Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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The marriage of Miss Lena M.
Browninsr of Woodbine. la . and An.
Irew C. Varley of Omaha took place
Tuesday evening at the home of Rev.
Charles W. Savidge, who officiated.
The attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Schuster. The bride wore a
suit of dark blue with hat to match
and a corsage of bride's roses, sweet
"ieas and forget-me-nots. The cere
"tjv was followed by a supper at
the Schuster home. After a short
;rip the couple will reside in Omaha
The marriage of Miss. Edith
Katherine Wahlstrom, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wahlstrom. to
Laurice Hanson of Kansas City
took place Saturday evening, Sep
tember 18, at the home of the bride.
Rev. O. Henry officiating.
The attendants were Ruth Wahl
strom, cousin of the bride, and El
mer Wahlstrom, brother of the
bride. Mrs. i Arthur Wahlstrom
sang 'preceding the ceremony and
Mildred Wahlstrom played the
wedding march. '
After an eastern trip the couple
will reside in St. Louis.
Surprise Party.
Mrs. C. A. Hultgr'en was sur
prised by a number of her friends
Monday afternoon, the occasion be
ing her birthday. Those present
were Mesdames L. Peterson, August
Olson, Vestlund, E. Peterson, W.
Peterson. O. Ostland, Tillie Ander
son, F. Sieborg. Miss Tillie Daniel
son and Miss Ruth Ostlund.
Phi Beta Pi.
The following students at Uni
versity of Nebraska medical col
lege have been pledged to Alpha
chapter of Phi Beta Pi frater
nity: Frank Anderson of . Lincoln!
David Block of Fremont, Clarence
Rice' of Rising City, Dewey Brown
of Cambridge, Theodore Fienimons
of Canistota, S. D.; Blaine Bab
cock of Lincoln, and George , Fisch
er of Kcnesaw.
A smoker, was held at the chapter
house last Friday evening, when
.'3 were present. A dance will be
Ktven at the house during the next
two weeks,
' I
Miss Sorenson Honored.
Miss Grace Sorenson has been re
iKrted state representative of the
League of American Penwomen.
Headquarters of this organizajion
pre at Washington, D. C. Omaha
members include Miss Sorenson,
Mrs. Myron Learned, Mrs. Alfred
Darlow, Mrs. C. N. Dietz and Miss
L. Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farnsworth
are expected home Friday from an
extended trip.
Mrs. H. R. Howe of Auburn,
ieb.. is an Ak-Sar-Ben guest of
Mrs. C. M. Buck. (
. Mr. and Mrs. W.'E. Martin will
return Thursday evening from an
extended western trip.
Mrs.' C. E. Crane-of Springfield,
O., is spending a few days with her
brother,1 Lucius Wakeley, at ; the
Miss Vernelle Head leaves Tues
day for New York City, where she
will spend the winter ajid study
voice under Witherspopn. !'
Mrs. Trior Jprgenson, who under
went an operation for appendicitis
at the Swedish Immanuel hospital
a week ago, is improving.
Mrs. C. T. Kountze, who has been
spending the last two months :n
Wianno, Mass., is expected home
the latter part of the week.
Ruth Mildred Long, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Long, ha gone
n Nehraska university at Lincoll.
where she will be a sophomorS.
' Joseph Cleland, son of Mrs. E.
R. Cleland, has returned to Kemper
Military academy at Boonville, Mo.
George H. Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Johnson, is also a
student there.
('... lV..;n l.,ff WofttiocHav
to attend the marriage of Miss
Clarinda Martinson . and Frank
Kretchmer, in Mead, Neb., Wed-
, nesday. Miss Wesin will spend the
' week end in Lincoln.
Business Girls' League.
The K. K. K. .club of the Busir
ness Girls' league will hbld a busi
ness meeting Thursday evening.
The league will entertain at a
dancing party Thursday evening at
8:30 o'clock.
Night School Reopens.
Through the courtesy of W. E.
