Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
'A ) L - 10 Classified Advertising Rates IS per Una (count words to lino) 1 daj 1 per lino per, day, 3 oonsecutlvs days IS per line per day. T consecutlvs day 14o per lino per day. to consecutive days No add taken for lea than a tutai of :;5e. Tbeao ratea apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear in both morning and evening dally paper for the one charge. CONTRACT HATES ON ' APPLICATION. Want (da accepted at tb following ef ficea: MAIN OFFICE. ...17th and Farram Sts. , South Side 2319 N St. Council Bluffa .I Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT t TYLER 1000 ' THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of nn advertisement ordered for mar pin n . "'cLOSlNO HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition .....12:00 it Urnilni Hriltlnn 9:00 P. M. Bundey Edltloft 1:00 P. M. 8alurdayJ LODGE NOTICES, DELTA CHAPTER I. D. .' ulll work the Royal Arch Degree on Tues.. Sept. 51. p. In. All Companions ' cordially Invited. i R. V. COLE. E. II. P. L. K. 'ITi'H. Act. Secy, DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. JIGGERS Mrs. Agnes' V., age 40, Scp- , t-mher IS. Funeral from family residence. ol33 I Military Ave., Tuesday 8:25 a. m. to lloiy Name church. 9 a. m. Interment fiimlly crypt West Lawn Mausoleum. lf censed Is survived" by oae daughtes, Frances: one son, Charles: Ihree sisters, Sirs. C. A. Rennoe, South Bend, Jrlil., Mm. Q. C. r.utler, Omaha. Mies Mena tarr, Omaha: thiee brothers. Charles, ik'un. ".. J. F. and V. J both, of New vYrk City. New York City papers pleasa copy. - ifANSEXJl'rs. the residence pt Jier daughter, Mrs. R. B. Golden. Bn Min, mi yeitrs old Inst March. Bonr l.i ,lenmsrU, came to America In 1871. Has Resided here since. Survived"" by one cn, H. P. Hansen, Chicago: one daugh "ter, Mrs. R. Golden of Omaha. The de vested was a member nf Ruth Rebekah Jodge No. 1. I. O. O. F. . Funeral -notice later. JKNSE.S'Paul. died Saturday, September -IS, aged 30 years. ieath caused from "mitomohlle accident I on the roud be- - ""'tween Lincoln and la-atrlee. , Funerul servicea Wednesday, Septem ber J2. at 3 p. m., at the residence of ..Hubert Nieman, IDS Mouth Both Ave. In terment Forest Luwn cemetery, Mem hT (it B. P. O. Elks and A. l ad A. M."' Friends arvlcoine. , iiOFFMAN Fred, -yrnr-oid son of Mr. And Mrs. John Hoffman, 5518 8. 33d, ,-Kunday morning. - Fun-THl Monday. 10:30 a. m. from the Irewer'a funeral home. 24th and K. 1 Murliil Laurel Hill eemetery. The Rev. , .Miches! Adnms offlclutiity. funerailJdTrecto STACK &"F ALCONER" 2 OMAHA'S BEST. ' f P1ERCE-ARKOW AMBULANCE , SERVICE. I Thirty-third ant; Farnam. Harney 84. . HULSE'&vRIEPEN," . i'lMOXEErt FrN4L DII'.ECTORS. Tjffl Snu'h llitb St. 1 jjwiglas, JJJ26. rllEAFEY & HEAFEY, T IT.4..ti If ana ,..,! IV, Un IM.A w Limn iaria ntiu r.iui'jimci -. tttion H. 20. )ff;e ?M FarnHtn. t -FLORISTS. T P1. F T. T. A RMfiM Fontenellir -4i.' Finrlsta. ISH DoijgJaa St. v Dongas 8:'I4. JK'H N B ATIf . 18 1 h and" Farn uii7 D. SOuO. L. Henderson. 1519 Furnain. Douglas 1248. 2 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Vaclav and Frances Brejcha, ffioule 5. South Oninha, girl: Hlichael and 8ry Juni'a, iSl Madison at. boy; V. II. and Rpchltl Whaler, 200s Jf. lath t.. boy; Hed and Vioa Buble. 101 Sanford Circle, hoy; Michael and Eliabeth Brewster. JfiiFpital. girl: Roy anr Uraee Crowder. Hliiil Woolworth ave twin girls; Edward aid Agnethe Mclby. 4421 Pacific st.. bA-: Uarry and Lnura HaOlberg. 4716 X. 1uih Msas; boy; Roy and Theresa Sutton- 4005S U I .. II...... , ,i-- 5,t,. .1 H... uv) , neiiry unu .wauci JOIin-' h, 4108 Corby st.,i boy; Joe and Mary iesLeusM, 441 C 8. 4 hit- at., boy. , t?"eaths Carl M. Cnrlson, 76 years,' hos filtaj; Anna M. Peterson. 46 years, hos pital; -William John Bradlev, Jr., Infant, MO N. S7th St.; tlrvil W. Brant, lr-ars. hospital; Baby Oordon. Infant, 1901 Cal ifornia st: Richard Stoven ljuss. Infant, Bbspltal: Katherine-Oeldemailn, 80 years. Ul Center St.; Frank A. Deet 49 years, fctspltal: Clarence E. Baxter, &0 .years, -e!,ill;-,'ience E. Baxter. 60 years. 14S N. ISlh sl: (Jeorgia Blch. 32 jears. .hospital; .Tames IK Urove, 7 years. 2704 It. fCth st. S i MARRIAGE LICENSES. JfrTobert F. Picl:ens. tver 21 ewton. Ia.. ajjil, Jeanette Sheelcr, over 18, Nevr Kjn. la. , ... 9 if.Iohn A. McChrystal. 27, Sioux City, Ia ijkd Agnes M. Doran. 22, Omaha! . .. -iEvar C. Anderfon. 2i". Omaha, and Vel wa M. Alexander, 20, Omaha. , "ilolfn R. Stlno. over 21, Omaha, and HiMle.V. Haydcn, over 18. Omaha. s?Karl jr. Short, 24, Plattamouth, Neb, Irene'Craven. 21, Omaha. , Jlwuiiain .T. Smith. . 28, OmaSia, and JJfana B. Epperlo, 18, Omaha. ""Francis A: Click, over 21. Omaha, and lnna M. Hughes, over IS, Omaha. S JJPeter Ivlein. 32, Omaha, and Bessie Daniels, 28. Omaha. . K Anton Rathouz.: 2, .Omaha, and Ste'pe Tbndl. 19, Omaha. ... v 2-1. Omaha, i Olnaha. . ' and llolllc Shrtnnmen, 18. Tl'oinmodoe R. West. ""51, st JIo.. and Edna M. Walsabaugh. : BPIlh I It I A V Joseph', . St. Jo- HfJlph J ' Jfcchapuelle. 2tj Omaha, and HelaaE. Moore. 21, Omaha. AUith K. w ahlxtrom, 28, Omaha. " He?ry, llHn"Vp' Havclock. , Neb I and Aivln Bnhh. HarelocK, Xeb. L ;JWILDING PERMITsX ilSO " Jelll';in3' 'i0 Marcy. fraiuaTarage", j Kinll J, Neisort. 4318 Wirt, temporary mm dwelllgf. $300. 