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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1920)
;i'Hl!i tihlti: UMAtlA; ivzv. f Democrats Went To Frisco Meet pn U. S. Taxpayers Investigation Shows Men In Offices of Palmer and Mere- dith Attended Convention . at Public Cost. tbii-aga Tribune-Omaha jyre Leased Wire. Washington, Sept. 24. How four assistants to Attorney General Pal mer and the assistant to Secretary of Agriculture feredith, both of them candidates for the democratic prcsi nomination, found their way to San Francisco at the time of the democratic national convention on "official business" and at governmcit expense was disclosed to the senate campaign fund investigating' commit tee yesterday. Vouchers were produced by the au ditors of the Justice and Agricultural departments to show that these five 'government officials were in San Francisco throughout the democratic convention, returning to Washington immediately thereafter, and 'hat their railroad expenses and subsistence were paid by the government on vouchers duly sworn to by the men themselves, who declared under oath that the nature of their business at the time oLthe San Francisco con vention was "governmenriusiness." Occupied Drawing Room. In one of the vouchers that of At- ' torney General Palmer's private sec retary, was a Pullman charge from San Francisco to New York of. $131, which members of the committee conjectured must, 'have been for a drawing room, the'auditor of the De partment of Justice suggesting that f ibis charge might have been for At l torney General Palmer himself, inas much as the man who made the voucher "always traveled with the attorney general.1' The disclosures and -apparent tan ure to develop any pressing govern nient business in San Francisco at the time prompted Senator Reed, democratic member of the commit tee, to declare: rive vmciais invuivcu. , "If these men went to the San Francisco convention on govern ment orders and at government ex pense, and were really not on gtov crnment business, but the business of presidential candidates, they should be cashiered, and so should their superiors, who approved the vouchers for these expenditures. The five government officials in volved in this testimony which the committee proposes to inquire into further, Were the following: . Floyd R. Harrison, assistant to Secretary of Agriculture Meredith. Frank K. Ncbeker, assistant attor ney general. . George M. Montrose, examiner oi titles, Department of JusticrTvaiyl private secretary to Attorney Gen eral Palmer. J. Edgar Hocwer, .special assistant to the attorney general., Another important witness or uir y was Robert f. scripps, eaitor oi benpps newspapers, one oi inc. sons of R. W. ScriDOS. who was re lieved from military service during he -war after the decisions of the draft boards against his release from service had been appealed to Wash ington. He testified that the Scripps newspapers were supporting Governor Cox tor the presidency e cause they believed him to be more progressive than Senator-' Harding, and detailed to" the committee how the company was sending every day to all of its clients,' a page of mat ter devoted to the interest of the Cox campaign. x Exempted From Draft. "Did Governor Cox have anything to do with getting you exempted from the draft?" Senator Reed asketkhim. . Scripps replied -that he dia not know of any, but admitted that hp was exempted from the draft in 1917. He admitted that ' he had recently seen published the copy of a letter written by Governor Cox to the edi tor of one, of the Scripps papers, which was forwarded to Washington and appears in the files of the War department - in the Scripps draft ap peal case. "'In this letter Mr. Cox made special plea in the interest of exemption for James G. Scripps. . hrnthor rf Rnbprt. statinc that his retention to the Scripps news syn dicate during the war -was essential. Phitander P. Claxton. United States commissioner of education, .called to explain circulation of demo cratic propaganda in "School Life," a government publication, admitted that an editorial favoring jEovernor Cox had been published, but that he had tried to stop its publication, when he discovered that it had been written by a new editor of the paper. Mr. Claxton said that Ne had been away from Washington. When he returned he asked for the proof i sheets of , the paper; They were handed to him and he at- once dis covered that the Cox editorial was of a character which should not be published in a government paper. Slumbering Gang War Renewed in Chi i.lliit'llili'U, Two Saturday Doll Specials ' t Imported Dolls 8-inch long; bisque head; sleep ing eyes; regular 1.00 values; special, Saturday, UQ Main Floor West I I each, at I mm- -Or ml Uftix Mil X TO 1 l-MK 1 T - . - i '.