Reed and J. H. Beveridge the night
school for residents of the .Social
Settlement district will reopenl Wed
nesday evening in the West Side
school. Classes will be held every
Wednesday and Friday evening. at
7 o'clock. Mrs. L. M. Jensen and
Miss Annabel Graham will be (the
The school has been in session
during tJie summer months at the
."-.-jsl SeMlement house. More than
M registrations have been made for
th winter session.
Omaha Walking Club.
The Omaha Walking club's pro
gram for the fall season has just
been completed and copies of the
bulletin are being mailed out this
The first walk will be held Sun
, day afternoon, September 26. Mem
ber? will meet at 3:15 o'clock at
Avery Crossing, a station on the
Bellcvue and Fort Crook interurban.
The walk will be through the south
end of Fontenelle forest. Leo Bo
zell. leader.
Bizarre Hatpins .
Huge cabochons of jet of semi
precious stones 'dangle frorn the
Paris hatpins, and when worn on
each side of milady's' chapeau give
the effect of drop ear rings.
Miss K. M. Ogler of Guernsey.
England, has produced the style of
-wearing Dutch shoes at Barbeton,
Ohio. v '
Woman's Section of The
j Do You Know---XV.
Three questions a day for the housewife. x
1. What is the most extensively canned vegetable in the United
2. What is the difference between frying and sauteing?
3. ' Should eggs be washed before putting them in the refrigerator?
(These questions will be answered this week by the Housewife.)
Answers to Tuesday's Questions.
1. Graham bread which was first known about a 100 years ago
received its name from a temperance advocate and reformer, Dr.
Sylvester Graham.
2. To prevent crust forming on loaf cake before cake is baked
through, place a piece of paper over the top when-you put the cake
in the oven.
3. Newspaper kept over the ice keeps it from melting, but it
prevents the ice from cooling the refrigerator. Usually it is bad practice
as it saves ice but spoils food. ,
(Copyright, 1920, by the MuClur Nfupaper Syndicate.;
Stepping Lively
Goes On Even
In Orient
The familiar "step lively" of the
subway conductor and policeman
which hastens the movement' of cos
mopolitan life is not escaped today
eveilin the Orient. One needs to
watch her step when traveling by
steamboat up a languid oriental
stream just as carefully as when
boarding the subway at Forty-second
street during the rush hour, ac
cording to the report of a Y. W.
C. A. secretary stationed in Canton,
"When a passenger wishes to get
off the steamboat,'' writes this Y. W.
secretary, "a shrill whistle is blown
to summon a small boat to carry
her 'to shore. Then a man carrying
a long bamboo pole with a hook on
its end climbs out on a little ledge
on the side of the steamboat, ready
to catch hold of the boat as it passes
by. The steamboat slackens its
speed but very little and passengers
need to 'step lively' into the row
boat or they will be left behind.
Baggage is tossed in after them."
Problems That Perplex
Answered By
A Fickle Swectlx-nrt.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I went with a
young man for three months and
saw him about four nights each
week. He seems to care a great
deal for me, and I in turn thought
the world of him. He was drafted
and was away for 18 months, dur
ing which time I wrote to him three
or four letters each week. He al
ways answered my letters and sent
m many little gifts. While he was
on board ship returning to the
United States he wrote me a card
stating that he would be on land
within three days and would see
me at once. After the ship land
ed, I waited but didmot hear from
him for about 10 days. J could not
imagine what happened, so wrote a
very nice letter to him asking for
an appointment so that he could ex
plain the delay; We met, but he
seemed very cold. After that he
would call me up and make ap
pointments, but would not keep
theji. What shall I do?
The terrific experience of the war
did strange things to many soldiers.
They saw and lived through things
which made this country placidly
going about its own way in the
midst of enjoyments and wealth
seem alien and cruel when they re
turned. Many of their dreams elud
ed them. They cannot always ex
plain themselves. It is more than
likeljr that the young man who is
hurting lyou so is going 'through
some queer experience in his' own
soul. Why don't you try to be a
friend to him instead of demanding
explanations he minute he disap
points you?
