IH I ISIS) V A . I 10 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1920. Classified Advertising Rates Iso pr lln (count ( word lo tin) I da 10 tier lln per day, i conseeuttv days lo prr lln psr day, T conaerutlv cIb 14 prr lln pr day. 10 consecutive days Ho add taken for le than a -total of 35c Thrm rate apply l(hr to the Dally er Sunday He. All advertisement ap pear in both morning and evening dally papers for h on chart. CONTRACT RATES ON ' APPLICATION. Want ads accepted at ths following of fice: x MAIN OFF ICE.... 17th and Farnam St. Houtb Bid 2m N St. Council Bluffs 1J 8tt St. WANT ADS RECEIVKD BY PHONE AT TYLER 10O0 TUB BEW will not b responsible for mar than on Incorract Insertion of nil advertisement ordered for mpr than on ""cLOBlNG HOURS FOR WANT ADS F.venlng Edition i i? Morning Edition ::' :0,. PV. M' Sunday Edition 9;'J0 P. M. Salurduy. DEATH JTONERALJIOTICES. i'KKMANN Pctlef. died a 'he horn of hlx" daughter. Mr. Roy Skalth. In Coun ,11 Hluffa. September 27; age -"' 6 month, 18 days. Ho I "rvlved by on on. ChrUa Scemann of Falrbury. Neb., and three daughters. Mr. I runk Froniong of Armour. Nets) Mrs. W. H. Uoorh of t)mi.h. NeU.. and Mr. R05 . ..skalth of Council Hluffa. In. The re- main wilt be taken to Falrbury, Nob., ; Tuesday for intHiiietii.. DAVIS Margaret, aged 71 i-Rrs. lit ncr daughter residence, 8303 Bedford Ave., Bunday morning. ..... Funeral services will be held at the r.....i, funeral home. 2 4tl; and w lrt ..- iif.,,,.,..,!,, v at 2:30 1). 111. ReV n.iii... win officiate. Interment ot Creston, la., inursaaj ijAACK Lo'ulae. beloved I wife of John K. Jlaack, died Sunday. 8ept. it, ace " J"iTneral oervlcea at th realdenca, 101J B. 5Jd Ft. Wednesday, Sept. 2. at 3 m. lntermfni r.vii!ii vo.....,. Frlenda welcomo. ruTTU-i..n A., id 17 yeara, beloved aon of Mr. and Mra. Perry J. Smith. i rnU.MrKav Co.'a par 1... iii iramam 8t.. Wednesday at 2 p. m. Frlenda welcome. CARDJPTHANS:, ivK wlh Tothank our kind friends and neighbor for their aympathy and kind V neaa during alcknrea and death of our 1 hei,veil huiband and father. Alao for beautiful floral offering. Mra. S. K. Fnulkner and IBinlly. ' FlERAI DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. PIERCK-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney et. HULSE'&"RIEPEN, PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South 16th- St. .J2ula"Jlli- 1heafey&Heafey, t'ndirtakera nd Enibalmer. Phone H. S65. Office) 2611 Farnam. ORISTS. LEE L. LARMON XT.u 1816 Douglaa St. Donglaa 244. JOHN 'PATH, 18th and Farnam. I. 3000. U Henderson. HIS Farnam. Douglas 148. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birtha .looeph nnd Effle McQaugh, Omaha. Neb., boy; William and D.ira Paulsen, Route 4. South Side, boy; Fred and Mamie Wllllama. hospital, girl; Sam, nd Anna Butos, S320 8. 28th, boy; Wil liam and Hessle WcFarland, 2510 S. 20th Ave., boy; Thomas and Rosalie Stoddard. 4108 N. S6th, lrl; Stephen and Mary Hut fles. 218 8. 23d. buy; Sanfonl andSMa'y Oifford. 621 B. SSth Ave., boy; Paul and Eva Oloclfe, . 4006 N. 36th, boy; Edgar and Theresa Brown, 292S Spring, slrl Arino and Sebastlana Micell, J 016 Daven port, girl; Sebaatiiino and Lucia Palermo. 1315 S. 5th, boy; Muuzio and Oulseppa Ooatantino, 1625 8. 11th, boy; Blagio nnd Oulseppa' Battlato. 1701 Castelar, by; John and Perctalta Roblnsorr, Sarpy "., Route 5. girl J Ueorge and Winnie Scher.k, C315 N. 28th Ave., boy; Herbert and Eliz abeth Wiggins, 2833 Franklin, girl! Jo- - ncph and Anna Tlnovky, 8540 N. C6th, noy; Benjamin and Mary Blakely. hospl-al, -boy. ' I i Deaths Peter Havllk, 67. 1715 S. 1st; Mela Peter Larson, 63, 1223 Chicago; Mrs. Mary Buhler, l2. 35th St. and Woolworth Ave.; Mary E. tllpglna, 30, 2815 Bi-rt; Mrs. Lydla Fadlli Miller, 70, 2769 Dav.n port; Anna M. Petersen, 59. hospital; Donald Btrlan, 4, hospital; Ellen Clara Jtollman, Infant, 3824 N. 24th; Mary A. Fellows. 47. hospital: Richard Westbrook. 16, hosnltnl; John K.- Hai.ard. 86. 1503 Ohio; Jnmis T. Goodell. 64, hospital: Ruth Klalne Beglev. Infant, hospital; Callle L. Epley, 38, 4644 Douglas. " MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permits were Issued to . wed: Leo O. I.ny, 24 Omaha, and Gladys ;- IIIeromymus,20. Omaha.' Matt Halford. 26. Omahn, and Mary McJunklns, 26, Muskogee, Okla. Stafford W. McCain. 28. Underwood, la., and Ina M. McCr.tn, Missouri Valley, la. . Frank A. Williamson, 31, Omaha, and ... Ethel Webb, 23. Omaha. Albln B. Nlson. 36. Polk, Neb., and Jennie Beck, 37, Omaha. Wlllram Qulnn. Omaha, 56, and Lula F. Smlthers. 46, Louisville, Ky. John A. P:-hcllenbarger, 50, Dayton. O., " and Clnra M. Mover, i", Winnebago, Neb. JVIIHhm VnrHs. 3?. Springfield, 111., and . Charlotte Boyd, 2", Kansas City, Mo. v RM-h c. r'fcrtlt.' S3, Omaha, and May B. ClarrlMov. 2t, Omaha. Josct i i To-naseh, 25, Omaha, and JIarie J. Vill;:, 22, Omaha. Harry X. StoTv, 28, Sioux Falls. 'S. D., ' and Agnt-s Snndvtg. 21, Sioux Falls, 8. D. Michnel F. Goriek. 21, Omaha, and ' Jeiu.lt) Molxki, 21, OmnMa. i. Roy Stevenson. 28. Omaha, and Helen j. B. r.ini-h, 5. Omaha. Ftliulelfo Franco. 26, Omaha, and Maria '., . Ora::tr.no, 18. Omaha. Beiijnmln H. Purcupile, 23, Omaha, and Henrietta C. Weat, 25, Omaha. , Joseph F. flow, 22, Bellevue, Neb., and . ilrytlo Hansen, 22, Bellevue, Neb. " Roscoe H. Rawley," 43."- Omaha, and Flora L. Wallace, 35, Omaha. -Charles E. Gregory. 33, Omaha, and ? Mildred Gregory. 20. Omaha. BUILDING PERMITS. Harry Ferer. 