6 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,. 1920. The Omaha Bee DAIIY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THE 8KB PUBLISHING COMPANY. NELSON B. UPDIKE, Publisher. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ae Aaaoetaud arhfea Tba Baa la a lumbar. ! a etaalteu entitled la the urn for puNloetloe ot all nm dlapetehaa amUtad to II or sot otherwwe era tad In tkla paper, tad alw lea igsei aewe budiiibm aerein. ail rif&U M puDUoauoa at oar evenaj leneirnei an aiao ream ex BEE TELEPHONES BSLttfSSWlLS! Tyler 1000 Far Ni(ht Calls After 10 P. M.s -Mltftrial Darjartmant .......... Trlar 10091 Cbealatlea Department ......... Trier lOOIt, eerarUUm Dapertmmt Tlet 1001. OFFICES OF THE BEa Itatn Office i irth and ranee) CbaecU Btatte IS Beott M. I South Blot till X It ' Out-of-town Of flea i few Tort SM riflh Are. I Waaalnrloa 1111 O M. attafar Bide. I ParU Franc 420 lot 81. Hoaart ZTte tee Platform i 1. Nw Union Pastenf er Station. 2. Continued improvement of the Ne braska Highways, including the pave- , , man of Main Thoroughfares leading into Omaha with a Brick Surface. 3. A ahort, lowrato Waterway from the Corn Bait to the Atlantic Ocean. 4. Homo Rule Charter for Omaha, with wry Manager form of Government. ' f SHANTUNG AND ARTICLE X ..Our amiable but somewhat excitable contem porary whose devotion to the president's League of Nations sometimes leads it far astray has sailed into Colonel Roosevelt rough shod on Shantung. It says: Young Mr. Roosevelt, in his speech at Grand Island last week, made, according to the Omaha Bee, this amazingly mendacious as sertion: V i - "According to Article Ten we plight our selves to keep in subjugation Shantung. We plight ourselves to aid Great Britain, should she demand it, in the Irish troubles. Do you ; wish to have your sons fighting alongside of m4?E?55. t0 noM in subjection for them JU.OuO.000 Chinese? lllft vn uUh be sent w VApvuuiuu llf iciuui There could be no more conscienceless mis representation of the .truth crowded into fewer . words. There is not an intelligent man or wo man in the country, whether friend or enemy of the league, but must recognize It. Article Ten provides: "The members of the league undertake to " 5f5PeSJ.?nd. Jeserve As AGAINST EX- . TERNAL AGGRESSION the territorial in- legniy ana existing political independence of all members of the league. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of .such aggression, the council shall advise upon the means by which this obliga tion shall be fulfilled." , 7 To say that this agreement is an' agreement s to aid, by armed force, any government, beneficial or tyrannical, to put down civil war, to suppress revolution, is such a flagrant dis tortion of plain facts and plain words, as mer- its the severest condemnation. It is an offense 1 against common decency in the discussion of a great issue, and an affront to the intelligence of the people who are to pass judgment upon it. , ,., The republican party has sunk to a low level of morality, and its case on the merits is des perate indeed, when speakers thus defiling the truth are sent out, under the auspices of its national committee, to plead its cause. No one of all its labored attempts at defense of Article X is more open to criticism than this. Article X says from "external aggression." The treaty recognizes Shantung as Japanese terri- iory. jxny cnuri 01 umna to recover mis ricn province by force of arms amounts to "external aggression" against Japan, and so to an offense against Article X and a concern of all members of the league. China refused to sign the treaty with its covenant because of President Wilson's decision that Shantung should go to Japan under the secret treaty made between that country and the Allies before America entered the war, and knowledge of which was disclosed only when the Paris conference had assembled. If, however, it be contended that Shantung is not Japanese territory, and' this is the more tenable view, then China is suffering from ex ternal aggression, and we would be liable under the terms of Article X to assist that country in defending its own soil. Either horn of the. dilemma is sufficient to produce the difficulty anticipated in case our country enters the league without the reservation providing that the issue of war shall be left where the Constitution of the United States has placed it, with the congress which represents the people of the United States. ''"The president, in his defense of the treaty, saidlhat Article X is the heart of the. covenant, ( and that it imposes a moral okgation on the members of the league, stronger than any legal obligation, to be bound by the decisions of the council This literally does give to the council of the League of Nations, in which we have but a single vote, right to decide on peace or war.i Efforts to befuddle the voters on this point be long with the, false1 and misleading cry raised four years ago, "He kept us out of war.'