Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1920, Image 10
fP" m"m ' '"" "' "" . P n " ' . ,i .n.i i.. . - ''' ,i.i,.....r,.,i. " ii. - n .1 i.. ... ... ! A. Pag Bnmmnmg FmI! If Better Valines Which Cashr Buying and Selling Methods' Haw 'Made'rPssiMe Ribbon Specials Plain Satin Kibbon, 6 inches wide, in dark and light colon; a wonder ful ribbon for sashes and camisoles; regular value $1.75 yard; Monday, per yard 1.25 Fancy Tapestry Ribbon, 7 to 9 inches, very exquisite In coloring, and used for camisoles and bags; regular value $4.0(1. yard; Monday, per yard $3.50 Special Trimming Buttons All kinds and styles of trfln ming buttons in shades of brpwn, blue, red and back, suit able for trimming suits, coats and dresses. Regular value $1.50 dozen, Monday, dozen Lace Specials Oiioutal Net Top Flouncing, heavy embroid ery in fine Bretonnc Net, 27 to 36 inches wide; regular price, $2.50 yard; Monday's special, pec yard 1.5Q Venice Lace Edges and Insertions, 3 to 7 inches wide, white and cream; regular value, $1.73 yard; Monday, yard $1.25 Art Department Specials Kloster'8 Crochet Cotton White, pink, blue, delft, linen and ecru; sizo 3 to 100. Reg- ular price 30c to 10c, sale mice.. Scotch Sweater Turn Rcgul.- price $1.25, sale price 1 90 Jfanj Other Special Rargains Displayed. I Second Floor t 1 t $1.25 rr- 11 11 . THE CASH STORE V, IW if ' si V v. Thousands of Yards of Beautiful Silks Splendid opportunities foreal economies in our Busy Day light Silk Section. " Colored Silks $3.00 36-inch Brocade Satin for linings, at $2.59 $2.73 36-inch Satiu dc Chine for lininss, at 12.29 $3.50 40-inch Crepe Meteors, per yard $2.08 $4.50 40-inch Crepe Meteors, per yard $3.75 $5.00 40-iiui Satin Charmeuse, navy, brown, taupe and black, per ya:d $3.75 $3.50 36-inch Satin de Chine, all colors ., fr'A'i $3.50 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta, all colors $2.19 Regular Price $2.25 Yd. 40-inch Crepe dc Chine, all col ors. 40-inch Georgette Crepe White, pink, flesh, lavender, Bermu da, light navy, black navy and brown. 33-inch Corduroys-White, navy, brown, black, victory, rase, beaver, wine, copen. ' T "l 36-inch Faille Luster 36-inch Printed Chiffon Faille. 33-inch All Silk Pongee. Sale Price $1;39 Black Silks $4.50 42-inch Crepe Meteor, per yard $3.75 $4.50 42-inch Crepe de Chine, per yard $3.7 ; $3.50 40-inch Satin $2.75 $5.75 40-inch Romain $4.75 $5.25 40-Inch Satin Charmeuse, per yard $3.98 $7.00 40-inch Moon Glo Satin Crepe, -per yard .'.$5.49 $4.25 36-inch All Silk Satin Goetz, perfect, not seconds, per yard ...$3.45 $3.75 36-inch Peau de Chine, per yard $2.98 $3.50-36-inch Satin de Chine, per yard $2.49 Boys' All Wool Suits With Twp Pairs of Pants Made to Sell Regularly at $25, Every Suit Fully Guaranteed- 25.00, and t fy 25 (ipod assortment of snappy patterns and styles, they're splendidly tail ored, bililt in every way to uive unbounded satisfaction.. Yon can Suit tiie liov at a savins: here. ! ' Important Sale of An opportunity of opportuni ties io buy Mgh-class Silk Hose, every pair perfect At Less Than Actual Mill Cost 100 Dozen Pure Thread Silk Hose. All wanted colors (first quality only), wortli $3.00, this sale, the pair, at $1.69 1 Hosiery described and. offered for sale, is the product of America's leading manufacturers, and be as sured, the sale price is less than the present cost at the mills. i Big Reductions in Wool Dress Goods - Words fail to express the greatmerit of these offerings; you must examine the quality to begin to appreciate the immensity of the values. 50-inch All Wool Serge Very practical for dresses, suita and skirts, plenty of navy; a 13 quality. Cash special... $1.98 42-lnch French Serge In all colors, plenty of navy, brown, taupe, Burgundy and black; the f 1.75 quality, special. . .