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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY SEPTEMBER! ; 1920- I. r Classified Advertising Rates Is per Mr. (count ( word to line) 1 jii !S perltiMi per Jay, $ consecutlv days 15 per lln per day, T eonaecutU dwi4 14 per Una per day. SO eonaocutlve dull No dda taken for Iraa t!in total of :if e Then rates aip either to in Datly or Sunday Bee. All advertlsi raents sp itear in both moraine and evening dally paper for ihe one charge. CONTRACT HATES OS APPLICATION. v Want ada accepted at the following of fice: MAIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farnam Bla. South Hide 15" N Si. i ii....-...t ii..m. i est '. WANT AD3 RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000 THE BEE will not be revonslble for mora than on Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than on time. ' CLOSINO.HOUF.S FOR WANT ADS . Kvenlng Edition 12:00 M. Horning Edition.. 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition :0 P. M. Satunday. DEATH & TNERAirNOTICE3T HEGGLN! Mrs. Mary Kllen, need 30 yearn, beloved wife, of Earl. She la sur vived, besides her husband, by one son, j X-nri, jr., Him oi.u i:;iusiiin. u.iiu rle; by her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Joh t McCarthy; two John J. and I Michael J.; on slsicr, Jllss Nora Mc- ; Cartbr. I i''uneral Monday morning sjoin resl- : d-ince, IMS Hurt St.. at :3l) a. m. lo-J St. Juhna church at 0 a. m. Interment Jloly Sepulcher cemetery. . '( ATTENTION " Patten" lodge No. 171. All ' members of Patten lodge 173 and brollf. ; er lodges aro requested to attend ' the funeral of our late Brother Marry Rasmuesen Tuesday, September 28, at 8:30 a. m. from his late residence, 3009 Vinton St. Services St. Peters church, I7th and Leavenworth. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. L. T. KASMUSSEN, Recorder. u. IF. RASMU8SEX, M. W. ; HAZZARD John K., died September 20, 1910. age S6 yearn. 11 montr and IS days. Funeral services will be licld from family residence. 1603 Ohio St., Mon dayT September 27, at 2 o'clock p, m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. EPLEY Cslllo L Sept.24, 1320, af'rcsi dence, 4(44 pouglaa St. Funeral Sunduy afternoon at 4 o'clock ' from N. P. Swanann'i chapel, 17th and burning Sis., to Forest Lawn cemetery. Friend are welcome. cardFxhXnks." WE wish to thank our hind friends and neighbor for their sympathy and kind ness during Kicknrss and death of our beloved hushaud and father. Also for beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. S. R. Faulkner and Family. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. vTfTACK & FALCONER" OMAHA'S BEST. ' ' PI I2RCE-ARROW AMBCLANCE -SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney C4. HULSE & RIEPEN, PIONEER FUNERAL PI RECTORS. 701 Soul h Ifitli et. Oouglas 1228. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, . L'ndertaliera and Embalmers. Thon H. 115. Office 3!U Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE L..LARM0N rZZT 1S14 Dougla.1 St. poiig'a 8244. JOHN BATH.1 S t h an.l. Farn a m. V. iOM, j.. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Dojiglas 1248. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street ear tele phone Tyler 8U0. We are anxloua to re store lot rtlces to rightful owner. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS BT. RT. COMPANY. v FOUND Little white female fo. terrier, brown ear and brown spot about tall. Owner jiiay have same by paying for ad and calling at 1234 South 10th St. LOST Bulldog, dark lirimlle, rai-M and tall trimmed, white on breast, spiked collar, 1920 tag. Reward. Call Doug ; lag tS60. ' LOST A pair of shell rim glasses Tnes day a. m. on street car. Finder please call Bar. 4014. Receive reward. , FOUND Horse. Sept. 11. Owner may have fame by Identifying same and paying for ad. 210 North 2thSt.Web. 28S3. LOST Small white spita female, tag No. 492. Reward. Webster CS50. . STRAYED from 8.10 Chicago street, roT lle pup. CalJ Harney 25S5. Reward. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn aollctte your old clothing, furniture, niaeaslnf. W collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagou will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. I will no" be r;sponsablc for any hllis contracted by my wife, Mrs. Verna Bur sick, on or (ifter the 24th of Septem- . her. 1920; I sign HI) BURSICK. ' SW EDISH maiisage byi appoliUmont at your reslJence. Jllsa E. AirUerson. Dg. U21 S. , RENT elec. vacuum mveepcr. Web. 4283. RENT. Hoover vacuum sweepe"r.X'Vai7l947. Rij'r elec- v. sweeper, 8Lday. Col.4llisr fSWEDlSH massage. .118 Ncvliy bclt? ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. FANCY DANCIXO FOR CHILDREN. (. , SEASON. 820. KEEP'S, JIUTEL ROME. Kelpine Fcc School for Dancing. 2424 Farnam. Doug. 7SX0. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 12 Neville Blk." Ev. dince secured In all caseg. Tyler 113d. TtELlABLR He thrive Bureau, Railway Eg. Bldg. Dong. 2068. Night. Col. 4C5. P"l PTK I S ' S "NATIONAL DETECTIVB AGENCY, rnooipoiated. Dougla 1107. Arlington Blk. Omaha. Neb. . Dressmaking. ' , d"RES)?m" KINO a n if d esl gn In g.Q s. 4697. Painting and Decorating. PAINTING. OiasteTfng. Walnut .4667 ; FIRST-CLASS paperbanglng. palnUng. D 4IP. ' 'PA.INTINQ. pprhanglng. Walnut54l. -Hemstitching End Pleating. ' ACCORDION. de, knif sunburst no's Pleating covered buttons, uil izea end styles: henislltclilr. plcnt edging, eye lt cut work, buttonholes, pennons. . Ideal Button and ' rieatir.j Co. SOS Blk. Douglas 1930. ' lop Notch Shop Hemstitching. bfaTtiing. beading, all kinds leatlng. Do 'JR. 6011. T'.oom 33. Douglsa Blk.. liith and Dorlge. ) SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needlea and part. MICHEL'S Uth ani Harney. Douglas 1 1 S PAXTON-MITCHELU ql. ,I7th and Martha Sts.. Omaha Neb ' B(as, bronae, aluminum nd murhltw gray iron castimts ' : DIAMONDS - to. buy back at mll profit. CR.1S9 JEWELRY CO 03 N. 16th si Doug. ' las t04. - NEBRASKA Vulca. Patch Sales Agency. 