.' Ameri cans may well and safely insist that the Question Of when, where and with whom they shall go to war be left to their own judgment, and not to the decision of a super-national council. The Cox Mind Couldn't Work. We have observed, with proper regard for all concerned, we trust, the essential superficiary of the political thoughts of Governor Cox. " He is ruite ,well understood to be both weak and uncertain in his intellectual processes on funda mental political ' matters whose discussion re quire loyalty to sound principles of government, and knowledge of History and political literature. His training in Ohio politics has been to skim .the obvious rather than to plumb the depths of public questions. He flounders where depth of thought is required. Aa instance of his lack of preparation for teal, problems of statesmanship, and ease with which he is unhorsed when confronted with vital issues, occurred in the state of Washington last week. A woman put him to flight when she submitted i the following questions to him as president of the national council of woman voters: ' First, are you in favor of Article X of the covenant of the league of nations exactly as brought back to us from Paris by President . Wiltnn? Second, if you should be elected president of the United States, would "you veto an act : passed by congress which modified or repealed the Volstead act? . T Third, are you in favor of the United States assumnig a mandatory over Armenia? '.! Intelligent, proper questions all, at least two of which may have to be answered by the of ficial act of the next president, and the last of -which 'would let a flood of light on Cox's views if honestly answered. The governor's confusion is described as rather pitiable. 4He had not the courage, the principle, the intelligence, to answer cither. They jftTt beyond his mental power to handle before a thinking audience. He ignored them. " ; So the women voters are left in ignorance, so far as Cox is concerned, while citizens asked: "What manner of man is this who seeks our votes and dodges fair questions?" If the queries had been on rounding up ward heelers in Day' ton, htfw glibly he could have talked! Lansing and the World Court. It may be a little farfetched, but some infor mation just given the public may shed a little light on the flareup between the president and Secretary of State Lansing, which resulted In the latter being unceremoniously dismissed from .the cabinet. Mr. Wilson then somewhat petu lantly told Mr. Lansing he wanted only men whose minds run along with his, and accused the secretary of undertaking 'to "forestall" his chief. ' ' , All of this was more or less mystifying at the time, and occasioned a great deal of wonder ment as to'what Was back of the, outburst of executive temper. Now some things are coming out The Philadelphia Ledger prints a story from, Washington crediting Mr. Lansing with being joint author with Elihu Root of the world court plan. According to the Ledger, Mr. Lans- ing has for twenty years devoted himself to the establishment of such an institution, and with giving a great deal of his time to assisting Mr. Root in working out the details of the plan. One of the chief criticisms made by Mr. Root in his letter to Chairman Hays, written in the spring of 1919 and reviewing the outline of the League of Nations plan brought home by the president, was that the covenant provided no way 'for the development of international law. The courKas developed by Root and Lansing does this; it transcends as a practical agency for the maiatenance of peace the cumbersome machinery devised by Smuts and Wilson, and aims at the settlement of disputes on the basis of right and justice and not on expediency. This may explain why the president thought his secretary of state was seeking to forestall him. At any rate, it affords ample evidence that their minds did not run along side by side on the important issue. Sometime the world may get all the facts dealing with the episode, but this' is a significant pointer. When a Man Dies When mortal man closes his eyes on this vale of trouble, it is all over as far as he is per sonally concerned. Generally, however, it is but the-beginning for his heirs. An incident just recorded at Lincoln emphasizes this. There a tombstone wasx brought into court and pre sented as a proof that the man in question was dead, and that he died on a specified day forty years , ago. This was necessary in order that title to a certain piece of real estate might be quieted. Such a contingency was not thought of when this man passed on, but that it did come up so long after is a proof that we must not only be careful in our way of living, but also must be rriore or less circumspect in the manner of our dying as yrttt. Howeve-j, as the federal health J authorities have at last admitted Ne