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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1920)
IV! THE BEE; OMAHA. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1920. r ! V Says Democratic , Administration Kept Prices Up House Committee Chairman Asserts That Government Combined With Profit eers to Pluck People Chicago, 111., Sept. 26. (Special Telegram.) That' billions hate been wrung from the American people the last three' years by a combination between the Wilson .administration and the profiteers, until ,at last the people are refusing to bu and prices are beginning to decline, was dc blared in a striking statement , by Congressman James W. Good, chairman of the house committee en appropriations alid head of.- the fpeakers' bureau at republican head quarters. - "A monstrous trade combination, Mr. Good called it. v ' "For nearly thrcev,eart." -said Mr. Good, "prices have neeu ne!d''up by the democratic administration and the profiteers, llillions have hern, extorted from the American people by the combination. Only recently, when the people 'began to abstain Irom buying, did the combination be gin to break down.",.. Offers Prcof. "There is plcntv of proof thi-; has been the opirse of trade. At the end of the. war. for instance. t!i 'admin istration bad on band $121,000.0)10. of surplus food Fitftplie$. But Secretary Baker' at once adopted a , poiic"y ot withholding from the market '.ill armv supplies, so a to protect th producers, in this case, the nacker.s -.and storage concerns, -4rom a fall in prices. So in spite-of Gen.-March's restrictions, on November 30, ' 1918. the $121,000 000 worth of meats, and canned roods were held back Mr. Good set forth a long list of instances wh-'reiu. "surplus food stuffs and sup:!ic. had been with held from American (-consumers by order of the administration. Manv of these supplies were setft out of the .country and $1,390,000,000 worth of supplies, including food i left in France at the close W The war, was sold to France; at' 30 cents on .the ..dollar. Surplus sugar was sold fiKfnirl ?t 1,-, w ttdfnri Aittrminliili" were left in the open o rot, or sold abroad. . Many Examples. "These exampins might be, multi plied indefinitely." said Mr. Gopd. "There arc enough toi fill a book. Never before has a ; government gone into partnership with big manufacturers to pluck a whole .people to such an extent. FrcVm their own official! statements in Washington, the members of this administration have followed the policy of keeping up prices as long as possible. "The only reason trices are de clining now. is hat the administra tion after one yt-ar and ten months, is unable to maintain war conditions in trade, and urable longer to stop the operation of resolutions of a. re publican congress intended to forc. the sale of surolus goods held by -the government. The people have rebelled, have quit buying, have erased "joing upto the counter to be plucked. Consequently, not thejron clad combination 'of the administra tion and the profiteers can hold the situation any longer. The American people- have ony themselves to thank for the change; they alone have stopped the operation of he most monstrous trade combination in their historv." J Auto Prices Due For Gradual Drop No Marked Reduction in Ma- jority'of Cars at This Time, DetroU Makers Sav. C hicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased H ire. Detroit, Sept. 2o. Automobile prices are coming down, hut they ;ire going to use, the' safe and sound industrial stairway and not the steep toboggan advocated by Henry Fojd. Captains of, industry emerged from behind conference doors today to announce their general policy in the prioe reduction movement. 'All ot them stated positively mat mere will be neither -an immediate nor early cut in their price lists. They declared that the downward trend of motor prices, which has been under way, since the high cost peak was reached several months ago,' will continue through three principle mediums: Growing efficiency of abor: its consequent reduction in- the coSt of producing materials, and the ""reorganization of plant force from steel mill to factory to meet operating . demands on a ' nornnl working basis. -A wholesale drcjp to pre-war fricc level, they have de cided, would not v only bankrupt scores of automobile manufacturers, dealers and . material men under present financial ' conditions, but might easily result in an industrial panic. J he word that went out this morning was: ( : ( "Sit tight. Make labor do a day's work for a day's pay. Make a grad ual reduction to normal prices. possible