-i -hL-... i - Character Dolls 13 inches 98c In fancy ' dresses; long; regular 1.25 values; special, at mr thb pacb ASr'Ai V 7 rm; i iii?iii;iimrir"',Tivr"X!"rV:ffx Sale of Taffeta Dresses for Girls FOR CROWING OMAHA . - Just 75 Beautiful Models Charming dresses for girla 6 to 14 years, and worth from 12.50 to 15.00, Saturday, s Second Floor- West 8.95 y e oeason s iviioaes in j for Women, Misses and Small Women WITH' Autumn here and Winter roun4 the corner, life liums with social activities and now. right at the opening of the season, we have seldom beeifable to offer more complete more beautiful lines, of ready-to-wear apparel than we now have on display. , Smart, new Complete Array The Coats for Fall in Delightful Variations DELIGHTFUL rvaria$ions of approved modes and accurate interpretations of the accepted Autumn styles feature the entire shewing. The materials are so superbly fine, the styles so markedly individual' and the workmanship so obviously expert, that connoisseurs of fashions and values will realize this as their para mount opportunity. , The Fashi.onaUe Straight Line Distinguished by High Grade Fabrics and silk linings, they are of the sort you would expect in cotits cost ing considerable more. The materials are Cashmere Velour,;Silver toneT Bolivia, Veldyne, Duvette and many qualities of pile fabrics. All are lined and interlined with the best and most beautiful silks, and iricluefe sizes 'for the stout woman. They are wraps that can be worn for Fall and Winter. Priced from 49.00 to 125.00 Brandeis Stores Second Floor West is attractively carried over into these new, coats and wraps with interesting variations, made manifest in huge self or fur collars, loose paneled backs, blouse and cape bracks, some lavishly embroidered in silk chenille wool. New Fall Dresses for Misses , and Small Women We make a specialty in dresses for the miss or small woman, and the new. arrivals in Tric6tines, Serges, Satins, and- Jerseys are" all that one could desired ' ' Attracting special attention with their unusual charms are thestreet and afternoon dresses, the plain tai lored rrfodels whih have the grace ful, slender effect of youthfulness, being especially charming. i i , Smart Styles at Moderate Prices "Others have pleated tunics and are trimmed with wool em broidery. Some have smart, short sleeves in little straightline models with belts of leather or self material. Important Saturday . Specials v day the icago Cblraco Tribune-Omaha Br leased Wire. Chicago, Sept. 24. The slumber ing gaug war, which the police have 'eared ever-siike 1 the slaying of ''Moss" Enright and the discharge from prison, of "Big Tim" Mjirphy, Dago Mike Carozza and others ac cused of the slaying, blazed up to day and when the smoke cleared away Richard "Whitey" Forbes, known to the police as a'bad man," lay -on the floor of Wilson & Gal lagher's saloon with a bullet through his body, "lhitey" gave a fictitious name and when asked who. had shot him, replied: . , S "Oh, me and a feuy jlist had a little argument my friends will take care, of the party." . Forbes was arrested last June on a robberyvcharge and had been re l2tT5?3 on bail but a few days ago. , Campaign of Education In Use of Medicines Urged St. Louis, -Sept. 24. A compre- hnciv nnhliritv ratnnaicn tn rdn- "cate druggists and physicians in the use of better medicines was recom mended in a report here, presented at the convention of the National As sociation of Retail Druggists. Druggists who are discarding nar cotics from their stocks are shirking their'duty, according to the report. Offering a Very Fine Line of V Sample Wool Sweaters 8.50 Reasonably "Priced at You will want to provide yourself with a nice, warm, woolly sweater or the cooler weather. Then why not avail yourself of this unusual opportunity? These sweaters are knitted in zephyr and worsted yarn ; in Cardigan and half -Cardigan stitch. The colors are popular and desirable shades, such as American Beauty, green, coral, white, peacock; also color com binations, rose and black, tupfluoise and black,' tan and blue, etc. These sweaters will be ori-sale O CA Saturday at the lov price of 00v Brandeis Stores Second Floor Center ', ' Saturday a Sale of' Men's and Women's Handkerchiefs Priced from 22.50 to 59.00 Brandeis Stores Secoitd Floor West : : r i:i:!i;il:iliii::i:iliili:i;ii:ili!i:iliriiiliiliiliili:iiii;illiliil! i I Extra! 