Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Entertain for. Students.
The joint student activities com
mittees of the Woman's Faculty club
, and the faculty of the University of
Nebraska medical college are in
cnarge or a reception and dance to
be given at Happy Hollow club the
eViMlincr rtf Or-Trthr ? frtr fill eiAmnm
; ui me coiicgc. cacn siuaeni is priv
ileged to invite a dancing partner for
the affair. - All the faculty doctors
"and their wives will attend. About
200 students are expected to be pres
ent. - V
f For Mist Zaynord. ,';
t Miss Josephine; Congdon , enter
tained informally at tea at her home
Miss Claudia Zaynord of Kansas
t-ity. the guest of Miss Erna Reed."
Miss Reed entertained at a dinner
nf .i'nhl . I 1 Tl
:aay evening for her guest. ' ,
i For Mrs. Magna.
Mrs. C. C. "Allison entertained
at a dinner of 12 covers at her home,
Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs.
Tdith Scott Magna of Holyoke,
Mass.. , who is visiting Mrs. K. A.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Miss Sarah Harris of Chicago, na
tional president of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Is expected in Omaha in
about a fnonth. She will' probably
sper a flay here as guest of the
alumnae chapter, who will entertain
in her honor.
Dinner Party.
Dr. antl Mrs. AC. Stokes wil! en
tertain at dinner, Wednesday evening
of next week, in honor of Chancellor
Samuel Avery of Nebraska univer
sity and Mrs. Avery of Lincoln, who
will spend the day in Omaha. Cov
ers wiH 1,6 Placed for 12.
Miss Luella Allen entertained' at
luncheon at Hotel fLoyal on Thurs
day. The guests were: Mr, and Mrs.
A. M. Borgltim, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Cox, Miss Henrietta Rces. Miss Cor
inne raulsen, Jein Duffield and Frc1
tllis. 1
Phi Rho Sigma.
Iota chapter of Th! Rho Sigma
fraternity will entertain at a dance
at the chapter house. Forty-second
and Dewey avenue, Saturday eve
ning, !
Country Club,
Additional reservations for sup
per at the Country club, Friday eve
ning after jhe Ak-Sar-Ben ball, have
s'been made by George C. Smith for
- eigfct guests; J. R. Caldwell six, and
C.! W. Hamilton, four.
Happy Hollow
Luncheon parties were enter
tained at Happy Hollow club
Thursday by Mesdames J. R. Web-
ster, w. Knoaues ana J. K. JSior
riscn. Mrs. T. K. Morrison had s
1 gtusts at dinner at Happy. Ho
club l nursctay evening. I
Additional reservations for the
final dinner dance have been made
by Arthur Loomis, C. E. Balbach,
R. E. Davis and H. A. Smart.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bcerkle an
nounce the birth of a son, Tuesday,
September 21.
A son was born September 22 at
Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Stephens. '
Mrs. F. W. Thome, who has been
visiting in California, is expected
home in October.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Wed
nesday, September ,22. ,
A daughter wis born Wednesday
to Mr. and Mrs. M.-J. McAndriws
at the Stewart hospital.
Miss' Emily Burke left Wednes
day evening forfVass'ar college for
her last year of school there.
Miss Hazei AntTe of Medford,
Ore., arrived last Saturday to visit
Miss Dorothy Thorne for several
weeks. ' ".-j...
. '
Mr. and-Mrs. C. L.'.MfDuffie an
nounce the birth of a daughter at
the Stewart hospital on Septem
ber 22. . . '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rouse' and
daughter, Ann, returned Wednesday
; from a trip to Chicago and other
points in Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Menold and
daughter, Miss Marjorie, have re
turned, from a two months' trip to
the western coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Schoby-of
Rochester, Minn., are stopping , at;
the Fontenelle. Mrs. Schoby was
formerly; Miss. Aurelia B. Xucc.
A daughter, Faber Ann, was born
Thursday morning, September 23, at
the Stewart hospital, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Fisher, formerly of Seat
tle. Wash. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosworth of
Chicago arrive Friday, mornimj to
be guest of Mr. and ..Mrs. Gcorr
P-mdeii Bosworth is sister
of Mrs. , j. .
Mr. anc. . Otto" Pankratz an-'
nounce the birth of a daughter,
Fhvllis Edna.v Friday. September 17,
Mrs. Pankratz was formerly . Miss
Margaretha Engellander. 1
Governor and Mrs. S. R. Mciielvie
will arrive in Omaha Friday after
noon to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben ball.
