wp and generally US2c higher. Only, a few samples cf corn Showed up on the Utiles and these went at prices unchanged to a cent higher. Oats ranged un changed to a half cent vp, the bulk unchanged. Rye was unchaiidped to a cent higher and tiarley firm. Wheat receipts were fairly liberal md other grains light. , WHEAT. No. 1 herd; 1 car, $3.29; 11 cars. $2.t: 1 car (smutty), tii"i; 1 oar . (smutty), 42.37. - ' No. 2 'iard: I cars, $2.2": 4 cars, 2.t7; 4 cars (smutty), $2.26: 6 cars (smutty). $2.26; 1 cirJ(jmuttyJ, $2.24; 1 cans (smut ty), $2.23. " No. ,1 hard: 1 car. $2.26; 1 car, $2 25; 2 cars, $2.24: t cars (smutty).- $2.24- 4 cars (smutty), $2.23; 1 car (smutty), $2.22. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.27; 1 car (smut ty), $2.24; 3 cars. $3.12: ear (smutty), $122: 1 car (smutty), $2.20; 1 car (vary smutty). $2.16. No. 6 hard: 1 car (heavy), $2.24; 1 car, $2.zl: 1 cm; (2.20; 3 ! (smutty), $2.20. Samp!e""hard: 1 car(s per cent rye). $2.t; 1 car (hot). 11.13. No. 8 durum: 1 car (amber), $2.22. No. 11 soft whit: 2-5 car, $2.32. No. 2 soft white: 1 3-5 cars, 13t. No. 3 northern spring: 1 car, $3.2$. KAinnle nrlnar! 1 MP frinrk enrthernl. $2.13; 2 earn (northern), $2.12;- 1 car (northern), $2.01; 3 rnrs (dark northsru)v $2.07; 1 car (northern), 12.07. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $2.16; 1 car (durum) !? ...I. No, 3 mixed: j ctr t ourum), z.:o. No. t mixed; 1 car. $3.20. CORN, ORN, No. t white: No. t yellow: No. 3 yellow: No. 2 mixed: . No. 2 white: 1 car. 9?a 1 car, 99c, 2 cars, 99j. 1 car, 97c; J-s car, 37C. OATS. 1 car, 64 He 4 cars. 64 He i 2-5 cars, 64c. 'No. 3 white: No. 4 white: RYE. 1 car, $1.71; 1 car, $1.7o No. 2: BARLEY. No. 3: 1 ear. 85c OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Shtnmonts Today yr. Ago Wheat 163 71 Cora 40 Oats .' , 18 Rye 13 11 19 I 185 11 8 1 9 Barley t Receipts Wheat 74 Corn 177 Oats 12 Rye 0 Barley 0 f. S. VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. Today Week Ago Year Ago Whfat ..26.344.000 26,290,000 81,683,000 Cam . 4,(99,000 3,287.000 8,050,000 .25.108.000 21,864,000 20,260,000 OMAHA STOCKS. Oats . . Today Week Ago Year Ago 1.140.000 6.666.000 Wheat 1,181.009 Corn . . 333,000 336,000 167.000 Oats S46.O0O 541,000 629,009 CHICAGO, CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Year Con Today Ago tract ...60 607 . 7 ...480 246 723 ...120 261 163 'Y RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago ..210 125 348 ..14 7 12 ,..19 14, 18 RECEIPTS. ' Week rear Today Ago Ago ..135 126 164 .. 69 28 23 ,..35 49 38 Wheat Corn . Oats , Wheat Corn Oats . ST Wheat Corn Oati NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS WHEAT. Today. W'k. Ago. Yr, Ago. Minneapolis 516 333 267 I)u4uth Zt!' 193 Winnipeg 1.020 ' 1,006 656 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts- Tnau V tan ..1.853.000 l,tf49.000 ..1,387,000 448,000 .. 131,000 775,000 Wheat Corn , Oats Shipments- Wheat 978,000 805,000 366,900 497,000 Corn 222,000 364,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Oats ' Tnifay. Yr. Ago. Wheat 1.1S3.000 1,091,009 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the several grades inspected "In" hero dur ing the past 24 hours follows: WHEAT. No. 1 hard. 24 cars; No.2 hard. 41 cars; No. 3 hard, 26 cars; No. 4 hard, 10 cars; No. 6 hard, 8 cars; sample hard, 5 cars; No. 1 mixed, 2 cars; No. 2 mixed, 2 cars; No. 3 mixed, i curs; No. 4 mixed, 2 cars; sample mixed, 1 car; No. 1 spring, 1 cars; No. 4 spring, 1 car; No. 6 spring. 