Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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    . A
l-Ynnkees 'White: Sox md h - Superhas Wktarfaus, loo (
H ; '! " . - : 1 1 : : : i - i ' i
Ruth Stars in
By Yankee Crew
Ilis Double, Followed by Sin-
gle and Bunt in Eleventh ,
Give New
York the Game
' St. LCuis, Sept. li. Ruth's Rou
ble. Pratt's single and PeckinpaugiYs
bunt, scoring Ruth, fave New York
. a 4 to 3 victory over' St. Louis , in
mi 11-inniiig game today. One hand"
rd catches by Tpbm and Ruth in the
ninth cut off runs. Pratt handled
JO chances without an error.
AB.H.O.A ; AB.H.O. A.
SU 4 2 1! 'lir.erber, ss 6,1 3
Tlpp, lb S
0 lit i(i(ltn. 21) i l 3
Jtuth. if 5
Pratt, 2b G
Lewis, If- 4
i'et-k'n' 4
Vlvk, rf 5
llnniiHh, c 6
31 ays, p 4
13 0 Slsler.- ill t 3 8
3 1 f 6:1
0 1 l William If 3 1 8
3 0 ti, Smith, 3b 4 1 i
a o :Tubin, f ' - 4 a s
0 A SiSevereld, c 4 1 7
1 1 IjWellman. p 4 0 1 s
' Totals 4U2S3!4i Totals H 13 S3 1J.
Nw York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-0 1
St. Louis .'. 000000 J 000 03
; Runs: Ruth. Pratt (2). , Peckinpaugh,
, filsler. Jacohson. William. Error: Smith.
Two-base hits: Want, IVcKlnpaush, Huth,
Williams. Siser. Three-base hit: Slater,
atoleii base: Tobln Sacrifice, lilts: Lewis.
AVnr.l Williams. Smith. Double. D SY
Ward to Pratt to l'lpp: Pecftlnfiaugh to
I ran to Pipp (2): Pratt to; Plptfl itiedeou
to Ucrber. lrt on unses: stw lore i,
Ht. l.ouls 8. liases on ballsi Off M 1,
tiff Weilman 1. Struck out: By Mays 3,
Ey Weilman 4. Umpires: Chill and Ulneen.
Tme: 1:58. v
Whit 8ox Victorious.
Chicago, Sept. :0.-The Chicago White
Sox strengthened their i?rip on seconu
pluoe in the American league pennant race when they ' banged their fifth
straight victory, defeating Philadelphia,
1 in s. Faber held the Athletic score
less until the ninth, vhen they rapped out
iie hits, which. Viltt an trror. netteu, six
run;. - I '
Th So cnlleelcd 13 hits iff thief Phil
ni'.'lnhla pitchers. Itlsberg led thf attack,
w.tli a triple, a double .and two singles lu
four times at bat. s ' .1
1 Harris Btarted on the mound for Phil'
le-lelphla, but was -forced to retire aftel
the sljttli. Blgbee, Ills aueeejiEor, was wild,
and he gave vy to Kef. ,
After the Sox had taken a commanding
lead. Manager Gteasou ustd flv .utility
lilrytffs. - " ' i
Faber pitched ji maaterly Tne. holding
the .Athlatlcs to seven scattered -Aits In
eight InntnVs. -'-" -.". .,..' ,?
riiIL.AUKl.l'lll.. 1 . wxm-rtav.
Jlich, rf
Harris, y
lllgbee, 4
Keefe, p
xlCclly j TK.
C Jourdan, lb 1
a Rlsberg. as 4 3
OlMeClelian.BS 10 0
USehalK, o' S 13
O'Lynn. c 1 0 J
19 0 0' ruber, p
n o -u
oTtals 'JO 13 24 161 Toals 3t 18 27 1J
Hatted for Harris In the seventh.
xBatted for Keefe in the ninth.
Philadelphia .A .....II 00000 0 0 6 6
OhUag ...v.,0 3 0 0 1 4 ?rS
Vms:. Orlfflir! W fl'alket1,-it tathv" ":.
IJurgan, High, Oallowai-, Strunh (3). Me
Mulliu. J. Collins (S), Jordan, Itlsberg
131. Schalk. Faber (2). Krrors: Perkins,
High. Rlsberg, JdiClellan. Two-bass hits:
nlng: off Keefe. 2 in one inning. Hit Dy
tiltchsd ball: Weaver by Harris. Struck
out: By Harris, 1: by Faber, B;.bylBlg
'fcee.'l. Losing pitcher: Harris. Umpires:
tJiorUrlty and Hlldebrand. Time: 1:61.
j' Indians Win Again.'
Cleveland, Sept. i0. Cleveland wjm Its
sith consecutive game today by defeating
Jiei.ton, g to 3, principally because of
!crdner'a timely hitting'; It was Mails'
fifth straight Tlctbry since Joining the
local team. -
r Gardner drove in six of the league lead
ers' eight runs,- with two triples and ' a
tliiple. His first triple came in the third,
with the bests full, the other In the sev-.
"nth, jrlth two men on bases. With two
'tmwOTit the fifth, his single scored Speak
er, who had doubled.
" Malls was hit harder than usual, but
kept his hits well scattered, except In the
erond, when four singles, combined with,'
two errors, scored all of Boston's runs, i
. i-lji two other innings the Red Saxthreat-
1r fd. but Malls tightened and killed off
f.ii'iiidlnf rallloa easily Score; .
IToorer. rf 6 2 3 2Uamieson,lf 4 14 0
Vltt. :ib ' 4
1 ?:Waniirs. zn 3 3 3 i
1 0, sneaker, cf I
1 2 0: smith, -rf 3
Jj 4
u chsng. o 4
2 13 (I'Ciardner, 3b 4
3 3 l'.' 4
1 1 liRewcll, es 4
3 0 51 O'Neill, c 4
Feott. ss
m Hmtly. 2b
(v Bllah, p
tv Hnyt, p
rf- 'Paschal
0 0 SIMalls. t 4
0 ' 0 n
0 0 01 Total '. 14 27 4
Totals 3 12 24 10'
ti 'Batted for Bush In eighth.
Boston' 0 3 0 0 0 0 I 0 03
jj wlcvoland 1 0 3 0 1 0 t 0 x &,
t Huns: Hendryx, Jtclnnls, Schang,
lamleson. Wambnganss 3), Speaker (3).
Smith (2V Errors: Hoooer, Jsmleaon,
Smith. Twn-base snlts: Scott, Speaker.
Three-base hits: Hooper. Gardner (3).