They iH be the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Davidson at the Fon
eneUe. . v r ,'
' Miss Wrnelle Head, who leaves
ext Tuesday for New York City,
where she will study music, goes, to
Ce Tntenh Mn. in the meantime, to
be bridesmaid at the wedding SatJ
araay evening iuc-ivub hkhu.
Miss Sara Culver.
. In Painting
, For best results in painting, the
undercoat' should be a dull finish.
Gloss paint should Never be put on
over gloss ;
iWo m a n's S e c't
Golden Wedding Is
Occasion For
A happy occasion was the golden
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. ,R. H. Randall, celebrated by
a dinner Wednesday at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. T. E. Brady.
Forty guests attended, including
from out of town Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Randall, Moline, 111 ; Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Randall -of Council
Bluffs ;xMrs. George G. Goulder and
Mrs. Lynn Seells, Davenport, la.;
Mrs. Mary Olson, Dixon. Ia.; Mrs.
William Pitstick, Sac City, la.: Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Schepers :ind E. S.
Randall of Elmwood, Ia. Mr. P.. S.
Randall is the only surviving mem
ber with Mr. R. H. Randall of a
family of 12 children.' He was a
witness at the marriage of his
brother SO years ago.
The " home 1 where the festivities
took place Wednesday was deco
rated in yellow and gold. Chrysan
themums and asparagus ferns were
used effectively throughout the
rooms. Favors were yellow bas
kets in which forget-me-nots were
caught with yellow ribbon. Ahnc
wedding cake was cut by the hon
ored bride.. Mrs. S. Hccht plaved
a 'wedding march and old-time
songs were sung by the guest.
J Mr; and Mrs. Ran-dall have been
residents of Omaha for IS years.
Their two children, both of Omaha,
are Mrs. Brady and M. B. Ranrh'.l.
Mrs. M. B. Randall was assisting
hostess with Mrs. Brady.
A dinner party was given
Thursday evening for the out-of-town
guests who are remr.ning un- j
til Friday for Ak-Sar-Ben gaieties.
Miss Dinning
, A Bride
Mrs. Allan Tukey.
' Miss Louise Dinning, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinninp. and Al
lan Tukey, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
P. Tukey. were married at the home
of the bride's parents Thursday aft
ernoon at 4:30 o'clock, Rev Frank
Smith of the First Central Congre
gational church officiating.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Tul:ev served
overseas during the war. ,-They are
very well known in Omaha as
frominent members of the young
social set. -
Only members of the two families
witnessed the ceremony. Mrs.
Harry By ran of Chicago, who was
Miss Lydia Tukey; Mrs. Louis
Korsmeyer of Lincoln, formerly
Miss Ethel Tukey; Mrs. Morrison
of Kansas City, Miss Louise Tukey
before her marriage, sisters of the
groom, and Harry Tukey, a brother,
attended with, the parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Tukey. The bride's par
ents and her brother, Robert Din
njng, completed the family attend
ants., y
The bride wore her going-away
.gown. After an eastern trip, Mr..
and Mrs. lukey w:u rcsiac m
Omaha. '
Formula for Rouge.,
If you will rouge, and we all will
do so if inclined to be pale, begin in
the center of th cheek, toning down
toward the cheek bones.
It is the brilliant tone high on
cheek bones and near the ears that
makes the rouged woman appear
grotesque and wins hen the ap
probrium of being "paintdd,"
Dust powder over the rouge, ton
ing it down and wiping off lightly
so neither rouge nor powder is vis
ible. Here is 'an excellent rouge you
can prepare at home:
Rice powder, three tablcspoonfuls;
ochre, one-fourth less, powdered car-, less. i
What Is Beauty?
Beauty is no nearly so much a
question of certairiQhysical charac
teristics as it. is making the most of
those you have. A girl may have
beautiful hair, for instance, and ut
terly devoid of all other good fea
tures, yet be referred to as "hand
some.'? On the other hand, the girl
with "stringy" locks who has a rose
leaf skin may be dubbed "homely."
Rarely is a single individual blessed
with all. the beauty points. j
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin" is
ffrmn'ne Asoirin Droved safe bv mil-
f:cns and prescribed by physicians
tor over iweniy years, nccepi omy
an unbroken "Bayer package, which
contains proper directionj to relieve
HraHarhi Tonthache. Earache. Neu-
talgia. Rheumatism, Colds and Pain.