1518 Burt street, cement clock shop, 33,400. Edwird Walasek, 1412 Pasadena av ,;emie. frame dwelling, $4,000. George Burr, 3S36 North 60th avenue, frame dwelling, $5,000. Nebraska Power Co., 413 South 20ta - clreet, hrlclc sub-station, $2,000. Joe Cury, 2927 South 34th street, frame 1 Htere building. $1,600. ' '. LOST. JFOUND AND REWARDS. " OR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 300. We are anxious to re- I store lot articles to rightful owners. t OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T. RT. T COMPANY. J LOST Today, black silk bag at 24th and Ames or Forest Lawn Ave., containing S gold watch and money; reward. Call Webster -2607 1613 Lake St. LOST First National bank. Fremont. bank, i, j check folder containing passbook and ; reilroad pas. Return to Box 335, F.-e- mont. Neh. Reward. COST Bulldog, dark brlndle. white on breast, ear and tall trimmed, spiked collar, .tag No. 296; reward. Call Doug. 360. 1'Ol'ND Hor.se, Sept. 11. Owner may have same by Identifying ssme and paying for ad. 2109 North 24th St. Web. 2883. LOST Garnet rosary beads with gold t chain and cross. 24th and Mason. 19th andDodge; D.5381. i ; STRAYED from SJ16 Chicago street, col lie pup. Call Harney 3585. Reward. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn solicits your old clothing, furniture, mr;az!ne. We collect. W diatrlbute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1 114 Dodge St. I will not be rsponpablo for any bills jntfe-te? by my wife, Mrs. Verna Bur WXj '- r after the 24th of Septem Hit? I aign, ED BURSICK. 4742 i-vji jjK. EATeTViSH massage by appointment at your residence. Miss E. Anderson, pg. . 6318. Jl ENT. Hoover vacuum sweeper. Wal. 1947. ' MASSAOE 210 North Seventeenth St. CWEDlaH massage. 313 Neville block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. " Dancing Academies. TTgJ PiriO Sch00' or Dancing. 2426 A-""A rim. Douar. 735i. Farnam. Doug. 795. FANCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN. SEASON. $20. KEEP'S, HOTEL ROME. Detectives. " JAMES ALLAN. 318 Neville Blk. Evl '. d,nce ecured 1n sll cases. Tyler 1136. l' RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway f. M. none. 20S6. Night. Col. 465. i n c I -w VATinVAL DiSTECTlVE I '' AGENCY.' Ineotpoiated. Douglas 1107, Arlington Bllt, Omana. r.eo. BRINGING UP FATHER- ", I ' ma in IT DuULI , cxai 13 L : 1-. , I ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dressmaking. SEW1NU. silks. velvets, aklrta and Jackets rellned, remodeled; reasonable. Harney 6804! DRESSMAKING and designing. Dg. 47, Painting and Peconting. PAINTING, paperhanaing. piaateiing. Walnut 4567. FIRST-CLASS paperhanglng. painting. D. 4101. . PAINTING, paparhanglng. : WlBntMII. Hemstitching end Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburat box Pleating, covered buttons, all sue ana tyie; hematttchlrs, plcnt edging. ye let rut work, buttonholes, nennat.ts. Ideal Buttun and Pleatlns Co.. 301 Browa Blk. Douglas 1936. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding. heading, all kinds pleating. rieaiing. tc-jg. ovxx, Blk.. 16th and Dodge, Room 35, pougn Miscellaneous Announcements. "SEWING MACHINES W rant, repair, sell needle and part. MICKEL'S lfth ana Harney. Douglas 1113 paxton-mitchei.tJ CO. Ilh anil Martha, St.. Omaha. Neb Brass, bronze, aluminum and marhln gray Iron castings. rT A HjrXTr0 W pay th oat prlc with privilege ta buy back a JEWELRY CO. las 6049. mall profit. GROSS 402 N. Ittb St. Doug NEBRASKA Vulca Patch Sales Agency. 411 So. 24tli: distributors for Vulca Patch, Parker's Lightning Auto Polish, Hear Non-Skid Emergency Chains; order py man. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra ors, raror blades sold. Omaha Raior Sharpening Co.. 15224 Dodge. li3 N. 16. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress- es made from your own feathers, summer and winter side. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 16th end Douglas Sta., Omaha, Neb HATS cleaned anAb'.ocked wh'I you wait. at Piuton Hat Works. 1607H Farnam St. Work guarantied. D. 693 GET our figures on roofs: work guaran teed. North West' Ready Hooting Co.. 802 So. Slat. JAMES W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney. 1716 Dodge St - Patent your Invention and sell It to a manufacturer. . FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard fit. WEDDING announcements and printing. Dongias Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Ca'eful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. FIT. I, dresH suit and tuxedo for rent. J 0 9 K- 16th Bt- 3 n F' ma n. D. 3 1 2 :1. DENTISTRY exchanged for Liberty bonds, face valiit. Dr. Secor. 1017 1st Nat'l. Bk. SAFESBR?Ar1 12th & Farrara. right Safe Co. RENT. Hooversweeper, del. Web. 4283. ifATT RESSES remade, springs rep.H" 7162 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Omaha Towel Suppiy. 207 S. 11th. P. 523. RENT Hoover vacuum sweeper. Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1433. FOK SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION ! ! Complete furnishings of several good homes including the home of Attlesons, at 2660 South 26th Ave., which Is the best furniture I have evar aold. Will Be Sold In My Auction House Southeast Corner !8th and Webster Streets WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. Starts at 1 P. M. Sharp. This Is the biggest furniture sale I have ever held in Omaha and consists of some of the best furniture that money will buy. Three standard extra good pianos, 4 standard talking machines and ,rccords; 1 ( very expensive Grandfather clock4 this clock 13 mahogany with gold face and cost $260 and like new; 3 very hest sectional bookcases and 2 other mahogany bookcases. 