$1,50 56-Inch All Wool Trtcotine Beautiful soft finish fabric in all the new Fall colors plenty of navy, brown, Burgundy, plum, green and black; selling most everywhere for $7.50. Special cash price $5.75 50-lnch Fine All, Wool Chiffon Broadcloth With rich, perma nent satin luster. The ideal weight for jourFall suit or dress; others ask ?6.0o. Hay den's cash price. $4.88 50-Inch DuTetjne Made of the finest Australian wool with the fine soft finish, nothing finer to be had in the city. Our spe cial price $7.25 About 150 Fieces of All Wool Dress (Joods Including 56-ln. Men's Wear Serge, 56-inch French Serge, 56-in. Toplin, 66 in. Kpingle, 48-in. Tricotine and kui her weaves in a large assort ment of colors, plenty of navy: mostly ?5.00 qualities. Special for Monday, at $3.48 Suve Money Have jour Suit, Coat or Skirt made to meas ure by our expert men tailors. Fit and workmanship guaran teed or monev refunded. The making of a skirt $.7.00 Mail Orders Troniptly Filled. SB Fully Guaranteed Clothes at a Moderate Price Hayden's Special Men's, Young Men's t yd AQQ suits and Uvercoats September rnce T" Guaranteed all-wool fabrics, artistically tailored, in a wide 2 range of snappy new patterns and styles, You 'can't go wrong, every garment is fully guaranteed. Wash Goods, Linings and Flannels Special Sales That Mean Emphatic Savings on Dependable First Quality Fabrics " Main Floor ' Victoria Challis 36-inch, fast color; for. kimonos and houe wear; 50c quality, at, yard...., U"-38 Shirtings Crepe waeve, fast color; 85e quality, at, yard..45 Tumuli Silk 36-inch novelty figured lining fabric; $1.95 grade, at, per yard $1140 Siirette Silk Satin finish, beautiful kimono fabric; $2.25 qual ity, at, per yard ; ..'$1.59 Silk and Cotton Figured or plain, for dresses, linings, under wear, etc., all colors, per yard 95 Beacon Kobe Flannels All new fall colote and designs, yd.95J Shirtlnfj Flannels Also used for night wear; light color grounds, striped patterns, non-shrink, per yard.". $1.25 Lining Sateens and Taffeta Fancy printed styles for coat lin ings and petticoats, yard wide, per yard. -$1.35 Lining Venetian Heavy satin-like fabric, silk designs, 32-inch material, at, yard $1.59 i ....... i. ............... i . . ,t..ti,..,, i i i i i i in t i t, m in, I V ' I v Nowhere Are the Advantages of-Cash Buying Mere Clearly Demonstrated Than in Our" September Offering in RUGS ,; Monday Quality is our fii'st consideration no seconds ..or mismatched goods shown here tlieji prices, '" and you'll find our prices, quality considered, surprisingly less than offerings elsewhere. 9x12 Shuttleworth Wilton Rujs, worth J150.00, special. .. .$120 ' 8-3x10-6 Shuttleworth Wilton Rugs, worth $135.00 $105 6x9 Shuttleworth Wilton Rugs, worth $90.00, special... $68.00 4-6x7-6 Shuttleworth Wilton Rugs, worth $55.00 $43.00 9x12 Smith Manor Brussels Rugi s, worth $55.00. .$40.00 8-3x10-6 Smith Manor Brussels Rugs, worth $50.00 $35.00 7-6x9 Smith Manor Brussels Rugs, worth $40.00 $30.00 6x9 Smith Manor Brussels Rugs, worth $35.00.... $24.00 36x63 Smith Axminster Rugs, worth $12.00, special $8.50 27x54 Smith Axminster Rugs, worth $7.50, special. I $5.25 27x54 Tapestry Rugs, worth $3.00, special $1.75 'Best Inlaid Linoleum, worth $2.75 square yard, special. .$2.25 Now is the time to get your Cocoa and Wire Mats for the Winter. ' We have our Fall order just arrived. Cocoa Mats, $1.75 up, and Wire Mats, each, $2.50 to $5.50 . Paints, Varnishes; . and Oils 0 ' A Complete New Stock of the Very Best Quality Goods..". Now opened i-. House Furnishing Department in Basement Store. You'll find compieii lines of high-standard goods at lowest cash prices; (iet'Onr Prices It Will Pay." - - SUPREME VALUES IN -- Women's and Misses' Outer Apparel AVe knew that ready cash could do wonders, but the results of the efforts of our buyer who has just , returned from New York are even beyond our greatest expectations. We want you to see the byoad assort ments and remarkable values we have to offer you.. Assortments