by cutting overhead costs. and. give material producers their, chance to beat down the subnormal 4 values ' cf evervthing tbat goes' into the motor car. - - ' L In their announcements, Detroit manufacture! s qonfqrmed with the policy ' announced by the General Motirs corporation. ' , "Directors meeting this week in New York'said H. If. Rice,' vice president , of the corporation, "de cided against any immediate pi"ice cuts until reductions in the material market make them possible. There will be no present reduction in the price of cars produced by the Gen cral Motors corporation. No such step is contemplated." A survey completed by the Detroit r.mplovers association, to ascertain real facts in the , local labor situa tion, ' shows that lo.yyy men arc now employed in 80 Detroit fac tories, not including the Ford plant. There has been a reduction of 11 per cent -in labor employment since April, due to iye railroad vstnke and local difficulties in obtaining uoripal electric poer. More Truth Than Poetry Br JAMES J. MONTAGUE '7 0& " THE GOLFER The wind is bleak; the skies are grey; ' The birds sit silent in the. trees; No more I hear along the way The drowsy murmur of the bees.-' A crow disconsolately calls, ' And as the light "begins tq wane A solitary splatter falls The herald of approaching rain. , , But through the clouds I still can sie A ber.ming sky. a radiant sun " t -The world i3 bright and fair to me j I went around , in eighty-one. ' . The skies are blue; the wind is soft, , And all the afternoon along The birds have poured their souls aloft c - In rhapsodies of .loyful song. And where tha sunbeams fall aslant Upon the woods across the way A thousand, insect choirs chant The praises of a perfect day.1 But though there'sperfiime in jfte air ' j And though the summer sun may shins, My soul i3 filled wit grim despair I went around in ninety-nine. A putt that carries off the green, A drive that tumbles off the tec, A bunkered ball that needs sixteen Or twenty strokes to get it free, A chip that takes erratic ways? f And rolls among the scattered stone, ; Quite off the course, will dim the fays Of any sun that ever shone.. . And though soft winds-blow o'er the lea j And okie3 with radiant beauty flame, No day is ever fair to me - In tfe or golf, wheji off my game. . V TT ' ' WSftJ 1Y ARTHUR i SCOTT GAILeV , mi. CHAPTER XIX. . ' A Friend, Indeed. The next morning Ruty Wren awakened with a start. Somebody was pounding at his door and shouting , his name, as well. He jumped out of bed to see what was the matter. And, looking outside, he beheld Mr. Chippy, with 16 of his cousins, all very much excited if one, might udge by their actions. They were flying back and forth past Rusty's doorway and chipping in shafll and piercing tones. "I've come for my son," Mr. Chippy informed Rusty Wren. '".Send-him out here at once or it will be the worse for you" "I'd be glad ;o get rid of him if 1 could." Rusty answered. "But. as explained to you last night, he has grow" so .big that he can jio longer pass through my doorway." VI don't care to argue with you," ?.ir. l nippy replied, "just let m have Chippy, jr., or v.x'll come in Sheet metal workers in Columbus, O., are practically 100 per cent or ganized and recently have been granted a 20 per cent increase in wages. I'M THE GUY $3bp an Acre Is 'Paid for " Gage County' Farm Land Beatrice, Nek, Sept. .26. '(Spe cial.) Xohn G. Buhr, a well known farmer and. stock-raiser of the Filley vicinity purchased the V. M. An dersen p0-acre farm north of Filley, for $300 an acre. The farm is one of the best in the county. . I'M TljlE GUV who demands service un a restaurant whether anyone els"e gets it or not. l m there, to get a meal and I want What I want when I want it. I dou't care -vlio is being waited on. bNhow busy the waiters are,' I ejepect them to drop everything and attend to me at ouoJ. s And when my order is taken, I want it to conic out of the kitchen ahead of any order they may be fill ing there. "! .. ' If I don't get the .kind of service I want I intend roaring about it all I please. If it disturbs the other customers I should worry. I don't care what kind of service, THEY get and if getting mine delays theirs let them howl, too. And when my food comes to my table I want just what I expected it to be. If" anything is the least bit unsatisfactory to pie, back to the kitchen it must go,, and the head waiter must come over to mjf table and apologize. That's me, every time. " Copyright, 1920Tho'mpcon Featurn Service. NO. USE TRYING . You can't keep a good price down. '. " ' , LOOK WHAT ENGLAND IS UP