Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1920, Page 5, Image 5
- A THE BEE: OMAHA, KK1DAY, SUPlUMbttK . 24, 1V2U. ( ( r Homeless Ones x ' Of Rome Storm (Many Churches Catholic Cathedral Raided by Socialists Wno Are Unable v to, Gain Admittance ' Will Try Again. Rome, Sept. 23. The Osservatore Romano, the Vatican organ, says That last night socialists attempted to invade a church in a popular yoarter, but did not succeed in breaking through the door. . They postponed the undertaking to a later date, when, the paper assert?, they will attempt to occupy the Lat eran palace, which was once the residence of the popes. - ' -The" newspaper also asserts that socialists are threatening to invade ncainonc ciuo ana two nunneries Pbo r ndon, Sept. 23. The attempted invasion ot religious eaihces in NlRome is in part a movement among persons' unable to obtain dwellings, , owing to the shortage in housfig accommodations, to seize unoccu p;ed homes and other buildings and install themselves, according -to a dispatch tothe London Times frefn Rome. . '. - !. : " Regains Use of Right Arm : BySuccessful Operation John P. Cummings,. assitant tii N ' the passenger traffic tnanagerNof the Union Pacific systeiiJeft last Sun ; day for Rochester, Minv, with the forlorn hope that the Mayo brotKers will perform the miracle of restoring the Use of his right arm, incapacitat ed for the last 10 years as the result . of his being thrown from his pony twhife touring through Glacial park. Wednesday his wife received a Telegram from Rochester ith the lad tidings, that Jffr. Cumining's operation was successful, and his right arniiwill be restored. Common Sense t By J. J. MUNDY. 'tSet Rid of YcW Grouch. " Don't retire when you are angry. Get rid of your grouch before you go to bed. ' H there is a family jar in your home don't slam the door of your room and go to bed Where you lie awake with angrythoughts coursing through your brain. Retiring in this condition means a sleepless night, a restless, uncomfort able night a wild-eyed condition in the morning. You pay the real pepaltyext day. If anything happens atfrice or shop which angers you don't take yonur grouch home , to think of all evening. Doing this, if you are like, most mortals, means your main thought will be revenge. Your thoughts wit, be of a get even nature. .' - , ' The time between retiring and passing off to sleep is a 'good time to make plans for success and for next day's work, to improve it, but a particularly dangerous time to plan evil against anyone because the mind seems to be. able to suggest more diabolical methods of action at night. Use your valuable thinking time to good purpose. Copyright 'International Teature . , Sen-Ice. Inc. I'M THE GUY t I'M THE ,GUY who goes to sleep while he's crossing the' street and then bawls out theautomobile driv ers who rfearly run over him. Why should I keep my mind on ' where I'm gng atld what I'mTo ing if I want thinking of something else or nothjng at all? If I want to amble across the street with my mind on my own business it's up to yon to keep from hitting me. not up to me to keep out of -your vay. , i It's just as much my privilege ho cross a street, as it' is yours to ride on it, so where do you get off mak ing rules for me to follow? I'm .the one ithat "should make, the rules or you.; " And if 1 don t want to pay any at tention to your horn that's my af fair, too. And .I've as much right to bawl you out as you have to honk at ine. If you guys had your own way, guys like me wouldn't get any rest. But believe me, Johnny Goggles, you'll do the waking up when I'm sticking around. Ever time. WHY? Do we, speak of something as be ing "Simon pure?" , This expression, meaning "the .real man, had its origin in the Tiame of a Pennsylvania Quaker in Mr. Centlivre-'S comedy, "A Bold Stroke for a Wife" Being about to visit London to attend. the quarterly meeting of his sect, Antfnartab Holdfast sends a let ter of recommendation and intro duction by his friend, Simon Pure, to another Quaker, Obe-. diah Prim, a rigid stern man who is. guardian to? Anne Lovely, a young lady reputed to have a for tune of L30.000. Colonel Feign v.elt. another character in the same .play they favored descrip tive names in thos days being enamored of Miss Lovely and her r ... . M. t. 1 .n ionune, avails iiiuibch -i "-r cidental discovery of the letter of introduction, and ' succeeds m passing himself off as Simon Pure. The real 6imon Pure, calling at Prim's house, is treated' as an imposter, and is obliged to leave the house in order to find wit nesses who can vouch for him. Meanwhile, Feignvtell. fne villain of the piecej succeeds in obtaining from" Prim a written and un con ditional consent to his marriage with Anne. But virtue is tri umphant in the end. Simoa Pure reappears with his witnesses, the -scoundrelly Feignwell is exposed, Prim discovers the plot, 'which has tipn rnnrnrted. Anne falls ill love with Simon, and the origi nal letter given to reignweu, is used to secure a happy ending. In the light of modern dramatic standards the play may be con sidered lacking in some essentials, but it scored a great success when nrnrttirsl mirl th name of "Sl- Tiion Pure" was gradually applied to anything whicn was genuine and above . imitation, t (Copyright. 