'hoi.ij LOT. FOUND AND WARDS. FOR ARTICLE LOST "on street ran toii: phone Tyler 800. Wo are sotIous to re vatore lost articles, to rightful owner. COM PANT. COUNC1L BLWl vTSl. LtWT-turday" aTternooiT near."or on ' , 6t? ,',"c, Douglas, a silver mesh bag .' eontalning an Athletic club privilege 'hi, im f.ft.wter,",n,me' CaI1 Dou - j-' J3'1- 8202 FowjerAye.Rwar.i LOST Saturday afternoon, neaivor on'MCi and Douglas, silver mesh bag. contain ,, Ing Athletic club privilege card bearing . owners name. Call Colfax 1314. 2202 Fowicr avenue. Rewardi-" LOST Gentleman's coat containing union i dues book and papers. Finder pleass re j,t.urn to Thomas' Cusak Co.. 20th son i Harvey. No questions asked. Reward t I. L. Dutton. - i SfTf,Kd5f ew"'''', P-4nI5r"bs"f5lB 1tset with diamond and 6 pearls bctween , j.rsnoeis mug. and Athletic club or in V LOST-Smalf female fox terrier, snow j, l",'!""-. bravn . tail I bobbed . short. ' " l,beraI rw''a. H. B. Wunrath, Col. ifcLLOW dog with white Tllarklngs.rl : ' cut short, ears trimmed, lost near 2th ' and Dodge. Har. 2665. Reward. LOST A ladies' Vrlst watch. hexagon shape, on browns ribbon. Call Colfax M IQ97 and recslve reward. oST Ladys' gold wrist "wateh, hexagon rshppo on brown ribbon. Colfax- 4097. ,i hrd. , fitiSff 4unch of keys Saturday ' after , ooflii. Reward. H. 1733. PERSONAL. -4MB, salvaiiw Army industrial homs-f- solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines, we collect. We distribute! 'Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will , .tail. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St SYSTEM of Swedish massage in homo or ; will go out Douglas 9649. "KENT else, vac cleaner, $1 day. Coi. PIAXO and player piano tuning and regu- ' lating. Phone Web. 2331. KENT elec. vacuum sweeper. 'Web. 4383. MASSAGE 21ft North Seventeenth 8L SWEDISH massage. 31S Neville block. - ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,. Dancing Academies. r.VNCT DANCING FOR CHILDREN. ;SEA8QN. $20. KEEP'S, HOTEL ROME. Tolnino School for- Dancing. - 2424 IXCltJilie Farnam. Doug. 7859. Detectives. " JAMES ALLAN. $1$ NctIII Blk. "" Evil ' ' a'"c, secured In all eases. Tyler 11$. ftELIABLE Detective ' Bureau, Rsilway , Ks.Bldg. Doug, Night. Coi. 465. JM P K f N " S NATIONAjTbETECTIVE lAOENCY. Jnooi poi a ted, Douglas 1107, "Arlington Blk. t'lailn, Neb. , " Painting and Paperhanfing. FAINTING. paperhanglng, pits tei Inf. u Walnut 45IT. - V- i BRINGING UP 3 HELLO JICCVI'M TCEUM" COM how ARE'00, 1 ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 1 Painting and Decorating. FIRST-CLASS paperhanging." palntini. D i0. j PAJNTlXg, p'ape7hang'ln. Wlnut""l4I. Hcmsfitching cndPl?ating. ACCORrVlOX. elde, "Vnlf.-, aunburst box . , leafing, covered buttons, nil 'ea and styles; hemstitching. plcot,edg!ig, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennat is. Ideal ' B'lttnn a,id PleatiiiJ Co. SOS ' Brown Blk. Domls lOliS. Top Notch1 Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds Mealing. l)o-it 011. Konm 33. Domflas Bill.. 1 fit h and Dodge. CLOTHES (mangle. CoL.llgB."" . MiscelUneous Announceipents. EWrNtTMAljHINES- We rent, renalr, "ll ned!es and parla MICKEL'S ltth an blarney Dougiaa Ui3 liENTISTRT'oxchaiied for Liberty bondi. face value Dr. Secor. 1017 1st Nat'!. Bk. TIT A MnTTYQ n pv the oea uixijiiuiiiyu price wlth privtie,, to buy bnel: ' -s-ria!! profit. GROSS JKWEI.RV CO 402 N. 10th St. Doug- lis 6049. I - P AXTON-1I IVCIIELL CO. !',lh and Martha Sts.. Omaha, Neb Brass, bronze, aluminum and rfnui hine gray Iron ca'stlngs. j SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, rnvor bla'des sold. Oinwiis Razcr Sharuenlng Co..lj22, Dodge. WS N. i OMAHA'PILLOW CO. Feather mattrosa cs made from your own feathers, summ.-r and winter ,-ldes. 19U7 Cuming. D.2467. Bl'IIiL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can "be purchased at Rial'.o Drug Store. I&tb end Douglas Sts., ' ma ha, Neb HATSKrleoned and lSeked wh'l vcu wait, st Paxton Hat W.rt ks. 1C07H Fa ram St. Wo. k gunranWed. D. 69:19 OE'i' our figures on roofs: work guaran teed. North West Ready Roof ins Co. 802 So. 81st. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign .o.. 1607 Itoivard fit. " JOHNSON, chimney sweep and fuinaclf cleaning, repairs: SO years' experience. Tyler 6210. ' . JAMES W. MARTIN, Patent" Attorney. 1716 Dodge St Patent your Invention and sell it to a manufacturer. SAFETY RAZQR blades. Mall your dull safety razor blades to (lachson Electric . Sharpening Co.. Wst Point, Netr WEDDING announcements and printing. Dougias Printing Co. Tel. Douglas U44. OMAHA WELDING CO. .'The fa'eful Welders. ' loth and Jackson. Df 4:197. FULL dreas sulia and tuxedos for rent. '109 N. ICth S'.. John FcldmaiuJD. J12S. t SAH tji. . . .V 7 . r, , V ' T , ' I uui;i, nnuunu'liii nil iiiiiiixi, mu o uuiieis, fine shape. .Cheap Tyler 1746. TREE "fRIMMINO AND REPARIRLNG L.VVVNS, PHONEWEB. 1649. - CITY Mattress Co., mattresses remade. H. ' 7163. . Dr Bradbury. N" pa'n. 921 W. Q. wl Bid. Omaha Towel Suppiy. 207 S. j It It. D. 628. DRSSSMABi.N'G--A 1! kln"ds.Web. 6623. OAS stoves connected. J2: repaired. 11.1619 Carrie j. Burtord, 62o paxton Bid p. urt.y FOR SALE. Furnitur and Household Good. "AUCVIOX. " AUCTION. HIGH-GRAIIE AND STAPLE FURNI TURE OF SEVERAL GOOD HOMES WILL BE SOLD IN MY AUCTION HOUSE. S. "E. COR. 18TH AND WEBSTER STS., WEDNESDAY, SKPTEMBER 22. STARTS AT 1 P. M. SHARP. Tills is complete furnishings of four beautiful homes. Watcn the papers for details. " .i JAMES L. DOWD & CO., Auctioneers, If you have anything to sell yt'all Douglas3285 or Tyler 966. 7-IALL. dining room, bedrocm, kitchen ySnd basement furniture; yard equipment. No dealers. Must be sold at once. ' Har. 4756. . . ) WE buy old and new furniture, we pay best price. . Eureka Furniture Co. Web. 4206. 1417 North 34th. FOR SALE Household goods. 