!:.. Stolen basri-: Wambsganss. Sacrtfin?
J-. hits: Speaker. Double plays: ' Hooper
3. and Schang; Vitt arltl Mclnnls; Bush,
l.Heolt and Mclnhis. Left on bases: Boa
n ton, 10: Cleveland, 6. Bases on balls:
4 Off Bush, 4; off Malls, 1. Hits: Off
Bushj 13 in T Innlnes: off Hurl. 1 In 1
. '14 UUNI1,
it Bush 13
A inning. f
MalK t. I
J,j jjlres: N"a
Dirucn u(i isy i.tusn- i; bj
. I Losing pitcher: Bush. ITm-
Calln and Evans. Timet 1:86.
.. V.
-rf- .AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A. I
ljkef. !b 6 0S 4;Strinlt. rf I 2 X,!
CJrlffln, lb 8 4 14 Blgrflh,, rf '1 k
C.Walk' 3 0 2 01 Weaver. 'ff 1 t j T) .
Perkins, o 1 2 JIMcMiifnT Sb t 1,1 i PrfllTlPPlfiJ
Mvatt,. t 2 1 0 ME.CnlliiW.Sb I 3 4 -S I I UcUCtylo 6 2(3 1 Jaekson, It I '1-1 J . I
'nlininn f 4 0 1 01 p e sen. r I
. lllsberg, Htrunk. Three-base hits: Bis-
jl 1 erg. Jourdan, Fa4k. ritolcn bases: chalk.
Sacrifice hit: Schalk. I'I.eft' on bases
' la ' Philadelphia, 11; Chicago, 10. Bases on
II I! ..'halls: Off Harris. 8; off Ka.ber, 4; off
j rVL llgbee. 2; off Keefe, 1. .HltaiOff Harris,
, '"""t'lft six Innings: off Bfgbee. 4 In tine, ih-
it Senator Beat Tiger.
Detroit, Sept. 20 Washington bunched
j',t hits off two Detroit pitchers today with
. VIB nnu im-H tin unilff. anil 'IOOK me
' third game of the series, to 8.
' ' AB.H.O.A.' ' AB.H.O.A.
Judge, lb 8 2 13 3 PlnUl. lb S 1 2 It
Harris, 2b 6 1 2 JlBush, ss 6 0 3 3
Bice, cf ' S 1 1 Olcobb. cf 3 3 3
Roth, rf 3 14 OlVench. lf '4 0 I 0
Fllerbe. 3b 4 I 1 ClHellm'n, lb 4 2 1
Shanks. If 3 ! A! Flags' d, rf 10 t 0
O' B 1 4 4'Huher 3b .4 O S 1
(lharrlty.e 6 11 xlAinsmlth, c i 0 1 1
t ia- Zachary, p 3 1 0 21 Avers, p 3.0 0 I
- 1T ; 'Oldham, p 0 0 0
". , Totala eSllI7 1JHle 11 6 0
"- 1v " xMenlon 11 8 0
. . jfi ' '..' . " Totals 35T!7U
Si-1" -- Batted for Aj'ers In-seventh. "
Rtted for Alriham In ninth V '
3 I.' -ft'ashlngton ....v.X 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 o-
SpipeM-ofJt . :..( 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 03
.', 'Rutis Judge (2). Harris. Rlee, Roth.
2 Shaa'as. O'Rourlte, Gharrlty. Zachary. Cobb
veifn, i errors: juasre t 3). Ktce. ei-
Ift- JeVbe. O'Rourke. Plnelli. Bush (2). Twe
ft-"e hltsr Cobb, Roth, Zachary, Plnelli.
j H Three-base . hits: Judge. Rice, . Msnlon,
Vf Sacrifice hits: FJlerbe. riagstead.J-Left on
5 r,DRs: '-Washington, ; Detroit, i. Bases
Sjv oh balls: Off .Zavhary. i;' off Arers. 3;
! I Off Oldham, 2. 1 Hits! Off Ayers, t In seven
t innings; eft Oldham, - 4 in two Innings.
: Struck out:-By Ayers,-6. , Umpires: Can
't : tolly and Owens. Time: 1:B8 i, ,
-7" - . . ':
ii Find Torso of Woman'4 -
Jfi y NearHarrison Tomb
; Cincinnati, Sept 20. Whajt is be
i;vlieved by physicians' to be the d!v
fmbered torso of a womari'l body
;was found by-M. 4?. Adarnion ol
f SCleves, 0., lj'ing in anunfrebuented
near me ioiud 01 lormer t rrsi
tj.tlent William Henry- Harrison. Oi(
thg nfper jJart- of the body, was a
. thick encrustation of lime, indicating.
t;'.tt was believed, that an effort had
r btan made to destroy it. ' . ; r c ;
, XI Greece Friendly to Bulgaria.
.Sofia. Sept. 20i The' Greek-clurki
d'affaires here in an interview print
ed in the Mir todav. sari that Grftc
-entertains the most frictldlY feelings
toward BalsUfT . V-..
I7 To Try Comeback
L . - : : 1
4 V -V ,-;"- -v -- "WiT U
' t , 4-i i .' , v s ' ' - . fc
I k 1" A VV : J
? s v ., .V fii ' s;;4 fJ,
tr s.. v., ,,4 y.... . ' " !?
Freddie Welsh, former lightweight champion of the world, is going to
attempt a comeback. This announcement was made a few days ago by
his former trainer. When Benny Leonard defeated Welsh for the title
he retired from the boxing game. When the United States entered the
war Welsh enlisted, and upon discharge opened up a physical culture
camp. By training his pupils the former champion has managed to keep
in condition and he is now anxious to take ancrfier crack at Leonard,
At Crekhton's
First Practicp
Wealth of Backfield arid End
Material Two Good . Cen
ters in Field Lack
Heavy Linemen. .
I . . .
Loach Mulholland was
greeted yesterday by a' wealth of
backfield and end, material' ins an
swer" to hBi first call for foot ball at
CreighUu University. Heavy line -
my... ,na nnl.nkl., fnlr.'nv ' t
men were noticeably Iackincr.
loni cerry, star center of the Blue
and White squad of twd years ago,
was in uniform last night. With him
were "Tank" Ma.nley, Jimmie Con
don, "Hump" Emery, Johnny Broz,
George Bcntlage, "Doc" Dorwart
Charley Little, Kelly, McAleer, Lo
gan and several other Creighton
men of ast year. Among the new
comers, Kipp, who played tackle for
Dubuque college againsf Creighton
two years 4go; Walter. Reichle, an
end, and- Jim Moriarity former St.
