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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEFTEMrJEK 21, JL r VVdmen Section OThe Bee v society r- LichtenwaUner-Sralth; : The marrWge .of Miss-lMilly Smith, daughter of Mr. arfd Mrs. E. G. Smith, aid John.B. Lichten Vfallner.toolt place Monday after noon at-the home of the bride. Rev. R. L, Wleeler officiated. Pink and white asters were used through the . rooms. . i Miss Elsa Smith, sister of the bride and - maid of honor, -was gowned in pink taffeta and carried a large blue-fan: Miss Helen Reed, bridesmaid, wore green, taffeta and carried an old-rose fan. ' i The bridal gown " was of white satin, with which a tulle veil was worn. The bride carried white rpses and sWansonia. i Howard Wilson acted as best man. E. C. Hornberger sang be fore the ceremony. , t , The bride's traveling suitAvas of dark blue1 tricotine, with small hat to match. Mr., and Mrs. Lichten--wallner havf gone to Denver and upon their return to.Omaha) will re side at thf Helen 'apartments. , Phi'Ao Sifms , Phi Rho Sigma fraternity enter tained at a smoker at the chapter house Saturday evening. y, The alumni-and active members and guests who 'attended numbered 59. For a Guest. Dr. and Mrs. Adolph Sachs will entertain eight guests at the Bran deis, Saturday evening at "Dear Me," in honor of Mrs. SachsVjister, Miss Mabel Kneale of Los Angeles, who is visitmir here. Miss Kneale will leave Sunday iox Chicago" to spend several weeks. ' .-. , - I Kappa Kappa Gamma. .--- . Mrs,. Frank Mead,' . 5013, Capitol avenue, will be hostess to Kappa Kappa Gamma Tuesday afternoon. ABride Orpheum Theater. . i ? F. Cochran " had " 32 guests at the Orpheum Moilday evening; G. E. Barnes, 10; W. H. Schroeder,, and Mrs. G. E. Patterson, five. Foursomes were entertained ' by K: W. Hart,-J...R Kern,tA;:.B. Mc Connell and N. B. Updike. Personal Mrs. J. E. Meyers of Alma. Neb., is visiting her son, G. W. Meyers. Clarence W. Chadwick'is at the Hotel (Ambassador , in Santa Bar bara. ' ' -A Russell Funkhouser has returned from Lincoln, where he spent the week-end. Miss Margaret Wattles spent Sat urday in Omaha. , She has returned to Lincoln. ( . Miss Ethel Schmidt and Edith Swanson have returned from a trip to California. Miss. Mildred Walker, who is attending" Nebraska university, spent Sunday in Omaha.' Mr. 'and Mrs. Chris' Skow an nounce the birth of a daughter, i Madeline, on Sunday. , Miss Marjorie. Barrett left Sunday for Ogden, Utah, where she will spend several months. . Mr. and Mrs. John S( Lyons an rounce the birth of a daughter at the Stewart hospital; Friday. Miss Lois Robbins will leave oon foi Chicago to take a six weeks' coarse in Y. W. C. A. work. , Miss Carolyn Macadam of Los Anjieles, who was the guest of Mrs. Amos Thomas, left Saturday for her home. . . Mrs. David . F. Anderson and daughter, Betty, of Dallas, Tex., are spending a week witn Mr. 'ana jwrs. Is F. ; Porter. ,. - 4 ,-. " 4 . A' daughter was born td Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baldwin Sunday at the Stewart hospital. 'She has been uamed Norrell. . ' . ' :.. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner will return to Omaha about September 24, having spent the summer at Clear Lake, Ia.- ' " f Mrs, J.' Mi . Dow an.d daughter, Florence, left Friday for Chicago where Miss Dow will enter North western university. . , 'f Miss LouVse Riley . has gone to Kotre Dame, Ind, where she wiil attend St. Marys college. Wayne Riiey is a studenUat Culver Mili tary academy. , ' V ' Miss Katherine Reynolds spent the week-end in Omaha with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Reynolds. She returned to Lincoln Sunday to .attend. Nebraska university.