3507 Harney, from 10 to 4, Call at .Monday and Tuesday. P.anos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art s:id music Pianos for rent. ?4.0 per mrntit. DLUMS, traps, msriniuas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 1967. Geo. A. Smith, 2761 Davenport St. r"ivrOaVV nnrit-h ' fina nnri.tiTlnr,. sonable. Address Box N-W0, Omaha B.-e. CPRIGHT piano in excellent condition, also other furniture. Doug. 6790. BEAUTIFUL $150 mahogany phonograph, almost new, $93. Walnut 3941. !2S5 VICTOR phonograph; for $165. Doug. 3066. will sacrifice VIOLIN for snle cheap. Djiigius 6743. Typewi Titers and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADD! NG AM ACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA Cet our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. . Central Tvyprewriter Exc. Douglas 8120. 1912 Farnam. PP.OTECTOCRAVHS. T t E.'s: bargains. 320 Nevilla Bldg. . ALL MAKETyptwritsrV&n'mtkM.H 205S. lltb SL Tyler 1414. Miscellaneous Articles. "olass"for salIc. r" SIZES 6x7, 6x1, 8x10. BEST GRADE: CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC CALU Jin. HADLET, -TYLER 1000. j I ENGRAVINO DEPT. LADY will sacrtfice 876 ret Hudson seal furs, stole and muff, never worn, $30; also squirrel stole and French seal caipe. The Harley, 20th and Farnam, suite 111. Mrs. McNamara. Js MAJOR'S uniform, with London-made boots and putees; officer's overcoat, fine quality; dress suit and tuxedo coat: dark medium weight overcoat. V All nearly new. Stxe about 40. Harney mey 1157. seal stole HANDSOME $50 Hudson seal stole, 2 yarua long, never worn, sacrifice $20; squltrel choker. $10; cross Fox scarf. Mrs. McNamara, Harley, 20th and Far nam. suite 111. HEMSTITCHING and plcoting ' attach ment, works on all sewing machines, $2.. Full Instructions. Douglas Sales Co. 1328 North 16th St., Birmingham. Ala. SHORT time, sure snd aafs Investment. i per cent city warrants to net you in per cent E. G. Solomon&17 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 5262. WE buy, sell safes, msko desks, how esses, eta Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. 8.'W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. Q, 2724. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. . BUY tomatoes now green or ripe, 60c and 75c per bushel at farm. Walnut 81S. E. J. Baker. CADET suit, sewing machine, lady's suit for sale, reasonable. Address Box R-42. Oma ha Bee. N CENTRAL high school cadet suit, siie 32 pants. 37 coat. Webster 3314. MAYTAG electric washer. 8-sheet eapacx lty; fine shape. South 1208. HUDSON seal collar for man's overcoat for sale. Tyler 3649. NEW blue serge dress, good style, $20, size 38. Colfax 6138. 1 DUNLAP strawberry plants for sale; 50c a 100, Doug. 8071. DRY short kindling wood for sale Box Co.. H. 1837. Acme NEW bine serge sfess, good style; $20: sirs 1 3. Colfax 5U4. RENT Hoover vac sweeper, Wal. 1947. v utau -t Ail i j FATHER- VHAVT'S THE ' L I DOWN AN" ELL. Pn oh: vou know what a coNboeTioub wokin MAM I AM FOR SALE. Miscelhneous Articles. BEADED georgette drees, reasonable. Ty. J KINDLING and lumber Web. 491. , WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS' DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. JCKeed, 1207 Farnain. D. til I, WANTED 12-gunge oump - gum Blate Jowest, cash price.. G. H. Furncea, 1715 pouglas. iJFlLL buy aecond-hand c'.othlrg, shoes and i furnltufe. Ty, 2f,!h-A. Kaveft. V06 JJ. T. LIliER-TT bonds "bouitht. ilacka Bond Houae Mil First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. K HOUSE f'L BAN 1 NQ, odd Jobs. Har.6645. Female. ' HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSIS. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't mtso them. Laundry jrnd Day Vork LAUNDRY, house cleaning, day work Web 2244; , DAY work, laundry, cleaning;, colored. Web.4622. ; , FIRST-CLASS rlaundriss. References. Web. EliOg. ,- BUNDLE vai.l'lng. day work. Web. 4748 mornings, ' ' COLORED womaiuants day work. Web. 3457. N IRONING, cleaning, day work. Web. BUNDLE Crashing, experienced. Webster loU.S. . DAY work.; laundry: experienced Ty DAT WORK, bundle washing. kitchen I work, Web. 6406. j DAY work, lauflTlry, experienced. Web. J DAY work wanted; experienced. Web. GoJOREjj wolnan wants day work. Web. DAY work, kxp., colored. Tyler Sl'iS. DAY work, house cleaning, Harney6l29. MEN'S vvashlng. day work. Web. 4115. WANTED Day "work, exp. Harney 7007. DAY work, laundif-, experlcnc-d. Ty. 3371. jiAY WORK: competent, exp. Web. 474 it. DAY work In private home. V.'ub. 6216. LAUNDRY, daywork. Exp. Web"?10. (DAT. work, house-cleanlns. Har. 31:9, LAUNDRY or rooking. Web. 4499 SILK bu ndlewa ahing. Wb. 3848. DAY work wanted. Web. 698. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. 'I BOOKKEEPER, $U6 4140; bookkeeper. steno., Cheyenne, out-of-town, 1176, WATTS REF. CO.. 91? 1st Nat. Bank - :. Professions and TradeE WANTED Practical all around candy - maker and eprober opJ-ator. Good op I portut-lty for right man. Location cen ! ' trnl Iowa point. Quick action necessary. Bo-V-lj.10, Bee. ! WANTED 'First eftiss meal cutter ca- able of hand'ing particular trade; steady position, good elimate; state wages ex , pected. j W. H. Bristol. LewlaUn. Idaho. WANTED Two good tinners for inside and outside work, also one good cornice man. Wages $1.00 per hour,, Simon Brothers. North Platte, Neb.' . LyOUNG man, study lav-.