Louis university full back, are most
promising just now. . J
Captain-elect Mickey Harmon,
Creighton star of the past two years,
vw'll bp in uniform today,'' Mulhol
land Said. Johnnie Driscol an?
Cliff Long, two other Blue "and
White backfield men, are. expected
to appear within a few , days. Meiiir
hart, former St. Louis guard, also
is expected to be out for foot ball.
He is attending dental school f
i Kipp and Condon probablywil be
used as kickers, Condon doing' the
punting and Kjpp the dr'opkicking.
Mulholland intends to get down to
hard work as soon as the kinks are
worked out of the candidates, as the
ppening game is scheduled foQc-i
tobcr 2, a week from Saturday.'
The Creighton High school team,
under the tutelage of Frank Marrjn,
former Blue and White linesman,
faces much the same problem as the
varsity team does. There are plenty
of .good fast backfield men and ends,
but few heavy linesmen.. Bill Flynn
at tackle," last year's captain,' is the
culy manthusfar to display any
thing in the line. Kelly, Shanahan
and Gruenther look like "good bets"
in the backfield. '
The high school team meets Lin
coln in preliminary to the Creigh-ton-Yanjfton
game, . October 2, at
Creighton field. " ''-,
' Answers t Testerday's Questions.
1. Mathewson played' in the world's se
ries of U06, 1911, -i12 snd 1313. .
2. Mathewsan won five-games, lost five
aa.l 'tied onc in world's series.
3. Cy Young was In the National league
flora 190 to 1900. Inclusive; In the, Amerl
a league from 1901 to 1910, inclusive,
rml In the National In 1911.
4. Talrty-slx " wo the most 'games won
by Cy Young In seas'-n In the ma;i're.
That was In 1892 with Cleveland.
6. Harry Vardorr. In 1900, and Ted Ray,
In 1920,, are the t.n'ly British, goifera who
have wou the national open.
5. Vardon led ftr second in 1J50 na
tional open rolf championship. '-
1. The record for tba Saratoga cup race
is 2:68. . , -
- 8. Brutus Hamilton is to be a Junior
at the University of Missouri. .
9. tJnder the new foot ball rules there
Is no putout. the kick for goal after a
touchdown being made frcm a point di
Vr'S. .fooTbaii 1.
, . xew Qnestions.
1. How many -vears.' had Rir Chtnman
b.'en in .the major leagues? , .
2 What was Chapman's " best batting
average for a season In the majdrs? .
3. How old was Ray Chapmaa? -.
4 Did Chapman plav en any other
major league club' In addition; to Cleve
land . -.4 .
6. Who were tne-world'a heavyweluht
champions, starting with John I Sulli
van? .-.-,,-.-
. What la the first name el 'Plnkey
Mitchell. Hllwaukte boxer?
T. Who defeated -William Johnston in
tha Newport casino tennis tourney?
I. Does a server in tennis win a point
If the receiver volleys tha service? .
I. How many wesjd'a records does, Earl
Thom.-on. Dartmouth hurdler, hold?
It. WhM la Earl Thomson's new world!
record for tha 110-meter hurdles? .;. .
iTbe Sport tngVferld?
, r-. A
Hal Mahone Is
Winner in the 2:06
Pace at Columbus
Omaha Horse Wins King's
Stake, $3,000, in Thref
' Straight Heats Seven
' Starters in Field.
Columbus, O., Sept. 20. The es
tablishment of the season s mile rec
ord of 2:y3 by Rose Scott in the
-year-old trot, the Horse -.Review
.Futurity, the fastest three-heat event
tC 1 Vl Jf-VM P' ( fr ?-VP!r.n!rlc W9 C tilt
feature of the Grand Circuit meet
ing today. The former season record
cf 2:08 was set by Bogalusa. Rose
Scott, a Murphy'entry, lost the first
heat to Nelson-Dillon,but took the
lead early m the second, maintaining
her advantage to the record finish.
Harry Fleming was behind the filly.
Miss Perfection, favorite in the
2:11 trot, won, after propping the
first heat to Winterwood, Best time,
2:0614. . .
Hal Malone," played to win the
stake for 2:06 eligiblcs, captured this
race in straight heats. - Best time,
2:02J4. , .
So many horsls were entered in
the '2:18 pace that it was split into
two divisions. Oro Direct won first
money in the first division, and Dan
Elger in the second. The best time
i:i each division was 2:06J4-
2:11 class trot, three heats." Purse $1,000:
Miss Perfection, b. m,, by General
Watts (McMahon) 2 .1 1
Winterwood, b. in., (McDonald . ; 14 4
Peter Thornhlll, b. g., (Valentine) 3 2 2
General Burlew, b. g., (Willis).'. 4 6 .3
Oscar Watt?, b. g., (Hyde) ..... 6 3 6
Betty Thornton was distanced.
Timet 'xtOTIi.' S:M, :.-' 1
Two-Year-Old trot, The Horse Review
Futurity, two in three, 2,500:
Rosa Scott, br. f. (By Peter The
Great, (H. Fleming) ........... . 811
Nelson. Dillon,, b. c, (Serrlll) ... 1 2 3
Bogalusa, ch. c. (Valentine ..... 3 ; 2
Miss Rhlnelander, b. f.. (White).. 3 1j
Marge The Great, br. f.. (Cox) ... 4 6 4
Guaveta,- Heather. Bolvue, Favontan and
Miss Talbot also started
Time: 2:07, 2:06H, i-M.
2:06 class pace. The King! Stakes, -83,000.
Three heats: -
Hal Malone. b. g., by Prince Argot
Hal. (Chllds) 1 1.1
Drift Patch, b. g., (McMahon) ... 3 2 8
Edna Early, blR.,m. (vaicnune;.. t o
Royal Earl, b. sr.,' (Egan) 4 4'
lthel Chimes, b. m. (Cox) 6 6
Russell Boy and Calgary i-ari aiso
started. '
Time: 2:02. 2:0rV..' 2:04.
2:18-class pace . (first division) three
hiH. nnreA 8800: v
Orh. Direct, ch. sr., by Coya Oro
(Palln) ...J... ...-..
1 1
Louise Beverldge, ch. m. (A. C;-
Pennock) J J
Parker Boy, b. g. (Scott) 6 3 3
Auto, Pace, blk. g. (Scharrk) .... 3 4 4
Petes' Kennedy, b. g. - (Burrell) . . 4 6 B
Hedgewood Star, and Kitty McKIm also
started. "
Time: 2:06, 2:0(1. 1:09.'