1J0, by the Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) BANK STATEMENT "Virter No. 2666 Reserve District Ko. 10. , '"RHPORT OF CON6lTION OF THE NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK AT OMAHA. IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA7 AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON SEPTEMBER 8th, 1920. RESOURCE 1. a Loins and discounts, including rediscounts. ..v ... . JJ. 108.614 .ltt- ndii.f ; d Notes 'nd bills reduteounted with Federal Reserve Bank other than bank acceptances solcl) (see ..... ', Item 6Sa 49j31.66 I Notes and bills rediscounts other than wKh Fed- ' ml Reserve Bank (other than bank acceptances ' , sold) (Seq Item 66b) 1?4.621.43 $1,074,252.99 $2,121,861. 1,905, It 2. Overdrafts unsecured J, U. St Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. Bonds par -. Value) 200,000.00 4 PlMned as collateral for State or other deposits or pills payable t f Owned and unpledged . . .. ; h War Savinirs ' Certificate! and Thrift Stamps cttlally owned ..." 106.000.00 2.8,86. 61 85.00 90,659.81 . Total U. 6. Government securities..." .. 6. Other bonds, securities, etc.t e Securities, other than U. 8. bonds (not including stocks), bwned and pledged t I : Total boncjs, securities, etc., other than U. S. ' 7. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock 8. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (60L per cent of sub scription) ....... A. 9. a Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered.. . 1 0. Furniture and fixtures j 12. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank... ..- I 13. Items, with Federal Reserve Bank process of collec tion (not available as reserve) 14. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 16.Net amounts due frcm Banks, bankers, and trust com v panics in the United States (other than included in Items 12, 13, or 14).... 1 (.Exchanger for clearing house H.Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 16)..... Total of Items 18, 14. 15, 1. and. 69D.832.18 18. Check-on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other, cash items." 19. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer A 20. Interest earned but not collected approximate on Notes, and Bills Receivable not past due $ 328,954.(1 90,659. 2.500. M.600. 215,000. 68,427. 298.833. 211,176, 887,970, 82.972, 6M74, 738 89.265.44 10,000.00 32.646.22 TOTAL ;.. .$3,923,886.40 107.068.01 66,767.02- 28. 10. 31. . ' LIABILITIES 22. Capital tork paid in 23. Surplus fund u. 24. a Undivided profits ...! ...V. $ b Less current expenses, interest, and .taxes paid.... 25. Interest and discount collected or credited, in ad- ' ' vance of maturity and. not earned (approximate) Circulating notes outstanding . Net amounts due to national banks Net amount due to banks, bankers, and trust com panies in the united staes ana loreign countries (other than included in Item 30) 82. Certified cheeks outstanding 83. Cashier's cheeks on own bank outstanding , r Total of Item 80, 31, 32, and 38.... $ 982,420.80 r Desaand deposit (other than bank deposit) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 39 days) : 34. Individual deposits subject to check?. .... J 35. Certificates of deposit due in lees than .60 days (other than for money borrowed) .. i 37. Deposit requiring notice, but less than tt days.... Total of demand deposits Aether than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 34 36. . - and 87 . ; ..3 1,827,812.73 Tim dsposkt subject to Reserve (parable after SO - days, or subject to 80 days or more notice, and v postal savings): " ' . 46. Certificates of deposit (otEer than for money bor- f I rowed) a . I . ; v Total of time deposit subject to Reserve, Item 40 ...t United States deposit (other than postal savings): U. s. Government Securities borrowed witnout furnishing collateral security for same. $ Bill payable with Federal Reserve Bank, 600.000.00 160,000.00 61.300.99 15.377.12 198.800,00 888,814.84 S19.692.81 8,297.24 68,615.91 1,(74,870.72 31,450.00 120,992.01 63.174.76 44. 46. 53,174.7. 49, 40,000.00 -55. TOTAL ...... 40,000.00 106,000.00 J A AU ........ ...... Liabilities for rediscounts ' with Federal Reserve name isee item 101. ..(.-. b Liabilities for rediscounts other than with Fed--v era I Reserve Bank '. Total eontinrent diahillliva IKK . and h) (not f including Items in Schedule 28 of report) .... J ,L- . -. 