-. Eve. downtown sessions. cniver. or umana i.pi. Thorough course: nominal tuition. Sec. 40 Omaha National Bldg. SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, rugs and bhinketo: can use couple oT good men. out-of-town work. C. F. Adams , CO.. C23 South 16th St. WANTED Registered drug rlerk. must furnish references. Harley Drug Co., J101OSt., Lincoln Neb. WANTED BTicklaj eis. Starting new Y. M. C. A.. Ottumwa, la. WELLS BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. FIREMEN, brakemen. 1223-8230 monthly, experience unnecessary. Write Rall way. Box Y-I261. Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, , 110 South 14th. Cata loguo free. WANTED A good meat cutter. A., 1817 Leavenworth St. SHOEMAKER wanted at Hamilton's ,i.u oture. iiuiii:ii - xsiui tr. ..ll 'T3 Ia WANTED A first cluss tinner andfur nace man at once. Salesmen and Solicitors. , SALESMEN To haiTdfe superior advertised Union Made brand of Service Suits and Serv ice Overalls ; preferably one who is familiar with work clothe, Sx market;" ample selling helps and liberal ' commission. State age, experience and . references ..with first letter. - Address Sales Manager, Kohn Manufacturing , Com pany, Bradford, Pa. W A NTED Sa lesmen vWlW the retail trade at frequent Intervals In Missouri, Towa. Kansas," Nebraska, Dakotaa and Minnesota, to carry side line nf Sunburst Silk. Sateens. Shirtings and Silk and Cotton Mixtures (Mulls); established trade numbeaa already , introduced; samples occupvn4 space no additional baggage. Peraonaa following and favor rble acquaintance with buyers in Piece Goods Department essential. , State lines now carried together with present and past aeoclatlons. Address: The R. R. - AFpleton Co., 91 Franklin Street. New York City. - A STATE sgent for Nebraska, to sell di rect to authorized Ford agents; you get the signed order, we do ths balance and pay average brokerage; ' you buy no merchandise, but' must finance and provo your ability to sell goods, within 30 days to hold the contract; act at I once If yu can quality. Write D. R. w. Mfg. Co., 816-23 Macyi St., Los.An gcles, Cnl. I SALESMEN. ' Sell some t)ilng the public must have this winter, heat; 60 per cent cheaper than coat; heats any stove or furnace; big money for real salesmen who csn successfully handle territory. Call or write Mr, Hartman. 219-220 City Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 13 60. , DESIRE the servicea of salesmen for Ka .braska to represent a wholesale and manufacturing men's furnishing goods concern. Liberal commission and food territory. State experience ' and vs references in first letter.. Address 'Mgr. of Sales. Box 1343, Pes Moines, Is. I Jlr, to $25 per day selling Silver Sanitary crusnea. opening lor general agenrr-f- Good pay. Call for samplerr Silver-1 T-nsmberlata Co., est World-Herald, Bldg. . WANTED Experienced salesman to sell leather and shoemaker suppl'an in Oma ha and Lincoln. E. B. Plekenbrock & Sons, Dubuque, Ia. WANTED Salesmen to hnd!e German municipal bonds in Nebraska counties; nnerai commnsjon. runrman & com pany, render, Neb. BEK : OMAHA, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1920. m ALWAYS ADMIT THAT HOW OO "YOO 1T THE COM HOOF? HELP WANTED MALE. Hotels and Restaurants. HOUSEMAN'. Hotel Conant, experienced. Boyg. BOTS " factory work very good wages Steady work gordon-lajwless co. 8th and dodge. BRIGHT BOY , WANTED, ATJOUT'16 YEARS OF AGE, , y FOR BANK WORK. - CALL SOUTH 4?80 OR DG4226. WANTED Young man for office clerk with some experience: . good opportunity for advancement. Cudahy Packing. J4 Hi and Jonea. . BRIGHT boy with wheel, 16 years old or over, for delivery after Nschool and Saturday and Sunday Beaton Drug. BELLboy wante'aT Hotel Keen. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED I OR, GENERAL YARD WORK. APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK' YARDS CO., SOUTH 'SIDE, f , WANTED Man for general work, also delivery. In drug store. Apply to drug titore at 32d Ave, and Arbor St. WANTED Yard and "house man: must have references .).- Mora, ;:v.'S far fam St. WANTED Warehouse man and auto , driver. Cudahy Packing Co.. 14tU and j Jones. - i GOOD experienced houseman. Hotel COn- ; ant. . . A MAN to clesn floors and wash win dows. Wise Memorial. 23th and Harney. HELP" WANTEDFEMALE, Stores and Offices. FILE CLERK, S85-I90. I Temoorary office clerks. $85-$90. EHIPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. I THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. i OFFICE clerk and typist, only girl In the ! office. $35 week. 1 BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN.. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. LEDGER clerk. . . Apply Miss Sharp. H. R, Bov.-en Co., 1513-17 Howard ApPiy Black, CASHIER for dining room. . stone Hotel. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent posi tion ? - . No profession today offers bet ter opportunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work is fascinating, pleas ant, healthful surroundings, annual vacations with full pay; sick and accident benefit without cost to employes. N . No experience necessary: sub stantial weekly pay while in twin ing: rapid advancement. Parents invited to investigate working conditions. - Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, J Room 616. ( New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Streets, j MANY OF OUR EMPLOYES ARE MAKING BIG MONEY, WHY NOT YOU? Vb HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR PACKING AND LABELING DE PARTMENT FOR INEXPERIENCED, ' ACTIVE WOMEN AND GIRLS OVER 16. THE ROOMS ARE LIGHT, CLEAN AND AIRY. THE SUR ROUND1NGS PLEASANT, AND WE" PAY YOU WHILE LEARNING PIECE WORK. ON WHICH YOU ARE ASSURED GOOD MONEY. DON'T PHONE, COME READY FOR WORK. 7 - ALSO EXPERIENCED OR INEX PERIENCED PACKERS FOR AUTO 'MAtIC WEIGHING MACHINE. BIG MONEY FOR THIS WORK. j i '- TAX, EVERY SATURDAY. APP P SUPERINTENDENT. ENTRANCE. EM- PLOYES' SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson Sts. WANTED, WOMEN A.D GIRLS FOR FACTORY WtRK. -BEST WAGE8, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE. . . u r ' ? 