AGAINST v ' Let's , not try to annex Mexico. Her new president is named O'Bregon. , ' IT'S "A LISTLESS CAMPAIGN About the only way to get out the vote this year will be to build the polling places on golf courses or put moving pictures in them. , f . : ' Common 5ense ' Never Mind The Laughs. ET J. J. MVNDT.i- I Self-consciousness --your fear of being laughed at has keen your undoing more times than you care to admit. As you' grow older you will realize mdre and more how much this form of vanity has hindered your progress and kept ,you from doing ' many things which would have benefited you and added 'greater power to your-money making qualities'. As you look back onyour life'even - now you can sec that you hau been more independent of what others thought about 'you and your honest efforts you would have . been much better off. - ' J ...... .. Why did you "give up our. op portunities on such slim ground? Who knows but the plan to get the best of you included the cmbar rassement which it was known would be yours under certain, circumstan ces. ' s ' '' ' Why should you care what . a per-! son of such caliber as would laugh at your efforts would think of yon and your ways and your methods?' , The persons who amount to some thing are always talked about and you must school yourself to .forget to ask yourself what the other fol low .will think; fix your, mind on what is best for you and yours and then do it.--.-The right sor, of folk will admire , you and your motives and honest efforts and will , hot time ridiculing you. U. Copyright 192IK International Service, Inc. yatir waste Feature WHY T T XJL i Are the Oceans &o Named?," When, on November 27, 1520, Ferdinand Magellan swept into the calm waters "of that new sa on which he was the first to sail, ,.he named it the .Mar Pacific, 6n account" of Jts peacefully rolling waters and its freedom from vio lent storms, ' i The Atlantic is .so 'called, ac cording to some authorities, from 'the Atlas mountains near its east ern shores, . and according to others, from the rfabled island of Atlantis whichwas situated near the center of the ocean. , . The Indian ocean derives its name from the. fact thaf it lies off India and the Indies. The Arctic ocean 5s directly under the constellation "'of . the Bear, and "was named from ttfe Greek arktos, a bear. -' Lying opposite the'' Arctic ocean, the Antarctic means liter ally "against or opposite to the bear." Tomorrow WHY does a ball bounce? -. (Copyright, 120, fey the Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) "I've Come for My Son," Mr. Chip py Informed Rusty Wren. side your house and get him. WVll mak,c, trouble for you, too. Perhaps you didn't know that kidnaping a child is a- very serious act. I've al ready asked Solomon Owl's opin ion about this matter, and he ad vises me to take myi child away from you by force, if necessary." "There's no sense in waiting any longer," one of Mr. Chippy's cous ins interrupted. "Let's go right in and seize the lad." At that the mob crowded round Rusty Wren's door.' And the pert gentleman who had I just spoken thrust his head through the open ing. I That; however, was as far as he was. able to go. His shoulders were altogether too broad for the small, round passage. And though his re lations attempted to push him into the house, they-soon saw that they would never succeed in their un dertaking. 1 "Let me try I" another of. Mr. Chippy's cousins cried. But he had no better luck than the first. Then each of the 14 remaining cousins and then Mr. Chippy him self had his turn at the door. But every one of them found that he was about two, sizes too big to squeeze through it. Rusty Wren, watching them from inside his house,"- couldn't help laughing, although it was really no joke." ; Though he was usually very mild, Mr. Chippy grew terribly angry the moment be heard Rusty'j laughter. His 16jcousins began to scold, too. Again they tried to crowd thro-h Rusty Wren's door.' And they :..u!e such an irproar that when Johnnie Green stepped out of the farm house before breakfast he couldn't help noticing them. "What's going on here?" he cried. I And' he hurried to his "wren bouse.' as he called Rusty c home, i an drove away the noisy visitors ihen he shinned up thi old cher ry tree to Reep inside it. And as soon as he reached the tin ca which was? Ru-ty's bom- Johnni Green thought he beard an unusua cry within it. "That doesn't sound like a wren! he exclaimed. "It sounds exactly like n chipping sparrow!" Then, as he looked, he saw Chippy.' jrs head, with its bright bay cap, peer through the mouth of the syrup can "There's a chippv inside my wren house!" Johnnie Green shouted to i'is idiuci, wno nau come 10 a win dow to, sec what was going on "Hew can I get him out.' "Wait a" moment!" said Farme Green. And soon he came and handed Johnnie a-can opener. "Cut out the end of the can." he directed. "Tln you'll ie able to reach ,-in and' get the little beggar." .aiurany snippy, jr., cna not liKe 1o be called a "beggar." But he couldn't-very well, prevent Farmer Green from saying whatever he released. ' -So he kept still, while Johnnies Greefi quickly opened a great hole in Rusty's house. 