-, Mrs. ArtJiur Pinto, who has been snendinar the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ' Wisher; in Florence . Wis., has re turned homers. Pinto's sister, Mrs. H.J. Payne, of Detroit, Mich., will arrive Tuesday for an extended visit at the Pinto home. . Mr:. lienry Cheston Hicks. Mrs. Henry Cheston Hicks is a br:i!e of last week, .her marriage hav irg taken place in Washington, D, C, September 16. She was former ly Miss Claire Louise Ellis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ellis of Crete, Neb. The ceremony took place at Calvary M. E. church. Rev. James Shera Montgomery officiat ing. The groom iit the' son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hicks of Williams port, Pa., where the bride and groom vill reside. Happy Hollow Among those who entertained at luncheon at the Happy Hollow club Sunday were: F. S. Stott, who had 10 guests; E. Bradshaw, six; W. H. Jones, six; Dr. A. D. Cloyd, six; J. E. Fitzgerald, six; W. W. Bradley, four; J. C. Weeth, three; Gl E. Mc 'Gilton, three; F. H. Garvin, three; George Mickell, three; D. H. Burn ham, three; L, M. McCague, two. ; Mrs. John Parrisfi had five guests for supper Sunday evening. Others who entertained were Simeon Jones, who had four; Frans Nelson, four, and A. W. Martin, two. Mrs. H. J. Schafer entertained 12 guests at the golfers' luncheot Mon day. The closing dinner dance will be held Saturday evening Sept. 25. Clubdom Business Girls' League. The Lafayette club of the Busi ness. Girls' league will meet for sup- oer'Tuesday evening. The dramatic art class will meet at 7:30 p. m. Miss ETi'el Mulholland, instructor. Spanish Club. The Omaha Spanish! club will meet Tuesday at 8 pi m. at the home of Miss Alma Peterson, 526 South Twenty-sixth streqt. i Grant Post and Corps, i U. S. Grant post will meet ' in Memorial hall, court house, Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. ' - U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will meet at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday jn Memorial hall, i Problems That Perplex Anwret By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Country -Club - Mrs. E. A. Creighton entertained 16 guests at supper at the Country club, Sunday evening. Dr. C. A. Roeder had eight guests; Mrs. F. M. Connor, seven;- W..G. , Preston, sev en; E. S. Westbrook, five; Mrs. Newman Benson, four, and, S Cald well, four. ' 'i ' . Yr i carter LaKe Mrs. T. E. Hughes and Mrs. Doane Keller entertained 24 guests at- a kensington ' luncheon Saturday; at Carter Lake club in Jionor of Mrs. , Lucien Lehr ot Ganbier Bay, "Alaska, who is -visitin herw sister, Mrs.RayGeorge.v z4 Liberty Chapter Kensingfclr club, i drder of Eastern Star, wiU meet at Carter Lake club Tuesday at 2 p. m. Mrs. Dan Moore, hostess, will be usisted by Mesdames Elizabeth Thiel, P G. Pettigrew, Caroline Pierson al George Begerow. . - Mrs. Ben Marti, matron of Lib erty chapter, will be honor guest. Officers of the club arc Mrs. J. F. . Dimitk, present; Mrs. R. L. GU . christ, secreUry-trea . . An Analytical Girl. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: A few weeks ago I met a' pan through one of my chulhs and he has asked me to go out to places of amusement several times. ; Now, some of my, friends' say that I should not go out with him as I seem so indifferent to his feelings tor me. 1 '. , J wish to do right by him and I would, therefore, appreciate your advice- greatly. ' FLORA. ' Child alive why must you be so analytical and self-conscious? . This young njan is Inviting you out be cause het enjoys your society. That doesn't, prove or even suggest that he has any ambition to enjoy It for life. Don't worry about his "inten tions" or your own for that matter. Just accept his invitations and en joy the friendship , which will ' be yours if yop don't spoil it by ro mancing alotjg so foolishly. Why Not a Chapcrone? Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: A group of six girls and four men have been going together for more than a year. We have had several parties and gone on many trips, and have always been treated with the highest respect. Now these boys have bought a bungalow, to which we have gone many Sundays. 