2 beautiful piano lamps snd'4 library lamps; 14 extra good 8x12 Wilton Velvet rugs and several smaller Wilton ruga: several of these Wilton rugs have smaller rugs to match. I have to sell 1 nearly new 9x12, and 1 new 8-3x10-6, nnd 1 7x9 and 2 smaller rugs, all exactly matched and nearly new Hartford Saxony; several other good rugs all sizes; 1 very expensive Ameri can walnut dining room set, William and Mary period, and 4 expensive oak dining room sets complete, the very best; 2 complete American Walnut bedroom suites, the best money will buy these 3 suites are complete and like new; 1 mahogany bedroim suite, a beauty, and several massive trans beds complete and several Simmon nnd Vernls Martin bed . complete; several expensive mahoganv and walnut dreaders and chiffoniers and dressing tables; nak and birds eye maple (fTTnaers and chiffoniers, sewing ma chines, writing desks and chairs, 3 of fice desks and chairs, and other office furniture, linens, drapes, fancy and hani painted china, cut glass and silverware, cooking utensils, gas ranges, kitchen cabinets. Ice boxes, den furniture, duo fold new and 3 extra good davejiports; sanitary couches and hundreds .of ar ticles too numerous to mention. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell call Douglas 32S5 or Tyler 966. ENTIRE furnishings ofS-room apartment consisting of brown mahogany nnd American walnut sets, Karmok Willow rugs and dranerles situated In apt. 14. Elwood. Phone Wal. 3090. COMMODE and bed with bedaprlngs, rugs and stair carpet, dining, table, four chairs, davenport nnd few other article very reasonable. Call D. 6790 or Har. 2029. ' . HOUSEHOLD furniture, bahy carriage, go-cart, crib and boy's toys; no deat hs; 635 So. 3f.th' Ave., Har. 907. . WE buy old and new furniture, we pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co. .Web. 206. 1417 North 24th. LARGE size, hard coal burner, nearly new, reasonable. .Col. S22S. WILLIAM and Mary dining room suite. Harney 7121. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. -r- Everything tn i art and music Piano for rent, 34.00 per me nth. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo, A. Smith, 2761 Davenport St. BABY GRAND, fine condition, beautiful tone. Will sacrifice. Doug.30$. UPRIGHT piano in verjV best condition; 3250. -Doug. 6790 or H. 2029. MAHOGANY player piano. Real bargain for quick sale. Douglas 3066. MUST sacrifice new. for $95. 3226 Web. phonograph, 211. like $285 vlctrola phonograph. Will sacrifice for $165. Douglas 3066. VIOLIN tor sale cheap. Dg. 6745. PIANO, fine condition. Web. 2894. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND s ' ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA Get our price befortj you buy. Every machine guaranteed. , Central Typrewriter Exc. Douglas 3120. 1912Farnam. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co. all makoa." 206Sx18thSt, Tyler 24i6. PROTECTOGRA-HS. F & E.'S 820 Neville Bldg; bargains. Miscellaneous Articles. GLASS FOR BALE. SIZES 6x7. Sx8. 8x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS 8ETS. ETC, CALL MR. HADLEY. TYLER 1660. 1 ENGRAVING DEPT. J ONE Edison Mimeograph, also roll-top oesa. Master Sales Co., 614 S. 12th. FCK SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. tWILL sell following furniture cheap: iueen Ann leauter luveicu maun, j leather rocker, Mission style; one 9x12 i rug. An assortment of beautiful and prlcely pictures. Can be aeen Sunday 10 to 1. Ckll Tyler 6171. 826 Paters Trust B'.dg. BOTTLES AND BARRELS At Nathan Steinberg's, 1019 Harney, Doug. 6H6. FOR SALE Store fixtures: will Invoice stock, groceries, merchandise, give lease on store for 2 years, with privilege to buy, which is made by present owner; good corner; only store; must chahge ell mate for wife's health. Col. 2511 evga SHORT time, sure and safe Investment, 7 per cent city warrants to net you 10 per cent E. G. Solomon, 617 Karbach mag, uougias rz62. BEAUTIFUL I'd seal stole, never worn, $20; squirrel choker, $10; also new seal coat, Harley Hotel, 0tu and Farnam. Mji.McNamara. WE buy, tell lafe. mke deaka, how cases, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 3734. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Sjipp!y Co1406 Dodge. DRY short klndllag wood for sale. Acme Box Co., H. 1887 WASHING machlno and bench wringer Jorsale. H. 1362. SEWING MACHINE. Reliable, 15. 2430 Evans St. FOR SALE jSewln. machine. Web. 38S5. HEWING machine, reasonable. Web. 2894. KINDLING, chenpT delivered. Web. 1286. klNPI.iNO "and lumber. Web. 459. WARD coal stove,'. 315. Wal. 20S8.- WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS .. New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED One band saw, 1 steel lathe. Must be In good condition, if. Haslom, Bowfrd, Neb., Ilox 182. . WILL buy second-hand clthlng, shoes and iurrijTurs. -jy. s!ys. a. aaveit. jua in. 16. LIBERTY bonda bought. Macka Bond Houao. 1421 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. SALESMANAGER Of nationally known concern desires change; prefer California territory for road work, but will consider other lo catlon. Box Q-66. Bee SITUATION Wanted Young man. single, tiesires position running car Saturday nfternoons, Sundays and evenings, If necessary; good mechanic; reasonable. Ilox 0-64, Omaha Bee. WANTED Situation by experienced book- Keeper wno nas several years experi ence In the lumber business, both whole sale and retail. Box T-1282, Omaha Bee. SITUATION wanted, by A-l all around nuiomoDue mecnanic, soDer ana indus trious, 14 years experience. Address Box T-1281, Omaha Bee. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lata of good places ar always advertised. Don't miss them. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WANTS PERMANENT POSITION. WAL. 3564. DRESSMAKING, Tyler 6229. silk shirts specialty. Laundry and Day Work. GOOD laundress wants Thursdays out. 45c per hour and carfare. Unless you want experienced laundress don't call. Tyler 2957. Mrs. Bassett. BUNDLE washing and houfe cleaning and laundry. Call between 6 ando 6 o'clock. I'cuglas 3199. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress references. Webster 6308. with LAUNDRY, day work; experienced. Web. JE71. BUNDLIi washing, experienced. Webster 1735. IRONING, cleaning, 2122. day work. Web. DAY work: laundryi 2634. experienced. Ty. 4.. COLORED woman wants day work. Web. 2222. BUNDLS washing, day work. Exp. ' 698. Web. DAY work, laundry, experienced. Ty. 3571. DAYWORK, laundry, cleaning. H. 69057" DAY work, bundle washing. Web. 698, WOOL blankets, lace curtains. H. 1130. VYVORK. cleaning. Exp. II. 6945. DAY work, housecleanlng. Harney 6129. 1 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. HELP WANTED MALE. ' STENO. AND CLERICAL. THERE ARE NO BETTER POSITIONS IN OMAHA THAN WE ARE OFFERING. TALK IT OVER WITH US. RIGHT REFERENCE CO.. 536 FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG. EXPERIENCED SAVINGS TEL LER; FOOD POSITION FOR RIGHT PARTY IN OMAHA; WRITE BOX O-IQ, OMAHA BEE. ' HEAD stock clerk, $160 to $175; ship ping clerk and foreman, $175; book keeper, light set, $126 to $135. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED A piano shop man for store work; must be competent to do re flnlshlng, polishing, etc. State age, ex perience, reference; a liberal salary; per manent position to the right man. Or ton Brothers, 216-218 No. Main St.. Butte, Mont. WANTED Buttermaker to take charge of a new, modern centralized creamery In Iowa. Must be thoroughly competent. Address Box Y-1280, Omaha Bee. FIREMEN, brakemen. $2S5-$250 monthly, experience unnecessary. Write Rall way. Box T-1261. Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, study law. Eve, downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough co -so; nominal tuition. Sec. !? 4 O"1"1' ' ' atlonal B Idg. WANTED Flr.-t class auto trimmer. Cofl seiun Motor company, Casper, Wyoming. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 South 14 Ht. Catalogue free. Salesmen and Solicitors. THU McCASKEY Register Company of Alliance, Ohio, has an exceptional open ing in Its sales organization In Nebras ka for a man with the necessary energy, enthusiasm, ambition and native sales ability to sell McCaskey systems ai d salesbooks on a very satisfactory com mission arrangement, wherein, -commission Is 'advanced weekly. This Is an unusual opportunity for large earnings and to become Identified with one of the largest national sales organizations, with Its opportunities for broad sales experience and sdvancement. The suc . cfuful applicant will be carefully trained and assisted from time to time by the district manager. This I a real opportunity for one who can qualify. See O. W. Aiilbaugh, assistant general ales manager, Fontenelle Hotel, Oma ha, Nebraska, Monday, September 27, or Tuesday, September 28. SALKSMAN WANTED For a progressive ladles' ready-to-wear department. Fine opportunity for a real salerman who Is a trade builder and has the ahllltv to handle a i.oslilon of this kind. Apply st once. The Peoples Department Stoie, la. HOOLO BE DRCiEO UP ALL THE TINE. y HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. 4 SALESMEN WANTED By established firm with selling experience to sell and demonstrate our line of Farm Tools. Our product Is sold largely through and with the co-operation of the hardware or implement dealer. uur men spend part of their time working with the dealer and part of their time canvass ing tne rarmer aistrict. r or mis worn men with cars preferred, although not absolutely essential. This Is a eomnts slon nroDOSltlon that will pay and' pay well the man who Is not afraid of work. The other kind and "advance grabber" need not apply. Write, glv. lng full details In first letter. Prairie du Chlen Tool Co., Prairie du ChUn, wis. SALESMEN wanted to present standard medltal books to physician only. We have Just Issued and now have In prep aration many new books that are meet ing with pronounced favor. Successful books mean successful salesmen, good Income, agreeable occupation. Perman ent, exclusive, protected territory, when you have proven your ability. Address with fullest details and business refer ences, J, B. Llpplncott Company, Fhlla- delphln, Penn. - ifbl'K. SALESMEN Write me at once and I will put you onto a good Indus trial proposition with plant nearlng completion that has more good talking points than anything J have ever work ed on. I am cleaning up on this and want some of the Old Guard to Join me. M. J. Scanlon, P. O. Box 1304, San Antonio, Texas. SALESMEN wanted, with their own car or rig preferred, to tall on farmers In Nebraska and Iowa territory. Position permanent. Salary and expense paid. Experience In our business not necessary. State age and previous business or selling experience in first letter. Ad- -' dress E. R. McClellan, 301 Leflang Bldg , Omaha, Neb. WANTED-Three advertising solicitors to work on high class railroad publication, properly endorsed and calls furnished; state experience. B. M. Wells, 802 Waln wrlght Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. ' SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, rugs and blankets; can jse couple of good men, out-of-town work. C. F. Adam Co.t623 South 16th St. TRAVELING Salesman, garage trade, car furnished, 8175 and expenses. Western Reference & Bond Association, 