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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1920. Man Faces Term, For Robbery of Ten Years Ago Noted Bank Bandit, Who v' J T:l C Af.- V Crime, Found in Fed eral Prison. ; , Sioux Fall, . P., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Frank Loftus, noted bink robber, who recently was taken into custody by Sheriff John Nolan of Broqkings county, as ne stepppea from the doors of the federal prison at Leavenwrth, Kan., has been safely lodged .behind the bars of the Sioux Falls penitentiary, where he will serye a term of eight years and nine months for the robbery of banks at White and Bushnell. Brookings county, on the last Tuesday night in November, 1910. . Loftus escaped from the Brook ings county jail nearly 10 yean ago. A few days ago he finished a five year term in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth for robbing the postoffice at Couer D'Alene, Idaho, and fonnd Sheriff Nolan waiting at the prison gate with a Warrant for his arrest on a charge trom which he escaped punishment 10 years ago. Funeral Services For Charles Thomas Wifl Be Held Today Fail to Get Money. Four men were implicated In the robbery Of the Whit and Bushnell banks Loftus, William Forbes, William Reed and James Laton. They visited White first. After blowing the safe they were unable to get into it, so were obliged to leave the town without any loot. At Bushnell they had no better suc cess, i lie explosion laiiea to give them access to the cash. Large crowds of people stood in the street and watched them work after be ing awakened by the explosion. When the crowd gathered the rob bera fled. :They were trailed through the snow by Sheriff Miles and a posse and finally were overtaken and ar rested at Egan, this being on De cember 1, 1910. At a term of court in January, 1911, all four pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary. ' Reed and Laton were given light sentences. Loftus and Forbes, who were regarded as the most danger ous members of the quartet, were given heavier sentences, Loftus eight years and nine months, and Forbes five years and one month. If was planned to Jiold them in ttie'countv jail until court had ad journed when it was intended to take them to the Sioux Falls penitentiary. ; Escaped in 1911. On the night of February 1, 1911, Loftus and Forbes made their escape by 'in some manner getting out of the1 cage and sawing a' lock off a small door in the steel grating- over a window on the west- Side- of the jail. . ;:By raising the sash and pushing out the storm window they easily made their escape through this open ing. The night was cold and stormy with a strong wind blowing from the ' northwest, so no one heard them escape. ' Loftus now has voiunieerea the' information that they did not leave Brookings at all the night , tbey escaped, but remained in hid Ninff in the city, while hundreds of men were searching a wide extent of country for the fugitives. ' Forbes has never been located - since the escape. . . New Charge Frameup, j Declares Beryl Kirk (Continued From Ta One.) on. the how case and he carefully inspected them. v Handful Is Taken. "He expressed dissatisfaction with my stock and asked if I had any more. Whan I'reached under the counter to get more stones, lie seized a handful and placed , thcnn in his pocket. . "The Other stones, also dissatis fied him, and he said' he would return later. He went out the door, and I did not miss the stones until he had disappeared from sight. "I immediately rushed into the trt in the hone that I might over take him, but he had apparently disappeared in an automobile. He made away with $6,000 worth of dia monds." ' ' , ' Hodges said he was positive m his identification. , Kirk has been claiming to Dcs Moines officials he has been living a straight life since Jiis release from prison. i - Attorney is Silent. ' - Earl DeFord, .ittornev. who has taken up the fvrht for Kirk to stop extradition and his return to prison in Nebraska, arrived in Des Moines yesterday following a two days' visit In. Nebraska, probing the details of hisc lient's release in December, v-'i He, too, refused to discuss the al leged theft of diamonds and identifi cation of his client as the perpetra tor. Hodees returned to Marshalltown at' noon. He said he would file charges in Marshall county against Kirk. These charges will be break ing and entering and grand larceny, he said. ' " Des Moines officials said yesterday Kirk would probably not be returned to Nebraska, where he had served 18 months of a 20-year sentence for ... Second degree murder in connection with the killing of Detective Frank Rooney in Omaha in January, 1918, following the' robbery of the Mala shock jewelry store, until these new charges have been cleared. If found guilty of the Marshall town theft he will have to serve his term in Iowa before returning -to Lincoln,' they declared. Expects Convict's Keturn. Lincoln. Sept. - 20.