3 oars; sample spring, 14 cars; No. 2 duram, 3 cars; No. t durum, 1 car. Total 161 care. CORN. No. 1 white, t cars; No. 3 srhlte, 4 cars; No. 3 white, 3 cars; No. 4 white, 1 car; No. 6 whtte. 1 car; No. 1 yellow, 1 car; No. 2 yellow, 8 ears; No. I yel low, 4 cars: No. 4 yellow, 4 cars; No. 1 mixed. 1 car; No. 3 mixed, 4 cars; No. 3 mixed, 4 cars; No. 6 mixed, 1 car: No. 6 mixed, 1 car; sample mixed, Z ears. Total 4$ cars. OATS. No. ! white. 4 cars; No. 3 white, 12 cars; .No. 4 white, 4 cars; sample white, 1 car. Total 22 cars. - RYE. . No. 2. 10 cars; No. 3. 1 car. Total. 13 cars. BARLEY. No. 4. Jso. 3, 2 cars; No. 4. cars; No. 1 feed, 4 cars. Total. I cars. pit. Lonis Grain. St. Louis. Re?t. 18. Wheat December. $2.22; March. 2.17 bid. Corn December, 9595a; .May, 9 7 c. Oats December. B8c bid. Kansas City drain. Kansas City. Sept. 28. Wheat Decem ber. 12.17: March. $2.12. Corn September. 99c: December. c. Onista Hay Market. Receipts of both prairie hay and alfalfa fcave been liberal the last week, while tho desaand has been quiet, which has caused 'the market to be easier and some low- en all grades of prairie hav. Al lah Is steady on the setter grades. The lower grades are net moving as there Is . poor demand. Oat and wheat straw la steady. Upland Prairie Hay No. 1, 117.50 11.50; No. 2, $13 506)16.00; No. 3. $9.90 io. oo. Midland Prairie Hay Xo. 1. $!$,$ 9 17.60; No. 2. $13.50(515.00. ' Lowland Prairie Hay No. 1, $19.00 It. 00; No. 2. $8.00 8.00; No. 3. $6,00 0 7.00. , ' Airalfa Choice, $28.00; o. L $24,000 26.W: ' standard. $20.oeit2.0; No. t. $14.01C.OO; No. 3. $lO.0!i13.00. Straw Oat, I10.00ftil2.00; wheat. $9.00 1L00. s Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas City. Mo., SepL 28. Cattle Receipts, 16.000; snarket uneven; beef Heers and she ntocki mostly steadv to 26c hisher; heavy stecrst $17.60; carriers, 25c Mr; bulk, $4.60; stockers and feeders, steady te strong; others generally steady; best f.-eJors, $45.0016.50; choice baby beef, $13.50016.00. Hogs Cteceirpts. 8,000; generally 26?? 50c lower than yesterday's average, clos Ine; with plain kind off more. Top S17 00; bulk light and medium. $16.6017.00: heavy, I16.004Y16.75. Jihetp Receipts. 12,990; sheep, steady: Idaho ew. f,66: fat lambs, 16r25c higher; westers. $13.16: native $12.25; feeding, mostly 2Sc higher: top, $12.75. Sioux Cttjr Live Mack. Sioux City, la, Sept. i'f. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,500 head fed steers ami yearlings. S10.S?15.SO: sncrket weak. 25 lower; grass steers. 6 904i 11.69: grass tows. t.76(i.00; fat cows and heifers, 98.OOI7i12.60: runner. $4.ifi 6.60; veal ers. $6.efil2 0: IWderr, $7.601611.00: i rnlvaa, $4.50B.on: feeding cows and ticifTs, $4.09f6.59: stockers. $6.00 v Hess Receipts, 5,500 head; market, 23' (ffSoc lower; light. $16 W(M.75; mixed,1 El 1.7 ft 16.00; rongh. $16.8516.65; bulk of sales. $15.50eni6.00. Sheep and Lambs P.ecelpts, 4,500 head: ! market, steady I j Omnlia Potato Market. One car Nebraska'uirrlved. four cars on track Including brakes; dmand-nd move ment moderate, market steady: little chanr In isrlces; es direct to retailers: Nebraska, sacked Early Ohio, No.. 1. tff..0. mostly $2.76; Minnesota, sacked Early Ohio, No. 1. 