1 hen Johnnie carefully lifted Chippy, jr., out of his prison and . gave him toss Into the air. ' -That frightened young centlcman wasted no time. He stopped to touch his cap to nobody.-but flew away to his home in tHe wild grape vine, on the stone wall, as fast as he could go. , . Though he had kept quiet, the whole Wren family had made a great uproar. Glad as they were to get rid of their tfoublesome guest, they objected to having the whole iront ot. tneir house torn cut. 'Indeed, Mrs. Kusty. began to get ready to move out at once. And everybody knows that moving is no joke especially if one has six chil dren. But Johnnie Green bent the tin into place again, so that it was al most the sairie as new. ' In fact, lhe house was even better than ever, because it was more airy. ' And Rusty and his wife were so glad to see the last of Chippy, jr., that afterward they never objected in the least when Johnnie Green called them "my wrens." They had discovered that he was a good friend to have. (Copyright, Grosset & Dunlap.) What Do You Know) THURSDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. How wide is Brussels carpet? Twenty-seven inches. v 2. When is the moon said to "way?" When it increases. 3. What is the greatest difference in time that two, places can have? Twelve hours. ,t 4. How many divisions in a, poison ivy leaf? Three. . S. How many pounds heavier is a long ton than a short ton? Two hundred and forty pounds. Winner: Bertha Peterson. 2450 St. Marys avenue, Omaha, Neb. Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase ot Revelations of a Wife Parents Problems How. 'can a growing tendency to irritability best be handled in a girl of 15? , It may be that, this girl is not well, :J: Tier condition of health accounts for her irritability. A doctor should be consulted as. to this.' H she is well, she should be helped to make an effort to throw off this bad. hab it for that is what it is. What Madge Planned- to Do lor ' - Leila Fairfax. Leila looked tip at me out of tean ravaged eyes, and there was in them the unreasoning stubbornness whiclj one often finds in the loveable, cling ing, child-like type of woman. Any one who has ever , come' in contact with it, knows that one could easier combat the basic rock of the eternal mountains than to overcome it with argument or reason. Only some great smashing fact can accomplish a reaction. "I know you think Rita is lying. Madge," she said, wearily, "but I can't help but believe her, although I sh'll hateer always for the tell ing of her news. But I 'cant ex plain to you how I feel about it only know that I cannot marry Alired." f v Leila Desperately Earnest. "Can't marry Alfred!" The 'words lett my lips m horrified protest. Then I closed them tightly lest I should say more, for I saw that, un believable as it seemed, the child '.vaS m deadly earnest. She meant to overturn her whole life s happi ness and that of the man shejoved because of the lying tongue of Rita Brown. I saw, also, that anything I could sav would onlv crystallize her dc termination. All I could do tor the present was to avert any meeting between her and Alfred until I should have time to see Rita Brown. There was the only hope I could see to confront thc girl who lor her own purposes had wrought this evil,' and compel her to ruake the fullest 'possible retraction .." and apology, But bow to. do this! i thought of Rita Browh's undeniable mentality, her evil cunning, her ab solute lack of principle, and I felt my heart sinif at ine prospeci ui. ci cumventing her. .. That was a problem, however, which cbuld be postponed for a few hours. But the prospect ot Lena s meeting Alfred and thrusting at him he, decision she had just pronounced to me, was sometnwg nimuncm problem which h4 to, be v tackled immediately. -1 cast about m my mind for the best method of doinjr this when she unexpectedly, and of course unwittingly, aided, me. "Of course you re shocKea, snc inm-w to mv involuntary protest, "but 1 must do what I think best." Her pretty lips set in a stub- i