-r(Special.) Gov. S. R. McKelvie today ex pressed the opinion that Byrl C. Kirk will not be able to defeat ex tradition to Nebraska and that he ' will soon be brought back to the penitentiary. i ! The governor said that when he revoked the furlough and ordered Kirk's return, he gave instructions .o that effect, both verbally and in writing, to Warden W. T. Fenton Of the prison. All the records have been taken to Des Moines by Assist ana . Attorney 5 General Mason ,Vheelev who is opposing the at tempt by Kirk to obtain his liberty there, eithef on bail or through ha beas corpus, Ji: v XJ - rn-rrirnwiiiiiiiiwii n iiiimiinrnw n iftr C&a$.Z,Tjftoma4 Funeral services for Charles Ladd Thomas, new eritor of.;The, Omaha Bee and veteran Omaha newspaper man who died at his home. 4624 Far nam street, Sunday morning, will be held this afternoon from All Saints church at 2:30 oxlock. The Rev. Thomoas Cassady will officiate. Active pallbearers will be associates of Mr. Thomas on The Bee: Victor B. Smith, R. A. Car- rington, Fred S. Hunter, Doane Powell, Herman- Schonfeld and A. K. Donovan. Honorary- jjalbears will be Congressman A. W. Jefferis, Col. T. W. McCullough, Charles S. Young, S. G. V. Griswold, Charles Gardner and Victor Rosewater. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cem etery. ' The following resolutions on the death of Charles L. 1 nomas were passed at a meeting of Omaha Ty pographical union No. 190, held on Sunday, September 19, 1920: Whereas, The call having come tc Charles L. Thomas of the Omaha Bee to receive his reward at the hands of a just and generous Cre ator, be it Resolved, That, while he was not a member of our organization, JNo. 190 feels the loss of a staunch friend in the death of Mr. Thomas, that his 20 years' connection' with the news paper business has been the means of close and pleasant relationship with the members of our union, who learned, by association, to value the man whose genial companionship, steady good nature and unswerving fairness at all times did so much to sof,tcn the toil in which they were mutually engaged; . Resolved, That this resolution be made a part of the records of, this union, and that a copy of it be sent to the family of the deceased. Call French General To Testfiy on Upper Silesia Situation By HENRY WALES. Chicago Tribune-New York 'Timet table. Copyright, 1UW, Paris, ,Sept., 20. Sensational de velopments are expected before the ambassadors' council when General Derond, French military representa tive in Upper Silesia, appeared before the body. ' ! t General Derond was recalled to Paris following the resignation of the British members of the 'Upper Silesia commission, who complained that Germans were being interested hv the Poles. Serious charges are expected to be made and Franco-British relations may be further strained by the prom ised investigation. Find Two High Explosive Bombs in Stable at Genoa Hunger Striker In Cork Prison Former Omahan Joseph Kenny Left This City 10 Years Ago for Ireland Because jf 111 Health. f i Joseph Kenny, former Omahan, is near, death in the Cork, Ireland, prison as the result of a 40-day hunger strike following his arrest by British authorities on suspicion of being an Irish republican soldier, hit Oman relatives learned in Asso ciated Press dispatches yesterday. k Kefthy resided at 2514 Decatur street when he lived in Omaha and was employed as a carpenter in the Union racihe shops, ne has brother-in-law and two sisters-in law residing in Omaha; CapODan A. O'Connor of Hook and Ladder company No. 4, Mrs. Edward tar roll, 4918 Leavenworth street and Mrs. , Thomas Egari, ;v5215 South Twenty-fifth . 'street, and one Sister in-law,. Mrs. Dennis Barrett, jiving 10 Kansas City, Mo. . Left Here 10 -Years Ago. Kenny left Omaha 10 years ago to - ' t f i : l. i.i- it. i l go to ircianu lur nis ne?iin. xie nau lived in this country seven years at the time. He had been farming at Grenagh Blarney, County Cork, up to the time of his arrest Captain O'Connor says he believes Kenny took out , American citizen ship papers while he was in this country. .' Kenny has a wife and seven chil dren, ranging in age from 2 to 13 years, ihe last word received trom the Kenpy family by Omaha rela tives was a letter last February from the oldest girl. Though she wrote of troubled conditions in Cork at that time she gave rio intimation that her father might become in volved with the agents of the Brit ish government. Captain Feels Helpless. Captain O'Connor first learned of is Drother-in-iaw s imprisonment and hunger strike through a speical dispatch trom Ireland printed in a Kansas City paper , two days ago. 