Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 18
TV? i m r a . , ii m misi!7 irm a i x i u mi ii n.ii - ' w w i i i i ( Mfl iff " - 1 I 4 llLFLt-, AviA'l XV ill -A. - NMilT'-T ! ii i ii ii mm ii ' mil y ii 9 II II mil m I III --sasss"' W I II ''il l ISJill N 1 8, . I lit. ' fi fii II ,1 fj LOUIS XV PERIOD , , ' I liKf! ' "riilB ' J iirtnu iuiT ... i i ii it i i le f .is . (0 TfODELi J) - ' v W, LOUIS XV PERIOD Model LOUIS XV PERIOD Price lAMonth $22522 Mahoqantf .Walnut or Fumed Oak tjoia Kiatea netai raris- SPECIFICATIONS. Height, 48 Inches; width, 23V Inches; depth, 23'4 inches. Set weight, ready to flay, about 120 lbs. wC J-l BIX' -,-11 I AfiAM PERIOD , D . ! w M Price riw a 1MB Price 'ATlbtith$16522 HahogamfiWalnatot Famed Oak Gold Plated Metal Parts ......... SPECIFICATIONS. ' Height 4S4 Inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 21 jlaches, Set weight, ready to play, about 85 lb. fAMonth IIS82 tkhogmifiMmit, GoldenOdorlvmedOtk SPECIFICATIONS. Height, 3'i inches; width, 19,7s inches; depth, 22 BCheS. Met weicht. readv tfl nlav. about 75 lbs. CASH PRICES For the convenience of those who prefer to pay cash we list below the cash prices of SILVERTONE Phonographs. If you pay cash, it is not necessary to fill out the order blank in full, but be sure to state plainly your name and address and (how you want the instrument shipped. j Mark with a cross (X) the model you want and enclose with your order a check, postal or express money prder for the amount of the cash price. Cash Price Model A,.......t.- $27.60 Model C. 50.60 Model E 73.60 i - Model G..., , 105.80 Model H .. 124.20 . Model J.. 151.80 Model K. 184.00 Model S 197.80 Model N 207.00 Try One of These Beautiful SILVERTONE Phonograpns in Your Own Home for Two Weeks Without a Cent of Expense i .ELECT ANY SILVERTONE Phonograph shown on this page, fill in the order blank below and mail it to Sears, Roebuck and Co. today. Send no money with it! We will ship any SILVERTONE Phonograph on two weeks' trial. This trial will not cost you one cent, nor obligate you in any way. VA11 we ask you to do is to give the phonograph a thorough test. Examine its mechanical features, cabinet work and finish. Try it with any kind of disc record you desire, and note its beauty pi tone, how faithfully and accurately it restores every delicate shading of tone quality. Give it every test necessary to prove the truth of our claims for it. And then compare the price of the SILVERTONE with that of any other phonograph of the same size, quality and musical excellence. If, at the end of this two weeks' trial, you are not fully satisfied "with the phonograph, if you do not believe that mechanically, musically, and in workmanship, material and finish it. is the equal of ,any otHerphonograph on the market selling at from 25 to 50 per cent higher prices, simply notify us ir.d we will -take away the phonograph at our own expense, and will return any transportation and cartage charges you have paid. - Play as You Pay Very Easy Terms If, after two weeks' trial, you are fully satisfied with the SILVER TONE and desire to keep it, send us the first monthly payment, then the same amount each rnonth until the total is paid. The monthly payment required on each phonograph is shown under the illustrations. There is no interest or other extras of any kind to pay. 1 Note the very1 small amount of the payments necessary even on the highest priced models.. Compar e our terms' with those offered on other phonographs. Our liberal payment plan makes it easy for you to own a fine phonograph without incurring a heavy financial burden. The payments are so small that you can enjoy your pho nograph to the utmost while paying for it I t 1 ' - ! ' ' ii ti l k i i k. ra n i U i . 1 Ml 'b! I ' . H",l CTTl Model R ADAM PERIOD uAMonth$20022 Rahoqanu.Walnut or Fumed Oak Cold Plated Metal Part SPECIFICATIONS. . 1 He git, 47!', inches; width, 22't Inches; depth, T?t inches. Met weight, ready to play, abt. J51bs. ! If SILVERTONE Phonographs Were Not Right in1 Every Respect We Could Not Offer Them on This Liberal No-Money-in-Advance Plan J , Years of constant improvement in design and construction of the SILVERTONE have enabled us to produce a 'phonograph which will compare most favorably with any other phonograph on the market We know that the SILVERTONE Phonograph is right in every respect' mechanically, musically and in design and finish. That is why we can offer them on this liberal no-money-down trial basis. We have sold over 330,000 SILVERTONE Phonographs, and the unanimous praise of their owners is the most convincing proof that they are right in every respect. - 1 - " " . ' "" ' ' Oaantity Production and Direct From Factory to Consumer Selling Keep SILVERTONE Prices Low We have kept the,price of SILVERTONE Phonographs