411 So. 24th;. distributors for Vulea Patch. Parker's Lightning Auto Polish, Bear Non-Skid Emergency Chains; order bymail. , SAFETY -razor blades sharptmpd, new ra i ors, raior blades sold, iimaht Razor Sharpening Co.. iizHj Dodge, lr j N. 1S OMAHX PILLOW CO. Feather mattress, ea made from your own feathers, sumnur and winter aides. 1907 Cuming. J. 2487. BELL'S MENTHOL OINJ'M ENT Tb purchased at Rialto Drug IStorc, IGth fiid Douglas. Sts.. Cmaha. Neb .' If ATS cleaned and blocked while vou wait, at Paxton Hat Works. 1S0JH Fartam lt. Work guarantted. D. 693'J OET our figures on roofs: work guaran toed. North Went Ready Roofing Co.. 803 So. 81st. 'lit.' tTAMES W. MARTIN. Patent" Attoy, 1718 Dodge St. Patent your Invention and sell It t a manufacturer. , , VlI.MS developed: prtntlng and iLTlarglnB. Writ for prices. 7 Th Ensign i'o 1607 Howard St WEDDING announcements and printing. I Dougia Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Th Ca'efnl Welders.' 15th and Jackson, D. fOg", FULL dresa culra and tuxedo for rent, 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. D. JUt. DENTISTRY oxchsngedfor Liberty bonds, ' face valut.. Dr. te;cor. 1017 1st JNat'I. Bk. ,C A TTPC BARGAINS. 12thl .Karram. L-J.fHrIht Safe Co. - MATTRESSES remade, springs rep. H. 7162 Dr. Bradbury. No pn. 821 W. O. W. Bid. Omaha Towel Snppiy. 107 S. 11th. D. 828. nENT Hoover vacuum awceper. Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old ruga remade. Tyler 1438. 3 A3 stoves connected. 82: repaired. H. 181 f Carrie J. Burford. t2l Paxton Bid. D. 11)8. FOR SAT.E ' "Furniture" and Household Goods. UNTIRE furnishing of (-room apartment consisting of brown mahogany end American walnut aets, Karraok Willow rugv and draperies situated , In . apt. 14, 'iirood. Phone Wal. 3090, BRINGING UP HEAVENS- UE. THE OOP I. KOK SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. , AUCTION. CoSiaVt.KTE FURNISHINGS -OF A I?AUTIFUL WEST FARNAM HOME WILL BE SOLD IN THE RESIDENCE AT 4220 DOUOLAS STREET. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. " STARTS AT 1 P. M. SHARP. The owner, Mrs. Trudo, Is going, to California and the entire furnishings of this beautiful home la to b sold at kuction. Consists of one large Vlctrola and about on hundrtd records, stan dard electric lamp and one library lt;mp. inosslvo leather duofold, oak ' li brary table and . ihree large leather chairs to match 2 extra good 912 Wilton velvet rugs and smaller rugo to match, 8 good rugs In smaller sizes, one Chinese puttern rug, beautiful pictures, tabarets, costly drapes, one extra good fumed oak dining room set. complete with massive buffet, 5-inch tuhlo and six leather chairs, music cnb liitkt, Morris chair, 1 fla top office desk and chair. Wilton stair carpet, one. very expensive mahogany bedroom suite complete, Queen Anne period, consisting of beautiful bed . complete, dresser, triple mirror dressing table, chiffonier and chairs, mahogany chif fonier and dressing table, 2 oak dress ers ami. chiffoniers, threo beautiful beds complete with springs and mattressee, electric vacuum cleaner, 6 extra dining room chairs, drop leaf table, gas range, kitchen cabinet, ice box, fancy and sta plo china, silver ware, linens, cooking utenMils, laundry utensils, hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Re member this sale Is at the residence. 4220 Douglas, Monday, September 27 starts at 1' p. m. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. COMMODE and bed with bedsprlngs, rugs and stair carpet, dining table, four chairs, davenport and few other articles very .reasonable. Call 1). C790 or Har. 2029. HOUSEHOLD furniture1, baby carriage, go ei.rt, crib and boy's toys. No dealers. i?U- 35th Ave. Har. 907.- i WE' buy old and new furniture, we 'pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co. Web. 2utl. 1417 North 24th. FOR SALE .YJalleable steel range! did condition. Call Wal. 190. sslen- WILLIAM snd Mary dining Harney 7121. room suite. P.anps and Musical Instruments. JIENRY FORD HAS NOTHINGON CS! 8200 sUe phonograph, 8105; 8180 size, j f?f5; $1.15 Ue. ?70; 80c records, 45c; records exchanged, 15c. SCHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO., Doug. 2147. 1404 Dodge St. A. HOSPECO. Everything In art and music Piano for rent. 84.00 per tnrnth. DRUMS, traps, .marimbas, instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith, 27C1 Davenport St. MAHOGANY upright, fine condition: rea sonable. Addres ijox A-100. Omaha Bee. i BABY ORXND. fine condition, beautiful . tone. Will sacrifice. Doug.S066. , UPRIGHT piano "in excellent condition. also other furniture. Doug. C790. UPRIGHT piano in very bee condition; 8250. Doug. 6798 or II. 20M. MAHOGANY player piano. Real bargain for quick sale. Douglas 3068. $285 Vlctrola phonograph. Will sacrifice $165. Douglas- Sot. VIOLIN for sale cheati, Dg. C745. e crea Lg. C74u. ndltlotfT Web. 2894. PIANO, fire co Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDIXG -MACHINES 1 ALLrMAKKS, bought, cold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA Get our price before you buy. Every. macliln guaranteed. Central Typrewriter Exc. Douglas 8120. . lf!2Farnam. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all ma 203 8. 18th St. Tyler J41. .. PROTECTOGRAHIS. F & E.'m 320 NevlU,Blds. bargains. Miscellaneous Articles. GLASS FOR BALK.' SIZES 5x7, 6x8. 8x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC. CALL T' MR. HADLEY. TYLER 1000. ' ENGRAVING DEPT. FOR ISALE Storo fixtures; will Invoice stO(H, groceries, merchandise, give lease on store for threo years, with , privilege to buy, which la made by present owner: on good corner: only store; must change i climate for wife's health. Colfax 2511 e veilings. ' WILL sell following furniture cheap: Queen Ann leather covered . chairs; 1 leather rocker. Mission style; one 9x12 rug. An assortment of beautiful and prlcely pictures. Can be seen Sunday f- 10 to 1. Call Tyler 5171. 