1 1 liU r , -YOOOT THE WANTED Waist and skirt finishers and embroiderers. Jessie F, Fox, 174 Saun ders-Kennedy Bldg . 1 ' , I - " SEE J1GGS AND MAUClE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS !N THE SUNIfAY BEE N WELL IWUZ 'bWINCIN' A PICK fSifft II ... k . . - W M'tJI I I I AIM TMT - I VT I arvw- III I dl I W Z . I AM HD T OVER fH It'CMJ XIfT'" "7 1' AW V WHEN THE WHITTLE Vew I f POOT-. M , FERTOiNNER AtH I UET 0 ( ' V ' ' ' Ak' V f -THE PICK- . V '. - HELP WANT FEMALE. Professions and Trades. . GIRLS , v If you are not under 16 nor over 25 years of age, we would like to train you for LONG DIS TANCE WORK. You must "mave at least an Eighth grade I education. If looking' tor a per manent position, see MISS BELL. ' 318 TELEPHONE BLDG. AMERICAN 'TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Long Lines Department. . ; " IRLS! GIRLS! WE NEED SEVERAL GIRLS IN OUR IC1NO AND PACKING DEPART MENT, WITH BEST OF WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEE fS TODAY. LOtfSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., - S 12TH DAVENPORT STS. GIRLS! GIRLS! WE NEED SEVERAL .GIRLS IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPART- Wt, WITH BEST OF WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEE US TODAY. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12TH DAVENPORT STS. . i V GIRLS WANTED. TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY. GORDON1 RAINALTF.R CO. 801 DOUGLAS ST. ' WANTED Talloress on ladles' garments. Jessie F. Fox, 774 Saunders-Kenncdy "!'., ; sf Saleswomen pnd SoKtitors. ' j Yords I Fords ! Fords ! ' Here Is your opportunity to save . -money on ..a good used car. Look them over and' let. us demonstrate. Cash or terms., Goldstrum Auto Sales, 1 318 Harney St. ; Tyler714. SALESLADY In cloakUnd suit department, with experience, wanted. Apply to Box ",50. Beatrice, Neb. WANTED Saleslady. One who can model. Jessie F. Fox. 774 Saunders Keimedy Bldg. - SEVERAL salesladies for . book atore. Mathews Book Store, 1 OOJrneySt Household ar d P?nestic, ""treated as one of family. We wish to get in touch with a good cieart girl for general housework, on who Jfc-vlllllng to work and can cook. Top wagfes to "right girl. Write and state age, experience and salary desired. BoxR-48,Omaha Bee. WANTED AT' ONCE Good girf to asslHt with housework. Bmall familyr highest wages; no wash- ' Ing or ironing. Must be good cook. Ad dress Box R-43, Omali j Bee. WANTED-i-Mafd at once, experienced. Mrs. N. B. Updike. 3'14 Jaakaon. Har. 934. COMPETENT white maid for general housework, 2 in family, best wages, references. Mrs. W. S. Weston. : 03, So, 61st St. Walnut 278. wanted Salesladies and cash iers FOR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. - APPLY MANAGER, GROCERY DEPT., HAYDENBROS. GOOD cook or general housework girl, svond girl snd .laundress kept. Refer ences. Sleeping ' porch. Good pay. H. 8436. : ; WANTED Good girl for general house work 3 In family, no children, $16 per week to right girl. Apply 6022 Izard St. WHITE girl or woman for general houae work No ejstlerienco necessasy. Best wages.' 6122 3urtSt CallWal. 238. WANTED Good white cook. nowork out' side of kitchen, good wages. Har. 47. 123 North 39th St WANTED Experienced , white sscond girl. Mrs. W. V. Hosftad, 325 So. 37th 4t. Har. 87. GOOD girl for general nousework. Four In family. JCo , washing or Ironing. Har. 4918. WANTED Maid; no laundry; references. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. .432 So. : 38th St. Har 17fi,l V S RELIABLE woman to assist in general housework, small Inmily, good wages Mrs, F. D. Wead, 602 So. 40th, Har. 171. GOOD girl for general house work; good home; very good wages. Harney 1342. WHITE girl for general housework, two In fumllv 604 South, 36th St. Har. 4355. CArAHli ' woman lor nuusewurK; n-J, laundry. 416 S.38th8t. Har.2660. EXPERIENCED" white cook?' Mrs. W. J. Hypea. 432 N. 38th St. Har. 4760. GOOD girl for general housework, good wages to right girl. Douglas 8989. WANTED A competent, second maid. Har. 206, reliable whits WANTED Competent, reliable whits woman to do .cooking. Har. zui. WANTED Second maid: experienced; good wages. 1016 So. 38th St. COMPETENT , cook; experienced; good wages. 1016 So. 38th St. GOOD maid for generat housework. Dodge, Wal. 2752. . . 4643 GOOD girl wanted fsr general housework Doug. 8Bt. GIRL to assist wi vith general housework WaL1003. 75 nuicia "U GIRLS WANTED TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES: GOOD PAY, SHORT HOURS APPLY PHELPS HUT. 1708 WUULAS WANTED First nn4 second eook. hos pital experience. Wise Memorial hos pital, 25 Harney, fountain; best pay. Beaton Drug Co. j Tnwrvn mam lel wanted at Swedish Mission hospital. 24th and Pratt. WAITRESS WANTED. WELLINGTON CAFE. 1819 FARNAM. ST. WANTED A dining room girl. Csll Miss Baker. Douglas 3 Miscellaneous. - COLORED PREFERRED. OMAHA PAPW PTO;K CO- l C fU A xf H 4 Tl"V CTO ! ' to i ii tiianvi y a w id ; - . I mo tf Imv Fmtuki taviet. In. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED NOW FOR STEADY WORK. tr, various departments of the Snow White Bakery. Must be 16 years of age or over. Good pay to good workers. Ap ply at once to Supt. Costello. 