Handy tin boxes ot u taDiets cost
few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is
trade mark- ' Daves Manufacture
A 6s...l.:..
i o n o f Th e
For AtSar-Ben
. .Ball
Hs3 James E Da vivsats
James E. Davidson is chairman
of the Coronation ball committee,
which" means, as everyone i familiar
with Ak-Sar-Beiregal affairs knows,
that Mrs. JamcE. Davidson is an
important personage in the success
of , that brilliant occasion. Mrs.
Davidson claims no credit for the
endless number 'and variety of de
tails which she has had in charge.
This does not indicate that she has
ha.j litle to do, but rather that she
iias done cheerfully.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
At a meeting of Frances Wil'.ard
W. C. T, U. a the Y. W. C. A.
Wednesday afternoon the following
delegates were elected for the state
convention lof the W. C. T. U. 'to
be held inDavid City, October 12
15: Mesdames G. W. Covell, C. J.
Roberts, George S. Ticknor, Anna
E. Ncllor, W. T. Poff, T. R. Ward.
C. L. Mickey, J. A. Dalzell, J. A.
Mead and Miss Jennie Salmon. The
alternates are Mesdames E. J. Mel
lor, L. B. Webster, H. N. Crais, E.
W. Widdoes' and C. E. Malm. v
Dancing Party for Nurses.
The Guild of St. Barnabas for
nurses will hold r social meeting
Friday evening ats All Saints parish
house, Twenty-sixth street and
Dewey avenue. Tho evening will be
devoted to dancing and sards.
Each girli is privileged to invite one
male guest.
Arthur Marsh Guild.
Arthur Marsh t guild of St. Pauls
Episcopal church will meet at 2:30
p.- m. Fridav at the home of Mrs.
H. C. Goodw'in, 2906 Hamilton street.
George Crook W. R. C.
George Crook Woman's Relief
corps 'will be entertained at a 1
o'clock luncheon, - Friday, at the
home of Mrs. Louise Mason, 1900
South Thirteenth street, Council
Bluffs. y
Members will meet at the Paxton
hotel, Fourteenth and - Farnam
streets at 10 a. m.
Stops ' Hair , doming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty..
A few cents buys "Danderine."
After an application of "Danderine"
you can not find a 'fallen hair or any
dandruff, jesides every hair shows
new life, vigor, brightness, more
color and thickness.
If you have Caurfhal Deafness or ar
hard of hearing or have head noises go
to your druggist and ge 1 ouneo of Par
mint (double strength), and add to it H
pint of hot water and a little granulated
sugar. Take one fcibiespoonful four times
a dry.
This will often bring quick relief from
the distressing head noises. Clogged
nostrils should open, breathing become
easy and the mucus stop propping into
the throat. It is easy to prepare, eosts
little and is pleasant to take. Anyone
who has Catarrhal Deafness or head
noises should give this prescription trial.
To Regain a Healthy,
Girlish Complexion
If you wouW have a clear, fresh, girlish
complexion, one ounce ot ordinary mer.
colised wax will aid you in this direction
more than shelves full of cosmetics. It
produces a natural beauty. This wax, pro
curable at any drugstore, completely ab
sorbs a bad complexion, revealing the
healthy young skin underneath. It work
ia done so gradually, day by day, that no
inconseni"n?e is caused. The wax is ap
pliedat night, like cold cream, and re
moved in the morning with soap and
water. ' k-
Another valuable rejuvenating treatment-"
this for wrinkles is to bathe your
face in a solution of powdered saxolite,
one ounce, dissolved in a half pint of witch
-hatel. This has a remarkable action in
smoothing out the lines and "firming up"
the loose tissue
.he lpttse
B e e
Music Reunites Divorced
Cupid has commandeered music
as an effective aid in reconciling es
tranged couples. ,
From St. Louis comes the story of
a physician and his wife who were
divorced last Autumn. The father
was given the custody of the chil
dren with the understanding that
their mother was to see them at
stated intervals in a musicuitore of
which the physician was part owner.
While theS mother was visiting her
children in the music store recently
the father came in. Instantly the
thought came to his partner that
here was an opportunity to attempt
a reconciliation. He put on a phono
graph the record of a plaintive song
the burden of which was that the
singer realized what it meant to be
The effect was immediate. The
doctor and his wife patched up their
differences and were remarried.