224 Peters T-.. . Y8.1.. j i u.. J3:ufc,. "BOWLES AND BARRELS At NathaA Steinberg's," 1019 Harney, Teui;. S186. ' ENGAGEMENT ring, bargain, blue white diamond for sale; can have it mounted to suit, at. rtatnufacturer's price. . and save retail profit on stone and setting; references given. ' t : X-61, (Jmal:;t Bee. SAFE, wall cases, hhow cases and equip ment for small Jewelry store, very fine. Tyler 960. SHORT time, sure and safeXlnvestment. 7 per cent city warrants to net you 10 per cent. K. G. Solomon, 817 Karbach Bids. Douglasi BJ62. LADIES' 8160 fur coat. neveV worn, sacri fice, $75; nlso latest model French seal coat. Harley, 20th and Farnam, Mrs. MNamara. , t WE buy, sell safe, make desks, show rases, etc Omaha Flxtare St Supply Co., a W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. Vlt. WE buy. sell and exchnnge all make of typewriters. Write for 11st. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge ONE Edison Mimeograph, slso roll-top dfsk. Master Sales Co.. 41 S. 12th. GOOD second-hand lumber, also 3 boiler, fine shape. Cheap. .Tyler 1746. QR SALE Bos springs and mattress; i fine condition. Harney 719. DRY short kindling wood for sale. Acme Box Co.. H. 1 8 87 - WASHING machine and bench wringer for sale. H. 1352. t- SEWlVo MACHINE. Reliable, $1J. 2430 vans St. I l LNGmachlne, reasonable. DL1NG, cheap, delivered. KINDLING aii(Tfumberw Web., 459." CADET suit for salf. WHITE swing' mil Doug. 2185. South 7C3. WANTED-TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS ' New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. O Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6148. WANTED Second-hand baby grand piano; must be In good condition and one' of the well known makes. A-19. WANTED One band aaw. 1 steel laths. Must be. In good condition. M. Haslem, Seward, Nebr. Bo 183. , " WILL buy second-hand clathlrg, shoe and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 705 N. It. LIBERTY bond bought. Mack Bond House. 1421 Flrt Nafl Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS ' WANTED. Male. SITUATION wanted, by A-l all around automobile mechanic, sober and Indus trious, 14 years experience. Address Box Y-l 28 1. Omaha Bee. tree"trimming and lawn itsEPAin- 1NO. PHONE WEB. 664S. Female. DRESSMAKING, Tyler 5229. allk shirts specialty. y V " I A 9 AtSDPUTlTIN UOta 'imm. , jC-- 1 O KNOW I U , . . v . fOUH SOUP- ' .' "s s, -J. " ' -MOE ABOUT . , , ' ; -V - ) V r-s--ST y ' IT THAN DO- I . ; v , a l-rt Ciatumb Iirvici, Iwc. ; 1 IT 1 1 7 be 7 Web1'''4' Web. 1288. FATHER- OON'T LA.DLE SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domestic column of Th Bee. Lot of good place art always advertised. Don't mlsa them. Laundry and Day Work. GOOD laundress; wants Wednesdays and Thursdays out; 45c per hour and car fare; unless you want experienced laun dress, don't call. Tyler 2957. Mr. Bas set il.rNDLE washing and houee cleaning and laundry. Call Between h ando (I o'clock. Douglua8199.' . riRST-CLASS . colored laundress with reference. WeJater C30S. DAY work, laundry, cleaning, colored woman. Web. 3457. - BUNDLE washing, day work, mornings. Web. 4748 LAUNDRY, day work; experienced. Web. t;71o. , BUNDLE washing, experienced. Webster J 733. , IRONING. 2222. cleaning, day work. Web. BUNDLE washing, experienced. 1508. Wcbater DAY work: laundry : 2534. experleuced. Ty COLORED woman wants day work. Web. DAY work, exp. colored. Tyler SUS. DAY work, laundry) experienced. Ty. 3571. DAYWORK, laundry, cleaning. II". 08057 DAY work, bundle washing. Web. CSS. PAYtVORK. cleaning. Exp. IT. 6945. DAY work, liousecleanlng. Harney 5123. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TRY our service In lodating a position. We get results. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., . 6:!C First National Bank. Professions and Trades. LABORERS, factory construction; car penters, 73 to 83 cents per hour, time rid a half overtime; carpenter help ers, pipe fitters and helpers, two cement finishers. Tie makers and woodmen for Wyom ing: 25 cents ipef tie, plno timber. LaborAas ,pr construction work, -westJ 310 So. lllh St. WANTED A first-class tinner and fur nace man, at once. A. C. VIetb Son, Oakland, la. WANTED Automobllo mechanic to take charge of shop. Tanima Auto Co., Av oca, lu. i. i ;' . YOUNG than, utufy far,'. Eve. downtown sessions. UnU'el of Otnaha Law D?pt. Thorough' course: nominal tuition. Sec. 404 Omaha National Bldg. WANTED-Butteftnaker to take charge of a new, modern centralized creamery In Iowa. Must bp thoroughly competent. Address :Box T-l280. Omaha Bee. . FIREMEN, brakemea, $224-8250 monthly, experience- unnecessary. Wrlto Rall wajvBox T-1261. Omaha 'Bee. MOLER BARBER COLIjEGE. ,110 South 14th.f Catalogue free. ' TOUNG man for shipping room. Mr. Tul lv. Midwest Electric. 1207 Harney. SHOEMAKER wanted at Hamilton's Shoe. Store, Council Blnffs, la Salesmen and Solicitors. THE McCASKEY Register Company . of Alliance. Ohio has an exceptional open ing In its Bales organization In Nebxaa ku for a. man with tlf necessary energy, enthusiasm, ambition and native sals ability to selL MeUaskey systems aid snlcsbooksv on a very satisfactory com mission arrangement, wherein comnils sfon is advanced weekly. This is an unusual "opportunity for large earnings and to become identified with one cf the largest national sales organizations, with Its opportunities for broad sales experience and advancement. The suc cessful applicant will be carefully trained and assisted from time to time by the district, manager. This is a real opportunity for one who can qualify. See O. W. Aulbaugh, assistant general sales manager, Fontenelle Hotel, Omif ha, Nebraska, Munday. September igt, or Tuesday, September 28. T SALESMEN wanjd to present standard medical books to physicians only. We have Just Issued and now have in prep aration many new books that aro meet Ins with pronounced favor. Successful books