line. "But, Oh, Madge. -. A. 411 himl can t see mm just yec w in.... Can't you keep me-over here for a day or two? I can't 1 lust cant be in the same house with him pt to meet him any minute: "Everything Except Forgive" I seized avidly upon the chance he had unconsciously given me. I anted so to manage things that Alfred, if it were possible, should never know of his little sweetheart s lack of faith in him. That Leila's subconscious resentment of Alfred's voluntary dese'rtion o her for a bachelor dinner was one cause ,ot Rita Brown's easy victory. , I shrewdly susoccted. I also realized that if Alfred should come to know of it, it would leave a little barb in bis memory, most likely to tester in time to come. "Of course, I'll keep you here,' I said, warmly". 1 11 da anything 1 can to make it easy for you. But I want vou to oromise me that you won't see Alfred or send any word to Jiim without telling me first. , "The last thing I want in this' world is. to see Alfred," she said, her face twitching in protest against her own words. '"I'll, do everything you tell me except forgive him. That I cannot do. ' You're sure it won't inconvenience you my staying? I brought the few things I needed in my knitting vbag, so nobody would suspect." She was very like a grieved, sulky little girl running away from home, as she looked up at me., I suddenly felt years older and infinitely re moved irom her viewpoint. But I Order Branch of Internationale ' In United States Plans to Unify Revolutionary; Activities in This Country Arc Formed at Moscoy. Washington, Sept. 26. Establish ment in the United States, of a branch of the third Internationale, with the object cf unifying the ac tivities of the revolutionary organi zations which function on the two American continents, was ordered by the Internationale at its - Moscow meeting late in July, it has been learn eel by officials here. .To further the- spread of bolstie visni. in the western hemisphere, res olutions were adopted at Moscow, the advices received here state, pledging support, both moral and material, to strikes, either economic or political. Material aid is to be furnished he strikers in money paid by the American branch of the jn tcrnatiouale. Secret; instructions adopted at the Moscow meeting lare said to previde for a general strike of workers, par ticularly the railroad men and miners, "if their capitalist governments show any indications to strangle the revo lution." All revolutionary sections, the instructions state, "are formally directed to support the ' Russian soviet if they proclaim a revoution- arv war. Spread of bolshcvlst doctrines to the United StatC3 is part of a world- wide campaign, tlie advices received . here declare. .One) of t he resolutions ' adopted at Moscow asserts that "the activities of the third Internationale shbuld not by any means be limited to the territories of - Lurope, but should be extended to India. Af ghanistan, Turkey, Persia, Korea, China, Indo-C'hii:o and Latin-Aiucr- lcan countries. , In this connection the instructions provide for continuation bv the third international?, of its activities inde pendently of the treaties of peace which may., be signed between soviet ' Russia and principal 'powers and .without rejfard to the reestablish- iiicni , oi Tjffnoimc anu uipiuiiidcic; relations which may result from these treaties. Conclusion of a secret treaty be tween the soviet government and ra dical representatives of the peoples ofthe cast at a recent meeting in Baku, also . is: rep6rted. Confer ences have been held with delegates from the eastern nations as well as a number 'of Americans, the reports say. ' England is now raising funds at the rate iof $50,000,000 monthly for the- promotion of housing schemes in that country. Plans have been aporoved so far for more than 200,- nn i 1 uuu nouses. put my arms around her with the pitiful yearning tenderness one gives a grief-stricken child. "Of course it won't inconvenience me, child," I said. "There is no room in the cottage, but I am' sure Mrs. Lukens will let you stay in this house as long as you wish, and it is but a few steps from me. Stay here until I arrange it with her." S I put her in an easy chair and walked swiftly from the room, be fore she could comment or protest..' I knew that she expected to be near er me;, but, aside from the fact that it would be an almost impossible thing to arrange, I believed that it would be a good thing for her to be much alone for a day or two and "invite her soul." To tell the truth, I vijas both disappointed and irri tated at the easy credence she had given Rita Brown's