Among the presents at their second
wedding was the record with which
Cupid effected their reconciliation.
The old custom of legal adoption
i . the Hawaiian Islands, origin
ating when the tribes were often at
war, was intended to bring peace
among1 them. The practice still
prevails, and when a child is
"spoken foV' by 6ome relative or
friend, the baby, as soon as it can
leave its own mother, will be given
to the foster mother and will be
regarded as a sacred trust. One
mother had eight children, seven
of whom were adopted by friends.
The mothers are afraid to keep
them, if asked for, for fear of harm
to the child.
Perfection Cookers
Newly, now sn hand, for
tale at the old stand. Agents
wanted. Call or address Wm.
Gray, 1414 Capitol Ave., Omaha,
Neb. Tyler 8066.
Male Typist Wanted.
Sale of Aluminum
Ware at About Price
of Granite Ware
Union Outfitting Co.
The Exceptionally Low
Prices Are the Result of
a Most Fortunate
The Sale Takes Place Next
Saturday In Basement
With a sale of high grade,
Aluminum Ware the greatest
Omaha has ever known in many
months, from the standpoint of
extensive stock and little!
prices the Union Outfitting!
Company makes possible a sav
ing of hundreds of dollars to
Omaha women, next Saturday.
It is a Special Purchase, em
bracing a number of practical!
pieces, such as Sauce Pans, Pre-,
serving Kettles, Tea Kettles'
Rice Boilers, Aluminum Outfits)
and other wanted piects.
And the Aluminum Ware Is of
the' finest type, as it Is not af
fected by acids, nor will it tar
nish, absorb grease, , tastes or
odors, , )
The substantial saving on
every piece is just additional
evidence of the great Purchas
ing Power of the Union Outfit
ting Company; located just out
of the High Rent District. As al
ways, you make your own terms.
A Woman's
If a woman is borne
down by pain and sufr
f erings at intervals, by
nervousness or dizzy
spells, by headache or
backache, "Favorite
Prescription" should be
mmmmma jr
taken. A woman's
' temperance tonic and nervine that was discov
ered by Dr. Pierce over fifty years ago. "Fa
vorite Prescription" can now be had in tablet
form as well as liquid, at most drug stores. Send Dir. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for a trial package of tablets. Here is what one'
woman says of it: ;
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "I have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for one year.
Before I started to take it, every month I was in bed three to four days under a doctor's
caVe. . I was only 27 years old but the doctors said I would have to have an operation
before I could be well. I was so tired all the time and mneves seemed to be all
gone. I could not sleep at night and had headache all the time. I quii'lhe doctors and
started to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took it four times a day, anjj tif .
three months I did not have to go to bed, did not need a docton gained somuch in
the three months that my husband said: 'You take that medicine for a year,' and I did, ;
so. Now I do all my housework and have never had a headache since. k I sleep good, eat
goocl and feel good, my nerves are fine. Ithas been 21 months since I have taken Jhe
'Prescription,' and 1 have not had any return of the troubfe so far." MI:3. NOBLE
LOCKHARTr No.llll I Avenue, East. . . -
Do You Know XVI
Three Questions a Day for the
1. What is 1 the diffcrbnee be
tween green and black tea?
2. How to keep a kettle of fr. -ing
fat in good condition?
3. How to remove wagon
grease from wash clothes?
(These questions will be .-u-swercd
Monday hy. the House
wife.1) Answers to Yesterday's
1. More tomatoes are canned
Makes Hair Fluffy.,
To insure fluff nessTiuse the. hair
carefully in tepid water in whicb-j
youvnave squeezed me juice oi a nan
lemon. Now, while the hair is dry
ing, massage the scalp with the tips
of the fingers, in a circular motion,
sitting in the sunshine, if possible.
Rubbing a small quantity ' 1 of
vaseline into the scalp at this time is
not a bad idea, being careful not to
smear the hair. When dry sit be
fore your mirror and study the out
line! of your face, then see if. you
arc jwcaring your hair in the most
becoming way to you. ;
. Xever mind what the prevailing
style is. It is not a fad, but- becom
ingness, that counts. If the-coronet
braid round your head suits your
style better; than any other, adhere
to it.
' Three Great Events of the Year
The parades are a momentary pleasure soon forgotten, bbt a
Piano will be a source of pleasure for the family for a lifetime.