nrean successful salesmen. g(od Income, agreeable occupation. Perman ent, exclusive, protected territory, when you have proven your ability. Address with fullest details and business refer ences. J. B. Llpplncott Company, Pha delphla . Fenn. ; rJ SALESMEN wanted, with their wn car or rig preferred, to call on farmers in Nebraska and Iowa i territory. Position nermanenl. Salary and expenses paid. Experience in our business not necessary. State age and previous business tor selling experience In first letter. Ad dress E. R. McClellan, 301 Leflang Bldg, Omaha, Neb DESIRE1 the services of salesmen for Ne braska to represent a wholesale and manufacturing men's furnishing goods concern. Liberal commission and good territory. State experience and give references In first letter. Address Mgr. of 3a lea. Box13 4 3. Pes Moines. la SALESMAN WANTED For a progressive ladles' ready-to-wear department. Fine opportunity for a real salesman who is , a trade builder and has the ability to handle a position of this kind. Apply at once. The Peoples Department Store, Counci,Bluffs. la. STRICTLY high-grade, well educated, , hardworking salesman, ambtttejus to ad vance to good position. Those looklnr for an easy snap do not apply, good salary. Tyler 2080 , or call at Do Vaughns, 1407 Harney. WANTED Three advertising solicitors to work on high class railroad publication, properly endorsed and calls furnished; state experience. ; B. M. Wells, 802 Waln wrlsht Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. SPECIALTY salesmen In pllverware, rug? and blankets; can use couple of good men, out-of-town work. C. F. Adams Cot,6 23 South 16th St. WANTED Man. to handle hlgh-clars spe ciality, exclusive, territory. .Apply by latter. Detroit Scale Co.. 510 Sot lttlh St., Omaha1. - ' . WANTED Salesmen to handle German municipal bond- In Nebraska countres; liberal commission. Fuhrinari '& Com pany. Pender, Neh. . J WANTED Illgh-class specialty salesman, commission basis. Apply by letter to V. A. S. . Co.,' 510 BO. Ijlth St WANTED An experienced airplane pilot.' Credentials required.. No hot air. Nlel- ajgn Aero' Co., Council Bluff?. WANTED Automobile salesman. Tamms Auto Co.. Avoca. Iowa. Hote' i r.nd Restaurants. W ANTED T. :ck driver. A. . Naegele", 1817 Leavei.wortn. Boys. ' YOUNG MAN WANTED TO RUN ERRANDS AND LEARN TRADE IN WHOLE SALE HOUSE. GOOD OPPOR TUNITY. THE KOPPEL SUPPLY . 420 CITY NATL. I ' II I I i i I . . . III I r . . I BRIGHT BOY" WANTED. ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, FOR BANK WORK. CALL SOUTH 4780, ' ' OR DG. 226. A , WANTED Boy, 18 or over, a-.tendlng Cen tral high school to drive Hudson sedan, mornings and evenings, Saturdays and Sundays; must llv T.itbln walking dis tance of 87th and .Tones. Call Tyler 4107, Monday x - L. - , r r , , p , -STOP THAT- . ' DOK'T fOu KNOv better . ' ( , . HrTveR ,; VjP PUT THAT IN SOUP Tt" pvsscq like- that ; MO SOOETX MN EVER bOOP-XOO. HELP WANTED-MALE. -v Boys. BOYS, FACTORY WORK, VERT GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. ' GORDON-LAWLESS CO.,. STH AND DODGE. WANTED Messenger boy over 18. Live Stock National Bank. South Side. BOY wanted for bank messenger. Merch anta National Bank, BOSS to ' set pans af Farnam Bowling Alley, ,ISi)7 Farnam. Miscellaneous. . .MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL. YAREf '.WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, iNION STtOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Drag Hue operator. Monighaa one yard gas machine. In Iowa. Geo. K. Thompsop, 360 Brandel Theater Bids. WANTED-rCoinpcteiit yard and housc; references. G. Storz, S7D8 Far nam. MEN wanted for warehouse work at the Concrete , Engineering Co.. 11th and Nicholas. - ' CITY COLLECTOR and delivery man who can drive car. Hlxenbaugh Co., 1814 St.MarysAveu j EXPERIENCED porter warited. Farnam Bowling Alleys, 1807 Farnam. WANTED Man to set pins at Farnam Bowling Alley, 1807 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER 'WANTED ,AT ONCE; GOOD SALARY TO START. BOX A-34, OMAHA BEE. WANTED Stenographer, well educated. Only those looking for real good posi tion need apply.: Beginner considered. Tyler 2060, or call at De Vaughn Seed House, 1407 Harney, ' WANTED Cashier, ono only who lives at home with parents and can furnish first class references. Apply General Office, Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 2d floor. 19tS and Farnam Sts. TRY our service In locating a position. We get results. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 536 First National Bank. - WANTED Experienced cashier for South "Omaha market; referencea required. A p- ply Buehler Bros.. 212 No. 16th St. FILE CLERK, experience unnecessary. -Apply RoBe Rokusek. 802 Farnam St JfANTED Three gtrla- at once. Apply at ' the Central Market, 1608 Harney St. Professions and Trades. YOUNG WQMEN, - -. ' ; '. v - - Does Pleasant Work Interest You? Ifjtou art ,, between Kand 30 yorean ibe'a 'telephone operator. Good wages are,,ijaid while learning. , , ..' ,-. :, Increase in pay irmde at fre quent intervals. ' Fascinating worK-, -Annual vacations vith pay. , Continuation 6f salary while sick depending on length of service. :. ' Cool and cheerful Vest rooms, Meals -furnished at' cost. , 'Apply to MRS. MORltlS, Employment Secretary, Room 616, New Telephone Building, Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. GIRLS t - ' If you are not under . 16 itor oyer 25 years of age, we would like to train youifor LOIG DIS TANCE WORK. You must have at least an Eighth ' grade education. It looking tor a per maiient position, We MISS BELL." 318 TELEPHONE BLDG. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. 