are so varied that opportunity, to exer cise your individuality in selection is almost unlimited. - ' A Few of the Many Attractive Specials for Monday Smart Coats at $49.00 Smart Looking Cloth and Plush.. Coats made up in the season's many styles, with or without fur, in a large variety of colors and black ; styles suitable for misses and ladies, also stout sizes ; elegant values for Monday. Choice, at $49.00 Dresses at $39.50 Your cApice Monday of a large group of Dresses suitable for street, afternoon, dinner, theater or dance wear; the mate rials are Tricot ines, Serges, Tricplettes, Satins, Tulles and combinations in all the wanted shades : sizes and styles for misses and ladies Special values, at. . $39.50 Early Fall Coats at. $25.00 ' Eighty-five Elegant Cloth Coats, medium weights, just the kind of coat for early Fall wear;' coats that were formerly priced up to $45.00, Monday. . . .$25.00 Monday Specials Women's and Misses' Cloth and Silk Pop lin Skirts, worth $7.50 to $10.00, on sale Monday, at-.. v $5.00 Women's Taffeta Silk Petticoats, worth $5.00, on sale Monday, at ..$2.95 10 Doz. Wash Waists that sold up to $2.50, on sale Monday, at .$1.00 i '" Georgette Waists thatsold at $4.00 and $5.00, Monday, at $2.95 GREAT WALLPAPER SALE Introducing Omaha's New and Most Complete Wall Paper Rolls Here and on Display. Our Introductory Prices Are 30-inch Oatmeal, C5c values, popular colors, sold with beautiful cut-out bor ders, rolf . . . 15 Bedroom Papers, 26c values, chintz and floral stripes, all have cut-oul borders, roll '....14 Kitchen and Bathroom Granite and Blocks, 26c values, all fall 1920 pat tern roll 14 jranor ana fining Koom specials, var ues to 49c; these are exceptional v;il ues in the wanted colorings and new est decorative borders, per roll. .29 Dept. First Shipmf nt Consisting of 125,000 Far Below th Regular Market Price Today. Hall and Dining Room Papers, 29c values, fruit and striped papers with matched borders, roll 19 A General Assortment of Papers, val ues to 69c roll. Beautiful tapestries, cloth effects and new stripes forour best rooms, per roll 44 & Also papers in Dainty Colored Chintz Effects, Colonial Stripes and Novelty Florals on finest kind of stock. All borders sold by the yard. Our contractor will submit estimates for labor. . 1 Make Your Own Bread It Pays One 48 lb. Sack of Flour Will Make 80 Ten-Cent Loaves of Bread We want every housewife In Omaha to try cur Famous Health- Flour, and a an Inducement we are eoine to sell It Monday, per 43-lb. aclc for S3.19 24-lb. gacks Pure Rye Flour $1.!S $ lb. best White- or Yellow CornmcHl. for . -. . . .". i'.i ,25c Ths beet No. 1 Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb 10c Fancy .la pan PJre, per lb l?Vc The best Domestic Macaroni Spa ghetti or Ex Noodles, pkir. . . .-'Ac 16-ounce cans Snlder's pork snd Beans, for lfte Larue size Beech-Nat Presorvus 01 Jelly 49c Medium size Beech-Nut Preserves or Jelly V SBc Bayles' Horseradish: Balad or Frjnch Mustard, bottle 12Vc Gallon can Golden Pumpkin. . .1: .. .fffto N"o. 3 cans Solid Packed Tomatoes. 14c 28-ounce botllo Fancy Queen Olives. for . ..v We Puiu Tomato Catsup or VineKiir, bot tle, for V lOe H-ounce cans Carolena Milk . ,19e 16-ounce cans Wilson Milk. '. '.13r 16-ounce cans Pet or Carnation jlilk for ,.15e No. 2 cans. Run Kissed Sliced Peaches In heavy syrup 3ec Largo cans Sliced Peaches or Aprl- cot3, for 30c Large cans Baltimore P?ars S3c 6 bars Bcat-'Em-AIl or Diamond C Poap, for I8c JURIED FRUIT SPECIALS. Choice California Prunes, lb 14 Cleaned Currants, lb Mc Muscatel Setdless Halsfni, lb 3ftc Fancy Evnporuted Apples: lb.. Fancy Mulr Peaches, lb ,. Cresca Layer Ruis'lns, lb.-tln . . . . ,S0c . .!3c ..50c OMAHA'S TEA AXD COFFEE MARKET. Our Famous Santos Blend Coffee, lb ; 33 I-3 Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb.... 30c M & J Blend, a fine drink, lb.. ..40c Ankola Blend, nothing like It, lb.... 45c The best Tea Sittings, lb l'Vic Fancy Pan Fired Japan Tea, lb.... 35c Fancy Basket Fired, Oolong. Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea, lb ) 69c THE VEGETABLE AND FRUIT MARKET OF OMAHA. The best No. 1 Cooking Potatoes, 15 lbs. to the peck 45c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb...7'.4c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes. 3 lbs. for.... 10c Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, dor... S0c Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 15c Fancy Head Lettuce, hd too 3 Bunches Fresh Radishes 5c Red or White Onions, lb 2c 3 karge Green Peppers 5c Large Kgg Plant, each "Vic Large tenver Cucumbers, each....7Vic The Inkt of the Blue riums for Canning;, per crate $1.25 THE BUTTER AND EGG MARKET OF OMAHA. The Best Creamery Butter, carton, lb. 3c Tie Best Creamery Butter, bulk, lb. ,62c Fancy No. 1 Creamery ' Butter, hulk. lb 57c Fany Dairy Table Butter, lb B4c The Bert Selected Ergs, do 5"c All the best brands Nut Butters. .. ,3tc Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, lb.... 30c Full Cream Vung American Cheese, lb J 35c Fancy New York-White Cheese, lb.. 40c Blue Rlhben Brick Cheese, lb 3c Bauer Kraut, quart ltV2c Chow Chow, quart 30c Fancy Queen Olives, quart... 05c Asst. Pickles, bottle 10c Linens, Towels, Sheets i and Gases V Lower Price Sale for Monday and Tues day. Main Floor Linen Section AH Linen Heavy Bleached Table Damask, $3.75 quality. .g2. 75 American Mercerized Damask? $1.65 Quality, at 1.15 Pattern Table Cloths, 61x72, $3.75 quality, at ..$2.95 Hack Towels, half linen, heavy weight, 50c quality, each..39i Colored Table Damask, BatCs quality, $1.50 value, at. . . .51.15 Bed Sheets, 72x90 size, Pepperell quality, at, each. .... .1.85 Bed Sheets, 81x90 size, linen finish quality, at, each.?.2.00 Bed Sheets, 81x99 size, Hercules quality, at, each ..2.25 rillow Cases, 45x36, linen finish quality, at, each 492 Colored Bedspreads, rose or French hlue; $5.50 quality. .3.95 White Crochet Bedspreads, 80x90, $3.95 quality, each.... 2.95 Turkish Towels" double thread, blue border, 60c quality, ea-49d Wash Cloths, Turknit quality, white only 4 for 25d Many Offerings in Dependable FURNITURE Rightly Priced It Pays! Furnish right through the house in this September Sale of Furniture. , Quality war rants it, Varieties Warrant it, Values Warrant It. 8-IMece Overstnffwl Living Boom Snite Covered in tapestry, loose spring cushion seats ....298.50 Value I Thls 8-Piece Mahogany Queen Anne Dining Room Suite Buffet, 66-inch; Dining Table, 54-inch, and Chak-s to match, at. only 350.00 $85.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, 54-inch plank top, 65.00 145.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, 45-inch, plain top, 32.50 $35.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, 42-inch plain top, 25.00 $10.00 Solid Oak Dining Chairs with genuine leather slip seats, Monday, at 6.50 Hayden's Specinl 45-lb. All Cotton Mattress 10.00 We carry a full line of Simmons Bt-ds, Springs and Cribs. We believe comparison will prove our Furniture to be the Best, Selected and the Lowest Priced in the city. House Furnishings AT MONEY-SAVLXG CASH TRICES Combination Coal and Gas Eaiute, nil blue- enamel, with warmln c!nitt. for S175 Slx-Holo V'nlvcrsal. Ilnnge. pnlishod top, warming; closet, reservoir nl white emimtled for Si 10 Wx-Hole ,""'"'d Too Jlance wltl" warmln cHet, Dlain nickel trim med, for M5.00 aiv-Holo Kange, with warmine closet, for $33.00 SO-lh. White Enamel Suear Cans. $1.3 Oak Spice Cabinets, g drawer sir.'. for S.J5 Largo SUo Double Knife Kraut Cutter, or No. S Waffle Iron, low stand. fnr.$S.M No. t Wnffle Iron hltrh stand. nt.K.S.I Medium Siie Jao Bread Dot. for.l.."0 K'lectrio HeHtpi. for ?.."0 1 -Quart Jiottls of Pumitut'e Polish, for 4H,. it Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays! r (i