'Yesterday morning The Associated Press carried a dispatch stating that Kenny and one other of the hunger strikers in the Cork prison are in a serious condition. "l am afraid there is nothing that can be done for him now, judging by the reports," said Captain O'Con nor yesterday. "Of course we all feel terribly about it.." ! . i Major Parties Dodge Cost of Living Issue (Continued From P One.) '. ing operations to be 'decreasing in stead of increasing. JMore Houses Needed. i ne can tor buildings comes loudest from the most essential places of manufacture, rather than from the retail centers, and, is for low-priced dwellings. Building con struction is increasing in New En gland, but the bulk of the construe Hon is of factories, warehoused an stores. New York, Pennsylvania and most of the other great indus trial states of the cast and middl west show a falling off in building operations, there is improvement in the housing situation in southern and JL'acihc coast. tenters, with spe cial emphasis on, the erection of workmen s homes. ' , "In no section of the country did the investigators find , sentiment in favor of government ownership of the' railroads, and everywhere better transportation conditions are re ported. Agriculture is .generally recog' nizod as the backbone of the coutv try, and the farming situation excellent; from no section has an unfavorable, report been received. Our farmers appear everywhere to be in too, haoov a mood to permit at this time the cynidism, 'theMarmer is always grumbling.' They are well supplied with funds from the sale Of Drowned Teacher Victim of Faint rothers of Kindergarten Di rector Scout Suicide Theory Believe Ueata Accident. Bfcuteile, Pa teh director, lantr Wednes Genoa, Italy, Sept. 20. Two high explosive bombs, similar to the one that exploded in the Stock Exchange here on Friday, have been found by the police in a livery stable, but the persons who hid them there have not been discovered. The authorities are closely following every clue, feeling they might arrest the perpetrators of the outrage and possibly reveal an international terrorist plot 'which may, perhaps, extend to the United States. Six Hungarians have been arrested since the bomb explosion. They had plenty of money but none or mem nau laeninicaiiou papers. They are said to be communists and were taken at a hotel, alleged to be a rendezvous for radicals. Several Russians and Hungarians, held' as suspicious characters, were found recently. American Singer Makes Debut Taris. Sept. 20. Miss Mignou Ne vada of New York, a young Ameri can singer,' made' her debut here in the opera Comique last night in the part of Mimi in La Vie de Boheme. She achieved great success and was accorded au enthusiastic reception. That Miss Carr citic school' km hose body-was f day night in a shalli-'iiiKoon near the Missouri river a the foot of Woolworth avenue, was the victim of a fainting, spell , and her death was accidental, is the belief of her" three surviving brothers, James H. Boutelle of.rOmaha, A." J. and W, J. Bqutelle , of, Galesburg, 111. -. " Checking Up Students, "Her mission to the river was to check, up the registration ; of nfany of her pupils wholive in ; that dis trict," A. J. Boutelle said today. "My sisteg has suffered fainting spells frequently and the position of ,her body when found indicated that she fell as she was walking along the path while on her errand of duty. "Mentally she has always been normal and highly intelligent. We have found no reason why she would attempt suicide as police have stated. On the contrary, she had even made her plans for the day, having left word with her mother, that she would return in time for supper. , Friends Scout Suicide. "There was no water in her lunfcs to indicate that she drowned," Mr. Boutelle added. "Evidence showed that she smothered on account of her (ace being burried in the mud.". Intimate friends of Miss Boutelle also discredit the . theory that she committed suicide. Legion Plans 4-Day Fair During Armistice Week Columbus, Neb., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Plans for, a four-day fair un der the auspices of the American Legion during Armistice week with a special program in observance of Armistice day are being formulated by the activities committee of Hart man post. The fair will be held November 10, 11, 12 and 13. 1 Three Criminal Cases Will Be Tried at Norfolk Court Norfolk. Neb.. Sept. 20c-(Special Telegram.) Judge Woodrough open the regular fall term of federal court here Monday afternoon. Three criminal cases and a large equity docket confront the court. The jury was empaneled Monday afternoon Advertising Copy for The Sunday Bee shdMld be in The Bee office not later than 8 P. M. Friday. - Early copy re ceives the preference when Sunday ad vertising has to be omitted. Late ad vertising is now omitted for lack, of time for composition. i' . ; The marked increase in advertising in The Sunday Bee compels the manage ment to request early copy for both display and classified advertising in order to give full service to all its adver tising patrons. . , . . . . this year's crops, but they are wise in that they know that more favor able marketing conditions - can be created. The recent drop in grain prices is reported to have had no effect except ii the Rocky mountain states Farmers of Illinois, Indiana, Michi gan, Wisconsin and dther central states are withholding grain. Money Is Scarce. "In the financial field, money is tight. That may mean several things: First; that the people want money badly to put into producing activities; second, that "the lanks attempt to get whatever, the traffic will bear, shearing close to the skin; third, that there is an inadequate supply, of money; or fourth, that those who have money lack confi