2.753.0. mostly. IS $6. Mew York sugar. New York," Sept. t. The local market for raw sugar was weak and about c lower ror run uuty sugars on sales or 7.04 bags In port at e e. I f. There was no sales of Co has. but they were oneren at sc c i. r.. equal to 10c for I at 9c e. I. f.. equal Centrirsi ejelfer and Kggs to Gesiika. Eggi-No. 1. 64: eea.; No. 2, 46c cracks. 49c des. Butter 4lo lb. !oi. ; Chicago Grain By Charles D. Michaels Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicaeo. Scpf: 1 26. Grains mad iheir highest prices at the s.tart and the lowest shortly afterwards. l'ri:es iluctuated rapidly within a relatively wide range, , but snort covering toward the last made a good rally and the finish was well toward the top. YVheat and corn closed half a cent lower, while oats were off 3-8 tmd 3-4 cents and barley one cent. Rye was 1-8 centllower on Septem ber and 3 1-2 cents' higher on Decem ber. Heavy selling by strong commis sion houses headed by Stein-Alstrin and Leland, and some selling credit ed to Livennore' forced December wheat off 41-2 cent early to $2.19 from which fjgurc it rallied to $2.24 later on buying by houses with sea bcard connections and short cover ing. Trade Fairly IJberal. Trade was fairly liberal at., times and Interest In the grain js rapiiuy incroasiiis, Early reports from the seaboard laul- . .1 ,hat Ih. fannpt dem and was slow, but later sales of around 660,410 bushels wore reported, rno oecuno in pnru, im, checked flillllng demand, although pre miums on spot lots showed no changes and the small arrivals were reauuy anrherl A While considerable export business war under way in wheat It was done under cover ana tne traae aia noi kui mv w urcs until late in the day when 660,000 bushels were said to have been sold In all positions. Last week 12.000 to 14,- 000 tons of flour were sold for shipment to the continent. Local sales to the sea board were 100,000 bushels, part No. t hard for shipment by October 15 at 32c over December, track Baltimore, and some to Buffalo. No.- 1 red on spotf sold at 20c over and No. 1 hard at 13llil3c over Decem ber with No. 1 red $2.40ff2.41, and No. 1 hard at $2.34 W 2.37. St. Louis waa 1 to 3 cents lower, Kansas City un changed to 1 cent lower and Omaha wn chan&ed to'Jc higher. A sale of 100. 900 bushels of Canadian wheat wak made to Milwaukee and two cargoes are now on the way to Toledo mills. Price Changes Rapid. , Corn traders showed a disposition to ever, up trades pending the disposition of the September. Price changes were vorv rapid with a rush of buying at the start on private predictions of frost over the corn belt. As soon as tne Duying ceased, December dropped 2c, but the greater part of the loss was recovered later.V Liberal resting ordera to buy were uncovered under 94 o which absorbed the surnlus in the Dlt. A feature of the buying of December and selling of May around 3c difference to close spreads made around even figures, and December gained c on tho May. Cash prices, followed thA- September with little change' in the basis. No. 2 mixed being September price and yellow and white c over. The bulk of the grabs on sole was taken by elevator interests, and a good part of It hedged by sales of tha September. Reports from the sea board as to. the Argentine grain tnere were bearish, sales being made to Rot terdam at 99c and 34,000 bushels cleared from New York last week for .Antwerp. Receipts 667 cars with shipping sales 86.