braska into the roster of state belonging to the federal registration bureau, our future is made a trifle more secure. One of the conditions precedent to membership in registration bureau is that, at least 90 per cent of the births and deaths be officially recorded.' Nebraska has at tained this degree of efficiency, and now any one coming' into this worlds or going out of it has nine out of ten chances of having the fact officially embalmed in -the perpetual records. Hereafter, instead of going to the burying ground to obtain proof of the death of a former resident, a visit need only be paid to the archives of the county. Certainly the new way is an improvement. Hail I The Aristocratic Coat. Just how Capricornus first butted his way into fame doesn't matter a great deal just now. He lus been in bad odor for a long time. Since that time, when the Mosaic law was codified, and the Hebrews were admonished to unload their sins on the scapegoat and send him out into the wilderness, he has suffered accordingly in his social status. Some have even gone so far as to connect him directly with Auld Clootie, but that is perhaps as unjust ata it is unfair. Patiently the goat has borne of this con tumely, has furnished milk, hair for various pur poses, sometimes food, and skin for the making of shoes, gloves and the like. If he has used his head at times to thrust out of his way those he looked upon as intruders, it has been his own head, and not another's on which the curse has decended. Now, however, things are look ing up a little for his goatship. A California man has" just paid a Sioux City breeder $750 for a male goat. Such a price liftstim at once into the realm of the respectable, and he will from now on assume a place of importance. It may be inferred from this that goats of lineage are to be recognized, Just as we have the impres sive male and female of other domestic animals, fowls and what not, brought to eminence by such care in breeding and watchfulness of the strain as only is given to the lower orders and never did much worry man, and record will be kept of this high-priced billy goat and his future gen erations until his progeny shall be as sands of the sea for number and 'as the Vete de Vere for hauteur It ay even become a compliment to be made the goat. The Department of Labor tells us the h. c. of L is not so much in 6maha any more, that prices are coming down. Well, show us. The butcher, baker, candlestick maker and all the rest did when the cost was mounting. 'Ak-Sar-Ben visitors find Ornate in its usual state of bustle and growth. We have no apology to-make for the appearance of the city, as the disorder is entirely, incident to improvement and expansion. The first year of prohibition shows that the American people consumed only 9.17 gallons per cap. of intoxicating beverages last year. The lid must have tipped mightily some place. Old King Corn is coming down the home stretch so far ahead of Jack Frost that there is nothing to it now but paying off on his majesty. , Senator Harding is deeply interested in the housing problem, but "his concern is mild as compared to that of the tenants. ' ' One thing we can keep house without is the bomb-throwing anarchist. Somebody ought to tell France and Turkey the war is over. A Line 0' Type or Two Haw ta tha Lis. M ths tattl tail whan tkay Star.. A L, FRESCO. Crisp as cut stone, or tagae as faint perfume, Fantastic clouds like Chinese figures old And fabulous, on screens of lemon gold, People the changing sky. The drooping plume .Of one tall elm nods darkly at the room Rippling above it. ITom. the western wold The tentacles of mounting mists uphold Earth's plan to swallow heaven in its gloom. Before this Is a spacious table set With creamy cloth, silver, wine-gilded glass, And candles flickering as the whispers pass Fragrantly lakeward. Beautiful . . and yet Without your smile to crown the carnival, My eyes see only Laughter's funeral. , PETRARCHINO. "DEMOCRACY," says Mr: George White, un rolling a list of becauses, "will win because the American people want a League of Nations." How perfectly probable 1 And how carefully the American people are keeping the secret. One who did not; know how they intend to vote would say that Democracy was in for a gosh-awful licking. , PERSONALLY WE WISH WRITERS WOULD QUIT LUGGING IN THE WORD -"PERSONALLY." (Oliver Madox Hueffer, N. Y. Evening Post) Personally I doubt if the Anti-Saloon. League could do any better. ... I have , in fact personally met only one man who upheld it . . - I am not personally clear Where the liquor is to come from. UNLESS a writer is paid by the word he has no excuse for sticking "personally" into every third sentence. Will Prof. . Flint instruct his students in journalism to that effect? "I SHALL stand squarely on the Democratic platform." Candidate Walker, of New York. They are all using the square stance this year. "We