2:18 pace (second division) three heats,
nurse $800:'
Dan Elger, br. (.'.. by Sidney B.
(Vance) . r. .. 114
Ouesswork. b. m. (White) ........ 321
Rotla Chimes, b. m. (Whitehead) .731
Gray Eagle,- hr. g.- (Mallow) .-... 2 4 S
Bonnie Parr, b. m. (Palln) . . 9 6 $
' Carter, June. Oainella Patth,' Allle Clay,
Mr. Jefferson, B. P. M., Dr. Dougla's also
Started. , i .
Time; . 2:06,2:06i.. 2:07.'
Dempsey-Moran Bout
, Canceled by Commission
Boston, Sept. 20. The state box
inpr, commission refused to sanction
a bout between Jack Dempsey. and
Frank Moran, in which the heavy
weight championship would ' have
been at stake. The matcrrhad been
tentativelyarrahged for October 12,
Tl;e commission made no announce
ment for its reasons-for refusing
sanction. '- , . " '
Northwestern Water Tank
At Oak Goes tov Pieces
Superior, Neb.,,Sept, 20. (Special
Tslcgram.) The water tank for the
Northwestern railroad i at . Oak
Grove gave way last night It was
full - of water antU1 the ' noise- was
heard for miles. Pieces of the tank
were thrown a 'block or more and
covered the , main line track. . The
watertower Was built II years ago
and was the ohly place for trains
to get water betwec nthis city and
Geneva - v
Giants and Reds
Divide a Doublje
Bill at New York
Brooklyn Beats Pittsburgh iu
lj Ten Innings Chicago and
Boston Divide Double- 4
Header. '
New York. Sept. 20. New York
and Cincinnati broke even in today's
double header. The Giants won the
first contest. 5 to 2, scoring three of
heir runs on yild throws by Groh
Etif Daubert. the Keds took ..the
second contest, 9 to 3, when Euer
scattered ew York's twelve hi
He struck out eight Jnen, Burns three
times, hi 4 rov
- AB.H.d.A.i AB.H.O.A.
P.ath, ill w M .si Burns, If 3
Breaeler'' If 0 0 0'Bancroft. ss 2
2 10
0 2 0
0 0 J 4 " 0 11 OlYoung, rf jl
Groh,' 3b .4 2,1 Sil'rlsch, 8b
Itoush. cf .4 2 0 0 Kelly, lb 3
Duncan. lf3,'l'l l King, cf 4
Kopf. ss 8 0 2! Doyle, 2b 3
Ncale, rf 3-1 3 n!Emlth. c 3
44ariden, o 4 03 !Nehf, p 3
1 1G
0 3 1
0 1
xSeB 0 0 0 0 , ' t
Flshe.r, p 8 1.0 4 Totals 27 6 27-18
zAllen . , 1 0 0 Oj .
Totals 34 9 14 14'
Batted for Rath tit 'ninth. . '.
xRan for Rariden In ninth.. y
iBatled for Fisher in ninth.' --.
Clncinna)! 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
New York .. .,0 0 0 0 0 3 0'2 x 5
': Runs: Duncan, Fisher, Barns, Ban
croft, Young. Frlsch. Kelly. Errors: Dau
bed, Groh, Doyle. Two-base hits: Fisher
Rath. Bancroft. Stolen bases: Roush
2),- Groh, Sacrifice hits: Neale, Young.
Double play: Nehf, Doyle and Kelley.
Left on bases: Cincinnati, 8; New York,
4. Bases on balls: Of Fisher. 4; off
Nehf, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Fisher.
1 (Kelly;; by Nehf, 1 (Kopf). Struck
out: By Xsher. 1; by Nehf, 3. Passed
ball: Smith. Umpires: KIcm and Ems
lie. Tlmv: S, hours.
Second game: '
. AB.H.O.A !
Rath, 2b .6 3 1 1' Turns
1 6
Groh, 3b 6
3 3
2 0
1 3
0, Young, If
1 Frlsch, 3b
1 1
2 16
2 0
0 1
1 3
0 0
0 0
0 0
Roush, If 5
Duncan, If 6
Kopf, ss 4
Neale. rf 4
Rariden, c 4
OlKelly, lb
1 2 alKing. cf
1 QliDoyle, 2b
7r- n o I-
1 11
o smith.
Eller, p 4
1 1
f- !'Walker
4114 24 3Perrltt, p
Totals 38 12 27 17
Batted for Benton in sixth. -
Cincinnati 00300420 09
New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 23
Runs: Rath (2). Daubert, Groh, Roush.N
Duncan, Kopf, Neale, Rariden, Burns,
Kelly. Error: Young. Two-base hits:
Groh, Young, Roush. Three-basu hit: Dun
can. Home runs: Rath (2), Kelly. Sacri
fice hit: Frlsch. Left on bases: Cincinnati,
6; New York, 12. Bases on balls: Off El
ler. 2. Hits: Off Benton, 11 In six In
nings; off Perritt,' 3 !n three-innings. Hit
by pitched ball: B" Eller (Kelly). Struck
out: By Eller, 8. Wild pitch: Benton. Los
ing pitcher: Benton. Umpires: Kleni and
Emslle, Time: 1:69. - -
Divide Doubleheader. '
Boston, Sept '20. Boston and Chicago
Ntllvided honors in a doubleheader played
In less than three hours today. Alex
ander pitching the visitors to a 6 to 1 de
cision In the first game, while Boston hit
Vaughn hard in the early innings and
gained a 9 to 1 decision In the second.
" ' , AB.H.O.A
Flaclt, rf! . i 1 I (
Powell, cf 4 2 0 1
Eayrs, If 4 14 0
Terry, ss 2 0 6
Robert'n.lf '421
Barber, lb 4 1 1
Paskert, cf 1 .0 0 0 0 1
O'Farrell.c 4 3 3
OiCruise, rf 10 0 0
11 Sullivan, rf '3 ' 1 1 0
ulTlolke. lb 4 2 12
0 Bleekel, 3b 4 0 0 1
UMaranv'lcss 4 0 2 4
Deal. 3b 3 1
Marriott, 2b 4 3
Alexand'r.p 4 - 0
3 OlO'Neill, c
3 4 1 Ford, 2b
1 i I Scot t, p
3 0 0 3
36 t 27 19
Totala . 20 10 27 13 Totals
Chicago 10 15 0 0 0 1 16
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Runs: Flack. ' Roberfson, Twombly,
O'Farrell (2), Marriott, Powell. Errors:
Boeckel. Maranvllle. Two-base hits: Mar
riott, O'Farrell. Three-base, -hits: Holke
(2). Home run: Flack. Sacrifice hits:
Deal, Twombly (!). Double plays: Ford,
Maranvllle to Holke. Maranvllle, Ford
to Holke: Maranvllle to Holke. Left on
bases: Chicago, 3; Boston, 7. Bases on
balls: Off Scott, 3. ..Struck out: By
Alexander, 1; by Scott, 2. Umpires: Hart
and McCormick. Time: 1:23.