'They have asked us to coma down on a Saturday and stay over Sunday, agreejng to stay at their brother's, who Iso has a bungalow at this place, .and leaving pthe girls to themselves. w Would it be proper ror us to stay i at this bungalow? The oldest girl is twenty-two and the youngest is eighteen. Among the girls there are three sisters, two, sisters and one odd girl. ' A. J. Why not take a chaperon along? This will save you from unpleasant criticism, which you may do nothing to deserve and still are likely to meet with if you aren't awful care ful about observing the social rules. , Wedding Anniversaries. ' In answer to many inquiries ' re ceived regarding wedding anni versaries, I am publishing the fol lowing. With the suggestion that it be clipped and kept for record: First,. cotton; second, paper; third, leather; fifth, wooden; seventh, woolen; 10th, tin; 12th, silk and fine linen; 15th, crystal; 20th, china, TBth, silver; 30th, pearl; 40th, ruby; 50th, golden; 76th, diamond. A To Prevenl Mold In preventing bacon J and ham from molding, use paraffin that comes off your cups of jelly instead of lard, which is more expensive and molds more readily. : Soda for Polish.- . ' A good substitute for silver polish is cooking soda used in small quan-: tities, as the ordinary polish is used. Cooking soda is also i good for cleansing the kitchen sink. , Which Party Did It? The report issued by the National American Woman Suffrage associ ation, prior to (ratification by Con necticut, on "Which Party Did It," is as follows: "Ratification of the federal suf frage amendment is claimed by the majority and repudiated by the mi nority .of., both dominanjt parties. Women of the United States owe their final release from- political thraldom to the two dominant par ties whbse followers compose in the main, congress and the 48 state leg islatures. Despite the fact hat many memories still persist of times when party men were guilty of base trick ery to prevent woman suffrage bills from reaching a vote on the floor of the legislature, and overlooking the numerous instances within the past year when minorities have nearly succeeded in 'double crossing party majorities and thus staying the proc ess of ratification, the fact remains lhat the tremendous influence of party majorities has made ratifca tion possible. , ."Six thousand four hundred and sixty-one men actually voted upon the amendment in congress and the legislatures which have already passed upon the amendment, 36 of which ratified the amendment and nine rejected or postponed action. "The total vote for ratification in the nine states rejecting the amend ment was 431 of which yu were re publican and 341 democratic. "The total vote oooosed was 801, of which 52 were republican and 749 were democratic. . "Neither oartv made a perfectly clean record of ratification, but in dividual men of both parties hava given truly heroic service to the cause of woman suffrage, and this has been true in every state. Four thousand nine hundred and twenty-one men voted to ratify and 1,540 voted against ratification. Ut his total vote 3,19a were cast by re publicans and 1,677 by democrats. "Of tht 36 legislatures which rati fied the amendment. 28 were called Into special session for the purpose. Eighteen of these special sessions were called by republican governors and 10 by democratic governors. Twenty-seven ofuhe thirty-six leg islatures ratifying were republican, two nonpartisan and seven were democratic. ' 'The total legislative vote for rati fication in the thirty-six states was 4,126 of which 2,545 were- republican and 1,211 democratic, 323 nonpartis an and 47 socialist and independent. ; The total legislative vote against ratification in the 36 states was 633. of which 323 were republican; 273 democratic; 21 nonpartisan, and 16 independents, "Of the 48 legislatures, 30 were re publican; 18 democratic, North Da kota and Minnesota being nonparti san. uiually classed a republican. .fOffthe'nine states which fejected or postponed action on the amend mcnt. eight were democratic and one republican. A Western Sunset We stood upon the clovered hill And watched the splendid sun go down Behind the old, deserted mill And scattered cabins, small and brown. Some trees with branches interlaced Werey clustered near a shadowed pond: , Each slender twig was clearly traced 1 Against the gorgeous glow be- . yond. V.. ' A