Make a Fight for It.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 21 years
of age and am in love with a young
lady three years my junior. We
love each other .dearly, and she is
willing to wait about three years
for me until we have accumulated
enough to . start a comfortable
home. The young lady, was brought
up ii" comfortable circumstances
and has always had what her heart
desired. Her folks object on the
ground that she will be unhappy if
shH cannot have everything. They
want her to stop going out with
me, as they want her to marry a
well-to-do, prosperous young man.
Now she does not know as to
whether she is in duty bound to
obey her parents or to let love take
its natural course. As to me. I
don't know whether I should leave
her or stay. ' X. V. Z.
The girl of today is not often
equipped to help a poor man make
his way in the world. If parents
were to train girls to understand
their share of marriage and to be
willing to start on a simple scale
and make sacrifices to pay for their
happiness, such problems as yours
would not arise. But these par
ents want to see their daughter sur
rounded by luxury, missing the fact
that it is not worldly goods which
will bring her happiness. 1 I hope
that if your love is big and honest,
and unafraid, you will make a fight
for it
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly
Spots How to Remove Easily.
Here's a chance, Miss Freckle
Face, to try a remedy for freckles
with the guarantee of a reliable
concern that it will not cost you a
penny unless it removes the
freckles, while if it does give you a
clear complexion the expense is
Simply get an ounce of Othine
double strength from any drug
gist and a few applications should
show you how easy it is to rid your
self of the homely freckles and get
a beautiful complexion. Rarely is
more than one ounce needed for
the worst case, i
Be sure to ask the druggist for
the double strength Otoe, as this
strength is sold under guarantee of
money back if it fails to remove
Perfection Cookers
Newly made, now on hand, for
sale at the eld stand. Agents
wanted. Call or address Wm.
Gray, 1424 Capitol Are., Omaha,
Male Typist Wanted.
What Pensive
Beauty Autumn
When earth repays with golden
The labors of the plough,
And ripening fruits and forest leaves
All brighten on the bough;
What pensive beauty autumn shows,
Before it hears the sound
Of winter rushing in, to close
The emblematic round 1
From "Thought on the Seasons,"
by William Wordsworth.
t Tact and the
, Hostess'
Don't forget that when you are the
hostess more is expected of you in
the way of tactfulness and consider
ateness than when you are the guest.
There are some women you know
who rather revel in their bhmtness.'
This type are rather in evidence at
the present time They have gained
a reputation for cleverness and witti
ness because they-do not stop to
weigh the consequence of every re
mark they make. Our grand-mothers
would have regarded them as
impertinent and ill-bred. We speak
of them as "refreshing."
And there is always the woman
who brings down laughter at the ex
pense of other people. She mimics
well, and she can always tell a funny
story about some one else. She
doesn't say anything downright
mean, but what she says always
makes you wonder what she says
about you when you are not present.
Doubtless these women add to the
liveliness and merriment of most
gatherings. But the hostess, today
as in the days of our grandmothers,
must remember that she must not be
too outspoken. There is a brand of
tactfulness that can soften an argu
ment without giving reproof to those
who -argue, and a way of paying a
compliment that 'will make the one
who has just been hurt by another's
thoughtlessness actually forget the
hurt and remember only the compli
ment. Now remember that we do
not invite our friends to our homes
to abuse them or to make, them wish
that they had not come. To the well
bred hostess her least important
guest deserves as great courtesy as
the most distinguished. The fact
tha she has invited him to her house
entitles him to her consideration so
long as he is under her roof. If you
want to pay special court to any one
invite him as your sole guest, but do
Beautiful WJmn I
of Soclety.durlngtheput I
seventy years have relied '
upon it for their dlstm-
VjZulshed appearance. The
Soft, refined, pearly
renders Instantly, is
always the source of
flattering comment.
Still More
At the Bowen Store all
this week for the house
keeper desirous of sav
ing. KELLOGG'S Toasted
Corn Flakes, 9C
3 pkgs.. . 4-DC
Harkin's Cocoa Hardwa
ter Castile Soap; great
for the bath wonderful
for a shampoo and per-
iect for toilet pur
poses. Per cake .