Come Like Wind, and Like Wind Skiddoo," Said Bunn tiie Baker of Baraboo. - (From the Baraboo Republic.) We would like to thank our1 customers who were ceratinly kind and considerate to v Mr. and Mrs. B. Frelgang in the time of one year while we were here and look forward to you.r appreciation of our new baker, Mr. Felix Odehnal. Remember! certain parties who get shipped in bread from Janesville better boost Baraboo where they make their money instead of boosting St. Petersburg where they spend it. Thank you one and all. We may be back. The Frelganar, Barabob System Bakery. MR. WILSON has cheered the national com mittee by intimating that he may assist in the campaign. Even a few may-I-nots would help. OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES Sylvia, aged three, composing a letter: "I'll write a letter to my grandma, and put it in an envelope, and give it to my daddy, and he'll put it in the postofflce, and (sigh) maybe they'll send it." J. K. "THE GOLFER is about the only mortal proud of being in a hole." Philadelphia Ledger. Zazzo? A cribbage player holes out as glee fully as a golfer. BUT ISN'T FLY DOPE CHEAPER? (Ad of a. Montana druggist,) Don't let your, cow kick) when you can buy a gallon df fly dope for three cents. . Use it on yo.ur hogs and horses. Make 'em laugh. And While we are on the laugh subject you can make the children laugh. Do it with an Edison. , OPTIMISTIC GEN. Sakharov predicts that bolshevism will go to pieces before long with a general massacre. The housing situation in New York might be solved also by a general massacre of the landlords, Speaking of Names (Solomon Eagle, "Books in General.'1) You may work as hard as you like in the re gions of , the grotesque and the unlikely, but when you have concocted names like, Arabel Pickels or Marmaduke Honeyblossom Whooping nose, the vchances are that from Clapton or Sydenham or Blackpool or Merthyr Tydvil some Dread Unknown will start up and ask why his or her name, long known and honoured In the locality, has been thus pilloried. Dickens' names look preposterous enough, but he used to get them out of the London Directory. If he had made them up out of his head he would protatly have found them in the London Directory afterwards. No name is entirely impossible in this country, as I realized recently when, walking along the main' street of a small cathedral city, I observed over a draper's shop the almost incredible cog nomen of Gotobed. The only- people who oc casionally produce an English name that prob ably is unreal are French novelists. They try to do the thing correctly. They consequently construct their English surname out of English surnames that they have seen. But they very often put together syllables which, though quite common, are for some reason quite incompatible. They have seen, for example, such names as Oldham and Hawkins, and they will come out with an English governess called Agnes Oldkins, and a sporting English baronet with the highly improbable designation of Sir John Hftwham. WE shall have to send to Mr. Eagle a few copies of American "small-town journals, in which the surname of Gotobed, with others quite as almost-incredible, is of frequent occurrence. THEY WATER THEM NIGHT AND MORNING. Sir: Driving at dusk out of Loz Onglaze, across a long, bridge-like structure. Said the lady from the east: "What is this we are cross ing?" Bald I: "This is the San Gabriel River." Said she: "Oh, I've heard so much about your California rivers. They require irrigating, do How to Keep Well By DR. W. A. EVANS Questions ceacarnlng hyflane, sanita tion and pravantlea el dUaaaa, aub ntlttad to Dr. Evaaa by roadara of Tha Bn, will bo SBaworad personally, sub ject to proper limitation, wbaro a at am pad, addraaaad enyalope is en closed. Dr. Evans will not malts diagnosis or praaeriba for individual diaeases. Addraos letters In care of The Bee. . , Copyright, jl 9 20, by Dr. W. A. Erana. they not?" I BENN KAY. The last days of summer were fervid enough. SO delicious was the dear old lady's dandelion wine, so insinuatingly warm, that we traved the recipe. Flattered, she fetched the document from a Hepplewhite secretary: "It is certainly the best we ever tasted," we observed, as we copied the formula. And then we came to the last il luminating item: "One-half pint of rum." The Superior Sex. Sir: While walking with my equivalent she called my attention to a dog seated on the prow of a vessel ln the harbor. Immediately I showed my superiority by remarking that it must be a bow-wow. ' , ED. ANOTHER member of the superior sex is A. H. L., who relates that while watching a man reading the Hebrew newspaper "Forward." he came to the conclusion that it should be called "Backward." WONDER IN WHAT DUSTY CORNER" OF THE COMPOSING-ROOM THEY DUG THIS UP. (From the Daily News.) An after-dinner trick' much enjoyed by chil dren is to put walnut shells filled with