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Man to handle high-class spe ciality, exclusive territory. Apply by letter. Detroit Scale Co., 610 So. 10th St., Omaha. WANTED Salesmen to handle German municipal bonds In Nebraska counties; liberal commission. Fuhrman A Com pany, Pender. Neb. WANTED High-class specialty salesman. commission basis. Apply by letter to D. Ai S. Co., 610 So. lOth St. WANTtD An experienced airplane pilot. Credentials required. No not air. rsiei sen Aero Co., Council Bluffs. Hotels nd Restaurants. WANTED Truck driver. A. Nlegele, 1817 Leavenworth. Boys. WANTED . TWO OR THREE MESSENGER BOYS. OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE APPLY CUDAHY OFFICE, SOUTH SIDE WANTED Two experienced grocery boys. Apply to Milwaukee Delicatessen, 616 so. liitn. ERRAND boy wanted Midwest Electric Co., -Apply Mr. Tully 1207 Harney. BELL boy wanted. Hotel Keen. Miscellaneous. WEN WANTED FOR GENERAL YARD WORK, APPLY TIMEKEEPER. UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OR ELDERLY MAN FOR MESSENGER WORK. APPLY TO x MR. QUIVEY, OMAHA, BEE. WANTED! EIGHT BRICKLAYERS. APPLY T. F. REIMER CO., CARROLL. IA. 1 " WANTED CHICKEN PICKERS, PAYING 7C: STEADY WORK NICHOLSON ICE & PRODUCE CO., DENNISON. IOWA. WANTED Chicken pickers at once. High est wares paid. Modern plant. Good working conditions. Armour and Cora pa n y, Mankato. Minn. WANTED White man, 18 to 45, to op erate passenger elevator: steady em ployment. Room 220, New Telephone Bldg. ; ; WANTED Drey line operator. Montghan, one yard gas machine, in Iowa. Geo. K. Thompson. 360 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY COLLECTOR and delivery man who can drive car. Hlxenbaugh Co., 1814 St. Marys Ave. WANTED Man to work In drug store; all kinds of work. Drug store 32d and Arbor St. COLORED man to rack balls. Billiard Parlors, 1511 Harney. . C. C. c. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENO. AND CLERICAL. THERE ARE NO BETTER POSITIONS IN OMAHA THAN WE ARE OFFERING. TALK IT OVER WITH US. 536 FIRST NAT'L BANK BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS. $126, $110, $100; be ginner stenographera, $85, $90: P. B. X. operator and file elerk, ,$85. $90; P. B. X. operator and general clerk, $70, $76. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. THE fflARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. BLDG. WANTED Cashier, one only who lives at home with parents and can furnish first class references. Apply General Office, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 2d floor. 19th nnd Farnam Sts x STENOGRAPHERS, $126. $110, $100, $"fi. $S3. $75. WATTS KKFRRKNCK COM 1'ANY, 912 First National Bank Bldg. SEE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEfi - " " I II ! h UUHh I HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and elerk, railroad of fice. Salary 9114 to. start. Western Reference & Bond Association, 738 First National Bank Bldg. . WANTED Experienced cashier for South Omaha market. References required. Apply Btiehler Bros., 212 N. 18th St EXPERIENCED dictaphone, operator; good opportunity for right girl. Apply nose Koausex, noz Farnam at. Professions and Trades. YOUNG WOMEN, Does Pleasant Work Interest You? If you arc between 16 and. 30 you can be a telephone operator. Good wages are ' paid while learning. Increase in pay is made at fre quent iniervaisi ; Fascinatintr work. Annual vacations with pay. Continuation of salary while sick depending on length of service. Cool and cheerful rest rooms. Meals furnished at cost. . , Apply to , MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. a New Telephone Building, ; Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. , GIRLS! WOMEN! SEE US TODAY! WORTH-WHILE! WE STILL CAN USE IN OUR PACK ING DEPARTMENT SEVERAL MORE EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED WOMEN AND GIRLS AT GOOD WAGES WORK ROOM NEAT AND BRIGHT YOU ARE PAID WHILE LEARNING rrtecE work on which you earn HIGH WAGES. AL80 NEED ANOTHER CREW OF GIRLS FOR AUTOMATIC WEIGHING MACHINES AT WHICH YOU EARN OOdD MONEY FROM THE START. PAY EVERY SATURDAY. SEE SUPT. WEST SIDE. EMPLOYES ENTRANCE SKINNER MFG. CO. 14TH ft JACKSON STS. GIRLS If you are not unaer 10 nor over 25 years of age, we would like to train you for LONG DIS TANCE WORK. You must have at least an Eighth grade education. If looking for a per manent position, see MISS BELL, 318 TELEPHONE BLDG. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Long Litres Department. WANTEP. WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK. BEST WAGES. STEAPY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS JCO., ; ' 8TH AND POPGB. WANTED Young lady for lyceum dra matic company; refined, ambitious: cos tumes furnished. Call between 2 and ,4 Sunday or any time Monday. 800 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas, phon Tyler 1413. MANGLE girls wanted at once. Apply Standard Laundry. 240S Iorth 24th Webster 130. J . SHIRT machine girls. Apply Fontenell Hotel Laundry Department. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES. WANTED. EXPERI ENCED IN CANDY. GOOD SALARY. G. S. COBBt THOS, KILPATRICK CO. . Household and Domestic. WANTED AT ONCE GOOD EXPERIENCED COOK . TOP WAGES MR. A. W. GORDON HARNEY 61. COMPETENT girl or woman for genera housework, one who can take full charge; no objection to small baby. Apply in person. 412 South 48th street. walnut wwi. COMPETENT white maid for general housework; s in tamuy; oem references. Mrs. W. S. Weston. 303 So. 61at. JyVal. 278. PFLIABLE girl to help with housework, small family, good wage and nice room. Mrs. V. D. Wead, 602 8. 40th St. Har ney 171. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; no launary wora. sirs. W. L. Shearer, 2309 So. 33d St., Har. 2420. WANTED Good girl for general house work; 3 In family; no children. 116 per week to right girl. Apply 5022 Izard. WHITE girl for general housework; good wages: references requirea. m:i nun St. Wal. 238; . WANTED. AT ONCB EXPERIENCED SECOND MAID VERY GOOD WAGES MRS. A. W. GORDON HARNEY 61. WANTED Experienced white second girl. Mrs. W. P. Hosford, 626 So. 37th St., Har.B7. ' EXPERIENCED nurse over 20 years of age; cre of two children; good horn and wages. Bar. 806, 429 No. 38th Ave. MAID wanted at once, experienced. Mrs. K. P. Updike, 3416 Jackson, liar. 2934. 0 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general hbuseworlt; 2 in family. Capt. McFatianU, Ft. Omaha, Call Colfax 4600. WANTED Maid; no laundry; references. Mr. W. J. Hynes, 622 S. SSth St. Hag. 6760.' ; WANTED for general housework. Neat colored girl, may go home .nights, slar- ney 7403. WHITE maid for housework. Good wages. No washing. Phoiie Harney 3077. EXPERIENCED white cook. Mrs. ,W. J. Hynes. 432 N. 38th St. Har.' 4760. COMPETENT White cook. Telephone Mrs. T. J. Dwyer. 628 So. 3 7th St., Har. 22 o. GOOD girl tor general housework: gJbd home; very good wages. Har. 1342. WANTED Maid; references required. Mrs, Edward Updike, 3612 Farnam. WANTED A white girl to rare for small child afternoons. Call Harney 6745. WANTED Competent, reliable white woman to do cooking. H?r. 200. GOOD girl for general housework. Good wages to right girl. Doug. 8989; WANTED A competent! relKblo wljfte second maid. Har." 206. WHITE girl for general laundry. Wal. 788. hausework. No WANTED Housekeeper on farm. W. W. Estey8pejdlng Neb.- - WHITE girl for general housework. Web. 6033. ., Hotels and Restaurants. Waitresses Wanted BOTH SHORT HOUR AND REGU LAR TIME HELP NEEDED. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. . , Burgess-Nash Co., FLOOR maid wanted. Hospital. Wise Memorial Miscellaneous. LADY unincumbered and able to move lUg orders for ornamental shrubbery by using proper methods; landscape de signing; Instructions given and liberal pa advanced dally or weekly on re ceipt of business; outfit and Instruction free,, Write to , " a h. knicJht. Landscape Artist and Gen, Agt. 644 So. 24th Ave. WANTED Attractive girl for picture vaudeville act. No experience neceasary. Must be able tn travel. Apply Sunday nnd Monday, Empress stage entrance. Miss Vernon. GIRLS tp take course In shorthand, type writing, oooKKeeping, eic; personal in struction enables you to get through quickly. Call Douglas 7774. . WANTED Woman for cleaning 4 hou's a day. Army and Navy Club. 416 Ho. 17th. Call Mrs. Wallace, Colfax 4793, or Pg. 2714. i ' EXPERIENCED butter wrapper 7wanted. Omahn Cold Storage Co.. 8th and Far- nam Sts. BIO BISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 653 Bee Bli'c Douglas 6692. GIRLS wanted at Rogers' i Confectionery, 24th and Farnam Sts. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, machine bookkeeping. comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalog Address BOYT.FS COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School or Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Oiaaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. LP WANTED. : Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade: hlg demand: wages while learning: strictly modern. Csll or writ 1403 Podge St. Trl.Cltv Barber College. BUSINESS CHANCES. IERE is a golden opportunity or some good merchant tp put 'In an exclusive stock of dry goods at Fairfield. Neb. in a nloe 60-foot front brick building. This Is a splendid town, located In the best part of Nebraska, This Is worth yur while looking up. There Is nothing like it In tho state of Nebraska. 2025 13 street. Lincoln. Xeb. , $$ CALIFORNIA S$ k Ton need not leave your present oc cupation to maKe Dig money. .Repre sentative wanted In every community. Fully secured investment of $500 re- nuired. Address 617 Mills Bldg., San Francisco. Cal. "$960 CASH BUYS THIS TERRITORY? Own your own business; $100 a week profit In 30 days; this Is a permanent business and easy to handle, no ex perience needed. See H. Bullock, Hotel Castle. Phone Tyler 690. FOR SALE OR LEASE A we'll-establlshed bakery In growing Wyoming town of 3.- 000. All cash business. No deliveries. Address Box Y-I277, Omaha Bee. DHUG STORE -for sale"a't Wlsner. Neb. Inquire of B. H. Schaberg, University1 Place, yep. TO GET 'In or ont of bu1ness.l LEWIS) ' CO.. 41 f McCsgne Bldg FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUK BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR REAPERS AND ADVERTISERS. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room, south and east exposure, suitable tor 2 gentlemen or couple employed, near car line. 2109 Wirt. Web. 1376. EXCEPTIONAL room In close-in apart ment, walking distance, to quiet busi ness woman; references required. Box Q-63, Omaha Bee. TWO front rooms In strictly modern house: gentlemen preferred; references. 'Web. 1115. TO GENTLEMAN Strictly modern pri vate family; close In, 2226 Jones. D. 6751. TWO nicely furnished rooms; gentlemen or couple employed preferred. Col. 3 4 91. MODERN sleeping room, one block from car line. 4435 houlh 20th St. So. 1429. SLEEPING room accommodations for S students, 118 So. 25th Ave. Har. 7073. DESIRABLE room t 215 Paxton Court, near 36th Ave. and Farnam. Har. 4846. CLEAN sleeping rooms within walking distance. 