1 1 - 1 J! i . 1 J , . mi ...$3,928,386.40 949,731. 66 124,621.43 tount on which interest and , A Of the total loans and discounts shown above th discount was charged at rate iin excs f those permitted by law (See. 6197. Rev. Stat)' (exclusive ot notes uponl which total charge not to -exceed 60 cent was made) waa 4 None: the number of such loana was None . 0 STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF DOUGLAS. : TTH. W. Yates, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - , H. W. YATES, Cashier. , Correet-Attest ! . v - JOHN W.' TOWLE, .. .. . H. V. BURKLEY. . V ' . F. W. CLARKE. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day ot September, 1920, (SEAL) A. W, FRANCIS, Notary Public. More Truth Than Poetry By MMES J. MONTAGUE Parents Problems J5IiotiU girls of high school 3ge be permitted to sell fancy articles which they make? Under certain circumstapces there is no reason why this shotild not be clone. At little neichbornood fairs. I'for example, or for some fuch object as the Red CoSs, the girls might well make money'- in this way. T NO PEP Far be it from us, who by nature are quiet And little, addicted to struggle or strife, To pose as a flaming apostle of riot Or advocate rows in political life. But somehow, with haunting regret, we remember When candidates were not so flabby of spine, But went on the, stump from July till November Arraigning .op'pongnts as liars and swine. With gentle remonstrance no speaker Vould dally, , 1 They had fresh invectives to spring every night; Vast crowds would attend a political rally Because they were sure it would end in a fight A solon, accused of an improper action, Did not say the charge put a strain dn belief, But much to his; own and his friends' satisfaction, He labelled his rival a crook and a thief. ,- The issues were left for the papers to settle, The -candidates held them in utter disdain, And after the mode of the pot and the kettle . They, blackened each other throughout the campaign. They listed all crimes that were ever committed And swore their opponents had done the whole lot; They vowed that the job for which best they were fitted We mean thejopponents was stopping hot shot. We manage campaigns in a kindlier fashion; Our candidates argue with phrases polite; They never would stoop to the language of passion, And seldom do meetings break up in a fight. They talk to the crowd as they would a jury; - They never grow violent, Heaven forbid! Or lash themselves into a lather of f uty, Yet somehow or other we-wish that they did!" ' Whether they should ever do it otherwise than for charity is a ques tion for eaeh girl's mother to decide for her daughter. , ) Will Layv Cornerstone. McCook, Neb., Sept. 23 (Spe cial.) The cornerstone of the Ash Creek Lutheran church of this coun ty will be laid Sunday. A fine country church will be erected at cfice. ; " ... , y v f 6.':JrS" ' AND THEY DON'T NEED IT The speed-up "campaign doesn't sfppear to arouse aynbody but driv ers of automobiles. - - ' WE NEVER LEARN v. Ship yards are closing all over the country. We are a good deal like Nah. We only build ships whn w pre terriblv scared. t- ' (Copyright, 1920, By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CM IRSTAHT O rosniM The cost L is snall The benefit is great' - Uiose who feel illVeuhs from tea or coffee drinking soon profit by a change to Instant Postom nvnaoc I aw eMtfSSa I I , r ) NwsaCe CwassgJ I . Its pleasing flavor, ease of. preparlon.healthfulness .( and practical econonry com ' mend this tiSbleBeverage. Sold in 50 and 100 cup tins: A purchase fhytnifgrocer soon proves "There's a Reason" Macte try Postum CereeJ Co, Inc. Battle Creek. Mich. To the Man vlio is Interested in Truck Tire Economy ....-. '' ' . CAIffiFUL Suck owners are The tire that overcomes split figuring their costs pretty ting and tose-separationthat closely these days tire costs goes on its way day after day, 'along with the others. month after month, wearing . It is no Wer"clao on a new . down, smoothly ana uniformly 3 4. y I , tire and hang the expense.' At , V least, not witn the owners we come in contact with. Service, wear traction, cushioning qualities, construe tion are coming to mean more than they used to, not only to owners but to drivers of motor trucks j , - And the more they mean, the more we find truck owners and operators turning to the new United States Grainless Rubber Solid Truck Tire. . s without undue attention and without expenseT . , Handling United States Solid Truck Tires in this city is in keeping with the progressive . policy of our concern , Something new something a little in, advance of th? times is always coming out ofthe United States Rubber Company. , Before ordering a new truck, consult us , about fc the . kind of tires to specify. : ; ' ... -f . . ;tts Tires LIONBERGER TIRE AND SERVICE CO. .'