dence. There ane other reasons, no doubt, and among them that as the dollar now buys less, than hereto fore, people with money wish to charge more for. the service, that money gives. ' No one can accurate ly sav which of these causes is the most imnorta'nt factor, but all contribute to the present situa tion. "The telegraphic reports from everv section f the countty state that the banks are well loaned up, although money is available in the east and central districts at from 6 to 8 per cent interests The'south- west, Rocky mountain and, Pacifiic states report the highest , interest rates, averaging from 8 to, 10 per cent, and in the mountain district as high as 12 per cent. ' Bank Deposits Growing. : "There is great encouragement, however, to be drawn from the fact that m only one of the nine geo graphical divisions; the Kocky moun tain, has there been a decrease m bank deposits during the "Mast six months. While the general increase includes corporation deposits, indi vidual savings accounts show a more marked improvement every where. This seems'to show clearly that the orgy of spending and ex travagance is over. "Discounting of. bills by industrial concerns is universally reported. Except in the middle Atlantic, southwestern and Pacific i. coast states, manufacturers appear' to be carrying large amounts of custom ers' paper. ' ' . The country does not like the present taxation system. The ex cess profits tax is in bad favor every where. Opinion, is divided, how ever, as to' a substitute. In the east and central west, sentiment runs. strongly for a sales tax, but else where, opinion as to a substitute -is divided. -"We are not vet masters of the art of distribution of products. The fact that the farmers unitormly re port a desire for some co-operative method by which.their products can be brought to consumers means that this problem is of the greatest im portance. BUt ll is noi ior me iarm- ers benefit primarily inat sucn a movement must quickly culminate in action. The consumer feels that somewhere between the farmer andi hirrtself. too much is taken for a service o comparative insignificance in contrast with that which the pro ducer himself renders. Trend Is Republican. "The farmers apparently are not alone in desiring co-operative action. The survey shows ppposition to co operative movements only in the New England and Pacific coast dis tricts Sentiment is divided in Ohio, Illinois, and the other north central western states, but favor able in the middle Atlantic, the south central and the ' southern states. ;,' "Politically,, the .replies, , indicate that it is too early to tell what the outcome of the November election wtll be. Three months ago, there was a stronger republican. sentiment than there appears to be now. The trend has been, and is, republican. What it will be in November these gentlemen do not prophesy. "The large outstanding fact de veloped by the Fidelity and Deposit company seems ' to be that the greatest issue m the public mind', is being overlooked by the campaign ers the high cost of living. I think this conclusion might well be jus tified, but the blame should not be cast upon the producer, and certain ly the farmer has not received, his share of the wealth which he" cre ates. ' On a Sound Basis. "The cost of livinsr'and foreign relations seem 10 oe tne main is sues, .taxation and industrial rela tions also occupy a place in the gen eral political thought. Least inter est appears to be shown in the rail road policy of the present adminis tration, radical movements, and pro hibition. . ' It is clear that the country !s on a sound economic basis, and there is generally a spirit of confi dence in the future, reeardless nf mc Kuiuuiuc ui line election. The busm ess outlook flnnparc tn V. j .. -. . . uc kudu in everv section, who p. salers and retailers view the fall and Winter OOtimiStlCa Iv. The rMailor is nnaing that the consumer is look ing forward without fear to the win ter, and his purchases from hp wholesaler are, founded upon J his optimism. From the simple toiler up1 through the tradesman to the in dustry and the financier thnr rn the connected feeling of confidence." New Bomb Plot Warning Is Received in New York (Continued From rr One.) ' could recall no unmistakable identi fying features of the owner. , Federal agents today were inves tigating a report that the fire depart ment had. learned, bv checking tin all stores of explosives lawfully held in the city, that there was a distinct hortage in one of the explosives' magazines. Officials claimed this new clue might have an important Cearing on the search for the sup- poscu plotters. Fischer, is Returned. Edwin P. Fischer, the former ten- is star, who was detained in Hamil ton, Ont., in connection with his postcard warnings of the Wall street explosion, arrived here this morning in. the custody b New York and Hamilton detrctffes. He was taken to police headquarters at once. , Fischer, after laughing with a swarm of reporters Jmd photograph ers while posing for hews "movies," breakfasted at a lunch room, after which he iwashed his face with a glass of wa'er. He stuffed into