purple streamer in the west Was stretched above a bank of snow. While saffron .clouds had sunk to rest In spreading orange fields below. .... ... We lingered long; a cooling breeze Came laden' with the breath of musk; ' . , : " We heard low pipings in the trees, And clear notes dropping through the dusk. . Herbert Bashford. Perfume Closets To make a perfume for bedroom closets take one, ounce each ot cloves, caraway seed, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon and tonka bean, grind fine together, then add two 'ounces ot genuine orris root powder mix all together and put some in small bags, sew up tightly and place them on hooks where clothes hang. Don't tisk your material in a poor dye. Each pack age ot "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple) that any woman 'can diamond-dye a bcw rich, color into old garments, draperies, coverings, every thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes' no other kind then perfect results are guaranteed even if you have never dyed be fore. Druggist has Color Card 10 rich colors. Kill That Cold With CASCARA QUININE FOR Colds, Coughs AND La Grippe ( Neglected Colds are Dangerous . Take no chances. Keep this standard remsdy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves -Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache ' Quinine in his form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. .... ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Another Sleepless Night? It's been a busy and fretful day. Brain fagged.nerves f rayed, and liody exhausted conscious that tomorrow is fraught withl new trials and tribulations, ha realizes tho imperative need of a refreshing iiKiii. oicau. iui,nuiiesiuueanuareaas logo i bed lest he roll and toss throughout the night,1 Do you experience the korronof nightmare end insomnia? Are yoir troubled with wakeful, rcttlm, nighu? DoyouMt up in the morning fecline; more tirfd then when you went le bod. beceute your re,t i todiiturbed and brokeat Then, ft' yThe Great General Tonic The hour of bed-lime will toon loae itt terror and you wtlf bfffin locok your couch with nlcMurnble anticipation of tiiicht free from dilturliancct. I.YKO" will blena you with wert, aound and peacof ul alumber and brine, you down to the) break fa tt table in Ihu morninir in good eoiritiand in nehtina trim. I.evn for the day activities: retted and refrethed in body and mind, and with aa aniietilo uncnualcd (ince you were s boy. "r vt.'iv t. i ni.i;.i .M-,,?,.A"tWiJ!K&,"5!'il!l tMl nw, lefV stf c?e. iv -v IT-Lt , exhaustion: t u i I d i ur tho iSS5 --'.i -i-"Jre"C J M ! B!tvc; strenirthon the mus. JraglWi E deraamiruhaliihtntea tho Wip.ik. irntaliio i out. Ak your drucoiM nottlc toilay and alrcplen night,. Sob Mtaalulann! : LYKO MEDICINE COVW SjJAm' -M K, Yetk Ktaui Car. He. JZ& J- XA ft V For saU by Beaton Drjif Co., 15th and Farnam Sts., and all retail druggisU. LVKO toM Inerinliul pack. t nniy, lik pirlur abov. Refusa ail tubttitutaa. . eral tonic: a rcliali.iblo cnne tiacranilancxcultcntstimulant "fJ'Si , to the nervous eytcm. It re- f;VfS livvi) Imiin fat and Dhyaicnl S Not A Blenm krnart the pertect I aDDcarance of her com' fpiexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively ' concealed.' Reduces un natural color and corrects fgrtify skins. Highly antiseptic, I used with beneticuu results as a curative agent for 70 years. SI III I NEURALGIA Shooting pains are soon soothed .and relieved by the application of BAUME ANALGllsiQUE BENGUE (Btm An-l-lt-mA aVe-fav) ,Tkee.UeauafCe..N.Y. Skin Beauty "f. A larf et, majority ot' women arc disrjnajei at ht cpflldiriori of their skin, which becomes' coarse and ill nourished looking, besides showing a tendency to wrinkle. These, ar. the women who do not know the proper way to wash the face, strange as this statement may seem. A mere superficial dab with a soapy sponge is often deemed sufficient for the purpose of; cleanliness, while a hur ried and perfunctory drying serves to complete this portion of the toilet. Some; famous beauties claim tit the use of cold cream only is the