- 000 bushels, - Deliveries on September eo tracta were 11,000 bushels. Oats Close Ixiwer. September oats closed at 4c under the December or better than a carrying charge difference due to the lack of confidence on the part of buyers. There was fair buying of the deferred deliveries at times by commission houses, but the September has very few friends even at the abnor mal difference. Country offerings were not large. Receipts. 123 cars with sample values unchanged to c lower. No. t white on track sold at lc under De cember, against l2c under the previous day. Rye showed a firmer under tone with some buying of the December credited to eastern account. A sale of 100,000 bushels was made to the seaboard and Duluth reported a good demand there. No. 2 on spot sold at $2.0292.04, or Sep tember price. Receipts, 5 cars. Barley sold rather slowly with the un dertone easy. Spot sales, ttQttc. Re ceipts,, 20 tars. PK "otcs. ' Only two more days remain of Sep tember. It is not expected that there will be a big advance In corn or rye In the winding up of trading for this month's, delivery. From the way the leading longs have sold both grains the sast few rinvsi it Is taken as an indication that there i iikeiy to be enough on the market W supply all wants of buyers. September corn was 20c over October 6nd naariy 31e over December In rye September was 36 c over December, against 39c over tho previous day. There were 6,000 bushels rye deliveries on track today and the balk of the deliveries of all Era! Bar tomorrow and Thursday are expected to be In car lots on track. M For the present there lsa mora mlxod' tentlment among local operators on whe&t aed the coarse grains. There Is less disposition on the part of the average trader to press, the selling side of De cember corn and oats and falraelltng of December and buying of May on tire theory that they will sell at wider differences. Many operators are bearish on wheat, bnt the way It haa reaoted the past two days hastened to check aggressive pressure from local - Interests as they realise that exports sales have been too large to make it safe. Contract stocks of corn here are 488,000 tushels, an increase of 297,000 bushels last week. Contract cats 875.000 bushels, aa in crease of 303,000, bushels tor the week. Bids on wheat to producers at country loading stations In Kansas as shown by reports to Logan and Bryaa, average from $1.80 to $1.90 with a few as low as $1.7 and as high as $2.00. Two cargoes of Argentine eern arrived at New York yesterday, making total stockl there 1,600,000 bushels, and 60,000 tushels are afloat. Bulk of the grain n reported as of choice quality. Sales ef Argentine corn were made In New York Monday .at 99e f. o. b. steamer. A scarcity of choloe spring wheat Is developing in the American northwest. C. E. Lewis & Co., wired Ckment, Curtis & Co., that supplies would have to be up Vl"nunled by liberal purchases of Caro adtan. Mills were free buyers of wheat futures at Minneapolis yesterday. December there clpsed at 2c over Chicago against good discount recently. CHICAGO CLOSING PRfCES. By Updike Praia Co., Doug. IB627. Sept. 21. Art. Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I Sat1. Wht. .Dec. Mar. I I ie.23 2.24 2.20 2.19 2.13 2.23 2.17 1- 2.23 1.20 3.17 Rye. V 2.04 fee p. Dec. Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats I 2.02) t.04 t.01 2.04 1.45 1-1.68 1.64 l.8 1.1, i ' I 1.27 1, .67 .99 , 27) 1 .97 I ,24 l.Jl 4 ,6 J 1.26 96 .99 s .62 99 97 .52 .67 .61 Sept. I ,63 .63 Dec. ) .53 .68 May J ,61l .62 .61 .61 fors sept. 23.65 ISI.56 "123.00 Oct. 12.1.75 128.75 123.00 Lard i - j Sept. 119.05 119.05 III.O 22.001 23.00 24.12 124.13 139.05 19.62 il9.67 Oct. 119.26 119.45 19.05 19.05 Rlt.F I ( Sept. 115.90 IC.SO Oct 116.40 I1C.40 35.99 16.90 116.90 JH.90 '11.26 116.36 IloiaraiMilia Grain. . Minneapolis. Sept. 2H. Flour Un changed. ' i Brau $3.ne40.0l. x Corn $1,024 1.08. ' Oats 52 63 c. Barley 701? 94c. Rye No. S. $1.77?? 1.76. I, Flax No. 1, $3.11313. CAPITAL FURNISHED to roVing CORPORATIONS We will finance or un derwrite from $100,00 to x $1,000,000 ff a g r ow i n g corporation paying dividends or about to pay dividends. Must have' at least 300 stockholders . and Jiave been m busings at least one year. State par ticulars in detail. p. M. Room 2102 25 West 43d St., N. Y. Bonds and Notes Bond and note quotations furnished by Peters Trust company: Approx. Bid Asked Yield Am, T. A T. s,l24... Am. Tob. Co. 7s, 1932.. Am. Tub. Co, 7s, 1931. . Anaconda Cop. 6a, 1929 French Is. 1945 Armour 7a, 1930 Helalan Oovt. 6s. 1926. 92 92 9.40 99 C 19 99 9H 90 91 L' 4a sU. 7,16 7.60 7,40 1.09 7.60 1.90 7.76 7.9$ 1.06 LSI 1.31 8.26, 1.10 1. 10 1.00 1.10 106 101 101 96 96 92 93 Belgian Oovt. 7s, 1946. 97 Beth. Steel 7s, 1932. .. 97 98 98 ik'th h. Steel '7a, 1923 96. 97 lsh ts. 1929 87 i 88 tsh 6i, 1921 91 98 Brltls British O.. B. Q. 4a. 1921 96 Can. Oovt. ttis, 1921.... 91 Cau. Govt. !, 1129 90 C. C, C. dt St. L. 61. 1921 17 Cud. Pack. Co. 7s, J921 . 17 Goodrich 7s, 1911 93 Jap. Govt. 1st 4 Ha, Kit. Jap. Govt. 4i. lilt 68 I.lit. A Mvers 6s. 1911... 91 95 98 91 81 98 $ 76 11.10 10.45 98 7.90 Proct. ft Gab. fs192t... 19 100 7.ot 1.00 1.10 6.10 l.tO 1.10 Proct. ft Gam. 7a,1 im. 1a.l93l... 99 100 , 6s. 1911 99 98 8s. 1940 102 103 Swift ft Co, Swiss Govt. Union Pacific 6s, 1921.... 97 98 Wilson ronv. 6s. 1921.... 81 13 ! New York Cotton. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. New York, Sept. tT The New York cotton market showed continued nervous ness and activity during today's earlv trading. The opealng wss firm at an ea. vance of 70BI points on covering and buy ing for a reaction after the big break of yesterday. After selling at 23.80c, Octo ber sold off to 13.40c and December re acted from 21.70c to 21.48c, but the cover ing movement continued, and the market showed a better tone than It did yester day. Only one October notice was re ported In circulation. There were three private crop repots, each of them Indicat ing more than the average September de terioration. One of the private reports made tho condition 10 against 69 last month, while mother placed it at 61.6. against 68 last month, and the third made It 17.9, Indicat ing a crop of enly 11.640.000 bales. This figure seemed to attract comparative! little attention, however, and after a sharp advance of 95 to 116 points on covering and Wall street buying, prices turned easier under continued .southern selling, nearly all the gains being lost before midday. A flurry as) covering by October shorts In the afternoon ran the price up to the full permitted advance of loo points trom the low level of the morning, points net higher. Later dellvi Later deliveries sold 140 to 160 points npM higher, but I a tar fluctuations were Irregular. Liberty Band Prices. New York, Sept. II. Prices of Liberty bonds at noon were: ls, 90.63; flrst 4s, 88.00; second 4s, $6.70; first 4s 66.20; second 4a. IT.92; third 4r. 99.00; fourth 4s, 86.16; Victory S, 16.62; Victory 4s. 96.61. Liberty bonds: 3s, 10.60; first 4s, 18.00; second 4s, 17.30; first 4s, 88.10; second 4s, 17.42; third 4s. 88.98; fourth 4a, 17.50; Vktory 3s, 96.66; Victory 4s, 95 70. ( Chlcsxe Potatoes. Chicago, Sept. 21. Potatoes Steady; receipts, 89 cars; Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan round and long whites, sacked, 11.4901.66; bulk, $1.501.60; Minnesota and Soath Dakota Early Ohlos, sacked, $1. 