Just as low as was consistent with tbir high quality. Building phonographs in enormous quantities has enabled us to reduce the manufacturing cost per ( phonograph to the very minimum. And our economical mode of selling .direct from factory to consumer makes it possible to offer SILVERTONE Phonographs at prices from 25 to 50 per cent lower than anyother phonograph of the same size, quality and musical excellence. ' We want you to try one of these beautiful phonographs in your home for two weeks without the payment of one cent in advance on the phonograph and without obligating you in any way to buy if you are not fully satisfied with it. We believe that the home is the only place where ) a musical instrument can be given a thorough and satisfactory test. Select the mod! which pleases you fill 'out the order blank and mail it today. . ' . Model C Price A Month $5522 Mahogany or Golden Oak SPECIFICATIONS. Height, 14 Inches; width, 17 inches; depth, ! Inches. Net weight, ready to play, 4a pounds. fills I p mm. m w 1 rrr7i...i ii ii Model H T rtina wvt nnurn $rznxn piva 2AMonth $1S5&2 . Mahogany or American Walnut u ,M SPECIFICATIONS. Height 45M inches; width, 20 inches; depth, 22 Inches, lfet weight ready to pla, bout 75 lb 91 Model LAMonth Model A SPECIFICATIONS. Hifht 42H Inches; width, 18 laches; depth! 2K4 laches. Net weight, ready to pity, 70 pounds. Price $8022 Quarter Sawed Fumed Oak fJ)SO Price AMonth $30&fi . . Golden Oak ' SPECIFICATIONS. Heisht 10 inches: width. 15 N. inches; depth, 19y, inches. Net weight, teady to play, 30 pounds. X r - m m ss m aj s VI II QUEEN. AlSEPmOD WNSOLE Vjjf y ( fl tfl S0 Price If l(D J , OATiontn $21522 fl U Vv M fohoyany or Walnut , o r ' Cold Plated Metal Parts I " J ' fl SPECIFICATIONS. VV ' J ,J W Ti fv I Height 35K inches; width, 41H Inches; depth, t MM sT TVT fJr 22?4 inches. Net weight, ready to play, abt. 96 lbs. y 7if I . , . . : . Order Blank SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO. Date. .192 You mar ship n th SILVERTONE Phonofriph which I hire mukel with an (X, without any oblltttlon on mf part to buj unless I am perfectly BtUsfled. - i If. after two weeks' trial, I decide to keep and um the Inrtroment. I will tid yon the Bret payment for the Bhonoirapb and P7 the same amount eacn monta. until pild in ruu, men uw Dscomes mjr pruperu. Should I decide, after two weeks' trial, that the 8ILVKRTONE Is not satlsfaetorr, I will nottfr you, end rou srp to sire me Instructions so that I may send It back at your expense. Tou are also to return to me any transportation and cartage chant I hare paid. I have always been faithful In paylns rny obltrstlons and an msklnf this statement tor the purpose of Induclnf you to grant ue mete terms, ana 1 give you my pioais mat you may lew aaie u irusuus ms w pay sv mgmn. tlin R F. D. Box Street Hare nn i. Sign your nams here plslnly and carefully, responsible should sizn this order wlii you.) Poitofflce. If under age. tome nember of your (amUy who Is of age and County Bute . I Shipping Point. .County. .Btata. I hare been located in tola town etnas If lest than S yea', .sire former address . My business, eeeupatloB or proression is. TJo yon wish shipment made express or trslsht! Pl.. 1t name of head of household to prerent mistakes end simplify the keeplnf of our records. NAME OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD ; . (Please sire names of TWO references.) REFERENCES! Kama Address Business or OeeupaUoa ' ; ' - i , I J : '. : ; : MoMAGsIJeaOak. Price, $30.00 Payment, 12.50 a month. Model C Mahogany. Price, $55.00 Payment, $3.00 a month. Model C Coldea Oak. Price, $55.00 Payment, $3 .OO a month. Model E Famed Oak. Price, $80.00 Payment, 14.00 a mou'th. Model J MaTtoganT Price, $165.00 Payment. 56. OO a month. Model J Walnut. Price, $165.00 Payment, $6.00 a month. Model J Famed Oak. Price, $165.00 Payment, S6.0O ft month. Model R Mali ogany. Price, $200.00 Payment, S7.0O a month. Model G Mahogany Price, $115.00 Payment, 14. SO a month. Model G Walnut '?rice, $115.00 Payment, 14.50 a month. Model G Goldea Oak. Price, $115.00 Payment, I4.SO a month. Model G Famed Oak. Price, $115.00 Payment. 14. SO a month. Model H Mahogany. Price; $135.00 Payment, SS.OO a month. Model H Walnut. Price, $135.00 Payment, 15. OO a month. Model R Walnut. Price, $200.00 Payment, 17. OO a month. Model I Fumed Oak. Price, $200.00 Payment, 17.00 a month. Model S Mahogany. Price, $215.00 Payment, 17.50 a month. Model S Walnut. Price, $215.00 Payment, 17. SO a month. Model N Mahogany. Price, $225.00 Payment. S7.BO a month. Model N Walnut. Price, $225.00 Payment, 17.50 a month. Model If Famed Oak Price, $225.00 Payment,- $7.50 month. We ship SILVERTONE Phonograph to all parts of tie United States. We do not accept orders from foseip countries. I . - - .