Prices Slashed Every Instrument Must Go Regardless
of Cost.
Beautiful $800 Player Pianos with
an ordinary player. A real value
low price of
jog liaft
111 I r-u e ..j I luTOkl Ik III
' Brand new fliOO Pianos, latest design, bountiful Hurl Wal
nut. Han Dominco Malionnr er onarter-sawrd Oak. S305.
Very small cash payment balance divided Into 36 monthly payment.
Fin tone
and action.
vtul. ense,
jnab. case,
Slightly ease
cheeked. .
Only 1
No matter where yna live. Wa shit anywhere to approved credit. Write
today. Mark with (X) Fiano Jnterested In. ' x
114-10-18 So. 15th St. . Thnne Douglas 162.1
in the United States than any
other vegetable.
2. Strictly speaking, frying is
Rooking in deep fat. while cook
ing food in a frying ' pan in a .
small amount of fat is sauteing.
3. Kjrgs should not be washed
until immediately 'before using
when the shell is washed the :
egg does not keep so well, hence
it is better not to put them in the
refrigerator at alt, but in a cool
place beside the refrigerator,
(Copyright. 10SO. By the McClurj
, . Newspaper Syndicate. )
' v The Softening Wave. "
A, little wave in the hair softens
the lines of the face. If your bait
is not naturally wavy, cither have a
permanent wave put into your
straight locks or do them up at
night on one of the new wavers that
gives such a natural appearance to
the hair.
. The Washington College of LaV
purposes to establish a scholarship
to aid girl law students who are
without the means necessary to se
cure their professional education.
The scholarship is to be named iu
honor of the late Belva A. Lock
wood, who .was chiefly instrumental
in securing the legislation neces
sary to admit women lawyers to
practice in the supreme court of the
United States.
all the latest appliances. Not
at the remarkable
' Fine bar
gain. Wal.
$800 '
$10 Worth of Musin. I J I 111 1 1 I fi J II I
Ji 77sTTrm. lili I A II
. . Unbleached1 Muslin... ,
Unbleached rr.uslm frock of tlic
firm, finely woven quality that some
stern housewives uie f6r2ThOts may
supplant the butilj, craze that has
about run its course in Greenwich
Village. One short haired vouhr
woman, wearied of the .smocks of
many daubs, is appearing- in an un
bleached mufclin gown sent her from
an obscure Kansas town by a little
mother who never heard of futurism
or the new art. iii costuming, And
because it is refreshingly simple and
original, other .village queens' are
adopting thc'riiode. J't is made in
one piece, with a. round neck, short
sleeves and largr pockets, one end
of which forms the trap for the
belt. The sleeyes, neck, pockets an I
belt are edged with an. old fashioned
cross stitch. in black. On the front
and on. the pockets are embroidered
prim hollyhocks or sunflowers.
Although the New York Tel
ephone company recently increased
the wages of the operators, estab
lishing a minimum wage of $15 and
a maximum of $25, the bureau of
Wn me ii Tn Tnrlnstrv rhhsMttr it too
"J - - - .
low and adds that the rati of pro
motion is too. flow to be an incen
tive for the operators to remain
with the company. -
Japanese women are- 'fas.t,. becoii)
Tug fol(pers of,the western fashion
of dress- for women and are laying
aside their kimonos for the more
advanced styles worn by heir
western sisters.
There's No Picture Like the
The greatest master-piece in the
Art Gallery of Life Nature'a
"Pictur of Health".
It la marvelous portray J ot the human
body at Its beat. One baMlds in its composite
dstail a true symbol of strength. It present
a fig-ure ot striking appearance In Its erect ear
riage.clwr skin, sparkling eyes.strong limbs,
study nerves and Arm museles;fairly vibrat--in
in animation - keen, alert, fresh, and
spirited; with an air of unbounded confidence
and a face radiant-fn color and illuminated
with a glow of bope and cheerfulness.
The Great General Tonic
Nothing Is nor sffleaeioos a rebnikisr ot eihsostsd nem sed
ahysical roreas than LYKO. the Brest gensrsl tonic. It tends to ram
the worn-out tliauss.'npltnisb tbs blood, areata new bower and nto'
nea and rows th spirit of those who are weak, frail, languid and
eTCT-wronght as th result of sleknsss, eieeesiwstrain, worry or otw-
wo It'sartlishsbls apetis,VPa?idto,d't,OD,,,,,
functional regulator of th lifer, kidneys and bowels.