200 Show Room ! Model Hats ! 612 Worth $10 to 1&50, Special Saturday, at We consider this a most fortunate purchase of high-grade hats at this time of year, as deliveries are slow, but our millinery buyer was fortunate enough to be right on hand and secured these show room models at a low price. - Women s EmbvLawn Handkerchiefs Samples and seconds of very fine quality lawn, novelty striped borders and silk creDe de chine with pretty floral patterns," special, . each, Men's Handkerchiefs Also meis hemstitched, full size cambric handkerchiefs, values 25c special, for Sat urday, each, Women's Swiss Emb. Handkerchiefs Beautiful designs in open work and solid em broidery, wreaths, butterflies and floral pat terns; also full, line of all linen initial hand kerchiefs, small embroidered initiaf with hem- Q C stitched hem; special, each, ; 30C Brandeis Stores Main Floor East- 15c 15c 2 Of Duvetyn Silk, Lyons Velvet and com- Principally soft hats, simply trimmed in h i binations of Hatters' Plush and Silk Vel- off-the-f ace models. Particularly be- 1 vet, in the" wanted shade's of Black, coming, can be shaped softly about face 1 Navy, Henna, Seal Brown and Beaver. - in lines to suil almost any type. I Brandeis Stores Second Floor East t Saturday A Special Sale of i 1 Beaded and Velvet 100 Beaded Bags to Go at Just think of it a beaded bag for $5.00! They include all colors and combinations, from soft, pale shades to dark, rich col ors. About one-half of them are in the drawstring style, xthe others are frame bags. We will sell only one to a customer and the first 100 people attending will realize a real value. It is possible that this Jot may not last an hour so please do not be disappointed if you come too late. While the lot lasts Saturday, 5.00 Brandeis Stores Main Floor East ' ' A WeN Fitting Glove Accentuates the Charm of a Graceful Hand - Not a n 1 y good grooming but fash-l ion demands that one have at least i one pair of gloves for each different require ment of Autumn. Short, elbow length and the very long type of glove are now being offered here at prices that justify quantity selections. ' N Perrin's Real Grenoble Kid Gloves "La Mure" quality made of extra selected skins in the wanted shades of African, beaver, covert, battle, white and blade ; overseam and Paris point stitching on backs; two:clasp styles1 priced, per pair, at .00 Velvet Bags at 3.98 Beautiful silk chiffon velvet bags in all the wanted colors such as black, brown, navy blue, taupe and purple; all are silk lined and have one or two fittings; somr have an inside frame ; exceptional values, specially priced for O QQ Saturday, at OtpO - Long Chamoisette Gloves 16-button length in beavep, mastic and white; suede finish; washable; priced, .per O 7tZ pair, at Washable Slip-On Styles In washable chamoisettes, with adjustable ") wrist scraps; snaaes ox mastic, sanu ana white; priced, per pair, at Novelties in Women's 2.00 Imported Cape Slip-Ons Special for Saturday Two color combinations, such as beaver and brown, castor and beaver, and brow and tan, with eight-row embroidered backs to match; pique seams: elastic wrist; priced, per pair, at ' ,5.00 Brandeis Stores Main Floot North Three Hosiery Specials for Saturday Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Full-fashioned and semi-fashioned ; silk to the knee, lisle soles, high reinforced heels; in black, white, cordovan, African brown, ta n and grays; first grades of 2.25 and 2.50 1 QQ values; special, per pair, Women's Pure Thread 'Silk Hosiery Semi-fashioned ; silk to the knee, lisle tops and soles; in black, 'white, cordovan, grays and navy; first quality, some irregulars of 1 OP 1.75 grades; special, per pair, Misses' and Children's Silk Lisle Hosiery Fine ribbed; splendid wearing qualities; in black white and cordovan; all sizes; special, Q per pair, " . I yC Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center Underwear Specials for Saturday 2.00 and 2.25 Women's Union Suite Light and medium weight, flesh and white, plain and Swiss ribbed, j bodice top and regulation style ; most of these garments are slightly soiled from regular stock; nol all sizes; specially priced 1 FA Saturday, per garment, ' ' v , l.Jll Women's Gauze Vests In the plain knit and Swiss ribbed