1001.70; bulk. $1.401.60; Jersey Irish Cobblers, $1.09. ' Loadon Meary. London. Sept. 28. Bar Silver, Money and Discount Unchanged. N s 300 UrMtfll Is Fsretaa Mosey sailer aur stw fits auki P:H"it; Itlfl tt 20,tll Send 10 cent etamre st once for our new 288-PHe booklet, with full paitlcuUra. Wt are specialists in Foreign Exchange, and main tain branch office- ia many large cities. -6E0. H. 10 Stead Strait PERKINS 4 CO Ntw Yort As Syndicate We Offer Kingdom 20 Year At Par and Interest United States Trust Co. Affiliated With The United States National Bank i j 1612 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. j t ULet Us! Hnile your fraia ahipmenU to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukoe, Kansas City, Siovx City, or any otlwr markets. We Specialize In the careful handling of all order for graia and prtivisiona for future delivery. We Operate i Offices at Omaha, Neb.; Lincoln, Neb.; Hastings, Neb.; Chicago, II!.; Sioux City. Ia.; Holdrege, Neb.; Genevas Neb.; Des Moines, la.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Hamburg, Ia.; Kansas City, Mo. v We Have Up-to-date Terminal Elevators ia the Omaha and Milwaukee Marketswith the latest facili ties for handlmj your shipments. Updike Grain Co. 1 "The lUbleConMgnmiutt House , Omaha, Nebraska ' f Loral Stocks and Bondi Quotations furnished by Burn, Drinker ft Co, Slocks. Bld. Asked. Hankers Mtgs. I.D.. OmaEa . . . Beatrice Croamery pfd 91 Burgeas-Nash, 1 Put. pfd .... It Kldrodge-Ra'aa Co.. f pet pfd $ Fairmont Cream, pfd ..'..... It Goorh Food Prod, pfd Harding Cream 1 pet. pfd ... 16 II f9 Jo 100 160 Lion B. A 8. Ge., Omaha Pax. ft Gallagher,, 1 pet. pfd M f Pat. VI T net t,fd .... 11 106 9$ M. K. Smith B. Co., pot. pfd 91 ThnmD.-Ruld. Co.. 1 pot Pfd .. 91 100 101 114 ITnlnn s. T. Omaha to BONDS. xArge. Gov. Ext. 4s. , Armour ft Co., Is, 1931 Ioug. Co. C. H, Re. 6s, T . ... ! 16-$.... 1.69 .... II 100 Dundee Pav., s. 193 ... French Exter. la, 1146 tier.. Neb.. S. DIs. is. 1940 101 lll ... . 1 B, F. Goodrich Co., Is, 1911 xHrtl Bldg. Is. ll.'IO Joist a nd B. 6a Maytag Co., la, 1181 Omaha AUilstkt 6s, 191 ...A Omaha, Neb., School 6s, '21 .. O. ft C. B. St. R, 6s, 1918 X.Sidney. Web., , 1940 .... Sin. Con. Oil, 7l, 1126 .... Exchange. aBld. 91 11 .... .4I 10 17 11 It .... 11 .... TI ..... .4t tl Enduring Value Put part of your money into something which can not be eaten, worn out, broken, or lost. It you, spend all your surplui money for nonessential- now, you may not have. any for essentials in the future. Every dollar that you put into a gilt-edge securi ty today will be worth 100 cents and accrued interest a year from today. '" What about ;the dollar that you spend! What wUl yon have to show for it( next year? Invest all that you can in the 6 First Mortgage Bonoi owned and recom mended by Home Builders. i American Security Co.v Dodge, at 18th. Omaha. O. Ju Bohr bough. Pres. 0. C SMntev, See, FISCAL AGUKTS jOK Member of Norway 8 Bond -