Second game:
AB.H.O.A! , AB.H.O.A
Flack, rf 4
1 t Powell, cf 4
Terry, ss 2
Leathers. ss 2
Robert-n.lf 4
2 l! Eayrs, If 4
3 o;sulllvan, rf 6
2 0. Holke. lb 4
C 0 rioeckel. 3b 4
1 llMaranv'Ie.SJ 4
3 14
1 0
1 6
1 0
1 0
3 j0
t-Earber, 11) 3 4
Daly, c 4
Deal. 3b 4
Marrlott.2b 3
6 2IO" Nell, o 2
1 8 Ford. 2b 4
1 2lMcqul!lan,p 3
.Vaughn ,p 1
0 01 '
0 11 Totals 34 13 27 17
tarier,. p
' Totals
33 7 24 10!
Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Boston- 4 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 x 9
Runs: Terry, Powell (2), Sullivan (2),
Holke, Maranvllle, Ford (2), McQuillan.
Errors: , Flack, Leathers, O'Neil. Three
base hit: McQuillan. Sacrifice hit: Eavrs.
Houbje plays: Ford to Maranvllle to Holke;
Terry to Barber. Left on bases: Chicago
6, Boston 6. Bases on balls: Off Vaughn
2. rff Carter 2. off McQuillan 1. Hits: Off
Vaughn, 7 in three and one-third Innings;
off Carter, ,8 in four and two-thirds In
nings. Struck out: By Yjnichn 3, by Car
tor 1. by McQuillan 1. Wild pitch: Mc
Quillan. Ijoalng pitcher: Vaughn. Um
pires: McCormick and Hart, jime: 1:29.
Dodgers Win Again, ,
Brooklyn, Sept. JO. Brooklyn won the
final contest of the Brooklyn-Pittsburgh
scries 'today, 2 to 1, in ten Innings. Both
teams hit hard, but without results until
lha ninth when Traynor scored on his
double after Schmidt's sacrifice and Big
bee's third single. ,
i Brooklyn tied the score In the same
Inning when Konetchy lifted the bail Into
left field bleachers for a home run. Nels
singled In the tenth with two out and
scored front first on Mycr's double.
-'. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A.
Bigbee. If 6 3 0 llOlsbn, ss 5 0 2 1
Summa, cf 2
1 6 0 Johnston, 3b S! 1 1
1 0 OINels. rf - 6 111!
0 2. 4Wheat, If , 5 2 2 0
0 10' llMyers, cf 3 13V
1 1 II Konetchy. lb 4 2 7 1
3 3 4Kilduff, 2b 4 1 3 4
1 8 ojMlller. c . 4 19 3
0 0 S;Cadore, p 2 10 6
South'th, rf 6
Cutshaw.Sb 5
yrlmm, lb 6
Ai ntu e,tD
Tralnor, ss 4
Schmidt, c 3
Hamilton, p 4
3' iMamoux, p 2 1 o i
37 1029 131
' Totals
Totals 39 12 30 13
Two out when winning run scored,
Pittsburgh . . . .).. 000O0000 1, 01
Brooklyn . . ..'... 00000000 1 13
Runs: Tralnor, . Nels,- Konetchy. Errors:
Olson, Johnston (2), Kllduff. Two-base
hirs: Tralnor, Wheat, Myers. Home' run:
Konetchy. .Stolen bases: Southworth, Cut
shaw, Johnston. Sacrifice hits: Summa,
Schmidt. Myers. Double plays: Cadorc,
Miller and Konetchy. Left on bases: Pitts
burgh, 10; Brooklyn. 9. Bases on balls:
Off Cadore, 1; off Mamaux, 1. Hits: Off
Cadore, 7" In six Innings; off Mamaux, 3
Ir-.i four innings. Struck- out: By Hamil
ton, 7; ay Cadore, . 1; bv Mamaux. 3.
Passed ball: Miller.. Wlnnlsnr pltcbr:
Mamaux. .Umpires: Rigler and MorVi.
Time: Lsff. v
' Hubbell Blow Up.V
Philadelphia, Sept. 20. Hubbell weak
fined after allowing two singles In the
first six innings and St. Louis finally de
feated Philadelphia today, 4 to 3, scoring
tho winning run off Rlxey 4n the tenth
irning.'.onf singles by Stoek. and Hornsby
American Association
At Louisville:
R. H. I.
2 9 2
7 1
Loulsvlllo u
- Batteries Loudcnflilk
Schang; Kstell and Kocber.
At Indianapolis: - - -
. J . 'R- H. E.
St-Paul ..rf..... f. ... 6 13 t
Indianapolis .jv..'.v 2 8 2
Batteries: Williams and McMenemy:
Petty, Cavet and Gossett. - , .
: At Toleda:
R: H. Ef.
Milwaukee .v .... -.4 i- I
Toledo . ........7 13 2
Batteries: Relnhart and TJlrich; Okries
and McNeill.
Kansas City-Columbus not scheduWd.
Standing of the Teams.
- 4 National League.
. ' W. X. Pet. I
I.. Pet.
73 .495
Brooklyn 88 it .(99 Chicago
New York SI S .S63lst. Louis
Cincinnati 63 .6S0I Boston
68 76 .472
68 80 .430
647 .383
W. L. Pet.
Lnttsburgh 73 C9 .6111 1'hlladel'a
; American j-eagne.
W. L. Pet. I .
ClflVeland !0 63 .63tlBoston'
67 78 ..496
90 66 .miWashing'n 63 7?
- . ... vi. tin r ci H'
fit. Louis 71 69 .WiPhllad'a
67 8B
45 97
, Yesterday's Results.
, - f
National League.
Chicago, 8-1; Beston, 1-9.
Cincinnati, 2-9; New York, 6-:;,
Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburgh, 1. ,
St. Louis, 4; Philadelphia. 3.
American League.
Cleveland. 8; Boston. 3.
Chicago, 13; Philadelphia. 6.
Washington, 9; Detroit, 3.
New York, 4; St. Louis, 3. '
Games Todav.
- National league.
Chicago at Boston. I
St. Louis at Philadelphia.
Cincinnati at New York, y
American League.
New York at St. Louis.