1717 Burt St. Douglas 8144. ROOM suitable for' gentlemen, breakfast and evening dinner. Web. 3610. ; 1C53 PARK aT'E.; largo front room nice ly1 furnished, suitable for two. NICELY furnished sleeping room for lady, 920 So. 21st. Tyler 5247. LARGE room suitable IVor 2 young men. Eaat Farnam line. Tyler 2746. NEAR two car lln.s. room adjoining bath; lad y p re ferred. Walnut 3289. PLEASANT room in modern home nlcsly furnlBhed. Call Harney 1362. NICE warm room in modern apartment. Park avenue. Harney 3327. TWO nicely furnished rooms suitable for 1 or 2 people. South 4312. MODERN parlor. Kultabfe'for two gentle men. Tyler 3087. I LARGE aleeplng room for two. 410 Sweetwood Ave. PARLOR room. Kitchen privileges. Har ney623. nTcK roon" 2 23 tH. "lt h . Tyler 411'i'. NIC ELY furnished room. 5tlfx 63Tt. ItOtTMsTror "risnu ,So. 1S6S. ( Drawn for The Bee by McManus. Ciipv right- I MO- International News Service AFTECALU -tT' BETTER TO ORE coMroTAaLC.:: 1020 Inti. Piarua tevici Ne, FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO light housekeeping rooms, newly furnished. 701 North 3Uth St. Col. 8787. 2 OR 3-RoOM suite; iMwly decorated; electrlo lights, range. Harney 4989. FURNISHED rooms; very reasonable. 2013 No. 18th St., Web. 802. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. j 2 123 Leavenworth. .. THREE light housekeeping rooms. Har ney 6238. TWO light housekeeping rooms, Webster 06. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 114 No. 18th St. Board and Rooms. SINGLE and double rooms, good location, near car, 2124 Blnney. Web. 6246; ROOM and board for two gentlemen In modern home. Hurney 6171, BOARD and room for two ladles. South 4GS3. ; Board and ruoitt for gentltinen. Weh. 6068. 2516 Blondo Board and room. Wal. 1660. WANTED ChTTdren to board. Wal. 42 $. Unfurnished Rooms. YOUNG lady employed desire board and room In private family, West Farnam district preferred. No boarding house proposition considered. Box 0-68, Oma ha Bee. OR 4 unfuriiiuhed rms. for hskkpg. Heat, light, gas tel. lcjry. ij,-. Web. 6240. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, gas and heat furnished, ltu bath, light. Call Har. 7136. 2012 NORTH 18th, unfurnished very reasonable. Web.i S02. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. ' SIGHT-ROOM and sleeping porch, $100; near Yates schoo:; refefences. H. 3144. Unfurnished. FOR, RENT S-nwra house, modern ex cept heat. Douglas 7185. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EL-BEUPOR APARTMENT HOTEL. Conveniently Itcated. Furnished throughout.' Snlte of two and threfl rooms, with combination tub and hower bath. Kitchenettes completely equippea. Weekly rental Ineh-des light, heat, gas, telephone and maid service. An Ideal home for those wht desire comfort and service. Apar'niente shown by appolm- ment. Podge n 18th. Tyl.-r 4300. ONE three-room modern apartment, 1st floor, east front, walking distance, to party buying furniture for $250. This is a great bargain. Act quick. After C Doug. 6746. WILL LEASE choicest four-room apart ment, sleeping porch; very reasonable rent to party buying furniture. Phone Webster 2914, YOUNG lady employed, desires room and board In private home Keierences iur nlshed. Address Box R-30, Omaha Bee. NEWLY furnished 2 and 3-room apart- ments. Uara ge Bpace. 2124 Case Bt. FURNISHED apartment In th Black ttone. Harney 945. Unfurnished. NEW FIVE-ROOM APARTMENTS There are still available some apart ments In the attractive new buildings the Mount Vernon and Montlcello at 620 624 South "31st Street. Ready for occu pancy October 1. 1920. Look at them to day. Rent $120 and $140. PETERS TRUST CO., Tyler 644 17th & Farnam St. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house In Kountze place or north preferred. Call Web. 6258. FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk Room. FOR RENT DESIRABLE OFFICE AND DESK SPACE. APPLT SUPERINTEN DENT'S OFFICE, BALCONY, AT EL DRIDGE REYNOLDS CO. ALL OR any part of 1.700 square feet of choice office space; second floor Ken ' nedy Bldg., 19th and Douglas Sts. SEE FOSTER-BARKER CO., SOU South 19th Street. OFFICE with dentist, 1st Nat. Bk.; phyil clan or specialist preferred. Ty. 2138. -HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. ONE fine driving horse. 2109 North 24th St. Wob. 28S3. 2,600 lb. PAIR of marcs for sale. A. W. Shuman. 2109 North 2"4th St. Web. 2883. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY nTvanE CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 2SS MOVINO, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Sepsrste locked rooms far household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806. South 16th. Doug. 4163. eeLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORA3E CO. - For real service !n hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4333. Auto or wagon service METROPOLITAN ( VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II. R." Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. TACKARD TOURING CAR Model 2-35 even-pasenger. This car has been completely renewed In our own shops. This car guaranteed same as new. Will consider light car or Liberty bonds as Initial payment, balance easy monthly payments. , ( PACKARD OMAHA COMPANY', , 3016 ilarney St, Harney 16. 4 Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of ears and prices. eeKlj touring, fine shape, only $:6i if Ukcn this week. Wal. 4763. L I AUPMOBiXES VslliD CARS AND TRUCKS AT f BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY. ft (juallty Cars and Square Dealings. 2(20 Farnam St, Douglas 1709. 1 1 UDSO N SI PER SI XS EDAN S. These tarly autumn days turn our thoughts to a closed car '"! a Hudson Super Six is a strictry hiKli Krailc car:. which will give lasting and satisfactory service. We have several Sodans in differ ent body styles, so look them over early and got the style you prefer. All carry our regular guarantee. GUY L. SMITH. 