his pocket three gars that he nicked uo from the Grand Central floor, chuckling as he aid so. and explaining that he did not smoke, but his "friends dd." auspect is jocular. -, "When posine for camera men hi was asked to remove his hat. "Have a heart," he cried. - " Requested to talk, he said: , ' "Oh, talk my eye," " -"I'm in the hands of my friends here' he added, referring to the de tectives. "That's all I know. I don't know what sort of statement you fel lows expect me to make. .. I don't Know mucn to say. ; Fischer's jocularity "continued7 i withqut letup throughout th excite ment of nis arrival. , ;i - ' When detectives said they had to invoke the combined aid of the mayor, sheriff, crown attorney, chief of police. United States consul and the immigration authorities of both countries at Hamilton to get Fischer away, the former tennis star broke in: "Yes, if it hadn't been Hor them I'd still be up in that darned place." Fischer wore a gray suit and cap, both wrinkled by travel. ', He waV clean shaven, Jiut needed a hair cut. Russian Is Released "The police announced today re lease; of Alexander Brailovsky, Rus sian journalist, detained after he had admitted he was near the scene of the explosion soon after it occurred. The Department of 'Justice denied re ports that Brailovsky had been turned over to them. Both local aiid federal authorities declare they had found there was no evidence on which to hold the Russian." Maurice Davies, superintendent of Volunteer hospital, after an exten sive examination of the: clothing of the victims of the explosion, de clared that the theory that some one may have been near enough to the explosion to have been blown to atoms has- been' negatived. ' ' Mr. Davies also 'said that exami nation of all the injured did not find a single glass wound. AU were hurt by other substances, mostly metal, he Said. ' ' Will, No Doubt, Need A Long Cashmere Coat ' ;'j sA Jap Silk Robe For winter weather, with an . , Fbr.jstate occasions, that is tufted embroidered ,cape collar edgeov- and tied with tmy knots of rib with a narrow braid' cording. It is priced, $11.50. " .' V- -O A Baby Bunting Made in Japan ; "of quilted silk; beautifully embroidered and with ', a pointed, hood, may be had for $11.50, and, an eiderdown one, ribbon-bound, is only' $7.50.: ; . .. ...... A Stocking Cap for Sonny That is white silk and' very jaunty, may be had for $2.35., bon, and daintly feather stitched 'til the way round, is $17.50. . A Real Bath Robe Of 'eiderdown, with silk cords and frogs and satin bindings, is only $9.75. A Silk Quilt Made in Japan; has a pink bor der and a rose-sprigged white center that is delightfully dainty, $7.25.' . ' And of shirts and bands, flannel petticoats, hemmed diapers, bootees, mittens, bonnets, stockings, sheer silk face veils and dainty dresses and skirts all the dainty rieedfuls that make up an infant's wardrobe, we have assortments that are quite compJete. The baby shop is located on the second lloor. 4- --.' THOMPSON, BELDEN . r COMPANY '., Freling & SteinleT- The Leather Goods and Trunk Store Distributors and Service Station for HARTMANN WARDROBE TRUNKS The best known and most popular trunk today. More exclu sive features for your convenience than you could .possibly imagine. Priced at , "' $55.50, $63.75, $72, $77.50 Also the most complete line of Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Brief Cases, Wallets, Ladies' Hand Bags. - ' . i , W Can Serr You Bett." . : ' FRELING & STEINLE -1803 Farnam Street Here for 14 Years THOMP SON- COMPANY BELDEN Indispensable to Style Fine Tailoring Th& simplicity which spells distinc-; tion and good taste is achieved only through careful tailoring. 1 That is why women who appreciate fine things prefer Thompson-Bel den tailleurs. ' , ; . - , ., : Their character, their ,J grace and their unmistakable quality are the result of the combined : efforts of clever designers and skillful tailors, $59.50 Jo $375. Milady will be Pleased with our Sorosis Bodts for FiM'ear Dark brown boots fashioned on a slender last from the softest' vici kid have serviceable! welt soles and Louis heels. They are priced $18 a pair. ".'.'''.' . ; The, new camel sha'de is shown in a soft kid boot ,with welt soles and graceful Louis heels, that is priced $17 a pair. Black boots of soft French kid . have light hand-turned soles and Louis heels, $17 a pair. ' , Glove Silk Lingerie 1 Is being shown in complete selections vests, camisoles, union suits, envelope chemise and bloomers of" beautiful qual ity, with the daintiest of lace and ribbon trimmings. Practical garments, easily laundered. Second Floor $4 Silk Hose for $2.50 Pure thread silk,' black, white and navy, with lisle garter tops and soles, excep tionally fine qualities for $2.50. Center Aide Main Floor Two Interesting Specials in Table Cloths $13;50 cloths (2x2 yards), Tuesday for $8.89. Pure Irish linen cloths,. some a little soiled, but all of such splendid $17.50 cloths (2x2 quality that the yards), Tu e sday saving is impor- $9.89. tant. Linen Main Floor Tuesday. Evening at the Auditorium'Mountain Ash" (Welsh Malef Concert Choir V