. A '. . Distributors' V .- 2220-24 Harney St., Omaha Phone Tyler 1373 AUTOMOBILES One Price Cash Sale OF USlD CARS AND "DEMONSTRATORS DOUBLE DISCOUNT ON EVERY CAR , CASH Is the Only Consideration at These Prices 4 Double , Discount Sale Price. New Car Price. $3,850 is- Hudson Sedan This car is a 1918 series, but has seen very little service, having run less than 10,000 miles. Equipped with wire wheels, Goodyear Cord tires and in per-, feet shape mechanically. Refin ished, and looks like new. Kissel Kar Coupe 1 1920 model, run less than 4,000 miles. Original equipment throughout, includes wire wheels; Firestone Cord tires, with an ex tra wheel and tire. This car is newly varnished and guaranteed to be in perfect running order. CatfHlac Coupe This late model coupe has been used very little and is in excel lent condition mechanically. The car is refinished and looks and runs like a new car. Evanklin Touring: Car 1920 model, series 9-B. This car is the property of 'one of oufi salesmen. His only desire to sell is on account of wishing to own a Franklin Sedan. Mechanically perfect. Run less than 4,000 . ' miles. Franklin Touring 1917 model, series 9-A touring car. This car has run only 6,500 miles, has original equipment 'throughout, also has five white wire wheels, equipped with Goodyear Cord tires. Refinished, looks and runs like a 1920 model. - Franklin Sedan 1918 model, series 9-B. run only 10,225 miles. Overhauled, refin ished and , in pefect condition throughout. Goodyear Cord tires. This car has same lines and same general appearance as a 1920 model. Franklin Touring 1918 model, series 9-B, over hauled, refinished. Equipped with Goodyear Cord tires, all weather tread all around. Front bumner. all nickel parts refin- ? ished. Car cannot be told' from new. Franklin Sedan ' ' 1918 model, run less tha& 6,000 miles. Has all original equip ment, including Cord tires. It has ' been refinished, but not over hauled. Runs fine and is an ex cellent bargain. .Franklin Sedan v 1917 model, series 9-A. This car is in the shop now being rebuilt and refinished. Will run and look like a new car and will be fully guaranteed when delivery is made. This car can be deliv ered in about sixty days. . , Franklin Four-Passenger Roadster 1918 model, series 9-B This car has been run about 11,000 miles. Refinished and in excellent con dition. Cordtires throughout, new top. Well worth the money. UsediCar. Value. $2,500 v V $1,950 -$4,650 $3,500 $3,200 Hurry! Hurry! , This One Gone! Hurry! Hurry! This One Gone! $3,350 $2,600 $2,250 $4,650 $3,600 $2,900 $3,350 I. $2,600 $2,150 v. V $4,650 $3,200 $2,500 Hurry ! Hurry! This One Gone! Franklin Touring 1917 model rebuilt and refin ished. This car has always had excellent care, and is a first class buy at the price offered. $3,350 2,200 $1,700 .r Marmon Five-Passenger Touring 117 model 34.- This car has al ways been kept right up to the minute and ; has never needed overhauling. This is a five-passenger car, but can be made into a 6even-passenger at very little additional expense. You must see this car to appreciate its value. $5,300 Marmon Seven-Passenger Touring 1118 model 34. This car has been thoroughly overhauled, A refin- Mshed and we will guarantee it in every wayto. be as perfectas good workmanship and Marmon construction can be .made. A ) ride in this car will convince, you of its value. v , ' t $5,300 $3,800 1920 DEMONSTRATORS ' , AtlOc v per mile. Marmon Seven-Passenger Touring This car has" been' used only about two months as a demon strator, and is in the pink of condition. Guaranteed to you " ' the same as a new car. V ' $5,300 Franklin Five-Passenger Touring This car is especially equipped witU wire wheels, and bumpers. ' ) Has been run just enough to ' ' limber it-up, and your purchase , is fully protected by our Frank lin service guarantee.' ' x i - $3,500 Franklin Five-Passenger Touring This car has standard equipment -'throughout. Has been used on . the territory by our salesmen ' " and is sold under same guarantee as a new car. V ,$3,350 Franklin Five-Passenger Touring ' This car has been used in the city only for demonstrating pur- poses and will- be fully guaran- ICCU YfUVll SVIU. $3,350- $1,950 $1,500 $3,350 $2,650 H $3,200 At 20c per mile. $4,966 $4,632 $3,100 $2,700 $2,886 $2,422 Franklin Brougham ' This is our closed car demon strator and has been used mostly for private driving. Has special equipment consisting of wire wheels, over-sized tires and bumpers. Fully guaranteed when solCs . J TOTALS - $3,350 $2,980 $2,610 $4,800 $4,544 $77,020 $57,326 OPEN EVENINGS DURING AK-SAR-BEN JffMtm $4,288 $48,552 2019-2025 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 1712 I . X -- I 4".