true beautifying cleanser, and for many years this has been a subject of debate between specialists in the art of enhancing woman's loveliness. But when water is used it is all im portant that the hard water is avoid ed, as it is most deleterious in effect upon : the skin and complexion. Ram water is the best to use, bu this is unfortunately not available to everyone.' Oatmeal and borax are splendid softeners of water; boiling will also tend to make hard water acceptable to the face. " Plumber Says: Overflow pipes 'and all drains from bathtubs and wash basins are too often neglected. Stale water dries in them and they quickly Become unsanitary. These pipes should be flushed out regularly with a mild so. lution. and hot water. I his leaves them sweet and sanitary because .it so perfectly cleanses. " ": To Save Curtains A thimble, put over the, end of a curtain . rod will prevent the rough edges of the rod from tearing the curtain.: Freshly laundered curtains arc sometimes hard to slip onto the rods without a few close calls as to Jle&rs; The casing is stuck together py the starch and the jaggedneap ot the end of the rod hinders and an noys. ; A thimble provides a smooth urface over which the curtain easily The inside envelope of a formal invitation should be placed -in the larger envelope with the flap side .toward the back to that the address sH directly under the address on the pouter envelope. ' v Caruso Seat Sale Opens Tuesday, . Sept. 21st at Mickels Music House F. i' 15th and Harney Stt, 3? Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Getters. e .f . TeetHi Shine FREE This Week Only . At any drug store named below, a 10-day tube of Pepsodent Simply present the coupon. Watch the teeth whiten note how clean they feet Then think " what such protection means to you and your. ' f Get the free tube today. When the film oes watch and see All statements approved by authorities Learn now Low teeth look how they feel when you combat the film. Get from your druggist, without cost, this ten-day test. Note the instant re sults, then look in ten days. . , ' ."Millions have already done' this. Leading dentists everywhere advise it. Now show your home folks what clean teeth really mean. The war on film Dental science, the world over is fighting a war on film. Film is that viscous coat you feel. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. And most tooth troubles are now traced to it. ' ' , ;" Those troubles have; been constantly increasing. The . ordinary tooth paste does not end film, so the tooth brush has proved inadequate. Millions know how well-brushed teeth have discolored and decayed. J It is the film-coat that discolors, not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyor rhea. And, despite all brushing, few escape these troubles caused by film. New ways to fight it Now dental science has found ways to fight film, day by day. Able author ities have proved the methods efficient Leading dentists everywhere now urge, their application. ' The methods are combined in a den tifrice called Pepsodent. To millions it has brought a new era in teeth clean ing. And to every home a ten-day test is offered free, so all may quickly know it. v" , Quick, visible results ,. Anyone can see and feel what Pep sodent is doing.- No old method of brushing ever brought such effects. So we let this test convince you. ( One ingredient, is pepsin. Another multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva, to digest starch deposits that cling. 'The alkalinity of the saliva is multiplied also, and at once. That is to neutralize mouth acids which cause tooth decay. '' . Two factors directly attack the filnv One of them keeps teeth so highly pol ished that film cannot easily adhere. The effects of Pepsodent come with every application. We constantly com bat, in efficient ways, the, teeth's great enemies. And millions of teeth are given new protection and new beauty. Millions now show , r z j the effects In every circle nowadays you see glistening teeth. Ask the owners. You will find, we think, that they are using Pepsodent. " " " v Go get this free tube and try it for yourself. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. Then let the children use it. Their teeth need it most., Very few children reach the age of 15 without some tooth decay. Let the man who smokes see how it takes the stained film from his teeth. ' Let all find out how much cleaner teeth feel, how much safer, when brushed in this new wayV Then this ten-day test may bring to your home some lifetime effects. - ; V - REG. U.S. PAT.OFF. J The New-Day Dentifrice Present this Free Tube Coupon this week to Sherman" & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, 16th and Harney, 24th and Farnam, 19th and Farnam, 49th j and Dodge, Omaha, Neb. - 1 mm. ' III ' aBBtnaaaal 10-DAY TUBE FREE Present this coupon, with your name and address filled in, to any store named. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent Your Name. Address t ............ .- Out-of-town residents should mail this coupon to The Pepsodent Company, 1104 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, and the tube will bt sent by maiL .M ' ONLT ONE TUBE . TO A FAMILY V - Oeaaka, Nek. A. NOSPE CO. PIANOS , TUN EP AM) REPAIRED ill Work Guaranteed 111! Honoris ftt. Tel. Itonir. 1M- 3 Quickly Conqaeis Constipation Don't et constipation poison your blood ana curtail your energy. ew If your liver ind bowels Js rr V f -Sr CARTER'S CAK1ERS Utile Liver f ill- . I r M toaf yi IXXLIS IVER PILLS ruit end you trouble will Cease. For dizziness, lack at innetit headache tnd blotchy skin nothing can equal them. Purely vegetable. Small Pill-Small Dow-Small Price TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT All Makes Typewriter Co. 205 S. 18th . Tyltr 2414" ADVERTISEMENT. Be Careful What You Wash Your Hair With WARNING I I la leatJaa year feeaela retatar 4a net eaaw adaictra aa waatanini nriatlTaa mineral laxadaj lull trt ROHOiAX Mfa. iaotl, wbotaaoeia. Bet and eoaa rartneit. UDtainaeia at eat aninuta, mrr wbera. Kenlax la nIM far near aliment. aella. kaltMaa, ( haartbnm. tarpaj U,ar.. I ttsav ebaatta. awiHal eaS abnloal 4ettana. Most soaps and prepared sham poos contain too much- alkali, which Is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use s Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, tfor this is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap and beats anything else all to pieces. You can get Mulsified at any drug store, and a tew ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wa ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon ful Is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lath er, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and Is soft, fresh look ing, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and j takes out every particle of dust, dirt ana uunarini. sure your drug gist gives you Mulsified. Hi LlJ Money back Without queitioa if HUNT'S Salve fail in tbe treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER of other Itching akin diaeaaea. Try a 74 cent bos at our ml ; Sherman A McConnell Druf C Everything About Cuticura Soap Suggests Efficiency 3p.Ontment,TalptTTw,2p.eTer w hr. Tormymh atldrasw: CwtfwIborsiUrfaa,Dep.X,Mloii Af. ''Mcfc7ne TRY this approved rent edy. Just the tonic for nervousness, sleeplessoss, depressed feeling, lose of appetite, digestive troubles, brain fag, or alow recovery -from influenza and kindred ailments. Atonic, alterative and diuretic for blood and nerve disorders. There it no sobatitnte for imported Pompeian Olive Oil i This vsMderfui bookwi be sent frwtoraj mMtfOiiv- OUeSt . a a . cmacuKDamuQ Boa errru WcHtltivtB,1irwi. Fistuk-Pay When Cured A mild ayatem of treataaant that earee Pllee, Fietvla aa4 eeaiea Rectal Diioaaee la a ahort time, withoet a aeeve otnaloal eat. a ratio. No Chloroform, Ether or other r astral aaeethette A cure ituarantwd in every caea accepted for treatment, and no aaoaoy ie ta he paM ' wmu. rrnie lor book aa Rectal Biaeaaer. with namee M teatimonlale af ate) 1.1 M prominent people who have beea permanently eured. , DR. E. K TARRY Sanatorium, fetera Truat Bld. (Bee Bld.) Oaaka. Nakw 1 It A J