brandy or alcohol into their finger bowls and then light them. These burning ships at sea are wonderful sights, and grown up people as well as the chil dren are not averse to watching this exciting end to a dinner party. WE will give a.walnut-shellful of twenty-year old bourbon for , an authentic .instance of any body setting fire to his post-prandial hootch since July 4, 1919. ,NIL DESPERANDUM. (From the Olney Mail.) For Sale As I haye quit business, the fol lowing are for sale: Child's bed in good condition, never used; also one high chair. Inquire at this office. "CALF. Feels Severe Shock." Morris 'Herald. It transpired that the Calf, was a stretch of the Pacific coast. IL Y A TOUS LES JOURS . . . " (From the North Judson, Ind., News.) Everybody through threshing. Oats were fine but pickels not doing so well rlgnt now. YOU NEED IT ON SOME COURSES. Sir: Packing for my vacation on eastern golf links, I droam of sufficient riches to afford a new ball on every hole. CD. "THE People have spoken." WITH a loud hee-haw I B. L. T. . , i . Horrible Possibility. The French women have succeeded. They have a different complexion for each dress. It grieves us to think what the result will be if Jlaids ever come back into favor. Knoxville ournaL That's a Safe Bet. France thinks a vice president would be a handy man, to have around. Surely France didn't get the idea from President Wilson. Toledo Rtafi . THE PERILS OF "LOCKJAW." "As this is the) lockjaw season," A. H. M. writes, "will you please print something about this dreadful disease? Almost daily I read that someone dies of lockjaw after a scratch or minor cut of some sort. Is it only from a cut or abrasion of j the skin that lockjaw is contracted? ; Is it contracted more 'easily in hot j weather than cold ? Is there any remedy once it takes hold?" The, following is about the present state of information and opinion about tetanus, or lockjaw: Tetanus is due to a bacillus which Is about as much at home in the digestive tract of grass-eating ani mals as the colon bacilius is in the human intestine. Like the anthrax bacillus, It is capable of living In the soil for almost an indefinite time. Spores have been known to keep alive for 19 years. In the world war the soldiers suf fered unduly from tetanus because the fighting was done on soil which was intensely cultivated and highly fertilized. Doubtless, tetanus bacilli abound in that soil, perhaps propa gating, perhaps lying dormant. The bacillus does not grow in the presence of air. Sometimes It gets into a wound where there is some air, but not much. Under such cir cumstances it causes no harm, but If an air-consuming bacillus, such as the bacillus pyocaneus, comes along and uses up the little air that is on hand, the tetanus bacillus becomes active and secrets its poison. Tetanus is more prevalent In hot countries than in cold Edwards says it is 10 to 20 times as prevalent in hot countries. It probably is more prevalent in summer. The disease results from the bacil lus getting into a wound. There are some cases palled idiopathic tetanus wnere me wouna or entrance is not easily found,: but authorities are agreed that a wound of some kind is always present somewhere, and the bacillus cannot gain entrance in any other way except through a wound of some sort The organism does not cause a local irritation or inflammation. While many of the bacteria remain in the wound, others are carried throughout the system. In 44 per cent of a series of autopsies on per sons who died of lockjaw, the bacilli were found in the brain and spinal cord. Nevertheless, the major part of the effect from the bacillus is due to its toxin. The toxin is 400 time3 as poisonous as strychnine. ' The number of deaths from tet anus, while much larger than it should be, is not large. Of the more than 1,000,000 deaths in the regis tratlon area In 1918, 1,329 were due to tetanus. Not all cases of tetanus die. Hippocrates .wrote, many cen turies ago, that cases of lockjaw which lived over four days might re cover. Of i the cases, that develop more than two weeks after Infection, 47 per cent, recover. Probably the best treatment 1s tetanus antitoxin given in Very large doses Into the veins. Too Old for Cancer. R. L. S. writes: "This is the third time I have written you, but have not received a reply. Will you kind- ly advise me what are the symptoms of cancer of the mouth? I have had a small, hard lump oni the roof of my mouth, right over a rront tootn, and on the other side over another tooth there is a sort of a hollow, This lump has been there as long as I can remember, but has ; never given me ariy trouble. , Once the roof of my mouth was sore after I ate bitter sweet chocolate or some thing of that kind. Will you kind ly advise me and let me know if there Is any cure for cancer or me mouth?" ' REPLY. A lumD which has been In the mouth "as long as I can remember" is not cancer. See your physician If this lumo should be removed, he will do so. If not, do not tamper with it. The cure for cancer of the mouth Is very early removal of tha tumor, or treatment witn radium or X-rays, or both, i Better Have Test for T. B. Mrs. A. S. writes: "About three years ago, after a severe exertion, I coughed up a mouthful of very bright red blood. Since that time about every three months I have spells of spitting up blood. "1. What causes this blood-spit-ting?" "2. What would you advise as to treatment? "3. Shall I take a t. b. test?" REPLY- 1. You probably are tubercular. 