THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER MA 1920. Wife Says She Will Stick by x Pastor Hubby Girl Bride of Omaha Divine, Held in Denver, Declares That "Bobby" Acted in Good Faith. Young Mrs. Robert Jenkinson, wife of the preacher-promoter held in iJenver on a charge of passing a worthless check, said yesterday, upon her arrival here from Denver, that she "will stick to Bobby, whether he is right or wrong." Her bisband is held in Denver, awaiting arrival of Omaha detcc- tives. Mib. Jenkinson" until her marriage, three weeks ago, was Mar tha Peterson, 4712 North Fortieth street. ' ."Everything- Bobby did was in good faith," she declared. "He may have done wrong to venture into liigl) finance, but his object was good to win a fortune s6 he could complete his theological education and build a church. ; - "There is nothing to the report that he is engaged to Myrtle Lang of Denver. He broke that off the Sunday after we were,, married. I met Miss Lang in Denver, and we are stood friends." I Dry Candidate Will ' Withdraw if Others Will Pledge Support Washington, Sept. 22. Aaron S. Watkins, prohibition presidential nominee, declared in an address bfe fore the Fifteenth International Congress Against Alcoholism, that he would withdraw from the presi dential race if a pledge of support for the' dry program could be ob tained from any one of the other candidates. "I ask only two things of the other candidates," Mr. Watkins said. "Whenever any one of them pledges himself to enforce the 18th amendment and enforce the Vol stead act, if elected, and to use all ot his power and influence to retain ihem as a part of the nation's law, I will agree to ask our national committee to release me from the ticket." Mr. Wtkius made his statement as a reply to intimations by sever al other speakers that the presence of the prohibition ticket in the field might jeopardize the chances of "known" dry advocates and might also result in overturning the dry majority in congress. Bomber Pleads Guilty Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 22. Mich ael Kolachuk, charged with placing a bomb near the home of Superin tendent of Police Beach pleaded guilty today. He was sentenced to from 10 to 15 years in prison and fined $1,000. ADVERTISEMENT. Dorit use cosmetics to hide skm trouble Resinol N aids poor complexions If your complexion is rough, red, or pimply, don't try to cover up the de fects with cosmetics which do not con ceal, but usually attract attention to the reason for their use. ( Begin today to clear your skin with Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. , This treatment not only cleanses the kin and enables it to breathe, byt usually removes blotches, redne.s and roughness. Ask your dealer for Keiinol Soap and Ointment. A I V EKT IS KM EXT. Hair Often Ruined By Careless Washing 4 '. Soap should be used very care- fully, if you want to keep your hair f'looklng its best. Most soaps and ".prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. 1 The best thing for steady use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than anything else you can use. One or two tcaspoonsful of Mul sifiej will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes , an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing fcvery particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every, member of the family for .. months. Be sure your druggist gives you Mulsified.. Grow Your Hair GET THIS FREE If yoo fcrt dandruff, or If your hair b faltlnc out, or if you have a. bald (pot, you ihould know that lefiona of pert aria have overcome these troubles through a genuine Indiana' recipe, which will be mailed you free with a proof box of the wondarf oily effieadMi oint ment, Kotalko, if you (end only 10 eta. (lilver or stamps) to pay the coat of this notiee, to J. H. Brittiin, BZ-301. Station f., New Yirk est Value Your Ey Bon-Opto Is a system of carina; for iht eyes at home. It Is used by more than a million people who care for their eyes as they care for their teeth; to cleanse and preserre them. If you are not ooo of the million Join their ranks today. Got a Home Treatment Outfit from your druggist and use as directed. Clean, fresh feeling eyes and the clearness of vision will make the , world seem brighter and your day's work less tiresome. Not Fbrileiana and EreSMciaJlsta prcserlba Boa -Opto ee a safe heme ran-edrlathetKat- raent of era troubles and to atroDffthen ayt lht. It is sold Oft . monsy tea bw i drugglata, Downtown Programs. Sun "39 v East," starring Con stmce Binney. ' Rialto "The Mollycoddle." Strand '"What's Your Hurry?" Moon "The Mutiny of the Elai nore." Empress "A Light Woman." Muse "Li Ting Lang." Neighboring Houses. Grand Wallace Reid in "Sick Abed." Apollo Anita Stewart in "Mind the Paint Girl." Hamilton Shirley Mason in "Molly and I." Charlie Murray, a Sennett come dian, says this about woman: "Give her the best of it, because she al ways gets the -worst of it." In "Nineteen and Phyllis," Charles Ray's latest picture, the star is seen, as a dashing,; young town boy. The picture is his third independent production. 2X U6LAO Director Paul Powell has com- The attractive Douglas Fair- pleted the cutting of "The Eyes of banks smile played on the screen the Heart," a Mary Miles Minter f ft Rialt0 theatef a last ni ht production, made from the story, . , Blindness," by Dana Burnett. -. " The Mollycoddle." The all- night showing wAs an innovation in A un rtccouni oi ciiza, mc well-known stage comedy made fa- this city, and the regular Fairbanks mous bv Louis Mann and Clara action ana tnruis were nor iacwng. Lipman, is to be produced for the Fairbanks' next picture is "The screen by Jesse B. Hampton. Curse of Capistrano," a Spanish set- The territorial rights for all the ting. new tsessie .Love productions ior China, Manchuria, Japan, the Phil ippines and South America have been disposed of, the producers say. f IIBon-OprI lBB-AfcJl 1 vBtaraffaaaaMM mam reiand ru bjallactira Jap Premier Hopeful of Immigration Agreement Tokio, Sept. 22. Hope that nego tiations between the Japanese ana American government over the Cali fornia question would reach a settle ment, in view ot the historical friendly relations between the two countries," was expressed by Pre mier Hara in addressing provincial governors here Tuesday. He de clared he could not make any defi nite statement as to the progress of the work. Thieves Who Stole Naval Secrets of U. S. Go to Prison Tokio, Sept. 22. Two Japanese who, were arrested when trying to sell American documents which had been stolen from the Yokosuka naval station were sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment Tuesdays according to newspapers here. i Cleveland Man Is Named On Federal Reserve Board. Washingon, Sept. 22. Dr. D. C. Wills of Cleveland, O., was appoint ed a member of the federal reserve board today by President Wilson. J lr r:ii e t. i. - J p ivir. vv ins iuruieny was ciiairmaii ui the board of directors of the federal reserve bank at Cleveland. Women Watch the Clock in our stores and factories 'for that blessed hour when the day's work ends. The reason is readily seen, as the nature of their duties too often drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of organic troubles peculiar to women, causing backache, head aches, nervousness and irritability, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a simple remedy, made from roots and herbs may be relied tjpon to overcome these troubles. ' Brief City News Stores Will 1U Open Otnnha stores will not close today for the daylight parade,- in spite of persist ent reports that they will do so. Stock Man ''Surd William S. Cline, South Side- live stock man,.j was . sued tor divorce in district court yesterday by his wife. Esther, who charges cruelty. Miss Snsso To Speak Mlnrf Alma Sasse, author of "A tlamlbook for Republican Women," will tour Ne braska next week in he interests of the republican national candi dates. lawyer Sued Charglnsr that her husband treated her cruelly, Ethel Curran yesterday filed suit for a separate maintenance decree against her hsuband, Thomas Curran, a lawyer. Duluth Men Kntcitaiiletl Omaha grain and elevator meil- yesterday entertained seven members : of the Duluth Board of Trade. ' A dinner was given tor them at the athletic club last, night. Judge Wado To Hear Suit The suit of the State Railway coinmis' feion to enjoin railroads from charg ing 3-cent fares In Nebraska will be heard by Judge Wade in federal court here ixt Monday. Dies