Washington at Detroit.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
Boston at Cleveland.
and McHenry's sacrifice fly. John'Heldler,
Katlonal league president, Jas present to
Investigate whether the Philadelphia play-i-rn
had any knowledge of the alleged
gambling frameup of their victory over
Chicago, August 30.
AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A.
Knoile. rf 2 0 1 jPaulette, lb 5 114 1
Schults. rf 3 0---2 4 1 10 1 0 3
Stock,s !b 6 11
Hornby,2b 6 2 1
McHenry.If 3 2 2
Lavan, ss 5 0 3
Heath' 4 5 2
demons, c 2 1 4
Dllhoifer.c 10 2
Haines, p 2 1 0
Shotten 0,00
Sherdel, p 1 ' 1 0
i1. Jtawings,-D 4 u
o!Villiams,cf 4 2
OlMeusel, if 4 3
.1 Fletcher, ss 2 1
SlJ.Mlller, ss 1 '0
0! Stengel, rf 3 0,
4jWright'e,8b 4 0
OjTragrea'r, c 4 0
nlHubbtll, p 3 1
OiBetts, p 0 0
l'Rixey. p ' 0 0
fil'Cravath - 1 0
3 7
1 0
2 4
4 0
0 0
-V Totals 35 8 30 19
Totals 38 U 30 131
Hatted for Haines in seventh.
xBattcd for Rlxey in tenth. .
St. Louis I 0 H O CM 1 14
Philadelphia 4 1 0101000 0 3
' Runs: FoNirnler. Stock, McHenry.
Heathcote, Williams,. Meusel (2). Errors:
Fletcher, Stengel. Two-base hits: Heath
cote, Fletcher, Meusel. Three-base hit:
Meusel. Home run: Fournler, Stolen
bases: Hornsby. Sacrifice nits: Stengol,
Fletcher, McHenry. Double plays: Lavan
and Fournler; Rawlings and Paulette to
Wrlghtstene: J. ,-Mllle rami Paulette; J.
Miller, . Rawlings to Paulette; Rawlings,
Fletcher to Paulette. Left on bases: St.
Louis, 8; Philadelphia, 4, Bas on balls:
Off Hubbell, 4. Hits off: Hubbell, 8 in
8 Innings (none out In ninth); off Rlxey,
2 In 1 2-T Innings: off Sherdel. 1 in 4 in
nings; off Betts, 1 In 1-3 Inning. ' Struck.,
out: . Haines, a; by snerdel, 1. Win
ning pitcher: Sherdei, Losjng pitcher:
Rixey.-i Time: 1:44. Umpires: O'Day
and. Quley.
Announce Change in -
Schedule on
Northwestern Branch
Lincoln,. Sept. 20. (Special.)
Certain changes of schedule for one
of the present trains on the Scribnerr
Oakdalc branch of the' Northwestern
railroad are directed by the state
railway commission in deciding the
complaint filed last April by C, A.
Randall of Newman Grove. ...No-'.ad-ditional
passenger trains are pro
vided in the order. ' ,, .,'
The commission holds that' towns
along the branch line will be bettes.
scrvea oy naving tram ino. ouv, west
bound from Omaha, leave that city
before noon, instead of at 5:30 p. m.
as it does now. This will enable
passengers ,to reach Humphrey at
4:42 p. m., Newman Grove at 5:20,
Albion at 6 and Oakdale at 7:20.
The. change in running time will
alsogive better , connections with
other trains on the . Northwestern
main line and at the same time will
give towns on The branch their mail
from Lincoln and Omaha six to 12
hoijrs earlier than they now rccei
The new train schedule for oN.
309 is to be put into effect within
30 days, under the commission's
order. ; i
Nine Arrested for .
Deafh of Mine Chief
BirmiiigliamA Ala., Sept. 20. Mine
men were arretted today at Patton,
charged with complicity in the mur;
aer Ihursday ot L,eOn M. Adler,
general manager ot the Corona coal
At the headquarters of Brig. Gen.
R. E. Steiner itxwas said that condi
tions Were .quiet throughout the Ala
bama mining fields, which are being
patrolled by national guardsmen.
A 5 :
Son Pleads Lack of Time
Tg Visit Paralyzed Father
T. E. Moreland. 5114 Maple street,
told Police Judge Foster in South
Side police court yesterday "he'didn't
have time" to go and see his aged
and v paralyzed father, a veteran of
the Civil war, who is living with
another son, C. A, Moreland, 1210
Edward street,
C. A. Moreland, who had been
arrested on complaint of his brother,
J. 4?., for assault and battery, tes
tified he had gone to the home of
J. E. to persuade him to see his
father, and that vlfien J.' E. refused
he struck him. C A. Mcreland was
fined $1.
Man Sentenced to State
- Pen on Shooting Charge
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 20. (Spe
cial.) John Olson Was sentenced to
two" to -15 years in the penitentiary
by Judge Button today, after ? his
motion for a new. trial w?.si over
ruled. He was convicted of shooting
H. B. Lueken with intent to murder,
May 12. An immediate appeal to the
supreme court will be made on
Olson's behalf,- .his attorney an
State Supreme Court Pays
Homage to Late Members
Lincoln, Sept. 20 VSpecial.)
At the opening session of the fall
term Monday -morning, members ot
th Vehrastta siinrr-mp rotirt and nf
the state bar united in paying hortJnVf:
age to the. memories of Silas A. Hol
comb and Albert J. CJornish, former
occupants of the high bench, whos
.deaths occurred durin the; early
part of this 'year'. s ; '
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Getters. , '
Conference May
Not Brinof Peace
'' . .
Warsaw Government Repre
sentatives Fear That Soviets
eek Delay lo Mass Armies
Against Thenr.'
hlrago Tribune-New York Times Cable,
1 Copyright. 1MU.
Riga, Sept. 20. Mutual mistrust
pilready thrcatensyto make the Pol-
ish-Kussian conference at Riga an
other Minsk fiasco.
The' representatives of the War
saw government &ri almost unani
mous in. the conviction that the
Soviets are seeking to gain time for
the massing of new armies against
the Polish frontiers.
And the Mosco.v delegates are
just as certain that the Poles now '
are' purposely delaying the negotia
tions in order to continue their mili
tary operations, until they reach the
line giving them the last acre of ter
ritory to which they have any pre
text of claim.
Polish delegates say they are con
vinced that the parleys will be
broken off the moment the , red
armies are ready to make a new as
sault, and the Trotzky-Leninc agents
say they will not agree to give Po
land certain territory on which they
believe Poland, has cast her eyes.