1ten biscuit co. snow white'bakeries. Capitol Ave.. 12th to 13th tits. Office Entrance Middle df Block. WANTED Experienced elevator operators. Permanent position aid good salary. Apply superlntendnt'lbalcony. BURGESS NASH CO. ' I WILL .furnish If o busines college course for a' couple of hours light office work each day. Telephone Douglas' 7774. ( Bif SISTERS "ASSOCIATION. for" the benefit of business (Iris, 623 Bee Bldg. Doulas652. J - . , , WANTED GIRL AT WARE CANDY jyTCHEN516JJUMINaST WANTED Scrub woman. Wii Memo rial hospital, 25th and Harney Sts. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men ' ladles' and" bi5: to j bber trBde!tg dcmVnd: wage. learning: strictly modern. Csll or learn while write Trl-Clt Bsrber College. nqge at, EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Completa course in accountancy, machine bookkeeping. coinptometrX. shorthand and typewriting, rallnoad and wireless telegraphy. civil service and all Eng lish, and commercial branches. Write, call or phone . Douglas 1665 for large Ulustrafd catalog Address x , BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. . Day and Evening Seh'iois. ' 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg, Douglas 6890. Bj?SI ALEi in nvi BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE4-Hardware stock. Retail nara- ware in nve western town. w -raw uj, permission to irfe-coii-Anareesen - .. .. K'ah t ,1 IV , n til ware VOII1(JA11.v, uinaun, .-- -. . nil communications should be ad- dressed. FOR SALE One tof Omaha's finest outside' drug stores, ddjng splendid cassh busi ness; reason, wish to retire; sales last rear,' 36.D0: act quick If Interested. Address Box R-33, Omaha Bee.L I -KNOW where there Is "an opportunity for any one with small capital to make .immense returns on the money invested, If taken soon, Write I. U. Salzman, 1J04 E. 2nd St., ,.'PJ5L , .' BLACKSMITH shop for rent; stock and equipment for sale; good location. Rea- I son for Belling death of owner. ""Box 1 315, Millard, Neb. FOR SALE Modern equipped dental ethical office: old established lucrative practice: best location in Omaha. For particulars address A-18. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Dry 'cleaning plant; only one in county; good reasons for selling. Ad dress 'Sultatorluni,'HartlnEton, Neb GARAGE, well equipped, "plenty work. A bargain. Call Web- 3907. evgs. Web. 4316. TO GET In or out of business. je LEWIS CO.. 411 McCague Bldg. X FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished front room in all mod ern private home beautifully furnished and very desirable for 2 young ladies ho will appreciate a good home. Reasonable rent. M01Woolworth Ave. Harney 1866. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER in0. AND ASK ALOU'P OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT -OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS, SINGLE an'd double rooms for men only. Running hot and cold water. Steam heat, walking distance. Brown apart ments, 608 N. 21st St., Douglas 6644. SINGLE and double rooms for men only; running hot and cold water: steam heat; within walking- distance. Brown Apis., 608 N. 21st. Douglas 5644. - LARGE beautifully fnrnlahed roorh for one or two with large clothes closet in mod ern homo. Col. 2339. FURHIsSeD room, private liome; ness woman preferred. 42i7 Fi bust- Farnam. Walnut 810. SUITE -of nicely furnished rooms for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors or steady roomers. Ty. 1633. i . LARGE room, suitable for 4 men; also single 'room. Ty. 5026; close in. IN West Farnam home: one or two large rooms; references. Harney 8883. THREE furnished rooms. 8320 North 24th St. References. Web. 2210. LARGE parlor room for one or two gen tlemen. 809 So. 18th St. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 1 1 gentlemen. Web. 1376. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Web. 1376. ; SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms rent. 908 North 16th St. . '- for LARGE front double room, modern. 2208 V Harney Si. I ' 2123 '.' LEAV ENTjlr ORTH 1 Furnished sleep ing room. FURNISHED room with breakfast. -6714. Web. SINGLE 1376. room, well .furnished. Web. ) SLEEPING 1327. rooms, $3 to $7.50. Doug. FURNISHED room In bungalow. Col. 3438. i SINGLE room for Ak-Sar-Ben. Ty. 1633. NICELY fur, rm.. breakfast.' ' Har. 2373. SINGLE room, well furnished. Web. 1370. ROOMS for rent. 526 South 25th Ave LARGE room for 1 or 2. Col. 2339. ROOMS, day or v.eek. Doug. 6616. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE of front rooma, gas- range, running water: close in. 2208 Harney. 3 LIGHT nice rooms, furnished for house keeplng, to couple. Har- 3775. . ; 3 ROOMS, complete for housekeeping. 2222 Farnam St. ovra , . .,h vitchenette. 4M j Sweetwood. Ave. .- ? i FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooma Call South 4943. - I 2123 LEAVENWORTH Newly L housekeeping. furnished rooms. Har. : TWO-ROOM suite. 809 S. 18th St. i SUITE of 3 rooms. Doug, 1327. Board and Rsuns. t Rflfill fnr X srenttemen. with breakfast : n dinner: private home; .references i required. Hanscom Park District. Har. I fto. ,. . I HILLSIDE Inn; furnishes good .home "v- cooking. 22nd and Davenport. Tyler I ' 1533. i j L'LEGANT rooms, first class meal. Be mis I Park; gentlemen preferred. Har. 6465. Drawn for (The Bee by McManua. tvnht H8(- Internationa; New Bi FOR RftNT ROOMS. Board land Rooms. ROOM, private home, for lady, gentle meh or school bay: board. Col. 2607. BEAUTIFULLY furnished for r gentlemen. h BOA and n'lfc, 115: 3117 Decatur St. IjfoR RENTHOUSES. Furnished. TWO and S-rooin furnished ppts., steam bout, walking distance. Brown Apta., 60JICo. 21st. Douglas 56J4. FOR RENT Furnished bungalow at 6017 Florence Blvd. Tel. Colfax 2565. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. ' , kl-beudor"" apartment hotel, ' Conveniently Heated. Furnished thioughouu .suite of two and Ihree rooms, wl'h combination tub and shower bath. Kitchenettes completely equipped. Weekly rental inclcdea light, heal, gas, teltphene and maid service. An Ideal home for those whi desire comfort an! oerviee payments shown by appolut- mcnt Dodae sn 18th. Tvlsr 4,200. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN -JlfE BLACK STONE. H. 945. I Jj- ' FOR R"ENT Business Property. ' - OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. t Available October First. One room containing 261 square feet. One room containing 98 square feet. Tenant has option of one or three year lease. v t , BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO., i ; 318 South 18th Street. D'cuglas 1014. 1 , i ALL OR any part of 1.700 square feet of hoice office space: second flfcor Ken nedy Bldg.. 19tn and Dougiaa Sts, V SEE FOSTER-B.A RKER CO., tW South 19th Street. WAREHOUSE space In modern 6-atonr corcrete warehouse: on .good trackage; rates reasonable. Call'G. 11. Ruthop. Tyler 671. ' WANTED 100 fARS FOR DEAD STOR AGE. hartUng's transfer co. TYLER 1976. OR WEB. 6?26. For Rent Cffices. OFFICE with dentist in 1st Nat. Bk.: phy sltlan' or specialist preferred. Ty2188. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as it will keep you Informed where we are making carload slilnments to. If you are shipping fo any of the cities represented or to, towns adlaeent to our shlpnlng points, fee us about oar rates, as it is likely that our through rata Is. less than the regular local rate ana you have the advantage of calroad serv ice. - Today we are accepting shipments for the following cities: ) ' Minneapolis, Minn. t , Los Angeles. Cat. i f Chicago, 111. GORDON FIREPROOF- WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO. 219 N. 11th St. Phono Douclas 94. Omaha, fcb. FIDELITY fef CO. STORAGE: MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 2S8. V MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. '' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ' Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, parking and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. -800 South 16th. Doug 462. GLOB, VAN VTHANSFElt AND . STORAGE CO. - For reafServlce 'n hauling or stor ' age. call Tyler 230 or Dugla 4338 Auto or wagon service . , "M ETROPOL'I TAN T" VANlind STORAGE CO.. Owned by H. R. Bovi Co. Tyler 3400. - UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your movfi.g. packing and storage. 1606 Davenport Doug. 2903. LIVE STOCK. FRESH 4890. cows and heavy springers. S. DOGS CATS PETS. GERMAN ROLLER singers cheap. 6778. Web. CANARIES by the hundred. So. 8801. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AK-SAR-BEN BARGAINS. OPEN EVENINGS. 1917 Cadillac "8" Sedan 1918 Hudson Coupe.,..: V .$2,650 . 2,100 . 1.400 . 660 . 1.160 . 1.250 . 650 . 450 . 1.100 . 350 . 750 . ,. 125 18f 1917 Hudson sedan 1918 Ford Sedan '1917 Paige, California top New Nash. Six New Maxwell Touring..., 1919 Ovenland Touring 1918 Franklin Touring 1918- Saxsfn Touring 1918 HupniobUe Touring v.. 1918 Chalmers Six Touring. . A ... . J917 Overland, new tires..,.. '1917 Ford roadster. 7 new tires tubes 1916 Ford refinished 1919 .Cadillac 8 Touring........... Bulck Anchor Sedan top Ford Detroit, winter top". Money hak If not satisfied." TRAWVER AUTO CO..-.-' 2210 Farnam. - and 288 250 2,260 2,1 Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-clasi used cars which are real bargains, Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug la's 1970 any time for description of cars andprices. j FOR QUICK SALE By owner. Hudson sedan, seven passenger, 1920 model, extra cas ing and rim; only 4,500 miles, care fully handled. Present list, $3,750. 'My price $2,400 cash; no wade Demonstration by appointment. Call Harney 3764. MUST BE SOLD Msko me sn offer today si It Is going to go to somebody cheap.'as I am leaving the city and car needs differen tial repairs. One 1917 Minute Man six Lexington, tires all - good and engine In fine shape. This Is a 7-parsenger car . nd has een handled by a mechanic. Don't mi this opportunity. See ilSun day at Auto Ambulance Co., 286 Faro nnm, or call wick davi at 91 No. 24th. Ses H. Mlllf e . 825 N. 2HJh St. Board. Doug.2JSI. BEMIS I'srl; modern south room, Rr two ladles onlar line. Har. 2268., v RD am! room for 2 gentlemen or man AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SPECIAL SALE ' ; HudsonTspebiat new cords, clc v'gitut piint1jb, perfect machinery. ('qnditioMnust be seen to be ap- preciatedY" , k lludson touring,, good tiw; a'nd ;ftin(t,,runs fi'K: ' ' ': , . Dodge, Coupe, Ijkc new. ' Haynes Sedan. ; -T Cadillac Touring. . WENGER MOTOR CO., , 25th and'Farnam. .737. .-r' ' !- DRIVE IT YOURSELF - COMPANY RENT. A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOUKbtLf THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO- iioonlHC. rTlKAPER THAN OWN- INOVA CR. XEW. A-l CONDITION. 8El-8TARrKltS OPEN DAY AND sj I , i T Tllh. Sf OATS., 1114 HOWARD STREE-T PO'JQ--r "Two Dandyi-Buys One Apperson "17-6 Chummy Ons Appersoh 17-8. 7-passcnger. s . ' NKBRASKA . , " jpwtBSfW MOTOR CO.. ;6?(l Dodge St. . 1 ... ! Tyler 4434 I FrfALE AT A BARGAIN. MODEL5-4 OVERLAND TOUBINU ' . HARNEY 645., "3 : i k E 1920 REO TOURING CAR. ....- ,nnih. nntni and me chanical condition perfect; 11.300 lOW City Nat l Bank. Tyler 4o82. CAR GIVEN AWAY YrXJ BUY THE TIRES. ( 1917 Overland "86" touriiw. 