1 Long Lines Department. IRLS! GJRLS! WE NEED SEVERATj GIRLS IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPARTMENT, WITH BEST OP WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. . I SEE US TODAY. ' LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. UTH DAVENPORT STS. . PRESS machine girl wanted. Apply Foa tenell Hotel, laundry department. SEE Jl4cS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF CCLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. GIRLS AND TOtiNG WOMEN Tour opportunity to become self-supporting business women. Brandcls Stores hay openings for several bright and ambitious girls,' casnicrs and Inspectors. . Are you looking for a po . sltlon where your pay will be the best, your welfare carefully considered and . your prospects fpr advancement the best to be found In Omaha 7 -4 Do you want to work under the.pernonsl supervision of our expert Educational Directors, and be sure that every effort you make will turn to your personal advantage? BrandetD Stores offer these Inducements. I.f you wish to take ad vantage of thta opportunity, apply at GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE FOURTH FLOOR, BF.ANDEIS STORE". WANTEll.' WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY, WORK. BEST WAGES. STEADY : WORK. OORDpN LAWLESS CO., STH AND DODGE. WANTED Forelady for shirt factory Must have had experience in char; of all operations except cutting. ' Must be in the bustnesa now. Reply giving ref erences, wages required, details of ex perlence. Address W. H. Leslie, iH Kustcr Terrace, Salt Lake City, Utah. . WANTED Bosom, neckband and "cuff lroners, shirt finishers and folders, ex perienced collar girls and hand wash ers. Apply to Mr. Dohrse. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, 1507 Jackson St. : WANTED Markers Standard Laundry, 130. and sorters! 2403 N. 24th. Applv Web. Saleswomen and ' Solicitors. LADY canvassers: no order taking, straight salary. Apply to Mr. Berge. H. R. Bowen Co., 1613-17 Howard St. .Household and Domestic. GIRL WANTED. TO ASSIST AVITH HOUSE WORK IN SMALL- FAMILY. VERY GOOD WAGES. CALL WALNUT 3686 S012 DAVEN PORT. WANTED Young .lady for lyceum dra . rnatlc company; refined, ambitious; cos tumes furnlahed. . Call between 2 and 4 Sunday or any . time Monday, 309 Balrd Bldg.. 17th .and ' Douglas, phone Tyler 1413. . , . . COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework, one who can take full charge; - no objection to small baby. Apply in person. Ai South 48th street. Walnut 4293; .. COMPETENT -whit maid for general housework; 8 In family; ' best wages; reference. Mrs. T. S. Weston, 303 So. 51st. Wal. '279. WANTED Competent-white glrf for gen eral housework. No washing. Mrs. W. L. Shearer, 2809 8. 33d St. Har. 2420. WANTED Good girl for general house- wtrk; 3 In family! no children. $15 per week to -right girl. -Apply 602S Izard. GIRL to assist with general housework; no cooking, washing or Ironing. 4154 - Chicago. Wal. 1008. Good wages. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2 in family. captain McFarland. Ft. Omata. Call Colfax 4600. )miii, INTED WANTED Good white cook, r.o work out ld of kitchen, good wages. Har. 47. 123 North S9th St. WANTED Experienced white second girl. Mrs. W. D. Hosford,' C25 So. S7th St., Har. 87. WANTED Maid . to work; good home. 5526. assist with house 3518 Pin St., Har. WANTED Second maid: experienced; good wages. Mrs. A. W. Gordon, Har. :.-. i.- -' ' EXPERIENCED nurse over 20 years of age; care or two children; good home and wages. Har. 805, 429 No. 38th Ave. WANTED M aid; no laundry; references. Mrs. VI. J. Hvnes. 432 S. 38th St. Har. -tH780. ; ' WANTED for general housework. Neat colored girl, may go horn nights. Uar- ney 7403. , MAID wanted at once, experienced. Mr. N. P. Updike. 3614 Jackson. Har. 2934. EXPERIENCED white cook. Mrs. W. J. Hynes, 432 N. 38th St. Har. 4 760. COMPETENT white cook. Telephone Mrs. ; T. J.rDwyer. 6288o7s7thSt.. Har.220i WANTED Competent girl, good worker, small family. 110 3. 61st St. Wal.1619. COMPETENT cook: experienced ; .' good wages. ..Mrs. A. W. Gordon, Bar. SI. SCHOOL GIRL ' to work for room aad board. Small wages. Harney2995. - GOOD girl tor general housework; good home; very good wages. Har. 1342. GOOD glrk for general housework; good wagea to right girl. Doug. 8989. WANTED Competent. reliable white woman to do cooking. Hr.r. 206. WANTED A competent. rclttble whit second maid. Har. 206. WHITE girl for general housework. Good wages. Harney 5315. WANTED A white (lrl for second work. Telephone, Har 69... -. -WHITE girl for general bauseworkf N3 laundry. Wal. 7 Ml WANTED Housekeeper on farm. IV. W. Estey, Spalding, Neb. . Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED salad maker wanted: f none outer , need apply; good wages. ' .Lincoln Inn Restaurant, ICth and Far llum. y TWO oxpVrtenced candy girls; good wages. Valley of Sweets, Hens haw Hotel. FIiOOR-msId wanted. Wlae Memerlal Ilpspltal. t ' Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY, between 1 and 22 years of, to travel for church publishing house; assistant furnished at all times; no house.Yo-hwse work; salary and all expensea; only refined and Intelligent girls" considered: experience unneces sary. Address P. 0. Box 1167, Inter cliurch Publishing House WArNTED Attractive girl for picture vaudeville act No experience necessary. Must be able to travel. Apply Sunday nnd Monday. Empress- stage entrance, Mlsa Vernon. GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type wrltlng bookkeeping, etc;- personal In struction enables you to get through quickly. Call Douglaa 7774. WANTED Woman for cleaning. 4 houm a day. Army and Navy Clubr 416 So. 17th. Call Mr. Wallace, Coffax ,4793, or Dg. 2714. GIRLS to learn envelope making. Good t wages. , Eurkley Envelop Co., 417. S -nth st. . ' BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for th benefit of business girls. 663 Be Bldg. Douglas 591. EXPERIENCED film Inspector. Apply at Pathe Film Exchange, 1417 Ha-raey. ; i GIRLS wanted. Oatc City Stationery , Co., 1108 Dodge St. Bee want ads are best business getters. . , . ., . . EDUCATIONAL. DAY, SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, couiptoinetry, . shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng. ji?n anu commeruiai urancnes. v. rue, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address i BOYLE3 COLLEGE, Boyles Bid g.