At druggists saD LYKO. Get s bottle TO-DAY and ioe'0 aoaf
isseee to look mere like the picture of health. --a.
fob Mshnf.ct.rer., LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY
For sale- by Beaton Drug Co., 15th ano! Frnam Stat, and '
' ' , all retail druggtaU. , ' , '
Money back without queetloo
if HUNT'S Salve fails in th
treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
other itching skui disease. Try
75 cent boa at our risk.
Sherman 4 McConnell prug Co.
Also Blackheads. Ashamed To Go
On Street. Would Itch and Burn.
"My face and forehead broke out
with pimple and blackhead till I
wsi ashamed to go on the street.
The pimples were hard and small,
and would fetter up and scale over.
They -were scattered all over my
forehead, and sometimes they would
itch and burn.
"I noticed an advertisement for
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and
sent for free sample. I bought
more, .and when I had used two
cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box
of Cuticura Ointment 1 was healed."
(Signed) Mrs. JosP. Bender, R. R.
5, Winamac, Indiana.
Improve your skin by daily use of
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum. Splendid for the complexion.
laaalelaskrrMbTaUll. Address: "Oattears tab.
eralarle., Dept. H.KalaeatS. Maes.' Sold vnrf
where. Soap2Se. Ointment 4and60c Talcum 26c.
VCutieura Soap share without mug.
The scientific biendincr ftf
. of benefit to persons, who
NervoasocM Slceplessacs
Depression , Loss of Appetite
Brain Fag . DIgestlva TronMea
Slow Recovery from Inllnetaza and Kindred Anmeata
Are you run dftwyT Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then
try this- approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial
ingredients.. . . ' ' i " . , . ,
'Briatea is sold in original
ib-os. ootuta only. Jitfute
an $ub$Mutei.
Lift Off Corns! No PaJnl
Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little
Freezrfne on .an aching corn, in
stantly, that com stops hurting, tlien
shortly you lift it right off with rin
gers,; Truly 1, "
. Your .'druggist sells a tiny bottle
of.Freezone for a few cents, suffi
cient to remove every hard corn,
soft ?orii, or com between" the toes,
and the calluses, without soreness
or, irritation. .
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
of Health
' CouldNaturehavetakeinrMforhernadefl
' Suppose you study yourself in the mirror of
' the present and compare your looks, your f eel-
inire and your condition with the general
characteristics of this picture of th human
body in perfect working order, all parte of
which are sound, well organised and disposed,
performing their function freely, naturally.
If yon fail'In any single point of reeem.
blance, you are, hot the picture of health.
It' imperative, 'then, that you look to
, mean to rebuild your strength, energy and
vigor to bring your body up to oonnai
stau of efficiency ia all of it part.
LYKO Is said hi erfgtael BMh
egaa only, Ilk flaiHr hee
Jtefww all sjeksMMss.
Dandruffy Heads
Become Hairless
. ' If you want plenty of thick, beau
tiful, glossy,- silky hair, do by all
means get . rid of dandruff, for 1t'
will starve your hair and pitn It if
you don't.
Ii doesn't do much good to try
to: brush or wash it out The only
sure way to get rid of dandruff is -to
" dissolve it, then you destroy it
entirely. T do this, get about four
Ounces of ordinary liquid arvon;
apply .it at flight when retiring; use
enough to , moisten the scalp and
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning most,!- if not all, of .
your dandruff wilt be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy , every single sign and trace?
of it.
You will find, too, that all Itch
Ing tdrtd digging of the scalp will -stop
and your hair will look and
feel a hundred times better.' You
can get liktild arvon at any drug
store. It is Inexpensive and four
ounces is all yu will need, no mat
ter how much dandruff you have.
This 'simple remedy never falls.
Is determined to place hi great medicine
in 10,000,000 homes in 1820t He will
send you -a trial treatment of Dr. Burk
hart'i Vegetable Compound. If you hae
Liver, Stomach Trouble or Constipation,
don't let another day pass. It is an old
reliable herb remedy, which ha stood the
test for thirty-one years on two continent.
For sal all drug stores : SO days' treats .
ment, 26c; 70 days, fiOe. -Address Dr,
Burjchart Cincinnati, O.
suffer from v r
. Malm KiM(,eiu.
Monoaceticacidester of salicylicacid
J :