In consequence neither delegation,
48 hours before the first session is
scheduled 'to begin, sees any rqal
prospect for the establishment ot
peace here.
efore the eyes of the world the
shevists have a decided strategic
advantage-'-Snie Moscow party ar
rived here three days beiofe the
Poles, and ever since have been .in
sisting that they are ready to 'get
down to business immediately in a
sincere effort to reach aft agreement.
On the other hand, the Poles are
compelled to bear complete respon
sibility for postponement -of the
opening session until Tuesday, their
only basis for this request being the
necessity for final revision of some
points in their counter proposals.
Debs Wants His Name
On Official Ballot
Lincoln, . Sept. 20. (Spccial.)--
Writing from his cell in the federal
orison at Atlanta. Ga.. Eugene V.
Debs has sent to Secretary of 'State
Amsberry, a ormal acceptance of
the socialist party nomination for
president, coupled witn a request to
have his name printed on the offi
cial ballot in the November election.
. .Nothing has "been filed so far indi
cating that the soicahst party has
made any nomination for president.
The party has no legal .existence in
Nebraska at the present time. ,
Debs' name .will not go j n the bak
lot unless the officers of a socialist
convention in Omaha some weeks
ago file an affidavit that 500 were
present and signed the roll as dele
Driver of Car
10. 1 2
In Road
i 1
Lace iniurea
Colorado "Springs. -Colo., Sept. 20.
Leo Banks, car No. 13. in the Den
ver Times Denver.-Pueblo road rac,
vvhTch started from Denver at V:oU
o'clock thjs morning, was wecked
at a point on the' road about six
miles south of Colorado Sprfigs,
and Banks, the driver, received in
juries which.' may prove taial. lie
suffered a broken shoulder and in
ternal, injuries. - x
Pueblo, v Colo'.. Sept. 20. The car
driven by W. A. Colemaiy' won the
Denver-Pueblo automobile race
which ended here early this after
noon. The time was 2:09:40. Horace
A. Frantz was second in 2:19:38 and
Jack tartm third in 2:21:13. The
distance was 10 miles. ,'
Crrants $1,700,000 ' ' J
' In Stock Permits j
T.inrinln. Sent. 20. (Special.)
1The sate-bureau of securities last
week issued stocK selling permits to
the gross amount of $1,100,000. New
applications aggregating' about the
same sum were received. The largest
permit issued was $1,000.000, for the
Farmers', union state exchange at
Omaha.. The National Cp-operative
company of that city is asking for
$985,000 of stock. -Following
is the list of permits
granted last week:
Oakdale Milling Co.. Oakdale .
Moorcfleld Equity exchange ....
Nashville Country club, Nashville
Farmers Union of Gerlng
Farmers Union Co-op. ass n,
Swedeberg ....'. r 10.000
Far'ers Un'n state ex., Omaha . 1,000,000
Farmers Co. op. Grain and Supply
Co.. Ashton
Cll-Shale Mln. Co DeBoque, Col.
Hempel Oil and Refining Co..
Gage. Okl
Farmers Co-op. Grain Co., Spring
Avr Co-od. Merc. Co.. Ayr ....
-Applications before the bureau tor
permits to sell stock:
Universal Mfg. Co.,, Lincoln $ 60,000
Farmers Union Ce-op. Co., Platte
Center 60.075
National Co-op. Co., Omaha .... 985,000
Towle Realty Co., Falls City ... 475.O00
Farmers Equity ex., Araphoe 14.400
Nebraska Potato Growers Co-op. ex.
AlllBice 20.000
Superior Ter. Ele. Co., Superior . . . 80.000
Chain Battery svstam. Inc., Oman i 118,000
Moorefleld Equity ex., Moorefleld 4 3,200
Omahans to Be Members of
Nebraska Dry Delegation
Lincoln. Sept. 20. (Special).
Three Omahans. 9cnes D. Roberts,
Mrs. George Joslyn and Dr. Jennie
D. Callfas, have been appointed by
Governor McKelvie as members of
the Nebraska delegation to the 15th
international connress against alco
holism, which .will meet in Washing
ton, D. C, September l to o. J he
other representatives otf this state
Mary L. Seibert, Chapman; .Har
riet Vance, Alliance; E. E. Lindley,
Hastings; Lela G. Dyar, Boone;
John HasKcll. Wakefield; SK-.'War-sic!,
Scottsbluff; J. l. Curre. Bcd
shaw; William Stebbins, Gotfien-
purug. Marni ' I V (.btlin LAM-
Annual G.A.R. Meet
Thousands of Civil War et
erans Crowd City for 54th
J Encampment.
Indianapolis, find., Sept. 20.
Weary with traveling, but looking
forward with eager anticipation to
another meeting with their comrades'
of '61, thousands of Civil war vet
erans arrived here todaV to augment
the thousands already in the city for
the 54th annual encampment of the
Gn.nd Army of the Republic. Spe
cial trains brought large delegations
from varip'us , states. Tonight the
veterans will be given an official
welcome by (Governos. . lames P.
Goodrich. Daniel) M, Hall of Co
lrmbus, O., commander-in-chief of
the G. A. R., will respond.
Others to speak at the r&e'eption
are Mrs. Alice Cary Risley, presi
dent of the National Association of
Army Nurses of the Civil War;
Mrs. Abbie Lynch, president of the
Women's Relief corps; Mrs. Lillian
Clark Cary, president of the Ladies
ofthe Grand Army of the Republic;
Mrs. Clara Gilchrist Yengling. pres
ident of the National alliance,
Daughters of Veterans; Harry D.
Sisson, commander-in-chief of the
Sons of Veterans, and Miss Mary
Tredo, national president of the
Sons of Vetcris' auxiliary.
Aged Mother Is Found
Murdered Near-Grave
Of Her Soldier Son
(.'hlrago Tribune-Omaha lies I, ease H ire.
.New York, Sept. 20. With cloth
ing ripped to shreds .and the marks
of finger prints on the neck, the body
of Mrs.' TronibAwitz, 66 years old,
South Amboy, N, J., was found late
last night in Ernston cemetery,
South Anihoy. within a snort dis
tance of the grave of her soldier
son, upon which she had just placed
a wreath 4f flowers.
v The mother, who was in the habit
of visiting the last resting place of
her son, Frank, every Friday, .did
not return to her home Friday night.
The vicinity where the body was
fiund showed marks of a terriffic
The woman's clothing had been
lorn from her in an effort on the
part of the murderer to find the IF
large sum of money generally be-T'j
r.evcu by persons m the neighbor-
hood to have been carried by Airs.