Carnation .Milk Best
for cooking and the cof
fee; two cans OC
only 4tOC
Bowen's Better Brooms.
Get a Broom at our value
16th at Howard
N Baby Coughs
require treatment with remedy that eon
tain no opiatee. Pito's i mild but effec
tive; pleasant to take. Ask your druggist for
not make the mistake of lavishing
your attention on the one favored
guest when others who are present
might feel slighted by your action.
N. Y. Sun. .
Sorrel Soup
Sorrel soup has a slightly acid fla
vor, making it particularly appetiz
ing. Wash thoroughly one pint of
chopped sorrel leaves, and put into
a saucepan with three tablespoonfuls
of butter, five large lettuce leaves,
a sliced onion and a few sprigs of
parsley. Stir over the fire for a
few moments, then sift in two table
spoonfuls of flour and mix well.
Now pour in gradually, stirring con
stantly, three quarts of boiling wa
fer. Simmer for 20 minutes, then
add one cupful each of mashed po
tatoes and hot milk. Season to
taste with salt, white pepper and
powdered nutmeg and serve hot.
Securities Boot Shop
No Tax
To Pay
Are Cordially Invited Up to
This Money Saving
Boot Shop
Second Floor,
Securities Building,
16th and Farnam
Frances Baetens
Teacher of Piano '
Studio Now Open for Fall Term.
Rates: $1.50 the Half-Hour Lesson.
Studio, 151 lVa Dodge St.
Tel. Douglas 3084.
m 1
$io WI V
The Howe oi
for Men and Women
ill Work Guaranteed V
Ult Doneln Rt. Tet Done. 1SW '
This wonderful book will be
sent free to any man upon re
B02Pernj Blorh,ha5hviHe.Ti?nn .
Sharp Knives
Tack a piece of sandpaper on a
board and keep it in the drawer with
the paring knives. Rub the knife
across the sandboard when it seems
MUSIC Immeasurably Increases
The Joy of Living
Music in your home will
pleasure of every member
It is a God-given com
panion to man in his
every mood, and is
within the reach of all
Come in and see our
Pianos, Grands and
Players then ask your
self if music is doing its
full, value in your home.
There is no investment
you and your family more
"The Home
of Pleasant
Remember We Are Selling Caruso Tickets NOW.
Dr. Ethel Thrall Maltby
East Side,. 15th, Bet. Harney and Farnam
Private Dressing and Rest Rooms
Douglas 3072 Hours, 105:30
U PON entering either of our stores, did you
ever see the salesmen lounging on the
show cases, smoking cigars or cigarettes,
telling stories, taking their daily boxing lessons,
or anything which would give our store the as
pect of a loitering, place? Did you?
' r '
We serve hundreds of women shoppers every week
they are pleased to come here, because they are shown the
greatest courtesy and respect. Tips is truly a women 3
storpWomen's likes are catered to. .
J '
We beiieve women are better buyers of Men's Shirts,
Underwear, Hose and the like. Women know merchan
disethey know when the price is right-and therefore
we believe our suggestion to men, to let "friend wife
do your shoppie?;, is a very wise one.
Tell "her" to come in today We've a most unusual
showing of Women's PHOENIX HOSE-ihe'll be de
lighted at the assortment, and this will givether an op
portunity to get acquainted. x
Two Phoenix Stores:
508-io South 16th
and 1908 Farnam St.
Kill That
Colds, Coughs
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
1 Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves
' Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in fill's.
A mild yatera of
Rectal Diaeanet in
eration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general aneathetie awed.
A cure guaranteed in every eaae accepted for treatment, and no money ia to be paid amtil
tared. Write for book on Rectal Diaeaaea, with namea and testimonials of more than
l.WI prominent people who have been permanently cured. ,
PR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium. Petejra Treat Bid. (Bee Bldf.) Omaha. Wofc. v
dull. Often knives seem dull and
the edge can be freshened without a
regular sharpening.