2. Have a thorough examination, If you are found to be tubercular, take the fresh air-rest-ieeaing treat ment. Mnv Need to Eat Greens. M. M. writes: "Mjfa little boy Is 3 years old and is very1 thin. What should he weigh at his age and arhat would be best to givehim? He is very pale, but still eats well and is wiry. REPLY. Three-year-old boys range In height from 34 to 37 inches and in weieht from 31 to 34 pounds, ac cording to family and racial pecu liarities. . If he is much neiow weight you must bring him up by changing some of his habits. Does he get a good afternoon nap? Plenty of sleep at night? Does he eat plenty of milk, butter, cereal and breid? If he is pale, he needs spin ach and other greens. ADVERTISEMENT. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in a poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes." Easy directions in every package. GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH; WHITEN Make Lemon Lotion to Double Beauty of Your Skin Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces pf Orchard White which can be had at any drug store, shake well and you have a quarter pint; of harm less and delightful lemon bleach for few cents. ' Massage "this sweetly fragrant lo tion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then 'shortly note the beauty of your skin. Famous stage beauties, use lemon juice to bleach and 'bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion. 'Lem ons have always been used as a freckle, sunburn and tan remover. Make thiup and try it v tr r 6& Bishop Pleads for Amendment. Omaha, Sept. 18. To the Editor of The Bee: For the people of Ne braska the election next Tuesday for the adoption of the new state constitution is probably more im portant than the presidential elec tion. ' May I call tile attention of Ne braska people to one Amendment which is being fought by a certain class and, I believe, championed by none? Amendment 38 enables the legis lature to curb profiteers in the state and to insure a peaceful and just settlement of all strike and labor disputes by the appointment of: an industrial commission. The privil ege of an appeal from their decision to the supreme court Is recognized. This decision shall be final. Should this become . a law, it means protection to your purse, and a righteous peace in all industrial relationships. Today no known power exists to curb the unrighteous profiteer, whether it may be in food, clothing, rent or fuel. The situation is not curbed nor adequately handled. The people, poor or rich, are not pro tected. Therefore, much of H. C. L. Every strike not only decreases output and increases cost, but dis turbs the peace of the whole com munity and increases the spirit of unrest. To those peace-loving citisens who desire a right adjustment of finan cial and industrial conditions, this message is sent, with the urgent re quest that they register that desire by voting ror Amenameni as Tuesday. ERNEST VINCENT SHAILEK, . Bishop of Nebraska. Just Willing. When the Illinois democrats drafted James Hamilton Lewis as a candidate for governor, they used an energy so infinitesimal that the instruments couldn't measure it. Houston Post BUSINtM IS GOOD THANK Y0lf LV Nicholas oil Company . "!!si ''f Selling Merchandise By Mail Joe B. Redfield We have, by counsel, analysis and service, helped to develop some very satisfactory mail order business for Omaha concerns. Ask Mr. Peterson of the Williams-Murphy Co. what he thinks of the results produced ; by our service department. ' ' Planning, copywriting, illustrating, printing, addressing, mailing "From the desire to sell clear 1 to the cash register." ; K B Printing Company Redfcld & Milliken Owner Printing Headquarters Harvey Milliken LINDSLY FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. Main Office UNffg Omaha Branch Des Moines, la. S TK Ty,er 5093 utomaticVprinkie Equip- lla Watchmen's Clocks. X Gravity and Pressure Fire Extinguisher Appara- 13 Tanks Fire Department Supplies, jyw mnia Fire. Mill and Linen Hose. Sprinkler Systems Repaired and Altered by Experts V7SQ Aids to good looks, sound teeth, eager appetite and healthy digestion are only 5c a package. 19 Sealed Tteht- KePt Right LiSt 1:1 tU'MMHSSll V VA Ml 1H IU . ' a ' The H'JUitl ' awf riavor LASTS I c iWer every mea! A-142 a? 1 J r