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National bank Bldg. Douglsa 6S90. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boy to learn , barber trade; big demand; wage while t learning; strictly modern. Call or writ T 14"3 Dodg St Trl-Cltv Barber College. BUINESSCHANCES. FOR SALE OR flslASK A well-established bakery in growing Wyoming town of 3,- , 000. All cash business. No deliveries. Address Box Y-1277, Omaha Bee. DRUG STORE for sain at Winner, Neb. Inquire of B H. Suhaberg, University Place. Neh. -GARAGE-, well equipped, plenty work. A : bargain. Call Web. 3597. evgs. Web. 4316. TO OET In or out of business. i LEWIS A CO.. 411 McCague Bldg. FOR HALE Filling station, write Box 181. "Palisade, Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 10(10. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUfi READERS AND ADVERTISERS. FURNISHED room In private home; cast and south exposure, bath and shower ncross the hail, suitable for ono gentli jiau. $25 per month.; Tel. Harney 1875. SINGLE and double rooms for men only. Running hot and cold water. Steam heat, walking distance. Brown apart- ments, 50N.t2et-St.,Douglas5644 auiiBK. paricr ana rront room upj stairs. suuaDio lor gentlemen or couple. Tyler 2087. . TO GENTL-KMAN Strl.'tly modern pri vate family; cloto In. 2226 Jon,es. D. mo. Suite nicely furn. rms. for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors cr steady jrnonais. Ty. 1333, TWO nicely furnished Gentlemen or couple employed preferred. Col. C.491. NICELY furnished room, bath Rdjolning, near university, for 2 men; Col. 8327. LARGE beautifully furntsheil room for 1 or' 2: large closet: private. Col. 3339. CLEAN sleeping rooms within walking distance. 1717 Burt. Douglas 8144. LARGE south-front room suitable for two; one small front room. Douglas 66ZJ. MODERN sleeping room, T block from car line. 4435 S 20th St.- S. 1429. .VI Bi water, and small furnished naoms, hot modern. 1820 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished room, private home for lady. On car line. Tyler 2694. ROOM "in private family for gentleman, 1123 "No. 26th St., Har. 4465. 2 SMALL singlo sleeping rooms for em ployed people. 638 S. 27th St. LARGE front room In private home. Gen- tleman preferred. Tyler 2205; 2 NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 1 or 2 people. South 4312. THREE furnished rooms, 3320 North 23th, references.- Webster 2210. NEAR 2 car lines, room adjoining bath, lady preferred. Wal. 3289. NEAR CREIGHTON COLLEGE. 2 ROOMS. - PRIVATE. HAR. 6455. . , DANDY Furnished loom. Private home. 2312 H St. South 2236. LARGE furnished room,' CPllege. Doug. 4697. near Crelghton 2208 HARNEY, nicely furnished sleeping rooms; close In. 'ft SUITE of nicely furnished rooms, modern. . Tyler 1533. PLEASANT front room on 2 ear lines; - private family. Phone Har. 7135. SLEEPING 1-oom accommodations for 8 students, 118 So. 26th Ave. Har. 7076. NICELY furnished sleeping room for lady, 820 So. 21et. 'Tyler 6247. DESIRABLE room at 215 Paxton Court, near J5th Ave. Rnd Farnain. Har. 4846. 1 LARGE sleeping room for two. Sweetwood Ave. 410 NICE, warm room In modern apartment. Park avenue. Harney 3827. NICE room. 2231 S. 16th. Tyler 4180. SINGLE rooms. Tyler 1333. FURNISHED rooms reasonable. Web. 2413. NICELY fumljihe"d"'foom. Col. 424 1 ROOM Sf o r ren ?2d H. So. 1 863! 8 FURNISHED rooms. Col. 3457. Housekeeping Rooms. 3 NICE rooms for light housekeeping, pri vate home, all modern conveniences, nicely decorated. No children. 8133 N. 69th. Wal. 518C. , TWO room for light housekeeping, suit able for couple, no children. Doug-. 6245. TWO light housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished. 701 NorthOth. Col. 3787. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, lit No. 18th St. FURNISHED rooms; very reasonable. 2012 No. 18th St. Web. 802. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 2123 Leavenworth. 2 OR 3-ROOM suite; - newly decorated; electric lights, range. Harney 4989. 1 OR 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 844 So. 19th. Dg. 6349. FRONT room for housekeeping. 2408 Cass. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished room and board; priv- ate, for 2 gentlemen; 89. Wal. 747. SINGLE and double rooms, good location, near car. 2124 Blnney. Web. 6246 HILLSIDE INN furnishes good home cook- tng, 22d and Davenport Tyler 1533. ROOM suitable for gentlemen: breakfast and evening dinner. Web. 3610. BEMIS PARK, modern south room for 1 ladles, on car line. Har. L'266. B.OOM suitable for gentleman; breakfast and evening dinner, web. wbiu. BOARD and room, 2 ladlea, So. 4683. WANTED Children to board. Wal. 4259. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 OK 4 unfurnished rms. for hskkpg. Heat, light, gas tel. Idry. prlv. Web. 6246. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, with bath, light gas and heat furnished. CalHar. 7135. TWO or, three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern, 309 No. 25th St. 2012 NORTH 18th, unfurnished rooms; very reasonable. Web. 802. . 5 UNFURNISHED rooms. Tyler 4373. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. TWO and 3 -room furnished apt., ateain heat, walking distance.- Brown Apt., 608 No. 21st.' Douglas 6644. ALL modern seven-room furnished house. Call Vi'ebsttor 4669. r ynfurnished. FOR rent S15 per month. 3122 No. 67th St. Look at' the house and bring your money to tbo office. . Amos Grant Co., Doug. '8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandel Theater Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM, all modern house, garage. 2 lots. 8416 Pratt St. - 562 Spauldlng. Modern 8-room house furnished or unfurnished. ' Col. 4709. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. WILL LEASE choicest four-room apart ment, sleeping porch; very reasonable rent to party buying furniture. Phone Webster 2914. "NEWLY furnished 2-room apartment; ga rage space. 2124 Cass St. FURNISHED apartments stone. Harney 94". In th Black- Drawn for The Bee by McManus. Copyright. 1920 International New- Service. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. "el-bbudor" APART.MEST HOTEL. Conveniently located. Furnished , throughout. Suites of two and three rooms, with combination tub and shower hath. Kitchenettes completely equipped. Weekly rental lnvlvdes light, beat gas. telephone and maid service. An Ideal home for those win desire comfort ani service. Apartments shown by appoint ment. Dodge en 18th. Tyl;r 4300. Unfurnished. NEW FIVE-ROOM . APARTMENTS ' There arti still available Home apart ments In the attractive now buildings the Mount Vernon and Mmitlcelln at 620 624 South Slat Street. Heady for occu pancy October 1. 1920. l.ookat them to day. Rent 8120 and 8140. ' PETERS TRUST CO., Tyler 544 17th & Farnam St. FOR RENT Business Property.' WANTED 100 CARS FOR PEAlj STORAGE. Hartung's Transfer Co. Ty. 1978 or Web. S22G. ALL OR auv part of 1.700 quare feet of choice office space: cond floor Ken nedy Bldg.. 19th and Douglas Sts. SEE FOSTER-BARKER CO., ?!0! South 19th Street. Garages and Barns. THIRTY-FIRST and Farnam Sts., good steam heated garage for ono car; $12.60 per month. Call Doug. 7715. For Rent Offices. OFFICE with dentist. 1st Nat. Bl;.: phyel. cian or specialist preferred. Ty. 2138. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. fan SALE Two-seated top buggy. One Overland top. Sf20 T street. ONE fine driving horse. 2109 North 24th Web. 2,1 i 3. 2,600 lb. PAIR of mares for sale. A. W Srmman. 2109 North 21th St. Web2S83, B'OR HALE Two horses and ono large mule. .Route 9, Florence. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cockerels $2.00 whllo t.iey last. DouMas 4'.41 MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as it will keep you Informed where v are making carload shipments to. , If vou aro shipping to a)ny of the cities represented or to towns adjaeent to ur snipping points, see as nDout our rates, as It ia likelv that our through rati1 is less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload serv ice. Today we ar accepting shipments for - the following ciiies: x Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angeles, Cal. Oakland. Cal. San Frahclsco, Cal. Chicago, HI. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO., . 219 N. 11th St Phone Douglas 394. Omaha. Neb. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. . ' COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Dousdaa 288. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planoa, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA 'VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 South 16th. , Doug. 4168. M E flvFOLTT AN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or'stor. age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 4128. Auto or wagon eervlc. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, , packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Dong. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A SAFE INVESTMENT. 1 We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. FOR QUICK SALE By owner. Hudson seoanj seven passenger, 1920 model, extra cas ing and rim; only 4,500 miles, care fully handled. Present list, $3,750: My price $2,400 cash; no trade. Demonstration by appointment Call Harney 3764. PACKARD JTOURING CAR Model 2-35. Ben-pa?senger. This car has been complexly renewed In our own ft nil ops. This car. guaranteed isame new. Will consider light caK or Liberty bonds as initial payment, monthly payment. balaffc e easy. PACKARD OMAHA COMPANY, 3018 Harney St. " Harney 10. 1 DRIVE IT YOURSELF - COMPANY RENT AiNEW FORDr-DRiVE IT YOURSELF v THE MOST ECONOMICAL" AUTO MOBIL1NG: CHEAPER THAN JW. INO A CAR. NEW. A-l CONDITION PELF-STARTEKS OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THL Zf DATS. 114 HOWARD STREF.T. DOL'O. a"5. CADILLAC 57 Tonrlnc oar, very fine mechanical ren dition. Has been TeDalnted. retired. Y' For sale at very reasonable prlcy. Will consiuer car in excnaie. Terms lo responsible party. Harney 10. $016 Harney St. LIGHT "6" Touring car, C-pr.ssensot : practically l tin. rar i f Irsnd netv. The price on t right. Will - consider Llzery bonds In exchange. K Z terms. Harney 10? 3U6 Harney Si. FORD runabout, 1916, flno shape. H. 3S24. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FOR BAIJC AT A BAROAIN 1 J'ASSENOKR- TOVIUXti. Tt:RXIS IP DESIRED. HARNEY ,'" FOR SALE OR TRADE. Vord one-ton truck. Fmllh attach' mini, nnentnatlc llrca ell around; e- cellant body and cab, would consider trale on lourlps cur of soma standard make. CalJ Wilder 1ouk1hs or , F (ouncll fllbffs It. 1274. ' 1 MUST SACTfh ICK my MUburu electric, v leaving cilv, car In fine shape. I'rlro only SI, 200. In-7 I'iudinK mulgr generator set fur r'i'hrf lug tlio car. Can bo seen Ht Military Oarage. Jlennon. or call Mls White, ltei :i'79. t'ounei! Uluffs, afl. r 6:30 P. m. TWO DANDY nUYH. ON M AlVPKKSO.V 17-6 CHUMMY. ij.VK APl'KUSON 17-8 7-I'ASS. BOTH l KXCEU-ENT SHAI'I-:. APPKRSON NKHHASKA MOTOR CO, 2.'.:'C poPliK S1REET. TVI.KK 44:11. Dodge Touring 1917 model. Motor completely over hauled; fine shape. Bargain. Se It at Vinton Garage. 1030 Vinton St.. or phone Tyler 3 3 S 7. "WE SAVE YOU $6 out of every $10 on auto Insurance. Phono Douglas 7768. 312 Peter rrut Bldg. ContlnentalnvCO; 1918 Stea"rns Knight for siilo by owner, 6 Goodyear cord tires all new. Will sacri fice. Cull Mr. Robinson. Doug. 7722. Sundays and evcnlngsCulfax 24ii6. 1 TON Knd n. half Ford truck for sale r ttade for Ford touring. Corner 52d and Leavenworth. Sis. Inquire at grocery store. . 19 2 'l NASH Six, sport model, 3 -,iilte wlro wheels, tires good, perfect condl tlorrf driven less than 3,000 lnllee by owner. Webster &927. SO SlE-bargains In used Ford car. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy For.l Service Station. 15tb and Jackson. Doug Ja 860; fords "dodges. BU1CK FORSAI f or TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL S 89. O'RQUKE AUTO CO.. 8791 B. 24th St. WANTED For apot cash. 100 used cars. quick action: no delay. Auto fcxenang Co.. 2059 Fa r n n m St Dou g 1 as 6HS 'm- DO yon want a good automobile at a '4, gum price.' ,111 manes unu niiv. i -j ... or cash. Call Mr. Jones, Doug. 51 ss. LATE 1918 Ford tdr..i. In fine condlllon. deriiounlsblo rims, dome light and man" extras ? 3'i"it Walnut Hi"). CADILLAC roadster, model 57, almost :iew; nil cord tires. Call Mr. Cubbldgti.-.'lr Hansen Cadillac Co. , THK DIXIE FLYER. 'W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. ' 2620 Farnam St OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. - 1309 Farnam St WE have 60 good used car to aeleii from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. BUICK. fine shape, very reasonable, might consider trade. Address Box X-99. Oma a Be?; BUICK tourine. model 47-2; ; fine shape: motor completely overhauled. Priced iowfor quick sale. Tyler .1SS7. , , DICKSON & Newman build g.-tragvl, driveways, sidewalks and do general re pair work. I'lione .South 2 7 '.'4 or So. 1761a REO six. 191s model, new Urea, original finish like newi.pric $1,150. Call liar 6256 or Web. 729. RENEWED Oakland. Practically new Dlxl e Flyer. Must sacrifice one. Pgr. 8301 . DANDY Ford CoVipe, with starter, fine s h ape. Cal I Tyler "14 . . STUDEBAKER truck, fine condtion, for nahcheap. Call Doug. 7944. FORD touring, fine shape, only $265 if taken this wek Wal. 4743. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fender made, OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies USF.D TIRES. 30x3, 35.00; 3Ux34. $6.00. All alzei In proportion. Look ovef our rebuilt. Op"D Sundays. Tyler 2988. SAVIGE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tlr Shop. NEW TIRES. FIRST-CLASS. 30x3 .......$ 9.9.1 J 32x3H $14.9'. ; 20x34 ..... 11.95 1 33x4 20.9.S :;Cx4 20.95 ( 34x4 20.9. Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes. 82.50. K A I MAN TIRE JOBBK R S, 1 722 C UM I MC I rsr-w xiitLd, in) 'i-;u ur..M' j.iauL': i . 40x2 $ 9.75 1 32x4 $19.25 S0x3H ,11.90 33x4 19.30 32x3i ' 14.90 I S4x4 20.0" STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 NO. 16TH ST. "Ml torcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVE a number of guaranteed re built bicycles priced as iow aa $20. Vie tor H. Rooa, 27th aiid Leavenworth. FOR SALE 1919 Harley Davidson motor cycle, $375. ('all Harney ;'091. INDIAN molorcycle w side car, extras, sale cheap. Sylvia. 220 North 13th St. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR THE RENTER and th man with small mean that want a home 1 have som very good place near Cheyenne Well. Colo., that will suit you at bargain price wltn term. E. M. BOTTORFP, .Phone Harney 3818- $520 Maath St. Omaha. Neb. CHEYENsjE county, Colo., land nt Choy- enne wells, fine level lai.i, irom to $50 per acre. Fine terms. Land with fall wheat already up. Write C. L. Talc, 639 Omaha Nat. Bank, Omaha. 1C0 A. Burlington, Colo., $500 down, or will take Om.iln property. Colfar 4182. W i r ,-m i r I T .nla 1 . A.i.aavu. waiiuj, fFARMS, faraus, Forman's farms, over 100 well selected. Write formaii, 317 In ternational Life Bid?., St Louis, for fr "st. Nebraska Lands. V2.400 ACKK CHERRY CO. RANCH. 3.7KO a. deeded land and leaned aolioot rect.. nil Juins plae. all well fenced tin.' .. J" A : . iTuwieiin'Ui Auiiiuii, i nun wriii. 3,000 a. of the deeded land in goud level farm land. Home building, vijl cut 00 tons-hay. This is a good plan un; t an he hough t nt $23 per arro nnd good tTins. Springer & Son, 411 Barker 131k., On iaha. , I HAVE 'vo;, good furniH for nule at k bargain. TIu-ho f firms must be seen t ajjrerl,ited. Thy cros and land will speak for themselves. Don't ovw look tin. sand, best soil, good cation. i near 6 towns, good w or. wrltu mo. Jolih W. Lhotuk. Sumner. N'eb. s 1NK' one-half section improved at I.odg-i Pole, Neb., will -take small piece of ity property clear on this Part cash, bal ance B year time. Write C. L. Tale. 659 Omalniyat. Rank, Omaha, FOR SALE ItiO acrea2 4 miles east of Crelghton, Neb., 1 25 arret under cultivation.- House atld outbuildtnK in fimt class condition. Address Jo.-, bholili. A554 Indiana Ht.. San IHcyo. ial. FOK SA1.E AV'ell Improved lti0-ore farm. lour jnlles from Schuyler, iseo.. niiKnt . take in somo town properly or small ; sToinir liuslnos.s. Anion Praf, owner. ; .Prhuyer, .N'.'b , II. 4. 4li0 ACRES Box Butte county farm land. $'-'4 to $.15 an acre In half section lota. AS. S. AND R. E. MONTOOMERT. " n Clty Natlonal Bank Bld. A. A. PAtyttAN.TFarma. $1 Karbach Blk. V Oklahoma Lands. MKLThOMA farms, cultural booklet. write for fr-d agri Board of Commerce, Shawnee, ok!. Wisconsin Lands. LAXDOLOOT special number Just out con taining; 3920 facts if clover land lu Marinette county, Wisconsin. If fa ft home of as an investment you ar. thinking f buying good farm lands where farmers prow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It Is free on request. Address 8kldmore Rlehlo Land Co.. 433 Skidmore-Rlehl Bldg.. Marinette. 'Wis. 'FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Privata loan bootha Hrr, Malashoek. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. EslSnJl OMAHA I OAlES FAST. NFB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1011 Om. NuL-flk. Bldg. Dou. . PWIVATT MONEY. $170 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. P. WEAiJ Wead Bldg.. $10 8. ISth St. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4251. PRilMPT'servlce. reasonable rates, prlvaf rraney. Oarvln Bros.. 245 Omaha . : REAL ESTATE WANTED YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE Want iuicli action? Just try us. Call Tvler 498. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 439 Bee Bldg. Bcc want ads bring results.! i i r V - s i- jp,