Jn England the lalbr unions have
overcome all prejudices.
to the 7
in me jf w
you can make which will bring
pleasure and contentment.
for Men
Cold With
La Grippe
- Pay When Cured
treatment that eurea Pile. FUtala and other
a abort tiro, without a aavere nn;ieal op.
nd I
Harney J
' Corner Sixteenth and Jackson Street' ,
Fascinating Styles
r i
wanted materials in Skirts.
$19.50 $34.50
Showing many artistic models in the new "wrappy" effect.
Handsome tailoring, in fact noticeable, silk lined. Beautiful ma
terials including Duvetyn, Gold Tip Suede, Evora and many others.
Charming Fall Dresses
? Graceful new models in elaborate bead- $6$'l7''.n
Graceful new models in elaborate bead
ed designs. Effective braided and em
broidered dresses in a host of latest styles
all most reasonably priced at
Ied aesigns. riiiecuve urameu iiu cm- f m l WY
broidered dresses in a host of latest styles A f i Up
A Big
Boys' Corduroy Suits
Excellent wearing corduroy ma
terial, fine tailoring and good fall
styles, belted models, etc. Ages 7
to 17 years.
Regularly $12.50
"Right- Posture
Boys' Clothes
on Sale Thursday
There are values in this sale up to . :
S25. Offering parents the most at-
tractive economy. Most every wanted
material, sturdy cheviots and
maroa Vfl
meres, variety of
shades. All are
tailored with ex
tra care. Newest
fall styles. Ages
8 to 18 year's.
Juvenile Suits
New Fall Styles
y $g95 Up
Wecarry a large stock of
suits for the little fellows
aged 3 to 8. Fine wearing
materials, stylish tailoring.
Too Fat?
Do not try to become slen
der by drastic doses of
weight and wautliae; also
.1 liahlKnrein
thispicture gives youan
idea howshelooked and
felt. By laKing aiorem .
and following easy direction of Koreln system
she reduced front clumsy features to Kracelul
proportions. Now heisaiile,
tally alert and in better health. Why not you?
Reliable anti-fat self -treatment.
Become Slender and Stay So
Many, both texes, report they have reduced
10 tm 60 pound. No starvine;; no exhausting
exercise, brromt txquitiUlv tttnder ana
remain to. Safe, pleasant method, endorsee
by physicians. Legions of testimonials. 100
CUARANTEEormcmey refund. Buy Korein
(pronounced korten) at buav dmirita.
&ow fat friend this ADVERTISEMENT.
Money back without queetjon
If HUNT'S Salve fail. In the
treatment of ITCH. ECZEMA.
other itching akin diaeaaea. Try
t$ ceo bos at our risk.
Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.
Try The Bee Want
Ads quick results
4 .
Many are richly fur trimmed, attractive
braided designs, stunning effects in em
broidery, and all cleverly modeled. De
veloped in newest fall shades and materials.
Fall Skirts and Blouses
In vast variety. Very effective colot com
binations in both Skirts and Blouses.. All
cas: i- ffy-
7R i M l
e fcfjf
"Every-Boy" Shoes,
$3.25 to $5.50
Good styles best materials.
Guaranteed to wear or a new
pair free.
Removing Ugly Hairs
Entirely New Method
(Actually Removes tba Root) '
The question is often asked whether a
really permanently efficacious hair-remover
exists, and the answer has heretofore been
very unsatisfactory. Fortunately, there
a new remarkable process that really re
moves every hair entire, root and all I
It Is different from and far hetter ttm..
electricity, depllntortei, the razor, or any
other method. If you'd like to try it. just
Kft a stick of t'helactine from your drux
Rist, follow the simple instructions and
with your own eyes see the hair roots
come out! Roota arc removed quickly,
easily, leaving the skin perfectly smooth
and hair-frce.
Thelactine is non-irritating, odorless,
and ao harmless you could eat it I
Olive Oil
fine for growing children
- v - . - -
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.