falsehoods. But all other feelings were dwarfed by, the rage that shook me against Rita Brow n. ' I promised myself that if I could possibly come off victor in' the contest, the details of which I was already outlining, I would show her no mercy. (ContinuedTomorrow.) r " . " . : ' . : : May FIRST NATIONAL IaNK 11 1 i .. .v-KrtWi Morth Platte, Neb. North IMalte has four banks, of which the new Platte Valley State, now in course of completion, is one of the leaders, showing statement of deposits as follows: 15, 1912. $106,806.88; May 16, 1920, J970.479.88. , -j The Shoe Market, one of the E. K. Buck chain of shoe ptoresi, has been doinu a fine business here for -6 ye.ars. Mr. Ym. Burger is the local manager. - , I ; Wpie Walker Music Co. is making a ereat success here iirtKir liner " . Brodbek Sons have the finest and most sanitary! meat r.r.iet west of Omaha: have their own ice plant, sausage factory and buy, kill and dress their own cattle. .The Roberts Bros. Land Co. is a live going organization f si.-f brothers. They did a businlS here ot over $850,000 lnt year and they have branch offices in Schuyler, Valen tin and (happen VIEW OF DEWEY AND SIXTH STREET, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA NEW tROCHIAL SCHOOL . . I"""1 f. ... " ." 1 NEW , FEDERAL BUILDING ofjt. NEW BUILDINGS FOR 1823 Lutheran Church Standard Oi- Co Piier Office rBuildinsr . Dr. Twincm- Hospital V. P. Icip .Station , Nebraska Telephone Co. ......... Approximately 160 New Homes.. Public Auditorium Lincoln County Court House Forty Blocks of New Pnvirig Public Swimminc Pool New Mfg. Plant' .$ 70,000 70,000 SQ.000 CO, 000 . 1,000,000 . -40,000 . 960.000 . 100,000 800.000 . 190,000 10,000 60,000 in the state of N?- term of five years ....$494,411,000.00 649.462,000.00 667,991,000.00 740,000.000.00 HIS. 376,000.00 Lincoln county soil is -the best braaka with an earning power over as follows: 1915 ...'r.. i9i ..; ., 1917 19' A ...... . 1919 s. ....... ....i , The fnnrres nhow an from 10 to 20 ner cent for the last five years. A city and county of possibilities. A city with a fu ture. A city you will be proud to live in. Compiled by H. J. Moran, secretory of North Platte Chamber of Commerce. North Platte- Aerial Oo, offers free use of their field to flyers, supplies and repair on the ground and sales room at MeCab hotel. T The J. C. Venny Co. hav a large, modern department ctore, carrying a complete line of up-to-date styles in wom en's apparel and also men's and boys' clothing. H. J. Rath mann is jnanager. The Block Store, established in 1913, carries a complete lfne of ladies' specialties and is dolne a fine business. Mr. Block is compelled to seek larger quarters. ; The Best Laundry Co. is modern in every respect and does all kinds of laundry work and guarantees satisfaction. Also has one-day service for hotels.. Tbe-'J. II. Stene Drug Store has been established for 20 years and carries a complete line of drugs, candies, periodi- , cals and paints. h - '. . G. P. O'Brien has recently taken over the New Method Tire Repair Co. and is now handling the Fisk, Sioux and Miller tires. -. The RUsh Mercantile Co. is the leading retail grocery store, carrying a complete line of groceries and queensware. E. T. Tramp & Sons are among the pioneer business men of the city, having been in business here for 20 years. They are now combining their two stores under one roof, carrying a complete line of ladies' and misses' 'dresses, the John Kelly shoe for women, and the Nettleton and Florsheim shoe for men and boys. ' C. M. Austin conducts the leading jewelry storeand car ries a fine lino of diamonds, watches, silverware end cut glass, and is also an expert watch repairer. Mr. Austin started here four years' aco with a work bench. Goodman-Buckley, real estate and insurance also loans, have been established her 20 years. . . John H. Null has the only motorcycle and bicycle store in the city asW also Jia a special repair shop. Mr. Null is agent for thi Fladisonj-xcelsior and Cleveland motorcycles, and the Dayton bicycle and has the agency for 27 counties. The North Platfe Drug Co. is the Hexall Store and hai been established 26 years. This is a real drug Btore that "sella drugs." I , '- 1 The Hotel Palace Is one of the leading hotels. Has 76 rooms, a number with private bath tub or shower; electric lights, telephone, hot and cold running water in every room; new and complete throughout; restaurant and dining room in connection, open all night. The Geo. F rater Drug Store has a fine line of druirs, toilet . articles stationery, periodicals, etc. ' ' Coates Lumber & Cocl