4 new Urea and tubes, rather hard looker but good ronner; first 8175 takes It. 2210. FamanVr , -Jj. . i ' " Two Fine vBargains ; . . ., r ' tins, .l.n . II Korn cnassiR, line snnii. fjsj- tr Ford chassis at $125- This cek ( . walnut iio. - , SOMfc tiargslns In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Ths llandy Ford ' Service Station. 15th snd Jalkson. Doug las ism. . . 1 FORPft. DODGE. Bt'V.:K FCH SALE On TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL 8. I9. p'RqyKEAU.Tqco.. . 14th at. WANTE1 For sptt osab 100 used csrr, oukk sctlon: -,delsv Auio Evehanga Co . to', Farnam Si. Dnuglss 03a. ; "WE. SAVE YOU-"1 $5 out of every 110 on auto Insurance. Phona O-uglsr 7768, 31S Peors Trust Bldg. Continental Iftv. Co. j CADILLa'c roafister, modal 57, almost lew; , all cord tires. Call Mr. Cubbldge. cars Haen Cadillac Co, A DO YOU want a good auto at a bargain pricef All makes and slaes. Terma or cash. Call Mr. jones,' Doug. 51S8. ' THE DIXIE FLYER. ' W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2526 Farnam St OAKLANT Sensible Six. "MARSH OAKLAND CO- . tsol Farnam Wfi hsvo 50 good used cirs to aelrst . All nrlH MEEK 8 AUTO CO.' 2028 Fsnism. 1910 CADILLAC roadster; goou runiiioa order": good Ure; 1125 cash. So. .904, 1814 N St. ' MODEL C-25 Bulrk touring, (notor com pVstely bvcrhapled, fine shape. Ty. 38.. 1917 DODGE toViring, motor completely overhauled Tyier aoai. 1918 Studebaker.1 6 cyl.. overhauled and painted. Harney 1920 Studebaker, light 6, run 4.000 miles. Call Harney 57o0. 1919 OAKLAND 248. sedan, like new. Col. 191 Ford sedan, self-starter., shape. Harney 6760. :.- excellent FORD TOURING. GAIN AT $275. EXCEPTIONAL BAR CALL WAL 4743. LOTS for car. Webster156. Repairing ndPaintjng1 RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. "Manufactured In Omahav 2V hour serv ice for autotrock snd tractor. Expert radiator and fender- repairing-: kody dents removed: neW fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR olFO. CO. 1819 Cuml n g' St. Tyler ?17. v Ti;-es and Supplies- USED TIRES. 303, $5.00: 30x3H $6.00. All slae" tn proportion.) Look over our rebullrx. Op"t- Sunday Tyler 29S6. . .( SAVIGE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. . Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES, FIRST-CLASS, 30x3 $ S.5 I 32x3 i,i 1M; ix3l, ..... 11 95 3.14 20.J:; 3x4 .' 20.93 I 34x4 2kV Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes $2.50. KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. lT22CjLMINO. NEW TlRE-l", 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 30x3 $ 9.75 32x4 $19.25 30x312. .....Ijl.90 33x4 IJ.oO S2x3.7rr.. 14.90 184x4 20.00 MAIL ORDERS FILLED. STANDARD-TIRE CO., 410 NO. 16THST. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVE s number of guaranteed re bulltyblcyclef priced as low as $20. Vic tor H. Roos. 27thJind Ivenworth DAYTON blc.almost jn ".'.' 5. D. 6127. FARM LANDS. - r. Alabama Lands. A VALUABLE Valley "farm of 252 acres for sale. Good five-room dwelling: 8l acres In cultivation. Six springs lasting j water. Good pastures. Situated only 3 " miles from Volley Head. Convenient to school and church. Plenty of timber on lend. Terms to right party. ' Price $12. f.01. Nortn Alabama Land Co., Valley Head, Ala. ' - Colorado Lands. . 0R THE RENTER and the man with amUl mesns that wants, a home I have son-is very good places near Cheyenne Wells. Colo., that will suit you st bargain prices with terma E. M. BOTTORFr". Phons Harney 88l- $520 Martha St.. Omaha. Neb. 160 A. Burlington, Colo., $500 down, or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4182. Missouri Lands. FARMS, farms, Forman's farms, over 100 well selected. Write Forman, 817 In ternational Life Bldg.. St. Louis, for free list. 4 v Nebraska Lands. 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land. $26 to $36 an acre. In balf section lots. S. S. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Bldg. A. A. PATZ MAN. Tanna. 31 Karbach Blk. Wisconsin' ,ands. LANDOLOGY special number just out con taining 1920 facts nf clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If far a home or as ai( Investment you ar thlnklqg. of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at one for this special number of Landology. It Is free on request. Address Skldmore Rlehls Lsnd Co., 433 Skldmore-Rleble Bldg., Marinette. Wis. , FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE are now able to make first reef estate mortgages In smaR amounJ& We lo can handle real sestateTonlracta ' at ' a discount. , Days & Mayne 605 Keeline Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 34 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATT MONET. $130 to $10,000 mads- promptly. -1 F. D. WEAD Wend Bldg.. 108, 18th St. "DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rat Private loan booths Harry -Malaahock. 1614 Dodge. D. 661$. Es. 1894. OMAHA 1 OWES EAST. NEl FARMS. . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO UH On- Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2711. - PRIVATE MONEY. ' BHOPEN COMPANY, Dou.223.-7' PROMIT serWrcs. restonable rstesTprlvsrs nrjnsy. Oorvln Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat., REAL ESTATE WANTED. YOU WANT-TO 8EUT"tHAT HOUSr: Want quick action 7 Just try us. Calt Tyler 498. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 439 Bes Bldg. To buy or sell Omaha REs(ate ses i'UWbEU & M DONALD, lit1) City Nat'. VsnK Bldg. Doug. J2. W. G. SHRIVER ISU 1041$ Omaha Nti. Bank Bldg. fi. 1I1C ... ..., .... "4W.t I