Charges Dismissed hy
U. S. Shipyard Fraud
Seattle, Wash., Sept.1 2oXlndict-
Lincnts against five prominent north-
?i'est snipping men, cnargeu wiui
raud in connection .with wartime
ship construction, were dismissed m
federal court -here on motion of gov
ernment counsel. The motion was
made, it was announced, on instruc
tions from " Attorney General A.
Mitchell Palmer.
The indictments named C. M. Sea-'
born, H. C. Ostrandcr and Phillips
Morrison, officials of the Seaborn
Shipyards company, Tacoma, Wash.,
and W. A. Magee and Capt. John F.
Btain, former northwest district of
ficials of the United States shipping
board. Dismissal of the 'charges fol-
!owed acquittal of other defendants
of similar charges in federal court
last 'Saturday.
'With a membership close to 10,-
000, the Detroit Automobile club is
recognized as the largest city club m
the United States.
Knew He had Right Medi
cine From The Way He
. Improved On The First
Bottle Of Tanlac, He
' "Before I had finiKed my first
bottle of Tanlac I was feeling so
much better I knew I had found just
the medicine I needed," said John
PalmerK' a well known farmer and
popular fraternal order man of Wal
dron.'Mo., the other day.
"For about a year my stomach
was in a very bad cnditiorr and I
suffered constantly frbm nervous in
digestion. My appetite was so poor
I never enjoyed a meal and even the
little I did force myself to" eat
caused sharp pains in mv chest. I
vvafe badly constipated and had ter
rific headaches and such spells of
dizziness I could hardly stand up.
"My back hurt me almost con
s'antly and this kept me in a miser
able, restless condition nearlv all the
time. I was never able to get anyN
sound sleep at night and generally
woke up in the morning as tired as
, Lruptions of the
If you are afflicted' with any form
of skrti disorder, you are well ac
quainted with the flaming, burning,
itching that these diseases produce.
So many people continue to sul
fer from eczema, tetter and other
forms of skin disease because they
do not seek the source' of their suf
fering and no disease can be suc
cessfully combattcd unless attacked
at its sourc.
Skin diseases are caused by an
impurity or disorder in the blood,
and there is no real and genuine re
lief within your reach until such im
purities arc removed. '
This explains why disappointment
Members of Akron
G.A.R. Pav Visit
To G.O.P. Nominee
Seirator Harding
Front Porch Delegation at
Marion, But Omits
, L Usual Speech.
Marion. O.. Sept. 20. Though th.
Sabbath, Senator Harding receiver;
a front porch delegation Sunday, but
no speech was made and there wcro
no flags, no banners, no bands.
The delegation was 1(X) members
of the G. A. R. from Akron, O., en
route to Indianapolis for the nation
al encampment' The Senator an 4
Mrs. Harding shook-, hands with
tach veteran. Today another dele
gation of about 400 vets from north
ern Ohio will stop here. Senator
Harding will address them.
Among those who conferred witii
Senator Harding were Howard E.
Greene of Chicago, secretary of the
National Sheep and Wool bureau;
Maj. Henry S..Hookcr of New York;
Gov. R. L. Beecham of Rhode
Island, and Wade H. Ellis, manages
of the Washington headquarters.
With Mr. Greene the senator dis
cussed nendiii!' leirisl.Uion thai
would require the branding oc
shoddies so the buyer would know
their real character. "We merely
want," lr. Greene said, "legislation
that will insure that the buyer of fa-
brics will know exactly what he (is
getting and not pay for something
better than is really being furn
Governor Beeckman, accompanied
by Mrs. Beeckman. was a guest at
I lie Harding home last night, depart
ing for the cast today. He issued a
statement in which he asserted Seiy
r.tor Harding's speeches have made
a great impression on the public,
"while one finds universal disap
proval of the campaign of villifica
t'on - and false statements that the
democratic nominee has been mak
ing." j-larding headquarters made, pub
lie a statement issued "by Congress
man John I. Nolan of San Fran
cisco, P. H. McCarthy, president of
ibe California Building Trades coun
cil, and. Daniel D. 'Sullivan, former
president of the California, Fcdera
ion of Labor, following ineir cou-
erence yrith Senator Harding a few
days ago, when the California dele
gation was here. The statement
faith .
"We have found, after a most sat
isfactory conference, that Warren
G. Harding is sympathetic with or-
(ianized labor i its desire for legis
lation to care lor the wants of men,
women and children of America.''
It also expressed approval of his
attitudvas an employer toward or
ganized labor. ; .
Governor McKelvie Begins .
tvt-1.s.-1- c T : t:. .
.mcoln, Sept. 20. (Special).
Gov. SVR. McKelvie started out to
day on a speaking tour which will
take him to 10 Nebraska t?rwns dur
i;fe' the week. His campaign for the
week will end at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball
in Omaha, Friday night. His itin
erary follows:
Monday: Ravenna, 5 p. m Loup
City, rally night Tuesday: Arcadia,
11 a. m.; Ord, 2 p. m.j Greeley, 8 p.
m. Wednesday: St. Paul, Howard.
county fair; Genoa. 8 p. m,. ThiHs
day: Boone county fair, Albion;
Newman Grove at 8 p. m. rnday:
Ak-Sar-Ben ball. m !
when I went to- bed. Although I
was constantly taking medicine for
these troubles, I icvcr found any
th'np, that gave me'any real help un
til I got Tanlac.
"But Tanlac certainly acted differ
ent From any medicine I ever got
bold of. I havp inst finishivt mv
fourth bottle and feel better than at
rany timevduring the past year.. My
appetite is so, gooa l can eat tnree
big, hearty meals a day and enjoy
them, and never have a signof in
digestion. "The pains have gone from my
back, I am no longer troubled with
headaches and dizziness and simply
sleep like log at night. My gen
era! health Bassheen built up so that
1 can work hank every day without
feeling a bit the worse for it. I cer
tainly give the highest praise to Tan
lacfor what it has done for me."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman' & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also
Forrest and Meany Drug Company
in South Omaha -and Benson Pharm
acy, Benson, and the leading drug
gist in each city and town through
out the state of Nebraska.
Skin f . 5:
Cause Torturous Itching
comes j from the use
salves, ointments and
of lotions,
other local
. S. S. S. has given great satisfac
tion in ther treatment of these disor
ders, because it is isuch a thorough
ly satisfactory blood purifier. It
cleanses the blood of all impurities
and thus counteracts the effects of
the germs thatattack the skin.
Begin taking S. S. S. torlav. an.I
if you will write a completa history
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