26th ami FarnamSts. DHif. 1970. DRIVE IT "YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF Tlin MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO. MOBILINO. CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. A-l -CONDITION SELF-STARTERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT TH h. StiS DAYS. 1114 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3622. CADILLAC 57 Touring enr, very fine mechanical nrn clltlon. Has been repainted, retired. For nle at very fensnniUl.i price. Will consider car in exchange. Terms to responsible party. Harney 10. 3016 Harney Bt. LIGHT "6" ' Touring car, 6-passenger; radically brand new. The price on this car ! right. Will consider Llzery bonds In exchange. E Z ternisr Harney 10.' 3016 Harney 8t. WILLYS-KNIGHT COLTE. This' Knight motored 4-pajiscn ger coupe is just the car for a4 small family or professional man. It runs very smooth and quiet, with lots of power. Winter is coming and closed cars are in de :u ldl. die ill V1C- one quickly. SMITH, ts. Doug. 1970,1 mand. See this one quickly. GUY L. 26th and Farnam Sts riAn AtTTnir By owner, Hudson sedan, seven passenger, 1920 model, extra cas ing and rim; only 4,500 miles, care fully handled. Present list, $3,750. My price $2,400 cash; no trade. Demonstration by appointment Call Harney 3764. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 6-PASSENGER TOURING. TERMS IF DESIRED. HARNEY 6659. HUDSON LANDEAU, CHEAP FOR CASH; LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW; PRIVATE PARTY. BEMIS PARK GARAGE, FHONE 5982. STUTZ SIX-PASSENGER 1919 model, In excellent mechanical condition; paint, tires, top, upholstering good; will consider light car In ex change, balance easy payments. '-- 3016 Harney St. Har! yy 10. TWO DANDY BUYS. ONE APPERSON 17-6 CHUMMY. ONE APPERSON 17-3 7-PASS. BOTH IN EXCELLENT SHAVE. APPERSON NEBRASKA MOTOR CO. 2626 DODGE STREET. TYLER 4434. NEED THE MONET. 1920 Nash touring, like new $1,200 1918 Franklin touring 97C 1918 Chalmers touring 47( ' 1920 Maxwell touring 475 TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam. WE "SAVE YOU 35 out of every $10 on eyfo Insurance. Phone Douglas 7768. 313 Peters Trull . Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. 1920 NASH SIX, sport model, 6 white wire wheels, tires good, perfect condi tion, driven lesa than 3.0v0 mlks by owner. Webster 3927. SOME bargain 4n uaed Frd car. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, loth ami Jackson. Doug Jas 8609; FORDS. DODGES. BU1CK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL 8. 399. ROJl.AUTOCO 71 8. ti St, WANTED For spot "caah 100 used ears, quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 3059 Farnam St. Douglas 6036. 1 you want a good automobile at a bar,- , wain price? All makes and sizes; terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones, Doug. 6188. CADILLAC roadster, model 67, almost .lew; an core; tires, can Mr. cubbldge, care Hansen Cadillac Co. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St OAKLAND Sensible Six. ' MARSH OAKLAND J3U9 Farnam St. WE have 60 good . used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. BUICK, fino shape, very reasonable, might consiaer traae. Address 13ox X-99, Uma a Beo. BUICK touring, model C-25; fine haj ' motor completely overhauled. Prlced low for quick sale. Tyler 3587. DICKSON & Newman build garages. driveways, sidewalks nnd do general re patr work. Phone South 2794 or So. 1766. REO 6, 1918 model, new tires, original finish, like new. Price, $1,150. Call H6266. or Web. 729. 1919 MAXWELL sedan, will sacrifice If taken this week. Tyler 714. FORD runabout, 1916. fine shape. If. S24 Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto- truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR idFG. CO., 18i?c-uiI,inL. T-Yer AUTO painting. 2768 Burt. Harney 6911. Tires and Suppliest USKD TIRES. , 30x3, $5.00: 30x3 S $1.00. All size tn proportion. I,ook ovef our rebullrs. Oir Sundays. Tyler 2986. SAVIGS TIRK3. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW'TIRES. FIRST-CLASS. 30x3 .....$ 9.!5 I 32x3 la $149S S0X3H 11.98 83x4 30.95 Siix4 20.96 I S4x4 V0.i Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes. $2.61). KA1M AN jriKJBOBBKRSl2 CUMING. NEW" TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT! 40x2 $ 9.75 I S24 ,$1 i 30x3H 11.90 33x4 19.5rf 32x3',, 14.90 34x4 20.00 STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 NO. 16TH ST. Motorcycles ani JJicycles. WE HAVE a number of guaranteed re built bicycle priced a low a $20. Vlo tor H. Rons, 87th and Leavenworth. INDIAN motorcycle, with aide car,extras. sa le c hea P; Sylv la2 2 0 J'ort hl 3t hSu FOR SALE Wulck. Harley" motorcycle. Ty 4024. Bee want ads are best business getters. 1 l , ,' , ... ,i.ev FARM' LANDS. For Rent. FOR RESIT STOCK FARM. 6:0 acres, 31 miles west of omnha and 1 miles northwest of Ashland, Neb., and H-mtio west of W ann.i occupied by B. W. Wi lls. Thl place has 70 acres under cultivation, about 130 acres In pasture and 320 acre In hay. Small set of Im provement. Anyone leasing the same must have plenty of help and stock and come well recommended. J. u. Bone, 8 4 6J?,,, i-eari t., council Iflurts, Iowa. Tile phone 101. Wanted.: WANTED Fifty to one hundred thousand KCrea of Mexico land. Tamaullnafl HI.. trlct preferred. Addrrt Box 0-67, i'mnn rtee, . Colorado Lands. 160 A. Burlington, Colo., $i00 down, ol will Uko Omaha property, CoUax 4184. 1 J ) "A ( S V ' 11