Co.v are on f the best equipped 'lumber yards west of Omaha, doing a wholesale ' and retail business in lumber and building material. . " ""- The Field-Birge Co. also do a large business in lumber, coal and building material, having two large yards. The Stocy. Mercantile Co. has bjen established here j only three years and grown wonderfully. ' They are now occupying a large --etore front warehouse, 17 feet deep. 70 feet wide, and. -ere carrying a complete line" ot fruits, . groceries, canned goods, cigars, tobacco add confectionery. The Star Bottling and Mercantile Co., managed by H. M. Porter, has been established 12 years. Through honesit methods and goods cf quality they have acquired an ex tensive trade throughout western Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. The Stcgeniann Mercantile Co., retailers of high Crade groceries and confections. The House of Personal Service." H. Simond & Sons have an up-to-date, sanitary meat market on the North Side and also their own sausage fac tory. They kill and dress their own cattle. F. D. Westenfeld Sons, established 12 years, have a fine line of high grade groceries an4 stapla goods. Their j business has grown very rapidly in the past few- years. "Gamble With Springer." This is the slogan of two hustling young men who started one grocery store here May 6, 19il9, and now have four stores doing a thriving business, "and they started with the proverbial thoe stfring." They have also purohased $.18,000 worth of property , D. J. Antonidea, hardware and farming implements, started here 9 years ago with a small store, 22x30, and S700.00. He now has 6,000 feet of floor space and is still crowded for room.,- He is doing a business of $35,000 a year. The North Platte Flour Mills Is the largest flour mill in western Nebraska and is logicjly situated for western trade. They mill the Golden Glow and Cow brand flours, which are always associated with their quality first suar antee. H. G. Sudman's wholesale and retail bakery and con fectionery is coming right to the front. This was formerly Dickey's Bakery, but undeo the management of Mrr Sud man it has made a big increase in the pa few months. The Edwards-Reynolds Clothing Co. carry a complete line of Col'.epian styles for men and young m4h; also boys clothing, gent's furnishings, etc. The Waltemath Lumber and Coal Co. have recently pur chased the entire business of W. W. Young, ol Hershey, dealer in lumber, coal, building material, farm machinery and hardware. "Billy's Place" is where everybody eats when in North Platte. Good food, good service, reasonable prices. Win. F. Diedrick, proprietor. t NEW LUTHERAN CHURCH. NORTH PLATTE HAS Hospitals Bakeries t Taking care cf 110 Undertakers S patients. Furniture Store.! 4 Grocery Stores 12 Ten Cent Sttore 1 Dry Goods Stores 4 Millinery Stores " 3 Clothing Stores 7 Insurance Agents 10 Ready-to-Wear Poultry and Eggs 2 Laundries 3 Grain Dealers 3 Drug Stores 6 Creamery ' 1 Barber Shops 7 Ice Mfg. - 2 Restaurants 7 Auto Dealers 11 Jiaawning Houses 9 Jewelers , 4 Banks 4 . Newspapers . 4 Music Houses ' 8 Poultry Farming Plumbing Shops 5 Animal Husbandry Nebraska lias more outos per capita than any other state in the union. ' , . '. 1 ' The NoFth Platte Country club owns and controls 146 acres of land just outside the city limits and has an irri gation ditch running through it. A very, pretty club house, also house anil barn for caretaker; 8-hole golf course; two tennis courts. The approximate cost $65,000. , NORTH PLATTE BRIGHT SPOTS Population. 10.466 thriving people. Fifth largest city in. the state of Nebraska. l amed for its hospitality. , , i 2,800 feet above sea level. Six square miles of area. 120 acres city parks. Public camping ground. Public landing field. 146 acres of Country club. r0 acres fair grounds. Best one-half mile race track in state. Seven churches, approximate value $300,000.00. Seven school houses, approximate value $870,000.00. School enrollment 2,110. Water and Sewer system, approximate value $120,000. 174 miles of irrigation ditches. Teachers pro-rata, 82 : state, 84. . Wealth pro-rata, $39; state, $32. Prison rate very low. Insane rate very low. Largest railroad icing station in 17. S. Western distributing point for Standard Oil Company. Western relay elation for Western Union. The fnmous "Scouts' Rest Ranch" is situated just out side our cityjlimita. Nebraska's Btate experimental farm two- miles south and consists of 1,900 acres of the state's best soil. Ten pretty farm houses and other farm buildings. NEW ELKS' HOME NEW UNION PACIFIC DEPOT 7s 5 .-.v, .-.?.;. ...V..V t' . t r