styles, flesh and white, all sizes, per garment, 35 3 for 1.00 Women's ilk Vests Kayser and Van Raalte, in plaint tailored band top,' or bodice top with ribbon shoulder strap; flesh color only; 4.00 values; special, per garment, 3.59 Brandeis Stores "hird Floor East , Saturday Sale of ,o Drugs 50c MavhTVace Powder, 42 Mennen'a Talcum Powder, 21 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover, 29 Gem Razor Blades, 38 35c Senreco(Tooth Paste, 27 1 2Sc Larorii, 19 Non Spi, 37d Carter's Liver Pill, 19 Energine Cleaning Fluid, 23 ' 'Djer Kim Talcum Powder, 23 Jergen's Glycerine Soap, 8 Idind's Honey Almond Cream, 42 50c Milk of Magnesia, 37c 60c Melroi e Cream, 44C Pompeian Face Cream, 44 50c Ingram's Milkweed Cream, 39 1 Aubry Sisters Greaseless Cream, 79d ' 60c Dora Face Powder, f 39t 50c Cocoanut Oil' Shampoo, ' -39 Jap Rose Face Powder, ' 19 1. 00 Stevens Odorless Depilatory, 69 50c Liquid Face Powder, 39 2.00 Combination Water Bottle or Syringe, ' V 1.39 Three Attractive Saturday Values in women s rootwear Fall Walking Oxfords " v V Complete Range of Sizes and Widths 1015 Here is an opportunity to obtain these fashionable oxfords at a mod erate price. Your choice from a wide variety of styles at this pricing-r-Cocoa brown, calf and kid oxfords, excellent quality leather; Cuban and military heels and solesvof correct weight; a complete range of sizes and widths, moderately priced at, 1 QC per pair, ly.OU U. S. Navy Goods While They Last Saturday. Keen Kutter Razor Blades, A. D. S. Foot Soap,.' Park-Davis Germicide Soap, Durham Duplex Raxor with . three blades, hV Main FInnr Went 18t 17 150 296 Iliiiili.liiliil'ill'liJiiliillilLiUlfa BEfflB laiiimi eW ' V. 'i - , ' New Fur-Trimmed Spats " The season's newest model for lit. j i wear wito. .pumps tuia oxioras priced at, per pair, e.oa Other styles in all the wanted shades, priced at,' per pair, 2.45 and 4.00. Brandeis Stores Main Floor West Satin Low Shoes Per Pair At $11.45 For dress and afternoon wear; handsome new models in strap effects; made on the new modi fied French last; with covered Louis heels and hand-turned soles; featured, priced, at, pair, 11.45 Special Sale of , Oven Glass at 39c Less Than V2 Price ! This oven glassware bakes food quickly and uniformly on too and bottom. -The heat ra diates throueh the glass, caus ing it to cook evenly. They art" sanitary and easy to clean. 85c pie plates, 8-inch size, 30 90c pie plates, 9-ineh size, 3ft 80c cake plates, 9-in. size, 39 Fifth Floor East , Dustless Floor Mops At 1.39 Made of long black cotton yarn firmly fixed to a wooden base long handles free with every mop; special for Saturday, at 1.39 Fifth Floot West Palm Olive Soap At 7V2c Bar Special Saturday at 7J Per bar, or per dozsn, , 90 Main Floor West Texas Tommy At 80c Lb. A delicious, rich confection, cream center, rolled in fresh pecan nuts; w'orth 1.00 per pound; special, at O Candy Dept. Main Floor Special Sale of Pearl Beads Just received from France, a great shipment of beautiful pearls highest grade Orient pearls in pink and cream Duauco vt . wi unmans viiciimil luster. In four lots for Satur day, as follows: Fine Oriental pearl beads in either pink or cream, 16 inches long, graduated, special at 1.98 Fine Oriental beads in either pink or cream, 18 inches long; goo.d size graduated beads, an exception's! value at 2.9$ Finest Oriental pearl beads in larger graduation, 21 inches long, either in pink or white, special at 3.98 Finest Oriental pearl beads in a still larger graduation, 24 inches long, have beautiful luster, in pink or cream; beads of this sort sell for from $25 to $35; very special for Satur day, at 10.00 Main Floor East Free Cooking School in Our Houseware Dept. On Fifth Floor t On Saturday Afternoon Mrs. Wheelock will use the Sechrfct Pressure Cooker during the regular class and cook a meal in forty minutes that would require three hours if, the old method were used. Come and see this wonderful cooker put to a practical test. It saves time and gas. Free Cooking School Menu for Saturday Creole Chicken and Hominy Planked Steak Hot Quick Bread Steamed Pudding Fifth Floor West . - Eat Your SATURDAY LUNCH in Our Green Room Ak-Sar-Ben visitors will find our Ureen Room a delightful place to eat their Saturday noon luncn. Plate Lunch At 50c Your Choice of - foiled Whitcfisb oaraloga Lhips Stuffed Green Peppers Rissolo d Potatoes Baked Short Ribs of Beef Sjveet Potatoes Steamed Cherry Pudding .ojjee or mull ureamec ' Tea 1 m m J