From Wounds Police are looking for John Crukovich in con nection with thr death of Stephen Zubruich, who died yesterday at St. Josephs hospital as a result of a bullet wound received in a brawl, August 5.. Decides on llec-pivor District Judge Leslie decided yesterday that he will appoint a receiver for the Industrial Chemical, Supply com- pa'ny. The company Is said to owe $4S,u0O. ' Clarkfc Carnaby will prob ably be appointed receiver, attor neys said. , Both Witnesses lrescnt The two witnesses of their niarrlaget 5(f years ago, were present yesterday at the golden anniversary celebra tion of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Randall, 4S22 Poppletun avenue, held at the home of rhelr daughter, Mrs. F. K. Brady, 4S06 Poppleton avenue. Think Mother Has Girl No trace of 9-v ear-old AU'doYa Rutledge, kid naped last Monday, has been found by city detectives, who believe she is with her mother in Wagner S. D. OhliK'iKO "Highbrows" A special train carrying 150 Chinese students to Eastern universities will pass through here tonight on the Union Pacific railroad. American Legion in lurude The naval reserve division of the day light parade today will be heaMed by the Great Lakes naval training band. Commander D. C. Buell and Lieut. Commonder Lauder will be In charge of this division. The division will be part of the American Le gion contingent of the parade and will form north of the postoffice at 1:3 o'clock. Pullman Company Makes $3,313,709 Clear Last Year (Chicago, Sept. 22. After paying all expenses .and taxes and declar ing dividends totaling $9,599,800 the Pullman company had $3,313,709.11 left from the year ending July 31 to appjy to the surplus fund, the annual report, made public today, shows. The total revenue for the year was $14,519,777,26. 1 B" It WARNING ! . Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 20 years and proved safe by milrfons. SAFEST FIRST! Accept only an 'linbroken packace" 01 genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, dos, Rheuma tism,, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly American! Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but 41 fw cents Larger packages. Aalrlo ! tlic trade mark of Eayer ManuUcfura ot Monoacetlcacldeiter of BaltcylleacU " -J ' w on &j 1 Mr An sni m ya 214 In. Corner Posts, 1 'A In. Fillers 1 Satin Finish as Shown m ADVERTISEMENT "On the CcasfWe All Use Howard's Buttermilk Cream arvTTTiirtrt- a NUXATED l m Pr Strong, Sturdy m I j" ''"J V Men ai,l B L.Ks9ii XV BeauUful e 1 111 Owl Drug Co., Sherman & McConnell'a kSkI i 1 TT H Ot?T't'S-fl' 6 Busy Stores and all other good druggists. - iHfcr I (- I I tfflHlS2sSl' I I 1 I , m mmmmmfu ! -I EBotl 'llllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllliMlllinillllliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiniiii iii.'iiiiiiiiiiiniiimtrrr.iiiniMi a m m M M M n m in m r i iKjajffiLa L Au impressive massive bed for a large bedroom. It' stands H ior the best wearing quality that you can buy. Finish is HI polished brass and the bands are the satiny, smooth ones that are so ,;reatly admired. The foundations ire the strongest to be had in fact, each part is built with the idea that it is to last a lifetime. The price for this beauty is Novelty Style Steel Bed 75 Measures up t0 tbe best ideals in mattress-making without any added cost for things that might be con sidered fastidious or un necessary. It is the kind of mattress thousands of intelligent people want. Very striking Is this all steel , bed with polished brass insets at head and foot ends. You wiU find us wearing qualities i satisfactory. Don't forget that your i crrdit Is good. Wal nut or Mahogany. Usual Credit Use Your Credit m The Or-Wi-Co is one of a line ot well-built mattresses Measured against the actual serv ice It will render it is probably the mos,t economical Mattress in America to say nothing of the comfort it will make possible and its smart tailored appearance. Hear the New Columbia Records Perhaps you did not know that our store -Is a center for the Columbia Grafonola. It is, and we will be only too pleased to have you hear the new records as they come in. . . American Walnut Suite Beautiful! $32 This suite is Indeed the suite da luxe. The cut gives you but a faint hint of the exquisite beauty of the pieces. Note especially the daintiness of the linss and decorations of the four pieces. Use your credit i( you with- but do not fail to have thl 8Uite at 3 -Piece Library Suite umed finish w lier l'abricoid. v designed Table Ms A elf for We Jn Ira m a trn - Rich Golden Oak A handsome library table in the much liked mission style. Has large drawer and wide lower shelf for books, maga-. zines, etc. Strong- ly braced and well constructed. Cash or credit the price is Comes in the fumed finish with upholstering of Spanish leather l'abricoid. The chairs and tnhln nre cleverly designed nnd comfortable. nninue lower she holding of books, raaga lines, etc. Suite complete This good-looking young woman says: Buttermilk and Cream simple reme dies best keepa face, hands and arms in exquisite condition soft, smooth and beautiful guaranteed. Be sure you get Howard's Buttermilk . Cream Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cuticura Soap - AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin 3ef.Oirnt.TaJeia..eirrfwhjra.FaapIa sddrm: Ctter Ltoiorll,Dit.X,at14a.laia. Wretchedness OP Constipation Can Be Quickly Overcome by , CARTER'S UTTLE ir ar ett t e Partly ee-. taolt sure , and eeitly on the tivet. Re- y lieveblliout- J Bess, head, ache, diixi- --nesj and ndigestion. -. oury, CARTERS ITTLE VER PILtjS They do their. Ssiall PV1 Small Dote SmaU Price The most important thing in the Bedroom is the Bed the most important part of the bed is the mattress that's why ive urge the Or-Wi-Co Mattress Comfortable, Resilient, Sleep In .' ducing, Sanitary and Guaran- teed to Give Service How It Is Made 1 , ' T6e cotton is taken from the bale, passed through a power machine opener and duster, which threshes out all impurities and loosens up the fiber. It is then placed in the hopper of a Webb Process Felting Machine, where it is taken Hp by a feed apron iito an intricate system of toothed rollers. The fibers are here combed, crossed and re-crossed and knit into filmy gossamer webs of uni form fineness and texture. It takes twenty of these webs, mattress size, to make one pound, and almost a thousand are used to make an Or-Wi-Co. Being made throughout by expert workmen, we can guaran tee that it will not matt or require remaking. Just an occasional sun-bath will makejt last indefinitely. ' Every Or-"Vi-Co is carefully inspected before shipping. You will find it neat and dressy in appearance. ' -. ' ' '.,' - v Ask .Your pealer Accept No Substitute Orchard frWilhelm Mattress Go. Desk X very handy and sightly piece ot fur niture. Has Jive good size shelves for books and drawers under the writing section for stationery, etc. Finished golden IB' m ffh 9x12 Axminster Rugs Our rugs are at always richly taned and beautifully patternea. You can choose tnem in any color or design that har monizes best with the rest of jour furnishings. See our selections ' In Brown Mahogany ar l ViA HatAT. tOHflS Of tll( brown mdhoerany the very richest a dining suite can have, mis nimm use xour !'7t.'(i nocn and the s?ats are of penu- W (UA- 1. i T3aIiM aaaaaaaaa. - inn fsnanisa itia-iiiui. Credit Solid; Oak Take solid comfort n this wide seated ucker. Rockera are .moothly finished and rock easily. Is of medium height and finished in grolden. Price SAM Use Your Credit 3 Sfer1. 51 -Piece Dinner Set 1 THs Oi! Heater 5 Handy because It is easily 3 carried from room to room. JuBt the thins to take the 5 chill from the pzt mm Toom that Is hard S flT ( J) to heat. Burns q J 2 kerosene. Price.. At the prices dishes are and the prospect of still higher prices, you will be glad of such an opportunity this to secure a set at sueh a low price. Made j of god quality pottery . daintily decorated, at.. Will PC giau vi $14f5 Bed Duofold Will justify itself in the sav ing of room that it will give you. Opens Pullman style lnA n nil BI9A comfortable bed.Cly(rtCA with thick padP 5iV and non - sag springs. C o m plete at Cole's Hot Blast All the signs point to a cold win ter You need not be uncomfort able If you sensibly buy this oiuenuia jieater now. You can nave it held In the store if you are , not ready for It yet. by paying a small deposit $3275 Sixteenth Between Harney and Hovard ft. 1 II m ii II 1 1! I